F1037 182022 15 04 Standard Test Method For Visual Rating of Appearance

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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles

for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Designation: F1037 − 18 (Reapproved 2022)

Standard Test Method for

Visual Rating of Appearance of Resilient Floors1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F1037; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 2. Referenced Documents

1.1 This test method is intended to provide a numerical 2.1 ASTM Standards:2
rating system for classification of resilient floors during the D1436 Test Methods for Application of Emulsion Floor
various stages of their wear life in relation to their condition, as Polishes to Substrates for Testing Purposes
perceived by a knowledgeable user. F141 Terminology Relating to Resilient Floor Coverings
1.2 This test method is intended to allow comparison
3. Terminology
between two or more samples or groups of samples for
differences in visual appearance. 3.1 See Terminology F141 for general Resilient terms and
definitions, in addition to the more specific terms that have
1.3 This method provides recommended viewing conditions
been defined below.
and lighting for rating visual differences between samples or
groups of samples. 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
3.2.1 appearance, n—the collected visual aspects regarding
1.4 This method can be utilized to evaluate change in visual the flooring material’s surface, including color, texture, gloss,
appearance before and after some specified test condition etc.
exposure, for example, in service wear due to foot traffic, or
other tests where change in appearance might occur. 3.2.2 color, perceived, n—attribute of visual perception that
can be described by color names, such as white, gray, black,
1.5 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded yellow, brown, red, purple, etc., as this practice utilizes the
as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical term it is more of a visible color difference between two
conversions to SI units that are provided for information only adjacent areas or samples.
and are not considered standard.
3.2.3 gloss, n—a level of shiny or lustrous appearance
1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the resulting from the tendency of a flooring surface to reflect light
safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is the at one angle more than at others. Resilient flooring surface
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- gloss may range from very low (dull) to very high (shiny).
priate safety, health, and environmental health practices and
3.2.4 qualified panel, n—individual(s) who participate in
determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to
comparative evaluation of a sample’s appearance change, that
represent the spectrum of having familiarity with the product,
1.7 This international standard was developed in accor-
familiarity with maintenance of the product, and familiarity
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-
with the product’s use; sometimes referred to as a knowledge-
ization established in the Decision on Principles for the
able user.
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom-
mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical 3.2.5 surface scratches, n—deterioration of a product’s
Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. surface texture and appearance due to abrasive wear exposure.
3.2.6 surface texture—multi-level dimensioning of the
flooring surface, which can be natural or artificially generated,
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F06 on Resilient
Floor Coverings and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F06.20 on Test
Methods. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
Current edition approved Dec. 1, 2022. Published December 2022. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 1987. Last previous edition approved in 2018 as F1037–18. DOI: Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
10.1520/F1037-18R22. the ASTM website.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

F1037 − 18 (2022)
that provides aesthetic or functional use attributes, for example, 6. Reagent
mechanical or chemical embossing.
6.1 Cleaning Solution, shall be neutral cleaner as recom-
4. Significance and Use mended by the flooring manufacturer and shall be prepared in
sufficient quantity in accordance with the manufacturer’s
4.1 Ratings are developed by some subjective or compara- instructions.
tive evaluation criteria, or both, of a sample(s) to some
reference criteria or when compared to a control sample. These 7. Sampling, Test Specimens, and Test Units
parameters generally include change in gloss, color, surface
texture, alterations to pattern and possibly restorability of 7.1 Specimen size will vary, generally as a function of
appearance with normal maintenance procedures, including the individual tile or plank size. It may also vary depending upon
use of finishes or buffing. Rating is done by a qualified use, that is, simple comparative differences, does sample (tile
individual or preferably by a panel of qualified observers under or plank) match standard, or if all samples within a particular
specified lighting conditions in accordance with prescribed sample set are of equal visual quality, etc. The specimen or
procedures. specimen panel (group of tiles or planks of the same material)
size can vary based on desired lay-up size, for example, the
5. Apparatus particular test evaluation, the package content size, etc., or
5.1 Buffıng Machine, equipped with single or double brush whatever is utilized as part of a standard sampling procedure.
(pad), soft fiber polishing brushes, and lamb’s wool pads or 7.2 For comparison before and after something is done to a
appropriate microfiber pad. When equipped with polishing specimen or specimen set, for example, wear exposure test, the
brushes, the unit should deliver a nominal lineal velocity specimen size can vary as desired. A typical size panel would
(loaded) of 1100 ft ⁄min to 1400 ft/min (each brush) and a be 24 in. by 24 in. (610 mm by 610 mm) and contain four
Dwell ratio of 190 ft2 to 210 ft2 (17 m2 to 19 m2) per min at a 12 in. by 12 in. (305 mm by 305 mm) specimens. In addition, a
pressure of 0.40 psi to 0.50 psi. When equipped with buffing companion specimen must be retained and stored in a location
pads, the unit shall deliver a nominal lineal velocity (loaded) of where its appearance will not be altered. This specimen will be
1100 lineal fpm to 1400 lineal fpm (each pad) and a Dwell ratio used for comparison purposes throughout the test cycle. If a
of 500 ft2 to 550 ft2 (45 m2 to 50 m2) per min at a pressure of specimen or specimen panel set has been exposed to use or
0.15 psi to 0.20 psi. abrasive wear conditions then each specimen or specimen
5.2 Scrub Brush, approximately 2 1 ⁄ 2 in. by 7 in. panel is to be cleaned in accordance with manufacturer’s
(63 mm by 178 mm) with nylon bristles approximately 11⁄4 in. direction or otherwise maintained using the washing procedure
(32 mm) long. in 8.1. The finish or restorative procedure, as recommended by
the manufacturer, shall be followed before each rating session.
5.3 Cellulose Sponge, approximate dry dimension One may choose to perform the restorative maintenance
8 in. by 41⁄4 in. by 1 in. (203 mm by 108 mm). procedure to the original unexposed samples of these products
5.4 Lay-up Board, approximately 4 ft by 8 ft (1.2 m by in order to more closely match expected maintained gloss
2.4 m) mounted at suitable easy viewing angle, for example, 0 equivalency. Those no-finish floors whose appearance, through
to 30°, with bottom and side reference support edges. See Fig. exposure to traffic, has deteriorated to an overall rating of “3”
1 as an example lay-up table. or more shall be restored with either the finish procedure (no

FIG. 1 Lay-up Table

F1037 − 18 (2022)
samples receive double-finish) (see 8.2) or the buffing proce- Pads are to be washed in a mild detergent6 and cold
dure (see 8.3). The choice of restorative maintenance is water (2 heaping teaspoons (10.0 g) per gallon (3.8 L) of
determined by the manufacturer’s recommended procedure. water), rinsed in cold water and air dried (do not “wring out”
All cleaning and restorative maintenance procedures shall be pads).
performed on the entire sample.
9. Observer Panel
8. Procedure 9.1 The panel of observers shall consist of at least three
8.1 Mix the cleaning solution and stir thoroughly. people. One-third of the panel shall consist of a person(s)
8.1.1 Soak brush in solution for 1 min.3 technically trained in the composition and use of household
8.1.2 Apply enough solution so that the panel is covered cleaning products, such as a home economist or chemist.
with a thin coat of solution. Allow the solution to remain One-third of the panel shall consist of a person(s) trained in the
undisturbed for 3 min. technical characteristics and testing procedures used on resil-
8.1.3 Dip brush in solution, then scrub the panel 30 times in ient flooring, such as an engineer or chemist. One-third of the
each direction with enough pressure to slightly bend the panel shall be a non-technically trained person(s) who regu-
bristles. Localized, abnormal stains such as chewing gum, larly maintains resilient floors in a home. No panel member
ground-out cigarettes, tar, or other spots considered abnormal shall be color blind. The maintenance person shall not be
in residential environment may be given special attention. included in the observer panel. Members shall be carefully
Overall stains, discoloration, or soil that lodges in deep instructed on the scoring procedure and shall have had prior
embossments should not be given special treatment. experience of at least a complete rating of one sample before
8.1.4 With the cellulose sponge wrung out in clear, luke- establishing a valid scored rating.
warm water, remove the cleaning solution. Rinse sponge in 9.2 Individual panel observers are provided with separate
clear, lukewarm water, wring sponge out lightly, then go over data sheets and are to separately rate gloss, color, surface
the panel to rewet the surface. Rinse out sponge again in clear texture, along with pattern change and restorative effects of
water. Wring out tightly and remove as much rinse water as maintenance, if applicable. They may do their rating
possible. simultaneously, but should not discuss or compare ratings. If
8.1.5 Allow surface to air dry for 1 h. any sample requires restorative maintenance, all specimen or
8.2 Finish Procedure, if required—After washing, apply to specimen panels are returned to the exposure site only after
each individual sample to receive finish, a finish in the restorative maintenance is complete and ratings for restorative
following manner. Use a fresh supply of an acrylic floor finish maintenance are made. Scoring is in accordance with 11.1.
or an equivalent material appropriate for the specific type of
floor. Apply the finish in accordance with Method B of Test 10. Sample Arrangements and Lighting Conditions
Methods D1436.4 10.1 Samples are to be washed, waxed where appropriate
8.3 Buffıng Procedure—Following the washing procedure (See Section 8 and Fig. 2) and assembled with the viewing
outlined in 8.2, samples of resilient floor coverings whose template as outlined in this section.
manufacturers’ recommend buffing as the restorative mainte- 10.1.1 Place the flooring panels to be rated horizontally on
nance should be treated according to the following buffing a freestanding 30 in. (762 mm) high table, the top of which is
procedure.5 smaller than the sample panels. This arrangement will enable
8.3.1 Buff each sample with the polishing brushes, using a observers to walk around the sample and view it from various
left to right to left motion covering the entire sample from top angles and positions.
to bottom to top again, using overlapping strokes, in 1 min. No 10.1.2 Although it is desirable that the flooring samples or
excess pressure or weight should be used on the buffer. the panel containing the flooring samples be portable to permit
8.3.2 Repeat 8.3.1, using an overlapping top to bottom to placement in ideal lighting conditions, it is acknowledged that,
top motion, covering the entire sample fully from left to right in the case of installed flooring, this may not be possible. In
to left in 1 min. these instances, efforts must be made to simulate the lighting
8.3.3 Repeat the bidirectional buffing technique above, us- conditions specified in 10.2 and 10.2.1.
ing lamb’s wool pads on the buffer. 10.1.3 Prepare a template that allows viewing of the main
8.3.4 Washing Lamb’s Wool Pads—For purposes of this test, portion of the sample area, but masks its edges (usually 1⁄2 in.
the lamb’s wool pads will be washed every time the equivalent (13 mm) is sufficient). Immediately adjacent, and as part of the
of 2016 in.2 (13 104 cm2) samples are buffed according to this template, is a second opening of identical dimensions. The
procedure. purpose of the second opening is to serve as a comparison
frame for the original, unexposed sample. See Fig. 3 for a
sketch of such a template that would be used where four
A sponge with scrubbing capabilities may be substituted for the scrub brush and 12 in. by 12 in. (305 mm by 305 mm) specimens are attached
cellulose sponge. to a 24 in. by 24 in. (610 mm by 610 mm) base.
Suitable cross linked acrylic finish as recommended by resilient flooring for
restorative maintenance of their resilient flooring.
Rug Shampooer/Floor Polisher as recommended by resilient flooring
manufacturer, suitable for restorative buffing of resilient floor surface; speed less Mild detergent suitable for cleaning scrubbing brushes/pads and buffing pads.
than 1500 r/min. Rinse and let dry afterwards.

F1037 − 18 (2022)

FIG. 2 Suggested Rotation Procedure for Panels Under Exposure

10.2 Principal lighting shall be provided by overhead fluo- Total Score Final Visual Rating
rescent lights at 3000 °K. (warm white). Illumination shall be 0 1—Excellent
1 to 4 2—Good
uniform and not less than 150 ft candles at the sample surface. 5 to 8 3—Acceptable
10.2.1 A secondary source of light shall be established to 9 to 11 4—Poor
enable observers to evaluate gloss. The source may be an 12 to 16 5—Unacceptable
uncurtained north facing window, a fluorescent fixture placed NOTE 1—Fractional averages will be rounded to the nearest whole
facing the samples, or several incandescent spotlights. Color number.
value is not critical but should not be of extreme departure NOTE 2—Scoring for each parameter is to be made as a consideration of
from the primary source. The secondary source should be 5 ft the difference between the exposed sample and the original unexposed
sample or the sample between the control sample(s) and a specimen(s)
to 10 ft (152 cm to 305 cm) from the floor. being evaluated for how closely it (they) match to the control sample.
11. Rating 11.2 For each sample, the ratings of individual observers
11.1 Rating is established by totaling the scores for each are averaged.
sample of gloss, color, surface texture, pattern, and restorative 11.3 The final rating is developed by conversion of total
maintenance by each observer. Total scored is then converted individual parameter scores (see 11.1). The following final
to a final visual rating in accordance with the conversions as ratings, from 1 to 5, indicates the general condition of the
follows: flooring.

F1037 − 18 (2022)

FIG. 3 Template, 24 by 24 in. (610 by 610 mm)

1 Virtually unchanged from the original (total score of 0). 5 Major damage such as total loss of gloss, objectionable
2 Slight change in gloss, coloration, or surface texture, no change of pattern, surface texture, color or a combination
change in pattern. The following is still highly acceptable in thereof. Most housekeepers would consider the floor no longer
appearance. Restorative maintenance will return sample to serviceable, worn out, and in need of replacement. Restorative
original appearance (total score of 1 to 4). maintenance does not improve appearance (total score of 12 to
3 Significant changes in gloss, coloration, or surface texture, 16).
no change in pattern. Appearance might be objectionable to a
11.4 The restorative maintenance scores are shown in Fig. 4.
very “fussy” housekeeper. Restorative maintenance improves
the appearance but will not return sample to original appear-
12. Precision and Bias
ance (total score of 5 to 8).
NOTE 3—There must be no change in pattern for a sample to receive a
12.1 This test method, although it provides a quantitative
final rating of 3 or less. ranking, it is based upon subjective ratings. No precision and
4 Significant degradation of surface involving change of bias has been determined for this method.
gloss, color, surface texture, or alteration of the pattern, or a
combination thereof. Many housekeepers would desire re- 13. Keywords
placement. Restorative maintenance does little to improve 13.1 appearance; gloss; maintenance; resilient floors; visual
appearance (total score of 9 to 11). rating

F1037 − 18 (2022)

Gloss, Color, Surface Texture and Pattern Scores

0—Unchanged from original
1—Slight change from original
2—Significant change from original
3—Objectionable change
Score for Waxing/Buffing
0—Not needed
1—Will restore to original appearance
2—Almost restores original appearance
3—Does little to restore original appearance
4—Does nothing to restore original appearance
Total Score to Final Rating Conversion

Total Score Final Rating

0 1
1 to 4 2
5 to 8 3
9 to 11 4
12 to 16 5

NOTE 1—Restorative maintenance is performed in terms of waxing, refinishing or buffing when the maintenance score reaches 3 or more.
FIG. 4 Visual Rating Data Sheet

F1037 − 18 (2022)
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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