Ie Elem Wordlist fr03

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International Express elementary wordlists


Unit 3
along (prep) [direction] le long de
architect (n) [designer of buildings] architecte
area (n) [part of a bigger place] secteur, zone
begin (v. intransitive) commencer
big (adj) [significant] important
bookshop (n) librairie
building (n) [structure] bâtiment
bus stop (n) arrêt de bus
café (n) café
car park (n) parking
change (n) [money left over after paying] monnaie
chemist's (n) pharmacie
church (n) [building] église
cinema (n) [building] cinéma
clerk (n) employé de bureau
coffee bar (n) café
corner (n) [of a street] coin
cost (n) coût
creche (n) [child care facilities] crèche
crossroads (n) [literal] croisement
department store (n) grand magasin
describe (v) décrire
design (n) [way that sth is made] conception
design (v) concevoir [design]
destination (n) destination
different (adj) [not the same as something else] différent
directions (n. plural) [instructions on how to get somewhere] indications
employee (n) employé
escalator (n) escalier roulant
facilities (n. plural) [pieces of equipment] équipements
false (adj) [not factual and accurate] faux
famous (adj) célèbre
fare (n) [price for travel] prix
find out [about sth] (v) apprendre [qqch]
fitness room (n) salle de remise en forme
garden (n) jardin
get off (v) [leave transport] descendre [du bus]
get on (v) [board transport] monter [en train]
glass (adj) de/en verre
ground floor (n) rez-de-chaussée
idea (n) idée
ideal (adj) [as good as you can imagine] idéal
inside (adv) [inside a building] à l’intérieur
keep (v) [continue to have] garder
left (n) [left-hand side] gauche
letter (n) [letter of the alphabet] lettre
library (n) bibliothèque
lift (n) [elevator] ascenseur
light (adj) [having a lot of light] éclairé
map (n) carte
market (n) [public place for selling things] marché
meaning (n) signification
medical centre (n) centre médical
meeting room (n) salle de réunion
museum (n) musée
near (prep) [not far in distance from] près
next (adj) [the first after now] suivant
next to (prep) [spatial] près de
noun (n) nom
number (v) [give a number to] numéroter
object (n) [item] objet
open-plan (adj) paysagé [bureau]
opposite (prep) en face de
over (prep) [direction] au-delà
park (n) [public garden] parc
parliament (n) [building] Parlement
part (n) [section] partie
passenger (n) passager
past (prep) [direction] après
pay (v) [give money to buy something] payer
pedestrian (n) piéton
pedestrian crossing (n) passage clouté
photo (n) photo
platform (n) [train station] quai
plural (adj) [grammatical term] pluriel
post office (n) bureau de poste
private (adj) [providing privacy] privé
problem (n) [difficulty] problème
pub (n) pub
quiet (adj) [not noisy] calme
receipt (n) [proof of purchase] reçu
return (adj) [both ways (journey/fare/ticket)] aller-retour
right (n) [right-hand side] droite
road (n) route
roof (n) toit
roof garden (n) jardin sur les toits
shopping centre (n) centre commercial
show (v) [indicate on a page] montrer
show (v) [prove, demonstrate] prouver
single (adj) [one-way (fare/journey/ticket)] aller simple
space (n) [empty or available area] espace
speaker (n) [person speaking] personne qui parle, intervenant
sports centre (n) centre sportif
sports ground (n) terrain de sports
square (n) [town square] place
straight on (adv) [without turning] tout droit
street (n) rue
supermarket (n) supermarché
swimming pool (n) piscine
take (v) [transport sb somewhere] emmener
taxi (n) taxi
taxi rank (n) station de taxis
thank you (interj) merci
theatre (n) [building] théâtre
think (v) [have a particular opinion] penser
ticket (n) [to travel] billet
ticket office (n) guichet
time (n) [duration] temps [durée]
toilets (n. plural) toilettes
tour (n) [guided tour] excursion
tourist (n) touriste
tourist information office (n) office de tourisme
town hall (n) mairie
traffic lights (n) feux [de circulation]
travel agency (n) agence de voyage
true (adj) [factual and accurate] vrai
turn (v) [go around a corner] tourner
visitor (n) visiteur
way (n) [route, direction] chemin

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