Asl 102-02 Syllabus Spring 2024
Asl 102-02 Syllabus Spring 2024
Asl 102-02 Syllabus Spring 2024
Course Syllabus
Instructor Details
INSTRUCTOR’S Austen Ercolino
INFORMATION: [email protected]
Office Hour: M/W: 1:00-2:00 pm
T/TH: 10:00-11:00 am
Other appointments via email
Intern: Tiffany Cochran
[email protected]
Credit Hours: 3
Student workload expectations: 14 Outside-of-class hours (weekly)
Ethics: Formulate reasoned decisions about ethical issues that lead to wise
action. Science Literacy: Evaluate evidence derived from a systematic analysis
of quantitative and qualitative data to address issues that pertain to the
experiences of individuals in societies.
Global Citizenship: Articulate knowledge of intersectional identities within a
global society and demonstrate intercultural knowledge, cultural competence,
and skills in constructive civic discourse on the local, national, and global levels.
Learning Outcomes are the general education goals the university has
established for all undergraduate students and represent the knowledge, skills,
and attitudes that students should gain to complete the requirements of a
course, program major, and degree. Many individual academic departments
have also developed their learning outcomes, check with the departments for
ASL Version:
This course requires the American Psychology Association (APA) format as you
produce signed and written products.
While we will be using very limited English texts in this course, the use of ASL is
required for all assignments. In our video assignments, all students are expected
to use the American Psychological Association (APA) format while citing
sources and documenting
You will be assigned to give constructive feedback to your peers several times
through the course based on lectures and presentations given for that week. You
will be expected to give feedback to your peers and your feedback will be
graded based on the quality and quantity. Explicit instructions will be shown
prior to giving the feedback in Blackboard.
F 0 Yes Below 60
INC 0 No Incomplete
Course Assignment
Midterm 20%
Final 20%
TOTAL 100%
Final 20%
You will develop one live presentation and students will choose one topic:
deaf people who are well-known in the deaf community and their
contributions to the deaf community.
A grade of Incomplete (INC) is given when a portion of a student’s required
coursework has not been completed and evaluated at the end of the semester
due to illness, or other unforeseen, but fully justified reasons, and earning credit
is still possible. In this case, the INC form (available electronically at Faculty
Center in Bison), including required supporting documentation and signatures,
must be submitted to the registrar’s office before the last day of class. A student
will not receive an Incomplete grade for poor, incomplete, or failing work, or
willful non-attendance of class. Students with an INC grade must complete the
coursework and receive a grade by the end of the seventh week of the following
traditional semester. Otherwise, the “INC” grade automatically becomes an “F”.
The time for removing an incomplete grade may be extended one time. The
student must petition for an extension prior to the deadline following the
reported incomplete. The student must have the approval of the course
instructor, academic advisor, and dean of the school in which the student is
The people in this class come from many different backgrounds. We all have
important contributions to make to the class. Everyone in the class (including
the instructor) is expected to:
1. Turn your voice off – always use ASL and visually accessible
2. Respect each person and do your best to understand what they are saying.
3. Communicate clearly and slowly if necessary, so that all will understand you.
4. Ask for an explanation right away if you do not understand what someone
5. Treat each other with respect and civility. Act with integrity and
By taking into consideration the above, you are not only respecting me, but also
your classmates and most of all, yourself. Please be mindful of the Gallaudet
University Student Code of Conduct, which can be found at this link, most
particularly #4, “University Policies and Procedures”.
The library will continue to provide services during remote learning.
See https://
This course is part of a student success system called Navigate. Navigate is a
student success mobile App that helps you navigate roadblocks to graduation
and make better choices along the way through interactive checklists,
reminders, and alerts. To download the Navigate Student app, please go to the
Apple Store found or Google Play found and search for "Navigate Student".
Once you download the App, then log in using your university ID and password.
Faculty and professional staff such as tutors and your advisors will be able to
interact with you including scheduling appointments through your Navigate App
to ensure your success. If you have any questions or issues, contact
[email protected]. If you do not have a phone or tablet, you can
connect to the app on your computer or laptop at
Tutorial Center provides tutoring, coaching, and instructional support services
for all undergraduate and graduate students at no charge. Students, if you need
tutoring services, please use Navigate to book appointments with your tutors.
Use this link:
If you have questions about Tutorial Center or are unable to schedule tutoring,
please email [email protected] or [email protected].
These four offices are not required to report any sexual misconduct and all
information is kept confidential. You may speak to someone confidentially by
The people in this course come from many different backgrounds. We all have an
important contribution to make to this course.
[Gratitude and Credit to those who shared their work: Niesha Washington-
Shepard, Raychelle Harris, Risa Shaw, Roberta Lynn Easley]