Module No. 3
Module No. 3
Module No. 3
5 Traditional/Major Philosophies
Truth is universal and absolute
Idealism is a philosophical
approach that has as its central
tenet that ideas are the only true
reality, the only thing worth
knowing. In a search for truth,
beauty, and justice that is enduring
and everlasting; the focus is on
conscious reasoning in the mind.
Plato, father of Idealism, espoused
this view about 400 years BC, in
his famous book, The Republic. Plato believed that there are two
worlds. The first is the spiritual or mental world, which is eternal,
permanent, orderly, regular, and universal. There is also the world
of appearance, the world experienced through sight, touch, smell,
taste, and sound that is changing imperfect, and disorderly.
This division is often referred to as the duality of mind and
body. Reacting against what he perceived as too much of a focus on
the immediacy of the physical and sensory world, Plato described a
utopian society in which "education to body and soul all the beauty
and perfection of which they are capable" as an ideal. In his allegory
of the cave, the shadows of the sensory world must be overcome
with the light of reason or universal truth. To understand truth, one
must pursue knowledge and identify with the Absolute Mind. Plato
also believed that the soul is fully formed prior to birth and is
Philosophical and Socio-Anthropological Foundations of P.E and Health
perfect and at one with the Universal Being. The birth process
checks this perfection, so education requires bringing latent ideas
(fully formed concepts) to consciousness.
Scientific laws are dependent of
human experiences.
Reality is a total of individual
Truth and values are based on
one’s existence.
Laws of nature govern life and
individual goals
Naturalism is a philosophical
doctrine. It is opposed to idealism
in its interpretation of reality.
Naturalism is concerned with
“natural self” or “real self”. It
contends that the ultimate reality is
J E A N -
J A C Q U E S R O U S S E A U matter, and not mind or spirit.
Naturalism does not believe in
spiritualism. It denies the existence of a spiritual universe — the
universe of ideas and values. According to naturalism, the material
world is the only real world. It is the only reality. This material
world is being governed by a system of natural laws and the man,
who is the creation of the material world, must submit to them. The
naturalists have regard for actual facts, actual situations and
realities. For them nature is everything. It is the whole reality.
Behind everything there is Nature. It denies the existence of
anything beyond nature. Naturalism believes that everything comes
from nature and returns to nature. Nature, according to
naturalism, is a self-sufficient entity. It is self-determined and
governed by its own laws.
Philosophical and Socio-Anthropological Foundations of P.E and Health
Direction: Using the 5 different major philosophies, site a situation
that applies these philosophies in teaching physical education and
1. Idealism
2. Pragmatism
3. Existentialism
Philosophical and Socio-Anthropological Foundations of P.E and Health
4. Naturalism
5. Realism
Philosophical and Socio-Anthropological Foundations of P.E and Health
CRIT ERIA / SCALE -3- -2- -1- -0-
Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement Inadequate
Paper is Paper has a clear There is some level There is no
Organization logically organizational of organization apparent
organized structure with through organization in the
Flow of thought some digressions, paper.
Easily followed digressions, ambiguities,
Transitions Difficult to follow
Effective, smooth, ambiguities or irrelevances are too
Format and logical irrelevances many No or poor transitions
transitions Easily followed Difficult to follow No format
Professional format Basic transitions Ineffective transitions
Structured format Rambling format
Manipulates complex Uses complex Uses compound Uses simple sentences
sentence structure sentences for sentences sentences
punctuation/mechan Few Too many
ics No punctuation punctuation
punctuation or and/or mechanical
or mechanical errors
mechanical errors
Vocabulary is Vocabulary is Vocabulary is used Vocabulary is
Vocabulary; sophisticated and varied, specific properly though unsophisticated,
use of correct as are and appropriate sentences may be not used properly
vocabulary sentences which simple in very simple
vary in structure and Frequently uses sentences.
Tone length subject-specific Infrequently uses
vocabulary subject-specific Uses subject-
Uses and correctly vocabulary specific
manipulates correctly vocabulary too
subject-specific Writer’s tone sparingly
vocabulary for emerges and is Writer’s tone
effect generally exhibits some
appropriate to t h e level of audience
Writer’s tone is clear, audience sensitivity
consistent and
appropriate for the
intended audience
The central idea is Central idea and The central idea is Central idea and
Clarity of purpose well developed and clarity of purpose expressed though it clarity of purpose
clarity of purpose is are generally may be vague or too are absent or
Critical and exhibited evident throughout broad; Some sense incompletely
original throughout the the essay of purpose is expressed and
thought paper maintained maintained
Evidence of throughout the
Use of examples The abundance of critical, careful Little or no
evidence of critical, thought and evidence of critical,
careful thought and analysis and/or Some evidence of careful thought or
analysis and/or insight insight critical, careful analysis and/or
thought and insight
Evidence and There are good, analysis and/or
examples are vivid relevant insight There are too few,
and specific, while supporting no examples and
the focus remains examples and There are some evidence or they
tight evidence examples and are mostly
evidence, though irrelevant
Philosophical and Socio-Anthropological Foundations of P.E and Health
Reflective Analysis
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