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Jean Carla J.

Silva Garbage-In, Garbage-Out” (GIGO)

BSMA- 2103  computers are highly reliable and versatile machines,
they do possess certain limitations
IT Application Tools In Business  Since computers are capable of doing only what they
are instructed to do, any wrong instruction (or faulty
CHAPTER 1 logic) or any wrong data may result in erroneous output.
Computer Appreciation
WHAT IS COMPUTER?  the input units are used to enter the data into the
 Balagurusamy (2009), states that a computer is an computer
electronic machine that takes input from the user,  According to Sinha P.K. et al, (2008), an input unit of a
processes the given input and generates output in the computer system performs the following functions:
form of useful information. 1. It accepts (or reads) instructions and data from
 (Shelly et al., 2011), say a computer is an electronic outside world
device, operating under the control of instructions 2. It converts these instructions and data in
stored in its own memory, that can accept data, process computer acceptable form
the data according to specified rules, produce results, 3. It supplies the converted instructions and data
and store the results for future use. to the computer system for further processing


 Balagurusamy (2009), states those unique capabilities  is used to display the information generated by the
and characteristics of a computer have made it very computer to the user (Balagurusamy, 2009).
popular among its various users, including engineers,  According to Sinha P.K. et al, (2008), an output unit of a
managers, accountants, teachers, students, etc. computer system performs the following functions:
1. It accepts the results produced by the computer,
 Speed which are in coded form and hence, cannot be easily
 A computer is a fast electronic device understood by us
that can solve large and complex 2. It converts these coded results to human
problems in few seconds. The speed of a acceptable (readable) form
computer generally depends upon its 3. It supplies the converted results to outside world
hardware configuration.
 A computer can store huge amount of  According to Sinha P.K. et al, (2008), the storage unit of
data in its different storage components a computer system holds (or stores) the following :
in many different formats. The storage 1. Data and instructions required for processing
area of a computer system is generally (received from input devices)
divided into two categories, main 2. Intermediate results of processing
memory and secondary storage. 3. Final results of processing, before they are
 Accuracy released to an output device
 A computer carries out calculations with  TWO TYPES OF STORAGE
great accuracy. The accuracy achieved 1. Primary Storage/Main Memory (RAM)
by a computer depends upon its  Used to hold running program
hardware configuration and the instructions
instructions.  Used to hold data, intermediate results,
 Reliability and results of ongoing processing of
 A computer produces results with no job(s)
error. Most of the errors generated in  Fast in operation
the computer are human errors that are  Small Capacity
created by the user itself. Therefore,  Expensive
they are very trustworthy machines.  Volatile (loses data on power dissipation)
 Versatility 2. Secondary storage (ROM)
 Computers are versatile machines. They  Used to hold stored program
can perform many different tasks and instructions
can be used for many different purposes.  Used to hold data and information of
 Diligence stored jobs
 Computers can perform repetitive  Slower than primary storage
calculations any number of times with  Large Capacity
the same accuracy. Computers do not  Lot cheaper that primary storage
suffer from human traits, such as  Retains data even without power
tiredness, fatigue, lack of concentration,
CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT (CPU)  Saving data and instructions to make them
 which is popularly referred to as the “brain” of the readily available for initial or additional
computer, is responsible for processing the data inside processing whenever required
the computer system.  Processing
 It is also responsible for controlling all other  Performing arithmetic operations (add,
components of the system (Balagurusamy, 2009). subtract, multiply, divide, etc.) or logical
The main operations of the CPU include four phases: operations (comparisons like equal to, less
1. Fetching instructions from the memory. than, greater than, etc.) on data to convert
2. Decoding the instructions to decide what operations them into useful information
to be performed.  Outputting
3. Executing the instructions.  The process of producing useful information
4. Storing the results back in the memory. or results for the user such as a printed report
or visual display
 According to Shelly et al, (2011), It is also called a  Controlling
processor. CPU is an electronic component that  Directing the manner and sequence in which
interprets and carries out the basic instructions that all of the above operations are performed.
operate the computer.
 (Sinha P.K. et al, 2008), say it is responsible for NUMBER SYSTEM
controlling the operations of all other units of a  According to Balagurusamy (2009), computer is a digital
computer system and consists of the following system that stores and processes different types of data
subsystems in the form of 0s and 1s.
 Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) + Control Unit (CU)  Different number systems, which come under the
= Central Processing Unit (CPU) category of positional number system
1. Arithmetic Logic Unit 1. DECIMAL SYSTEM
 It is the place where the actual executions of  is the most common number system
instructions take place during processing operation. used by human beings. It is a positional
 According to Balagurusamy (2009), Arithmetic Unit (AU) number system that uses 10 as a base to
is a part of the CPU that performs arithmetic operations represent different values.
on the data.  is also known as base10 number system.
 The arithmetic operations can be addition, subtraction,  Sinha P.K. et al, (2008), give the
multiplication or division. characteristic of decimal number system
 The multiplication and division operations are usually which are the following:
implemented by the AU as the repetitive process of  A positional number system
addition and subtraction operations respectively  Have 10 symbols or digits (0, 1,
2. Control Unit 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9). Hence, its
 It manages and coordinates the operations of all other base = 10
components of the computer system.  The maximum value of a
 According to Balagurusamy (2009), Control Unit (CU) is single digit is 9 (one less than
an important component of CPU that controls the flow the value of the base)
of data and information.  Each position of a digit
 It maintains the sequence of operations being represents a specific power of
performed by the CPU. the base (10)
 We use this number system in
COMPUTER SYSTEM our day-to-day life
 function of any computer system revolves around a
central component known as central processing unit 2. BINARY SYSTEM
(CPU).  According to Balagurusamy (2009),
 A system has following three characteristics: among all the positional number
1. A system has more than one element systems, the binary system is the most
2. All elements of a system are logically related dominant number system that is
3. All elements of a system are controlled in a employed by almost all the modern
manner to achieve the system goal digital computer systems.
 as it comprises of integrated components (input unit,  uses base 2 to represent different values.
output unit, storage unit, and CPU) that work together  uses base 2 to represent different values.
to perform the steps called for in the executing program  These symbols are 0 and 1, which are
(Sinha P.K. et al, 2008). also known as bits in computer
FIVE BASIC OPERATIONS OF A COMPUTER SYSTEM  Using binary system, the computer
systems can store and process each type
 Inputting of data in terms of 0s and 1s only.
 The process of entering data and instructions  The following are some of the technical terms used in
into the computer system binary system:
 Storing
 Bit  As this system uses base 16, 16 symbols are available for
 It is the smallest unit of information used in a representing the values in this system.
computer system. It can either have the value  These symbols are the digits 0–9 and the letters A, B, C,
0 or 1. Derived from the words Binary digIT. D, E and F.
 Nibble  The digits 0–9 are used to represent the decimal values
 It is a combination of 4 bits. 0 through 9 and the letters A, B, C, D, E and F are used
to represent the decimal values 10 through 15
 Byte (Balagurusamy, 2009).
 It is a combination of 8 bits. Derived from  Moreover, Sinha P.K. et al, (2008), give the
words ‘by eight’. characteristic of hexadecimal number system which are
 Word the following:
 It is a combination of 16 bits.  A positional number system
 Double word  Has total 16 symbols or digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
 It is a combination of 32 bits. 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F) Hence its base = 16
 Kilobyte (KB)  The symbols A, B, C, D, E and F represent the
 It is used to represent the 1024 bytes of decimal values 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15
information. respectively
 Megabyte (MB)  The maximum value of a single digit is 15 (one
 It is used to represent the 1024 KBs of less than the value of the base)
information.  Each position of a digit represents a specific
 Gigabyte (GB) power of the base (16)
 It is used to represent the 1024 MBs of  Since there are only 16 digits, 4 bits (24 = 16)
information. are sufficient to represent any hexadecimal
number in binary
 While Sinha P.K. et al, (2008), give the characteristic of
binary number system which are the following: CONVERTING A DECIMAL NUMBER TO A NUMBER OF
 A positional number system ANOTHER BASE (Sinha P.K. et al, 2008)
 Have only 2 symbols or digits (0 and 1).
Hence its base = 2 Division-Remainder Method
 The maximum value of a single digit is 1 (one  Step 1: Divide the decimal number to be converted
less than the value of the base) by the value of the new base
 Each position of a digit represents a specific  Step 2: Record the remainder from Step 1 as the
power of the base (2) rightmost digit (least significant digit) of the new
 This number system is used in computers base number
 Step 3: Divide the quotient of the previous divide
OCTAL SYSTEM by the new base
 The octal system is the positional number system that  Step 4: Record the remainder from Step 3 as the
uses base 8 to represent different values. next digit (to the left) of the new base number
 Therefore, this number system is also known as base-8
system.  Repeat Steps 3 and 4, recording remainders from right
 As this system uses base 8, eight symbols are available to left, until the quotient becomes zero in Step 3
for representing the values in this system. These  Note that the last remainder thus obtained will be the
symbols are the digits 0 to 7 (Balagurusamy, 2009). most significant digit (MSD) of the new base number
 Moreover, Sinha P.K. et al, (2008), give the
characteristic of octal number system which are the COMPUTER CODES
following:  Computer codes are used for internal representation of
 A positional number system data in computers. As computers use binary numbers
 Have total 8 symbols or digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, for internal data representation, computer codes use
6, 7). Hence, its base = 8 binary coding schemes.
 The maximum value of a single digit is 7 (one
lessthan the value of the base ASCII CODE
 Each position of a digit represents a specific  According to Balagurusamy (2009), the ASCII code is
power of the base (8) pronounced as ASKEE and is used for the same purpose
 Since there are only 8 digits, 3 bits (23 = 8) are for which the EBCDIC code is used.
sufficient to represent any octal number in  This code is more popular than EBCDIC code as unlike
binary the EBCDIC code this code can be implemented by most
of the non-IBM computer systems.
HEXADECIMAL SYSTEM  this code was developed as a 7-bit BCD code to handle
 The hexadecimal system is a positional number system 128 characters but later it was modified to a 8-bit code.
that uses base 16 to represent different values.
 Therefore, this number system is known as base-16  Meanwhile, according to Sinha P.K. et al, (2008), ASCII
system. stands for American Standard Code for Information
Interchange having two types:
 It uses 7 bits to represent a symbol and  is any hardware component that conveys information to
can represent 128 (27) different one or more people.
characters  Three commonly used output devices are a printer, a
2. ASCII-8 monitor, and speakers
 It uses 8 bits to represent a symbol and
can represent 256 (28) different System Unit
characters  is a box-like case that contains electronic components of
UNICODE AND ITS FEATURES the computer that are used to process data
 According to Balagurusamy (2009), the computer  The circuitry of the system unit usually is part of or is
systems can only understand data in the form of connected to a circuit board called the motherboard.
numbers.  Two main components on the motherboard are
 each character should be first coded into a specific processor and memory.
number before being processed by the computer  The processor, also called the CPU (central
systems. processing unit), is the electronic component that
interprets and carries out the basic instructions
Chapter 2 that operate the computer (Shelly et al, 2011)
THE COMPONENTS OF A COMPUTER  Shelly et al, (2011), say that memory consists of
 According to Shelly et al. (2011), a computer contains electronic components that store instructions waiting to
many electric, electronic, and mechanical components be executed and data needed by those instructions.
known as hardware.  referred to as the internal memory or primary memory
of the computer.
 Accepting the raw data  It is also known as Random Access Memory (RAM).
 The first task to be performed by a computer  It is a temporary storage medium that holds the data
is to accept the data from the user, with the only for a short period of time.
help of an input device, such as mouse and
keyboard. CACHE MEMORY
 Processing the data  is a small, fast and expensive memory that stores the
 The data is processed with the help of specific copies of data that needs to be accessed frequently
instructions known as programs after taking from the main memory.
the input from the user  There are usually two types of cache memory found in
 Storing the data the computer system:
 The data is stored in the main memory of a 1. Primary cache
computer in its processed form.  It is also known as Level 1 (L1) cache or
 Delivering the output internal cache. The primary cache is
 The processed data is delivered as useful located inside the CPU. It is smaller but
information to the user with the help of fastest type of cache that provides a
output devices, such as printer and monitor. quick access to the frequently accessed
data by the microprocessor.
 Balagurusamy ( 2009), says that a Computer System, 2. Secondary cache
small or big, in order to carry out its functions  It is also known as Level 2 (L2) cache or
successfully, must essentially include the following four external cache. The secondary cache is
sub-systems: located outside the CPU. It is normally
 Hardware positioned on the motherboard of a
 Software computer. The secondary cache is larger
 Data but slower than the primary cache.
 People
HARDWARE  Storage holds data, instructions, and information for
 The physical devices that make up the computer future use.
 The hardware units are responsible for entering, storing  For example, computers can store hundreds
and processing the given data and then displaying the or millions of customer names and addresses.
output to the users. Storage holds these items permanently
(Shelly et al., 2011).
INPUT DEVICE  A computer keeps data, instructions, and information
 is any hardware component that allows you to enter on storage media.
data and instructions into a computer.  Examples of storage media are USB flash
 Five widely used input devices are the keyboard, mouse, drives, hard disks, optical discs, and memory
microphone, scanner, and Web cam cards.
 A storage device records (writes) and/or retrieves
(reads) items to and from storage media. Storage
devices often function as a source of input because they MULTIMEDIA
transfer items from storage to memory.  refers to any application that combines text with
 USB flash drive is a portable storage device that is small graphics, animation, audio, video, and/or virtual reality.
and lightweight enough to be transported on a keychain  Multimedia Web pages often require specific hardware
or in a pocket. The average USB flash drive can hold and software and take more time to download because
about 4 billion characters. they contain large graphics files or video or audio clips.
 A hard disk provides much greater storage capacity than  more time to download because
a USB flash drive. The average hard disk can hold more  they contain large graphics files or video or audio clips.
than 320 billion characters. Hard disks are enclosed in The sections that follow discuss how the Web uses:
an airtight, sealed case.  Graphics
 An optical disc is a flat, round, portable metal disc with  A graphic, or graphical image, is a digital
a plastic coating. CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray Discs are three representation of nontext information such as
types of optical discs. A CD can hold from 650 million to a drawing, chart, or photo.
1 billion characters.  A thumbnail is a small version of a larger
graphic. You usually can click a thumbnail to
COMMUNICATION DEVICES display a larger image.
 is a hardware component that enables a computer to  Animation
send (transmit) and receive data, instructions, and  which is the appearance of motion created by
information to and from one or more computers or displaying a series of still images in sequence.
mobile devices.  Animation can make Web pages more visually
 A widely used communications device is a modem interesting or draw attention to important
information or links.
 is a collection of computers and devices connected  includes music, speech, or any other sound.
together, often wirelessly, via communications devices Simple applications on the Web consist of
and transmission media. individual audio files available for download
 When a computer connects to a network, it is online. to a computer or device.
 Networks allow computers to share resources, such as  To listen to an audio file on your computer,
hardware, software, data, and information. Sharing you need special software called a player.
resources saves time and money.  Streaming is the process of transferring data
in a continuous and even flow.
INTERNET  A podcast is recorded audio, usually an MP3
 is a worldwide collection of networks that connects file, stored on a Web site that can be
millions of businesses, government agencies, downloaded to a computer or a portable
educational institutions, and individuals media player such as an iPod.
 Web, short for World Wide Web, is one of the more  Video
popular services on the Internet. The Web contains  consists of images displayed in motion. Most
billions of documents called Web pages. A Web page video also has accompanying audio.
can contain text, graphics, animation, audio, and video  The Moving Pictures Experts Group (MPEG)
 A Web site is a collection of related Web pages. Some defines a popular video compression standard,
Web sites allow users to access music and videos that a widely used one called MPEG-4 or MP4.
can be downloaded, or transferred to storage media in a  Virtual Reality
computer or portable media player.  is the use of computers to simulate a real or
 Millions of people worldwide join online communities, imagined environment that appears as a
each called a social networking Web site or online three-dimensional (3-D) space.
social network, that encourage members to share their  VR involves the display of 3-D images that
interests, ideas, stories, photos, music, and videos with users explore and manipulate interactively.
other registered users.
 A blog is an informal Web site consisting of time SOFTWARE
stamped articles in a diary or journal format, usually  According to Balagurusamy (2009), the term software
listed in reverse chronological order. refers to a set of programs and instructions that help
 Podcasts are a popular way people verbally share the computers in carrying out their processing.
information on the Web. A podcast is recorded audio  Software, also called a program, is a series of related
stored on a Web site that can be downloaded to a instructions, organized for a common purpose, that tells
computer or a portable media player such as an iPod. the computer what task(s) to perform and how to
 A microblog, such as Twitter, allows users to publish perform them.
short messages, usually between 100 and 200  With a graphical user interface (GUI pronounced gooey),
characters, for others to read. you interact with the software using text, graphics, and
 Web application is a Web site that allows users to visual images such as icons.
access and interact with software from any computer or  The two categories of software are the following:
device that is connected to the Internet.
1. System software
 It consists of the programs that control or PEOPLE
maintain the operations of the computer and  According to Balagurusamy (2009), computer systems
its devices. are designed by the people, for the people. People,
 Operating System - is a set of programs therefore, include the people who design and build
that coordinates all the activities among hardware and software (known as systems people) and
computer hardware devices. the people who actually use computer systems for their
 Utility Program - allows a user to applications (known as users).
perform main tenance-type tasks usually  Systems people include hardware engineers, software
related to managing a computer, its engineers, programmers, etc. Users might include a
devices, or its programs. variety of people working in different areas of
applications, such as education, business, entertainment,
2. Application Software training, etc.
 It consists of programs designed to make  However, Shelly et al, (2011), give the five categories of
users more productive and/or assist them users are as follows:
with personal tasks. 1. Home User - In an increasing number of homes, the
 Word Processing Software - sometimes computer is a basic necessity. Each family member, or
called a word processor, allows users to home user, spends time on the computer for different
create and manipulate documents reasons.
containing mostly text and sometimes 2. Small Office/Home Office User (SOHO) - includes any
graphics. company with fewer than 50 employees, as well as the
 Spreadsheet Organization - spreadsheet self-employed who work from home.
file is similar to a notebook that can 3. Mobile User - who work on a mobile computer or
contain more than1,000 related device while away from a main office, home office, or
individual worksheets. Data is organized school. Some examples of mobile users are sales
vertically in columns and horizontally in representatives, real estate agents, insurance agents,
rows on each worksheet. meter readers, package delivery people, journalists, and
 Database Software - is a collection of students.
data organized in a manner that allows 4. Power User - requires the capabilities of a powerful
access, retrieval, and use of that data. is desktop computer, called a work station. Examples of
application software that allows users to power users include engineers, scientists, architects,
create, access, and manage a database. desktop publishers, and graphic artists.
 Presentation Software - is application 5. Large Business User - employee or customer who
software that allows users to create uses a computer in the enterprise.
visual aids for presentations to  enterprise computing, to refer to the huge
communicate ideas, messages, and network of computers that meets their
other information to a group. diverse computing needs.
 Telecommuting is a work arrangement in
DATA which employees work away from a
 refer to the raw facts and pieces of information that is company’s standard workplace and often
usually entered into the computer system by the user, communicate with the office through the
so as to generate the desired output. computer.
 The data, which are represented in words or
text form, are known as qualitative data. 1. Personal Computer
 This type of data can also include images,  is a computer that can perform all of its input,
videos and audios used for the graphical processing, output, and storage activities by itself.
presentation.  Two types of personal computers
 Quantitative data  Desktop Computer - is designed so that the
 The data, which are represented in numerical system unit, input devices, output devices,
form, are known as quantitative data. and any other devices fit entirely on or under
 This type of data include different numbers a desk or table.
and symbols used for representing a  Mobile Computers- is a personal computer
particular quantity. you can carry from place to place. and Mobile
 The data entered by a user into the computer Devices - Similarly, a mobile device is a
system can be in the form of numbers, text or computing device small enough to hold in
images. The data—stored in the memory of your hand. The most popular type of mobile
the computer system—is in the form of bits computer is the notebook computer.
and bytes.  Notebook Computers - also called a
 A bit is defined as the smallest unit of laptop computer, is a portable, personal
information used in the computer system and computer often designed to fit on your
a byte equals to a group of eight bits. lap.
 Tablet PCs - is a special type of notebook  Supercomputers - is the fastest, most powerful
computer that allows you to write or computer — and the most expensive
draw on the screen using a digital pen.
Embedded Computers
2. Mobile Devices  is a special-purpose computer that functions as a
 which are small enough to carry in a pocket, usually component in a larger product. A variety of everyday
store programs and data permanently on memory products contain embedded computers:
inside the system unit or on small storage media such as  Consumer electronics
memory cards.  Home automation devices
 Some mobile devices are Internet-enabled, meaning  Automobiles
they can connect to the Internet wirelessly.  Process controllers and robotics
 Five popular types of mobile devices  Computer devices and office machines
 Smartphones - is an Internet enabled phone that COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN SOCIETY
usually also provides PDA capabilities and personal
information management functions such as a  Education
calendar, an appointment book, an address book, a  Computers are used in schools and colleges to
calculator, and a notepad. teach students in a better and easy way.
 A text message is a short note, typically fewer  Business
than 300 characters, sent to or from a smart  Computers are used in different types of business
phone or other mobile device. to store a large amount of information in the form
 An instant message is a real-time Internet of databases.
communication, where you exchange  Communication
messages with other connected users.  Computers that are connected with each other can
 A picture message is a photo or other image, be used to transfer data to and from other
sometimes along with sound and text, sent to computers.
or from a smart phone or other mobile device.  Science
A phone that can send picture messages often  Computers are used by various scientists for the
is called a camera phone. purpose of research and development.
 A video message is a short video clip, usually  Engineering
about 30 seconds, sent to or from a smart  Computers are used by the engineers for the
phone or other mobile device. A phone that creation of complex drawings and designs while
can send video messages often is called a working in different fields, like automobiles and
video phone. construction.
 PDA - (personal digital assistant) provides personal  Entertainment
information management functions such as a  Computers are used in the entertainment industry
calendar, an appointment book, an address book, a for creating graphics and animations.
calculator, and a notepad.  Banking
 Smartwatches - A smart watch is an Internet-  Nowadays, computers are being increasingly used
enabled watch that automatically adjusts to time for online banking. Through online banking, the
zone changes and stores personal information. users or customers can transfer and receive money
 Handheld Computers - sometimes referred to as by using computers and Internet.
an Ultra-Mobile PC (UMPC), is a computer small  Health
enough to fit in one hand.  Computers are used by doctors to diagnose various
 Portable Media Players - is a mobile device on kinds of diseases and ailments
which you can store, organize, and play digital  Government
media  Computers play a crucial role in almost all
 Digital Cameras - is a device that allows users to government departments.The concept of ‘e-
take pictures and store the photographed images governance’ is becoming popular among various
digitally, instead of on traditional film. government agencies.

3. Game Consoles CHAPTER 3

 is a mobile computing device designed for single player OPEERATING SYSTEM
or multiplayer video games
4. Servers  is a software that makes the computer hardware to
 A server controls access to the hardware, software, and work.
 other resources on a network and provides a centralized  The OS is the main component of system software and
storage area for programs, data, and information therefore must be loaded and activated before we can
 Types of Servers accomplish any other task.
 Mainframes - is a large, expensive, powerful
computer that can handle hundreds or thousands
of connected users simultaneously
1. Starting and Shutting Down a Computer  Operating systems typically contain a performance
 Booting is the process of starting or restarting a monitor.
computer. When turning on a computer that has been  A performance monitor is a program that assesses
powered off completely, you are performing a cold boot. and reports information about various computer
A warm boot, by contrast, is the process of using the resources and devices.
operating system to restart a computer. 9. Providing File Management and Other Utilities
 Sleep mode saves any open documents and programs  Operating systems often provide users with the
to RAM, turns off all unneeded functions, and then capability of managing files, searching for files, viewing
places the computer in a low-power state. images, securing a computer from unauthorized access,
 Hibernate, by contrast, saves any open documents and uninstalling programs, cleaning up disks, defragmenting
programs to a hard disk before removing power from disks, diagnosing problems, backing up files and disks,
the computer. and setting up screen savers.
2. Providing a User Interface 10. Updating Software Automatically
 a user interface controls how you enter data and  automatic update- feature that automatically
instructions and how information is displayed on the provides updates to the program.
screen. Two types of user interfaces are graphical and  Many software makers provide free downloadable
command-line updates, sometimes called a service pack, to users
3. Managing Programs who have registered and/or activated their
 How an operating system handles programs directly software.
affects your productivity. 11. Controlling a Network
 A multiuser operating system enables two or more  A server operating system is an operating system
users to run programs simultaneously. that organizes and coordinates how multiple users
 A multiprocessing operating system supports two access and share resources on a network.
or more processors running programs at the same 12. Administering Security
time.  Computer and network administrators typically have an
4. Managing Memory administrator account that enables them to access all
 The purpose of memory management is to optimize the files and programs on the computer or network, install
use of random access memory (RAM). programs, and specify settings that affect all users on a
 Virtual memory is a concept in which the computer or network.
operating system allocates a portion of a storage  A password is a private combination of characters
medium, usually the hard disk, to function as associated with the user name that allows access
additional RAM. to certain computer resources.
 Windows users can increase the size of memory
through Windows ReadyBoost, which can allocate TYPES OF OPERATING SYSTEM
available storage space on removable flash
memory devices as additional memory cache. 1. Stand-Alone Operating Systems
5. Coordinating Tasks  is a complete operating system that works on a desktop
 The operating system determines the order in which computer, notebook computer, or mobile computing
tasks are processed. A task, or job, is an operation the device.
processor manages.  Windows
 A buffer is a segment of memory or storage in  Mac OS
which items are placed while waiting to be  UNIX
transferred from an input device or to an output  Linux
 Spooling- sends documents to be printed to a 2. Server Operating Systems
buffer instead of sending them immediately to the  typically resides on a server.
6. Configuring Devices 3. Embedded Operating Systems
 A driver is a small program that tells the operating  include Windows Embedded CE, Windows Mobile, Palm
system how to communicate with a specific device. OS, iPhone OS, BlackBerry, Google Android, embedded
 Plug and Play means the operating system Linux, and Symbian OS.
automatically configures new devices as you install
7. Establishing an Internet Connection  is a type of software called an operating system.
 Operating systems typically provide a means to  An operating system does what its name implies—
establish Internet connections. operates your computer system, working in the
 For example, Windows includes a Set Up a Connection background every time you turn on your PC.
or Network wizard that guides users through the
process of setting up a connection between a computer BILL GATES Microsoft Founder
and an Internet access provider  This decision to license, rather than sell, the software is
considered one of the wisest business decisions
Gatesever made. Today, Microsoft’s Windows and anywhere on a page and then save the page as part of a
Office products dominate the software market notebook

MS WINDOWS ELEMENTS Paint/Image Editing Software (for Personal Use)

 According to Miller (2009), the major parts of the  provides an easy-to-use interface; includes various
Windows desktop are the following: simplified tools that allow you to draw pictures, shapes,
 Start button—Opens the Start menu, which is and other images; and provides the capability of
what you can use to open all your programs and modifying existing graphics and photos.
documents.  Personal photo editing software, a popular type of
 Taskbar—Displays icons for your favorite image editing software available both as packaged
applications and documents, as well as for any software and as Web applications, allows users to edit
open window. Right-click an icon to see a Jump List digital photos by removing red-eye, erasing blemishes,
of recent open documents and other operations restoring aged photos, adding special effects, enhancing
for that application. image quality, or creating electronic photo albums.
 Notification area—Sometimes known as the  With photo management software, you can view,
system tray, this part of the taskbar displays icons organize, sort, catalog, print, and share digital photos.
for a handful of key system functions, including the
Action Center, power (on notebook PCs), Paint/Image Editing Software (for the Professional)
networking/Internet, and audio (volume).  is a type of image editing software that allows
 Aero Peek button—Hover over this little rectangle, photographers, video graphers, engineers, scientists,
and all open windows go transparent so you can and other high-volume digital photo users to edit and
see what’s on the desktop below. Click the Aero customize digital photos.
Peek button to immediately minimize all open  Paint software, also called illustration software, allows
windows. users to draw pictures, shapes, and other graphical
 Gadgets—These are mini-applications that sit on images with various on-screen tools such as a pen,
the desktop and perform specific operations. brush, eyedropper, and paint bucket.
 Shortcut icons—These are links to software  Image editing software provides the capabilities of
programs you can place on your desktop; a “clean” paint software and also includes the capability to
desktop includes just one icon, for the Windows enhance and modify existing pictures and images.
Recycle Bin.
 Recycle Bin—This is where you dump any files you APPLICATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
want to delete.
 Installing and Running Programs
 A file manager is a utility that performs functions  Inductees to the Computer History Museum in
related to file management. Some of the file Mountain View, CA, are noted for their
management functions that a file manager contribution to computer technology.
performs are displaying a list of files on a storage  Torvalds developed this innovative operating
medium system when he was a 21-year-old computer
 A folder is a specific named location on a storage science student in Finland. Today, he leads the
medium that contains related documents. development of Linux as a fellow at OSDL (Open
Operating systems typically include a file manager Source Development Labs), a not-for-profit
consortium of companies dedicated to developing
SYSTEM STOOLS and promoting the operating system.
 A disk cleanup utility searches for and removes
unnecessary files. Unnecessary files may include
downloaded program files, temporary Internet
files,deleted files, and unused program files.
Operating systems, such as Windows, include a
disk scanner utility.
 A disk defragmenter is a utility that reorganizes
the files and unused space on a computer’s hard
disk so that the operating system accesses data
more quickly and programs run faster.

Entertainment Software
 for personal computers includes interactive games,
videos, and other programs designed to support a
hobby or provide amusement and enjoyment.

Note Taking Software

 is application software that enables users to enter typed
text, handwritten comments, drawings, or sketches

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