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A. He was weak and unable to enforce his
2006/2007 UNIZIK POST
UTME QUESTIONS B. He was partial and unfair in dispensing
Time Allowed:1 Hour C. He was simple minded to a fault
D. He was slow to act
Choose the option that best conveys the E. He was lacking in education and experience
meaning of the underlined portion in each of in everyday affairs.
the following sentences
7. His summary of the lecture was brief and to
1. In the match against the Rangers team, the point.
the Enyimba boys turned out to be the dark A. careful
horse. B. precise
A. played most brilliantly C. accurate
B. played their usual form D. exact
C. won unexpectedly E. crucial
D. lost as expected
E. won as expected 8. Do you have the same aversion as I do for
home videos?
2. He spoke with his heart in his mouth. A. bitterness
A. courageously B. dislike
B. With such unusual cowardice C. criticism
C. with a lot of confusion in his speech D. indignation
D. without being able to make up his mind E. reference
E. with fright and agitation
9. I did not think she could be so easily taken
3. The leader in today's issue of punch in by his pretences.
Newspaper focuses on inflation. A. flattered
A. president B. deceived
B. headline C. pregnated
C. editorial D. overcome
D. columnist E. black mailed
E. proprietor
10. The witness was guilty of swearing to a
4. All his plans fall through. statement he knew to be false.
A. failed A. forgery
B. were accomplished B. perjury
C. had to be reviewed C. libel
D. were rejected D. slander
E. fell E. affidavit

5. He stared at her. 11. Most of his observations were wide of the

A. glanced mark.
C. looked A. comprehensive
D. gazed B. irrelevant
E. fixed C. pertinent
D. came rather late
6. As he was a gullible leader, his followers E. unacceptable
took advantage of him,

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12. The clerk refused to answer for the 18. The two boxers were neck and neck up all
mistakes made by the manager and his the sixth round but the seventh and final
assistants. round, the bigger one lost ground.
A. to reply A. could no longer stand on his feet
B. to give an answer B. failed to maintain his position
C. to explain C. was beaten
D. to responsibility D. became dizzy
E. to account for E. became a punching bag

13. Good citizens should take the part of a 19. He uses his savings to bring up his
good government when it is being attacked by nephew.
the foreign press. A. lead
A. speak in support of B. accompany
B. played by C. feed
C. act like a representative of D. support
D. emphasize the progress made by E. conduct
E. outlined the virtues of
20. Whenever I travel abroad, I always bring,
14. The principal of my school has a variety of on my return, photographs, post cards and
peculiarities, the, most conspicuous is the way small items as souvenirs
he gesticulates when making a serious point. A. 'mementoes
A. show anxiety when making a serious point B. remembrance
B. breaks down when talking seriously C. memorials
C. uses his hands and arms as a sign D. memorable
D. bows his head in humility E. property
E. shakes his head from on
Complete each of the following sentences by
15. He heard the loud noise of the huge air- choosing the option that most suitably fills the
raid siren. space
A. buzz
B. crack 21. When the beggar was tired, he down
C. rumble by the roadside.
D. whistle A. lied
E. wait B. laid
C. layed
16. One of the stages of the creative process D. lay
is the incubation period. This refers to the E. lain
period when .
A. the idea is firmly fixed through repetition 22. He did not like leaving the class
B. the person suddenly comes upon the idea early.
C. the person thinks over the idea A. we
D. the idea yields concrete results B. us
E. the idea is given up C. our
D. our selves
17. When a man is immune to an illness, he
is . 23. Before the operation, the dentist found
A. opposed to it that his patient’s teeth .
B. attached to it A. have long decayed
C. hated by it B. have long been decayed
D. protected against it C. have long being decayed
E. addicted to it. D. had long decayed
E. had been decayed

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24. The employer, not the salesman and his D. between you and me
representative, responsible for the loss of E. between you and myself
A. are is 31. Equilibrium is said to be attained in a
B. are being reversible reaction when .
C. are never A. all the reactants have been used up
D. is B. all the products have been formed
C. there is no further change in temperature
25. The boy was horn before his parent, D. the rates of the forward and backward
actually got married and so the court has reactions are equal
declared him . E. the rates of formation the products
A. illegal decrease with time
C. illicit
D. unlawful 32. Bubbling of carbon (iv) oxide into calcium
E. untenable hydroxide solution results in formation
of .
26. As he was still owing me two naira, I was A. CaO
careful not to him any more money. B. Ca(OH)2
A. credit C. CaCO3
B. loan D. Ca(HO3)2
C. borrow E. H2CO3
D. extend
E. lend 33. If 3 mole electrons arc required to deposit
1 mole of metal M during the electrolysis of its
27. Last week the at the theatre was the molten chloride, the empirical formula of the
largest I had ever seen. metallic chloride is:
A. assembly A. M3CI
B. congregation B. M3CI2
C. convention C. MCI
D. audience D. M2CI
E. crowd C. MCI3

28. The green snake which lives in green 34. Which of the following compounds
grass is using a perfect . crystallizes without water of crystallization?
A. ambush A. Na2O3
B. undercover B. CuSO4
C. camouflage C. MgSO4
D. shelter D. NaCl
E. subterfuge E. FeSO4

29. In order to carry out the necessary post 35. When starch undergoes complete enzyme
mortem examination, the dead body catalysed hydrolysis, the resulting product
was . is .
A. extracted A. glucose
B. extradited B. maltose
C. exiled C. sucrose
D. exhumed D. fructose
E. expelled E. cellulose

30. Remember this matter is strictly . 36. When steam is passed over white-hot
A. between you and I coke the products are .
B. among you and I A. carbon (iv) and nitrogen
C. among you and me B. carbon (iv) oxide and hydrogen

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C. carbon (ii) oxide and nitrogen C. lives in a pond

D. carbon (iv) oxide and hydrogen D. possesses a flagellum
E. carbon (iv) oxide and steam E. has a pellicle

37. Which of the following compounds will not 43. When proteins are broken down, they
decomposed when heated strongly? also provide .
A. NaHCO3 A. oxygen
B. K2CO3 B. carbohydrates
C. MgCO3 C. energy
D. Ca(HCO3)2 D. amino acids
E. ZnCO3 E. carbon dioxide

38. The rate of a reaction is proportional to 44. Which of these obtain from analysing
the number of effective collisions occurring sweat from the skin is not an excretory
per second between the particles. This product?
statement is associated A. water
A. kinetic theory B. salt
B. molecular theory C. dust
C. atomic theory D. urea
D. collision theory E. urates
E. gas laws
45. The centre which controls respiratory
39. How many faradays of electricity are activities in the mammalian brain is the .
required to 39. How many faradays of
electricity are required to liberate 9g of
aluminium? (Al=27). ANSWERS TO 2006/2007
A. 0, 1
C. 1.0
D. 2.7 1. C 2. E 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. B 8. B 9. B
E. 3.0
10. B 11. B 12. D 13. A 14. C 15. D 16. C
40. Which of the following metals will be the
most suitable for use where lightness and 17. D 18. C 19. D 20. A 21. D 22. C 23. D
resistance to corrosion are of importance?
A. lead 24. E 25. B 26. E 27. D 28. C 29. D 30. D
B. copper
C. iron 31. D 32. C 33. E 34. D 35. A 36. D 37. B
D. calcium
E. aluminium 38. D 39. C 40. E 41. C 42. A 43. C 44. C

41. If you cross-breed a tall variety (Tt) of 45. E

maize with a short variety (tt) the ratio of tail
to short plants in the offspring will be . A.
B. 12
D. 1:3

42. Euglena may be classified as a plant www.9jabaz.ng

because .
A. has chloroplast
B. has a gullet

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Shade (firmly) only one answer using HB A. extensive
pencil only B. nuclear
C. neutral
Time Allowed:1 Hour D. contracted

Choose the Opposite in meaning to the 7. The appearance of the pall-bearers was
word(s) or phrase(s) underlined. extremely facilitating.
A. magnetic
1. The government is making concerted B. unorganized
effort in providing essential social facilities in C. interesting
the rural areas. D. repulsive
A. dissipated
B. unconcerned 8. Many miners protested against the order to
C. unsuccessful match into the coal pits.
D. uncontrolled A. strut
B. amble
2. The western allies frowned at their enemies C. trudge
indiscriminate bombing of their territory. D. ramble
A. impartial
B. selective 9. The nasty action will bring nothing but
C. unprovoked discredit to them.
D. divide A. honour
B. share
3. The girl is very intelligent but her jokes are C. reward
rather outrageous. D. disgrace
A. offensive
B. courageous 10. The man's health has deteriorated in the
C. pleasant hospital.
D. unwholesome A. collapsed
B. improved
4. We cannot but talk about his invaluable C. worsened
contributions to the affairs of the society. D. revive
A. worthless
B. costly Choose the nearest in meaning to the
C. unrecognized word(s) or Phrase(s) underlined.
D. incalculable
11. The boss made a clean sweep all the
5. This average fertility figure of course hands in the office.
conceals wide individual variations among A. Completely got rid
the people. B. clearly swept the office
A. attracts C. made a quick change
B. covers D. made an adjustment
C. exposes
D. concludes 12. His anxiety was apparent to every
present in the ceremony.
6. Men living in an extended family know A. real
that they have to be responsible for the B. visible
welfare of some other person's children. C. transparent
D. unknown.

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13. Our experience on board the aircraft was A. indolent

nothing to write home about. B. furtive
A. not remarkable C. boisterous
B. not unpleasant D. agile
C. nobody's business
D. not home affair 21. The way he handled the whole issue was
rather despicable.
14. The rampage was organized and directed A. disturbing
by the militant ones among the students. B. likeable
A. soldier C. contemptible
B. rebellious ones D. frustrating
C. belligerent ones
D. commanders 22. The authenticity of the reporter’s claim
should be established before taking further
15. The governor advised his people to get actions on the matter.
off the beaten tracks in their approach to A. facts
community matters. B. source
A. use the old roads C. evidence
B. make the tracks better D. genuineness
C. find new ways
D. avoid beaten about the bush 23. After careful investigation the police found
no iota of truth in Abraham's allegation.
16. It was their custom to keep an open A. quota
house on Sundays. B. grain
A. welcome all visitors C. evidence
B. keep the shutters D. statement
C. leave the house open
D. exposes the whole house 24. The Case was thrown out because the
Court lacked jurisdiction.
17. The president made a passionate appeal A. juror to help the judge
for calm. B. authority
A. inflamed C. prosecutors
B. disturbing D. appellate powers
C. intense
D. lively 25. The chief will launch the fund-raising
18. Dauda stole the day takings from the A. make a speech at
bakery excitement. B. eat his afternoon meal during
A. receipt C. travel by boat to
B. collections D. start off
C. contributions
D. offering 26. Okeke has been employed but he is
unhappy because it is a run of in his mill
19. You do not need to stutter to show your job.
excitement. A. a boring
A. Jump about B. a poor paying
B. shout C. a tiring
C. sob D. an ordinary
D. stammer
27. I would like to believe that this brilliant
20. What embarrassed me is the stealthy performance of yours is not just a flash in
way in which the new servant goes about his the pan.
duties in this house. A. repeated occurrence

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B. normal happening 35. His summary of the meeting was brief

C. flashy happening and to the point.
D. chance occurrence A. precise
B. accurate
28. As the wedding day approached the C. exact
bridge began develop cold feet. D. crucial
A. Fall sick
B. feel cold 36. The minister hit on a plan to retain his
C. be reluctant post after many months of lobbying.
D. become aggressive A. drew up a plan
B. discover a plan
29. I told my brother to get the matter off C. plan selected
his chest as soon as possible. D. designed a plan
A. give serious thought to the matter
B. say what he has been anxious to say 37. My friend will hate his uncle forever
C. make brief comment because he left him in lurch in his hour of
D. state his points clearly need.
A. Abandoned him
30. He has a big heart but he is inept at B. punished him
following a witty conversation. C. disinherited him
A. Large D. despised him
B. huge
C. warm 38. Our school perfect is officious and we all
D. fragile halt him because of his behaviour.
A. efficient
31. The clerk refused to answer for mistakes B. efficacious
made by the manager and his assistances. C. over-zealous
A. reply to D. active
B. give an answer
C. accept responsibility for Choose the word/expression complete
D. account for search sentence

32. Most of his observations were wide of 39. He regarded the betrayal of his friend as a
the mark. stab the back.
A. comprehensible A. on
B. irrelevant B. at
E. pertinent C. in
D. unacceptable D. from

33. I didn't think she could be so easily taken 40. Our manager has instructed that of
by his pretences. customers must be barred from our bank.
A. flatter A. those type
B. impregnated B. that type
C. deceived C. that types
D. overcome D. this types

34. Do you have the same aversion as I do 41. He was not a very student when I
for war films. first met him but the year his character
A. bitterness ultimately.
B. dislike A. mature/mature
C. criticism B. matured/mature
D. preference C. mature/matured
D. matured/matured

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49. I looked for you all over the campus but I

42. Because of the he did to my car, I could not you.
am going to sue him for . A. Find
A. damage/damages B. see
B. damages/damage C. meet
C. damages/damages D. catch
D. damage/damage
50. is always superior to any other in
43. Although I am watching television, I town.
what you are saying. A. there's
A. Am hearing B. their
B. can hear C. their's
C. have heard D. there
D. was hearing
51. Two radioactive elements A and B have
44. One of the rioters who arrested half-lives 100 and 50 years, respectively.
yesterday released. Samples of A and of D ration of the number of
A. was/had been the remaining atoms of A to initially contain
B. were/have been equal number of atoms. What is the that of B
C. was/have been after 200 years
D. were/has been A. 4:1
B. 2:1
45. The teacher invited Ifeanyi and to C. 1:1
his office. D. 1:4
A. myself
B. me 52. A boy standing some distance from the
C. I foot of tall cliff claps his hands and hears echo
D. himself 0.5s later. if the speed of sound is 340m/s.
how far is he from the cliff?
46. Joseph and his wife are always fighting. A. 17m
The to be drawn from this is that they B. 34m
are not happy together. C. 85m
A. reference D. 170m
B. inference
C. difference 53. Which of the following is not correct about
D. deference isotopes of an element? They have .
A. the same neutron number
47. The government has provided new B. the same proton number
for the local government polls. C. the same of electrons
A. guard lines D. different physical properties
B. Guide lines
C. guardlines 54. Which of the following is not an
D. guidelines electromagnetic radiation?
A. X-ray
48. The manager was angry with Okoye B. radio waves
for seeds of discord among the C. sunlight
workers. D. sound waves
A. planting
B. sewing 55. Cloud formation is the direct result
C. cultivating of .
D. sowing A. precipitation
B. vaporization

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C. condensation C. viscosity
D. sublimation D. cohesion

56. Water boils at a lower temperature when 62. Which of the following, simple machines is
heated at the top of a mountain than at sea a second class?
level because at the top of the mountain A. Wheel barrow
the . B. crowbar
A. saturation vapor pressure of water is high C. claw hammer
than at sea level D. seesaw
B. sun adds more heat to the water
C. relative humidity of the atmosphere is 63. Which of the following undergo when
lower types of motion do a body acted upon by a
D. pressure of the atmosphere is lower couple?
A. Vibration
57. The main reason why rice cooks faster in B. Transactional
a pressure cooker than cooking pot is that C. Rotational
. D. Random
A. less heat escapes from the cooker
B. the vapor pressure in the cooker is 64. The frequency of a swinging pendulum is
constant the .
C. the boiling point of water in the cooker is A. number of complete oscillations the
raised pendulum makes in one second
D. the vapor pressure in the cooker decrease B. number of amplitudes makes in one second
C. angle the bob swings through in one
58. In which of the following media would second
sound waves travel faster? D. distance the bob covers in one second
A. kerosene
B. alcohol 65. Which of the following quantities has the
C. iron same unit as energy?
D. air A. power
B. work
59. Which of the following phenomena is a C. force
practical evidence for the existence of the D. momentum
continual motion of molecules?
A. Translational motion 66. Which of the methods can be used to
B. rotational motion separate a mixture of two miscible with
C. Brownian motion different boiling points?
D. oscillatory motion A. decantation
B. distillation
60. Each of the following physical quantities C. evaporation
classified as a vector or as a scalar quantity. D. filtration
Which of the classifications is correct?
A. electric potential (vector) 67. Pig iron is brittle because contains
B. momentum (scar) A. a high percentage of carbon as impurity
C. gravitational field intensity (scalar) B. calcium trioxosilicate(IV)
D. magnetic flux density (vector) C. unreacted haematite
D. undecomposed limestone
61. The friction which exists between the
layers of liquid in relative motion is 68. Which of these metals will not liberate
called . hydrogen from dilute HCl?
A. capillarity A. copper
B. surface tension B. iron

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C. magnesium C. sulphide ions

D. zinc D. tetraoxosulphate(vi) ions

69. Radium is used as a tracer in medical 76. What quantity of electrons (in mole) is
research because it . lost when one mole of iron (II) ions is oxidized
A. is monatomic to iron (III) ions?
B. is radioactive A. 5 moles
C. is a noble gas B. 4 moles
D. has complete valence shell C. 1 mole
D. 3 moles
70. In linear molecules, the bond angles
is . 77. The common feature of reaction at the at
A. 90° anode is that .
B. 140° A. electrons are consumed
C. 180° B. oxidation is involved
D.120° C. ions are reduced electrode dissolves
D. the electrode dissolve
71. A sodium atom and a sodium ion has the
same . 78. Ethene undergoes mainly addition
A. number of neutrons reaction because it is .
B. number of electrons A. a gas
C. electric charge B. a hydrocarbon
D. chemical properties C. unsaturated
D. a covalent compound
72. An increase in the pressure of gas result
in a decrease in its . 79. The position of equilibrium in a reversible
A. mass reaction is affected by .
B. vapor density A. particle size of the reactants
C. volume B. change in concentration of the reactants
D. temperature C. presence of a catalyst
D. change in size of the reaction vessel
73. An acid is a substance which in the
presence of water produces 80. The reaction between alkanoic acids and
A. salts alkanols in the presence of a mineral acid is
B. oxygen known as .
C. hydroxonium A. saponification
D. effervescence B. hydrolysis
C. polymerization
74. Which of the following is a general method D. esterification
of preparing acid?
A. direct combination of constituent elements 81. A fundamental similarity between nervous
B. double decomposition involving a salt and hormonal system is that both .
solution A. involves chemical transmission
C. reaction between involves anhydride and B. have widespread effects
water C. shed chemicals into the blood stream
D. dissolution of hydroxides followed by D. evoke rapid response
82. The irreversible life process by which new
75. Which of the following ions will migrate to protoplasm is added to increase the size and
the cathode during electrolysis? weight of an organism can be termed .
A. Zinc ion A. anabolism
B. chloride irons B. catabolism

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C. growth 90. What is the function of trichocytes in

D. development paramecium?
A. Movement
83. If an organism obtains its food by means B. defence
haustoria, it is said to be . C. excretion
A. halophytic D. reproduction
B. heterophytic
C. saprophytic 91. The sum of the angles of regular polygon
D. parasite is 2520°. How many sides the polygon
have .
84. The main waste product formed in plants A. 20
are . B. 18
A. alkaloids, tannins and resins C. 15
B. water, alkaloids and carbon dioxide D.16
C. oxygen, carbon dioxide and alkaloids
D. water, carbon dioxide and oxygen 92. If the exterior angles of a quadrilateral
are y°, (2y+5)°, (y+15)° and (3y−10) °, find
85. In the mammalian respiratory system, y°.
exchange of gases occurs in the . A. 61.43
A. lungs B. 60
B. bronchi C. 51.43
C. bronchioles D. 50
D. alveoli
93. Calculate the surface area of a sphere of
86. If the phloem of a healthy plant is killed radius 7cm {take π=22 }
by heat treatment, the . A. 86cm2
A. upward movement of salts will accumulate
B. 154 cm2
B. manufacture in the leaves will accumulate
C. 616 cm2
C. whole plant will die immediately
D. leaves of the plants will become yellow
94. If 3log a + 6log a — 6log a = log 64, what
87. If an animal has diastema, it would not
is a?
possess . A. 4
A. incisors
B. 6
B. canines
C. 8
C. premolars
D. 16
D. molars
95. The sales girl gave a change of ₦1.15 to a
88. The major function of the swim bladder in
customer instead ₦1.25. calculate her
fishes is .
percentage error
A. breathing A. 10%
B. buoyancy B. 2%
C. swimming
C. 8%
D. diving
D. 0.8%
89. Insects and millipede have many features
96. The ages of three men are in the ratio
in common except .
3:4:5. If the difference between the ones of
A. jointed appendages
the oldest and younger is 18 years. Find the
B. compound eyes
sum of the ages of the three men.
C. segmented body
A. 45 years
D. exoskeleton
B. 72 years
C. 108 years
D. 216 years
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ANSWERS 2008/2009
97. Which of the following number is a perfect
A. 350
B. 504 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. D 9. A
C. 950
D. 1728 10. B 11. A 12. B 13. A 14. B 15. C 16. A

98. A car moves at an average speed of 17. C 18. B 19. D 20. B 21. C 22. D 23. C
30km/h. How long does it take to cover 200
meters? 24. B 25. D 26. B 27. D 28. C 29. B 30. C
A. 2.4 sec
B. 24 sec 31. C 32. B 33. C 34. B 35. A 36. B 37. A
C. 144 sec
D. 240 sec 38. C 39. C 40. A 41. C 42. A 43. B 44. A

99. If N varies directly as M. and N = 7 When 45. B 46. B 47. D 48. D 49. A 60. C 51. A
M=20. Find M when N=7.
A. 13 52. C 53 A 54. D 55. C 56. D 57. C 58. C
B. 15
C. 17 ½ 59. C 60. D 61. C 62. A 63. C 64. A 65. B
D. 18 ½
66. B 67. A 68. B 69. B 70. C 71. A 72. C
100. Express 0.0462 in standard form
A. 0.462 x 10-1 73. C 74. C 75. A 76. C 77. B 78. C 79. B
B. 0.462 x 10-2
C. 4.62 x 10-1 80. D 81. B 82. C 83. D 84. A 85. D 86. B
D. 4.62 x 10-2
87. B 88. B 89. D 90. B 91. D 92. D 93. C

94. C 95. C 96. C 97. D 98. B 99. C 100. D




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Shade firmly only one answer using HB 7. The importation of rice permitted while
pencil only that of wheat is .
Time Allowed: 1 Hour A. allowed
B. suspended
Choose the word or group of words that is C. inhibited
mostly nearly opposite in meaning to the D. prohibited
underlined word(s).
8. The goal scored in the second half of the
1. There is no doubt that pride is less a match lifted the team from agony of defeat
quality than . to of victory.
A. arrogance A. hope
B. honesty B. celebration
C. efficiency C. ceremony
D. humility D. ecstasy

2. Few people prefer the rural to the 9. One species of animal has gone into
arrears. extinction while the other has .
A. modern A. antiquity
B. urban B. oblivion
C. pastoral C. existence
D. rustic D. irrelevance

3. Dan is quite refined in his manners but his 10. The council ratified the controversial
colleague is rather . recommendation which we thought would
A. arrogant be .
B. crude A. refuted
C. cultured B. rejected
D. unskilled C. authenticated
D. irrelevance
4. Instead of helping to preserve our culture,
the youths engage in activities that it. Choose the word that best complete each
A. denounce following statement
B. alter
C. conserve 11. He was sent to remand home in the hope
D. destroy that the place would him.
A. amend
5. We should regard donations as and B. improve
not compulsory. C. reform
A. mandatory D. remand
B. necessary
C. voluntary 12. Since there is no further comments, the
D. obligation Chairman called for the of the minutes of
the last meeting.
6. The affluence of the politicians contrast A. objection
with the of the masses. B. correction
A. poverty C. resolution
B. paucity D. adoption
C. misery
D. suffering 13. There was a ten minute during the
stage performance of the play.

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A. interim C. proceedings
B. interplay D. arguments
C. interlude
D. intercession 21. Which of the following physical process
cannot be explained by the molecular theory
14. The judge restrained the landlord of matter?
from the tenant. A. evaporation
A. ejecting B. thermal conduction
B. sacking C. radiation of heat
C. dismissing D. conventional currents in fluids
D. attacking
22. A spring balance, which is suspended from
15. The soldier pledge their loyalty to the roof of a lift, carries a mass I kg at its free
their commander. end. If the lift accelerates upwards at 2.5ms-2,
A. divided determine the reading on the spring balance
B. unalloyed (g=10ms-2).
C. remarkable A. 25.0N
D. enormous B. 12.5N
C. 7.5N
16. Many children are suffering from D. 4.0N
because of poor feeding.
A. meningitis 23. An object of weight 10N immersed in a
B. maltreatment liquid displaces a quantity of the liquid. If the
C. hepatitis liquid displaced weighs 6N, determine the up
D. malnutrition thrust on the object.
A. 20N
17. The elders advised the priest to confine B. 10N
himself to his duties. C. 6N
A. Sacrilegious D. 4N
B. pastoral
E. angelic 24. A block weighing 15N rest on a flat
D. divine surface and a horizontal force of 3N is exerted
on it. Determine the frictional force on the
18. The audience gave the actor a block
standing for his beautiful performance. A. 0.3N
A. proclamation B. 0.5N
B. ovation C. 3.0N
C. clapping D. 5.0N
D. reward
25. The apparent weight of a body fully
19. If the costumer fails to honour his pledge immersed in water is 32N and its weight is air
again, his will surely be in doubt. is 96N, calculate the volume of the body
A. responsibility (density of water =1000kgm-3; g=10ms-2).
B. validity A. 8.9x 10-3m3
C. credulity B. 6.4 x 10-3m3
D. credibility C. 3.2 x 10-3m3
D. 3.0 x 10-3m3
20. The judge warned that he would not
tolerate any interruption of the of the 26. Resistance of wire depends on .
court. A. the length of the wire
A. proceeds B. the diameter of the wire
B. deliberations C. the temperature of the wire
D. all of the above

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C. work
27. Which of the following is a correct D. energy/m2
explanation of the inertia of the body?
A. reluctance to stop moving 34. Water shows anomalous behaviour .
B. ability to overcome the earth’s gravity A. below 0°C
C. reluctance to start moving and its B. between 0°C and 4°C
reluctance to stop moving once it has begun C. at exactly 4°C
to move D. above 100°C
D. readiness to start moving
35. A heavy object is suspended from a string
28. A device that converts sound energy into and lowered into water so that it is completely
electrical energy is . submerged. The object appears lightly
A. the horn of a motor car because .
B. an A.C generator A. the density of water is less than that of
C. a microphone object
D. a loudspeaker B. the pressure is low just below the water
29. What is the cost of running five 50w C. it experiences an up thrust
lamps and four 100W lamps for 10 hours if D. the tension in the string neutralizes part
electrical energy cost 2 kobo per kwh? the weight
A. ₦0.65
B. ₦0.13 36. Which of the following is a derived unit?
C. ₦3.90 A. kilogramme
D. ₦1.30 B. metre
C. Kelvin
30. Which of the following is NOT a D. Newton
fundamental S.I unit?
A. meter 37. A dentist obtains a linear magnification of
B. Kelvin 4 of a hole in a tooth by placing a concave
C. ampere mirror at a distance of 2.0cm from the tooth.
D. radian The radius of curvature of the mirror is .
A. 5.3cm
31. A simple pendulum with a period of 2.0s B. 5.2cm
has its length double. Its new period is .A. C. 2.8cm
1.00s D. 1.5cm
B. 28.3s
C.1.83s 38. What is the effect of the increase in the
D. 0.35s size of the hole of a pin-hole camera on the
32. Which of the following phenomena cannot A. a blurred image
be explained by the molecular theory of B. correct for chromatic aberration
matter? C. magnifies the image
A. expansion D. image
B. conduction
C. radiation 39. The mechanical advantages of an inclined
D. evaporation plane depends on .
A. its length
33. In a gas experiment, the pressure of the B. its height
gas is plotted against the reciprocal of the C. the ratio of its length to its height
volume of the gas at a constant temperature, D. the product of its length and height
the unit of the slope of resulting curve is .
A. force
B. force/m

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40. A man walks 13k north and then 5km in a B. petrol

direction 60° east of north. Find the distance C. methane
from his starting point. D. Vaseline
A. 11.36 km
B. 13.00 km 48. Compounds that have the same molecular
C. 12.3 km formula but different structures are said to be
D. 14.36 km A. allotropic
B. isomeric
41. Glucose reduces Fehling's solution on C. isotropic
warming to . D. polymeric
A. Copper (I) oxide
B. copper (II) oxide 49. ln which of the following crystals arc the
C. copper (I) chloride particles held by Van der Waal's force only?
D. copper (II) hydroxide A. sodium chloride
B. ice
42. Pig-iron is brittle because it contains . C. diamond
A. a high percentage of carbon as impurity D. iodine
B. calcium trioxosulphate (iv) acid
C. anhydrous calcium chloride 50. Hydrogen is used for the following
D. phosphorus (v) oxide except .
A. manufacture of ammonia
43. Which of the following is normally used for B. synthesis of hydrochloric acid
drying ammonia gas? C. extinguishing fire
A. concentrated tetraoxosulphate (VI) acid D. manufacture of margarine
B. calcium oxide
C. Lead (IV) tetraethyl 51. Under high pressure, real gases do not
D. sodium hydroxide obey gas laws because their molecules .
A. have become more energetic
44. The following metals arc extracted by the B. have become less energetic
electrolytic method except . C. have become smaller in size
A. potassium D. decomposed into atoms
B. calcium
C. tin 52. Which of the following silver halides is
D. magnesium readily soluble in ammonium hydroxide?
A. AgI
45. Nuclear reaction can be used in the B. AgBr
following except . C. AgCl
A. gauging the-thickness of objects D. AgF
B. making-atomic bombs
C. curing cancer 53. Hardening of an oil may be achieved
D. purifying water by .
A. boiling of the oil with water
46. To what temperature must a gas be raised B. boiling the oil with a catalyst
from 273k in order to double both its volume C. treating the oil with hydrogen and a
and pressure? catalyst
A. 298k D. distilling the oil under reduced pressure
B. 300k
C. 546k 54. Starch can be converted to ethyl alcohol
D. 1092k by .
A. distillation
47. Which of the following is not a direct B. fermentation
petroleum product? C. cracking
A. ethanol D. isomerization

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B. mitochondria
55. The oxidizing state of manganese in C. lysosome
potassium permanganate is . D. ribosome
A. +5
B. +3 63. The ability of organisms to maintain a
C. +7 constant internal environment is known
D. +2 as .
A. diuresis
56. Which of the following sentence arc all B. endosmosis
made by the process of polymerization? C. plasmolysis
A. nylon and soap D. homeostasis
B. ethanoic acid, margarine and ethanol
C. nylon and artificial rubber 64. The bicuspid valve is located between
D. nylon and margarine the .
A. left auricle and left ventricle
57. Zinc oxide is . B. aorta and the left ventricle
A. basic oxide C. superior vena cava and the inferior vena
B. acidic oxide cava
C. amphoteric oxide D. right auricle and right ventricle
D. neutral oxide
65. The pulmonary artery carries .
58. When sodium chloride and metallic A. oxygenated blood from the right ventricle
sodium are each dissolved in water, . to the lungs
A. both processes are endothermic B. deoxygenated blood from the left ventricle
B. both processes are exothermic to the right auricle
C. the dissolution of metallic sodium is C. deoxygenated blood from the right
exothermic ventricle to the lungs
D. the dissolution of metallic sodium is D. oxygenated blood from the lungs to the
endothermic right auricle

59. The oxidation state of chlorine in 66. Which of the following organs is
potassium chlorates is responsible for controlling the body
A. +1 temperature regulation and water balance in
B. +2 mammals?
C. +3 A. kidney
D. +5 B. hypothalamus
C. parathyroid
60. The nucleus of an atom contains . D. adrenal
A. protons only
B. neutrons only 67. Deamination is the process during
C. protons and neutrons which .
D. neutrons and electrons A. excess amino acid is broken down into
ammonia and a keto-acid
61. Which of the following is not present in B. fats and oil are converted into an emulsion
the nucleus of a cell? for absorption
A. chromosomes C. Excess amino acids is converted into
B. nucleus protein
E. mitochondrion D. excess glucose converted and stored as
D. genes glycogen in the liver

62. In aerobic respiration, oxidative 68. Which of the following is not classified
phosphorylation takes place in the . terrestrial habitat?
A. cytoplasm

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A. forest A. fossil
B. guinea B. anatomy
C. savannah C. embryology
D. desert D. behaviour
E. littoral zone
76. Which of the following is not true about
69. The relationship between a herbivore and gene mutation?
the bacteria which live in its caecum is A. introduces new traits in to a population
known . B. cause changes in the DNA
A. parasitism C. always affects the chromosome number
B. symbiosis D. is a source of the new genes
C. commensalism
D. saprophytism 77. Species can be defined as the group of
organisms that
70. During blood transfusion, agglutination A. resemble each other and live in the same
may occur as a result of the reaction habitat
between . B. are of a common origin and are always
A. similar antigens and antibodies found together
B. contrasting antigens and antibodies C. resemble each other and can interbreed
C. two different antigens freely
D. two different antibodies D. resemble each other and occupy the same
71. The brain and the spinal cord make up
the . 78. The change in colour of the chameleon
A. automatic nervous system serves as a means of .
B. sympathetic nervous system A. attraction to the opposite sex
C. central nervous system B. repulsive of the enemy
D. parasympathetic nervous system C. a camouflage from a predator
D. production of a variety of skin pigments
72. Auxins are produced in the .
A. petiole of leaves 79. Increasing specialization of structure and
B. apical regions of roots and shoots function among animals of the same class or
E. epidermis of roots and shoots order to survival in new and different
D. parenchyma of roots and shoots environment is called .
A. adaptive radiation
73. The pituitary gland is called the master B. homology
gland because . C. phylogeny
A. it is located in the brain D. ontogeny
B. its secretions are more numerous than
those of any other gland 80. The haploid number of chromosomes in
C. its secretion controls other glands man is .
D. it regulates muscular movements A. 48
B. 46
74. The pigment in the Malpighian layer C. 24
responsible for skin coloration is known D. 23
as .
A. haemoglobin 81. A cylinder of base its 4cm is open at one
B. melanin end, if the ratio of the area of its base to that
C. hemocyanin of its curved surface is 1:4. calculate the
D. hemerythrin height of the cylinder.
A. 1cm
75. Which of the following is not an evidence B. 2cm
of evolution?

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C. 4cm C. 282 6/7cm2

D. 8cm D. 235 5/7cm2

82. A headmaster contributes 7% of his 89. The area and a diagonal of a rhombus are
income into a fund and his wife contributes 60cm2 and 12cm, respectively. Calculate the
4% of her income. If the husband ears length of the other diagonal.
₦5,500 per annum, and the wife earns A. 5cm
₦4,000 per annum, find the sum of their B. 6cm
annual contribution to the fund C. 10cm
A. ₦1,045 D. 12cm
B. ₦545
C. ₦440 90. The angle of a sector of a circle radius
D. ₦605 10.5cm is 120°; find the perimeter of the
83. A car is traveling at an average speed of A. 22cm
80km/hr. Its speed in meters per second is B. 33.5cm
A. 13.3m/s C. 43cm
B. 22.2m/s D. 66cm
C. 222.2m/s
D. 24m/s 91. The sum of the interior angles of a regular
polygon is 30 right angles. How many sides
84. Which of the following is not a measure of has the polygon?
dispersion? A. 34 sides
A. mode B. 30 sides
B. range C. 17sides
C. mean deviation D. 15 sides
D. standard deviation
92. If the exterior angles of a quadrilateral
85. Convert 77 to a number in base two are y, (2y+5)°, (y+15)° and (3y-10)°, find y
A. 111001 A. 61.43
B. 1001101 B. 60
C. 100110 C. 51.43
D. 10101 D. 50.

86. What must be added to the expression 93. The sum of angles of a regular polygon is
x2 − 18x to make it a perfect square? 2520°, how many sides does the polygon
A. 3 have?
B. 9 A. 20
C. 72 B. 18
D. 81 C. 15
D. 16
87. The area of a parallelogram is 513cm2 and
the height is 19cm. calculate the base. 94. Which of the following is not a property of
A.13.5cm all parallelograms?
B. 25cm A. the diagonals bisect each other
C. 27cm B. the diagonals cut at right angles
D. 98cm C. the opposite sides arc equal
D. the opposite angles arc equal
88. Calculate the total surface area of a cone
of height 12cm and base radius 5cm. 95. The length of an exercise book is given as
A. 180 5/7cm2 20cm correct to the nearest centimetre, in
B. 240 2/7cm2 which of the following ranges of possible
measurements does the actual length lie?

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A. 19.1 − 0.9cm ANSWERS TO 2010/2011

B. 19 − 21cm
C. 19.5 − 20.5cm UNIZIK QUESTIONS
D. 19.9 − 2.1 cm
1. D 2. B 3. B 3. D 5. C 6. A 7. D 8. D 9. C
96. If 3 children share ₦10.50 among
themselves in the ratio 6:7:8 how much is the 10. B 11. C 12. D 13. C 14. A 15. B 16. D
largest share?
A. ₦3.00 17. B 18. B 19. D 20. C 21. D 22. B 23. C
B. ₦4.00
C. ₦3.50 24. C 25. B 26. D 27. C 28. C 29. B 30. D
D. ₦5.00
31. C 32. C 33. B 34. B 35. C 36. D 37. A
97. By selling some crates of soft drinks for
₦600.00, a dealer makes a profit of 50%. 38. A 39. C 40. A 41. A 42. A 43. B 44. C
How much did the dealer pay for the drinks?
A. ₦400.00 45. D 46. D 47. A 48. B 49. D 50. C 51. B
B. ₦450.00
C. ₦200 52. C 53. C 54. B 55. C 56. C 57. C 58. C
D. ₦900
59. D 60. C 61. C 62. B 63. D 64. A 65. C
98. A hollow sphere has a volume of kcm and

a surface area of kcm2. Calculate the diameter 66. B 67. A 68. D 69. B 70. B 71. C 72. B
of the sphere.
A. 3cm 73. C 74. B 75. D 76. C 77. C 78. C 79. A
B. 6cm
C. 9cm 80. D 81. D 82. B 83. B 84. A 85. B 86. D
D. more information is needed
87. C 88. C 89. C 90. C 91. C 92. D 93. D
99. Find the median of the following numbers:
2.64, 2.50, 2.72, 2.91 and 2.35 94. B 95. D 96. B 97. A 98. B 99. C 100. A
A. 2.91
B. 2.72
C. 2.6
D. 2.50

100.A baker used 40% of a 50g bag of flour.

If 1/8 of the amount used was for cake, how
many kilogrammes of flour were used for
A. 2 ½
B. 6 ¼
C. 15 5/8
D. 17



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Time Allowed: 1 hour B. unreasonable
C. clever
Fill in the blank in the following sentences D. untrue
making use of the best of theoptions C. funny

1. The project which seemed very 7. Never in the history of human conflict has
realized because of lack of funds. so much been owed by so many to so few.
A. fell over A. many people owed much money at the end
B. fell through of the war
C. fell off B. a handful of people saved the lives of a
D. fell in nation
E. fell down C. a few people did a lot of things gratis
D. this conflict caused the largest ransom ever
2. The member of the panel were . demanded
A. discussing about it E. very little was owed by anyone to anybody
B. discussing on it.
C. discussing upon it
D. discussing it 8. The ingenious scheme of the robber broke
E. discussing around it down because of the efficiency of the police
officer. Ingenious here means .
3. It is time we . A. suspicious
A. should be going B. ambitious
B. ought to go C. deceitful
C. are going D. clever
D. went E. stupid
E. go
9. Be careful we are approaching the
4. The way to stop some frivolous publication crossroads.
is to the press. A. look up
A. gag B. watch out
B. shackle C. hold up
C. fetter D. look in
D. handcuff
E. blind 10. He took exception to Njoku's remark.
A. was delighted
5. Without words he accused him B. was excited by
directly of ignorance. C. got demoralized by
A. amending D. objected to
B. modifying E. was perplexed by
C. mixing
D. mincing Choose the option opposite in meaning tothe
E. meaning word(s) or phrase underlined

Choose the word or phrase closest in 11. For millions of years the world's resources
meaning to the underlined word(s). have remained boundless.
A. unlimited
6. Most times my classmate tells B. scarce
stories. C. indomitable
A. costly D. limited

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E. available 18. She has been here the past three

12. The president took exception to the A. since
ignoble role the young man played in the B. for
matter. C. from
A. honourable D. in
B. embarrassing E. during
C. dishonourable
D. extraordinary 19. Before mechanization, workers
E. dishonesty water out of fabrics with their hands.
A. wring
13. He accepted a mundane task without B. wrung
hesitation. C. wrung
A. great D. wringled
B. lowly E. wrong
C. menial
D. moderate 20. Three quarter of the physics class
E. ordinary dramatically.
A. improve
14. In a sentence, there must always he B. improves
concord between subject and verbs. C. are improving
A. breach D. is improving
B. departure E. is improved
C. disagreement
D. dispute 21. Eze is contemptuous dishonest
E. alliance people.
A. to
15. The lecturer was merely obfuscating the B. at
issue with his endless examples. C. for
A. complicating D. of
B. clarifying E. from
C. confusing
D. summarizing 22. The plaintiff the court to restrain
E. boring the defendants from further action.
A. asked
Fill each gap with the most appropriate B. begged
option from the list following the gap C. demanded of
D. prayed for
16. My shoes are worn out, I must see
my . 23. Ngozi is prepared for a .
A. grocer A. show-off
B. tanner B. show-down
C. cobbler C. show-out
D. hosier D. show-up
E. shoemaker E. show-up

17. woman was attacked by a group of 24. The president rejected the bill and
bandits. withheld his .
A. a 90-years old A. accent
B. a 90-year old B. assent
C. 90-year old C. access
D. 90-year old D. ascent
C. 90-years old E. assess

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31. Pick out the correct statement

25. The dark continent was an for Africa. A. zinc heated to redness reacts with steam to
A. abuse give oxygen and zinc oxide
B. enigma B. zinc heated to redness react with steam to
C. electric give oxygen and hydrogen
D. epithet C. zinc does not react with hot or cold water
E. impression D. zinc reacts with hot water to form zinc
oxide and hydrogen
Choose the best of the options from the E. zinc reacts very easily with cold water
questions below.
32. Chlorine, bromine and iodine resemble
26. Which of the best following metals cannot each other in that all .
replace hydrogen from water or stream? A. dissolve in alkalis
A. Sodium B. reacts violently with hydrogen without
B. magnesium heating
C. iron C. displace each other from solutions of their
D. calcium salts
E. copper D. are gases
E. are liquids
27. Which of the following changes is
physical? 33.When air is compressed, .
A. adding iron fillings to aerated water A. its density decreases
B. adding sodium metal to water B. it solidifies
C. cooling a solution of iron (ii) sulphate to C. its temperature decreases
Obtain the hydrated salt D. its temperature increases
D. cooling water to obtain ice E. its temperature remains unchanged
E. burning the domestic gas for cooking
34. Which of the following is formed wen
28. 0.1 faraday of electric was passed through maltose reacts with concentrated
a solution of copper (ii) sulphate. The tetraoxosulphahte (VI) acid?
maximum weight of . A. carbon(iv)oxide
A. 64.0g B. coal tar
B. 32.0g C. charcoal
C. 16.0g D. toxic fumes
D. 6.4g E. none of the above
E. 3.2g
35. A property of a colloidal dispersion which
29. Bronze is an alloy of . a solution does not have is .
A. coppery zinc and nickel A. the Tyndale effect
B. aluminium and copper B. homogeneity
C. copper and zinc C. osmotic pressure
D. tin and zinc D. surface polarity
E. tin and copper C. all of the above

30. Starch can be converted to ethyl alcohol 36. Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe was born in .
by . A. 1909
A. distillation B. 1900
B. fermentation C. 1904
C. isomerization D. 1901
D. cracking E. 1902
E. cooking
37. One of the following was a female
Governor in Nigeria.

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A. prof. Dora Akunyili

B. Dame patience Good luck 44. Find the number whose logarithm to base
C. Hon. Uche Ekwunife 10 is 2.6025.
D. Dame VerayEtiaba A. 400.4
E. Chief (Mrs) Serah Jubril B. 0.4004
C. 0.0004004
38. The 2010 soccer world-cup competition D. 0.0004004
took place in .
1 1 2
A. Germany 45. Simplify 3 ÷ 1 × (1 − )
4 4 2 3
B. Brazil A. 7/30
C. Columbia B. 79/24
D. U.S. A
C. /25
C. South Africa D. 1/2
C. 18/25
39. The first Nigerian vice-chancellor
was . 46. A slick of length 1.7m was measured by a
A. Prof. Eni Njoku
boy as find percentage error in his
B. Prof. Takenna Tamuno
C. Prof. Ade Ajayi A. 21/9 %
D. Prof. Kenneth Dike B. 26/7 %
E. Prof. Adeoye Lambo C. 5 %
D. 271/9%
40. The capital of Lagos state is . E. 284/7 %
A. Surulere
B. Victoria Island 47. Simplify log3 9 + log3 15 - log3 5.
C. Ikeja A. log 19
D. Oshodi B. log3
C. Ikorodu C. 3
D. 1
41. If x is positive for what range of x is E. 0
4 + 3 x < 10 ?
A. 0< x < 2
48. A trader makes a loss of 15% when
B. x < x
selling an article. Find the ratio, selling price:
C. x < 2
cost price.
D. 0 < x<43/4
A. 3:20
E. 0 > x >2 B. 3:17
C. 17:20
42. A house bought for ₦100,000 was later D. 20:2
auctioned for ₦80,000. Find the loss in E. 3:23
A. 20% 49. If N varies directly as M and N= 8 when
B. 30%
M=20, find M, when N= 7.
C. 40% A. 13
D. 50% B. 15
E. 60% C. 171/2
E. 19
43. If 2x + y=7 and 3x−y= 3, by how much is
7x greater than 10? 50. Solve for T in the equation
A. 1
¾t + 1/3(21−t) =11
B. 3 A. 9/13
C. 7 B. 3
D. 10 13
E. 17 C. 5

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D. 9
E. 5

ANSWERS TO 2011/2012
1. B 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. B QUESTIONS AT

10. D 11. D 12. A 13. A 14. C 15. B 16. C

17. B 18. B 19. B 20. D 21. D 22. D 23. B www.9jabaz.ng

24. B 25. D 26. E 27. D 28. E 29. E 30. B

31. D 32. C 33. D 34. C 35. A 36. C 37. D

38. E 39. D 40. C 41. A 42. A 43. C 44. A

45. D 46. C 47. C 48. C 49. C 50. D




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Time allowed: 1 hour D. the smithy smelled badly
E. it is good to pit regularly
3. Without the soldiers in the smithy.
Read the passage carefully and answerthe A. No work can be done
questions that follow B. The boss will go into debt
C. The boss will go into debt
I began work at the smithy on the Monday D. The boss will be unhappy
morning. My wages were half a crown a week. E. The other workers will not like their job
My hours were half from six in the morning till
six at night, with an hour’s break lunch. My 4. The soldiers received .
Boss, Boeta Dick, was a tall, bent, ready A. occasional money for their work.
consumptive. He had a parched yellow skin, B. too much for their work
drawn tight over his jutting bones. His cheeks C. just enough for their work
were so sunken; it was as though he were D. a fair wage
permanently sucking them in. His eyes were E. not so much as their work demanded
far back in his head, he coughed violently,
and besides his seat was a bucket of sand into 5. Sulphur powder was added to .
which he spat. Changing the sand daily was A. beautify the tin
the only part of my job I hated. B. complete the manufacture
C. strengthen the tin
The smithy was divided parts, at one end D. satisfy the boss
were the machines that cut, shaped, and put E. ensure that the tins were not damaged
the tins together. The men who worked on the during transportation
machines were on a regular weekly wage. The
other end, was a row of small furnaces each Fill in the blank in the following sentence
with its own bellows and pile of fuel. Here, at making use of the best options
each furnace, a man sat soldering the seams
of the tins as they came from the machines. 6. The train before I arrived.
The soldiers were on piece-work. To average A. left
two or three pounds a week they had to a B. had left
smear the seams of each tin with sulphur C would leave
powder so that the lead took easily, and, after D. was leaving
checking, to cart the tins out of the yards E. was left
where the Lorries collected them.
7. I am writing to you for reasons.
1. The boss, Boeta Dick, can be described as A. plenty
being . B. myriad
A. Skinny C. concerned
B. hard working D. several
C. ambitious E. all of the above
D. a Chinese
E. slender 8. Yesterday, my mother asked me .
A. if I was tired
2. Boeta Dick spat in the bucket B. if I am tired
because . C. are you tired
A. He was sick D. whether was I tired
B. he had a dirty habit E. none of the above
C. he coughed

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9. The public library stopped book to Choose the word or phrase closest in
readers. meaning to the underlined phrase
A. lending
B. borrowing 16. The company is to shed three thousand
C. loaning staff this year.
D. renting A. throw.
E. all of the above B. placate
C. lay off
10. You, who convicted, should appeal. D. spacious
A. was E. throw away
B. are
C. has been 17. There was a glut of oil on the market.
D. is A. an abundance
E. were B. an increase
C. a variety of
11. Each of the houses a new look. D. accumulated
A. have got E. supply of
B. have
C. has 18. From what she said one may infer that
D were she does not like the course.
E. had A. agree
B. deduce
12. Actually, he forgot the one to the job C. suppose
was given. D. realize
A. whom E. alarm
B. who
C. whomever Choose the option opposite in meaning tothe
D. whoever word(s) or phrase underlined
E. whichever
19. What a harmless thought he has.
13. People dislike Sam because he is . A. Pernicious
A. trickful B. pertinent
B. trickish C. pleasant
C. tricky D. perfect
D. a tricker E. penitent
E. tricksome
20. In the latter part of his life, the famous
14. John say he is not afraid of . soldier showed signs of youthfulness.
A. anybody A. energy
B. nothing B. senility
C. nobody C. bravery
D. no one D. vitality
E. none E. brevity

15. The minister address the workers to boost Choose the best of the options from the
their . Questions below.
A. morale
B. morality 21. When cathode rays are deflected onto the
C. mural electrode of an electrometer, the instrument
D. moral becomes .
E. more A. negatively charge
B. positively charged
C. neutral

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D. bipolar A. proton
E. none of the above B. nucleus
C. neutron
22. The weakest attractive force that can be D. electron
observed between two molecules is E. none of the above
A. ionic
B. covalent 29. The most abundant element on earth's
C. coordinate crust is .
D. van der walls A. nitrogen
E. all of the above B. hydrogen
C. oxygen
23. A consequences of global warming is D. fluorine
solute . E. chlorine
A. Air pollution
B. water pollution. 30. The ore that can concentrated by
C. increased humidity floatation are .
D. flooding A. nitride ores
B. sulphide ores
24. A change in the temperature of a C. oxide ores
saturated solution disturbs the equilibrium D. chloride ores
between the . E. none of the above
A. Dissolved solute and the solvent
B. Solvent and the undissolved solute 31. In a cell, the genes are carried by .
C. Dissolved solute and the undissolved solute A. nuclear membranes.
D. Dissolved solute and the solution B. chromatin.
E. None of the above C. lysosomes
D. mitochondria
25. The commonest feature of reactions at the E. none of the above
anode is that .
A. electrons are consumed 32. The first terrestrial vertebrae evolved
B. oxidation is involved from .
C. ions are reduced A. Pisces
D. electrode dissolved B. Reptilia
E. none of the above C. Amphibia
D. Mammalia
26. Phenolphthalein in acidic solution is . E. lions.
A. red
B. orange 33. Which of the following is an example of a
C. colourless carnivorous plant?
D. yellow A. hydra
E. pink B. bladderwort
C. yeast
27. Natural water collected from rivers and D. Spirogyra
ponds contains oxygen, carbon(iv) oxide and E. none of the above
A. nitrogen 34. Plants that grow in an area that is neither
B. hydrogen too wet nor too dry are .
C. chlorine A. xerophytes
D. sulphur (iv) oxide B. mesophytes
E. none of the above C. epiphytes
D. hydrophytes
28. The component of atom that contribute E. epiphytes
least to it mass is .

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35. Radial symmetry is a feature common to D. meiosis

the . E. none of the above
A. platyhelminths
B. nematodes 42. The best method of propagating
C. coelenterates sugarcane is by .
D. arthropods A. Seed sowing
E. none of the above B. layering
C. grafting
36. Insectivorous plants trap and kill their D. stem cutting
prey to derive . E. none of the above
A. Phosphorous
B. Calcium 43. In semi-conductors, the carriers of current
C. Nitrogen at room temperature are .
D. Zincs A. electrons only
E. all of the above B. electrons and holes
C. holes only
37. The mangrove swamp in Nigeria is D. electrons and ions
restricted to the . E. none of the above
A. tropical rainforest
B. Sudan savanna 44. The inner diameter of a small test tube
C. Sahel savanna can be measure accurately using a .
D. Guinea savanna A. Micrometre screw gauge
E. all of the above B. pair of dividers
C. meter rule
38. Which of the following produces both D. pair of Vernier callipers
hormones and enzymes? E. all of the above
A. Gall bladder
B. ileum 45. If a spherical metal of radius 3cm is fully
C. pancreas immersed in a cylinder containing water and
D. kidney the water level rises by 1cm, what is the
E. muscle radius of the cylinder?
A. 1cm
39. The causative agent of typhoid fever B. 3cm
is . C. 5cm
A. Entamoeba D. 12cm
B. Salmonella E. 16cm
C. Shigella
D. Escherichia 46. A string is fastened tightly between two
E. Amoeba walls 24cm apart. The wavelength of the
second overtone is .
40. The organelle common to both plant and A. 8cm
animal cell is the . B. 12cm
A. centriole C. 16cm
B. plasmalemma D. 24cm
C. cell wall E. 36cm
D. chloroplast
E. none of the above 47. What is the angle of dip at the magnetic
41. Homologous pair of chromosomes A. 180°
separate during . B. 90°
A. Cytolysis. C. 45°
B. cleavage D. 0°
C. mitosis E. 100°

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ANSWERS TO 2013/2014
48. A concave mirror of radius of curvature
40cm forms a real image twice as large as the UNIZIK QUESTIONS
object the object distance is .
A. 30cm 1. A 2. C 3. C 4. E 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. A 9. A
B. 40cm
C. 60cm 10. B 11. C 12. A 13. C 14. A 15. A 16. C
D. 10cm 17. A 18. B 19. A 20. B 21. A 22. D 23. D
E. 80cm
24. C 25. B 26. C 27. A 28. D 29. C 30. B
49. A cone in an unstable equilibrium has its
potential energy. 31. E 32. B 33. B 34. B 35. C 36. C 37. A
A. decreased
B. increased 38. C 39. B 40. B 41. D 42. D 43. B 44. D
C. uncharged
D. oscillating 45. C 46. C 47. D 48. A 49. B 50. B
E. none of the above

50. An object of mass 50kg is released from a

height of 2m. Find the kinetic energy just
before it strikes the ground.
A. 250J
B. 1000J
C. 10,000J
D. 100,000J
E. 500J




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C. in
Time Allowed: 50 minutes D. on
E. out
Choose the option that best conveys the
meaning of the underlined words 7. Almost all building which in 1950s
not habitable now
1. Her summary of the meeting was brief A. were build/are
and straight to the point. B. were built/are
A. careful C. were built/were
B. precise D. were built/are
C. accurate E. are build/are
D. exact
E. crucial 8. Some motor bikes Aroma and Unizik
A. shuttle along
2. The whole students where happy that the B. shuttle to
academic year had taken off. C. shuttle between
A. gone off D. shuttle from
B. started E. shuttle in
C. ended
D. continued 9. I you refuse the .
E. truncated A. advice/advise
B. advise/advice
3. His penury gave him a life time of hunger. C. advise/advise
A. avariciousness D. advice/advice
B. affluence E. adverse/adverse
C. poverty
D. penny pinching 10. The chairman, no less than the
E. greed members to blame
A. is
Choose the option that most suitably fillsthe B. are
space C. were
D. ought to
4. He read more but he is tired. E. should
A. ought to
B. may 11. Did the ladies enjoy .
C. would A. each other
D. could B. one another
E. should C. themselves
D. theirselves
5. We have been having series of E. theirself
meetings lately.
A. some 12. The worker did a shoddy job at that .
B. a A. cite
C. a lot of B. sight
D. many C. site
E. few D. sait
E. side
6. Don't forget to hang the telephone
when you finish. Choose the option that is opposite in
A. down meaning to the underlined words
B. up

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13. Their students are very conscientious C. off

A. careful D. laugh
B. industrious
C. carefree Choose the correct or best answer to the
D. corrupt following questions
E. energetic
21. The lenticels:
14. The businessman is very unsuccessful. A. remove excess water in plant
A. unscrupulous B. absorbs water from the atmosphere
B. unskilful C. is for gaseous exchange
C. unlucky ungrateful D. absorbs light
E. prosperous. E. stores food

15. Spurious arguments are easily identified 22. A photometer is used to determine the
by smart guys. rate at which a shoot .
A. genuine A. respires
B. interesting B. sucks air bubbles
C. false C. lose weight
D. illogical D. absorbs air
E. boring. E. transpires

16. In my opinion, the decision was 23. One of these is not a digestive enzyme.
disinterested. A. bile
A. neutral B. lipase
B. impartial C. maltase
C. biased D. pepsin
D. candid E. ptyalin.
E. foolish
24. Which of these is not metamerically
Identify the word that has a different segmented?
vowel sound from the others A. tapeworm
B. earthworm
17. A. key C. centipede
B. win D. crayfish
C. even E. shark.
D. people
25. Which of these diseases could be
18. A. tear (verb) exclusively associated with a river basin?
B. hear A. malaria
C. weird B. syphilis
D. mere C. onchocerciasis
D. cholera
19. A. cost E. poliomyelitis
B. won't
C. hope 26. Which of these statements is true about
D. coast enzymes? They .
A. are carbohydrates
Identify the word that has a different B. most times do not need co-factors to be
consonant sound from the others active
C. are not sensitive to hydrogen ion
20. A. wife concentration
B. of D. are not specific in their actions
E. cannot withstand high temperature

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called .
27. Soil erosion can be controlled by all these A. Substitution
except . B. addition
A. planting cover crops C. polymerization
B. contouring of sloping ground D. hydrolysis
C. terracing poles E. reduction
D. laying of much
E. all of the above 34. The reaction of ethanoic acid and ethanol
with acid catalyst will produce one of these as
28. Evidence that the tooth is a living part of the organic product .
the body can be found in the . A. ethyl ethanoate
A. gum B. ethyl methyl ketone
B. pump cavity C. butanol
C. cement D. cholera
D. enamel E. none of the above
E. diastema
35. In preparation ammonia, the drying agent
29. In higher animals most cells retain power used is?
division except . A. CaO
A. lymphocytes B. CaCl2
B. nerve cells C. conc
C. Malpighian cells C. H2SO4
D. germ cells D. P2O5
E. liver cells. E. H2PO4

30. Taxism is different from tropism in that in 36. One of these has an isomer.
taxism: A. C2H4
A. the whole organism is affected B. C4H10
B. one directional movement is involved C. C3H8
C. it is a response to multi-directional D. C2H6
movement E. C6H8
D. part of the organism is affected
E. the organism is not in motion 37. In a flame test, copper exhibits what
31. The molarity of a 20% by weight of A. green
aqueous solution of H2SO4(molecular weight is B. lilac
98) is . C. blue-green
A. 4.55 D. crimson
B. 3.55 E. yellow-green
C. 2.55
D. 0.21 38. The characteristic reaction of the carbonyl
E. 0.51 compound is .
A. Substitution
32. A gas occupies 30.0dm3 at S.T.P. What B. elimination
volume will it occupy at 91°C and 380mmHg? C. addition
A. 20.0dm3 D. saponification
B. 40.0dm3 E. oxidation-reduction
C. 60.0dm3
D. 80.0dm3 39. What volume of oxygen will remain after
E. 100.0dm3 reacting with 8cm3 of hydrogen with 20 cm3 of
33. When ethane gas reacts with chlorine gas A. 10.0 cm3
to form 1, 2-dichloroethane, the reaction is B. 12.0 cm3

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C. 14.0 cm3 46. Thermionic emission is the process by

E. 18.0 cm3 which .
A. B- rays are produced
40. Which of these gases is the Carbon on (II) B. Z-rays are produced
oxide pollutant? C. a-rays are produced
A. hydrogen sulphide D. electrons leave hot element
B. Carbon (IV) oxide E. electrons are transferred to hot element
C. Sulphide (IV) oxide
B. Carbon (II) oxide 47. Conveyor belt have rough surface in order
E. all of the above to .
A. make them carry load
41. When the size of the hole of a pin-hole B. make them strong
camera is increased, the result is . C. protect them when loads are on them
A. a blurred image D. make them slip less
B. magnified image E. last longer
C. correction for chromatic aberration
D. sharper focus of the image 48. Most of the gas in a discharge tube is
E. no much effect pumped out so that electricity is conducted
at .
42. The mechanical advantage of an inclined A. high pressure
ne plane depends on: B. low pressure
A. its length C. low voltage
B. its height D. steady voltage
C. the product of its height and length E. high voltage
D. the ratio of its height to its length
E. the different between its height and its
length 49. The ground is cold at night because .
A. sun no longer shines
43. On dispersing white light with B. atmosphere reflects the sun energy at
spectrometer, the component with the night
shortest wave length is . C. atmosphere absorbs the sun energy at
A. orange night
B. green D. earth radiates heat to the atmosphere at
C. violet night
D. red E. there is dew at night
E. yellow
50. If the refractive index of a medium in air
44. One of these is a vector. is 2.0. What is the critical angle for this
A. electric charge medium?
B. electric field A. 30°
C. electric potential difference B. 42°
D. electric capacitance C. 45°
E. electric resistance D. 50°

45. Surface tension is important in .

A. the floating of a ship in water
B. the floating of a dry needle in water
C. the floating of a balloon in air
D. the diffusion of a sugar solution across a
E. the diffusion of a digested food in animals www.9jabaz.ng

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1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. B 8. C 9. B

10. A 11. C 12. C 13. C 14. E 15. A 16. C www.9jabaz.ng

17. B 18. C 19. A 20. B 21. C 22. A 23. A

24. E 25. C 26. E 27. D 28. B 29. D 30. A

31. A 32. D 33. A 34. A 35. A 36. B 37. E

38. C 39. D 40. E 41. A 42. C 43. C 44. B

45. A 46. D 47. D 48. B 49. D 50. A




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Time Allowed: 1 Hour D. a brown big leather

E. a leather big brown
Choose the option that best conveys the
meaning of the underlined words 9. The teacher was very sympathetic his
1. From the way my friend talks, you can see A. to
bore. B. at
A. rude C. for
B. brilliant D. from
C. uninteresting E. on
D. overbearing
E. humorous 10. Formally his brother used to walk but
nowadays he to work by bicycle.
2. There is an obvious symmetry in the A. was going
whole presentation. B. is going
A. confusion C. seldomly goes
B. hesitation D. goes
C. excitement E. has gone
D. orderliness
E. dissatisfaction 11. The old car several times this year.
A. was repaired
5. We should take care the robbers come B. has been repaired
back. C. had been repaired
A. may he D. has repaired
B. should in case E. was being repaired
C. perhaps
D. probably 12. He told me to go on till seven.
E. in case A. to work
B. worked
6. for the team for nine months, he C. works
decided to join another. D. working
A. when he played E. work
B. plain
C. having played 13. The mutineers were court-martialled for
D. in playing their part in the unsuccessful.
E. when he was playing. A. coopes
B. coupes
7. The bridge connecting the two cities C. coupe
was by the enemy. D. coup
A. blown up E. coupse
B. blown down
C. blown off Choose the option that is opposite in
D. blown over meaning to the underlined words
E. blown away
14. Ogbono soup is ideal for pounded yam.
8. They went to the market and bought a A. best
suitcase and bag. B. perfect
A. a big leather brown C. most suitably
B. a leather brown big D. satisfactory
C. a big brown leather E. poor

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15. A mother admonishing her child without B. reptile

living by example is as satisfactory as a hot- C. shark
tempered pastor preaching about patience. D. seagull
A. useless E. amphibian
B. difficult
C. interesting 22. One of these is peculiar to the Axis
D. ineffectual Vertebra.
E. attractive A. odontoid process
B. anterior zygopophysis
16. That was quite callous of him. C. posterior zygopophysis
A. indifferent D. lateral spine
B. compassionate E. centrum
C. wicked
D. careless 23. Milk can be pasteurized by .
E. carefree A. the addition of common salt
B. boiling for one hour
17. Who authenticated the number of C. heating to 75°c for 20 minutes
booklets said to have been supplied? D. the addition of vinegar
A. reaffirmed E. heating to 100°c for 12 hours
B. discountenanced
C. discredited 24. The contractile vacuole of
D. counted paramecium .
E. verified A. produces enzymes
B. get rid of excreta
Choose the option that has same vowel C. stores and digests food
sound as the one represented by the D. get rid of excess water
underlined letters E. controls movement

18. Research 25. Herbs differ from shrubs because

A. disturb they .
B. comfort A. do not produce fruits
C. affair B. are useful to herbalists
D. carry C. do not become woody
D. are only annuals
19. Rust E. are not perennials
A. loud
B. touch 26. The hereditary material in a cell is known
C. bought as .
D. march A. ADP
20. Boat C. RNA
A. board D. ATP
B. bought E. DNA
C. go
D. glory 27. The oxidative part of respiration takes
place in the .
Choose the correct or best answer to the A. mitochondria
following questions B. ribosomes
C. endoplasmic reticulum
21. On a fishing trip, a trawler caught an D. Golgi apparatus
animal with hairs on its body. This could have E. none of the above
been a .
A. mammal

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28. The long-coiled intestine of a young D. all of the above

tadpole is an adaptation to its . E. A and C only
A. carnivorous diet
B. aquatic habitat 34. An electric current can produce all these
C. insectivorous diet effects EXCEPT .
D. herbivorous diet A. heat
E. all of the above B. light
C. sound
29. Which of the following diseases can be D. motion
caused by a bacterium? E. none of the above
A. ringworm
B. poliomyelitis 35. Ripples on water are similar to light waves
C. syphilis since both .
D. malaria A. have the same wavelength
E. all of the above B. are longitudinal
C. cannot be reflected
30. The organ which secretes digestive D. travel at the same speed
enzyme as well as a hormone is . E. can be reflected and diffracted
A. liver
B. salivary gland 36. The primary coil of a transformer is 500
C. pancreas turns while the secondary coil is 2500 turns.
D. spleen The voltage input to the primary coil is 120V.
E. all of the above What will the output be?
A. 6000V
31. Mercury is a better barometric liquid B. 600V
because: C. 240V
I. It needs no colouring D. 60V
II. Its density is many times that of water E. 24V
III. It does not wet glass
IV. It has a high vapour pressure 37. Which of these quantities are scalars?
V. It has a high boiling point. I. Electrical potential
II. Torque
Which of the above statements are true? III. Momentum
A. I and II only IV. Kinetic energy
B. I, II, and III only A. II and III only
C. III and IV only B. I and II only
D. IV and V only C. III and IV only
E. III, IV and V only D. II and IV only
E. none of the above
32. If the wavelength of a wave travelling
with a velocity of 360m/s is 60cm, the period 38. The E.m.f. of an electrical generator is
of the wave is . 240V and its internal resistance is 10. If the
A. 0.001667 current supplied by the generator is 20A when
B. 0.62222 the terminal voltage is 220V, find the ratio of
C. 1.06676 the power supplied to the power dissipated. A.
D. 20.66 11 :1
E. 0.0666 B. 1:11
C. 12:11
33. Concerning electrical charge: D. 11:12
A. positive charge means deficit of electrons E. 1:12
B. negative charge means excess of electrons
C. electric current means movement of 39. Step down transformer has a power
electrons output of 50W and efficiency of 80%. If the

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mains supply voltage is 200V, calculate the B. chlorine atom gains an electron
primary current of the transformer. C. chloride ion gains an electron
A. 0.31A D. sodium ion is oxidized
B. 3.20A E. chloride ion is oxidized
C. 3.40A
D. 5.00A 46. One of these sulphides is insoluble in
E. 2.00A dilute HCl.
A. Na2S
40. Impulse has the same dimension as one B. ZnS
of these physical quantities. C. CuS
A. energy D. FeS
B. momentum E. MgS
C. surface tension
D. pressure 47. Local black soap is made by boiling palm
E. none of the above oil with liquid extract of ash. The function of
the ash is to provide the .
41. If heat is absorbed during a chemical A. acid
reaction, it is said to be . B. esters of alkanoic acid
A. thermodynamic C. alkali
B. exothermic D. alkanol
C. isothermal E. all of the above
D. endothermic
E. thermostatic 48. Which of these is neutral to litmus in
aqueous solution?
42. The metallic ions associated with hard A. NH4CL
water are . B. Na2CO3
A. copper and zinc C. FeCl3
B. magnesium and silver D. NaCl
C. calcium and magnesium E. none
D. potassium and tin
E. sodium and lead 49. During the electrolysis of copper(II)
tetraoxosulphate (VI) solution, which of these
43. An organic compound that decolourises is discharged at the cathode
bromine water is most likely to be . A. Cu2+ only
A. saturated B. H+ only
B. supersaturated C. Cu2+ and H+
C. unsaturated D. Cu2+ and 푆 42−
D. a solid
E. protonated 50. An acid and its conjugate base .
A. can neutralise each other to form salt
44. A white solid which when water is poured B. differ only by a proton
on it produces a colourless neutral gas that C. differ only by the opposite charges they
burns with a sooty flame is . carry
A. calcium D. are always neutral substances
B. calcium oxide
C. calcium carbide
D. sodium peroxide
E. sodium sulphate DOWNLOAD MORE FREE PAST
45. During electrolysis of molten
sodium, .
A. sodium ion loses electron
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ANSWERS TO 2014/2015
1. C 2. D 3. E 4. B 5. E 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. A QUESTIONS AT

10. D 11. B 12. D 13. D 14. C 15. D 16. C

17. C 18. A 19. B 20. B 21. E 22. E 23. C www.9jabaz.ng

24. D 25. C 26. E 27. A 28. D 29. C 30. C

31. E 32. A 33. D 34. E 35. E 36. B 37. D

38. A 39. A 40. B 41. D 42. C 43. C 44. B

45. E 46. C 47. C 48. D 49. A 50. A




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TIME ALLOWED: 10 Minutes A. Forecast

B. discovered
Choose the word opposite in meaning tothe C. through of
underlined word as used in the sentence D. prophesize

1. Cynthia is very lazy. She will not take her 7. If he had entered the room, I him.
studies seriously, her future looks quite A. saw
bleak. B. had seen
A. cloudy C. would have seen
B. cheerless D. will see
C. bright
D. hug 8. The horse is a winner, .
A. you can take that from me
2. The superintendent was appalled by the B. you can say I say
attitude of some of the employees towards C. you can take my word for it
their work. D. you may or may not believe it
A. impressed
B. disappointed 9. Which of the following does not cause a
C. provoked reduction of the surface tension of water?
D. depressed A. detergent
B. alcohol
3. Frank is a disco addict. He takes his studies C. camphor
rather lightly. D. grease
A. humorously
B. tediously 10. The following metals are extracted by
C. carefully electrolytic method except .
D. seriously A. potassium
B. tin
4. Our most elected legislators are living a life C. calcium
of affluence and ostentation. D. magnesium
A. influence
B. pleasure 11. PMS (petrol) can be obtained from AGO
C. poverty (diesel) by .
D. consequences A. distillation
B. cracking
Fill in the blank spaces in the following C. catalysis
sentences making use of the best options D. polymerization

5. The bridge connecting the two cities 12. If the gall bladder of a man is removed by
was by the enemy. surgery, which of the following processes will
A. blown up be most seriously affected?
B. blown dawn A. digestion of fats and oil
C. blown over B. digestion of starch
D. blown away. C. conversion of proteins
D. formation of urea
6. The World Bank team which visited the
land locked country a bleak economic 13. Which of these would not be limiting
future for it. factor in photosynthesis?
A. O2

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B. CO2 C. convection
C. Light D. radiation
D. chlorophyll

14. Phototropism is . ANSWERS TO 2015/2016

A. a bilateral response to light
B. a unilateral response to light UNIZIK QUESTIONS
C. both unilateral and bilateral response to [SECTION 1]
D. a hormonal gradient created within the 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. C
10. D 11. B 12. A 13. A 14. B 15. B 16. B
15. Which of the following is an example of
discontinuous variation? 17. C 18. D 19. D 20. D
A. skin coloration
B. left-handedness
C. body weight
16. Insulin is secreted by the .
A. gall bladder
B. pancreas
C. liver www.9jabaz.ng
D. spleen

17. An object is positioned between two plane

mirrors inclined at right angles to each other.
The object is 1-unit distance from each mirror.
The number of images formed is .
A. J
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

18. The temperature at which the water

vapour present in the air saturates the air and
begins to condense is known as .
A. boiling point
B. melting point
C. critical temperature
D. dew point

19. Which of the following elements is the

best absorbed of x-rays?
A. hydrogen
B. oxygen
C. copper
D. lead

20. The heat from the sun reaches the earth

by the process of .
A. insulation
B. conduction

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TIME ALLOWED: 10 Minutes 6. It is desirable you there when he

Choose the word(s) that is nearest in A. be
meaning to the underlined expression asused B. are
in the sentence C. will be
D. should
1. My choice of a partner would be based on
character, not looks. 7. All the people in the bus died in that
A. visibility accident.
B. feasibility A. serious
C. appearance B. reckless
D. posture C. fatal
D. dangerous
2. Mike is very winsome yet his neighbour
finds it difficult to put up with him. 8. Mr. Okoye will never tell you everything: he
A. Stay with is very .
B. jive with A. quiet
C. tolerate B. realistic
D. rely on C. secretive
D. reserved
3. The Efik girl has just come out of the
fettering room and her waist is adorned with 9. My friend and classmate present
beads. when the boy jumped through the window.
A. Surrounded A. was
B. decorated B. were
C. besieged C. are
D. deface D. is

Choose the Interpretation that you 10. The soldiers pledged their loyalty to
consider the most appropriate for each the new Government.
sentence A. enduring
B. tireless
4. Joe is very down to earth. This means that C. complete
Joe is . D. questionable
A. a good farmer
B. rather short 11. An important a biotic factor affects plants
C. practical and sensible and animals in their habitat is .
D. rough and dirty A. turbidity
B. rainfall
5. She delivered her speech without turning a C. wind direction
hair. This means that she delivered her D. temperature
speech without .
A. any emotion 12. Movement of water through a semi-
B. combing her hair permeable membrane because the membrane
C. nodding moves or expands thus overcoming the
D. looking up resistance of hydrostatic pressure is referred
to as .
Choose the word that best completes A. diffusion
each of the following sentences B. turgor pressure

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C. osmosis B. 0.10
D. osmotic potential C. 0.50
D. 0.20
13. The part of the brain that controls body
posture in mammals is . 20. Temporary hardness of water is removed
A. thalamus by the use of the following except .
B. cerebrum A. boiling
C. spinal cord B. Ca(OH)
D. cerebellum C. Na2CO3
D. Alum
14. The ability of an organism to survive in an
environment is known as .
A. adaptation ANSWERS TO 2015/2016
B. secession
D. residence [SESSION 2]
15. Dispersion of light by a glass prism is due 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. A
to the .
A. different speeds of the various colours in 10. C 11. D 12. C 13. D 14. A 15. A 16. B
B. defects in the glass 17. A 18. B 19. A 20. D
C. high density of glass
D. different hidden colours of the glass

16. The astronomical telescope is said to be at

normal adjustment when the .
A. eye is accommodated
B. final image is at infinity
C. focal length of the objective lens is longer DOWNLOAD MORE FREE PAST
than that of the eyepiece QUESTIONS AT
D. unkind

17. Which of the following is not direct

petroleum product?
A. ethanol
B. methane
C. Vaseline
D. kerosene

18. The green-house effect is a climate

condition associated with the present of
A. carbon (iv) oxide
B. hydrogen sulphide
C. ammonia gas
D. nitrogen (ii) oxide

19. What is the amount (in mole) of sodium

trioxocarbonate (iv) in 5.3g of the compound?
(Na = 23; C = 12; 0 = 16).
A. 0.05

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TIME ALLOWED: 30 MINUTES 7. After the usual and signing of forms,

we were allowed into our rooms.
1. The government is making concerted A. feeling
efforts at providing essential social facilities in B. filing
the rural areas . C. fill in
A. dissipated D. filling
B. unconcreted
C. unsuccessful 8. I ought the letter by now.
D. uncontrolled A. to be sent
B. to have being sent
2. We cannot but talk about his invaluable C. to have sent
contributions to the affaire of the society. D. to have to sent
A. worthless
B. cost 9. Jane's fever was so acute that she an
C. unrecognized injection.
D. incalculable A. had to have
B. had to had
3. Men living in an extended family know that C. must have
they have to be responsible for the welfare of D. ought to have
some other person's children.
A. externals Choose the word or phrase closest in
B. nuclear meaning to the underlined word
C. neutral
D. contracted 10. But for the principal actor the play would
have been dull.
Choose the word or group of words thatbest A. important
completes each of the following sentences B. head
C. master
4. Agnes is a very good friend on I can D. famous
rely. E. main
A. who
B. whose 11. An open car has no protection against the
C. which elements.
D. whom A. weather
B. emergency
5. A hotel is supposed to be a home away C. molecule
from home, but the one we was bell D. atoms
away from home E. atmosphere
A. moved into
B. checked 12. He was reluctant to grant my request
C. dropped by A. disposed
D. checked into B. delight
C. reticent
6. Initially, we were deceived by the beautiful D. unwilling
surroundings and by the manager's E. agreeable
which was warm and inviting.
A. reception 13. The detective was perplexed when the
B. intention clues in the murder case pointed to at least a
C. conviction dozen different suspects.
D. conception A. surprised
B. confused
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C. excited
D. discouraged Choose the best of the options from the
E. disappointed questions below

14. Rich citizens are often niggardly in their 21. In which of the following material would
ways. sound travel least.
A. beggarly A. water
B. sordid B. oil
C. miserly C. metal
D. pompous D. gas
E. arrogant
22. The ability of the eye lens distance on the
15. The institution has a large intake of retina is .
employees each year.
A. rejection A. Binocular
B. product B. Accommodation
C. furiously C. Hypermetropia
D. turn-out D. colourization

Choose the word(s) which will completethe 23. When light is refracted which colour is the
corresponding sentences correctly. least retracted?
A. red
16. The answer to this sum is wrong, B. blue
you a mistake. C. violet
A. must make D. indigo
B. must have made
C. can have made 24. The frequency F of the fundamental note
D. may have made for a plucked wire is given by .
A. 4�

17. Hurry up, it's time to go, surely, . B. �3�

A. can't be C. �2�2�
B. must be D.

C. must's be
D. can be 25. Which of the same quantities has same
unit as Joules?
18. Bridget: have to go now Ada; Ada: surely A. Newton x Force
you go yet. B. Force x acceleration
A. mustn't C. Newton x meter
B. need to D. watt x Force
C. don't need to
D. you don't have 26. it the pile driver has a weight of 660N and
is raised 20m. then energy of stationary pile
19. When you are ready, you go. is .
A. may A. 13200J
B. can't B. 134003J
C. ought not to C. 14200J
D. would D. 15200J
20. I wonder where Okeke is, he by now. 27. The V.R is independent of .
A. ought to arrive A. Quality
B. ought to have arrived B. pulley
C. must have arrived
D. can't have arrived

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C. friction form because the powdered from has .

D. frequency A. more molecules
B. more atoms
28. Which of the following has the same unit C. large surface area
as the moment of a force? D. relatively large mass
A. force
B. power
C. work 35. A phenomenon where an element exists in
D. momentum different forms in the same physical state is
E. charge known as .
A. Isomerism
29. A lens of focal length 15.0cm forms an B. amorphism
upright image four times the size of an object. C. allotropy
Calculate the distance of the image from the D. isotropy
A. 11.3cm 36. When starch undergoes complete
B. 18.8cm enzyme-catalysed hydrolysis, the resulting
C. 37.5cm product is .
D. 45.0cm A. glucose
E. 75.0cm B. maltose
C. sucrose
30. The unit of quantity of electricity is D. fructose
called . E. cellulose
A. amperes
B. the volt 37. The maximum number of electrons that
C. the coulomb can be accommodated in the shell having the
D. the ammeter principal quantum number 3 is .
A. 3
31. The maximum number of electrons that B. 9
can be accommodated in the shell having the C. 10
principal quantum number 3 is . D. 18
A. 3 E. 32
B. 9
C. 10 38. The following acids are non-basic
D. 18 except .
E. 32 A. methanoic acid
B. dioxinitrate (iii) acid
32. In which order are the following salts C. ethanedoic
sensitive to light? D. oxochiorate (i) acid
A. Agl, AgCl, AgBr E. hydrobromic acid
B. AgCl, Agl, AgBr
C. AgBr, AgCl, Agl 39. Water can be obtained as the only product
D. AgCl, AgBr, Agl during .
A. combustion of hydrogen
33. The pOH of a solution of 0.25moldm-3 of B. chemical reaction
hydrochloric acid is . C. combustion of Carbon
A. 12.40 D. electrolysis of brims
B. 13.40 E. boiling of water
C. 14.40
D. 14.60 40. The oxidation of ammonia in excess air
produces .
34. Powdered marble reacts faster with A. N2O2
hydrochloric acid solution than the granular B. N2O

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C. NO2 C. green on heating
D. N2O4 D. red on heating
48. Regulation of blood sugar level takes
41. The gasification of coke is used for the place in the .
manufacture of . A. pancreas
A. Producer gas B. ileum
B. Natural gas C. liver
C. Synthesis gas D. kidney
D. Industrial gas
E. Artificial gas 49. In which of the following groups of
animals is the Malpighian tubule found?
42. The solubility curve shows the variation of A. lizards, snakes and frogs
solute concentration with . B. crickets, houseflies and grasshoppers
A. Volume C. millipede, centipedes and scorpions
B. Temperature D. earthworms, roundworms and flatworms.
C. Vapour
D. Pressure 50. Which of following is not true about
E. Weight nucleus of a living cell? It contains
A. chromosomes
43. The conversion of excess amino acids into B. nucleus
urea occurs in the . C. nucleoplasm
A. kidney D. chromatids
B. pancreas E. ribosomes
C. spleen
D. liver ANSWERS TO 2017/2018 POST UTME
44. Where is the food stored in a yam plant?
A. stem 1. D 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. D
B. bud
C. adventitious root 10. E 11. A 12. D 13. B 14. C 15. D 16. D
D. tap root.
17. B 18. D 19. A 20. B 21. D 22. B 23. A
45. Growing yam tendrils climb for support.
This growth response is . 24. C 25. C 26. A 27. B 28. D 29. E 30. C
A. haptotropism
B. geotropism 31. D 32. D 33. B 34. C 35. C 36. A 37. D
C. hydrotropism
D. chemotropism 38. E 39. A 40. E 41. A 42. B 43. D 44. A

46. Which of the following structures is 45. A 46. A 47. D 48. A 49. B 50. E
capable of producing more tissues in the stem
of an herbaceous flowering plant?
A. Epidermis
D. cambium

47. In millions test, when the reagent is

added to a protein food item, a white www.9jabaz.ng
precipitate is produced which turns .
A. blue on heating
B. yellow on heating

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TIME ALLOWED:30 MINUTES 7. It is amazing that unlike her twin sister

who is very bold Pedro is very .
Choose the option opposite in meaning tothe A. cruel
following that is underlined in each of the B. timid
following sentences C. reserved
D. ambitious
1. Batho's response infuriated his wife.
A. annoyed Choose the word(s) or phrase(s) whichbest
B. pleased fills the gap.
C. surprised
D. confused 8. Four engineers on the system since
2. Language teachers believe that grammar A. worked
exercises stretch the mind. B. are working
A. expand C. had worked
B. ruin D. have been working
C. enrich E. has been working
D. restrict
9. I sent news to the press yesterday.
3. Mr. Chris accepted a mundane task A. parcel
without hesitation. B. a flash
A. great C. a number
B. lowly D. a bunch
C. menial E. an item
D. moderate
10. It is high time we home.
Choose the word opposite in meaning to the A . go
underlined word and at the same time B. went
correctly fill the gap in the sentence C. are going
D. gone
4. Mathias prefers fame in the village to E. have gone
in the city.
A. neglect 11. Whenever John puts the light on someone
B. ignorance to disturb him.
C. poverty A. came
D. obscurity B. has come
C. comes
5. While the registrar considers the matter D. would come
insignificant his deputy sees it as .
A. crucial 12. It be taken for repair after all: It's
B. minute working again.
C. compulsory A. couldn't
D. real B. shouldn't
C. mightn't
6. In our area, participation in community D. needn't
development programme is purely voluntary.
A. compulsory 13. The two tasks were performed and
B. necessary we were able to finish early.
C. optional A. alternatively
D. personal B. simultaneously

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C. consecutively A. without formal preparation

D. separately B. timely
C. off-hand
14. The signature on the document D. expertly
lacked so it was rejected.
A. clarity 22. The candidates was disqualified as a result
B. authenticity of his irreverent behaviour.
C. formality A. shameful
D. simplicity B. disrespectful
C. careless
15. Clement hates in suspense. D. abnormal
A. been kept
B. being kept Choose the best of the options from the
C. having been kept questions below
D. keeping
23. Smoke consists of .
16. The teacher had hardly turned his A. solid particle dispersed in liquid
back the class became noisy. B. solid or liquid particles dispersed in gas
A. hence C. gas or liquid particles dispersed in liquid
B. then D. liquid particles dispersed in liquid
C. when
D. than 24. Sieving is a technique used to separate
mixtures containing solid particles of .
17. He promised to see us next month, ? A. small sizes
A. wasn't he B. large sizes
B. didn't he C. different sizes
C. didn't we D. the same site
D. isn't it E. one size

Choose the word or phrase closest in 25. Polyvinyl chloride is used to produce .
meaning to the underlined word(s) A. bread
B. pencils
18. Ego is an absolute knockout C. ink
A. Ego is a great boxer D. pipes
B. Ego has been knocked out E. pots
C. Ego is exceptionally attractive
D. Ego usually knocks out her opponents 26. In the extraction of iron in the blast
furnace, lime stone is used to .
19.The courtyard has remained verdant. A. release CO, for the reaction
A. Evergreen B. reduced the iron ore
B. fertile C. increase the strength of the iron
C. sterile D. remove impurities
D. overgrown
27. How many moles of oxygen molecules will
20. The judges found the features of the be produced from the decomposition of
beauty queen intimidating. 2.5moles of potassium trioxochlorate (V)
A. fearful A. 2.50
B. staggering B. 3.60
C. overwhelming C. 3.75
D. frightening D. 7.50
E. 0.5
21. The governor's address during his recent
visit to our town was delivered extempore. 28. The carbon atoms of ethane are .

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A. sp2 hybridized 35. Which of the following correctly gives the

B. sp3 hybridized relationship between linear speed v and
C. sp3d hybridized angular speed w of a body moving uniformly
D. sp hybridized in circle of radius r?
E. sd hybridized A. v = wr
B. v = w2r
29. Which of the following elements will burn C. v = wr2
in excess oxygen to form a product that is D. v2= wr
neutral to litmus? E. v.wr
A. carbon
B. hydrogen 36. Which of the following is used to
C. sulphur determine the relative density of the acid in a
D. sodium car battery?
A. hypsometer
30. Complete hydrogenation of oils results in B. hygrometer
the production of . C. manometer
A. soaps D. hydrometer
B. detergent E. spectrometer
C. alkaline
D. butter 37. The frequency F of the fundamental note
E. margarine for a plucked wire is given by .
A. �4�
31. Producer gas with low calorific value B. �3�
because it contains more . C. �2�2�
A. CO2 than O2 D.

B. N2 than CO
C. CO2 than N2
38. Suppose the potential difference of 2.4v
D. N2 than CO2
at a current of 0.2A. Find the resistance.
A. 14Ω
32. Which of these compounds exhibits B. 12 Ω
resonance? C. 16 Ω
A. benzene D. 20 Ω
B. ethanol
C. Propene 39. Which of the following has the same unit
D. butyne as the moment of a force?
A. force
33. To determine the weight of an object you B. power
would . C. work
A. use a balance D. momentum
B. use a spring balance
E. charge
C. find the force necessary to give it a certain
acceleration 40. The half-life of a radioactive element is 9
D. use none of these methods days. Calculate the fraction that remains after
E. use any of these methods 36 days?
A. 1/32
34. Find the heat produced in an electric coil B. 1/16
of resistance 12 Ohms when a current of 5 C. ¼
amperes flow through it for 10 minutes? D. 15/32
A. 2000J
B. 4000J 41. The light from the sun reaches the earth
C. 3000J mainly by .
D. 4000J A. Convection
E. none

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B. Conduction 49. Growing yam tendrils climb for support.

C. radiation This growth response is .
D. reflection A. haptotropism
B. geotropism
42. The most abundant source of energy in C. hydrotropism
the body is . D. chemotropism
A. Proteins
B. lipids 50. Which of the following is an example of
C. carbohydrates discontinuous variation?
D. minerals A. skin coloration
B. left-handedness
43. Haemophilia is associated with deficiency C. body weight
of . D. height
A. folic acid
B. blood clotting factors
C. niacin ANSWERS TO 2017/2018
D. Vitamin B1
44. Which of the following has mammary [SESSION 2]
A. whale 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. D 9. E
B. dogfish
C. catfish 10. B 11. C 12. D 13. B 14. B 15. B 16. D
D. shark
17. B 18. C 19. A 20. C 21. C 22. B 23. B
45. In the nephron, reabsorption of water
takes place in the . 24. C 25. D 26. D 27. C 28. B 29. B 30. E
A. bowman's capsule
B. glomerulus
31. B 32. A 33. E 34. C 35. A 36. D 37. B
C. renal tubules
D. selective membranes
38. B 39. C 40. B 41. C 42. B 43. B 44. B
46. When two parents are crossed the
45. A 46. C 47. A 48. C 49. A 50. B
offspring are referred to as .
A. recessives
B. test cross
C. f1 generation
D. F2 generation
47. Which of these will not be a limiting factor
in photosynthesis?
A. O2
B. CO2 www.9jabaz.ng
C. Chlorophyll
D. Light

48. Which of the following food substances is

digested in the stomach?
A. carbohydrates
B. fats and oil
C. fats and proteins
D. carbohydrate and fats


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