Oracle Revenue Management and Billing ORMB-EBS Implementation Guide
Oracle Revenue Management and Billing ORMB-EBS Implementation Guide
Oracle Revenue Management and Billing ORMB-EBS Implementation Guide
February, 2017
Oracle Revenue Management and Billing EBS Implementation Guide
Change Log
Revision Last Update Updated Section Comments
1.1 08-Jan-2018 Section General Ledger Integration Updated Information
Section AP Data Integration Point Modified Information
Section GL Integration Point for EBS Modified Information
Section A/P Request Integration Point for Modified Information
Section A/P Data Integration Point for EBS Modified Information
Section AP Request Integration Point Updated Information
Section AP Data Integration Point Updated Information
Copyright © 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. iii
Oracle Revenue Management and Billing EBS Implementation Guide
1. Glossary ............................................................................................................................................... vi
2. Solution Overview.................................................................................................................................1
2.1 Summary .....................................................................................................................................1
2.2 Business Process Task Flow.........................................................................................................1
2.2.1 General Ledger Process .................................................................................................2
2.2.2 Account Payable Request Process .................................................................................4
2.2.3 Account Payable Data Process.......................................................................................6
2.3 Best Practices ..............................................................................................................................8
2.3.1 One-Time Configuration Settings ..................................................................................8
2.4 Solution Flow ............................................................................................................................13
2.4.1 Integration Prerequisites .............................................................................................13
2.4.2 ODI Process Flow .........................................................................................................13
2.4.3 Solution Diagram for Integration using ODI ................................................................13
2.4.4 Database Details for Integration .................................................................................15
2.4.5 Logic Used in the Integration Points............................................................................17
2.4.6 Process Scheduling ......................................................................................................21
2.4.7 Trouble Shooting .........................................................................................................21
3. Physical Data Model ...........................................................................................................................23
4. Configuration ......................................................................................................................................24
4.1 Configuring the Integration.......................................................................................................24
4.1.1 EBS Configuration ........................................................................................................28
4.1.2 ORMB Configuration ....................................................................................................31
5. Verifying the Integration ....................................................................................................................36
5.1.1 GL Integration Point.....................................................................................................36
5.1.2 A/P Request Integration Point .....................................................................................36
5.1.3 A/P Data Integration Point ..........................................................................................36
6. Running ODI Process Flows ................................................................................................................38
6.1.1 GL Request ...................................................................................................................38
6.1.2 AP Request...................................................................................................................38
6.1.3 AP Data Request ..........................................................................................................38
7. Available Extension Points in ODI .......................................................................................................39
7.1.1 GL Extension Point .......................................................................................................39
7.1.2 AP Request Extension Point.........................................................................................39
7.1.3 AP Data Extension Point ..............................................................................................40
8. Appendix: A.........................................................................................................................................41
8.1 EBS Data Mapping .....................................................................................................................41
1. Glossary
Term Definition
ORMB Oracle Revenue Management and Billing System
EBS Oracle E-Business Suite Revenue Accounting General Ledger and Accounts Payable
GLDL General Ledger Download Flat File
GL General Ledger
AP Accounts Payable
LKM Load Knowledge Module
IKM Integration Knowledge Module
CKM Check Knowledge Module
2. Solution Overview
2.1 Summary
This document provides information on the integration between Oracle Revenue Management and
Billing (ORMB) and Oracle E-Business Suite Revenue Accounting General Ledger and Accounts Payable
using Oracle Data Integrator tool. The sections below provide an overview of the participating
applications and information regarding the business processes addressed by this integration.
A check related to an invoice linked to an A/P The A/P request and its associated adjustment
request is voided and the liability is closed. are cancelled.
5. ODI transforms and inserts the data into EBS interface tables and reports errors in transformation if
any. (Ref: Steps 9 to 14 in flow diagram).
6. ODI updates the Last_Update_DateTime in CI_Batch_Ctrl table in ORMB. (Ref: Steps 16 in flow
7. Run Journal Import process in EBS to import FTs. (Ref: Steps 17 in flow diagram)
8. Any errors in interface tables must be corrected in EBS and the Journal Import process must be re-
run. (Ref: Steps 18 & 19 in flow diagram).0.
5. ODI scenario EBS_MASTER_APREQ_PKG transforms and inserts the data into EBS interface tables
and reports any errors in transformation when the scheduler runs (Ref: Steps 8 to 14 in flow
6. In case of an error, ODI decrements the Next_Batch_Nbr for APDL in CI_Batch_Ctrl table in RMB
(Ref: Steps 15 in flow diagram).
7. ODI updates the status of A/P Request in ORMB. (Ref: Step 16 in flow diagram).
8. Run Payables Open Interface Import process in EBS to import Invoices. (Ref: Steps 17 in flow
9. Any errors in the interface tables must be corrected in EBS and Payables Open Interface Import
process must be re-run. (Ref: Steps 18 & 19 in flow diagram).0.
Please refer the table below to review how canceled payments are handled.
If a check is re-issued for any reason in EBS, the new information is sent across the integration and is
updated on the AP Request in ORMB and the AP Request status is set to ‘P’ indicating that the AP
Request has been paid.
The AP Request in ORMB only holds the most recent check information sent (no history of checks re-
Void cancel
If the payment is void cancelled and all liability is closed, the integration cancels the AP Request and calls
an ORMB service to cancel the adjustment related to the request. The AP Request payment status flag in
ORMB is set to ‘X’ indicating a ‘Cancelled’ status. The adjustment is also cancelled using the standard
adjustment maintenance object within the ORMB application software. An ORMB algorithm CI_ADCA-
CRTD ‘Adjustment Cancellation – Create To Do Entry’ can be configured to create a To Do List entry to
notify the users about the cancellation of the adjustment and AP Request within ORMB.
Following are the steps in AP Data process flow when a payment is made in EBS:
1. Payment is made in EBS for invoices originated from ORMB. (Ref: Step 1 in flow diagram)
2. ODI scenario EBS_MASTER_APDATA_PKG extracts, transforms and updates the Payment
information in ORMB (Ref: Steps 2 to 8 in flow diagram) and reports if any errors in transformation.
3. ODI updates the Last Run Date of AP Data Process in Integration Schema (Ref: Step 9 in the flow
Following are the steps in the AP Data process flow when a payment is cancelled in EBS:
1. Payment is cancelled in EBS for invoices originated from ORMB (Ref: Step 1 in flow diagram)
2. ODI scenario EBS_MASTER_APDATA_PKG updates the cancellation information in ORMB and
invokes CIAdjustmentMaintenance Web Service in ORMB to cancel the adjustment. (Ref: Steps 2 to
9 in the flow diagram) and reports if any errors in the transformation.
3. ODI updates the Last Run Date of AP Data process in integration schema (Ref: Step 10 in flow
Distribution Codes
RMB uses distribution codes to map sub-ledger transactions to the General Ledger accounts. As part of
your RMB setup, it is assumed that you have properly mapped your distribution codes to the General
Ledger chart of accounts.
Configure General Ledger settings in Oracle E-Business Suite Revenue Accounting according to the
following guidelines, keeping in mind that Oracle E-Business Suite Revenue Accounting is the source of
truth for the general ledger.
Journal Generator Process: Schedule the Journal import process to create journals from Oracle
Revenue Management and Billing information inserted into interface tables by the integration
software. When you configure Oracle E-Business Suite Revenue Accounting to run this process
automatically at a preset time, ensure you have matched this timing with the timing of other
actions completed by Oracle Revenue Management and Billing and the integration product.
Alternatively you may use the Standard Request Submission (SRS) within Oracle E-Business Suite
Revenue Accounting to run the Journal Import process manually.
Accounting Entry Definition: If not already configured, pre-configure an Accounting Flexfield
definition in Oracle E-Business Suite Revenue Accounting to indicate the staging table where
incoming accounting entries must be stored. Ensure that all mandatory fields on the staging
tables are mapped.
The integration software relies on other Oracle E-Business Suite Revenue Accounting
configuration information including: Calendars, Ledger, Journal source, Journal Category. These
are usually already configured as part of your implementation. If these do not already exist
configure them for the integration software to run correctly.
Configure General Ledger settings in Oracle Revenue Management and Billing according to the following
guidelines, keeping in mind that Oracle E-Business Suite Revenue Accounting is the overriding source for
the general ledger.
Schedule the GLASSIGN and GLS batch processes to run at an appropriate time of day. These
processes get sub ledger information in Oracle Revenue Management and Billing and all
information that has not been posted to the General Ledger, making them ready to extract,
transform and load to the General Ledger. When you configure Oracle Revenue Management
and Billing to run this process automatically at a preset time, ensure you have coordinated this
timing with the timing of other actions done by Oracle E-Business Suite Revenue Accounting and
the integration product. (Alternatively you may use the standard user interface within Oracle
Revenue Management and Billing to run these batch processes manually).
Ensure that Distribution Codes are configured in Oracle Revenue Management and Billing to
properly reflect the General Ledger accounts that must be debited and credited for each type of
financial transaction created.
As part of the technical configuration you must configure the following information:
E-mail address of the person be notified in case the integration software detects and logs an
error while performing the integration
The Ledger ID, Ledger Source and Ledger Category to be used for journals in Oracle E-Business
Suite Revenue Accounting that are fetched from Oracle Revenue Management and Billing
through the integration.
If you enter an Oracle Revenue Management and Billing GL Division name in the configuration
table then only financial transactions associated with this GL Division are extracted for
integration to Oracle E-Business Suite Revenue Accounting GL. Leave this configuration
information blank if you want all Oracle Revenue Management and Billing financial transactions
to be integrated to Oracle E-Business Suite Revenue Accounting GL.
The following table shows the basic accounting debits and credits that can be achieved through the
setup indicated above:
Oracle E-Business Suite Revenue Accounting General Ledger and Accounts Payable
A/P Settings
The Oracle E-Business Suite Revenue Accounting Payables Open Interface Import (APXIIMPT) must be
run to read the data from the A/P Invoice Interface tables and create invoices corresponding to the
Oracle Revenue Management and Billing A/P Requests. This process can be run manually or scheduled
to run at a pre-determined time.
Configuration needed for A/P Request and A/P Payment integrations includes:
Payables Open Interface Import (APXIIMPT): Schedule this process to create A/P Invoices for the
Oracle Revenue Management and Billing information inserted into interface tables by the
integration product software. When you configure Oracle E-Business Suite Revenue Accounting
to run this process automatically at a preset time, ensure you have matched this timing with the
timing of other actions done by Oracle Revenue Management and Billing and the integration
product. (Alternatively you can use the Standard Request Submission (SRS) within Oracle E-
Business Suite Revenue Accounting to run the Payables Open Interface Import (APXIIMPT)
process manually).
Payment Terms Code: Create a new payment terms code for processing the payments for Oracle
Revenue Management and Billing customers. These codes are used to define defaults such as
when payments must be made based on the invoice date, which status must be paid, any
applicable discounts, rebates and other pertinent payment information.
Invoice Source: Create an Invoice Source so that all the invoices from the Oracle Revenue
Management and Billing are identified with this source in Oracle E-Business Suite Revenue
Accounting system.
Note: Refer to the Oracle E-Business Suite Revenue Accounting General Ledger and Accounts Payable
User documentation for specific guidelines on configuring these settings.
Configure Accounts Payable settings in Oracle Revenue Management and Billing according to the
following guidelines, keeping in mind that Oracle E-Business Suite Revenue Accounting is the overriding
source for the general ledger account information.
CIS Division: The Oracle Revenue Management and Billing CIS Division characteristic value for
A/P Operating Unit must match the A/P Org ID in Oracle E-Business Suite Revenue Accounting.
Characteristic for Distribution Code: An Oracle Revenue Management and Billing characteristic
associated with the distribution code assigned to an adjustment type used to create A/P
Requests in Oracle Revenue Management and Billing must be setup and its value must match the
value in the accounting combinations defined in Oracle E-Business Suite Revenue Accounting.
Note: Refer to the Oracle Utilities Oracle Revenue Management and Billing User documentation for
more information on the configuration settings referenced in this section.
The integration product extracts the A/P Requests that have yet not been processed from Oracle
Revenue Management and Billing. After the necessary translations and transformations on the
Supplier/Invoice data extracted from Oracle Revenue Management and Billing are applied, the data is
loaded into the Oracle E-Business Suite Revenue Accounting A/P Invoice Interface tables.
This integration product requires you to configure the following:
E-mail address of the person to be notified if the integration software detects and logs an error
while performing the A/P Request and A/P Data integrations.
The Oracle Revenue Management and Billing characteristic type holding the Oracle E-Business
Suite Revenue Accounting A/P Org ID.
The A/P Invoice information required by Oracle E-Business Suite Revenue Accounting including
Vendor, Vendor Site, Invoice Source, Payment terms, Payment Method and A/P Org ID.
The following shows the basic accounting debits and credits that can be achieved through the above A/P
Knowledge Modules (KM) implement “how” the integration processes occur. Each Knowledge Module
type in the diagrams above (LKM/CKM/IKM) refers to a specific integration task. A Knowledge Module is
a code template for a given integration task. This code is independent of the Declarative Rules to be
processed. At design-time, the Declarative Rules describing integration processes are created. These
Declarative Rules are merged with the Knowledge Module to generate code ready for runtime. At
runtime, Oracle Data Integrator sends this code for execution to the source and target systems to load,
join and transform the data.
Above figure 1 & figure 2 shows the data flow automatically generated by Oracle Data Integrator (ODI)
to load the final target tables. The business rules (data mapping/transformation rules) will be
transformed into code by the Knowledge Modules (KM). The code produced will generate several steps.
These steps will extract and load the data from the source tables to the staging area (Loading Knowledge
Modules - LKM). Other internal ODI stages will transform and integrate the data from the staging area to
the target tables (Integration Knowledge Module - IKM).
In case of Figure 1:- Source ORMB - Staging area ODI - Target EBS. (GL/AP Request)
In case of Figure 2:- Source EBS - Staging area - Target ORMB. (AP data Request)
To ensure data quality, the Check Knowledge Module (CKM) will apply the user defined constraints to
the staging data to isolate erroneous records in the ODI Error table.
At this point we have the source database (either EBS or ORMB), ODI database for the master and work
repositories (2 schemas) and the target database (either EBS or ORMB).
The following new database tables are required to operate RMB process integration for the EBS product.
Table Description
INTEGRATION_LOOKUP_TABLE A lookup table to store all the configuration parameters used by
the ODI processes. This table is also used to configure the email
addresses to be notified in case of any error. This table is seeded
with data at the time of integration product installation.
INTEGRATION_ERROR_STORE The table is used to hold the information of the errors
encountered during integration transactions. For each error
encountered by the ODI processes, a record in the
INTEGRATION_ERROR_STORE table. The mail notification process,
MailNotification, accesses this table to get the error information
needed to construct the notification email. This table is delivered
with no data.
The following ORMB tables are used when extracting Financial Transaction data for sending to the GL as
Journal Vouchers:
CI_FT_PROC (FT Process)
CI_BATCH_CTRL (Batch Control)
The following tables are used when extracting AP Request information from ORMB:
The following AP Invoice staging tables are used to stage the incoming AP Requests from ORMB:
Release R12:
The CI_ADJ_APREQ application table is updated with the payment Information received from EBS. This
table is considered as an interface table for the purpose of this integration point even though it is a core
ORMB table.
ODI polls RMB to verify whether financial transactions are ready for extraction.
If GLS has run since the last run of the integration
AND the GLS run has completed successfully
Retrieve the Batch of Rows identified in CI_BATCH_RUN (created by GLS)
Do nothing
ODI Polls to Verify whether A/P Requests are ready for Extraction
ODI Polls RMB to verify whether A/P Requests are ready for extraction.
If there are A/P Requests where the CI_ADJ_APREQ PYMNT_SEL_STAT_FLG is N (not selected for
AND the associated adjustment is in a frozen status
Process the A/P Requests that have not been integrated before and mark all with the next APDL Batch
Else do nothing.
SET PYMNT_SEL_STAT_FLG to R (Requested for Payment)
FROM ap_invoices_all APA
ap_checks_all ACA
WHERE APA.invoice_id = AIPA.invoice_id
AND AIPA.check_id = ACA.check_id
AND APA.source = ‘RMB’
AND (APA.CANCELLED_DATE >= TO_DATE ('2008-01-31','YYYY-MM-DD') -- last date the interface was run
OR APA.CREATION_DATE >= TO_DATE ('2008-01-31','YYYY-MM-DD')-- last date the interface was
OR ACA.stopped_date >= TO_DATE ('2008-01-31','YYYY-MM-DD')-- last date the interface was run
OR ACA.released_date >= TO_DATE ('2008-01-31','YYYY-MM-DD')-- last date the interface was run
OR ACA.void_date >= TO_DATE ('2008-01-31','YYYY-MM-DD') -- last date the interface was run
Select APA.invoice_id
,APA.invoice_num ADJ_ID
,null released_date
,null payment_date
,null payment_number
,null CHECK_ID
,null AMOUNT
FROM ap_invoices_all APA
AND APA.SOURCE= #invoice_source1
and apa.invoice_id not in (SELECT invoice_id FROM ap_invoice_payments_all aipa1)
For each payment selected above, check if this payment is already applied in RMB.
(Payment is void /cancelled)
If the payment has been canceled in EBS, update the CI_ADJ_APREQ. PYMNT_SEL_STAT_FLG to ’X’
(Canceled) and invoke the service C1AdjustmentMaintenance to cancel the Adjustment corresponding
to this payment.
• Error Code
• Error Summary
• Error Message
Note: For all errors encountered during GLS/GLASSIGN jobs run or while running programs in EBS are to
be rectified manually in the respective systems.
4. Configuration
1. Open Oracle E-Business Suite and navigate to General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA)
Go to Setup > Journal > Categories.
2. Add a new source as follows:
User and responsibility are required to set the Org Context in the pl/sql procedure to create a Supplier
and Site.
To setup the values in the Lookup follow these steps:
1. Open Oracle E-Business Suite and navigate to Applications Developer Responsibility.
Go to Application > Lookups > Common
2. Search for INT_RMB_EBS_MORG_SETUPS Lookup Type.0.
Configure GL Division
If you decide to integrate the financial transactions for a specific GL Division in ORMB to E-Business
Suite, identify the GL Division. This value must be specified in Step C7 of the check list.
Map your distribution codes in ORMB to the appropriate GL Accounts in the Oracle E-Business Suite
Revenue Accounting GL. First configure the distribution codes and then assign them to various entities
within ORMB.
The following table shows a sample configuration of one distribution code. Only fields relevant to the
integration are included in this table.
The distribution code links the GL Account to activities. As in the example above, a bill payment receives
the code R-ELERES so that this revenue for electric residential service is applied to the account
01.520.5250.0000.000.The algorithm GLCNST-DFLT provides the hook which allows the integration to
get the GL Account from the distribution code and recognize it in Oracle E-Business Suite to the correct
GL Journal entry.
GL Account String
Oracle E-Business Suite Revenue Accounting GL accounts are structured using account segments. These
are set up in your existing Oracle E-Business Suite Revenue Accounting system according to the business
The ORMB GL Account positions must be configured to mirror the segments & values in Oracle E-
Business Suite Revenue Accounting. The segment positions are fixed in ORMB so that the first segment
is Company, the second segment is Department ID, and so on, as shown in the following table.
Oracle E-Business Suite Revenue Accounting ORMB Distribution (GL_ACCT ) segment position
Account Column name
Company Position1
Department Position 2
Account Position 3
Sub-Account Position 4
Product Position 5
As the segments are configured, separate each segment with a dot (.).
A sample GL Account string is 01.520.5250.0000.000
When interpreted by the standard mapping in the product, this GL Account String in the sub ledger
equates to the following in the EBS GL:
• Company - 01
• Department - 520
• Account - 5250
• Sub-Account - 0000
• Product -000
Please refer to the data mapping table for details on how the segments must be mapped.
To successfully execute extracts from ORMB, two processes must be configured with the appropriate
batch parameters and set to run on a scheduled basis. These processes can be scheduled using the
ORMB scheduling tool or an enterprise scheduler that meets the open architecture standards used by
For each CIS Division used in ORMB, you must configure a characteristic value to have the AP Operating
Unit to be used in Oracle E-Business Suite Revenue Accounting GL.
Complete the following configuration in ORMB to reference the AP Operating Unit corresponding to the
CIS Division as follows.
1. Create a Characteristic Type.
Admin Menu > C > Characteristic Type
The value for this characteristic type stores the value of the Oracle E-Business Suite Revenue Accounting
Org ID. In this example it is EBSORGID. Add the Org ID of Oracle E-Business Suite Revenue Accounting as
a characteristic value.
2. Set up the details on the characteristic type as follows:
Field Label Value Comments
Characteristic Type EBSORGID The code associated with the characteristic
type. This will be used in future steps.
Description EBS Org ID A description of the use for this
characteristic type.
Type of Char Value Predefined Value No freeform text is allowed, only a
predefined set of values.
Allow Search by Allowed Allow searches
Char Val
Characteristic 204 The name of the Oracle E-Business Suite
Value Revenue Accounting Org ID to be used.
Description Oracle E-Business Suite
Operating Unit
3. Select the Characteristic Entities tab to allow the characteristic type to be associated with the
Distribution Code:
4. Attach the Characteristic Type, created above, to any Divisions that are used for AP Request
Adjustments. In sample data an example is provided as the CA - CIS Division.0.
Admin Menu > D > Division
Note: Only fields relevant to the integration are included in this table.
You can test this service using XAI Dynamic Submission as follows:
Admin Menu > X > XAI Dynamic Submission
3. If you wish to further test a cancellation of payment functionality, cancel the payment made above
in Oracle E-Business Suite Revenue Accounting Payables.
4. Invoke the ODI Process Manager process to update the A/P Check Request table (CI_ADJ_APREQ)
with the Payment Information from Oracle E-Business Suite Revenue Accounting. This cancels the
A/P Request and the adjustment.0.
6.1.1 GL Request
Execute the following scenario for GL Request. Based on the customization flags, respective scenarios
will be invoked from the following master scenario.
6.1.2 AP Request
Execute the following scenario for AP Request. Based on the customization flags, respective scenarios
will be invoked from the following master scenario.
Note: Post all customization changes regenerate the scenarios for the changes to reflect.
8. Appendix: A
8.1 EBS Data Mapping
The following sections show the fields that are mapped for the integration for EBS.
8.1.1 GL Transaction EBS GL Table Mapping to ORMB
Column Data Description ORMB Column Data Type Remarks
Type Table
STATUS VARCHA Journal Import status (Required field) ‘NEW’, for all new
R2 (50) transactions
LEDGER_I NUMBER Ledger defining column Derived from ODI
D (Release Identifies the EBS to use
12) for posting Value = 1
(Corresponds to ‘Vision
Operations (USA) ’ Ledger
ACCOUNTI DATE Effective CI_FT ACCOUN DATE Date used by GL to define
NG_DATE date of the TING_DT the accounting period
transaction into which the Financial
(Required) Transaction is booked.
Y_CODE R2 (15) (Required) CY_CD
DATE_CRE DATE Standard Who column (Required) Derived from ODI Value
ATED =sysdate
CREATED_ NUMBER Standard Who column (Required) Value= -1
ACTUAL_F VARCHA Balance type (actual, budget, or ‘A’
LAG R2 (1) encumbrance)(Required)
USER_JE_ VARCHA Journal entry category user defined name ‘RMB EBS’
CATEGOR R2 (25) (Required)
USER_JE_ VARCHA Journal entry source user defined name ‘RMB EBS’
SOURCE_ R2 (25) (Required)
Columns Data Type Description ORMB Columns Data Type Remarks
INVOICE_ID NUMBER Invoice identifier. Validated against AP_INVOICE
NE_ID (15,0) identifier _lines_interf
LINE_NUMB NUMBER Invoice line Value =1
ER (15,0) number
LINE_TYPE_ VARCHAR2 Type of invoice line (Item, Freight, Tax, Miscellaneous) 'MISCELLAN
LINE_GROU NUMBER Value to identify each item line to prorate Leave blank
G_DATE date
N (240) =‘Refund
from RMB’
AMOUNT_I VARCHAR2 No Longer Used Leave blank