Application Form

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Combined Admission Test of CUET, KUET and RUET

1st year/ level-1 B.Sc. Eng., BURP and B. Arch.

Session: 2022-2023
Application Form

Application ID: 201913

1. Applicant's Name: PRATTASHA PAUL MOMO

2. Father's Name: PALASH TARU PAUL

3. Mother's Name: SUMI RANI PAUL

4. Name of Guardian: Palash Taru Paul Relation: Father

Guardian's Mobile: 01926872890 Email: [email protected]

5. Candidate's Address:

(i) Permanent Address: Purba Adalat Para ( Near Kazi office ) , Tangail-1900

Thana: Tangail Sadar District: Tangail Division: Dhaka

(i) Present Address: 100 Shiddeswari Circular Road , Flat-D8

Thana: Ramna District: Dhaka Division: Dhaka

6. Applicant's Mobile No.: 01926872890

7. Email: [email protected] 8. Gender:FEMALE

9. Date of Birth: 2004-11-20

10. Are you Small Ethnic Groups?: No

If Yes, Name of the above Group :

11. Educaitonal Qualifications:

Name of Exam Passing Year Roll No. Board Institution
SSC or Equiv. 2020 196815 DHAKA
HSC or Equiv. 2022 141883 DHAKA

This is an automatic generated application form using application submission system of CKRUET
Printed on: 2023-05-10 09:06:56

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Combined Admission Test of CUET, KUET and RUET
1st year/ level-1 B.Sc. Eng., BURP and B. Arch.
Session: 2022-2023
Application Form

12. GPA and Grades:

SSC or Equiv. HSC or Equiv.

GPA Obtained GPA Obatained Subject Grade

Physics 5.00

Chemistry 5.00

Math 5.00
5.00 5.00
English 5.00

Total 20.00

Biology 5.00

13. Group: KA

14. Center Choice: RUET, CUET, KUET

15. Student's Declaration:

I hereby declare that the above information is true and correct. I understand my application will be rejected if any mismatch is found.

Signature of Student

Date: 2023-05-10

This is an automatic generated application form using application submission system of CKRUET
Printed on: 2023-05-10 09:06:56

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