Handicraft Module 7

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Technology Livelihood Education

Quarter 4 - Module 7:

Gift Wrapping
This lesson focuses on Wrap Gift Items. After going through this lesson,
you are expected to use appropriate tools for gift wrapping, apply principles
and elements of design, wrapped artistically gift items, apply decorative articles
to enhance wrapped gift items, and observe good working habit.
Most Filipino people are passionate in giving gifts to express affection
and to show concern with others. It becomes a tradition across culture to send
gifts on special occasions such as birthdays, Christmas, Easter, Christening,
Wedding, Valentine’s Day and others.
Our country is excellent on the production of famous native products
such as hats made from buri, baskets from rattan, bags made from abaca, na-
tive. Anahaw fans and many others are good materials for exclusive and per-
sonalized gift wrapping. Aside from that, we also made ecology-friendly materi-
als use for wrapping and packaging of gifts such as: Wrapping in the source of
sinamay, abaca, raffia, etc. Gift containers of bayong bags made of buri, coco-
nut leaves, tampipi (small rectangular buri box), native baskets, boxes made of
narra and bamboo. Ribbons and bows in the source of abaca strings, shells,
dried flowers, twigs, etc.

Materials Description Ima

1. Gift boxes or containers It is square or rectangular in shape
container covered with decorative
2.Wrapping Paper Wrapping paper is a kind of paper
designed for gift wrapping.
3. Ribbons and Bow A ribbon is a long strip of material
used as decoration.
A bow can be a type of knot.
4. Decorative Items These are decorative materials
( paper flowers, lace, twine, etc. ) attached to a gift for artistic and
creative design.
5. Tags and Labels It is a type of card where you can
put especial message or to label the
gift item.
Tools Description
1. Scissor It is a hand-operated shearing tools.
Usually used in paper, cloth and
other light materials.
2. Pencil A pencil is an implement for writing,
drawing and marking.
3. Paper Cutter Knife A paper cutter is essential to the
cutting process. It is also used on the
smooth formation of the item.
4. Hole Puncher It is an tool used to create holes in
sheets of paper. It is also used to
create designs on paper, fabric, thin
plastics, etc.
5. Glue Stick used for sticking objects together.
6. Adhesive Rul-er Also known as tape measure is a tool
use for measuring the size of the item.
To present a good looking gift it is very important to remember the art and
design because this will show your creativity. In this lesson you will learn the
principles and elements of design to attain the artistic and creative design on
gift wrapping.
Decorative Articles
To emphasize your creativity in gift wrapping, you need to consider deco-rative
designs like ribbon, bows, etc. One common important in gift wrapping is gift
ribbons, it can be made into decorative rosettes and bows with the use of bow
pins, string and double side tape. Here are some sample of gift ribbon that you
will learn on this lesson.
1. Ribbon Rosette 4. Flat Loop Bow
2. Twisted Trim 5. Spring Bow
3. Figure 8 Bow

1. Roll out the wrapping paper. Be sure you have enough paper to fit around
the entire gift. Measure if necessary, leaving a few extra inches to be sure you
are completely covered.
2. Once the paper is cut to the right size, place your gift face down in the
middle of the paper. Bring paper from the long side of the box, up to the middle
of your package. Pull both sides tightly so the paper hugs your package
smoothly, and tape
3. Next, you need to close the ends. Face the open end towards you and fold
the right and left edges, pushing the sides in next to your box, to form flaps.
4. Fold top flap down to the box, pulling tightly, and tape. Fold the bottom flap
up tightly and tape. Repeat on other side of package.
5. Position box so top is facing up. Run your thumb and forefinger across the
edges of the box to create a creased edge. Repeat on bottom of the box.


Make a ribbon to decorate a gift box. Follow the procedure below.
Materials: Lace, tape or stapler, scissor , thread or any string
1. USING RIBBON ( Ribbon Rosette)
1. Using a gift wrap ribbon, make a small loop by wrapping this around your
thumb; fix the loop in place with the help of tape or stapler. Twist the ribbon
back on itself to form a pointed loop and tape in position.
2. Continue looping the ribbon in evenly spaced twists.
3. Continue winding outward in circles, until the bow is big as your desired
size; cut off the ribbon, leaving a tail. Attach the rosette to the package; add
trimmings and tag.

2. USING RIBBON ( Figure 8 Bow and Twisted Trim )

A. Procedure in Figure 8
1. Work ribbon back and forth in loops in the form of a figure 8. Firm ribbon
works best. It may be easier to make the bow in reverse position.
2. Turn the bow upside down and make the figure 8 small to start with, making
each one successively larger.
B. Procedure in Making Twisted Trim
1. Examine the ribbon. Find the natural curl of the ribbon and which side is
shiny and which is dull .
2. Grasp the ribbon at one end between the forefinger and the thumb (if you’re
right handed, places the ribbon in your left hand, and vice versa if you're left
handed). Keep the dull side of the curling ribbon facing downward (toward the
3. Open the scissors with other hand. Contrary to what you'd normally do with
scissors, hold the scissors upward, with the blade facing up and open. Wrap
your fingers around the middle of the blades and handles with your thumb
along the non-sharpened side of one blade edge .
4. Press the blade firmly against the dull underside of the ribbon with your
5. Pull the ribbon across the scissors blade while continuing to press with your
6. Release the ribbon from the scissors blade
C. Flat Loop Bow and Spring Bow
Procedure in Making Flat Loop Bow
1. Make a loop keeping the ribbon away from you and bringing it up and back
to the center.
2. Continue making progressively larger loops, one on the top of the other, until
the desired size is reached.
3. Holding the bow together, tie at the center with thread or wire to secure. Tie
the loop bow to your package.

Procedure in Making Spring Bow

1. Make a fairly small circle for the inside loop. Holding where the ribbon
overlaps, continue making progressively longer circles.
2. When the desired size is reached, stick a straight pin through all the layers
at the bottom to hold the circles in place.
3. Tie with the thread to secure the bow, leaving enough thread to tape or tie
the bow to your package.

Learning Task :Perform box wrapping for Christmas and gift bag for your
birthday using the materials below. Read and follow the procedure carefully.
Compile or take and send pictures while working the project.
( box wrapping)
( gift bag )

Materials: ( Gift wrap or paper, small box (like shoe box), glue/tape, scissor,
string, lace, stapler)
Procedure :
1. Prepare all the materials needed.
2. Observe safety precaution.
3. Decide what design to be used in your gift wrap and gift bag. Choose also a
type of ribbon or bow you desired to make for decorative article.
4. For tags and label do not forget to indicate the theme and your name.
5. Start to do with your work.
6. Always remember to take pictures while your working for documentation
7. When finished, present your finished product.
Learning Task 3:Perform box wrapping for Christmas and gift bag for your
birthday using the materials below. Read and follow the procedure carefully.
Compile or take and send pictures while working the project.

Design and color
Ribbon and wrapper, suited to the purpose 10
Follow the principles of design 15
Shows pleasing color combination 15
Method and techniques of construction match to the ribbon and wrapper used 10
Good working habit is applied 10
Used appropriate tools and materials 10
General appearance
Produced Pleasing and attractive finished project 20
Finished project worth the time and effort spent 10
Rating Scale:
95-100 Outstanding
85-94 Very Satisfactory
75-84 Satisfactory
65-74 Need Improvement

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