1571-1635319494618-Unit 04 Leadership and Management
1571-1635319494618-Unit 04 Leadership and Management
1571-1635319494618-Unit 04 Leadership and Management
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Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form
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LO1 Examine leadership and management theories and principles, and their impact on the
effectiveness of an organisation
Pass, Merit & Distinction P1 P2 M1 D1
LO2 Review the influence of different leadership and management styles on the culture of
Pass, Merit & Distinction P3 P4 M2 M3
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* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and grades decisions have
been agreed at the assessment board.
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Academic Year
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Submission format
Section A:
The submission should be in the form of a written report that includes Management and leadership
theories and their impact on effectiveness and influence on the culture of the selected organization.
The key findings of the study need to be presented in a 15minutes PowerPoint presentation. (5
minutes allocated for the questions). Presentation slides and speaker notes should be attached to the
appendix in the report. The recommended word count for the report is 1,000–,1500 words but
learner will not be penalized for exceeding the total word limit.
The report is required to make effective use of signposting (numbered headings, bullet points and
subsections) in- text referencing as appropriate. Your research should be referenced using the
Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a reference list using the Harvard referencing
Section B:
The submission should be in the form of an individual written report written in a concise, formal
business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings,
paragraphs,and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and
referenced using Harvard referencing system (in-text and end-text referencing). The
recommended word count for the report is 4,000–4,500 words but learner will not be
penalized for exceeding the total word limit.
LO1 Examine leadership and management theories and principles, and their impact on the
effectiveness of an organisation
LO2 Review the influence of different leadership and management styles on the culture of
LO4 Apply leadership and management approaches to managing performance to ensure continuous
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
LO1 Examine leadership and management theories and LO1 and LO2
principles, and their impact on the effectiveness of an D1 Critically evaluate the impact of
organisation different approaches to leadership and
LO4 Apply leadership and management approaches to managing performance to ensure continuous
Section A
Assume that you have been recruited as the Business Consultant for a well-known Sri
Lankan Firm. This firm is suffering a downgrowth in past few years. The top management
is requesting you to analyse the situation and compare the organizational situation with few
other organizations from the same industry. To achieve the above first, you need to explore
and discuss how different theories of leadership and management effecting practical
situations in chosen organizations. Then analyse how the application of leadership and
management theories impacting the effectiveness of those organizations.
Also, you need to identify an assess the application of different leadership and management
styles in selected business situations. You can compare your organization with selected
organizations differentiate the impact of leadership and management styles.
You need to examine the factors that influence the development of the culture in selected
organisations. Furthermore, evaluate how the organizational culture resulting on
performance of the selected organization. Your report also should include a critical
evaluation of the impact of different approaches that selected organizations practicing in
the leadership and management.
Section B
In this written report, you can select one organization out of the chosen organizations in
Section A. You must make a comprehensive motivational strategy and apply variety of
business situations for suitable leadership, and management approaches for managing
performance and continuous improvement.
Your strategy should include how this motivational strategy will support optimal
achievement of organizational objectives. Also, the motivational strategy should address
intrinsic and extrinsic motivation with regards to selected organization. Make sure to
effectively address all variables of motivation to uplift organizational performance.
D2 Produce a comprehensive
motivational strategy that effectively
addresses all variables of motivation to
enhance organisational performance.
Learner name:
How the activity covers the requirements of the assessment criteria (this does not confirm
achievement of assessment criteria or confer an assessment decision)
Learner name:
Assessor name:
Learner name:
How the activity covers the requirements of the assessment criteria, including how and where the
activity took place (this does not confirm achievement of assessment criteria or confer an assessment
Learner name:
Assessor name:
1. Leadership & Management: Keels Supermarket............................................................................24
Section A..................................................................................................................................................25
1.1 Effective functioning using Leadership principles and management theories ......................25
1.1.1 Overview of Keels Supermarket Chain.................................................................................25
1.1.2 Leadership Theories..............................................................................................................25
1.1.3 Management Theories...........................................................................................................26
1.1.4 Theory X and Theory Y........................................................................................................27
2. Organisational culture..........................................................................................................................28
2.1 Influence of management style on the culture of an organisation................................................28
1. Leadership Approach:................................................................................................................28
2. Communication:.........................................................................................................................28
3. Employee Empowerment:..........................................................................................................29
4. Feedback and Recognition:........................................................................................................29
5. Conflict Resolution:...................................................................................................................29
6. Risk Tolerance:..........................................................................................................................29
7. Adaptability to Change:.............................................................................................................29
9. Values and Ethics:......................................................................................................................29
2.2 Organisational culture of Keels Supermarket...............................................................................30
Section B..................................................................................................................................................31
3. Organisational performance.................................................................................................................31
3.1. Importance of motivation to increase the overall performance of Keels Super..........................31
3.1.1. Definition of Motivation.....................................................................................................31
3.1.2.The significance of the employee motivation to the performance of Keels Super...............31
3.1.3 Action Plan to boost motivation of the Keels Super employees................................................34
3.1.4 KPI for employee of Keels Supermarket...................................................................................36
4. Management Approaches....................................................................................................................38
4.1 Lean management.........................................................................................................................38
4.2 Continuous Improvement..............................................................................................................39
List of Figures
List of Tables
Understanding different types of
leadership and management theories
and principals and their impact on the
effectiveness and continuous
improvement of an organization.
Section A
1.1 Effective functioning using Leadership principles and
management theories .
Keells Super is a prominent supermarket chain in Sri Lanka, recognized for its
extensive network of stores offering a diverse range of groceries, fresh produce,
household items, and more. Established in 1983, Keells Super has evolved into a
trusted brand, providing a convenient and reliable shopping experience for customers
across the island. With a focus on quality and customer satisfaction, Keells Super has
become a leading name in the retail industry in Sri Lanka. (Ratnayake, 2015)
Leadership theories are frameworks that seek to explain how individuals become
effective leaders and influence others within an organizational context.
Trait theories focus on identifying inherent qualities that make someone a good
leader, emphasizing characteristics like intelligence and charisma.
Behavioral theories, on the other hand, examine the actions and behaviors of
successful leaders, categorizing them as either task-oriented or relationship-
Contingency theories assert that effective leadership depends on situational
factors, proposing that different situations require different leadership styles.
Transformational leadership emphasizes inspiring and motivating followers to
achieve beyond their self-interests, fostering a sense of collective purpose.
Transactional leadership, in contrast, involves exchanges between leaders and
followers, with a focus on rewards and punishments.
Situational leadership suggests that leaders should adapt their style based on the
maturity level of their followers.
These theories offer diverse perspectives on leadership, acknowledging the
complexity and dynamic nature of the leader-follower relationship in various
organizational settings. (Uhl‐Bien, 2007)
Management theories have been formed to carry out the 4 main managerial functions
namely, Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling .
1. Scientific Management (Copley, 2002)
Fredric Taylor expounded this theory which focuses on efficiency through systematic
work methods, time and motion studies. Emphasizes worker productivity and
standardized processes for increased output.
2. Administrative Management (Henri Fayol):
Emphasizes management functions such as planning, organizing, coordinating, and
controlling. Aims for organizational efficiency through clear hierarchy and well-defined
roles. (Edwards, 2018)
3. Bureaucratic Management (Max Weber):
Advocates for a rational and systematic organizational structure based on rules and
hierarchy. Aims to eliminate ambiguity and increase predictability in decision-making.
(Pearson, 2019)
4. Human Relations Approach (Elton Mayo):
Prioritizes the social and psychological aspects of work. Emphasizes the importance of
employee satisfaction, motivation, and interpersonal relationships for improved
organizational performance. (mayo, 1990)
5. Behavioral Management (Douglas McGregor):
Examines management assumptions about employee behavior. Theory X assumes
employees dislike work, while Theory Y assumes they are intrinsically motivated and
seek responsibility. (Kopelman, 2008)
6. Total Quality Management (W. Edwards Deming):
Focuses on continuous improvement, customer satisfaction, and employee involvement.
Aims to enhance product and process quality through teamwork, training, and a customer-
centric approach. (Hackman, 1995)
7. Strategic Management (Michael Porter):
Concerned with long-term planning to gain a competitive advantage. Involves analyzing
industry forces and developing strategies for positioning a business effectively in the
market. (Hoskisson, 1999)
2. Theory Y:
Theory Y, on the other hand, assumes that work is as natural as play and rest. It posits
that people are not inherently lazy; rather, work can be a source of satisfaction and
that individuals can be self-motivated and creative. The management style associated
with Theory Y is participative and collaborative. Managers using this approach
believe in decentralization, delegation, and creating a work environment that
encourages employees to reach their full potential. Employees are seen as responsible,
capable of self-direction, and capable of contributing to decision-making processes.
Theory Y managers trust and empower their employees.
McGregor argued that the choice between Theory X and Theory Y reflects the
manager's assumptions about the nature of people and greatly influences their
management style.
2. Organisational culture
Management style has a profound impact on the culture of an organization. The way
leaders manage and interact with their teams shapes the work environment, employee
attitudes, and overall organizational culture. Here are some ways in which
management style can influence organizational culture: (Locke, 2007)
1. Leadership Approach:
An autocratic management style, where decisions are made by a single authority, can
create a culture of strict hierarchy and limited employee empowerment. On the other
hand, a democratic style, where decision-making involves employees, fosters a more
inclusive and participative culture.
2. Communication:
A management style that encourages open communication and transparency tends to
foster a culture of trust and collaboration. Conversely, closed communication can lead
to a culture of secrecy and mistrust.
3. Employee Empowerment:
Micromanagement stifles employee autonomy and creativity, fostering a culture of
dependency and low morale. Delegating responsibilities and trusting employees to
take ownership can create a culture of innovation and accountability.
5. Conflict Resolution:
A collaborative approach to resolving conflicts encourages open dialogue and
resolution, contributing to a culture of teamwork and cooperation. Authoritarian
conflict resolution may lead to a culture of fear and resentment.
6. Risk Tolerance:
A risk-averse management style may lead to a cautious and stable culture, but it might
hinder innovation. A more risk-taking approach can foster a culture that values
experimentation and creativity.
7. Adaptability to Change:
A management style that embraces change and encourages adaptability can lead to a
culture that is dynamic and responsive to market trends. A rigid management style
may result in a resistant and stagnant organizational culture.
8. Work-Life Balance:
A management style that values work-life balance and supports employee well-being
contributes to a positive organizational culture. Conversely, a demanding and
inflexible management style may create a culture of burnout and dissatisfaction.
A management style that promotes inclusivity and diversity contributes to a culture
that values different perspectives and experiences. Exclusive management practices
can result in a homogeneous and exclusive organizational culture.
Section B
Today, we'll delve into the world of leadership and management theories, exploring
their profound impact on organizational effectiveness and continuous improvement.
On the management side, various theories have evolved to enhance organizational
efficiency and structure. These include Scientific Management, Administrative
Management, and Bureaucratic Management.
While distinct, effective organizations often integrate both leadership and
management principles for optimal results. Leadership sets the vision, and
management ensures efficient execution.
Effective leadership is built on principles like clear communication, inspiring vision,
and empathy. Let's explore these principles in more detail.
Despite the benefits, organizations often face challenges in implementing these
theories. We'll explore some common obstacles and discuss potential solutions.
Thank you for your attention. Now, let's open the floor for any questions or
discussions you may have on the topic of leadership and management theories and
their impact on organizational effectiveness and continuous improvement.
Organisational performance
A company's triumph hinges on effective direction, motivation, and leadership, with
motivation playing a pivotal role in understanding and fulfilling both employee and
organizational needs. Managers deploy diverse motivational techniques to propel
individuals towards their maximum potential, elevating organizational performance.
A motivated workforce exhibits heightened capacity and eagerness for continuous
improvement through education and training. Motivated employees positively
influence colleagues' attitudes, fostering a supportive work culture. Additionally,
motivation aids in navigating organizational changes by building trust and
transparency, alleviating concerns among personnel. This collaborative approach
enhances job satisfaction, communication, and overall productivity, culminating in
organizational success.
Figure 2 –Maslow Theory (Mcloyed, 2023)
3. Expectancy Theory:
This theory posits that individuals are motivated to act in a certain way if they
believe their efforts will lead to desired outcomes. Supermarket managers can apply
expectancy theory by clearly communicating performance expectations and linking
them to meaningful rewards such as bonuses, promotions, or recognition. Employees
are more likely to be motivated if they perceive a strong connection between their
efforts and the rewards they receive.
4. Goal-Setting Theory:
Goal-setting theory emphasizes the importance of setting specific and challenging
goals to enhance motivation. In a supermarket setting, managers can work with
employees to establish clear, measurable objectives related to sales targets, customer
service, or process improvements. Regular feedback and recognition for achieving
these goals can further boost motivation. (Hoskisson, 1999)
5. Equity Theory:
Equity theory suggests that employees compare their inputs (effort, skills) and
outputs (rewards) with those of their colleagues. Supermarket managers should strive
for perceived fairness in workload distribution, recognition, and rewards. When
employees feel they are treated fairly, they are more likely to be motivated and
engaged in their work.
This model identifies key job design elements that contribute to employee
motivation. Supermarket managers can enhance motivation by incorporating variety,
autonomy, task significance, and feedback into job roles. For example, allowing
employees to rotate tasks, providing autonomy in decision-making, and emphasizing
the importance of their contributions to the overall success of the supermarket.
Applying these motivational theories in tandem and tailoring strategies to the specific
needs and preferences of supermarket employees can create a work environment that
fosters motivation, engagement, and ultimately, improved performance. (Pierce,
Topic Strategy
enhance their skills.
KPI Strategy
Sales Performance Measure the overall revenue generated by
the employee.
and replenish inventory.
Regularly reviewing these KPIs can provide valuable insights into the performance of
supermarket employees and help identify areas for improvement. It's essential to
establish benchmarks and set realistic targets based on the specific goals and priorities
of the supermarket.
4. Management Approaches
4.1 Lean management
In implementing a lean management plan for a supermarket, the first step is to
identify and eliminate waste throughout the entire value stream. This involves
analyzing each process, from stocking shelves to checkout, to identify non-value-
added activities and streamline operations. For instance, excess inventory can lead to
waste, so adopting just-in-time inventory management can help reduce carrying costs
and prevent overstocking. Additionally, optimizing layout and product placement can
enhance the flow of both customers and staff, minimizing unnecessary movements
and improving overall efficiency. Continuous improvement is at the core of lean
management, and regular employee training and involvement in identifying and
addressing issues are vital to sustaining lean practices. Regular performance
measurements, such as tracking wait times at checkout and monitoring inventory
turnover rates, can provide valuable insights to further refine processes. (Slack, 2004)
Another crucial aspect of the lean management plan for a supermarket involves
fostering a culture of continuous improvement and empowering employees at all
levels to contribute to efficiency enhancements. This includes implementing regular
team meetings to discuss improvement opportunities, encouraging open
communication, and recognizing and rewarding employees for their contributions to
lean initiatives. Cross-training employees to perform multiple tasks ensures flexibility
and adaptability in response to fluctuations in customer demand. Furthermore,
technology can play a pivotal role in lean management, with the implementation of
point-of-sale systems and inventory management software to automate processes and
provide real-time data for decision-making. By focusing on waste reduction,
continuous improvement, and employee involvement, a lean management plan can
enhance the overall operational efficiency and customer satisfaction of a supermarket.
The key to effective business success lies in leadership, management, and employee
motivation. This involves creating a conducive environment for leadership and
management, which enhances efficiency and competitiveness. The assignment
explores different leadership and management theories and their impact on large
organizations. It has analyzed various leadership and management styles in different
business scenarios, considering factors influencing organizational culture
development. The study compares their effects on decision-making and emphasizes
the crucial role of organizational culture in overall performance. Furthermore, a
comprehensive motivational strategy is presented, addressing both intrinsic and
extrinsic motivation for optimal organizational achievement. The assignment also
examines appropriate leadership and management approaches for performance
management and continuous improvement, weighing their pros and cons.
Recommendations are provided to enhance performance management and ensure on-
going improvement.
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