SF Ec Erp Ui Int Ecs4hcm En-Us
SF Ec Erp Ui Int Ecs4hcm En-Us
SF Ec Erp Ui Int Ecs4hcm En-Us
1.1 Your Choices When Integrating SAP ERP Screens into the SAP SuccessFactors UI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2 How UI Integration Supports Different Deployment Options of Employee Central Integration with SAP
ERP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
2.1 System Setup Needed for UI Integration with SAP Fiori App My Paystubs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.5 Deploying SAP Fiori App My Paystubs to SAP Cloud Integration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
2.7 Enabling SAP Fiori App My Paystubs in SAP SuccessFactors Extension Manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.9 Enabling SAP Fiori App My Paystubs on SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Log on Using SAML 2.0 Assertion for Front-End Single Sign-On (SSO). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
5.3 How to Allow and Embed Fiori Launchpad URL Embedded in SuccessFactors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
Integrating the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to SAP ERP User Interface
2 PUBLIC Content
Change History
The following table summarizes changes to this guide for the SAP SuccessFactors 1H 2020 release
Embedding SAP Fiori app My Paystubs You can embed the SAP Fiori app My SAP Fiori App My Paystubs Integration
with SAP SuccessFactors Employee Cen Paystubs with SAP SuccessFactors Em with Employee Central [page 8]
tral ployee Central so that your employees
are enabled to access their payslip di
rectly on the SAP SuccessFactors UI.
Integrating the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to SAP ERP User Interface
Change History PUBLIC 3
1 Introduction to SAP ERP UI Integration
with SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central
Some introductory words about integrating screens from your SAP ERP system with the SAP SuccessFactors
Employee Central user interface
Learn more about embedding screens from SAP ERP on premise into the SAP SuccessFactors UI. Depending on
your use case, you have different choices of how to integrate UIs:
• SAP ERP UI integration, using Manager Self-Service (MSS) and Employee Self-Service (ESS) as an example of
SAP ERP applications you can embed into the Employee Central UI
Ensure that the SAP ERP system is configured in such a way that SAP can determine how the SAP
ERP software is used. To measure users in your SAP installation clearly and precisely, your users must
be classified according to their current use and the price list they are based on prior to each system
measurement. This classification reflects the terms of the contract. For using the ESS pay statement
integration in EC, you need to maintain a specific user classification in your SAP System Measurement tool.
The contractually agreed-upon special user for our integration scenario is the user SFSF EC Payslip Viewer.
Please use one of the special module types with ID 71-79 and overwrite the name of the contractual user
type with SFEC EC Payslip Viewer and then save your entries. These are then offered as F4 input help in the
user classification of contractual user types in your SAP ERP user maintenance transaction.
• UI integration using the Payroll Information page or the Payroll block within People Profile in Employee Central
• UI integration using the Configure Custom Navigation admin tool in Employee Central
Your Choices When Integrating SAP ERP Screens into the SAP SuccessFactors UI [page 5]
Depending on your use case, you have different choices of how to integrate SAP ERP screens with the SAP
SuccessFactors UI.
How UI Integration Supports Different Deployment Options of Employee Central Integration with SAP ERP
[page 6]
How you can use UI integration within the Core Hybrid HCM as well as the Side-by-Side HCM deployment
option, and what it means in each case.
Related Information
Integrating the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to SAP ERP User Interface
4 PUBLIC Introduction to SAP ERP UI Integration with SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central
1.1 Your Choices When Integrating SAP ERP Screens into the
SAP SuccessFactors UI
Depending on your use case, you have different choices of how to integrate SAP ERP screens with the SAP
SuccessFactors UI.
UI Integration Options
The employee's data is SAP ERP HCM On- The Payroll Information An HR Admin enters UI Integration Using
page enables end users
mastered in SAP Suc Premise – Manager additional data that is the Payroll Information
such as employees to
cessFactors Employee Self-Service and Em needed for Payroll. Page [page 19]
access their SAP ERP
Central using the Core ployee Self-Service pay statement applica An employee checks his
Hybrid HCM deploy tion and HR Administra
or her pay statement.
ment option. Employee tors to country-specific
Central is used for payroll infotypes.
all global HR business It contains screens for
processes. SAP ERP accessing the relevant
HCM is used for Payroll infotypes or the pay
processes. The employ statements in SAP ERP
ee's master data is re HCM.
plicated from Employee
Central to SAP ERP
The employees' data is SAP ERP HCM On- Using custom naviga UI Integration Using
mastered in SAP Suc Premise tion, you can integrate Custom Navigation
cessFactors Employee screens from all kinds [page 33]
Central using the Core of systems not only
Hybrid HCM deploy with the SAP Success
ment option. Employee Factors home page,
Central is used for but also with other pa
all global HR business ges and menus. The
processes. The employ screens from non-Suc
ee's master data is re cessFactors systems
plicated from Employee are not embedded into
Central to SAP ERP the SAP SuccessFac
HCM. tors UI. Instead, you
navigate to a new page
– this applies to SAP
ERP HCM on premise
as well as third-party
Integrating the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to SAP ERP User Interface
Introduction to SAP ERP UI Integration with SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central PUBLIC 5
Parent topic: Introduction to SAP ERP UI Integration with SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central [page 4]
Related Information
How UI Integration Supports Different Deployment Options of Employee Central Integration with SAP ERP [page
How you can use UI integration within the Core Hybrid HCM as well as the Side-by-Side HCM deployment option,
and what it means in each case.
In both, the Core Hybrid HCM and the Side-by-Side HCM deployment options, UI integration enables users to view
and edit data in Employee Central, regardless of whether Employee Central or SAP ERP is the system of record for
the employee in question. Here's an example of what this means for the Side-by-Side deployment option:
To prevent users having to log on several times, make sure that browser single sign-on works for your web
browser if you use the UI integration.
Integrating the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to SAP ERP User Interface
6 PUBLIC Introduction to SAP ERP UI Integration with SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central
Core Hybrid HCM
If you use the Core Hybrid HCM deployment option, UI integration can be used to trigger processes in the local SAP
ERP system from the Employee Central UI. In this scenario, all global processes run in Employee Central. Example
use cases of this scenario are:
• A manager wants to trigger a change for one of his or her employees using a workflow. The manager uses
the SAP SuccessFactors homepage as his or her global UI hub to manage all relevant HR processes and his
or her team. All employees are mastered in Employee Central, but the local SAP ERP system is still used for
some local (for example, country-specific) processes. So the manager can also trigger such a local process
from the SAP SuccessFactors homepage.The UI integration allows for screens from SAP ERP that are used
to carry out local processes to be embedded as mashup (UI integration of ERP screen integrated with the
Employee Central screen) within the Employee Central screens. All global Manager Self-Service processes run
in Employee Central.
• An employee wants to trigger a change of his or her data. The employee uses the SAP SuccessFactors
homepage as his or her global UI hub to handle all relevant HR processes. All employees are mastered in
Employee Central, but the local SAP ERP system is still used for some local (for example, country-specific)
processes. So the employee can also trigger such a local process from the SAP SuccessFactors homepage.The
UI integration allows for screens from SAP ERP that are used to carry out local processes to be embedded
as mashup within the Employee Central screens. All global Employee Self-Service processes run in Employee
Side-by-Side HCM
If you use the Side-by-Side HCM deployment option, managers and employees can use the SAP SuccessFactors
home page as a global UI hub. They can view data or trigger data changes for employees whose data is mastered
in SAP ERP using the navigation on the Employee Central UI. This is possible since all employees whose data is
mastered in SAP ERP are replicated to Employee Central using the employee data integration of the Side-by-Side
HCM deployment option.
Parent topic: Introduction to SAP ERP UI Integration with SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central [page 4]
Related Information
Your Choices When Integrating SAP ERP Screens into the SAP SuccessFactors UI [page 5]
Integrating the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to SAP ERP User Interface
Introduction to SAP ERP UI Integration with SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central PUBLIC 7
2 SAP Fiori App My Paystubs Integration with
Employee Central
How to embed screens from your SAP Fiori app My Paystubs system into the SAP SuccessFactors user interface.
This chapter describes how you can embed the SAP Fiori App My Paystub using the SCP deployment option on
NEO where the front end is deployed on the SCP and back-end on ERP.
By accessing the SAP Fiori app My Paystubs within SuccessFactors Employee Central you are enabled to access
the SAP Fiori app directly from the SuccessFactors Employee Central home page. Following chapters explains how
to embed SAP Fiori app My Paystub Version 3/ Fiori 2.0 into SuccessFactors Employee Central step-by-step.
Check if your SAP ERP On-Premies system and other systems meets the minimum setup requirements to use SAP
Fiori app My Paystubs to display SAP ERP payroll results.
• Minimum set up requirement (ADD-ON ERP Prerequisite) for installing SAP Fiori app My Paystubs. For more
information about the installation pre-requisite for the back-end components (OData Service etc.) of My
Paystubs app in the ABAP system, see App Implementation: My Paystubs (Version 3). Back-end components
are delivered with the installed SAP product versions as part of the listed software component.
• SAP BTP, Neo
• System landscape requirements for SAP Fiori
Each SAP Fiori app consists of front-end components and back-end components:
• The front-end components of the app consist of user interface and content required for launching the app
on the SAP Fiori launchpad. These components have to be installed on your front-end server.
• The back-end components of the app mainly consist of the OData services required for the app. These
components have to be installed in your back-end system.
Ensure that the SAP ERP system is configured in such a way that SAP can determine how the SAP ERP
software is used. To measure users in your SAP installation clearly and precisely, your users must be classified
according to their current use and the price list they are based on prior to each system measurement. This
classification reflects the terms of the contract. For using the ESS pay statement integration in EC, you need to
maintain a specific user classification in your SAP System Measurement tool. The contractually agreed-upon
special user for our integration scenario is the user SFSF EC Payslip Viewer. Please use one of the special
module types with ID 71-79 and overwrite the name of the contractual user type with SFEC EC Payslip Viewer
and then save your entries. These are then offered as F4 input help in the user classification of contractual user
types in your SAP ERP user maintenance transaction.
Integrating the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to SAP ERP User Interface
8 PUBLIC SAP Fiori App My Paystubs Integration with Employee Central
Related Information
Use SAP Cloud Integration connectivity for your application in the Neo environment.
You need to establish connectivity between your SAP Cloud Integration subaccount and your SAP ERP On-
Premises system.
You require SAP Cloud Integration account and connectivity in the Neo environment to deploy front-end
component of SAP Fiori app My Paystubs using SAP Web IDE service subscription. SAP Cloud Integration
is required to create tunnel via Cloud Connector for accessing the backend Odata services of SAP Fiori app
My Paystubs available on the SAP ERP On-Premise system. In SAP Cloud Integration, you must enable two
connectivity. You will have to first enable the connectivity between your SAP Cloud Integration subaccount and your
SAP ERP On-Premise system. And later you need to establish the connectivity between your SAP Cloud Integration
subaccount and SAP SuccessFactors. To enable SAP Fiori app My Paystubs on SAP SuccessFactors Employee
Central, integration is required between SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central and SAP Cloud Integration via
Extension package.
The SAP Cloud Integration connectivity service allows you configuring a connection to an SAP ERP On-Premise
system using the Cloud Connector. You can establish a secure communication channel from your SAP ERP On-
Premise network to applications on SAP Cloud Integration while you keep full control and auditability of what is
exposed to the cloud.
Integrating the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to SAP ERP User Interface
SAP Fiori App My Paystubs Integration with Employee Central PUBLIC 9
To connect to your SAP Cloud Integration app from your SAP ERP On-Premise network, the Cloud Connector
administrator need to set up a secure communication channel to your SAP Cloud Integration subaccount. The
SAP Cloud Integration ensure that the tunnel can only be used by applications on your subaccount. Applications
assigned to other (sub) accounts cannot access the communication channel. It is encrypted via transport layer
security (TLS), which guarantees connection privacy.
For more information on how to install and configure the Cloud Connector in the Neo environment see, SAP Cloud
Integration Connectivity for the Neo Environment.
Once you install and configure the Cloud Connector, you need to have the following service subscriptions:
Related Information
Integrating the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to SAP ERP User Interface
10 PUBLIC SAP Fiori App My Paystubs Integration with Employee Central
Deploying SAP Fiori App My Paystubs to SAP Cloud Integration [page 12]
Configuring SAP SuccessFactors Extensions [page 13]
Learn more about the Cloud Connector: features, scenarios and setup.
To establish connectivity of SAP Cloud Integration with SAP ERP On-Premise system, you need to setup and
configure cloud connector. The cloud connector provides control over SAP ERP On-Premise systems and resources
that shall be accessible by the cloud applications. This connection also acts as a reverse invoke proxy between the
SAP ERP On-Premise network and SAP Cloud Integration. It enables use of existing SAP ERP On-Premise assets
without exposing the entire internal landscape.
For more information on installing the Cloud Connector see, Cloud Connector topic.
Related Information
Cloud Connector
You can import an existing application from the SAPUI5 ABAP repository into the SAP Web IDE workspace.
You need to import front-end component of SAP Fiori app My Paystubs for the deployment on SAP Cloud
Integration. You can import an existing application from the SAPUI5 ABAP repository into the SAP Web IDE
For more information on importing an existing application from the SAPUI5 ABAP repository into the SAP Web IDE
workspace see, Import Applications from the SAPUI5 ABAP Repository topic.
Related Information
Integrating the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to SAP ERP User Interface
SAP Fiori App My Paystubs Integration with Employee Central PUBLIC 11
2.5 Deploying SAP Fiori App My Paystubs to SAP Cloud
You can deploy any project from SAP Web IDE to SAP Cloud Integration as a new application or as an update to a
previously deployed application in any of your SAP Cloud Integration accounts.
SAP Fiori app My Paystubs that is deployed to an SAP Cloud Integration subaccount, can be added to the portal
site. You will be able to add the Fiori app to a launchpad page of the site after the successful deployment.
Deployment is required in order to consume backend OData services of Fiori application via SAP Cloud Integration.
For more information on deploying SAP Fiori app My Paystubs to SAP Cloud Integration see, Deploy Applications to
SAP Cloud Integration topic.
SAP Fiori app My Paystubs has a dependency on a related app (HCMFAB_COMMON) which also needs to be
deployed on SAP Cloud Integration. (See below)
SAPUI5 Application
The ICF nodes for the following SAPUI5 application must be activated on the front-end server:
Related Information
Integrating the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to SAP ERP User Interface
12 PUBLIC SAP Fiori App My Paystubs Integration with Employee Central
2.6 Configuring SAP SuccessFactors Extensions
Integrate SAP Cloud Integration with SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central through extensions to configure SAP
SuccessFactors Extensions
To configure SAP SuccessFactors Extensions, you must first integrate SAP Cloud Integration with SAP
SuccessFactors Employee Central through extensions. After the integration is done, you must enable New
Extension Manager (Fiori) on provisioning.
1. Create an integration token for SAP SuccessFactors. For more information see, Create an Integration Token for
SAP SuccessFactors topic.
2. Configure the extension integration between SAP Cloud Integration and SAP SuccessFactorsSAP
SuccessFactors. For more information see, Configure the Extension Integration Between SAP Cloud Integration
and SAP SuccessFactors topic.
If SAP SuccessFactors has IP restrictions defined in the IP Restriction Management tool, then the IP ranges
of the respective SAP Cloud Integration region should be added as well. To convert the IP ranges of the
respective SAP Cloud Integration region to a format expected by the IP Restriction Management tool, use
an IP calculator.
3. Define the People Pool for managing extensions. For more information see, Defining the People Pool for
Managing Extensions topic.
Related Information
Integrating the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to SAP ERP User Interface
SAP Fiori App My Paystubs Integration with Employee Central PUBLIC 13
2.7 Enabling SAP Fiori App My Paystubs in SAP
SuccessFactors Extension Manager
After the new Extension Manager (Fiori) is enabled on provisioning, you need to enable your SAP Fiori app My
Paystubs extension in Extension Manager and also assign the corresponding SAP SuccessFactors role to access
the Extension package.
To enable your SAP Fiori app My Paystubs extension in Extension Manager, follow the steps:
In case of Site not found error while trying to access Extension Directory. Kindly check that tenant type =
SFSF is maintained on the portal service of SAP Cloud Integration.
Now the added members are the administrators for the customer extension module (Extensions admin).
Integrating the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to SAP ERP User Interface
14 PUBLIC SAP Fiori App My Paystubs Integration with Employee Central
2.8 Enabling SAP Fiori App My Paystubs in SAP Cloud
Configure the connectivity between SAP Cloud Integration and the SAP ERP On-Premise system.
You must deploy SAP Fiori app My Paystubs in their SAP Cloud Integration sub-account. To get the SAP Fiori
app My Paystubs running you need to establish the connectivity for tunnel creation between your SAP Cloud
Integration sub-account and your Cloud Connector. This is done via configuration of destinations.
A destination defines the back-end connectivity and is an URL to which requests are forwarded.
1. Create connectivity with your Cloud Connector by creating destination on sub-account level. Enter the
following data:
a. Name = Cloud Connector tunnel
b. Type = HTTP
c. Description = on-premise connectivity via Cloud Connector.
d. URL = https://<YOUR Virtual Host>.portnumber
Virtual Host mapped with Internal Host (backend URL) in Cloud Connector
Example: https://VZN:4340
You need to create in your SAP ERP On-Premise system a corresponding business user role and
password having authorization to access SAP Fiori app My Paystubs. Ensure that all the users/
employees are configured with access permission for the business user role to call OData service
of SAP Fiori app My Paystubs on your SAP ERP On-Premise system.
Integrating the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to SAP ERP User Interface
SAP Fiori App My Paystubs Integration with Employee Central PUBLIC 15
k. WebIDEUsage =
2. Establish trust settings to enable SSO between SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central & SAP Cloud
Integration. For more information see, Create an Integration Token for SAP SuccessFactors topic.
3. Configure SAP Cloud Integration sub-account in Cloud Connector for cloud to SAP ERP On-Premise
4. Create Virtual Host <-> Internal Host (backend ABAP system) mapping in Cloud Connector.
Related Information
After enabling the SAP Fiori app My Paystubs on the SAP Cloud Integration, you need to enable the MyPaystubs
Fiori App on SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central.
You need to enable the SAP Fiori app My Paystubs in the SuccessFactors instance.
Integrating the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to SAP ERP User Interface
16 PUBLIC SAP Fiori App My Paystubs Integration with Employee Central
From the Intent Navigation section, type HCMFAB_PAY_MON (case sensitive) for the Semantic Object
field and Display (case sensitive) for the Action field.
Kindly check the intent navigation values (Semantic object & Action) at the end of the generated web URL
before configuring it under SuccessFactors Employee Central.
• Semantic object = HCMFAB_PAY_MON
• Action = Display
Example of sample
URL: https://flpsandboxXXXXXX.dispatcher.int.sap.<SCPlandscape>.ondemand.com/
sites?siteId=<FLP site ID>&evictCache=true#HCMFAB_PAY_MON-Display
10. Login to SuccessFactors Employee Central, navigate to Configure Custom Navigation and configure the URL for
Fiori App copied in the previous step as mentioned below.
We recommend you to choose External Link - New Tab/Window as the Link Type.
11. Login to SuccessFactors Employee Central, navigate to Employee Profile and click on Take Action. You will now
be able to see the MyPaystubs Fiori Payslip option enabled. Employees can now access their payslip via the SAP
Fiori app My Paystubs.
Integrating the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to SAP ERP User Interface
SAP Fiori App My Paystubs Integration with Employee Central PUBLIC 17
2.10 Configure SAP Fiori App My Paystubs in SuccessFactors
Employee Central
After you have successfully enabled the SAP Fiori app My Paystubs on SuccessFactors Employee Central, you have
to configure the SAP Fiori app My Paystubs.
You can access the SAP Fiori app My Paystubs in SuccessFactors Employee Central through custom navigation.
Related Information
Integrating the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to SAP ERP User Interface
18 PUBLIC SAP Fiori App My Paystubs Integration with Employee Central
3 UI Integration Using the Payroll
Information Page
Here's how to set up UI integration for the Payroll Information page or the Payroll block in People Profile.
Minimum System Setup Needed for UI Integration with Payroll [page 19]
Check if you meet the minimum setup requirements for a system in which you run payroll.
Check if you meet the minimum setup requirements for a system in which you run payroll.
The following components are needed in the versions listed here to use UI integration with a payroll system.
Integrating the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to SAP ERP User Interface
UI Integration Using the Payroll Information Page PUBLIC 19
You need this software component version and support
For this component ... package...
The EA-HR 607 software component is not only part of
the in-advance shipment HR renewal 1.0, but also of SAP
ERP 6.0 enhancement package 7. The same is true for
the EA-HR 608 software component version, which is part
of HR renewal 2.0 as well as SAP ERP 6.0 enhancement
package 8.
1487337 (Downporting the class CL_ABAP_DYN_PRG) Implement various quality improvement measures for dynamic
To check which country-specific infotypes are available for UI integration in which software component version, go
to SAP Help Portal at http://help.sap.com/hr_renewal. From here:
1. Choose your combination of release, feature pack, and support package from the Version list.
2. Choose your language from the Language list.
3. (Assuming you have chosen English:) Choose Application Help Human Resources .
This opens the SAP Library of the corresponding feature pack.
4. In the SAP Library, navigate to Personnel Management (PA) Personnel & Organization Infotypes
Employee Data (Infotypes) Country-Specific Infotypes using the navigation frame on the left side. Then
choose the relevant country to see the available infotypes.
Ensure that the SAP ERP system is configured in such a way that SAP can determine how the SAP ERP
software is used. To measure users in your SAP installation clearly and precisely, your users must be classified
according to their current use and the price list they are based on prior to each system measurement. This
classification reflects the terms of the contract. For using the ESS pay statement integration in EC, you need to
maintain a specific user classification in your SAP System Measurement tool. The contractually agreed-upon
special user for our integration scenario is the user SFSF EC Payslip Viewer. Please use one of the special
module types with ID 71-79 and overwrite the name of the contractual user type with SFEC EC Payslip Viewer
and then save your entries. These are then offered as F4 input help in the user classification of contractual user
types in your SAP ERP user maintenance transaction.
Integrating the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to SAP ERP User Interface
20 PUBLIC UI Integration Using the Payroll Information Page
Parent topic: UI Integration Using the Payroll Information Page [page 19]
Related Information
Use Payroll Configuration to customize the blocks for the Payroll Information page or the Payroll block in People
The Payroll Information page is the one place for HR administrators or employees to access all payroll-related
information. You can define the number of blocks and their content.
• Tax, showing:
• ISR Limits
• Work Tax Area
• Residence Tax Area
• Withholding Information W4/W5
• Additional Withholding Information
• Garnishments, showing:
• Garnishment Document
• Garnishment Order
• Garnishment Adjustments
• Earnings and Deductions, showing:
• Pay Statement
You can add links to infotypes, predelivered services, or URLs for third-party applications.
If People Profile has been enabled for your system, you’ll see the Payroll Information section in the People
Profile page. In Admin Center Configure People Profile , you must add the Payroll Information block in the
relevant section or subsection. A consistent UI behavior is delivered for country/region-specific mashups, Pay
Statements, and other ESS scenarios launched from the Payroll block of People Profile.
Integrating the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to SAP ERP User Interface
UI Integration Using the Payroll Information Page PUBLIC 21
Payroll Information Page
People Profile is the newest user interface for Employee Profile. For more information, see the People Profile
admin guide. Find the current version of this guide at http://help.sap.com/cloud4hr.
To set up Payroll Configuration, go to Admin Center and choose the Payroll Configuration tool.
Next Steps
If you’re an Employee Central Payroll customer, a new Payroll Unified Configuration tool has been introduced to set
up blocks, payroll tasks, and system configuration under one UI. You can use the EC payroll system configuration to
setup the blocks for each country/region application that you can display on the payroll configuration page.
Integrating the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to SAP ERP User Interface
22 PUBLIC UI Integration Using the Payroll Information Page
If you aren’t an Employee Central Payroll customer, you can do the following:
• You can generate a default set of blocks for each country or region for the Payroll Information page.
• You can use Payroll System Configuration to create your own blocks for the Payroll Information page, either
from scratch or by editing the default blocks.
• You can see the last replication status and it's time on the Payroll Information page. In order to see this,
administrator must have view permission to Employee Data Replication Status MDF.
Task overview: UI Integration Using the Payroll Information Page [page 19]
Related Information
Minimum System Setup Needed for UI Integration with Payroll [page 19]
Setting up Payslip for SAP ERP On-premise Customer [page 26]
You can generate a default set of portlets for each country for the Payroll Information page. The default portlets are
preconfigured and are different for each country.
Next Steps
After enabling the default portlets for each selected country, you must add system and client information for each
instance using Payroll System Configuration. You can also add more portlets, remove, or edit the existing default
portlets for specific countries in Payroll System Configuration.
Integrating the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to SAP ERP User Interface
UI Integration Using the Payroll Information Page PUBLIC 23
Task overview: Setting Up Payroll Configuration [page 21]
Related Information
You can use Payroll System Configuration to create your own portlets for the Payroll Information portlet, either from
scratch or by editing the default blocks.
If you’re editing the Payroll Configuration for a selected country/region, don't change the country/
region in this field.
Integrating the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to SAP ERP User Interface
24 PUBLIC UI Integration Using the Payroll Information Page
4. Configure your own blocks under Portlets section. Enter a name for the portlet and choose Details to add links.
Enter either an infotype number or a URL for each link, or select a predelivered service:
• Infotype Number: Enter the number of the infotype.
Make sure that the related infotype web service is activated. If you’re using the Personnel & Organization
component in your ERP system to edit master data for organizational units, positions, and employees,
as well as their assignments to each other, the corresponding master data application (Web Dynpro
application HRPAO_PAOM_MASTERDATA) must be activated.
You can also enter the number of a custom infotype. Theses numbers start with 9. If you’re using
the Personnel & Organization component in your ERP system, you can define configurations for
the HRPAO_PAOM_MASTERDATA Web Dynpro application to add custom content to the landing page
provided for HR professionals. For more information, got to SAP Help Portal at http://help.sap.com/
erp608 and choose the application help linked in the End-User Information section. From here,
navigate to SAP ERP Central Component Human Resources Personnel Management Personnel
& Organization Master Data Application Configuration .
• URL: Enter the URL of the relevant web service, starting with http(s)://….
• Service: Select a predelivered self-service: several of these self-services are country/region-specific.
Available self-services include:
If the Service dropdown is empty, you can import these values, along with the Payroll URL type values,
from the SuccessStore with the package name Payroll Configuration Picklists of type Payroll
Configuration. SuccessStore provides access to best-practice content libraries with prebuilt versions of
common elements used throughout SuccessFactors. There’s no direct module. It’s built into the tools.
The content is presented, when adding or editing, as options to select.
Only ESS scenarios with static URL with SSO authentication are supported.
Integrating the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to SAP ERP User Interface
UI Integration Using the Payroll Information Page PUBLIC 25
Now, you’ve defined the blocks of the Payroll Information portlet, the links under each block, and the infotype,
URL, or service for each link.
If People Profile has been enabled for your system, you see the Payroll block instead of the Payroll
Information page. People Profile is the newest user interface for Employee Profile. For more information
about People Profile, see the People Profile administration guide in SAP Help Portal http://help.sap.com/
Next Steps
If People Profile has been enabled for your system, you can continue to set up pay data (such as net pay, gross pay,
and tax) in the Payroll portlet for employee self-service. Employees viewing their own Employee File can view the
pay data in the Payroll block.
The links and portlet available on the Payroll Information portlet to a user depend dynamically on the role-based
permissions. You must set up role-based permissions for the Payroll Information portlet.
Related Information
You might have to configure the SAP ERP User Interface to setup the payslip for the On-premises customers. To
enable integrating the SAP ERP ESS Salary statement application with Employee Central it is a prerequisite that
this application is already configured in SAP ERP.
There are various steps that you need to perform for configuring the SAP ERP User Interface to setup the payslip
for the On-premises customers.
Integrating the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to SAP ERP User Interface
26 PUBLIC UI Integration Using the Payroll Information Page
1. Setup the single sign-on (SAML2.0 SSO) between Employee Central and SAP ERP HCM system.
For more information see Log on Using SAML 2.0 Assertion for Front-End Single Sign-On (SSO) [page 28].
2. Configure SAP Web Dispatcher to create a communication mode between the browser that you are using and
the SAP ERP system.
For more information on configuring the SAP Web Dispatcher, see Configuring SAP Web Dispatcher topic.
3. Configure ESS applications in Employee Central.
For more information see: Steps to Configure ESS Applications in Employee Central [page 31]
4. Choose the payslip type based on your requirement:
• Web Dynpro ABAP payslip
• Arrow-based payslip
If you are configuring the payslip for the first time, then SAP recommends you to use Web Dynpro ABAP
Pre-Requisite: It is mandatory that Webdynpro setup should have been completed already in Customer
ERP backend system for UI Integration of Webdypro ABAP paylip solution to work properly.
For more information see: Steps to Configure ESS Applications in Employee Central [page 31]. If you are an
On-prem customer, then you need not switch off the web dispatcher or proxy to have secure infrastructure.
Webdynpro ABAP Payslip could be used even when web dispatcher is configured in your own landscape. You
can embed this application under Payroll Information page to display the payslip.
For the above payslip to work, you should make sure that the ERP user ID is maintained in Infotype IT0105 -
Subtype 0001 so that application identify the ERP employee (PERNR) via User Id (SY-UNAME).
The above application which is suggested is only meant for employees to display the payslip based on the
SSO login. It is also mandatory that Webdynpro setup should have been completed already in customer
ERP backend system for UI Integration of Webdypro ABAP paylip solution to work properly.
If you have already configured the standard payslip, refer the 2253359 for more information.
This knowledge base article is valid only if there is no web dispatchers or proxies configured in between the
SAP ERP system and Employee Central system, which in turn specifies that there is a direct connectivity
between the SAP ERP system and Employee Central system.
5. Enable SAP ERP Pay Statement applications on SAP SuccessFactors homepage and mobile device support.
The SAP ERP ESS Salary statement application is based on SAP ERP Web Dynpro ABAP technology and was
designed for desktop computers. Please see SAP Note 2700517 for information on Mobile Device support.
Integrating the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to SAP ERP User Interface
UI Integration Using the Payroll Information Page PUBLIC 27
We recommend to use the SAP Fiori HCM My Paystub App for mobile device users. In addition, refer to the
following SAP Note:
• 2700517
: Mobile device support for Unified Rendering based UI technologies
• 2821440
: ESS UI5: Salary Statement PDF button does launch PDF with Chrome
Consider SAP Note 2700517 also when you want to launch the application through the SuccessFactors
Mobile application We recommend launching the SAP Fiori App My Paystub configured to be opened in a
separate browser window (tab) and to use the new homepage and custom cards.
Task overview: UI Integration Using the Payroll Information Page [page 19]
Related Information
Minimum System Setup Needed for UI Integration with Payroll [page 19]
Setting Up Payroll Configuration [page 21]
Your solution supports SSO based on Security Assertion Markup Language 2.0 (SAML 2.0). To use this function,
your system landscape requires the following components:
The use of an SAML 2.0. enabled identity provider is mandatory. If you have no identity provider, it is recommended
that you use SAP Cloud Identity Services - Identity Authentication.
When a user connects to the service provider by using the corresponding URL, the browser redirects the
authentication request to the IdP. If the user is not yet logged on, they are prompted to log on to the IdP. After
that the browser redirects the connection back to the original URL and the user is automatically logged on to the
service provider. This process flow is always the same for all server providers.
The mutual trust between service provider and IdP is established by the exchange of certificates and additional
It is recommended you disable username and password based access for users who use SSO to log in. As the
users would use SSO, they wouldn’t be aware if their passwords get changed. IdPs could also provide extra security
features such as two-factor authentication, which would not be effective in case the username and password
option is still available.
Integrating the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to SAP ERP User Interface
28 PUBLIC UI Integration Using the Payroll Information Page
For more information, see the Front-End Single Sign-On document in the Help Center and the SAP Identity Provider
documentation on SAP Help Portal at http://help.sap.com/netweaver SAP NetWeaver Identity Management
<release> Application Help .
This topic describes how to set up your solution to use front end single sign-on (SSO).
You have downloaded the XML file of the metadata of your identity provider (IdP)
You can configure SSO in your system using the Configure Single Sign-On common task, which is started
from Application and User Management Common Tasks .
For more information, see the administrator guide for your cloud product at help.sap.com.
SAP recommends using the standard IDP identity provider for payslip mashup provided for SuccessFactors
Employee Central rather than using the customized IDP.
1. Choose My System.
2. Under Download metadata, depending on the type of metadata acceptable to your identity provider, choose
either of the following: SP Metadata (Service Provider Metadata) or STS Metadata (Security Token Service
Some IdPs can upload all information from the metadata XML file. Others require manual entry of the
information contained in the file.
Integrating the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to SAP ERP User Interface
UI Integration Using the Payroll Information Page PUBLIC 29
4. Specifiy whether the employee can manually choose between logging on with a user ID and password or SSO
by selecting the Manual Identity Provider Selection check box.
5. In the SSO URL section, specify which URL should be used by the employee to log on to the system. In the URL
Sent to Employee drop-down list you can choose from the following options:
a. Non-SSO URL: The system sends only the normal system URL to the employee. The employee cannot log
on using SSO and must use a password or a certificate instead.
a. SSO URL: The system sends only the SSO URL to the employee. The employee can log on using SSO. The
authentication request is redirected through the IdP.
a. Automatic selection: If SSO is not active, the system sends the normal system URL to the employee. If SSO
is active, the system checks whether the employee has a password. If the password is available, both SSO
URL and non-SSO URL are sent to the employee. However, if the employee has no password, only the SSO
URL is sent to the employee.
6. Choose Identity Provider.
7. Click New Identity Provider and select the metadata XML file that you have downloaded from your IdP. By
importing the metadata, the system automatically uploads the required signature certificate and encryption
1. Enter the Assertion Consumer Service and Single Log-out Service URLs in the IDP configuration.
1. Go to SuccessFactors HCM Suite provisioning.
2. Choose a company.
3. Go to Authorized SP Assertion Consumer Service Settings in section Service Provider Settings.
4. Select a dedicated Application Name and select ERP Integration with PA_SE_IN in case of ERP
or S/4HANA On Premise.
5. Check the checkbox SHA-256 Certificate.
2. Configure the Service Provider SAML 2.0 for on-prem ERP system
1. Generate IDP metadata file.
Enter the URL in the following pattern and click enter: https://<server URL>/idp/samlmetadata?
2. Go to the transaction SAML2 and click on Trusted Providers tab and upload the IDP metadata from the
metadata file.
3. Click Add and choose Upload Metadata File from the dropdown menu.
8. If you have multiple identity providers configured and you have not selected the Manual Identity Provider
Selection check box in the previous step, you must select the default IdP, which is automatically selected when
logging onto the system. To do so, select the corresponding IdP and click Actions, then choose Set to Default.
9. If required, you can specify the Alias, which defines the displayed name of the IdP that appears on the log on
Integrating the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to SAP ERP User Interface
30 PUBLIC UI Integration Using the Payroll Information Page
10. If your IdP requires the element Assertion Consumer Service URL in the SAML request, select the
Include Assertion Consumer Service URL check box.
11. Once you have configured your IdP, activate SSO in your cloud solution. To do so, click Activate Single Sign-On.
12. Save your changes.
• 1. Employee master data has been replicated successfully from Employee Central to payroll system.
2. In transaction SU01, User ID has been created using the PersonID provided in Employee Central as User ID
and Alias name and has been assigned necessary roles and profiles.
3. The Communication (0105) infotype System User Name (0001) subtype has been updated with the User
ID you created in the previous step for the replicated employee.
4. Alternatively, you can use the report HRUSER to do steps 2 and 3 above.
1. Go to Admin Center in Employee Central. In the Tools search field, enter Payroll Configuration and choose
Payroll System Configuration from the Search field. Configure the payroll system, by choosing a country.
2. As an example add a new portlet as Canada Tax form (existing portlets can also be used) and provide
appropriate link label. In the URL section, paste application configuration url copied from the browser by
executing the application in SE80 in the ERP system's URL.
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UI Integration Using the Payroll Information Page PUBLIC 31
3. Click on Details to configure the application as Self-service application as shown below and save the
4. In transaction SICF in Payroll system, enter HRESS_A_PAYINFO in the Service Name field and then press the
Execute button (or press F8). Double-click the service HRESS_A_PAYINFO.
5. Click the Change button and click the Logon Data tab page.
6. Under Authentication, select Internet User.
7. Save your changes.
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32 PUBLIC UI Integration Using the Payroll Information Page
4 UI Integration Using Custom Navigation
You can use the Configure Custom Navigation admin tool in Employee Central to add hyperlinks to various locations
in the SAP SuccessFactors user interface, enabling users to navigate from that location to a specified URL.
For more information about this tool, see the Custom Navigation Links administration guide. Find the most current
version of this guide in SAP Help Portal at http://help.sap.com/cloud4hr.
In addition, you can refer to these SAP notes for more information on configuring custom navigation:
Add custom link(s) in Home Menu and Employee Profile for 2092557
External and/or Internal application
Integrating the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to SAP ERP User Interface
UI Integration Using Custom Navigation PUBLIC 33
5 Troubleshooting of Integration of SAP ERP
User Interface with Employee Central
Learn more about common issues related to different browsers when launching SAP ERP Web Dynpro applications
integrated with SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central (cross-domain browser integration scenario).
You’ve recently updated your Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, or Safari web browser. After the update
you’re getting browser errors such as Page not displayed ‘Error 400 session not found’ when launching SAP ERP
Web Dynrpo applications integrated with SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central.
This issue is caused due to the tightened cookie handling of the browsers for the SameSite attribute. The recent
browser updates are incompatible with the SameSite cookie handling of SAP applications. To know more about the
affected browser and the browser versions and to resolve this issue, 2887651 and apply the solution based on
your environment. For more assistance on implementing the note 2887651's Server-side solution, please contact
your basis experts. In case of any queries regarding the note, kindly contact the BC-CST-IC component support.
We advise you to consult with your security team and discuss if the temporary approach meets your company
security standards before applying the temporary fix on the web browser that you’re using.
You’re facing issues when launching SAP ERP Web Dynpro applications integrated with SAP SuccessFactors
Employee Central in your Google Chrome browser or Microsoft New Edge (Chromium)
This issue occurs when you’re closing or refreshing the browser and or navigating between the applications.
Integrating the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to SAP ERP User Interface
34 PUBLIC Troubleshooting of Integration of SAP ERP User Interface with Employee Central
To resolve this issue, refer to KBA-2781622 and upgrade your system landscape by applying the relevant SAP
released patch or note for SAP on-premise system.
This is an issue that occurs when you embed Fiori Launchpad URL in SuccessFactors due to the default cross-
domain framing protection.
This issue occurs due to the default security behavior settings during integration via iFrame of cross-domain SAP
applications. To resolve the issue, you need to define the allow list in the HTTP_WHITELIST in ABAP Back-End.
Define what is allowed in HTTP_WHITELIST in ABAP Back-End. For more information see the following document in
SAP Help Portal.
Related Information
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Troubleshooting of Integration of SAP ERP User Interface with Employee Central PUBLIC 35
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