Collectanea 19-2
Collectanea 19-2
Collectanea 19-2
Of the Degrees of the
Ancient & Primitive Rite
Of Masonry.
Part 2: 18O~26O
With the “Secret Work”
4/ct LHIW i~ piix ate1~ pr[ntLd and di~i ibuicd mliv iicinbcrs oitb~
( v~nd Collcgc of Rites of thc Lnikd Statc~ of Aiimj IL d
Grand Chancellor
MASONIC HISTORY OF He became a plural life member of the Valley in 1999 and in 2001 was
elected to the Valley Cathedral Board, a position he still holds He was
5K. J. GARRIE BURR made an Honorary Commander-in-Chief in 2000 He also served the
Brother J Garrie Burr was born in Chicago, Illinois in 1937, Illinois Council of Deliberation as Chairman of the Ad-Hoc Ritual
educated in Illinois, graduating with a Bachelor of Science degree in Committee for six years
Mechanical Engineering from the University of Illinois Brother Burr is a past presiding officer of Centralia Chapter No 93,
For twenty years he was in charge of the installation and mainte- Royal Arch Masons, Herrin Council No 116, Cryptic Masons, and
nance of the PLATO teaching system developed by the Computer- Pilgrim Commandery No 100, Knights Templar He is a plural life
hased Education Research Laboratory, and which, at the time of his member of Salem Council No 97, Champaign Chapter No 50, Urbana
retirement was the largest computer-assisted instructional system in the Council No 19, Urbana Commandery No 16, and Patton Commandery
world He retired in December 1994 as a Senior Research Engineer No 69 His York Rite Honors include the Purple Cross, and the Knight
Brother Burr and his wife Pat are owners of Burr Properties Land Trust, York Cross of Honor with one bar In 2000 he was elected an Honorary
which owns rental properties and is the manager and a principal in Most Illustrious Past Grand Master of the Grand Councrl of Cryptic
South Vine Street LLC Masons of Illinois and in 2003 was elected Excellent Grand Royal Arch
Brother Burr’s Masonic record began in 1963, when he was raised Captain of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons advancing to the
in Western Star Lodge No 240 After five years as an officer, in 1969 position of Right Excellent Grand Scribe before business obligations
he was elected Worshipful Master After his term as Grand Master was forced his resignation In 2006 Brother Burr was elected Most Illustrious
concluded, the brethren of Western Star Lodge elected him Treasurer, Grand Chancellor of the Grand College of Rites of the United States of
a position he held for five years He is also a Past Master of Mahomet America and received the Grand Cross of the Rite
Lodge No 220, and a member of Centennial Lodge No 747 and St He is a member, Past Patron, of Vesper Chapter No 128, and is
Cecilia Lodge No 865 currently the Asssociate patron of Ionic-Thompson No 147, Order of
Brother Burr served the Grand Lodge of Illinois in many capacities the Eastern Star Other appendant Masonic bodies of which he is a
He was a commissioned Grand Lecturer from 1971-1989, and was member are the Allied Masonic Degrees Council 356, in which he is
appointed as one of the first Grand Lodge instructors serving from 1978 Junior Deacon, the Ancient Order of Corks, Order of the Mortar and
thru 1986 Appointed to the Board of Grand Examiners from 1989 thru Pestle, Illinois College of Rosicrucians, St Bridgets Council No 23,
1991, he served as both its Secretary and Chairman He is the Grand Knight Masons of the United States, St Johns Conclave, Red Cross of
Representative of South Carolina near Illinois Constantine, in which he is the Junior Chancellor, the Order of Holy
In 1992 he was elected Junior Grand Warden, progressed through Royal Order Knight Templar Priests, the Past Commanders Associa-
the elective line, and was elected Most Worshipful Grand Master in tion, where he is an officer, Ansar Shrine, A A 0 N M S Sword of,
October 1998 He was the first Past Master of Western Star Lodge to Bunker Hill, Abbas Grotto, East Central and Southern York Rite Col-
he elected Grand Master In 2000 he was elected an Honorary Past leges, the Illinois, Iowa, Southern Jurisdiction AASR, and South Caro-
Grand Master of Prince Hall Masons in Illinois and in 2001 was elected lina Lodges of Research, and the Illini Shrine Club Other Masonic
an Honorary Past Grand Master of the State of Minnesota He currently honors include the DeMolay Legion of Honor and he is a Deputy
serves the Grand Lodge of Illinois in an advisory capacity member of DeMolay International, the Rainbow Cross of Color, and an
Brother Burr is an active life member of the Valleys of Danville, honorary membership in Champaign Assembly, Rainbow Chapter
Bloomington, and Chicago, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rites taking Brother Burr is a life member of the Grotto, a member of the
principai parts in many degrees He is a Past Most Wise Master in the National Sojourners, Inc and the Hero’s of 76 branch of that order He
Vailey of Danviile He was Chairman of the By-Laws Committee that was made a Kentucky Colonel in 1999
rewrote the hy-laws for the Valley of Danville and continues to serve as A member of the Methodist and Catholic Church, Brother Burr has
Chairman of the Valley Speakers Bureau He was coroneted a 33rd served as a Sunday school teacher, Board member, and Superinten-
Degree Mason in 1981 dent of Youth He has also participated in Babe Ruth League Baseball,
In 1997 Brother Burr was made an honorary memher of thu Vaiiey Scouting, and Toasimasters
of Chicago It was the first such honor granted to anyone in tli’ii Iii’~t~oy His interest in the plight of the children in distress of the State of
Illinois resulted in his participating as a work group member of the State OFFICERS - 2006
of Illinois Regulations Subcommittee of the Interagency Authority on
Residential Care Facilities for Children Grand Chancellor R I J Garrie Burr
In 1998, Brother Burr was elected an Annual Advisory Trustee for 2509 Teakwood, Bloomington, IL 61704
the Illinois Masonic Medical Center, a position he held until Illinois
Masonic’s sale to Advocate Health Care in 2000 At that time he was
Senior Vice Chancellor R I Reese L Harrison, Jr
elected to the Board of Directors of the Masonic Family Health Foun-
711 Navarro St, San Antonio, TX 78205
dation and the Masonic Family Health Services Board, positions he
currently holds He is a Director of the National Masonic Foundation for
Children and has also served as its Secretary and President. Junior Vice Chancellor R I Urban J Peter
Brother Burr is most proud of his work as a cast member, for over 11713 N Marlton Aye, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
47 years, of the internationally known American Passion Play of
Bloomington, Illinois He has served as a cast member and the Grand Registrar R I Gary D Hermann
Assistant Director and became the Director of the Production in 2003. 2675 Ashley Ct, Tremont, IL 61568
Brother Burr married Patricia Ann in May of 2006 in the yard of the
No-Kill Animal Shelter they own and operate He has seven children/ Grand Registrar Emeritus M I Herb A Fisher, HPGC
stepchildren, seven grandchildren, and two great grandchildren Two of 553 Caren Dr, Virginia Beach, VA 23452
his four boys are Master Masons and one of his grandsons is a
F ellowcraft
Grand High Prelate R I David D Goodwin
(Updated December 26, 2006)
1509 Campus Dr, Vestal, NY 13850-4036
1.—Tsedakah. 7.—Astronomy.
~itar. 2.—Shor Laban. usic.
3.—Mathoc. 5.—Geometry.
4.—Emounah. 4.—Arithmet[c.
5.—Amal Sagghi. 3.—Logic.
6.—Sabbal. 2.—Rhetoric.
7.—Ghemoul BinahThebunah 1.—Grammar.
11.—Kr. STO. BR. 12.—KNIGHT Swo. BR. The third apartment is styled Areopagus. It represents a
Temple with twelve red and white columns sprinkled with
flames, and decorated with the Banner of the Rite; near the
Orient there is placed a King’s Crown, and a Triple Tiara;
the altar is in the centre; all the Knights wear gowns
and swords. A black scarf with a double-headed eagle.
To right of the altar is placed an image of Justice, severe
3.—JR. Kr. INT. 2.—SEN. Kt.r. INT. in aspect, holding in one hand the Material Arms of a Knight
Kadosh, and in the other the Emblem of Truth aud the
Standard of the Order; its right foot crushes the 1i~ydra
head of ignorance, by which the poniard is broken. To
the left is the Double-Headed Eagle with expanded wings,
a Symbol of Masonry, which is spreafi over the two hemi-
spheres, and which ought one, day to unite all mankind
1O.—KT. CAPT. OF GD.~ i13—Kr.GD.oF8ANc~ under the Banner of. Fraternity.
In some Rites the name of Senate and Areppagus are the
reverse of this, and the Mystic Ladder is plced in the
4 SENATE: 2 S.—5c. KNIGET KADOSH. 7oS.~18on. 5
Illustrious Knight. Marshal; advance, and give
OPENING. me the word of a Knight Kadosh.
SUBLIME GRAND COMMANDER. —Strikes 3~3 This is done.
Most Learned Senior Knight Interpreter: the JUNIOR KNIGHT.—
first duty of a Knight Kadosh? Illustrioas Knight of Introduction: advance, and
SENIOR KNIGHT.— give me the wocd of a Knight Kadosh.
Sublime Grand Commander: it is to assure our- This is done.
selves that we are guarded against the indiscretion SENIOR KNIGHT.—
of the profane. Illustrious Knight Marshal: you will receive the
SUBLIME GRAND COMMANDER.— word from the Knights in the South, and com-
Let it be done. municate it to the Sublime Grand Commander.
Illustrious Knight Guardian of the Sauctuary: Illustrious Knight of Introduction: you ~vill
ascertain if we are guarded against the indiscretion receive the word from the Knights in the North
of the profane ? and communicate it to the S ablime Grand Com-
G. of’ S. opens the (loor; ascertains from the Sentinel mander.
that the Senate is secure; thencloses door, and addresses This is done.
the Senior Knight Interpreter:
Illustrious Knights: the word is received in the
Most Learned Senior Knight Interpreter: we are Orient in A. and P. form. Most Learned Senior
secure from the prying eyes of the profane; none Knight Interpreter: are you a Knight Kadosh?
can overhear our mysteries.
I am, Sublime Grand Commander.
Sublime Grand Commander: all is secure.
Ascertain if all present are Knights Kadosh. What is your Age?
Masonry is Fidelity, Truth, and Virtue; its wor- Lead the Neophyte to the Mystic Ladder.
ship, God; its mysteries, Light and Reason. This is done.
~. KNIGHT OF ELOQUENCE. The Ladder is one of the most ancient portions
By perseverance only can we accomplish great of initiation used in the Eleusinian, Mithraic and
objects; pause not in your efforts of enlightening Egyptian Mysteries, and its steps represent the pro~
gress of the arts and sciences, and the Justice,
and benefiting mankind.
Labour, Meekness, Fidelity, Perseverance, Patience,
6. KNIGHT OF INTRODUCTION.— Generosity, and [ntelligence that should distingaish
The Kadosh bears the burden of the trials he Knights Kadosh from other men.
has to undergo with patience, being ever prepared Illustrious Knight Marshal: Let the Neophyte
to fight the good fight against sin and death. pass over the Mystic Steps.
7. KNIGHT ARCEIVIST.— Sublime Grand Commander strikes 1: Neophyte mounts
first step.
Let prudence direct your actions, generosity
adorn, aud intelligence enlighten them. Sir Knight: you perceive that the two uprights
have engraved upon them the Hebrew words,
Neophyte stops in the West. “Oheb Eloali,” which signify, Loving God; and
SUBLIME GRAND COMMANDER.—— “Oheb Kerobo,” Loving his Neighbour.
Sir Knight: the Knight Kadosh wars against The first step bears the word, “Tsedakah,” mean-
the tyranny and despotism which destroyed our jug Justice, which is the foundation on which a
Grand Master J. B. M.; will you swear upon the Knight Kadosh must base all his actions.
tomb of that martyr to fight against ignorance and Sublime Grand Commander strikes 1: Neophyte mounts
tyranny? second step.
Answer. The second step bears the words, “Shor Laban,”
Then kneel at the tomb of this noble victim, and signifying White Ox, and means the purity of in-
repeat after me: tention, which by Labour leads to success.
Sublime Grand Commander strikes 1: Neophyte mounts
I, A. B., swear upon this tomb, to oppose des-
third step.
potism and tyranny, whenever it shall attempt to
oppress my brethren, or encroach upon the freedom The third step bears the word, “Mathoc,” Sweet-
of the people. Amen. ness, which signifies that meekness we should
exercise towards those Knights Kadosh who have
The Knight on the tomb clasps his arms around the deviated from the paths of rectitude and honour.
Neophyte, saying:
16 S~ATE: 2 S.—5 C. KNIGHT KADOSH. 7~ S.—18~ R 1?
Zublime Grand Commander strikes 1: Neophyte mountg Nothing can be expected from an ignorant man;
fonrth step. he is bound for ever to be a slave and a dupe. A well-
The fourth step bears the word, “Einurxah,’ informed man is free, for education has expanded
signifying .,Fidelity. Fidelity is the brightest ~ewe1 his intellect, enlarged his mind, and has borne him
of a Knight Kadosh, constantly reminding him oi as it were to the very steps of the Throne of Eternal
the duty he owes to mankind and to the principles Truth. Light is given to him. To his brethren
of our beloved Rite. he may be a guide, a teacher. But an ignorant man
Sublime Grand Commander strikes 1: Neophyte mounts is blind, he staggers in the dark, he falls a victim
fifth step. to imposture and tyranny, and what is still more,
The fifth step bears the name of “Amal-Sagghi,’~ he very soon -becomeR an instrument of oppression
signifying Great Labour, by the exercise of which to menace his own brethren. He knows not the
only can we strengthen our hands and exclude the extent of the mischief done by him. His conscience
slaves of prejudice and error from our Temples. speaks not; and thanks to his ignorance, humanity
Snblime Grand Commander strikes 1. Neophyte mounts retrogrades to barbarism and idiocy. Study, then,
sixth step. my brother, without ceasing, and be always guided
The sixth step bears the name of “Sabbal,” by the noble ambition of teaching and directingyour
signifying Burden or Patience. We must with brethren. Acompe tent acquaintance with the liberal
patience bear the burden of calumny, that fan at. sciences elevates the mind, and may carry us to the
icism, superstition, and ignorance is ever prone to very steps of the Throne of Light and Truth.
heap upon the virtuous. 1.—Astronomy treats of the movements of the
Sublime Grand Commander strikes 1: Neophyte mounts heavenly bodies; the science is as ancient as man,
seventh step. and its cradle the delicious countries of Asia. 2.
The seventh step bears on it the words “Ghemul, Music treats of the affinity of mound. 3.—Geometry
Binah, Thebunah,” signifying Generosity, Intel- is a science which relates to measurement and
ligence, and Prudence, which is the last step or extensions. 4.—Arithmetic is the science of num-
Perfection of a Knight Kadosh. bers. ~.—Logic teaches us the use which we ought
A Generous man should sacrifice everything for to make of our reason in the search for truth; it is
the benefit of humanity. By Intelligence we direct divided into Natural and Artificial. Natural Logic
those faculties with which God has endowed us, in teaches us to think justly; Artificial to com-
order to promote wisdom and happiness. Prudence municate our thoughts in due order. 6.—Rhetoric
is the Queen of Virtues, by its exercise we con- is the art of expressing thought elegantly. 7.—
tribute to the success of all our undertakings. Grammar teaches us to write and express thought
On the reverse side, the steps bear the names of correctly. He who is unacquainted with his own
those arts and sciences which as a Fellow-Craft you language excites the mirth of others.
were enjoined to cultivate, that you might become The Ladder is lowered, and the Neophyte finds himself
a well-informed student in the Masonic art; for on the floor.
education expands the intellect and prevents us SUBLIME GRAND COMMANDER.—
becoming the dupes and slaves of superstition and Thus falls man from the pinnacle of fame into
tyranny. the bosom of his mother earth, Cherish, then, the
18 SENATE: 2 S.—5 c. KNIGHT KADOS[{. 7o s.~] 8CR. 19
instruction that has been imparted to you, ever Grand Master, J. B. M., the solemn oath, which
remember that a single breath may bring you down justifies my introducing him to your presence.
to a common level. Retire, and prepare yourself SUBLEME GRAND COMMANDER.—
for further instruction.
Since he has taken the oath, let him behold the
Neophyte is Led out by Marshal. members of the Areopagus. Uncover his face.
With his head and face covered he is led to the Third This is done.
Apartment, or Areopagus, to the door of which Seven
Knights accompany him, as was done before to the Stranger: you have desired to seek a knowledge
second apartment. Marshal knocks. of this, the most important degree of our Rite.
SENIOR KNIGHT.— You will be required to take an oath more solemn
Who alarms the Areopagus? than has been propounded to you. If you are faint-
hearted, you may retire; be warned, for once you
KNiGHT MARSHAL.— have been enrolled as a Knight Kadosh, there is no
A Knight desirous of finishing his probation.. retreat.
SENIOR KNIGHT.— Illustrious Knights: shall he who stands before
Let him enter. you be received as a member of this Areopagus?
:Music plays. He is brought in. The Knights now wear Let the ballot be cast.
their cowls. The apartment is brilliantly lighted,. Knight Marshal prepares and passes the ballot, each
melodious sounds are heard, and incense burns on the Knight votes in silence and without moving from his seat.
SUBLIME GRAND cOMMANDER .—Ex~mines the Ballot.
Illustrious Knight Marshal: whom do you Illustrious Knights: the ballot is objectionable
conduct? to the reception of the stranger.
A man, divested of prejudice and superstition,. I object to his admission, believing that he is not
who is desirous of assisting as a Knight Kadosh in sufficiently liberal in his opinions to became a worthy
the propagation of the principles of our Antient member of this Areopagus.
and Primitive Rite—Truth, Justice, and Tolerance. SUBLIME GRAND COMMANDER.—
SUBLIME GRAND COMMANDER.— On what grounds do you base your belief?
Illustrious Knight Marshal: is he so confident in
his resolutions to love the brotherhood, to practice
justice, help the weak, assist the poor, enlighten He has advanced too rapidly in Masonry to com-
the ignorant, punish crime, and to destroy tyranny prehend the aim of our Antient and Primitive Rite.
and superstition, that he dare venture amongst us? I believe that he is intolerant in politics and religion;
and that he owes his progress more to unwise friend-
ship of the brethren than to his knowledge of the
He is; and as a proof of the liberality of his degrees through which he has passed.
views, he has taken, on the tomb of our murdered
in the name of T.S.A.O.T.U., and under the auspices Give me the S.W. and T. of a Knight Kadosh.
of the Sovereign Sanctuary in and for Great Britain This is done.
40 SENATE: 2 S.—5 a. ROYAL MYSTERY. 8oS.~19oR. 41
You ~vill await the orders of the Knights of the for you w11i find much in all languages and systems
Royal Mystery. that will interest and instruct you; hence, if your
mind is liberal, and free from sectarian prejadice,
Closes door and approaches the centre of the Hall, saying, proceed. If you are unwilling, and if your mind
Sublime Grand Commander, there is in the vicinity is narrowed by passions and prejudices, depart, for
of our Camp, a Knight Kadosh, who desires to you cannot hope to form a lasting union with us.
eni~ol himself under our bann~ers. A pause. Will you persevere?
Admit him. Illustrious Knight Marshal, accompany this Knight
Music plays. Neophyte is brought in.
in his search for truth.
Music plays. Knight Marsha] leads him to the
Who are you.? FIRST TENT,
My name is Kadosh, representative of an order
unjustly proscribed bybigotafor abo~-e five centuries. What Pilgrim Knight is this, and with what pur-
port visits he the encampment of the “Lion of
SUBLIME GRAND COMNIANDER.— Judali,” of the Sons of God’s own favoured and
Whence come you? appointed race?”
From theWest,wliere I have worked in the silence He is a Knight Kadosh, who, inspired by the
of night for the erection of a New Temple. sacred lessons of wisdom and humanity, revealed
to him in the dcgree of our Sublime Rite, in which
SUBLIME GRAND COMMANDER.— he has already been initiated, yearns for more light
Whither going. and knowledge. He seeks the living truth and
NEOPHYTE. never dying faith; it is with this intent lie has com-
menced his pilgrimage, to gather from each nation
To the East, where I hope to arrive at gloly and
and each creed, the tenets and religious records of
the past and the present. Reveal to him the Faith
~UflT~I31EGRAND COMMANDER.— that lives and reigns among you.
On what do you found that hopc? SENIOR KNIGHT.—
between Bramah and Siva,—the powers of creation Then listen and be instructed. Buddha was the
and destruction. But Vishnu, the God mediator, miraculously conceived son of the God mediator,
by his wisdom, self-sacrifices, incarnations, and Vishnu, who, as often as right slumbers and wrong
changes of being, succeeded in preserving the uprises its head, incarnates himself, during his
universe and mankind from destruction. The God- nine incarnations and fourth descent from Heaven,
head, the Eternal of Ages, had created hosts of by Maya a virgin, though a wedded queen. Buddha
angelic beings, who were to reflect his glory and excelled all the sons of man in beauty, wisdom,
obey his commands; but lured by an ambitious strength, and purity. At an early age he gave up
chief, a number rebelled and sought to defy the family, wealth, friends and power, for the pursuit
power of their maker. After a fierce struggle they of truth and religion. He became a hermit in the
were defeated by the powers of Good and hurled wilderness, was tempted by the powers of Evil, but
into a world of darkness to endure everlasting prevailed against them; attained Bodhi, or Supreme
tortures; but the Great Being, touched with com- Wisdom, traversed many lands, wrought countless
passion for their sufferings, resolved to pardon them miracles, gained millions of converts, and is known
46 SENATE: 2 S.—5 a. ROYAL MYSTERY. 8oS.~19ou. 47
by 12,000 different names of adoration. He spoke as the herald of everlasting truth to all humanity.
ut parables and taught that all in life was vanity, The Sacred Zendi Avest a was dictated to him by the
unreality and illusiveness; that naught is every- Most Powerful, and the holy fire brought by him
where and always, that perfect happiness is in the from Heaven still burns in the chief temple of
end of trausmigration and ambulation of souls, and Ormusd in the distant Ind.
in the return of the spirit to its creative God. There is one God, omnipotent, invisible, without
“There is but one law for all,” said he, “severe form, the Creator, Preserver and Ruler of the
punishment for crime, and great reward for virtue.” Universe, the last Judge of all. He is the ineffable
Again, “My law is one of grace for all; like Heaven, Ormusd, who sprang from the primeval light which
affording room for men and women, for boys and emanated fromthe Supreme incomprehensible essence
girls, for rich and poor, though it is more difficult called Zeruane Akerene, or the Eternal. He created
for the rich to find the way. He that forsaketh nine orders of Angelic beings, good spirits for the
father and mother, and followeth me, shall become protection of men and all living things. We ven-
a perfect Samanean. He that keepeth my precepts erate the Sun and Sacred Fire as emblems of his
to the fourth degree of perfection shall acquire the power and beneficence. We abominate Ahrimanes,
power of moving heaven and earth, of protracting the spirit of darkness and evil, the enemy of Ormusd
or shortening his life and of rising again Heaven and mankind, but who in time will fall, never to
and earth shall pass away, despise, therefore, your rise again.
bodies, which are composed of the four perishable Our sacred books inculcate the necessity of prayer,
elements, and think only of your immortal souls. obedience to authority, industry, honesty, hospitality,
Hearken not to the suggestions of the flesh, fear alms-giving, chastity and truth. Envy, hatred,
and sorrow are the product of the passions, stifle anger, revenge, and polygamy are forbidden. Fast-
them and fear and sorrow are destroyed.” Such ing, mortification, and celibacy are abominations in
is the belief taught in the Temple of Buddha, to the sight of Ormusd the never ending. May the
290 millions of mankind. spirits of light and good protect you on your way!
Music. Knight Marshal leads Neophyte to the Musio.—Knight Marshal leads Neophyte to the
What seek you from followers of the Great and What seeks the stranger here? Is it a knowledge
Venerable Zoroaster? of the Faith we cherish and its origin?
Truth and light. Such is his object, and his desire is not to satisfy
GUARDIAN O~ SANCTUARY.— an idle curiosity, but to advance the interests of
They shall be granted you. Zarathustra, or humanity, and gain more light from every source.
Zoroaster as he is called by other nations, was born STANDARD DEARER.—
in the land of Iran, several thousand years ago, and Know then, that there is one great creation and
was selected by the Eternal First Cause of Creation first cause, Pachacamac. We do not dishonour him
48 SENATh: 2 S.—5 o. ROYAL MYSTERY. 8OS.~19oR 49
by personal representation, or insult his overwhelm- the land where the ashes of his sires repose?
nig grandeur by erecting temples for his worship, KNIGHT MARSHAL.—
for all creation is his mighty temple, and the puny
intellect oI~ man is incapable of understanding his He seeks a knowledge of your Faith,—Truth, and
boundless power and immensity. We adore and Light from every source.
worship his greatest emanation—the glorious Sun, KNIGHT OF INTRODUCTION.—
the giver of light and warmth—the parent of ri~u- Truth and Light are everywhere to be found by
kin d! Couutlessagesago,the great lnniinary, feeling those who truly seek them. Oar Faith is simply
compassion for the helpless and degraded condition this. The great Manito is our great benefactor and
)f his earthly children, sent to the world two of his our Ruler. Where he dwells is across the broad
celestial offspring to civilize and raise them from water, but we see him in the works of nature, and
their then state of barbarism. hear him in the thunder and the winds. When the
This heavenly pair, brother and sister, man and red man disappears from the earth, he rejoins his
Wife, were Ma~nco Capac and Mama Gello Huaco, fathers in the happy hunting grounds. More we
the children of the Golden Sun and the Silver Moon, know not; we bnt wait and hope.
the Queen of Heaven. Knight Marshal leads Neophyte to front of the A. of the
When they arrived on earth, their course was Areopagus.
directed by the magic power of a golden wedge, and KNIGHT MARSHAL.—
where that sank in the ground was to be the scene Sublime Grand Commander, I present to you a
of their labors for mankind; this event occurred in Neophyte who in true Charity and Toleration has
the valley of Cnzco, which became the centre of stadied the different religions, and has gained
civili7.abion. They taught the rude nations every therefrom some lessons of Wisdom.
art and science, and the precepts of a pure and SUBLIMS GRAND COMMANDER.—
simple faith, a future state of happiness in heaven What have you learned in your travels?
for the good, and misery in the burning hell located
in earth’s centre, for the wicked. They conquered NEOPHYTE.—
Cupay, the spirit of Evil; by their wise and bene- To respect the opinion of the men my brothers.
ficient sway they made the land both powerful and SUBLIMS GRAND COMMANDER.—
happy, and when their father recalled them to their You are right. (Strikes—1-4444~ To order, Illustrious
native heaven, they left intheir descendants a mighty Knights of the Royal Mystery; let the Triangle be
and god-like line of Incas, to govern the land they formed.
had loved so well. This is done.
Musio.—Knight Marshal leads Neophyte to the
NINTH TENT, The journies you have made in this grade have
purified you from all prejudice and rendered you
worthy of marching in the same road with us.
KNIGHT OF INTRODUcTION.— Some acknowledgement is due to you for your
What brings the pale-face to the lodges of the perseverance, courage and zeal. I will now intrust
red man? Seeks he to drive him still further from you with the secrets by which Knights of the Royal~
50 SENATE: 2 S.—5o. ROYAL MYSTERY. 8~S.—19~a. 51
Mystery are enabled to recognize each other; but, in all things to the rules of an order of which the
be Fore doing so, you must bind yourself tons, never true principles are Justice and Equity.
unlawfully to reveal them; and I give you the same NEOPHYTE.—
assurance, previously given, that we exact of you I swear upon my honour.
nothing that will conflict with your Truth and The S. is
To the Glory of the Sublime Architeot of the Universe. The W.P. is—i the answer is— both together say
In the name of the Sovereign Sanotuary of Antient az,d —* which signify Virtue, Charity, and Toleration.
Primitive Masonry, in and for Great Britain and Ireland, The sacred fire of Virtue supports the social and
Salutation on all points of the Triangle. Respeot to the Masonic edifice and is the true corner stone of
Order. happiness. Charity is the daughter of Hea’ven and
[,A.B., do most solemnly promise and bind my- the Guardian Angel on earth. Relieve the poor
self by this oath, never to reveal unlawfully, any of not only with alms, but with good counsel and by
the secrets of this degree, and to be tolerant and good example. By the immutable law of nature
charits~ble to all men upon my sacred honor as a all mankind are brothers. Illustrious Knights of
true Freemason.— Amen. Salute. the Royal Mystery should therefore be tolerant in
SUBLIME GRAND COMMANDER.— To Knight Marshal. all things.
Cause the Neophyte to approach and receive the fliustrious Knight Captain of the Guard, let the
reward which his zeal has merited. proclamation be made.
CAPTAIN OF GUARD. — Drawing Sword, and striking
He kneels on his left knee on the seventh step of the
shoulder five times.
To the Glory of the Sublime Arohitect of the Universe.
SUBLIME GRAND COMMANDER.—Invests with Cordon. In the name of the Sovereign Sanotnary of Antient and
The colour of this cordon is the emblem of the Primitive Masonry, in and for Great Britain and Ireland.
grief we carry for the oppressed innocent. Salutation on all points of the Triangle. Respect to the
SUBLIME CRAND COMMANDER. Arise, Ill. Knight of the Royal Mystery, which I
Illustrious Knights, to order. In the name of now proclaim you, and T call upon all present to
T. S. A. 0. T. U., and under the auspices of the recognize you in your quality as such, and to render
Sovereign Sanctuary, I constitute you now and for you aid and protection in case of need.
ever a Knight of the Royal Mystery.
He embraces him three times. Join me, illustrious Knights, in saluting our new
SUBLIME GRAND COMMANDER.— made Knight. Together.
Receive, Illustrious Knight, this fraternal wel- Battery.
come, let it prove to you the sincerity of the senti- SUBLIME GRAND COMMANDER.—
ment, and the estimation and love with which you During your progress in this degree you have
inspire us. I present you with a sword. Be thou heard described the leading tenets of the nine
brave and generous. Never forget you serve a God principal religions of the world, and you must have
of Justice and Mercy, and must conform yourself noted the close resemblance each one has in its
SENATE: 2S.—5c. ROYAL MYSTERY. 8oS.~l9OR. 53
primal faith to all the othe?s; a belief in one that politics is the moral cause of all our actions
Supreme Being, and a future state is common to and that to which ou~ steps tend, according to him
them all; even those nations who believe in a nothing can be compaxed thereto; politics he will
plurality of Gods, always ranked one as the first advance are the soul of governments, and he will
canse, the Great Originator. These ideas seem conclnde that the whole world shonld attend upon
inherent in the minds of all mankind, of all ages him; the prosperity of states, the fortunes of com-
and all climes. Whit lesson then are we to teach merce, the brilliant arts, the discoveries of genius;
onrselves from these facts? Toleration and Charity. valour, all wait upon him; and if he perceives that
he cannot persuade, then by an adroit detour he
Tolerance is a virtue difficult to practice, becanse conceals his defeat. The warrior, more fiery, will
it commands great sacrifices. It is proper to the vaunt bravery, holding that it is the infallible
good man and the foundation of that love wbich principle of success; that all bodies onght ~o bow
attracts the heart. Withont Tolerance there is no to its splendour; and that withont valour politics
sociability, union, nor confidence; with it we com- are but frivolous play, not worth the time conse-
prehend how to multiply the sparks of friendship, crated to it. The man of Ietbers, the artist, the
and effectuate incessantly the wishes of all. merchant, will vannt by a]l the means in their
Political Tolerance, when reasonable, serves to power the excellency of their several occnpations,
maintain justice and secure the repose of the world. and the nnmerous advantages which spring from
Religious Tolerance repels schismatic raving, odious them; each will struggle opinionatively and exalt
fa~iaticism, the spirit of disorder; it conforms wor- party spirit above bonnds, thinking he sees in each
ships, draws sects together, and admits all systems disput~ntagainst his system a personal enemy v~ hom
withont altering particular beliefs, and ma~kes to the he 6ugbt to pursue and overthrow. The Pontiff,
glory of the Creator a melo&ious whole out of a with a superb and sententious tone, will aftribute
thousand diverse homages. Literary Tolerance universal civilisation solely to religion, to it the
brings a multitude of beneRts; it prevents rivalry; respect tbe citizen pays to his government, or the
disposes to the admiration of genius; the admission chief of the state; to it tbe practice of all the
of snperiority; the encouragement of timid talent; virtues.
and to gather, witbout envy or hate, the palms 0, how ~vise is Tolerance, which prevents such
reserved to merit. Masonic Tolerance inclnde8 all tumult! or at least knows how to arrest the cause
others; the statesman, the warrior, the pontiff, the and prevent the excess.
man of letters, the artist, the merchant, all masons We are all striving to reach one goal—Happiness!
of whatever profession, carry even iuto the Temple One point—Truth! Our roads may differ; some
of Wisdom the passions which are habitual to them; may be straighter than others, but the destination
and if Masonic Tolerance is not paramount, there we all seek is the same. Let us then be tolerant
will result an aspect more violent and disordered as with all; let us respect the opinions of others while
the characters are varied and diverse. we still remain faitbful to our own; and let the
Snppose for instance tbat these various persons mautic of Cbarity be drawn orer the real or fancied
wish to discuss the prerogatives which each attributes errors of our brethren in humanity. For the Grand
to his social position. The statesman demonstrates Mystery is this—all the religions of the world, no
~3E1~ATE: 2 S.—5c. ROYAL MYSTERY. 80 S~~.19o R 55
matter what names mankind may give them, have Then the antique beliefs of mysterious Fgypt, the
but one source, one real object of worship—GOD sweet and patriarchial manners of the people of
THE ETERNAL—The Lord of Love and Justice~ In the East, and the belief of the less reflecting, but
His power we confide, in His justice we trnst, and as certain, savage tribes which people the deserts of
in His love we hope. Africa; beliefs which furnished to Pythagoras his
50 MOTE IT BE! system of transi~iigration of souls; those beliefs
You will now listen to the Discoarse of the present themselves ~o him in all the eclat of truth,
in all their ascendant strength, and he asks if these
Knight of Eloquence. are the only trnths, the only ones it is possible to
When casting investigating looks upon the debris In effect, let us ascend time, transport onrselves
which surrounds him, the Sage dares interrogate in thonght~ even to the cradle of ages and follow,
the bowels of the earth, which he treads disdain- step by step, the progressive march of humanity.
fully under his feet, he encounters buried under the If the perfection of the vital breath which animates
rnbbish immense skeletons, gigantic ruins apper- us is the indirect reason of civilization, are we not
taining~ to exfinct races which have turn by turn involuntarily, almost unknown to ourselves, coming
succeeded each other upon the surface of the globe: to o~ conclusion that the soul’s imperfect glimmer-
he sees the characteristics that separate them and ings are imperfect emami~tions of the divine breath,
is obliged to confess that there has been between which in proportion as it passes from one informal
the first creation and that of which we form a part, being to another more perfect, is by degrees
an undoubted progress npwards. If, now guide& refined, aaid tending imperceptibly to draw to itself
by the observations he has made, he submits to the the beings which infinite wisdom has formed. The
investigation of the objects which snrround him; unclean insect, object of our aversion, inherited
if, overrunning the chain of beings, from cold and Dntil it snccumbed an imperfect breath which it
inert matter, he passes to man, masterpiece of the exhaled from a being of a superior order: and it
new creation, stu&ying successively the innumer- is thus, that from one transmigration to auother,
able transformations, by the aid of which informal the sonl, after snccessively identifying itself with
clay is metamorphosed into imperfect vegetables, all the series of beings, ascends towards its author,
and £rom thence in an ascendant march to the most to repose in the bosom of the God which formed it.
accomplished animal organis~tion; then necessarily In this consisLed the veneration of the Egyptians
a vast and profound thought illuminates his spirit, for animal lire, they saw God in all forms. The
and unveils to him, so to say, the secrets of Indian Vedas teach that “the wise men give many
T.S.A.O.T.Th; he will be compelled to ask himself, names to the being who is one;” and that—”As
if the divine breath which animates him has not, the web issues from the spider, as little sparks pro-
like the impure vase, which grows snperb and ceed from fire, so from the one s )ul proceed all
odoriferous flowers, submissive to the progressive breathing animals, all worlds, all gods.” The
march of beings, undergone all possible transfor- Essenian philosophers held that pure ether, which
mations before elevation to the degree oi~ perfection was attracted into matter by the secret operations
~which characterises himself? of nature, was enclosed as in a prison, until the
60 SENA~TE: 2 S.—5 c. ROYAL MYSrfE1~Y. 8oS.~~19oR. 61
of each No?ne learned particularly one special latter were only the continuators of that ancient
science; and were the depositories of manuscripts caste which dispersed itself at the period of those
which were all the more precious as they were the troubles and dissentions which turned Egypt into
only copies existing in the world. One taught how one scene of anarchy, by which the Romans profited
to follow the Stars in their courses, calculate their so far as to convert it into one of their provinces.
swiftness, measure their distance, divide the seasons, It is reasonable to conclude that the founders of
give a more perfect form to the year by means of the Essenian Societies Were Egyptiau priests.
intercalation a; others, by the principles of Geometry, What proves this very clearly is that, on the one
knowledge of the laws of movements, and the cal- hand we know not what became of these after the
culation of resistance and friction, taught how to overthrow of the. throne of the Ptolemies and the
centuple the strength of man, level the earth, raise invasion of the coo.ntry, while on the other hand
dykes, dig canals, to construct Sais, Thebes, Mem- the societies of the Essenians which appeared at
phis, and above 20,000 cities, besides immense that time, present almost the same character as did
edifices of which several yet resist the destructive the priestly caste of Egypt; indeed we find among
band of time; others taught how to purify metals, the Essenians of Jerusalem and Egypt, the
analyse them, combine then, alloy them, so as to mysterious initiation, the oath of prudence, and
render them more ductile and malleable; to indi- the evidences of the Egyptian priests, the same love
cate the properties of vegetables and the means of of the sciences, the same philosophy; everything
extracting the sap, so as to prolong the days of man; in fact establishes a perfect resemblance. We may
or better to preserve the body after death from decay affirm from proofs so intimate, that the con-
during thousands of years, and preserve the fresh- federacy of philosophers, known by the name of
ness of colour and illusion of life. Others taught initiates or priests of ancient Egypt, reappeared
the principles of that celebrated legislation which and continued its system in the societies of the
sought to ally the general interest to that of the Essenes after those later wanderings which followed
individual, bring together men of primitive quality, its dissolution and the dispersion of its members.
simply by their wants, and cause them to love Contemporary with the Essenes, were the Thera-
virtue. Others presented in chronological order peutae, a magical, astrological, and alchemical sect,
the revolutions and events of nations, continuing who quietly disappeared, They were succeeded by
the list of Kings according to their names, their the Ascetics, that is, by a kind of Jewish monks,
actions, virtues, vices, and the judgements which who, though devoted to a purely contemplative
had been passed upon them. The Priests con- life, preserved amongst them opinions which suffice
sulted these writings on the death of the reigning to prove that they had received from the Egyptian
King, and these redonbtable judges traversed the Priests and Essenes that spirit of true philosophy
lake in a boat guided by Charon and exposed in the which neither new dogmas or even superstitions
presence of the people, all the good and evil which ha4 been wholly able to denaturalise.
he had done, and threw in the fatal urn, the ballot
which rendered his memory cherishej or odious. Christianity came and enlarged the circle of
initiation, it extended to all men the benefits and
It seems certain from our knowledge of the the moral parts of the mysteries; but the scientific
Egyptian priests and the EsseNian sects, that the part, its grand foundation, it neglected, as less
essential to its mission; it left it as noble pasture books nuder the titles of Gobpet, Ohapiers, Mijs-
to the indefatigable study of the curious and the tery, and Treasures. Ferbulio, his disciple,
‘wise. inherited his fortune and his works; he betook
Christian Monks succeed in turn to the Jewish himself to Palestine and sought to propagate the
Ascetics and the ruins of the Coptic Monastery religion of the Magi; persecuted he went to Persia,
are shown, where it is said 360 monks were where he changed his name and called himself
Buddas; persecuted in Persia, he retired to the
devoted to seeking, without rest, for the phil-
osophers’ •stone. The traditional history of the house of a widow, where he died. This widow
Templars asserts, that their Grand Master of having bought a slave, adopted him and gave him
Nazareth was consecrated Pontiff of the universal the name Cubricus, the young luau made great
religion by the Priests of Egypt. progress in the books of Ferbulio, and, like his
master’s example changed his name to Manes,
What is historically more important to know is, which signifies conversation, and founded the sect
that the Coptic monks who exist in Egypt, even of Manichees. Pursued by the hatred of Archelaus,
in the present day, are the immediate successors of Bishop of Cassan, and the Priest Marcellus, he
the Egyptian Priests and Essenes. This connecting withdrew for shelter to a small mansion named
link having been established so clearly, it is evident .Arabion, upon the river Strenga, but was denounced
that the spirit and philosophy of these Priests and by another Priest named Triphon, to the King of
Essenes, are not lost, seeing that these different Persia, who sent seventy-two guards to take him;
bodies have been continued by an unbroken he was arrested upon the bridge of the Strenga at
succession till the present day. the moment when about to betake himself to a
At all times Christianity was far from absorbing neighbouring town named Diodoride. The King
the sacred sciences into its bosom, philosophy condemned him to be either roasted or burned alive,
preserved its independence, whilst making itself the flesh thus parting from the bone. After his
Christian, Origen, Justin, Clement of Alexandria; death, the number of disciples augmented con-
Hermesius, and many other fathers of the first siderably, and they gained followers of the most
centuries, are a proof of it. There were even some elevated intelligence, even St. Augustine. The
philosophers who imposed on themselves the task of filiation of the iManichees to the philosophical
conciliation and of making the christian dogmas doctors of antiquity is proved by a fact not
and philosophical teachings of christianity to generally remarked. The Catholic Church re-
concur. The Gnostics and Manichees, who lacked proached them with believino in two principles
not a certain grandeur, essayed the task and were and consequently in two Gods; the reproach was
persecuted by the church. Manes from whom unjust because they only followed the instruction
these last borrowed their name, was born in the of the three grades prescribed in Egypt first,
year 277 of the common era. There was at this Dualism, or belief in the two pi.inciples; second,
epoch in Egypt, a man named Scythianus, by Sabaothism, or the adoration of the natural forces;
birth an Arab, fully instructed in the secrets of third, Jahoism, or the worship of a sole God
the Magi; he had the knowledge of hieroglyphics, Sovereign of, and independent of, the material.
astronomy, mythology, and wa~ a man who world. They therefore only taught dualism as a
practised the soundest morality; he composed four mode to arrive at the manifestation of the entire
truth. Beside the Manichees many other differently
named sects branched from the original tree of the
ancient mysteries and were known under the
general name of Guostics, a word signifying
knowledge. Nothing is better authenticated than
that the disciples of these sects were in existence in KNIGHT GRAND INSPECTOR,
the twelfth century in Italy, France, Germany, and
England, as Templara, Lollards, Ghibbelines, and 20/11 Degree.
AIbigenses. They had secret signs of recognition,
professed great purity, and were divided into two The Hall is hung with Black. On a Table, near the Sublime
principal classes, the Disciple and the Perfect Init- Grand Corn rnander is placed a wreath of Oak leaves, a
wreath of Cypress and of Roses. A S. with wine; a S.
iate; the latter of which were vowed to chastity, A Vase and a ring, with black hooded Gowns for K.
and on the dualistic principle they looked upon To call the Senate or Areopagus to Order, Strike 3 ; to
the head of the opposing sect as the evil principle seat 1; Alarm 1; Battery, various.
personified, and upon their own as the good
principle. The poet Dante belonged in Italy to OPENING.
the Ghibbelines, the poets Chaucer and Gower in
England to tbe Albigenses and the monument of SUBLIME GRAND CO?dMANDER.— strikes 333
the latter in London iepresents him as crowned Most Learned Senior Knight Interpreter, the first
with a wreath of roses and having the cardinal duty of the Knights Grand Inspectors.
virtues at his feet. The Templars were judicially
suppressed for being Gnostics and are commemor- SENIOR KNIGHT.—
ated in our Rite. Eventually the philosophical Sublime Grand Commander: it is to assure our-
sects took the name of Rosicrucians, and so became selves that we are guarded against the indiscretions
Freemasons, of whose history the teaching of our rite of the profane.
is well known to you.
Stretch me Thine hand, 0, Go.ide Divine— KNIGHT MAfl5HAL.—
0, hear me calling in the dark— Sublime Grand Commander: the Neophyte has
And bid, above my shipwrecked bark, completed his first journey in this sublime degree,
The beacon of Thy mercy shine. and now awaits your will and pleasure. He is
SUBLIME GRAND COMMANDER.— prepared to answer any questions propounded by
Let the Neophyte make five circuits of our Senate. you, that he may prove himself a true Mason, a
worthy Knight of the Royal Mystery, and a fitting
Neophyte is conducted five times around by Knight of
candidate to receive the 0, B. of this degree.
Introd uction,—Knight Marshal leading.
Illustrious Knight and Brother, to the will and
by the action of the Eternal of all ages—past, pre- There are two duties owing by man, which takes
sent and to come—do we owe our origin and being; precedence of all others. The first I need hardly
and when our earthly pilgrimage has ended, to that tell you is to his God, and the second to his country.
parent source of all creation must we return; He who is false to one, seldom proves true to either.
either to rest in blissful quietude, or become com- Callous indeed, must be the heart in which the
ponent parts of new combinations of mind and love of country has no place, and weak and worth-
matter, obedient to the mandates of the Most High less the affection of him as son, husband, father,
and Powerful. or brother, in whose breast Patriotism has no
We are but infants in His mighty hands—the existence.
clay which by the master skill is moulded into forms Behold the baunerof our common country (whether
of beauty and delight, or shapes of hideousness and by birth or by adoption). Are you prepared and
horror—the blank scrolls on which may be engrossed willing to take the sacred OB. to love, respect, and
the golden words of wisdom or the senseless babb- when required to defend it with your life?
lings of the profane. Neophyte answers.—
We are but the creatures of His will. How, then,
shall we presume to define, as with a line and rule, Then place your right hand on the Glaive of
the extent of His power, His attributes of love, Honour, and with your left hand holding and sup-
justice, wrath or wisdom? porting the flag of your country, repeat after me
your first 0. B.
We are but atoms in creation’s plan, oar world
itself a mere speck in the immense regions of bound- I, A. B., in the name of our Father, who is in
less space, and our very Universe is but one, per~ heaven, inHis presence and of this Illustrious Senate,
haps among countless thousands. upon the Glaive, symbol of honour, do sole zunly
In the last degree you were shown that all religions and sincerely promise to be true to my country and
have but one common origin, the worship of a its flag, and that if required I will defend both with
Supreme Being—the lesson sought to be conveyed my purse, my sword and my life, and never allow
was mutual toleration. either to be dishonoured, if in my power to prevent it.
So help me God! Amen.
The Neophyte is placed between the Columns and brought
to light. ALL—SO mote it be!
SUBLIME GRAND COMMANDER.— Except the Lord keep the city, the watchman
As a token of your fidelity, salute with a kiss waketh but in vain.
this most sacred emblem of Knightly honour! Again led ronnd.
Your oath of patriotic fidelity is registered in our SENIOR KNIGHT.—
hearts and in the archives of the recording angel And it shall come to pass on that day, that
above You have well and truly proved your right the Lord shall set his hand again, the second time,
to the Crown I award you. True, it is only a wreath to recover the remnant of his people which shall
of Oak leaves, but still it is more priceless than be left.
the golden and bejewelled diadems of kings or
emperors. It is the Civic Crown, Corona Civica, And he shall set up an Ensign for the Nations,
of the ancient Romans, and which in the full glory and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather
of the days of their Republic, was only awarded to togetlfer the dispersed of Judah from the four
those who had saved the life of a fellow creature. corners of the Earth.
By becoming a Mason, you have also become a The Neophyte is placed between the Columns.
benefactor of mankind, for is it not our duty and SUBLIME GRAND COMMANDER.—
our l)ractice to help our distressed brethren, to
comfort and protect the widow and the fatherless, Before proceeding further, I must administer to
and to be just in our conduct to all men? you another O.B., one which, without doubt, you
will assume with pride and satisfaction. It is the
Illustrious Knight Marshal, conduct the Neophyte
Oath o f~ Fidelity to our Rite and its Banner—are
on his second journey.
you prepared to take it?
Neophyte is lead thrice around and placcd between the
Columns. i{EOPHYTE—Answer’.
Praise waiteth for the, 0 God, in Zion, and uuto In the name of God, Father of the human race,
thee shall the Vow be performed. and in his holy presence, I do most solemnly
promise to support and be faithful to the Banner
0, Thou, that hearest prayer, unto thee shall all of our Antient and Primitive Rite, and that I will
flesh come. propagate with zeal the knowledge and peaceful
Iniquities prevail against me; as for oar trans- morals which our sublime institution professes,
gressions, thou shalt purge them away. extend its usefulness, and exert my best endeavours
Blessed is the man whom Thou choosest, and to bring good and true Masons within its sacred.
causest to approach unto Thee, that he may dwell folds, and to exact no other condition from the
in Thy courts; we shall be satisfied with the good- candidate than probity or knowledge, without dis-
ness of Thy house, even of Thy Holy Temple. tinction of politics or country. I will to the end of
Again led round. my life, devote myself to our sacred Rite, and will
never denounce or desert it, without the consent of
JUNIOR KNIGHT.— my superiors therein. To this, in each and every
Except the Lord build the house, they labour part, word~ and sentence, by him that rules above,
in vain that build it. below, I swear. Amen.
ALL.—In the name of T. S. A. 0. T. U. we are KNIGHT MARSHAL.—
witness. Amen. What hideous phantom is that which arrests
SUBLIME GRAND COMMANDER.— our steps and fills our souls with loathing and
Sir Knight and Brother, the pledge you have apprehension?
just given, is one of greater importance than at
first sight it may appear to you. Among the
several Rites pertaining to Masonry there have It is no phantom, but reality! What thou art
too often arisen differences and contentions on now, so once was this poor frail emblem of
slight grounds, which have estranged those who humanity—what he is now, shalt thou be ere
should have honoured the mutual bonds which many more years have sped their way into the
bind us to make the fellowship of Masonry the Ocean of Eternity. Within this hollow frame
most glorious in the world. Let us avoid such once beat a heart, as proud and joyous, or as
examples, and remain steadfast in our allegiance to humbled and saddened as thine own. These
the Antient and Primitive Rite in its present whitened bones were clothed with fair and healthy
purity. While we honour and uphold our own flesh, and the blood coursed warmly through the
institution, let us prove that we are willing to meet bounding veins. These fleshless limbs were en-
all in the spirit of LovE, JUSTICE, and TOLERATION. dowed with the full strength of proud exultant
Let the Knight proceed on his journey with our manhood. Beneath this skull throbbed a brain
best wishes for his welfare, and may the giver of filled with the accumulated wisdom of his days,
all good gifts, smile upon his progress, and vouch- and of by-gone ages—thoughts of devotion, love of
safe him the light of wisdom he seeks! country, kindred, friends. Within these hollow
Slow and solemn music is played. Marshal hoods Neo- sockets were eyes that beamed with kindness,
phyte and conducts him once around to S... iu the West, kindled with love, flashed with anger, melted with
while the following is recited. The Senate is darkened. sorrow or sympathy, and. closed in balmy sleep.
SUBLIME GRAND COMMANDER.— From this now lipless mouth drQpped honeyed
To the name of the most High be praise and words of eloquence, love, devotion, and friendship,
glory given now and forever. —or sprang the scathing tones of anger, scorn,
ALL.—SO mote it be. defiance, and contempt,—and now, behold! Is this
the end of all this beauty, glory, strength, and
intellect—this wretched mouldering remnant of the
May his love guide our footsteps in gloom, human form?
and exalt us in the radiance of his light!
Believe it not, my brother. Death is but the end
ALL.—So mote it be. of this earthly life; beyond its portal lies the
JUNIOR KNIGHT.— summer life of immortality, where, freed from the
God be with us now and forever. trammels of this perishable clay, purified from all
ALL.—Now and forever mortal passions, the enfranchised spirit ascends to
The hood is removed and the Neophyte is confronted
the mansions of the blest, and rejoices evermore in
with the emblem of Death, the Scull with wine, and the the glorious light which emanates from the throne
Knights clothed in hooded black robes. of the Eternal.
Shrink not, then, from the emblems of the grave
and death; what are they but the broken fragments Sir Knight, are you still ffrm in your faith and
of that mould in which the work of perfection has trust in the truths of our Sacred Rites and teach-
been cast, and completed by the Great Artificer! ings? Answer.
I now crowii you with the wreath of Cypress, In the course of your career dangers may beset
the emblem not only of death but of eternity. you, the enemies of our Rite may seek to extort
Now, Sir Knight, before these monitors of what from you by guile or violence the secrets we have
awaits us all, repeat the 0. B. it is now my duty imparted to you, and to whose safe keeping you
to administer. have pledged your word and honour. Have you the
All thc Sir Knights point swords at his breast. courage, both moral and physical, to resist and
defy their power, even to death itself, if need
III. requires it? Answer.
I, A. B., in the name of T. S. A. 0. T. U., do Are you prepared to give us a proof of that
solemnly swear, in the presence of these wit- courage, springing from a bold heart and ready
nesses, that I will keep secret the mysteries of this hand which defies all danger, and is ready to strike
Degree of Kuight Grand Inspector, and will not at an instant’s notice in the defence of right?
reveal them to any person, unless I know him to
be legally entitled to the knowledge thereof. Answer.
I furthermore swear that should I linow of ano- Have you implicit faith in our honor and justice?
ther to violate his obligations of this sublime degree, Answer.
I will, with the assistance and blessing of God,use
my best endeavours to bring him to condign Behold, then, this vessel filled with molten lead.
punishment, by pointing him out to the fraternity Quick! give the proof of your courage and fidelity
and the world at large, as an object of contempt, —plunge your naked hand boldly into this seething
as a liar and perjurer. metal, and bring forth this ring!
I swear that I will never permit a Sir Knight of Sublimo Grand Commander drops Ring into the Vase,
this Degree to be slandered, calumniated, or defamed, Neophyte takes it out.
without vindicating his character, and causing jus- It was well and bravely done, most valiant
tice to be done to the accuser by the accused. Knight. You perceive your confidence in us was
I furthermore swear never to allow the rituals not misplaced, and our trust in you is still more
of these Degrees to be copied or printed by any strengthened. You see no real danger, or physical
one, without the authority of the Sovereign injury was intended you; the test was but to
Sanctuary, if i~ my power to prevent it. remind you, that in sudden emergency or peril,
To all these I swear sincerely and solemnly, and promptuess or valour will ever be triumphant.
should I break this oath may the arms of death Forever wear this Ring as an Emblem of Masonic
fold me in its cold embrace. Truth and Knightly Valour.
S. folds arms round Neophyte. Your pilgrimage in this degree draws to an end,
ALL.—Amen. one journey more and it will be completed.
Before you start upon your way, you must need as belonging to the Antient and Primitive Rite of
refreshment and must receive it at our hands. A Masonry, except those owing fealty and allegiance
draught of -wine will re-invigorate your strength to the Sovereign Sanctuary of the 33d. Degree in
and prepare you to encounter the hardships of the and for Great Britain and Ireland, or other authority
road. recognised by it~, and that I will denounce all im-
Sublime Grand Commander preserts 5— with Wine. postors, spurious and clandestine persons, claiming
You look with wonder, perhaps disgust, upon to be of this Rite, and will expose them to the
the vessel which contains it. Why so? True, it is brotherhood wherever he or they may be situated.
not gold, nor silver, nor even crystal; but it has a This I promise, and to this I swear, and should I
greater value, it was the home of a human intelli- break my vow, may this wine I now drink, be unto
gence, the seat of wisdom and of feeling. me as deadly poison as the hemlock-juice drank by
Believe me, Brother, we must banish from our Socrates, our ancient brother. Amen.
minds the morbid feelings which make us shrink He drinks.
from everything denoting the great change await- SUBLIME GRAND COMMAXDER.—
ing all: we must teach ourselves to look with Proceed on your last journey, aud may the All
calmness on the em blems of mortality; xvhy should
not what t.he dead has left us, be used for the benefit Powerful bless and guard you.
of the living? We use this S as a drinking Solemn Music is played, during which he is conducted
cup to prove that we are superior to the childish twice around, while the following is read.
prejudices of the uninitiated, and that when the SENIOR KNIGHT.—
ceremonies of this sacred Rite demand it, we can The darkness is passing away and the dawn is
couq’uer any repugnance to what seems (but is not) nigh.
painful and revolting. This has a moral teaching
also :—~‘ All that live must die, passing through
nature to Eternity.” Die! Yes, but is that the Praised be His name who rules the night and the
end? No! For as surely as day follows night, day.
and night again succeeds to day, so surely man is Neophyte stops at Altar—the Areopagus is lighted, the
immortal. What see you in this cup? Wine. Knights exclaim
Life in Death, Strength in Decay. The wreath of ALt.—Welcome to the Knightly Pilgrim—
Cypress on your brow, the liquor in this quaint welcome.
goblet, and the garland of roses which I now place
on this fieshless skull, all teach the same lesson—
Life in Death and, I )eath in Life, succeeding to all You have completed. your final journey in this
Eternity. Now Sir Knight, place your left hand Degree, and all that remains is to administer to
upon your heart, raise the goblet in your right, and you the last 0. B. of it, and acknowledge you as a
repeat your 0. B. Knlght Grand Inspector and Commander in Mason-
IV. ry; this will insure your entrance into the 38d.
I promise and swear in presenceof T.S.A.0.T.U. Degree of Scottish Rite Masonry, wherever the
same is legitimately conferred. You have been
that I will never acknowledge any person or persons tried in the balance, and not found wanting.
We are satisfied with the proofs you have given Ordinances of Antient and Primitive Masonry,
of your sincerity, perseverance, courage, and devo- emanating from the Sovereign Sanctuary of Patri-
tion to our sacred Rite. archs, in and for Great Britain and Ireland.
You have well and truly justified our confidence I do furthermore promise that I will never by
in your integrity, and all we now exact, before you look, word, or sign divulge or imperil the sacred
receive the secrets of a Knight Grand Inspector, is, mysteries of our Rite to the profane, or to those of
that you will promise on the Sacred Book of the inferior Degrees.
religion you profess, never to divulge our mysteries. I swear that I will not communicate to any person
We seek not to dictate or control the religious the sacred word of this Degree, not even for
feelings of any. Every man is free to worship God instruction to an Illustrious Knight of this J)egree,
as his own heart dictates, and God alone has the unless in the manner in which I shall receive it.
right to judge his children. Brother, what is the To this and all I swear, under no less penalty
creed or faith you profess? Answer. than that of being compelled to cut out my own
Place upon the Altar the Sacred Book of our tongue, and should I w’ilfully break this solemn
brother’s faith. vow, I invoke the power of Heaven to shower all
the calamities on me to which man is susceptible,
This is clone.
may my days be wretched, my nights sleepless, my
To order, Illustrious Knights, let the Triangle be life wither in misery, the scorn and disgrace of
formed. humanity. A~IEN!
To the glory of the Sublime Architect of the Universe. SUBLTME GRAND COMMANDER—
In the name of the Sovereign Sanctuary of Antient and It is sworn!
Primitive Masonry in and for Great Britain and Ireland.
Salutation on all points of the Triangle. Respect to the SENIOR KNIGHT.—
0 i-der. It is sworn!
I, A.B, swear, in the presence of T. S. A. 0. T. U. JUNIOR KNIGHT —
and the brilliant lights of this Illustrious Senate It is sworn!
and Areopagus, on the Sacred Book of Laws, and
on the Glaive, symbol of Honour, Fidelity to the SUBLIME GRAND COMMA1~D1iR.—
Celestial Empire of the Autient and Primitive The Jewel of this Degree with which I now
Rite of iMasonry, and obedience to its sacred laws. Invest you, is the double-headed Eagle, the Masonic
I promise and swear to abide by the Bye-laws, significance o~ which was explained in the Degree
Rules, and Regulations of this or any other body of Knight of the Red Eagle.
of the Rite, of which I may hereafter become a This Ring, with which you are never to part, is
member, and to obey all summons sent, or given an emblem of your truth, and a proof of your
me therefrom, and also to obey the Laws, Rules, Knightly valour. Upon it is engraved the device
and Regulations of the Mystic Temple of Princes of this Degree, Dens meurnque .Ths; and what more
of Memphis, 32d. Degree, for the Province of al)propriate device can iMasons use than that of
if within my power: I promise and swear to obey God and my Right.”
the Constitutions, Edicts, General Statutes, and
82 SENATE: 2 S.—.5c. KNIGHT GRAND INSPECTOR. 908 —2O~p 83
It now becomes my duty to instruct you in the
upon all present to recognise you in your quality
S., T., and W. of a Knight Grand Inspector. as such, and to render you aid and protection in
ease of need.
The S.—of entrance is to The S.— of order;
venom. Avarice and Ambition united and brought few master-spirits preserved the emblems of the
forth Pride, Envy, and Hatred; together they sacred fire, end under various titles, Poets, Hist-
attacked the heart of man and destroyed in it the orians, and Philosophers, seemed united by a mystic
impulse of~ good, the seeds of virtue; all remem- chain, whose links, connecting every epoch, enclosed
brance of his celestial origin, and of his sublime all in a circle, whose centre is eternal Truth. Its
destiny. Love and Charity grew weak, and arbi- radius spread from one end of the world to the
trary power usurping their place, triumphed over other. A sacred and symbolical word would call
the feeble, subjected them to its caprices, and forced the virtuous to rally and close to each other’s aid,
them to cultivate the earth by the sw-eat of their or extend the hand of sympathy from Dan to Beer-
brow, and gathering in the harvest of which the sheba, to find out and succour the distressed,
powerful seized the fruitful ears, leaving scarcely whether in the hearts of cities, or the wilds of the
more than the barren straws to the labourer and desert. Pilgrims of this faith have undertaken
his little ones. distant and toilsome journeys; dared the rigours
Divisions soon took place among the rulers. Mur- of the polar regions, the destructive fevers of the
der depopulated the earth. War spread its dreadful tropics, suffered the hellish tortures of the Red
banners to the wind, and destruction, pestilence, Indians, the Chinese zealots, and the Persian Priests,
and famine followed in his train. The furrows not for wealth and poxver, but to succour and save
~i brother. Thus, by initaliun, the noble-minded
overflowed with the blood o~ those who disputed
for possession of tbe field, whilst the sweet voice of of every country. formed a symbolic union, founded
humanity was stifled by infuriate howlings and on Morality, Love, and Humanity. No one
savage discord. To crown the evil caine the reign remained deaf to the appeal of a brother; and
of Ignorance, grades of caste, party politics, and among a crowd of similar circumstances, we have
Priestly sway—when many a clever scoundrel called selecte•d the following for its suhlime simplicity
himself the Interpreter of Divinity, and sacrile- A disciple of Pythagoras, travelling in a wild and
giously bringing down the Supreme Benevolence to ahuost barbarous country, far from home or friends,
his own mean level, made him appear as avaricious, was taken sick in the cabin of some poor people,
bloody, and revengeful as himself. Religion, who, although they were themselves suffering from
which should be Faith in a just and kind God; a extreme poverty, assisted him x’~ ith what they had,
never failing consolation to the unhappy, and a and took the tenderest care of him. His sickness
balm to the wounded mind, became a trade, and was long, but their hospitable solicitude never
was sold as merchandise, until its spirit, seeking abated. Grateful for their attentions, but lacking
sanctuary in a few honest breasts, left only its the meaiis of recompensing their disinterestedness,
pompons ceremonies and heartless mummeries as teeIng himself on the. point of death, he asked for
the stock in trade of the traffickers. a flat stone, and tracing on it some symbolic charac-
•Without these few pure souls, a virtuous man ters, he besought them to place it near the road
might have looked mournfully around him, and side. He died. Many years after a disciple of the
reproached our common father for having aban- same school aecidently passed, perceiving the stone,
doned everything to the Genius of Evil. But with read the inscription, and watered it with his pious
the evil came the remedy.—Masonry arose! Some tears, hastened to acquit the debt the deceased had
contracted, although he had never known him, or the tyrant that governed all;, nothing liberal,
ever seen him; but in the mystic writing he was nothing intellectual, withstood its attacks; nothing
requested, as a brother, to fulfil a dying man’s dared oppose its sway; nothing but Free Masonry,
wishes. which, like a Minister of Mercy, still answered the
Masonry, then, was the system which our appeal of Humanity and Progress—only being com-
petent to encounter cruelty and intolerance with
Sovereign Master chose as the means to preserve
benevolence and learning upon earth, and though their own weapons, our members donned the helmet
we may see some fail in their duty and defame our and glaive. the lance and shield, and advancing to
noble institution by their wickedness and folly, do the East and North, reached from the banks of the
poetic river Jordan, to the bleak shores of the
we not know that on earth nothing is perfect, and
that virtue even is subject to abuse. Let us Oder and Vistula, and effectually stayed the march
remark, however, that when these abuses multi- of brutish vandalism
plied, and everything seemed a prey to evil, God Can we contemplate, without admiration, those
drew from the treasure of his inexhaustible love, noble Cavaliers, as gentle after the carnage as
his most priceless gift. Jesus appeared—that terrible in combat; suecouring, after the battle,
sublime regenerator, that supreme and iucompre~ those whom their carnage had overthrown! Need
hensible being, that glorious light shining between we mention their oath to protect the fatherless aud
the past and future. Christ, the pacific conqueror, oppressed; or that unalterable friendship and
peaceably advanced before the amazed world, carry- touching brotherhood in arms, by which a Knight
iug aloft his banner whereon is inscribed “Love Mason was a stranger in no country nor under any
one another.” It was his theory of conquest, and misfortune
will yet restore all nations to innocence and happi- Masonry not only buckled on the sword and
ness. These three words contain all the wisdom, shield for the defence of society and Religion, but
al[ philosophy of the preceding ages. It absorbs furnished with the square and compass, it raised
and condenses every doctrine ever yet invented for gigantic Cathedrals, noble monuments on which
the general good, and. gives a tangible shape to our ancestors inscribed their creeds in language
every benevolent inspiration. as simple as profound, and their traditions des-
Love one another.” ‘Tis a charm, at the utter- cending from generation to generation, in their
ance of which the human race awoke from a long original purity, stand to this day as landmarks of
and frightful dream to find its hopes of happiness Faith, Patience, and Self-denial.
not destroyed, but shining more radiantly than ever The tie that united these chivalrous Knights was
-—for gradually we shall see despotism overthrown, the “cable tow” of Masonry, that strong symbolic
and Charity reigning universal over all. cord which binds so many thousand fragile hrands
Yet we must acknowledge that in consequence into one resistless body.
of the feebleness inherent in human nature, evil In the darkness of the middle ages it is more
once more prevailed, and barbarism once more difficult to follow the footsteps of our order, yet an
broke the bonds that had restrained it, and pouring earnest enquirer may still find it seeking shelter
where it gave protection, and in the schools of
in torrents from the Northern wilds, carried ruin
science, one of which in particular deserves men-
and devastation around. The pitiless sword was
88 SENATE: 2 S.—5 a. KNiGHT GRAND INSPECTOR. 9oS.200R 89
tion—the University of Paris, whose pul)ils united Thus will be seen how Intelligence continually
by initiation, defended and protected themselves enlarges the circle of human affeption, and gradually
against tyrannical oppression. extends from family to country, and thence to the
whole creation. You will see how Civilisation
In the bosom of the Universities was preserved resisted and withstood the Barbarism to which
that spirit of free inquiry which by instigating Feudality had reduced it,—ever strive to spread
religions reform, did so much towards the regene- the Masonic behest,—” Love one another.”
ration of humanity, and still more by Printing,
that powerful vehicle of thought, that wing of Wherever the armies of freedom have met those
God, which carries abroad, with the rapidity of the of tyranny, our order has been found, and it looks
wind, the results of human intelligence. hopefully to the day when unlimited and licentious
tyranny will no longer oppress the earth. The
The invention of Printing determined the eman- warfare against the powers of evil still goes bravely
cipation of the human spirit by secularising science. on, and freedom marches ever onwards toward the
Constantinople was taken and Rome accorded a conquest of the world. The vast power of public
noble hospitality to the illustrious proscripts of opinion reaches and controls even the occupants of
Greece; even the cannon civilizes by adjndging despotic thrones. The infamous tortures of the
the victory to genius and discipline. Thus the middle ages are no longer known, and the persecu-
first Printers, realising the importance of their tions for opinion’s sake are remembered like plague
work, formed themselves into a powerful corpora- and pestilence, which swept the earth with the
tion, and guarded care Lully the sacred areanum of besom of destruction. The rights of the people
their mystery; fabricating in silence, under the
are daily rising into view and their will i5 every
direction of Reason and Philosophy, the arms
which gave Liberty to the world of mind, and where coming to be recognised as the foundation of
annihilated Feudal and Religious Despotism for all civil power and government. But much still
ever. remains to be done. Tyranny is weakened but not
overthrown. Chains still weigh on human thought
The discovery of America led to a revolution in and conscience. Monopolies and privileges in the
the commerce, property, and finances of the ancient hands of favoured classes still impose burthens on
world. The introduction of gold from Mexico and the people, and there is work remaining for the
Peru lowered the price of the precious metals, and Elect. It is the old contest between good and evil,
created a new property and power—that of capitaL betweeti the sons of light and darkness. With the
Then succeeded Adventures beyond sea; the whole tongue and the pen, with all our open and secret
globe became aggrandised, colonies commenced, the influences, even with the sword, if justice and our
military, and merchant marine grew apace. The rights require it, we still advance the cause of
small interior sea of the ancients became but a human progress, freedom and civilization, and
basin, of little importance, since the riches of India labour to enfranchise human thought, and to give
arrived in Europe on the crest of the tempests. freedom to human conscience. Opposition to oh-
All these events contributed to revive the fire of garchial and sacerdotal tyranny and usurpation,
Masonry and project its rays into all civilised caused the dedication of our Masonic Lodges to
countries. Holy St. John, in opposition to St. Peter, an East -
90 SENATE: 2 S.—~ C.
First Degree of the Sublime Council
and Twenty-first Degree of
Antient and Przmitive Masonry.
The three following grades are Official Consecrations.
The Sash is white. The Jewel a winged egg engraved with
the Hermetic Cross and double-headed eagle, and placed
within an equilateral triangle.
SUBLIME DA].—Stiikes 333. Repeated by the Two M.Allrise.
Illustrious First Mystagogue, what in your duty?
It is to protect the inviolability of our Mysteries
against all intruders.
Illustrious Grand Expert, assure yourself that
the accesses of the Temple are deserted and its
echoes silent.
GRAND EXPERT.—Retires, and, on return, reports.
Sablime Dai, no one can overhear us.
Illustrions Second Mystagogne, at what hour is
the labour of this Stblime Council to be put into
Sublime Dai, the labours are continuous.
Illustrious Second Mystagogue, why continnous?
4 COUNCIL: 3 S.—6 c. GRAND INSTALLATOB. 10C.—210~. 5
SECOND MYSTAGOGUE.— We prostrate ourselves before the eternal laws of
Because the labomrs to which we are vowed exact Thy wisdom; direct our laboars, enlighten Lhern
the perpetual employment of all our powers and with Thy light, dissipate the darkness which veils
suffer no interruption, except during the moments truth; unite mankind whom ignorance and pre-
devoted to the restoration of exhausted nature. judice divide; remove Ihe band of error which
SUBLIME DAI.— obscures their eyes; that led to truth by philosophy
What is the period for repose, conceded by our the buman race may present hit one family of
traditions? brothers offering from all parts an incense, pure
and worthy of Thee.
The interval of perfect darkness. ALL.—Glory to Thee 0 Lord! Glory to Thy works!
Glory to Thy jufinite goodness.
Illustrious Second Mystagogue, at what hour do SUB LI I~E DAI.—Re-ascends to the East, gives the Battery
we renew our labours? which is repeated by the two Mystagogues, and, sword
in hand, says,
SECOND MYSTAGOGUL— Illustrious Brothers, observe thc Orient and
At the first appearance of Iight~. attend to giving he S.*21*. To the Glory of
SUBLIME DAI.— T.S.A.O.T.U. In thb name and under the anspice~
What hour is it now? of the Sovereign Sanctuary of Antient and Prim-
itive Masonry in and for Great Britain and Ireland,
It is the hour for resuming our labours. I declare this Sublime Council of Grand Install-
ators, open and at labour on the twenty-first
SUBLIME DAL— degree, with. the aim of securing to all brethren
Since it is the hour for resuming labonr, unite the inestimable blessings derivable from the ob-
with me in beseeching T.S.A.O.TJJ. to grant that servance of peace, tolerance, and truth.
we may have but one aim in view,—tlie glory of Strikes 1. All seated.
His name, the prosperity of our order and the
general good of humanity. RECEPTION.
The S.D.. descends, places himself in the midst of the
temple, facing the East, before him is burning incense, The Grand Expert, with Neophyte, strikes 333-333.333
at his side the i~wo Mystagogues; at the foot of the altar on the door of the Council.
are the Messenger and Accompanier, threepaces behind
these the Expert, Standard Bearer, and Guardian. All SUBLIME DAI.—
the members turn towards the East, and ~he Sublime Illustrious Messenger of Science, see who disturbs
Dai in a loud voice pronounces the following this Sublime Council.
MESSK~GER OF SCIENCE.—Opens the door and says.
PRAYER. Who alarms this Sublime Council?
S.A.O.T.U., Father of Nature, Source of Light, GRAND EXPERT.—
Supreme Law of the TJniverse, receive the homage It is Illustrious Sir Knight A.B., who seeks
of our love, of our admiration, a,nd of our worship. advancement, light and knowledge.
6 COUNCIL: 3 S.—6 c. GRAND INSTALLATOR: l~C.—210R. 7
MESSENGER OF SClENCL— noble faculty the Supreme hath endowed thee; to
It is Illustrious Sir Knight A.B., who seeks practice love and devotion to all thy brothers?
advancement in our venerated Rite, and is ac-
companied by the Illustrious Grand Expert. I do.
Admit them that we may ascertain his motives. Dost thou solemnly promise to maintain faith-
ful allegiance to this Sublime Council, to use
Sublime Dai, I present to you Illustrious Sir ‘whatever light and knowledge thou mayst acquire
Knight A.B. who has worked his way with zeal for the good of the IRite and its members. Dost
and energy from the degree of an Apprentice thou, likewise, solemnly and sacredly promise to
Mason to that of a Knight Grand Inspector; and keep secret the forms, ceremonies, and teachings
who now desires more light and knowledge, in of this Sublime Council?
order to increase his usefulness to his brother NEOPHYTE.—
Masons in every degree. I do.
By what recommendation does he solicit ad- Illustrious Brothers, are you willing to grant
vancement from this Sublime Council? advancement to this Candidate?
All signify assent by the battery.
By the many Masonic trials, ordeals, probations Illustrious Knight, we perceive that your petition
and purifications which he has already undergone. meets with a favourable reception from this Sublime
Council and that the members are willing to grant
Dost thou know goodness and canst thou do it? your request. The labour of our Sublime Council
is directed to the investigation of the religious
NEOPHYTE.—Proxnpted by Expert. dogma of remote antiquity. The special aim of the
Yes, and I promise to do good wherever it is first three degrees, which we are about to confer
possible. upon you, is to prepare you for officiating in the
SUBLIME DAI.— Public Ceremonials of the Rite and to teach you
Forget not that man is a material being, mortal that our doctrine and faith is of the most remote
by his body, but spiritual and immortal by his soul; antiquity. In all religious Rites and Mysteries
that he may be drawn by one of these two sub- the priestly class have been inducted with solemn
stances of which he is composed to all sensible cerenionies, their Temples inaugurated with Mystic
beings and by the other to God himself, that he is Rites; and their dead. buried. in the faith of an im-
placed upon earth to be, as it were, the King and mortal life beyond the grave.
Pastor of nature and to render homage to its Author. We cannot do better in this introductory degree
Dost thou promise to propagate science, light and than recall to your recollection the ceremonial
the gentle mor~1ity professed by this Sublime observances of the various rites through which
Council: to teach truth and justice, with which you have already passed, from the degree of Ap-
8 CouncIL: 3 S.—6 C. GILAND INSTALLATOIL. 10C.—210R. 9
prentice and Master Mason to the point at which and render us superior to them, so that our organs
you have already arrived. These commence with may serve us in the best and most convenient
the primitive Craft traditions of the Semitic branch manner; endow us with the noble faculty of under-
of the human race. They allegorically represent standing truth and justice; deign to enlighten the
the creation of the world by the great Master Neophyte, who comes amongst us, with thy divine
Builder and as such you were placed as a found- light; receive, we pray thee, the homage of his
ation stone in the North East corner. The same love, bless our labours, dissipate the clouds which
custom ‘was followed in our Egyptian traditions, cover our eyes, in order that we may become worthy
they made use of the Mosaic pavement, the rough of Thy merciful kindness and protection. He places
and perfect ashlar, the square, trowel, the lotus, the sacred glaive npon his head, and says. To the glory
heliotrope, acacia, and myrtle, all symbols which of T.S.A.O.T.U. I consecrate thee to the service of
are well known to you. The science of symbolism God and the brotherhood. To qualify you for
was not only known amongst the Egyptians but further instruction I confer upon you the title of
spread, as an ancient form of civilization, into Grand Installator of our Antient and Primitive
Canaan, Syria, Chaldea, Arabia, Tyre, Sidon, and Rite. In your new quality it becomes your duty
Nineveh. The figures of animals were used by to make yourself fully acquainted with the ritual
these nations as symbolical only of the attributes and Public Ceremonials of our Rite, as they have
which guided their worship. The compound Cher- been transmitted to us, from the East, by the
ubic Sphynx especially symbolised the divine Patriarchs of our ancient and venerated order;
attributes and when applied to the position of the and contiuue our sublime teachings uncorrupted.
constellations, it gives to Masonry, as resurrected Gives to the Neophyte the ritual of Installator.
good, a period of 5876 years before the common era. I will now instruct you in the special S.T.andW.
In your earlier initiations you were instructed in which prove you to have been qua.lified for your
appointed duties.
the natural and mechanical sciences and more
especially geometry; as you advanced onwards you This is done. Stri]~es 1. All seated.
were made acquainted with theosophical emblems, You will now take your seat and. listen to the
and it now becomes your duty to make a practical instructive lessons of the degree.
application of these in conducting the Installation
of the Officers, of~ subordinate bodies of oar Antient
and Primitive Rite in their Chapters, Senates, and CHARGE.
Con ocils. Symbols and emblemswere the primitive language
Strikes 333. All rise. of the people of the East. The horse represented
SUBLIME DAI.—Plscing both hands on Neophyte’s head. courage, the o~s strength, the serpeti.i cunning or
S.A O.T.U., Chief and Father of thatfirst supreme prudence. Such symbols were adopted by theology
law and reason which dwells in us, deign to keep to designate the distinctive attributes of divinity,
us in remembrance of that nobility of nature which and science and art had no other language. The
we have received from thee; grant that it may aid symbols were further designed to express a grand
us to purify ourselves from unreasonable passions. idea. of the creator, a dogma, a doctrine, or a belief.
As given in the preceding degrees.
The lights are reduced to the faintest glimmer. The
place of meeting represents the Pyramid of Cheops. Neo~
phyte is hooded, and stands in the west.
Again we are assembled in the Sacred Sanctuary
of the Fountain of Perfect Light, deep in the bowels
of our mother earth, secure from the observation
38 COUNCIL: 3 S.—6 C. PATRIARCH OF TRUTH. 40C —240R. 39
Shall worship it as they have done,
of the profane, and only to be found by brethren Since earth itself was in its youth.
who have participated in our solemn mysteries;
and by those whom they may conduct hither for the M. of S.—Strikes 333—4444—22 in the West.
purpose of enlightenment in the secrets of nature SUBLIME DAT.—
and science. Who dares interrupt our solemnities? The soli-
Illustrious Brother Guardian of the Sanctuary, tude and silence of this mystic and secret Temple,
see that our portals are guarded; and you. Illustrious should never he broken but by the voice of wisdom
Brother Grand Expert, watch over the safety of and the hymns of praise and devotion. Answer,
the Sacred Light, and superintend its revelation. what means this rude intrusion, and what daring
GRAND EXPERT.— mortal has ventured through the tortuous passages
The servant of the Fountain of Mystic Light and of the great Pyramid, braved the horrors of the
of the mighty orb from which it first derived its dark pit of Orcus, and even demands admission to
origin, though now concealed and worshipped, deep this our most sacred of sanctuaries? What seeks
in the secret vaults of earth, far from its parent he here and by what right?
source, has observed your commands.
Organ Music and Ode.
It is a Knight Hermetic Philosopher, tried and
iHere within these gloomy halls, well approved, truthful and honest. He is a wan-
Buried deep in earth’s dark breast, derer in search of more mental light and aliment,
Where no ray of snulight falls. still thirsting for deeper draughts of the sweet
And all seems hushed ii~ endless rest, waters of truth. Now in the deep darkness of our
Far beneath the haunts of men,
And its source, day’s orb, so bright, l)ortal, unarmed and unprotected, save by his
integrity and his reliance on the power and justice
Hidden from all eyes profane, of the Great First Cause, he awaits with patience
Burns the pure and mystic light. and submission your august award. He is a cand-
Alorus’ gift, when Nimrod reigned; idate for admission into the august Mysteries of
First hero and 6rst king on earth, Memphis, that he may study and compare the
The mighty god of fire, on high, knowledge of the East with that which he has
To this his Perfect Light gave birth, acquired in the West.
And to the Patriarchs of Truth, SUBLIME DAl.—
By Achan’s sacred charge twas given, By what right is he emboldened thus to claim a
Within these deep and silent caves, participation in the science and learning of this our
To guard the brilliant child of heaven. most secret retreat?
Be this our pledge ;—ne’er shall its light MESSENGER OF SCIENCE.—
Beam on unworthy or profane, He has expended many years of his life in an
But on each Brother of our Rite, arduous pilgrimage, seeking to obtain the knowledge
Its rays shall shine, and lustre reign; that shall give its possessor perpetual peace and
For countless ages yet to come happiness.
The favoured Patriarchs of the Truth,
40 COUNCIL: 3 S.—6 C. PATEIARCH OF TRUTH. 400.—240u. 41
and he places an unfaltering trust in Supreme
And during this long pilgrimage through what Providence.
lands has he journeyed?
Illustrious Brother Archivist, procure from the
The far lands of the West, where the descendants Sublime Treasurer, the Key of Zeus, and plunge it
in yonder cauldron of boiling oil. Lead the Neo-
of Japhet abide, are as familiar to him, as the laud
which gave him birth. He comes from the laud of phyte to the cauldron and let his right arm be
Judea, crossing the valley of death, and the bnruiug bared. If his courage be genuine and his motives
deserts, to the Kingdom of Mizraim. He has just and worthy, the seething liquid will become as
harmless and ~s cold as are the eternal snows, and
sojourned in the distant Ind, and studied deeply
the precepts and sacred lore of the followers of he will secure the key with ease; but if his courage
and intentions are alike false, his flesh will seethe
Brahma and Buddha.
and fall from the bone, and he will become the
But from whence came he originally? object of our contemptuous pity.
MESSENGER OF SCIENCE.— Whilst these d;rections are given the Officers execute
them. Music. The Neophyte secures the Key.
From a mould of living clay; cast by the Eternal
Artificer, who, to prove the transcendent superiority
Illustrious Brother Grand Expert, bring hither
of His last and noblest work, made man in His the Mystic Mirror, in which thine aged sight alone,
own image. can behold all that will transpire in the future, for
SUBLIME DAT.— the eyes of the Aspirant must for awhile icuger be
What advantage does he hope to gain by ad-
closed to the light. Conduct him to the entrance
ntlsslon to our inspired retreat? of the Cave of Knowledge, and guide his hand that
he may place within its massive lock the key that
He seeks the key of Zeus, which unlocks the
opens this mystic depository of unknown wonders.
treasure-cave of kuowledge,—past, present. and to
Music. Neophyte is conducted thrice round and over
come,—iu which the mysterious and hidden powers various obstructions; he is led to the South, the key is
of nature may be studied and developed; especially turned and the bolt shot. Gong sounds; a noise is heard
those forces as yet unknown, which in the future like the wash of waves. Music. The Sublime Dal puts
are destined to revolutionise the world, and make the following questions,which are answered by the Expert,
the wisdom of the present, appear but as the folly who wears a cap with wings, the emblem of the sacred
of the past Q —Il]ustriou..~ Brother Grand Expert, what seest
thou in the Mystic Mirror, and what means that
And has this daring adventurer the courage and
confidence to hazard the fearful consequences that sound like unto the rushing noise of mighty waters?
may follow such a rash and unhallowed tampering A.—T see a mighty vessel on a boundless ocean;
with the unseen powers. no sails are set to catch the breeze, but two enorm-
MESSENGER OF SCIENCE.— ous chariot wheels, like wings, propel her swiEtly
He has and earnestly awaits the ordeal. He o’er the heaving waves, whilst from the interior of
knows that life eternal awaits hun in the future, this mighty galleon dense dark clouds arise, and
42 COUNCIL: 3 S.—6 c. PATRIARCH OF TRUTH. 40C—240R 43
mar the beauty of the bright blue sky. ment of thy temerity. What thou hast received is
The vision has faded from the surface of the bat a very slight monition of ~he fearful force
inherent in the power of that subtle essence, that
Mirror and another is slowly forming in its place.
Music. Noise. all pervading fluid, a knowledge of whose nature
and properties, you were so desirous to pluck from
Q.—What seest thou now, and what unearthly the secret records of the mighty Zeus. This much
noise was that, like unto the yell of a despairing I am permitted to impart to you. It is the primary
demon? and never resting caase and effect of all existence,
A.—I behold a still more marvel[ous vision than in our system and throughout all space. it is found
the first. I see what appears to be a living monster in the air we breathe, in the lightning that flashes
clad in green and gold, with eyes oF flame, and in the stormyheavens, the blood that coursesthrough
breathing fire and vapour. With strength incredible our veins, the very thoughts passing through our
and lightning speed he draws after him, scores of brain, the gentle dew that fal[s upon the opening
chariots of strange construction, filled with hundreds flowers, the howling winds that sweep across tke
of people, clad in unfamiliar garbs. Even in these raging main and submerging in their senseless fury
few minutes i~hey have crossed an arm ~f the sea, many a brave barqae with their devoted crews.
a viaduct across the valley, reached a distant It exists in and controls all created thing~,—animal,
mountain and disappeared as ‘twere through its vegetable and mineral; it regulates the movements
very centre! All is dark upon the Mirror’s surface of our solar system. ~or is this all, for it is alike
once again. powerful ir forming the innumerab]e systems that
Q.—Doth the enquirer after Trnih wish further revolve around the universe iii harmony an~ sweet
insight and knowledge of the ages yet to come? accord.
A.— Lie doth. I] e seeks but one more trial of the Kow let tlie Neophyte commence the last stage
Key of Zeus. He would open the inner door of the of his journey, at the termination of which his eyes
Cave of Knowledge and learn the secret of vitality; shall behold the glory of the Fountain of Perfect
the source of being, motion, and transmutation. Light and Truth.
Q.—His wish shall be accomplished; but ere he Music. Neophyte i~ led five times round by the Expert
and Messenger, during which the following passages are
ventures upon this second trial let him weigh the chanted
possible result. There may be danger in the bold 1. Long has our brother wandered in the dark-
experiment. ness; in the black gloom of horror and despair.
A.—He is prepared to meet it. 2. Seeking the light of reason and of hope, but
The Neophyte is conducted once round and faces the still not finding it, for false lights have beguiled him.
South. The Key is again placed in the lock, and the Neo-
phyte instanlAy receives a shock from the concealed 3. Leading his steps into the paths of error, and
Ba~tery, and the doors of the Cave close with a loud the worship of false gods; whose brilliancy was but
crash. the reflection of hell’s lurid fires.
SUBLIME DAT.— 4. Charity, Love, Hope, arid Faith, are lovely
Rash, but courageons brother, behold the punish- in their lustre; but He is the source of all glory and
__ -V
of 100 inches per day, or 9131066 x 4~36624, 22 the astral light, of which electricity is a variation.
inches, thus each side is 616,1647 cnbits, a sum In this electrical action the planetary system
which plays an important part in the internal revolves, and in the astral matter the spiritual
symbolism, as it is the cubic diagonal of the king’s element. The astral matter of man is not a single
chamber, being also half the greatest circumference element like the immortal spirit but is a combination
of the coffer, the capacity of which is 4000 cnbits, of the elements from the sun and planetary systems,
or 70898,161 cubic inches. air, ether, atmosphere, earth with its organic and
inorganic life and emanations makeupthe wonderful
The base is a perfect square. symbolising the
body of man, who is a true Cosmos upon which is
union of the male and female principles of creation; impressed all that the soul has gathered up in its
the sides, a perfect triangle, symbolise the masculine
principle of nature. Twice in the year the beholder process of growth, and is as much a microcosm of
the individual’s mind within as of the visible and
witnessed the sun as if resting upon its very apex. invisible universe without: constituting spheres or
The different stages of the mysteries celebrated layers, which after death form the astral body of
within its bewildering passages, grand chambers, the spirit, and are analogous to the electrical and
galleries, sunken shafts ending in secret crypts, astral matter in the realms of space: the spiritual
the descending passages all leading to sepulchral
edifices, the ascending galleries and noble chambers principle of the earth, galvanism, magnetism, motion,
throughout its rocks, plants, minerals, waters and
with lidless and empty sarcophagi, all speak to gases.
the heart of the true Master. But their spirit is
According to the Arabs, each of the seven pyra-
found in the grand law of universal correspondence, midical chambers wasdedicated to a particular planet;
which makes geometry the plan, and mathematics each mummy, holding an influence over the departed
the sum of all things, binding together colour, spirit For 3000 years, was pfaced in such a position
sound, form, function, matter, spirit, man and his as to ascend through the seven planetary chambers
creator, each planet with its solar system, and these before its exit at the symbolical apex, in this further
with the entire universe in one stupendous scheme symbolisin~ the seven spiritual spheres. The sun,
of harmony. Sounds and colours are but spiritual to whose honour this temple of Cheops was dedicated,
numerals; as the seven prismatic rays proceed from
once in every year dies and descends into earth’s
one spot in the heavens, so the seven powers of depths, so does death linger in the lowest crypts in
nature, each of them a number, are the seven radi-
the ashes of the earthly founder of the building.
ations of unity, the central, spiritual sun. Fragments The intricate passages, the narrow, rough and
of the sublime Egyptian philosophy was obtained rugged paths and the final opening into the great
by all the capable minds who resorted to the Temple-hall, were only so many practical types and
Egyptian priests for occult instruction; and is found
symbols. comparing the soul’s progress to that ot
in the philosophical systems of the Greeks, Romans, the sun through the constellated zodiac of the skies.
Jews, and Hermetics of the West; in the fulness It was in this great hall that the Neophyte received
of ancient Masonry and the effete exoteric puerilities his final instruction in the mystery of life and death.
of some of the modern Rites. A pyramid in Slain by violence and laid in the coffer with him
revolution becomes a cone. Our grand triad is
is destroyed the Master’s word on which the building
indestructible spirit, life or motion, and matter, or
50 COUNCIL: 3 S.—6 c. PATRIARCH OF TRUTH. 40C.—240R. 51
of the great temple depends. Once found, raised, and Primitive Rite in all its pure unsullied beauty.
and born again; there the sun of heaven sits tri- At the most remote period, Masonry flourished in
umphant on the very apex of that pyramid, which Egypt and attained so strong a footing therein,
is itself a symbol of the generative life; that but an that all the most learned and powerful of its popu-
emblem of the spiritual sun, which is God, whence lation were members of the mystic vie. The archives
the material derives life and lustre. of the Rite of Memphis can reckou amongst its
I need not describe the ceremonies through which votaries such names as Orpheus, Homer, Pythagoras,
you have passed this evening, nor attempt to Thales, Virgil, Hippocrates, Socrates, Plato, and
interpret their meaning to you, as that has already many other great names of Greece, that intellectual
been made clear, step by step. At the same time daughter of Egypt. Triptolemeus, Erechtheus,
it is necessary that you should be enlightened as to Cadmus and many others tore themselves from the
the fact that the real birthplace of the most import- charms of home to carry the light of civilization to
ant and sublime portions of Masonry, was that barbarous peoples. Homer, Herodotus, and others
mighty land of mystery and wisdom,—the land of gathered at Thebes and Memphis, the knowledge
Egypt. Egypt, whose very origin is obscured by and science which they afterwards bestowed on
the mists of countless ages, upon the banks of their nugrateful countrymen. Pythagoras dared
whose great river, Nile, once stood 30,000 magni- the most frightful perils in travelling the banks of
ficent cities, some whose population seem of almost the Nile to learn from the hierophants how man
fabulous amount—whose gorgeous Temples and may become happy by being virtuous. The wealth
whose mighty works of art, laugh to scorn the and influence of the order was almost beyond com-
efforts of modern civilization. Their architectural putation. Buildings of enormous magnitnde were
works have withstood the ravages of time and the erected in which our rites were celebrated. The
destructive hand of man, for thousands of years, greatest precautions were usedto guard our mysteries
and will for ages yet to come; still the gigantic from the profane, so much so, that in the time of
pyramids rear their unbroken summits to the clouds, the Grand Hierophant Moeris, the successor of
eternal momentos of a mighty race. Egypt, the Osymandias, he caused a great lake to be dug
mother of civilization, the home of wisdom and of around the temple, sacred to our meetings, and
art, when Greece and Rome were yet unsung, called it after his own name; but in the course of
unheard of, and the mighty empires of the present ages that lake became choked up by the sands of
were not. the desert and the meetings of the Rite, from that
It was in this land of Egypt, in the valley of time, were held iu the Pyramids in chambers ex-
Memphis, that our beloved Rite first assumed a p~essly adapted for every degree of the Rite.
cognate and coherent form and gained from the From every part of the then known world came
greatest and best of Egypt’s Sages those divine the most learned philosophers, the most heroic
lessons of wisdom, virtue and charity, which with warriors, the most powerful princes, seeking admiss-
their knowledge of the artb and sciences combined, ion withiu the portals of our temples. VViIling and
has preserved through sixty centuries or more, eager to submit to the rigorous examinations, the
even through wars, famines, plagues, barbarism long probations, the fasts, the vigils, the hardships,
and the darkness of the middle ages, the Antient the terrible trials of courage, strength, endurance,
52 COUNCIL: 3 S.—6 C.
the wild goat, the balance, the scorpion, the ram, A.—Yes, for the highest degree of intelligence
the bull, the kid, the lion, and the virgin, are that man can attain must be to know the nature of
frequently found. The twelve symbolical names, beings and their relation to us, the essence of things
which signify the twelve portions both of the year and the qualities of the objects destined for our
and the heavens, were among that.primitive people, instruction, for the development and perfecting of
a prodigious assistance towards regulating the our own nature. Man should observe all nature,
beginning of sowing, mowing, harvesting and other submit all to the examination of reason, experience,
agricultural pursuits of man. It was found con- and analysis, and direct all towards his perfection.
venient to publicly expose in certain places one of Q.—Why does philosophy form an essential part
these signs, to designate the period when general of Masonry?
works were to be commenced and popular celebra-
A.—Because all doctrine, moral, religious or
tions and feasts held. The use of these figures scientific, which is not enlightened by philosophy
were so convenient that in time they extended to is false; and would mislead more than ignorance.
more things besides the order of the calender.
This method amongst the Masons of Egypt and Q.—What is Sabeism?
A.—Th~ worship and adoration of the stars and I, A.B., hereby renew all my previous bonds, to
elements—idolatry; which though an error, was a which I promise faithful allegiance, nuder penalty
natural one to man before he was enlightened, of being held in scorn and disgust as a false Mason
either by revelation or by that intuition which is and a perjured man. Amen.
called the exaltation of his intelligence. My Brother, Egyptian and Hebrew Masonry
Q.—in what did the primitive religion consist? were so closely connected in the earlier ages, that
A.—In adoring God in spirit and truth; that is deep research has been made to discover where and
to say, in thought, and knowledge of the heart, and when they were dissevered. Moses, as the adopted
also loving his neighbour as himself. son of Pharaoh’s daughter, and destined for the
Q.—By what means may the true iViason convince priesthood, had been early initiated into the Egyp-
himself of the existence of God? tian Mysteries, and taught his followers that it was
A.—13y the observation and contemplation of the an egregious error to represent the Deity under the
masterpieces which us Almighty Hand has produced form of animals, as the Egyptians did, or in the
in nature. shape of man, as was the practice of many, includ-
Q.—-How can we be initiated into the first ing the Greeks in later times.
principles of human knordedge? That is the Deity, said he, which made heaven,
A.—In carrying the primitive truths to the earth, and every living thing, that which we call
highest degree of evidence; the theory of being, its the world, the sum of all things, Nature. For this
possibility, its existence, its essence, its attributes, reason, Moses wished the Deity to be worshipped
modifications, strength, duration, principles, causes, without emblems, and according to His proper
effects, its truth and perfection. nature; and he accordingly ordered a Temple,
SUBLIME DAI— worthy of Him, to be erected, emblematical of the
If you feel the slighteat repugnance to subscribe three worlds,—the terrestrial, the celestial, and the
to our principles now ia the time lo declare it. angelical, it was constructed on the plan of the
This ~s no vain question. Vefiect there is yet time Egyptian Temples, and consisted of three parts, the
for you to withdraw, if you feel so inclined. Or, Court, the Holy Place, and the Sanctum ~anctorum.
are you content to proccect? The first contained the altar of earthy matter, sur-
Neophyte replies affirmatively. rounded by water, eKposed to the air, and having
on it a continual fire, the four elements of the ter-
You will then approach the Altar of Obligation, restrial world. The second was iu the middle, and
where you. will take upon yourself the obligation of represented the firmament. The third was the
this grade, according to the formalities of our dwelling of the Most High, who, by the medium of
Antient and Primitive Rite angels, condescended to communicate with man.
illustrious Brethren, let the Triangle be formed. But in vaiu cUd Moses try to efface from his religion
Strikes 333. Brethren form the Triangle. whatever could bring to remembrance the worship
To the Glory of the Sublime Architect of the Universe. of the stars; a multiplicity of allusions, in spite of
In the name of the Sovereign 8anctuary of Antient auci
Prn,iitive Masonry in and for Great Britain and Ireland.
his exertions, remained to point it out.
Saintation on all points of the Triangle. Respect to the The twelve signs of the Zodiac, are represented
Order. by the twelve stones of the Essene of the High
58 COUNCIL: 3 S.—6 C.
the duration and the succession of the seasons, the
Priest, and are arranged in the same order as the months and years. In order to do this, it was im-
precious stones by which the Arabian Astrologers perative to become acquainted with the course of
represent the twelve astrological houses of the sun. the sun
1 which, in its Zodiacal revolution, appears
The seven lamps of the great candlestick, the feast to be itself the first and supreme agent of all crea-
of the two equinoxes, each of which at that period tion; then the moon, by its changes and returns,
formed a year, the ceremony of the Lamb or Celes- regulated time; lastly the course of stars, and even the
tial Ram, then at its fifteenth degree; lastly, the planets; in a word to establish an entire system of
name of Osiris or Heseri, even preserved in his I astronomy. Then, observing that the productions
song,—” The words of Isour are perfect,”—l sour, to of the earth bore a regular connection with the
give, forming one of Plutarch’s definitions of phenomena of the heavens, men conceived an idea
Osiris,—and the ark, or coffer, an imitation of the of power in these bodies and they became to them
tomb in which that god was enclosed, remain to Genii, Gods,—authors of good and evil. By the
bear record of the domination of his ideas, and their more learned it was noticed that the sun originated
derivations from the common source. fertility, and that the moon had its effects upon the
The divulging of the first degree, by Moses to his tides, whilst generally the bodily health ~as influ-
countrymen ; the initiation of the Levites into the enced by the heavens. Records were made of
other degrees; explains the flight into the desert eclipses, comets, the varying positions of the
of the whole people, and their constancy in remain- heavenly bodies, and the effects of these upon ani-
ing, rather than return into Egypt. A whole mate and inanimate matter. Hence, by compari-
people initiated was an anomaly. The initiator son of these careful enquiries, arose the belief in as-
was a perjurer, and consequently, by the laws of trology as a science in which man’s destiny was
initiation, condemned to death. In the present influenced chemically and magnetically.
day we should call them irregular Masons, but in The Sun became the first symbol of God; the
those days that was sufficient crime, and explains Moon his consort; the Planets, servants; and the
the rigour of Pharaoh. multitude of Stars an array of heroes to govern
I now, my Illustrious Brother, receive you a Pa- the world. It was thus, on the shores of the Nile,
triarch of the Planispheres, and will explain to you that the complex system of Star-worship, as con-
the S..T. and W. of the degree.--Doue. nected with agriculture, was constructed. The
The sign of this degree if significant of the P.W. Thebans called stars of Inundation, or of Aquarius,
which sig’nifies,—abode of the [jord.—S~rik-es1. those under which the river began to overflow.
You will now take your seat and listen to the in- Stars of the Ox or Bull, those under which it was
struction of our Illustrious Brother Orator. convenient to plough the earth. Stars of the Lion,
those under which that animal, driven by thirst
CHARGE. from the desert, made his appearance on the banks
When the first men began to unite in society, of the Nile. Stars of the Sheaf, or the Harvest-
they found it necessary to apply themselves to agri- maid, those under which the harvest was gathered.
culture, the practice of which required the observa- Stars of the Lamb and of the Goat, those under
tion of the heavens. It was requisite to regulate which these animals brought forth their young.
Privately Printed by
The Grand College of Rites of the United States of America
AREOPAGUS. W of R. PHAAL-CHOL, (Separated) Answer,
right knee
S of 0 Hold sword in left hand, right hand on heart
G Right foot to other right foot, knee to knee, present right 20—KNIGHT GRAND INSPECTOR
hand with fingers clenched, seize the thumb alternately, step
back one pace, raise the arm as if to strike with a poniard and S Arms crossed on the chest, the head bowed
giving the following. — S. of 0 Left hand on the heart.
P W. ELIEL (strength ofGod) Answer EYRIE (Lord) S of 0 B Motion of cutting out the tongue
S.W MENNAHIM. (Consolation from God.) P W JACQUES-DE-MOLAY (Founder ofTemplar Masonry)
2 5 W NEKAM, MAGGHAi, (Vengence on the murderers.) Answer, HiRAM-ABIF (Founder of Hebrew Masonry)
W. of E NEKAMA. Answer, MENNAHIM 2. P W SESOSTRIS. Answer, MIzRAiM (Founder of Egyptian
Wii hdrawa[, PI-tAALKOL Answer, PHARASH- KOL Masonry.)
W of R CHOLsHANGHAS. (all is accomplished) S W. Given only in Senate. Mica, Macha, Bealim, Adonai
G W. ADONAi NEKAM (who is like unto Thee, 0 God.)
BAT 22—22—22—I BAT 55555—333-—l—s22
S Make a sign of horror, stroke hand over forehead, and
then interlace the fingers and bring the backs to the brow, then S Point to heaven with right index finger
extend the arms upwards G. As last
G The third or lion’s grip, symbol of Divine strength and P W 1st SlOE; 2d ALETHE.
truth The lion-body of the Sphymi SW. 1st Stt.ENCE, 2d TRUTH.
P W. KHE.M [The Son, “whose manifestation is his birth” BAT 333—4444—22
BAT 333—333—333 ALPH A.BET