Dueling Fops of Vindamere
Dueling Fops of Vindamere
Dueling Fops of Vindamere
Your goal is to have fun by creating tales of violent, vainglorious aristocrats. The game proceeds
through a series of scenes, along the following schedule.
1) Ye Midwinter Balle
2) An Random Scene
3) An Random Scene
4) Ye Springe Cotillionnne
5) An Random Scene
6) An Random Scene
7) Ye Alle-Valley Fencinge Championeshippe
In each scene, you choose whether its events befall the head of the school, or whether it focuses on
someone in the teacher’s orbit—one of their Beloved, of whom you start with two. Beloveds skew your stats,
but may die in scenes. Dying is less likely for a cosseted noble who’s an expert with the sword.
In fact, the only ways an instructor is likely to die are (1) if FOPPISH maxes out, and even then you die
offstage, or (2) if you lose your last point of DUELIST when someone hits you with SERIOUS+DUELIST—the
option for striking to kill.
You can, however, be forced out of play. If all your Beloveds die, you just quit. Your character loses
interest in life, retreats to a moody estate out on the moors, and broods. Maybe later some plain-faced
governess snaps you out of it, but most likely it’s just a slow, bleak decline into a melancholy grave. Keep
your loved ones close.
In each scene, the likeliest behaviors are listed in order, like a flowchart. They're also numbered. So
things go in the order of ⚀green, ⚁blue, ⚂purple, ⚃red, and ⚄gold. Rarely, it loops back to ⚅green.
The game ends when
• the players all agree it’s a good stopping point,
• two school leaders reach a final fate (by hitting 10 in any of their attributes, dying, or losing the
loves in their lives) or
• someone wins ye Alle-Valley Fencinge Championeshippe.
Don’t take this game too seriously. Steer into skids. Act out. Behave badly, but care deep down. (Or
don’t!) The point is not to “win” or even to improve the situation of your duelist or their school. The point is
to go through ridiculous, overblown scenes involving the kind of snotty trifling elites that, in real life, you’d
probably jump out a window to avoid.
Lack of Character
There are several constant threats to instructors coded into the rules—if any attribute hits zero, the
teacher is removed from the game. There are also SOME narrative options that can kill or just remove an
instructor, as can despair if nobody loves them. So what happens to the player whose teacher burns out or
fades away?
One way to handle it is the Monopoly™ method. When you go bankrupt in Monopoly™ you’re out
of the game and you go sulk over your phone until everyone else gets done. Unlike many tabletop
roleplaying games, Dueling Fops of Vindamere is pretty quick and has a definite end point. It’s never more
than seven scenes, so you may just be able to kick back and relax until everyone else finishes up.
But if you’re really into it and want to keep going, there are options. You probably won’t be able to
win, though, unless you feel that playing the game itself makes you enough of a winner and the real
Clayemorre is the friends you made along the way. So let’s look at the two ways you can persist, when
normally you’d just gracefully withdraw.
Character Generation
Making your character is an easy matter of four, maybe five steps.
Step One: Find Out Just How Fancy You Are Optional Step Five: Roll a Name
Roll 1d6+2. That’s your starting FOPPISH rating. If you can’t even be bothered to make up
a name for your fantasy snob, roll a d10 and pick
Step Two: Limber Up, Prepare to Stab between “male” “female” or “category-defying
Roll 1d6+2. That’s your starting DUELIST
rating. The character with the highest starting
DUELIST is renowned as leading the greatest school
Roll ♀ ♂ ⚩
1 Gingrit Punkle Cobra
of swordplay in the land, and has possession of ye 2 Javonelle Bardolph Lowblow
Baron’s Clayemorre, the trophy for winning the 3 Sweltermink Stildenguern Scraps
yearly swordplay tournament. If it’s tied, determine 4 Aekweis Bort Dreg
randomly who won last year. Everyone has an 5 Helgolga Flances Scarf Ace
opinion and the rivalry would be even fiercer, 6 Rhapsodie Kiddlebronk Likely Story
7 Eiaoe Darhark Lipfold
except that the rivalries between all the players are 8 Tina Steven Chamberpot
already at maximum ferocity. 9 Ohiowa Sjivlit The Locust
10 Kavelinetta Tug Assassin
Step Three: Name Your School
Similarly, you can make up a last name or
You can give your style of fencing any cool-
roll one from the list of great families on page 41.
sounding name you like, but if you’re lazy like me,
why not just roll 3d6 and see what fate thinks? If that’s one you’ve already gotten, keep going
1 Circling Evisceration Path through the list until you find someone
2 Razor Rapier School unconnected.
3 Impudent Hare Way
4 Harmonious Victory Style Most Beloved list rules modifications. Those
5 Indomitable Serpent Fellowship only kick in when you focus a scene on that person
6 Subtle Enlightenment Discipline instead of taking it yourself. This is described at
greater length on page 6 under “Dearly Beloveds.”
Step Four: Hold Close Thy Dear Ones Be sure to give each Beloved a name.
You’re no island. You have close, important
people, folks whose lives you may value more,
even, than your own. In game terms, they are your
Beloved. To see who you care about, roll 2d20 on
the chart on the next page.
If you roll a result you’ve already gotten, you
can double up, or choose the one above or below it.
*The civic gods of Vindamere are all super-queer, changing between “masculine,” “feminine” and
“blended,” so the citizens, naturally, are pretty indifferent and accepting of sexual variety. Some foreign and
atheist killjoys still get shirty about stuff though.
Whom Dost Thou Love?
Roll Result Roll Result
1 Wastrel Bastard Son: You just couldn’t 12 Dear Sister: Sensible, mature, horse-
keep it in your smallclothes on the most ill- faced, unmarried. Your heart aches for her
starred night of the year. Yet he is still precious to loneliness, yet selfishly you rely on her support.
2 Scorned Lover: Equipped with an acid 13 Goofy-Faced Failson: There is a
tongue and not shy about using it. Do you feel regrettable part of you that wishes he was only a
affection still… or just guilt? -2 ARISTOCRAT student, so you could kick him out and be done
3 Hot-Headed Student: What is lacking in with it. But he is your legit heir. -1 SERIOUS
skill is balanced by pure cruelty. You hope to 14 Adoring Spouse: Supportive, and as in
forge that into something nobler. +1 DUELIST love with you as the day you married. Someone
4 Addlepated Elder: Even in his youth, he you can absolutely take for granted.
was no scholar. He got hit in the head in the wars. +2 ARISTOCRAT
Many times. -2 FOPPISH, +1 ARISTOCRAT 15 Badass Granny: In her day, your mam
5 Bitter Daughter: She despises you, headed a school of swordplay. Her elbows and
maybe with typical teenage scorn, maybe to the eyesight aren’t what they once were, but she can
point of poisoning your brandy. still nail a playing card to a wall with her rapier
6 Betrayed or Betraying Friend: What did tip. +1 FOPPISH, +1 DUELIST
you do to earn such passionate wrath? You get 16 Boorish Second: Your subordinate
disadvantage on all ARISTOCRAT rolls. teacher. Knows the strikes, but is coarse and
7 Comrade Boozebag: She did save your unmannerly. Always straight with you.
life once, but hasn’t done much for you lately -1 ARISTOCRAT, +1 DUELIST
except raid your wine cellar. -1 ARISTOCRAT, 17 Loyal Brother: With you through thick
+1 DUELIST and thin, and an equal asset whether you’re
8 Distant Father: Stern patrician, has minding your courtly manners or dragging a
always withheld affection and approval, which stabbed rival down to the riverbank.
you crave. The standard deal. -1 FOPPISH, +1 FOPPISH, +1 ARISTOCRAT
-1 DUELIST 18 Alluring Inamorata: Your lover, who
9 Overenthusiastic Cousin: Likes to drink, scalds your bodily essence with erotic lightning.
likes to fight, likes to brag about the family Renowned through the city for fair features.
history. Ten pounds of trouble in a five-pound You’re lucky. +2 FOPPISH, -2 ARISTOCRAT
sack. Loyal though. +1 FOPPISH, -1 ARISTOCRAT 19 Enlightened Mentor: Long since retired
10 Brilliant Beginner: Not even at full into religious contemplation, but still comes out
growth but beating students years older. It’s all into society on occasion. Especially if you need
too easy for this one. But when it’s easy, it’s hard help. You get advantage on all SERIOUS rolls.
to take it seriously… -1 SERIOUS, +2 DUELIST 20 Prize Student: You love this one like
11 Good-Hearted Student: Always listens, your own child, if not more. Their skills are great,
tries hard, never gives up, has two left feet and no but more, they have the heart of a lion. Your
defensive instinct. -1 DUELIST favorite. You get advantage on all DUELIST rolls.
Dearly Beloveds
You have a series of people whom you love and care about, even if they hate you and wish you the
basest of ills. They are your Beloveds, as rolled on page 5. Much of the game is about stealing Beloveds.
While this is often erotic seduction, it could be supplanting someone as a parent figure, friend, or mentor.
As the game progresses, you can focus the attention of a scene on “you”—that is, your main
character, the fencing instructor—or you can send in one of your Beloved to deal with the scene instead. If
actions in a scene result in losses or gains, you make those losses or gains as a teacher, even if it was your
student or associate who was involved. If your student wins a fight, that might improve your DUELIST score.
Reputation is everything, it’s the battle before the battle.
Remember, if all your Beloveds die, or abandon you, your instructor is dropped from the game. You,
the player, can stick around to make rolls and carry out narrative tasks, but your character’s story has ended.
They are merely the residue left behind when love perishes. It’s bleak. See “Lack of Character” on page 3.
Beloveds begin neutral towards everyone (saving loyalty to the teacher). If they fall in love (which is
automatic in some scenes) they start out “infatuated.” (Teachers and Beloveds can be infatuated with
multiple people, obviously.) Actions scenes can remove infatuation or escalate it to devotion. (Often that
action is seduction with FOPPISH+ARISTOCRAT roll, but not exclusively.) If your Beloved becomes devoted to
someone else, you lose them. They shift over to that player’s character sheet, maybe move in with someone,
and leave your dueling school for theirs. Are you going to stand for that? Well, are you?!?
If a Beloved becomes devoted to you and lands on your character list, they become loyal as if you’d
rolled them. If someone else later escalates their feelings to devotion, they move again, to that player’s sheet.
Doing Things
Whenever you roll, you throw a ten-sided die. If it’s a 10 you succeed and if it’s a 1, you fail.
Otherwise, add two stats. If the total of your roll is 15 or greater, you succeed at whatever it was you were
trying. To figure out which stats to add, look at the header “What Your Stats Do.”
If you have advantage—the rules say so, or all the other players agree this should be a little easier, or
if someone used their action to help you—you roll two ten-siders and use the better result.
If you have disadvantage—the rules say you’re boned, or all the other players think you’re in a real
pinch—you roll two ten siders and use the lower result.
If you somehow have both advantage and disadvantage, it cancels out and you roll normally.
If everyone agrees you can just do something without having to roll, you get it. Yay you!
If everyone agrees a task is well beyond your talents of swordplay and sycophancy, you don’t roll and
don’t get a try. Mostly the text describes what you (or the Beloved acting as your proxy in the scene) can do.
A lot of what the gentry do isn’t measured against quotidian common rubrics of success like “do I get
to eat today?” but, instead, against the relative success of their periwigged and codpiece-clad social equals.
All of you get to eat, ignore laws and dick around pointlessly, so what matters is, who did it best?
In competitive circumstances, two fops roll.
Did they both fail? They both look like asses. Much tittering behind fans impends.
Did one succeed and the other fail? It’s pretty clear how that panned out.
Did they both succeed? It’s kind of a draw in every practical sense, but whomever rolled higher is
believed when they claim to their friends that they really prevailed, in any sense that matters.
What Your Stats Do
There are four basic categories of endeavor that louche upper-class nitwits pursue, each governed by
a pair of stats on different continuums.
What do the rich and cruel and silly do when the practical poor and somber city elders aren’t around
to scold and frown? In a word: hijinks. The two rolls for this pairing’s hijinks are…
Seduce. Roll this to make friends, cadge drinks, Outshine. This looks like socializing on the
flirt, joke around and find out where the card game surface, but actually you’re being a bitch with
is happening. This is not necessarily erotic backhanded compliments or fake pity. If you
seduction, but that happens a lot. succeed, your target loses a point of FOPPISH.
Here’s the rotted core of these aristos’ identities. How good are you at pointless posturing, and how good
are you at posturing with a sword-point? This is the pairing you use to put people in their place.
Humiliate. Draw your rapier and engage someone Brag. Roll this to loudly, publicly pronounce a
in a nonlethal test of composure and élan. If you deed you intend to accomplish. It must be
succeed at this roll, your target loses a point of something that makes you look powerful, like “My
SERIOUS because you’ve made them look like a student Wetbed is going to win the All-Valley!” or
monkey’s ass. Could be you made them flinch or “I’m going to seduce your mother!” or “By my
flee. Perhaps you provoked a fit of temper or troth, I swear to kill that wretch Gingrit!”
blubbering. It’s possible you ripped their fancy If the roll fails, no one takes you seriously and
clothes or made their pantaloons drop. Or maybe you suffer -1 FOPPISH—but if you complete the
you put a slice on their cheek that could easily have task anyhow, you regain that lost point.
been three inches lower. If you succeed at the roll, you gain +1 FOPPISH,
This can also be verbal humiliation that no one and another +1 FOPPISH if you fulfill the brag later.
counters for fear of escalating to swordplay. Fail later? Eh, no one cares.
This handles all the dull stuff that never got onstage during Romeo and Juliet. However, you still
may, for some reason, want to roll this combo to…
Buy Stuff, Cope With Peasants. The commonfolk Talk Sense. You can roll this to appeal to bickering
are regarded as objects by the gentry, it’s a real flouncers’ better natures, or to imply their elders
problem. But it’s really only their problem. So if might cut off their credit.
you want to bribe a cop or sabotage an assignation If you fail, no one cares. If you succeed on
by sending a rural theater troupe to serenade the Beloveds, you can reduce their passion from
lovers, roll this. Unlike many games, items don’t do devoted to infatuated, or from infatuated to nothing.
much, but you might want a really fancy dress or a You can remove an instructors’ attraction too. You
cask of Amontillado anyhow. can even do this to yourself.
Kill with the sword, or get ready to kill with the sword. Those are the only options here, really.
Mortal Strike. This is not an honorable exchange Train. In some scenes, you have the option of
of stylized passes. This is what you roll when working hard and honing your skills like a damn
you’re trying to maim or kill someone. Even if you nerd instead of drinking or whoring or attending
have foils with blunted tips, you’re acting like bear-baiting* like a proper aristocrat. If you engage
you’re trying to get over the eyeball and into the in practice matches, or do a bunch of squat-presses,
brainpan, or open the big veins in the groin or or have a student throw peaches at you while you
armpit, or slice a hamstring, or mangle the tendons sequentially skewer them, you can roll. On a
on someone’s wrist or elbow. If you succeed at this, success, you gain +1 DUELIST. On a fail, you gain
you inflict -1 DUELIST on your opponent. Taking a nothing but a strong grip.
teacher’s last point of DUELIST this way is fatal.
You can roll randomly on a d12. If you hit one you’ve already played through and someone wants to
do a different scene, just go up one. Also, don’t forget Ye Rule of Democratic Liberty—if all the players
agree that the political unrest scene sounds extra great, you can just jump in.
* “Bear-baiting” is the alleged “sport” of putting a bear in a pit with bunch of dogs, then eating peanuts
while watching the carnage. Not to be confused with “bare ‘bating,” which is a yearly festival of Tlonc,
Vindamere’s indefatigable love deity
Ye Midwinter Balle
This year’s dance has something a little extra special going on. Tlonc, The Forever Frisky, Deity of
Love and Ardor, has dipped their beard in the punch or something. As the great and good and just adequate
of Vindamere gather to dance until dawn, love’s envenomed darts unerringly strike. Or, plainly: People fall in
love. Deal with it.
⚀Who Is In Attendance?—Each teacher attends and picks one Beloved to go as well.
⚁Who Loves Whom?—Each player rolls 1d6 to see whom their teacher has been suddenly smitten
by. Count off players going clockwise, skipping yourself. The person on whom you land? Your character is
now infatuated with your pick of whom they sent to the ball. Make a note. If it’s mutual, great. If it’s not,
even better. If you get rivals for the same lover, that’s best, so remember Ye Rule of Democratic Liberty.
⚂What Is Everyone Doing?—The players take turns in order to carry out actions. Once every
teacher and Beloved has taken one action, the sun rises and everyone goes home.
⚂Seduce Somebody
Perennially popular. If you want to impress your new crush, flirt with them. Or someone else, to make them
jealous! That never ends badly! You can’t seduce your own characters, but you may pick someone else’s
Beloved. Even if their player didn’t bring them to the ball, they’re there anyhow. Roll FOPPISH+ARISTOCRAT.
Success? You dance passionately, flirt, waggle eyebrows, drink and giggle with one another. If they
weren’t already infatuated with you, they are now. If they were infatuated, they’re now devoted. If they were
infatuated with someone else, they’re also infatuated with you.
Fail? They curl their lip and decline in whatever fashion their player feels is most amusing. You lose a
point of FOPPISH. If you kill them later, you’re going to look terribly petulant.
Ye Springe Cotillionnne
Remember, do two random scenes before this one!
For this scene, every teacher is in attendance, as are all surviving Beloveds. However, as this dance is
hosted by the Tyrant of Vindamere, fatal dueling is… let’s go with, “frowned upon.” No one dies tonight.
Which is not to say hot blooded teens might not scratch up each other’s faces pretty good.
Every player takes an action with one of their Beloved. After everyone’s done those, the teachers
each act. However, the instructors must use their one action to either pay court or pitch woo to the person
they fell in love with at the Midwinter Balle. Assuming, of course, they survived. If the inamorata is dead
already, the teacher doesn’t act, just mopes.
Let’s start with Beloved actions first, then get to the sexy stuff.
⚀Flirt Outrageously
If you flirt with a fellow instructor, you don’t need to roll, it’s standard head-games in the four-dimensional
chess match you play to distract each other from the rapier feint that sets up the main-gauche to the gorget, or
whatever. If it’s with a Beloved on someone else’s sheet (and you can’t seduce your own Beloveds, that’s
unethical, unless you’re seducing them back after they’ve been led astray), roll FOPPISH+ARISTOCRAT. If you
flirt with someone who’s neither an instructor or a Beloved, don’t roll, just briefly and amusingly describe
their positive or negative reaction.
Success? Their love for you grows, either from neutral to infatuated, or from infatuated to devoted.
Fail? You’re getting a reputation. They rebuff your advances and you lose a point of ARISTOCRAT if
they’re noble, a point of FOPPISH if common. (If their status is unclear, the player to your right decides.)
⚀Bring a Serious Matter to the Tyrant’s Attention
When are you going to have this kind of access when she’s in a good mood? Not very bloody soon, that’s for
sure. Explain the civic issue you want to bring to the woman with the real power, and make sure it’s nothing
that has anything to do with your Beloveds or your school. This is for something like military allocations or
civic responsibility or taxes or redistricting. You know. The dry stuff. Roll SERIOUS+ARISTOCRAT.
Success? You’ve impressed Her Inexorableness with your thoughtful directness. She likes the cut of your
jib! Don’t get cocky. Do get +1 ARISTOCRAT and +1 SERIOUS.
Fail? Seeming to ignore you entirely, she turns to her entourage and asks, rhetorically, “Is it too much to
ask to have one night of frivolity without some asinine fribble trying to impress me as a serious court
thinker?” -1 ARISTOCRAT and -1 SERIOUS. Your parents would like a word with you.
With those lesser concerns out of the way, ⚁each instructor rolls for romance.
Ye Alle-Valley Fencinge Championeshippe
Don’t forget to do two random scenes between the Midwinter Balle and this event.
This is the big one. All of Vindamere turns out to the civic gutball pitch to watch the fencing schools
contend, unless they can’t get off work or hate the sight of blood. The winners claim ye Baron’s Clayemorre
and exercise smug bragging rights for a year. The losers scowl and plot redress. The food truck vendors sell
questionable seafood and frown over the heavy scent of sourcheese, while gangs of inebriated civil guards
cheer hits regardless of which side scored, their faces ruddy with camaraderie, bloodlust, and ale.
⚀First, decide if the teacher is competing, or a student. Every student is in it, but the story only
permits one character per player to have a chance at the Clayemorre. It’s possible to fiat that your teacher
takes part in the tournament but is eliminated early—probably due to an illegal cheap shot that disables the
instructor while disqualifying the little bastard who did it. (“I never dreamed he’d be so dishonorable as to
sweep the leg!”) This pins all the hopes on the competitor who remains. But for real, only pick one, because
it would be anticlimactic to have your student fight your teacher for the championship.
⚁Second, every competitor has their initial match. There are three ways to play this. They can be a
good sport and have fun, the safe pick, good for “nice” characters, and essential if they care more about
what people think than winning. They could throw the match, a rare option, but not so rare if they wind up
fighting someone for whom they have warm, special, confusing feelings. Or they can fight to win, even if
that means poking their fiancé in the eye. (“You could have guarded high, I’m just saying, I always thought
your eyes were beautiful, I’ll miss it too. No, you’re right, you’ll miss it more, I’m sorry, look, this isn’t a
competition! Not anymore, ‘cause I won. Heh. Come on, don’t be a spoilsport!”) This duel is a single roll.
If it is at all possible, the competitor is up against the person they fell for at Ye Midwinter Balle, or
who fell for them.
* It’s rum.
With those first matches settled, it’s time to ⚂kill some time until the final bout. Here’s what your
swanky young swells might try. Each player gets one action, with their instructor or any of their Beloved.
⚃Fight the final matches! Once everyone’s done their waiting actions, there’s nothing left but shame
or glory. Pairing off the final match (or matches) can be easy or difficult, depending on how many players
you have and how the first matches fell out. If it’s just obvious to all players, set up the brackets and go to it.
But no matter how many there are, you can sort out it out with the following steps.
1. Eliminate all characters who got knocked out in the first round.
2. Consider the player whose turn it currently is. Has anyone advanced that they haven’t fought? They fight
that person. If more than one person they haven’t fought are advanced, great, they fight the one to their left.
If no one advanced without fighting them, move to the left and do this step with that player.
3. Once everyone has been matched up through the previous step, do their fights and then start again.
These fights are a little different. Each player picks a strategy and rolls.
Is there a last warrior standing? If so, that’s the winner, the greatest fighter in Vindamere this year!
Let freely flow the ale! If it’s still in doubt, go back and do it again until you do get a champion.
⚄Finally, end the game.
Who won the tournament? Is it the long-sought triumph, or is it empty without love? Let that player
narrate a brief end to their character’s story.
After that, go clockwise. Each player gets a chance to tie up any still-unresolved issues with their
teachers and Beloveds, with one big restriction. You cannot, at this eleventh hour, change any Beloved’s
feelings. If you didn’t get them to devoted with your rolls and machinations, you can’t fiat happiness just
because it’s the end. If you managed to max out a stat, run down the implications. If the teacher learned
nothing, maybe leave them scheming for a sequel.
Just make sure to be quick with this. Don’t drone on and on—these summaries shouldn’t take longer
than a standard knock-knock joke. Tell us what happened, shake hands with all the other players, and end.
OK! The rest of the book is the random scenes of trouble and drama that occur between the louder
beats of the three pre-planned scenes, along with an appendix about Vindamere geography emphasizing
making out and illegal swordplay.
Erotic Machinations
You and me, we “go on dates” but the fops of Vindamere “engage in erotic machinations.” If you’re
the player who rolled up this event, you’ve got some options to escalate or reduce affection between your
teacher, a Beloved who’s at risk of running off devotedly with another instructor, or of snagging another
player’s Beloved by cranking their feelings higher. So ⚀pick a character and figure out what you want for
them. After that, every other player has the chance to do the same.
⚄If the scene hasn’t ended, each onlooker now has a chance to act.
⚅If the scene hasn’t ended, the offended party now acts. After that, the scene ends.
If it’s your turn when this comes up, your instructor must attend this scene, as must the person you
fell in love with at the Midwinter Balle. Moreover, if other players have characters who are infatuated with
or devoted to either of that pair, they must commit them to this
scene. Otherwise, they send whomever they like. ⚀Who’s Playing Tlonc’s
⚀Who sent the letter? Roll 1d6 to find out!
⚁Each player takes an action. Start with the lover who rolled
1-2 You did.
up this scene, end with the person for whom they’ve the hots, 3-4 The one you love!
and otherwise go clockwise if it’s an even numbered scene, 5-6 Someone else, either (a) trying to
counterclockwise for odd. Each player gets two actions before help or (b) sadistically trying to make
the scene ends. you look like a lovestruck buffoon. The
player who doesn’t control a lover picks
⚁Declare Thy Passion a character as the prankster or cupid. If
With trembling heart, ply your suit with a there’s more than one such player, they
FOPPISH+ARISTOCRAT roll. conspired together! Everyone should
Success? If it’s a Beloved, they become infatuated or, if explain their motivation and play it out
in the scene.
they already were, jump to devoted! If it’s someone else, well,
now they know.
Fail? They are unchanged, but you lose a point of SERIOUS.
The classic cock block or clam jam requires a FOPPISH+ARISTOCRAT roll. Describe how you seek to
transgress Tlonc’s holy passions, and why. (If you want to decrease your own passions, use the “Talk Sense”
maneuver from page 7.)
Success? If they’re Beloved, their emotion drops from devotion to infatuation, or infatuation to naught.
Otherwise, no rules effect.
Fail? They think you have a thing for them. Their feelings for you warm, from nothing to infatuation or
infatuation to devotion.
⚁Demand Satisfaction
Someone has made you feel embarrassed? That’s
basically why the rapier was invented. Roll
FOPPISH+DUELIST and describe your humiliating
but non-lethal swordplay.
Success? You bully your target thoroughly
and with great efficiency. They lose a point of
FOPPISH as the onlookers titter.
Fail? You engaged the enemy, were flanked,
and smacked on the buttocks with the flat of a
sword. It has raised a bruise. Your embarrassment
has flourished. You lose a point of FOPPISH.
Locked Room Mystery!
Each player picks a character to be present at a delightful weekend at Lady Setrogess’s estate, just a
few miles outside of town. But after a restful night… (Or not… if there hadn’t been that thunderstorm, surely
the sounds of doors and footsteps as people visited each other’s bedrooms would have been audible, despite
Lady Setrogess’ abundance of luxuriant rugs) …a ghastly surprise awaits! Lord Ravenspite didn’t answer
when the chambermaid brought his breakfast, and after much knocking and pounding, a skinny lad was
lowered off the roof to force entry through the window. Alas, the Lord is dead, and not just dead but burned,
with his head stuffed in the fireplace. Who could have done it? And… how?
Solving this mystery could require all of the characters’ knowledge and insight, so some of them may
well decide to just booze up and console the more attractive of the traumatized guests instead.
Each character gets ⚀one mystery action. If one of these actions identifies the killer, everyone gets a
finale action, described below. If someone wants to be the secret killer, they act first, but roll nothing, as they
try to hide their tracks. Non-killer mystery actions include…
⚀Browbeat Everyone
Yell at people, threaten, bloviate, gather everyone in a room and accuse and insinuate until the killer’s guilty
conscience cracks. It never fails. Roll FOPPISH+DUELIST to show off your little grey cells.
Success? The killer springs to their feet and confesses! If it’s not a player character, roll 1d6.
Fail? Lady Setrogess admits to cheating on the stableboy she was cheating on her
husband with, with the old man who delivers the butter, but the killer remains uncaught.
If the killer is identified, there are ⚁a few finale actions unlocked. Each player may make one.
Political Unrest
Vindamere is ruled by someone called “the
Tyrant,” arrogant nobles with swords are flouting social What Set Off Ye Peasant Mobbe?
norms right and left, and its pixie-dusted version of 911 is
1. The abuses of the Tyrant’s son in law,
a joke. All it takes is one inciting incident to push the city
Jared, cross the line between “gross” meaning
into violence, with barricades and slogans and (ugh) large, and “gross” meaning ew, that’s a
protest songs. perversion too far.
⚀What drove the peasants into open revolt? Roll 1d6. 2. Bad barfroot harvest.
⚁What are you going to do about it? Each teacher 3. Some bard wrote a ditty called “Let’s
Decapitate the Oppressor Class and
chooses one action. Beloveds can’t roll on this, it’s an Redistribute their Wealth” and it really gets
issue for nobles with their own paramilitarized fencing
stuck in one’s head.
4. Foreign agitators, probably.
⚁Hunker Down 5. In hindsight, the Tyrant’s attempt to
institute a tax on defecation may have been
Good time to bar the door, give your students a refresher legislative overreach.
on pike formations, and inventory the wine cellar. Make a 6. Kitten born with three heads got the
SERIOUS+ARISTOCRAT roll. Chirrik cultists riled up, apparently that’s a
Success? Your lands and property came out unscathed, “bad omen” when it happens under a moon the
and you weren’t associated with the excesses of either color of blood.
side. Just what you wanted. +1 ARISTOCRAT.
Fail? Whichever side wins decides that you denounced the loser with insufficient vigor. They won’t act
directly against a whole damn fencing school when everything is topsy-turvy, but they are looking for a time
and a place to do you dirty. Lose 1 ARISTOCRAT.
⚁Fire and the Lash Will Bring Those Scurvy Curs to Heel!
The city guard is just trying to keep things contained—trying to stifle unrest instead of winning a war. As
usual, it’s up to the gentry to perform the summary executions, arson and torture that honorable governance
require. Make a SERIOUS+DUELIST roll.
Success? Gain +1 SERIOUS. For the rest of the game you have disadvantage when dealing with peasants,
and people start calling you “The Butcher of Barfroot Baye” behind your back. But the Tyrant looks you in
the eye and gives you a medal.
Fail? Lose 2 ARISTOCRAT as you become everyone’s go-to example for why the gentry need to be
muzzled. Everyone else who didn’t choose “Hunker Down” or “Up Your Banner!” also loses 1 ARISTOCRAT.
Swords at Dawn!
The quintessential act of the louche, bored,
irresponsible class is the duel to the death over a
point of honor. If it’s your turn when this comes up, Why Do They Fight NOW?
1 Erotic intrigue no one else noticed
look over your stable of characters. Does one of 2 My dad hates their dad
them have a reason to really want a go at someone 3 They were talking shit, that’s not cool
else? If so, now’s the time. (You cannot, of course, 4 The only way we can really know who’s better
have one of your characters attack a different one of 5 Dirty little reprobate killed my dog!
the same family or school. What sort of precedent 6 Boredom
would that set?) In this case, you’re managing the
challenger, and the other player controls the opponent.
Can’t decide? Hey, just pick one of your characters, grab a d6 and ⚀roll a reason for fatal conflict.
Every other player ⚁picks one of their
characters to attend, and a reason they’re present, or
else just rolls a d8 to find one. Why Attend this Grim Affair?
1 I’m someone’s second
When that’s sorted, ⚂the opponent picks a 2 Serving as judge
site for the duel, and acts. 3 I have this really sweet pair of matched
dueling swords nobody’s used yet
⚂Put On a Show 4 Have access to a conveyance—carriage,
It’s a little something called “branding.” Roll boat—that’s useful to get to the field of
FOPPISH+DUELIST to look impressive and survive. honor
Success? You gain +1 DUELIST, and the 5 Here to bear witness
6 Today’s bear-baiting match got cancelled.
challenger can honorably withdraw their complaint
Apparently, the bear’s sick.
leaving you a technical win that everyone considers 7 Secretly hate one (or both) of the fighters
more of a tie. If they do this, the scene ends. 8 Ever have one of those days where you just
Fail? You slip but don’t fall. It’s definitely not wake up wanting to watch a peer die?
catlike grace though. Lose 1 FOPPISH.
⚂Fight Defensively
If you just want to see what this ass has in mind without undue risk, make a SERIOUS+DUELIST roll.
Success? You take no damage, and won’t take any damage no matter what the challenger rolls.
Fail? If you were willing to look cowardly just to avoid injury, you better hope you at least avoid injury.
Lose 1 ARISTOCRAT and if they roll to hurt you, you’re hurt.
After the opponent, ⚃the challenger acts.
Once the challenger has had their moment, ⚄everyone else present takes an action.
After everyone’s acted, go back to ⚂the opponent stage and run it over and over until the scene ends.
Someone’s Debut Into Society
Lord and Lady Gimcrack are ushering their tender daughter Dergiva into the ranks of society by
means of a debutante ball. They’re pretty loaded and they set a nice spread, so why not attend and get a look
at the new meat in the matrimonial butcher shoppe? Who knows, maybe you’ll fall in love!
Pick a character to go, then ⚀everyone takes turns acting until they’ve gone twice.
⚃After that, the intended makes some choices.
By this point, it’s very clear whether the situation is villainous kidnap or merely hot-headed
elopement. With that distinction established, ⚄the climber takes a final action, assuming they yet live.
Regardless of their choice and outcome, the scene ends.
Faustian Bargain?!?
The warlocks of Vindamere are secretive and powerful, but often nerdy and unappealing. One,
however, has conceived a passion for either your teacher or one of their Beloved, and has shyly made an
offer: Come with them and be their love, in exchange for mystic aid in the endeavors dearest to their
ambitions. It’s for real—they can’t guarantee victory in the Alle Valley or anything, but they can definitely
provide a magic sword or shower your lands with fecundity. But going along with it… is there a catch?
⚀Pick your character and decide their action.
Next, every other player takes turns ⚁selecting a character and rolling their response. Once everyone
has taken a single action, the scene ends.
Angry Breakup
Oh, fie, fickle popinjay! Is thy ardor so quick to cool? Fine, then. Pursue thy mutual decision. ⚀Pick
a character to lose interest. If they’re Beloved and in your control, you can pick one ardor to quell down from
infatuated to “meh.” If it’s your teacher, you can erase one of their romantic obsessions. If you somehow
don’t have an obsessed teacher or a Beloved with a crush on anyone, this scene passes to the next player.
Once someone’s involved, choose how you break it off.
With that out of the way, the player for the person rejected ⚁decides how they respond to being spurned.
After their single action, the scene ends.
A Friendly Match Gets Out of Hand
Any time you get young people and weapons, there’s risk, that’s all I’m saying. Pick your character
(probably a Beloved) who has the least conflict with anyone. This is the challenger. Then, select a character
from another school with whom they have no issue—ideally, someone with whom they’ve never interacted.
That character becomes the partner. These two casually decide to have a little light workout. They are using
sharp swords, of course. Protective tips are for children.
All the other players select characters who have the greatest motivation to make this go wrong. These
are the interlopers. Every player gets one action, ⚀but the partner acts first.
Once the partner has acted, every other player but the challenger ⚁takes a turn choosing an interloper
⚁Outshine ⚁Wager
Standard roll from page 7. You can inflict this on No roll required, just state who you think is going
anyone present. to win. If you’re right, +1 SERIOUS. If you fail, -1
ARISTOCRAT because it’s hardly dignified to bet on
⚁Analyze Their Stances the lives of gentryfolk as if they’re birds in a
This works just like “Train” from page 8. cockfight. If it’s a draw, no effect.
⚁Boast ⚁Stir Up Trouble
Standard roll from page 7, except that you have to What vile insinuations do you seed among the
make a boast relating to (1) one of the duelists or onlookers to turn this innocent game of stabbing
(2) one of their schools. into something vicious and impure? Speak and
make your FOPPISH+ARISTOCRAT roll.
⚁Mock a Fighter Success? One character gains advantage on
Act out exactly how you try to throw one fighter their next roll to do something dirty to another
off their game. Do you exaggeratedly pantomime character. Neither character can be yours. This must
their moves? Yell sarcastic commentary? Shout make sense based on the vile rumors you spread.
“Thy cuckold horns impede thy strikes?” Roll Fail? Whoops. You started a riot. Everyone
FOPPISH+DUELIST. present with DUELIST 2+ takes -1 DUELIST due to
Success? If you mocked the challenger, they getting punched around. Also, everyone knows
have disadvantage on their next roll. If you mocked your odious tongue was the lit match to this
the partner, the challenger has advantage on their particular oil-soaked rag. The scene ends.
next roll.
Fail? You made ‘em mad. They get advantage
every time they roll DUELIST against you. Forever.
If the scene is still going, ⚂the challenger acts after the interlopers, after which the scene ends.
The Harrowing of Gambling Hell
Don’t worry, it’s just a name. They call it that because it’s underground. Also because it’s smoke-
filled and usually very hot. Oh, and crowded. And people cry out in agony with some fair frequency. Plus, it
is filled with people who wish you misfortune. But the similarities to actual hell end there. Wait, one more,
it’s chock-full of sinners.
This event is pretty simple. Everyone picks one character to go to this disreputable, squalid congress
of dice-obsessives with wildly divergent opinions about hygiene, for fun. ⚀Everybody rolls two actions.
Appendix: A Gazetteer of Vindamere, with Particular Emphasis
Upon Sites for Assignations and Assassinations
The fair city of Vindamere has been compared to “a jewel of vice upon a harlot’s powdered throat,”
“the shiniest blemish on the nation’s face” and “a sty of unrepentant civic vice and bottomless financial
corruption.” Enjoy your visit.
Ye Docks
Produce and manufactured goods go out here, from Vindamere and from the confederation of states
with which it shares the Vindamere River Valley. In return, ships bring viands and bagatelles from every
corner of the globe, along with people whose continued health and welfare demanded a speedy exit from
their previous residence. Vindamere is a place you can truly re-invent yourself and, with enough verve,
invent a country to rule, as the Sultan of Harrow-Oö did before he was proved to be a grifter from North
Callowford. The docks are thick with stevedores, smugglers and devotees of Tlonc (both official and
hobbyist level). On the very farthest edge is a military jetty where the needle-swift boarding boats of
Vindamere wait to take wave after wave of conscript berserkers against any invader.
(There’s a tradition in Vindamere that convicts can win their freedom by fighting pirates or other
enemies of the state, but only the most vicious and violent half, as measured by left ears taken as trophies.
While you might expect this to break down into inter-convict ear pilferage, there’s little opportunity for that
in the heat of battle and, afterwards, you have to steal from someone who is already a proven killer/ear-
cutter. It works out well enough, except for the part where convicted criminals are set free after proving
they’re the most enraged and violent.)
A small portion of the military jetty is reserved for the yachts of the gentry, who are blithely confident
that no one is going to steal them. After all, to get to them, one must pass effectively through the prison
where those mad criminals are all kept. The system works!
Barfroot Baye
Named after Vindamere’s precious purgative export, a medicine that grows nowhere else, Barfroot
Baye is a handsome body of water criss-crossed by craft from all over the world, all steering according to
their own customs and, often, impeded from safety agreements by language barriers. It’s a rare day when
someone doesn’t throw something absolutely disgusting from one ship onto another. Just the crews’ playful
way of saying “Hey! I’m sailin’ here!” Also, there are merfolk, who can be vulgar.
Templar Boulevard
This noble and well-kept street is home to Vindamere’s civic deities, except for Chirrik of the Wylde,
who wouldn’t be caught dead in a city and prefers to have worshippers go out in nature, get naked, scream at
the moon and gnaw squirrels raw. The first and almost largest temple, as one approaches from the east, is to
Tlonc the Sexy, deity of affection and arousal whose rites are celebrated most commonly on weekend nights.
The corner on which it sits abuts with the Street of 1,000 Fancies, and the ministers of Tlonc often stand
outside cajoling merry-makers to try to discover what they call “the thousand and first.”
Across the street is the temple to Booziclites, god of alcohol, so it’s a toss up where those fun-seekers
end up by dawn. The more reputable temples proceed up the boulevard until, at the end, with no outgoing
streets, is the vast church dedicated to Uldach the Motherfather—seat of the only legal and religious
authority permitted to tell the Booziclites and Tlonc temples to quiet down.
Vindamere’s deities are all known to manifest from time to time as immensely tall and beautiful sex-
shifting agents of inscrutable divine agendas. Everyone has pitched in to keep Templar Boulevard looking
spiffy since the Manifestation of Uldach fifty-seven years ago, when Uldach, Single Parent of the Gods,
showed up yelling about mess and waving a divine whip that, in the course of a five-hour tantrum,
decapitated forty-two assorted martyrs, a dozen horses, two oxen, and more birds than anyone could count.
Ye Slaughter District
In addition to the bountiful seafood that’s gutted on both industrial and artisanal scales, vast
quantities of beef, pork and poultry are brought to Vindamere, either by boat or coastal road, and sent to their
fate in the slaughter district. Its cold efficiencies have found uses (or at least positions) for feathers, beaks,
hooves, bones, hides, teeth, and whatever comes out when you clean a dead animal’s intestines for sausage
casings. (Vindamere’s sausages are famous. Not necessarily admired, but famous.) The rankest offal which
has no use even as fertilizer is flushed into the south of the bay by way of the river.
The slaughter district is home to the food truck vendors of Vinamere, a tight-lipped, heavily tattooed
constellation of shifting power factions who, in addition to supplying viands of varying freshness to the
citizenry, are the most powerful crime gangs in the city. Interestingly, they seem to have no interest in
extending their grasp beyond Vindamere proper, but external crooks who think they can run any long-term
organized crime on the truckies’ patch are dealt with brutally.
Ye Tranquille Bowers
Once upon a time, there were five rival academies vying to teach the noble youth of Vindamere a
traditional curriculum of languages, literature, history, philosophy and pantomime. However, just eight years
ago, two of those academies fused into Vindamere University, a radical move that was followed by insisting
philosophy was “pointless” and replacing it with “naturology.” They also absorbed three specialist schools of
medicine, political rhetoric, and advanced pantomime. Of the three remaining old schools, two have doubled
down on tradition, but the third has also modernized by dropping pantomime altogether, insisting that music,
theater, sculpture and painting are individual arts, not merely extrapolations or subordinate aspects of
pantomime. The tree-lined and ivy-choked campuses are all gathered together in one area of town, but school
rivalries have intensified to the point that the bowers are not as tranquil as before.
(It should be noted that no academy teaches fencing, by law, and schools of the warlike arts are not
permitted to own property within the Tranquil Bowers quarter—again, by law.)
Ye Market Streete
It was a long held tradition that merchants who wanted to set up kiosks on the wide cobblestone
market street were permitted to take any space at midnight, but also had to have all displays and wares
removed from the street by the following midnight. This system of one full day (midnight to midnight) on,
one off, worked reasonably well for many decades, but eighteen years ago a consortium of stall-keepers was
accused of colluding to monopolize the best spots and, after four straight days of riots and fires, order was
restored and a complicated rota was calculated to assign access on a fair and just basis.
Ye Avenue of Nobs
Colloquially called “ye avenue of nobs,” the street has no official name. It’s just a long road where
the imposing mansions of Vindamere’s twelve most prominent families reside. Though they’ve been in the
city for ages, Vindamere itself is so cosmopolitan through history (sitting as it does at the juncture of many
overland and oceanic trade routes) that their traditions and names come from all over the known world. Each
of these families is so sprawling, established and fecund that subordinate compounds of non-inheriting but
still titled cousins orbit the avenue for some distance around. It is a well kept but ill-policed area, by the
twelve families’ preference. It is also the location of most of the city’s dueling schools.
* Listed in alphabetical order, because any other order suggests precedence or priority, which sparks ugly
accusations, often duels, and on one occasion a brief border war. Honestly, the Punstrusilzos have even
registered a formal complaint of undue favoritism regarding the order of the alphabet.
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Ten Popular Spots for Illegal Duels
10. Graveyard Hill.
The cemetery on Graveyard Hill has imposing tombs around its base, so large and old that they
commemorate gods forgotten in modern Vindamere, using ominous inscriptions in ancient languages that
intrigue decadent scholars of the forbidden past. But just shove by those nerds and take your swords to the
top of the hill, where an excellent view of the city makes an imposing background for both murder and
attempted murder. Make sure the weather is fair: This high elevation is not a wise place to wave a long piece
of metal during a thunderstorm. The onetime master of the Sly Dolphin Style learned that the hard way.
9. The Duchess of Bavern Valley’s Ballroom.
In a city renowned for its scoundrels and deviants, Elajoie, current Duchess of Bavern Valley, is
something else. She scandalized the city in her twenties and is now in her eighties, and nothing delights her
more than a lover young enough to be her grandchild. But a close second place in her pleasures is watching
people in the bloom of youth perish, or at least bleed freely. So if you really want to fight without safety gear,
she’s happy to have her cadaverous butler open up the ballroom for a go. It’s a great site—huge fireplaces
keep it warm in the winter, in the summer she opens the doors to the immaculate gardens so you can fight on
lightly perfumed breezes, and the floor is as flat as a summer sky while retaining enough traction that you
needn’t worry about a slipped foot spelling your doom. Her chef is a genius and always prepares delightful
snacks, she has a superlative cellar and she’s very generous with young guests. Just be aware, she will make
a pass, and the bulk of the sword-pulling young bucks who’ve been too polite to say no won’t talk about it,
they just get a sad, faraway look, as if mourning a decent and innocent part of their soul that is now dead and
eaten. Though there are outliers who go back and encourage others to do the same. “You could learn a thing
or two!” they say.
8. The Roof of the Temple to Hurf, the Peaceful Warrior.
Hurf, the god of both peace and warfare, is regarded by some as a puzzling trickster and by others as a
blood-soaked monstrous bastard. On one hand, dueling on a temple roof is presumably blasphemy, especially
a temple whose patron has “peaceful” right in their title, but there’s also “warrior” in there. It’s a puzzle, but
luckily, one that was solved decades ago. It’s commonly accepted that if both fighters kiss the arse of the
imposing marble Hurf statue that faces out over Templar Boulevard before the clash, their conflict is
overlooked, or sanctified, or something. In any event, dozens of duels have been fought there post-butt-kiss
without incident (or, at least, without incident unrelated to waving rapiers into one another). The last duelist
who was “too brave” to kiss the statue’s bottom won the duel but was killed the very next day when a heavy
flowerpot fell on her head. Make of that what you will.
7. Spinach Island.
This small blob of land in Barfroot Baye never completely submerges, and its highest crest is completely
encased in wild, bitter spinach. The high-tide mark is sketched in by barren sand. Since the heir of the House
of Hårdlock died dueling there, those greens have been watered red with noble blood. It can be a chore to
row out to Spinach Island, but should someone die in the course of some enthusiastic passes, it’s easy to drag
their body down to the water and tow it out to float away. Experienced duelists consult a tide chart before
fighting, to make sure any such disposals are swept out to sea and not into the city.
6. The Goat Bridge Ruin.
There used to be a high, narrow bridge over the Vindamere river, the farthest upstream in the city.
Goatherds bringing their animals to market drove them over it, giving it the name “The Goat Bridge.” When
Fair Hilterford attempted to invade Vindamere with a ridiculously large riverboat, about a hundred years ago,
it rammed into the Goat Bridge and knocked down its upstream half before sinking. (Despite the many, many
witnesses, stories are evenly split about what sank this wooden dreadnaught. The Church of Whufsturdge
insists the goddess herself materialized in her female aspect, wet gown clinging fetchingly as she disabled it
with a weapon called The Spoon Of Disembowelment. Academics at Vindamere University claim it may
have actually been a coterie of secretive warlocks. Meanwhile, fans of the Vindamere civic gutball team
insist it sank from simple construction incompetence.) The bridge-half that remains is precarious enough that
guttersnipes dare one another to cross it. Actually fighting at the apex, where it’s shoulder-width, irregular,
and crumbly, is clearly an act of abject folly and therefore extremely cool. Certainly most city guards won’t
go on it.
5. Atop the Insouciant Left-Hand Academy.
Even if you’re not a student, you’re welcome to go up the bell tower and have a go on the ridge down the
center of the structure. It’s even narrower than the Goat Bridge Ruin, and a wrong step can send you
tumbling down a steep slope of shingles. Most people who fall (and the Insouciant Left-Hand students have
to train atop there to claim journeyman status) catch themselves on the gutters, but everyone who misses the
gutters drops twenty more feet onto either the cobblestone street or the school’s flagstone courtyard. Either
way, it usually ends someone’s dueling career.
4. Baron Mulcher’s Haunted Garden.
Yes, ’tis the same baron of ye Baron’s Clayemorre, the trophy for the big yearly fencing tournament.
Baron Mulcher went mad later in life, locked himself up in his estate and, presumably, died there. No corpse
has ever been found and rumors persist that the whole mouldering pile of stones and rotted timber is haunted.
Its current owner of record is a princeling of the Blister Isles far to the south, who prefers his homeland and
has never even visited, so the place is completely abandoned. The garden is overgrown and extremely
atmospheric if you like your grudge matches decorated with riotous vegetation and melancholy decay.
3. A Disused Bear-Baiting Pit.
Look, the smell’s not great, but if you care about ambiance, its signifiers of primal violence cannot be
2. Gondocrites’ Famed Statue of Whufsturdge in the Bath.
This immense image of Whufsturdge bathing draws foreign gawkers from every corner of the globe. The
intricate details of the deity’s beard and hair, as well as the anatomically correct fountain in the summers, are
often cited by sculptors as signs of Gondocrites’ genius. Just as frequently, the sexually blended nature of the
deity themself is criticized by uptight foreigners who just don’t get it. In any event, once you climb the sides
of the tub and get in with the goddess/god, there’s a flat floor and about five feet of clearance on the south
side, narrowing if you manage to move around the divine thighs, beneath the divine legs, and get around to
the north. It’s been popular since two generations ago, when a priestess of Whufsturdge fatally injured the
then-Tyrant’s son in a duel over a blasphemous comment about the statue’s breasts.
1. Stabs Alley.
This narrow passageway between the docklands and the slaughter district is surprisingly well kept.
Someone sweeps it every week, no trash is dumped there, and mold is scrubbed away, even though it’s
shadowy for twenty-three hours out of the day.
Stabs Alley has a history. Long, long ago, a powerful warlock set a curse upon it, that any civil guard
who stepped foot within would perish within a fortnight. Word of this got around, and to this day, the
Vindamere police refuse to enter Stabs Alley, which has let to it being extremely popular both as a place for
hot blooded youngsters of quality to stab one another (hence the name), and as a neutral meeting ground
between Vindamere’s perpetually warring food truck tribes. Naturally, some delicate negotiations were
required before the nobs and the truckies came to terms, but the truce has held for decades now because
everyone follows some simple rules. If truckies are in the alley when duelists show up, the duelists leave and
come back the next day at sunrise, when it has (so far) always been free and clear. Before fighting, it’s
considered a courtesy for each duelist to remove any millinery, jewelry or particularly luxurious garments
and fold them neatly at opposite ends of the alley. The winner recovers their property, and the loser is saved
the indignity of having the fingers cut off their corpse by truckies impatient to get their rings. (Leaving
valuables for the criminals is considered only fair, given the value they offer of keeping the alley tidy and
disposing of any unattended corpses. Where do the bodies go? Unfortunately, rumors of cannibalism among
the food trucks persist, meaning that when some pedlar promises you that their food is “richer than you
know,” it may be true on multiple levels.)
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
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All persons, places and organizations—except those clearly in the public domain—are fictional and any
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not a challenge to the trademarks or copyrights concerned.
Dueling Fops of Vindamere was laid out in, Aguafina, Blood of Dracula, Charm, Edwardian Script ITC,
Felipa, Fondamento, Jim Nightshade, Lovers Quarrel, Meie Script, Quintessential, Qwigley, Redressed,
Ruthie, Times New Roman and WolfsRain.
Images are courtesy of The Met. Illustrators include Tobias Stimmer, Albrecht Dürer, and Hans
!4 4