Civil - Kashi Nath Dotel

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CV of KNDotel


Position Title and No. Surveyor

Name of Firm Victor Engineering Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Name of Expert Mr. Kashi NathDotel
Date of Birth September 6 , 1977
Citizenship Nepali

Education: :
o Bachelor in Civil Engineering (T.U, 2003)

Employment Record:

Employing organization and

Summary of activities performed
Period your title/position. Contact Country
relevant to the assignment
information for references
Victor Engineering Solutions Pvt. GIS related data collection, analysis,
From May
Ltd. data processing and report preparation
2019 - Till Nepal
Position Held: Engineer/ of various projects undertaken by this
Surveyor Consultancy.
Responsible for topographic data
Victor Engineering Solutions Pvt.
From Jan collection, analysis and preparation map
2021 to April Nepal for construction of Hospital Building at
Position Held: Engineer/
2021 Kalikot. Client: Rabi Lamichhane
Responsible for collecting the
Victor Engineering Solutions Pvt.
From Oct. topographic data, analysis and
2020 to Jan Nepal preparation of contour map for
Position Held: Engineer/
2021 construction the park at Budhanilkantha.
Client: Budhanilkantha Municipality.
 Responsible for detail design of
road, Asset management, contract
management and quality control project,
upgrading and widening of roads to six
lane standards, Rani-Biratnagar-Itahari-
Dharan Road. Client; Government of
Nepal, DOR
 Responsible for overall
coordination of field work and
preparation of BOQ with different
alternatives. Feasibility Study of different
roads under Road Connectivity Project
(RCP-II). Client: Asian Development
Bank (ADB
From March GEOCE CONSULTANTS (P.)  Responsible for detail design of
2006 to Sept. Ltd Nepal approach road and cost estimate of
2010 Position Held: Engineer different components of ten bridges and
approach roads, Feasibility Study, Detail
Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation,
Hydrological Study and Detail Design of
Bridge (S). Client: Department of Road
 Responsible coordinating of
different type of traffic survey ( Traffic
count, pedestrian count, parking
demand, origination and destination,
vehicle occupancy, carbon, count
terminal, carbon survey etc.) in different
location of Kathmandu Valley. ClientM
Kathmandu Sustainable Urban Transport
(KSUT) Asian Development Bank (ADB)
 Responsible for detail design of

CV of KNDotel

different components of airports (Apron,

Taxiways, Maintenance base (hanger),
Perimeter road, internal water supply
and drainage etc) as per master plan
Development and Implementation of
additional Infrastructures of Tribhuvan
International Airport as per master plan.
Client: Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal
 Responsible for overall
coordination of field work (pavement
distress, inventory etc.) ,Geo-Tech
Investigation, Benklemen beam test etc
, data analysis and quantity calculation
Evaluation of Aerodrome pavement
Strength of Biratnagar, Pokhara and
Nepalgunj Airports. Client: Civil Aviation
Authority of Nepal (CAAN)
 Design Engineer, Road Sector
Development Project (RSDP), Different
Roads (90Km), Responsible for overall
coordination of field work (pavement
distress, road inventory etc.), Geo-Tech
Investigation, Benkelman beam test etc
, design works and preparation of tender
document. (1th May 2008 to 14 July
 Design Engineer, Road
Improvement Project (RIP), Sanfebagar-
Martadi Road (57Km), Responsible for
overall coordination of field work (detail
road survey, Geo-Tech Investigation,
Road inventory etc) and detail design
with preparation of contract document
(1th August 2007 to 30th April 2008)

Responsible for Community based

program, Responsible for guidance and
monitoring,, review of design, estimate,
From July Shanti Jana Aadarsha Service
report preparation of different rural water
2000 to Feb. Center Nepal
2006 Position Held: Engineer supply schemes. Client: Rural Water
Supply and Sanitation Fund
Development Board (RWSSFDB)

Responsible for guidance and monitoring

of different rural water supply schemes in
development and implementation phase.
Client: Rural Water Supply and
Sanitation Fund Development Board
(RWSSFDB), Community based
Shanti Jana Aadarsha Service program.
From January
Center Nepal Responsible for guidance and
2004 To 2006
Position Held: Engineer monitoring of water supply scheme
design and construction. Client: Poverty
Allivation Fund (PAF), Bhatere Lift Water
Supply Project (Pilot project in Kavre
district),Community based program,

CV of KNDotel

Responsible for inspection of

construction material delivered at the
depot centers, visiting factories to
inspect the quality of materials, give
approvals and necessary instructions to
the supplier, regularly visit sites to
monitor the proper use of material and
record the progress of construction
works and give necessary technical
instruction/advice to the school
From Jul management committee regarding the
2005 To Jan Nepal construction of the works, sending
Position Held: District Engineer,
2006 monthly progress reports on the delivery
Construction of School Building
of materials and the progress of
construction, assisting in any other works
related to the project activities and
making necessary coordination with
district education office and school
management committee at
Sindhupalchowk District. (7.5 months)
Client: Government of Japan

Membershipsin Professional Associations and Publications:

o Nepal Engineering Council REGD: 3640 Civil "A" Category
o Nepal Engineering Association (No 8804)


o Training for Engineers on Water Supply and Sanitation Scheme Design and Monitoring , from
Jan 2 – 7, 2010, Organized by Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Fund Development Board
o General Insurance Training Programme for Surveyor, Conducted by BEEMA SAMITI
(INSURANCE BOARD), from March 3rd – 6th , 2009
st th
o Training of Trainers on School Led Total Sanitation (SLTS), Program, from Jan 1 – 5 ,
2007,Organised by Ministry of Physical Planning and Works, Department of Water Supply
and Sewerage, Central Human Resource Development Unit (CHRDU)
o Technical Supervisor (TS) Training on Water Supply and Sanitation Scheme Design and
Supervision , from Oct 2nd – 11, 2004, Organized by Rural Water Supply and Sanitation
Fund Development Board (RWSSFDB) .
o SW ROAD (Road design Software) from We-Link Consultant.

Language & Degree of Proficiency:

Mother Tongue
1. Nepali

2. English Good

3. Hindi

Country of Work Experiences:

o Nepal and Bhutan

CV of KNDotel

Adequacy for the Assignment:

Detailed Task Assigned on Reference to Prior Work/Assignments that Best
Consultant's Team of Experts: Illustrates Capability to Handle the Assigned Tasks
 Responsible for topographic data collection, analysis and
preparation map for construction of Hospital Building at
Kalikot. Client: Rabi Lamichhane Foundation.
 Responsible for collecting the topographic data, analysis
and preparation of contour map for construction the park
at Budhanilkantha. Client: Budhanilkantha Municipality.
 Responsible for detail design of road, Asset
management, contract management and quality control
project, upgrading and widening of roads to six lane
standards, Rani-Biratnagar-Itahari-Dharan Road. Client;
Government of Nepal, DOR
 Responsible for overall coordination of field work
and preparation of BOQ with different alternatives. Feasibility
Study of different roads under Road Connectivity Project
(RCP-II). Client: Asian Development Bank (ADB
 Responsible for detail design of approach road and
cost estimate of different components of ten bridges and
approach roads, Feasibility Study, Detail Engineering
Survey, Soil Investigation, Hydrological Study and Detail
Design of Bridge (S). Client: Department of Road (DoR),
 Responsible coordinating of different type of traffic
survey ( Traffic count, pedestrian count, parking demand,
origination and destination, vehicle occupancy, carbon, count
terminal, carbon survey etc.) in different location of
He will be assigned the responsibility Kathmandu Valley. Client Kathmandu Sustainable Urban
for Total Station related collecting Transport (KSUT) Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Cadastral data as well as plot,  Responsible for detail design of different
preparation of plot wise map & components of airports (Apron, Taxiways, Maintenance base
(hanger), Perimeter road, internal water supply and drainage
calculate the area. The Surveyor will
etc) as per master plan Development and Implementation of
be responsible for Identify Control additional Infrastructures of Tribhuvan International Airport
Points, Detail by TS, Data Plot and as per master plan. Client: Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal
calculate the land area. (CAAN)
 Responsible for overall coordination of field work
(pavement distress, inventory etc.) ,Geo-Tech Investigation,
Benklemen beam test etc , data analysis and quantity
calculation Evaluation of Aerodrome pavement Strength of
Biratnagar, Pokhara and Nepalgunj Airports. Client: Civil
Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN)
 Design Engineer, Road Sector Development Project
(RSDP), Different Roads (90Km), Responsible for overall
coordination of field work (pavement distress, road
inventory etc.), Geo-Tech Investigation, Benkelman
beam test etc , design works and preparation of tender
document. (1th May 2008 to 14 July 2008)
 Design Engineer, Road Improvement Project (RIP),
Sanfebagar- Martadi Road (57Km), Responsible for
overall coordination of field work (detail road survey,
Geo-Tech Investigation, Road inventory etc) and detail
design with preparation of contract document (1th
August 2007 to 30th April 2008)
 Responsible for Community based program,
Responsible for guidance and monitoring,, review of
design, estimate, report preparation of different rural
water supply schemes. Client: Rural Water Supply and
Sanitation Fund Development Board (RWSSFDB)
 Responsible for guidance and monitoring of different
rural water supply schemes in development and
implementation phase. Client: Rural Water Supply and

CV of KNDotel

Sanitation Fund Development Board (RWSSFDB),

Community based program
 Responsible for guidance and monitoring of water
supply scheme design and construction. Client: Poverty
Allivation Fund (PAF), Bhatere Lift Water Supply Project
(Pilot project in Kavre district), Community based
 Responsible for inspection of construction material
delivered at the depot centers, visiting factories to
inspect the quality of materials, give approvals and
necessary instructions to the supplier, regularly visit sites
to monitor the proper use of material and record the
progress of construction works and give necessary
technical instruction/advice to the school management
committee regarding the construction of the works,
sending monthly progress reports on the delivery of
materials and the progress of construction, assisting in
any other works related to the project activities and
making necessary coordination with district education
office and school management committee at
Sindhupalchowk District. (7.5 months) Client:
Government of Japan

Expert's Contact Information: (e-mail: [email protected])

CV of KNDotel


I, the undersigned, certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that

(i) This CV correctly describes my qualifications and experience

(ii) I am not a current employee of the GoN
(iii) In the absence of medical incapacity, I will undertake this assignment for the duration and in terms
of the inputs specified for me in Form TECH 6 provided team mobilization takes place within the
validity of this proposal.
(iv) I was not part of the team who wrote the terms of reference for this consulting services
(v) I am not currently debarred by a multilateral development bank (In case of DP funded project]
(vi) I certify that I have been informed by the firm that it is including my CV in the Proposal for the
Preparation of Cadastral Map of Land Issue Resolving Program and GIS Mapping for Landless,
Unmanaged Settlement in Lalbandi Municipality. I confirm that I will be available to carry out the
assignment for which my CV has been submitted in accordance with the implementation
arrangements and schedule set out in the Proposal.

I understand that any willful misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification or
dismissal, if engaged.

………………………………………………………………………………… Date: 2079/12/26

[Signature of Expert] Day/Month/Year

………………………………………………………………………………… Date: 2079/12/26

[Signature of authorized representative of the firm] Day/Month/Year

Full name of Expert: Mr. Kashi NathDotel

Full name of authorized representative:Ms. Sushma Singh

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