Instructional Methods Bs Education NOTES
Instructional Methods Bs Education NOTES
Instructional Methods Bs Education NOTES
Instruc(onal Methods
Effec(ve Teaching
Holis(c Development
Both structured and unstructured guidance approaches have their benefits and
drawbacks, and many educa)onal programs incorporate elements of both in order to
provide students with a well-rounded learning experience.
What is Pedagogy?
Pedagogy refers to the art and science of teaching and instruc)on. It encompasses
the strategies, methods, and techniques used in educa)onal seLngs to impart
knowledge and facilitate learning. Pedagogy involves understanding and addressing
the needs, interests, and abili)es of learners, as well as crea)ng a suppor)ve and
engaging learning environment. Effec)ve pedagogy involves con)nuous assessment,
feedback, and reflec)on to improve teaching and learning outcomes.
These pedagogies help promote ac)ve learning, cri)cal thinking, and problem-solving
skills among students.
Behaviourism and social construc)vism are two different theories in educa)on that
provide different ways of understanding how students learn.
Behaviourism emphasizes the role of the environment in shaping behavior and
learning. In this view, learning is seen as a process of condi)oning where students
are trained to respond to certain s)muli through rewards and punishments. Teachers
using this approach may use strategies like repe))on, posi)ve reinforcement, and
behaviour contracts to shape student behaviour.
Social construc)vism, on the other hand, emphasizes the ac)ve role of the learner in
construc)ng new knowledge. In this view, learning is seen as a collabora)ve process
where students interact with each other to build understanding. Teachers using this
approach may use strategies like group work, discussions, and problem-based
learning to facilitate student collabora)on and engagement.
Here are some traits and quali)es that an effec)ve teacher should possess:
2. Pa)ence: They understand that every student learns at their own pace, and they
are pa)ent with their students.
3. Crea)vity: Effec)ve teachers are crea)ve in their teaching methods. They find
ways to make learning fun and engaging.
5. Passion: Passionate teachers show enthusiasm for their subject maNer and in
teaching their students.
6. Adaptability: They are adaptable and can change their teaching style to meet the
needs of different learners.
10. Con)nuous learner: Effec)ve teachers are always seeking to learn and improve
their skills.
Forma)ve assessments are assessments that are used as a tool for learning. They are
usually given throughout the learning process, while students are learning new
material or comple)ng an assignment. Forma)ve assessments are designed to
provide feedback to the students and teachers on how well the students are
understanding the material. They help students and teachers iden)fy areas in which
more work is needed, and they can inform the next steps in the learning process.
Summa)ve assessments are different from forma)ve assessments in that they are
given at the end of a learning period or unit, and are used to evaluate what a student
has learned. They are generally used to assign grades or to cer)fy comple)on of a
course or program. Summa)ve assessments are designed to measure a student's
overall comprehension and mastery of the material, and are oIen high-stakes tests
that can have a significant impact on a student's academic progress.
Montessori Educa(on
Montessori classrooms are typically mul)-age and offer a wide range of age-
appropriate materials and ac)vi)es that are designed to encourage self-directed
learning, explora)on, and problem-solving. The environment is typically organized
into different areas, such as prac)cal life skills, sensorial explora)on, language
development, math, and culture, that allow children to explore and interact with the
world around them in a meaningful and purposeful way.
The goal of Montessori educa)on is to develop a love of learning and respect for
oneself, others, and the environment, promo)ng independence, self-mo)va)on, and
a desire to learn throughout life.
An Ideal School
Defining an ideal school can be subjec)ve and vary depending on the needs and
goals of different individuals or communi)es. However, here are some general
characteris)cs that are oIen considered when defining an ideal school:
1. Safe and inclusive environment - an ideal school should provide a safe and
welcoming environment where all students and staff feel included and supported.
3. Skilled and qualified teachers - an ideal school should have skilled and qualified
teachers who are passionate about teaching and learning, and who are commiNed to
helping students achieve their full poten)al.
Lesson Planning