Chemical Physical and Sensory Properties of Pawpaw
Chemical Physical and Sensory Properties of Pawpaw
Chemical Physical and Sensory Properties of Pawpaw
I.F Bolarinwa1*, T.E Aruna2, J.A Adejuyitan1, G.A Adeyemo3 and O.D Alabi3
Department of Food Science, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), P.M.B.4000, Ogbomoso, Nigeria
Department of Food Science and Technology, Kwara State University, Kwara State, Nigeria
Nutrition and Dietetics Department, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), P.M.B.4000, Ogbomoso, Nigeria
Correspondence to:
I.F Bolarinwa
Department of Food Science Micronutrient deficiency is a major health problem among children and
LadokeAkintola University of Technology
P.M.B.4000, Ogbomoso, Nigeria
pregnant women in developing countries. Vitamin A deficiency can be prevented
E-mail: [email protected] by fortifying staple food with pro-vitamin A rich plant such as pawpaw. This
study evaluated the quality attributes of pawpaw fortified bread. Matured ripe
Received: January 13, 2020 pawpaw fruits were harvested, washed, peeled and blended to produce puree. Six
Accepted: April 07, 2020
different blends of various proportions (100:0, 90:10, 80:20, 70:30, 60:40, 50:50)
Published: April 09, 2020
of wheat and pawpaw were produced and used to prepare pawpaw-bread samples.
Citation: Bolarinwa IF, Aruna TE, AdejuyitanJA, The bread samples were analysed for chemical composition, mineral contents,
AdeyemoGA, AlabiOD. 2020. Chemical, Physical
physical properties and sensory attributes, using standard methods. Vitamin A
and Sensory Properties of Pawpaw Fortified Pan
Bread. J Food ChemNanotechnol 6(2): 65-71. content of the pawpaw-bread significantly increased from 13.04 µg/g to 46.40
µg/100 g. Supplementation of wheat flour with pawpaw puree also led to increase
Copyright: © 2020 Bolarinwa. This is an Open
in calcium (52.66 – 87.54 mg/100 g), iron (0.94 – 1.71 mg/100 g), phosphorus
Access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (84.49 – 129.95 mg/100 g) and potassium (165.86 – 181.32 mg/100 g) contents
License (CC-BY) ( of the pawpaw bread. Texture profile (hardness, cohesiveness, chewiness and
org/licenses/by/4.0/) which permits commercial springiness) of the pawpaw fortified bread samples were significantly lower than
use, including reproduction, adaptation, and that of the 100% wheat bread. Sensory results showed that bread fortified with
distribution of the article provided the original
20% pawpaw puree was rated similar to 100% wheat bread in terms of colour, taste,
author and source are credited.
texture and flavour. In conclusion, acceptable pawpaw fortified bread samples
Published by United Scientific Group with higher micronutrients contents than conventional bread was produced in
this study.
Vitamin A, Chemical composition, Pawpaw, Bread, Texture profile
Bread belongs to the class of ready to eat food made by mixing wheat flour
with water and yeast, kneading and baking in an oven [1]. It is a staple food
consumed by both old and young in most regions of the world. It is consumed in
large quantity in the world in different types and forms depending upon cultural
habits. Bread is an ideal functional product in developing countries, since it is an
important part of their daily diet.
Pawpaw fruit (Carica papaya) belongs to caricaceae family. It is one of
the cheapest, economically important fruit trees grown and consumed for
its nutritional content, even though it is often found growing wild in tropical
regions. It is usually consumed fresh in slices, in chunks as dessert or could be
processed and used in a variety of products such as jams and fruit juice. Pawpaw
is a good source of β-carotene [2] and also contains high amount of vitamin C
Bolarinwa. 65
Chemical, Physical and Sensory Properties of Pawpaw Fortified Pan Bread Bolarinwa.
and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, iron and sodium and food chemistry laboratory, LAUTECH, Oyo state,
[3]. The amount of these nutrients is greater than or the same Nigeria.
as those found in bananas, apples or oranges [4]. Pawpaw
fruit can be used as carbohydrate-based fat replacer [5] and as Methods
natural source of fruit flavour in baked products [6]. Pawpaw Preparation of pawpaw puree
puree can also be used in thermally processed food like jams, Ripe pawpaw fruits were washed and peeled. The seeds
jellies, ice cream, and other beverage products such as nectars were removed and pawpaw flesh was uniformly sliced and
and non-fermented beverage [7]. blended using a blender set at speed 2 to obtain a smooth
Micronutrient deficiency is one of the major health puree.
challenges affecting the vulnerable groups (mainly children Production of pawpaw fortified bread
and pregnant women) in developing world. This is due to
Pawpaw puree was mixed with various proportions
high cost of most of animal foods which are major sources of
of wheat flour to produce wheat-pawpaw puree blend as
these nutrients. However, these micronutrients are very vital
presented in table 1. The wheat-pawpaw puree blends (500 g)
to healthy living of man, and their deficiency can lead to acute
were mixed with sugar (100 g), salt (2 g), yeast (6 g), and butter
or chronic diseases. For instance, xerophthalmia, an abnormal
(40 g) and kneaded to form a dough. The dough was scaled,
dryness of the eyeball characterized by conjunctivitis occurs
moulded and placed in greased baking pans and allowed to
due to Vitamin A Deficiency (VAD). Vitamin A deficiency
proof for 55 min at 30 ºC in a proofing cabinet at a relative
is a leading cause of high morbidity and mortality among
humidity of 40%. The proofed dough was baked in an electric
preschool children, pregnant women and lactating mothers
oven (230 ºC; 20 min) and cooled at ambient temperature for
in developing countries [8]. According to UN/SCN [9],
40 min.
prevalence of VAD in Nigeria is 28.1% in preschool children
and 4.7% for nursing mothers. Similarly, Maziya-Dixon et Table 1: Pawpaw puree-wheat flour blend formulation.
al. [10] also reported 29.5% prevalence of VAD in Nigerian
children that are less than five years of age. Thus, vitamin A Sample A B C D E F
is an essential vitamin in human diet that is vital for sight Wheat flour (%) 100 90 80 70 60 50
brightness and proper vision, as well as other metabolic Pawpaw puree (%) 0 10 20 30 40 50
functions in the body. Dietary diversification and fortification
of staple food could reduce or solve micronutrients deficiency Chemical analyses
problems in developing countries.
Determination of proximate composition
Food fortification or enrichment is a process in which The proximate composition (protein, crude fat, ash, crude
food product is modified with the nutrients which are not fibre) of the pawpaw fortified bread was determined according
originally present in the food product or originally presents in to AOAC [13]. Prior to analysis, three slices from each bread
the food product but lost or reduced during food processing. It sample were frozen, dried in an oven and ground into a coarse
is a practice of deliberately increasing essential micronutrients, powder before analysis [14]. Carbohydrate contents of the
vitamins, proteins and minerals in a food product irrespective bread samples were determined by difference. Energy contents
of whether the nutrient was originally present in food before of the bread samples were calculated by multiplying the
processing or not, with the aim of improving the nutritional protein, carbohydrate and fat contents of each bread sample by
quality of food supply and to solve particular nutrient deficiency factors of 4, 4 and 9, respectively.
prevailing among a populace. Food fortification has the ability
to provide rapid solution to address low micronutrients intakes Determination of mineral content
of a population through their traditional dietary patterns [11]. The mineral contents (Fe, Ca, K, P) of the bread samples
Fortification of wheat flour with pawpaw puree for bread were determined using atomic absorption spectrometer. The
making can serve as a practical and sustainable approach to ash obtained after the determination of ash content was first
increase pawpaw utilization and also improve micronutrients dissolved in 5ml concentrated hydrochloric acid (11.8M) and
contents of bread. The use of pawpaw puree as fat replacer filtered into a 50 ml volumetric flask. The solution was made
in cake making has been reported [12]. The objective of this up to the 50 ml mark with more distilled water and transferred
study was to determine the chemical, physical and sensory into a plastic sample bottle with a lid. The concentrations
properties of wheat bread fortified with pawpaw puree. of minerals of iron, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus
in the bread samples were measured by atomic absorption
spectrophotometer following flame atomization using air
Materials and Methods acetylene flame and single element hollow cathode lamp.
Materials Determination of vitamin A content
Matured pawpaw fruits were harvested at Ladoke Vitamin A contents of the bread samples were determined
Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH) teaching using the procedure described by Singh et al. [15]. The bread
and research farm. Wheat flour, margarine, baker’s yeast and sample (5 g) was ground and placed in 10 ml acetone. Few
sugar were purchased from a local market in South-West crystals of anhydrous sodium sulphate were added and the
Nigeria. All experiments were performed at food processing mixture was allowed to settle. The supernatant was then
decanted into a beaker and transferred to a separator funnel. Means was tested for significance difference by Duncan’s
Petroleum ether (10 ml) was added to the supernatant, mixed Multiple Range Test. Significance difference was accepted at
thoroughly and allowed to separate into two layers. The lower p < 0.05.
layer was discarded and the upper layer was collected in a 100
ml volumetric flask, and the volume was made up to 100 ml
with petroleum ether. The optical density (OD) of the solution Results and Discussion
was then determined at 452 nm, using petroleum ether as
blank. Proximate composition of pawpaw fortified bread
Code Crude Protein (%) Ash (%) Crude fibre (%) Crude fat (%) Moisture Content (%) Carbo-hydrate (%) Energy value
(kcal/ 100 g)
A 11.18 ± 0.04a 1.33 ± 0.01a 0.80 ± 0.02a 2.22 ± 0.06a 21.37 ± 0.01a 63.09 ± 0.09d 317.06
B 11.20 ± 0.01 a
1.43 ± 0.01 b
0.85 ± 0.04 a
2.25 ± 0.01a
22.11 ± 0.02b
62.16 ± 0.08d
C 11.23 ± 0.01a 2.16 ± 0.01d 1.29 ± 0.01b 3.19 ± 0.02c 24.11 ± 0.02c 58.02 ± 0.04c 305.71
D 11.30 ± 0.04a 1.94 ± 0.02c 1.27 ± 0.01b 2.81 ± 0.01b 22.78 ± 0.03b 59.90 ± 0.10c 310.09
E 11.37 ± 0.04a 2.70 ± 0.00e 1.34 ± 0.01c 3.41 ± 0.01d 25.23 ± 0.02c 55.95 ± 0.07b 299.97
F 11.41 ± 0.04a 2.86 ± 0.06e 1.38 ± 0.01c 3.60 ± 0.02d 26.55 ± 0.04d 52.80 ± 0.04a 289.24
Mean values along the same column with different superscripts are significantly different (p<0.05). A = 100% wheat flour; B = 90% wheat flour + 10%
pawpaw puree; C = 80% wheat flour + 20% pawpaw puree; D = 70% wheat flour + 30% pawpaw puree; E = 60% wheat flour + 40% pawpaw puree; F=50%
wheat flour + 50% pawpaw puree.
In general, the nutrient contents of the pawpaw fortified mg/100 g. Similarly, the iron content of the pawpaw bread
bread samples produced in this study is higher than the samples was also significantly higher than that of the 100%
nutritional recommendation for white bread by United wheat bread (Table 3). Iron is an essential mineral required
State Department of Agriculture (USDA). According to in the diet of pregnant women, nursing mothers, infant,
USDA, white bread must contain 6.67% protein, 4.4% fat, convoluting patients and elderly people. It is also important
42% carbohydrate and 2.2% fibre [18]. This indicates that for the prevention of anaemia [25].
consumption of the pawpaw bread will increase the nutrient
intake of the people and may reduce malnutrition in developing Vitamin A contents of pawpaw fortified breade
countries. Vitamin A content of the fortified bread sample increased
from 13.04 µg/100 g to 46.40 µg/100g (Figure 1). Bread
Mineral composition of pawpaw fortified bread sample fortified with 50% pawpaw had the highest vitamin
Generally, the mineral contents of the bread samples A content (46.40 µg /100g). This could be due to high
increased as the proportion of pawpaw increased in the bread concentration of β-carotene (180 - 644 µg/100g) [26-27] and
samples (Table 3). Calcium is an important constituent of bone vitamin A (47 µg/100 g) in pawpaw fruit (USDA, 2019) [19].
and teeth, and it is actively involved in the regulation of nerve Although, white bread does not generally contain vitamin
and muscle functions [22]. The calcium content of pawpaw- A, however majority of white bread in developing countries
bread ranged from 52.66 to 87.54 mg/100g with sample A including Nigeria contain vitamin A due to fortification of
(100% wheat flour) having the least calcium content while wheat flour with synthetic vitamin A, as a measure of reducing
sample F (50% pawpaw fortified bread) had the highest value. the vitamin deficiency among vulnerable group in the country.
Adebayo-Oyetoro et al. [23] also reported higher calcium Despite this measure by government, VAD is still a problem in
contents (21.00 - 24.20 mg/100g) for pawpaw fortified milk. developing countries such as Nigeria. Pawpaw fortified bread
The potassium content of the pawpaw bread increased as the will complement vitamin A intake of children and pregnant
proportion of pawpaw puree increases from 0% to 50% in the women and possibly help to reduce VAD problem in the
bread samples. These findings are in agreement with the report country.
of Bolarinwa et al. [24] who reported increased in potassium
content (272.5 – 327 mg/100 g) of moringa fortified bread
as moringa concentration increased in the blends. Phosphorus
content of the pawpaw-bread increased from 86.49 to 129.95
samples (Figure 2). This could be due to the dilution effects the bread sample containing 50% pawpaw puree (sample F)
of pawpaw puree on gluten network of wheat flour. Generally, was yellow in appearance instead of having the golden brown
gluten fraction of wheat flour is responsible for the elasticity of color of conventional bread. There were significant differences
wheat flour dough by causing it to extend, and enable it to trap in the redness (a*) value of all the bread samples. This could
carbon dioxide generated by yeast during fermentation. This is be due to the improvement in the redness due to high baking
responsible for bread leaving and increased volume of bread. temperature [30]. In addition, the color intensity (E∆) of the
Addition of pawpaw puree to wheat flour during pawpaw bread samples increases with increase in pawpaw fortification
fortified bread dough making impaired gas production and level in the bread samples.
retention during fermentation, thus leading to decrease in
the volume of the fortified bread samples. Previous study also Texture profile of pawpaw fortified bread
reported decrease in loaf volume of bread due to dilution of Consumers’ acceptance of bread is strongly based on
gluten network by supplementation of wheat flour with fibre the texture of the Bread. The textural properties of pawpaw
[28]. fortified bread samples are presented in Table 5. Generally,
the textural properties of the pawpaw breads were affected by
increasing proportion of pawpaw puree in the bread dough
except for cohesiveness, which shows no significant differences
(p>0.05) in all the samples. The hardness of the bread samples
increases significantly (p<0.05) as the proportion of pawpaw
puree increases in the bread. This could be due to high dietary
fibre contents (14.1 – 17%) of pawpaw fruit [19].
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Table 5: Texture profile of pawpaw fortified bread.
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