Advisers Guide Correlation 1

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Team Leader: __________________________________

Adviser: ______________________________________
Date Received: _____________________________ Date Released: ____________________________
Title of Research:

READ: This guide together with the thesis/dissertation will be returned to the adviser if found by
the panel that any of the items in column 2 has not been complied with.

Item ITEMS FOR REVIEW (√) Complied Page No. Adviser’s

(X) Not Com. If Complied Signature
(“) Not App.
 Title less than 20 words
 Four panel members for thesis
 Five panel members for dissertation
 Acknowledgment
 Dedication
 Not more than 200 words; not indented; concise
single ¶; past tense; general objective/purpose;
method; key findings; conclusion; implications
and/or contribution
 Keywords not more than 15 words/items written in
italics following the order: field, variables, chief
statistical analysis/approach, Philippines (ex.
education, teaching practices, school climate,
regression, Philippines)
 Page nos. match content
Chapter 1
6 Rationale
 1st ¶ – Clearly state the problem issues in
connection with your dependent variable (DV) with
 2nd ¶ – Discuss the importance of studying the DV
and the contributions of studies about it
 3rd ¶ – Describe the link/connection of IV/s and DV;
Excerpt from the book of Dr. Gloria P. Gempes and Dr. Reynaldo O. Cuizon entitled Non-Experimental
Quantitative Research: A User Friendly Manual
implications of previous works leading to the
rationale of the study
 4th ¶ – Mention the research gap (what’s
lacking/not yet explored about the topic; uniqueness
of the study), urgency (reason for conducting the
study in the locale), global/social contribution of the
7 Research Objective
 Complementary with the research method
 Primary objective - usually about the last specific
 Specific objectives - one objective for each variable
& another statistical/inferential objective
(significance of the
and other related objectives)
8 Hypothesis
 One for each statistical/inferential objective
impact whichever is applicable)
9 Review of Related Literature
 Introductory paragraph: introduce variables
including its indicators and sources
 Grouped by variable of the study and presented in
order of research objectives
 Only the variables are listed and labeled as sub-
headings; indicators part of the paragraph in italics
 Coherence between & among ¶ by using
appropriate transitional terms/devices
 Sources must have 5-year recency; except for
theories and very important/pioneering authors.
 10% from old articles may be allowed (intended for
theories and important concepts
 Current rules on related literature followed (e.g.
resonation, inventory, compare & contrast, etc.)
 An inventory of three or more authors, arranged
in alphabetical order must be evident in the pages
 Paraphrased, not copy pasted
 Follow prescribed literature citation/referencing
style (ex. Harvard, APA, MLA)
 Every ¶ contains authors.
 Synthesis as the last ¶ after every discussion of
study variable. End RRL through a general summary
(not conclusion) of the RRL; end with its relevance
to the study
 No. of pages broken down as follows:
Excerpt from the book of Dr. Gloria P. Gempes and Dr. Reynaldo O. Cuizon entitled Non-Experimental
Quantitative Research: A User Friendly Manual
 For thesis with 2 variables (minimum of 16
pages), at least 6 pages per variable and at least
4 pages for the correlation between measures
 For dissertations with 3 variables (minimum of
30 pages), at least 8 pages per variable, and at
least 6 pages for the correlation between
10 Correlation between Measures
 Literature for correlation (last sub-heading),
association and link between two or more variables
11 Theoretical Framework
 One anchor theory on the relationship between IVs
and DV; a theory has a name
 At least 2 support
theory/proposition/model/framework linking the
variables of the study
 Inject personal discourse on the chosen
12 Conceptual Framework
 Introduce the source for every variable with
indicators. Only one author for every variable, not
several authors
 One sentence definition of each indicator under
each variable
 Conceptual figure alone in one page right after the
page citing it.
13 Significance of the study
 At least 2 paragraphs; 1st ¶ on the global
significance (contribution to literature) and social
value (contribution to humanity and community);
2nd ¶ mention specific institution, sector, industry,
groups/community who will directly benefit from
the study; include benefits to future researchers
14 Definition of Terms
 Only the keywords in the title are defined
operationally; how they are used in the study
 You may define the variables using your indicators
Chapter 2
15 Opening ¶ introducing the content of the chapter
16 Research Design
 Describe the appropriate design used with author;
justify its use & its perspective to the study (e.g.
education, business, etc.)
 Discuss typology of research in terms of objective
dimension and time dimension
Excerpt from the book of Dr. Gloria P. Gempes and Dr. Reynaldo O. Cuizon entitled Non-Experimental
Quantitative Research: A User Friendly Manual
17 Research Locale
 Brief description of the place of the study supported
with map
 2 maps (1 page): Philippines and local map (with
arrow pointing to the specific locale in the Philippine
18 Population and Sample
 Brief description of population/universe (key profile)
 Discuss inclusion, exclusion and withdrawal criteria
of targeted respondents/study participants
 State sample size, derivation process and justification
with literature support
 Distribution of samples per category/cluster (in
paragraph form)
 Sampling technique/selection procedure and
justification for use supported with author
19 Research Instrument
 Describe the instruments used for each variable
being measured, its source and reliability rating
(Cronbach-alpha test score)
 Present the instruments used in order of research
 Appropriate scale: Range of Means, Level/Extent,
 Discuss pre-testing procedure if researcher-made, its
reliability. State the average validation rating of
expert validators. N/A if not applicable
20 Data Collection
 Discuss in detail the steps undertaken (from asking
permission to conduct study up to tabulation of data)
in paragraph form
 Focus on personal experience
 Indicate time/period covered by the data collection
21 Statistical Tools
 Enumeration of appropriate statistics (descriptive,
inferential), analysis used for each research
22 Ethical Consideration
 Discuss compliance to research ethics as
prescribed/suggested by the Crim Department
Ethics Review Committee. Compliance certificate
from crim department is required before actual
data collection
Chapter 3
23 Opening ¶ introducing the content of the chapter
Excerpt from the book of Dr. Gloria P. Gempes and Dr. Reynaldo O. Cuizon entitled Non-Experimental
Quantitative Research: A User Friendly Manual
24  Side head/label for every research objective in bold
 Statistical table for every research objective
 Table number in whole number placed in upper left
hand corner
 Table title in italics in upper left hand corner under
the Table number
 Descriptive tables for each variable (present the
summary means of all indicators and the overall
mean of the latent variable)
 Level/Extent of IV1, IV2, IV3…IVn and DV
 One ¶ to describe each table (focus on the overall
mean, the data patterns/trends, the highest and
lowest means and the standard deviation)
 Tables of indicators containing the specific question
items shall be placed in the appendix
 Inferential tables (individual/aggregate
correlation/regression between variables) with
reference to study objectives indicating significance
level and the decision on the hypothesis
 Correlation/regression between IV1, IV2, V3…IVn and
 One ¶ to describe/explain the result (focus on the
overall significance level and the decision on the
 Explanation on significance level handled with care. If
the probability value is less than 0.05, hypothesis is
rejected; if more than 0.05, not rejected
 Explanation on other relevant statistical significance
and inferential aspects of the study
 Literature support not needed in this chapter
Chapter 4
25 Opening ¶ introducing the content of the chapter
26  At least two ¶ for each research objective explaining
the interpretation/implication or meaning of the
result (1st ¶) and the discussion on how the result of
the study agrees or disproves the literature or
findings of related studies from several authors as
presented in the RRL (2nd ¶). Exhaust the RRL
 Level/Extent of IV1, IV2, IV3…IVn
 Correlation/regression between IV1, IV2, V3…IVn and
 To enhance discussion on descriptive findings, utilize
statement items of indicators in the appended table.
 Discussion per ¶ must be brief, straightforward yet
Excerpt from the book of Dr. Gloria P. Gempes and Dr. Reynaldo O. Cuizon entitled Non-Experimental
Quantitative Research: A User Friendly Manual
very comprehensive in a story line format
 In the last paragraph, discuss whether the theoretical
framework (anchor and support theories) is
supported or refuted by the result of the main
problem/general objective.
27 Conclusion
 At least 2 paragraphs answering briefly every
objective of the study.
 1st ¶ descriptive findings
 2nd ¶ inferential findings and a statement whether
the result supports or negates the anchor
theory/proposition/model of the study
28 Recommendations
 Recommendation must be based from the
findings/results of the study (utilize those items with
the lowest ratings in the appended result per
 Recommendation must be specific and viable,
directed towards those entities mentioned in the
significance of the study in ¶ form
29  Follow prescribed referencing style (ex. Harvard,
 Alphabetical order
 All in-text citations must appear in the reference
section (correct spelling, correct year)
30  Page break for every appendix with page # but none
for appended documents
31 Suggested appendices:
 Specific item results (descriptive and inferential)
 Modified/contextualized/researcher-made survey
questionnaire/interview guide/checklist
 Research instrument validation sheets
 Summary of instrument validation ratings from panel
 Approved letters on the conduct of the study
 One sample filled-out Informed Consent Form (hide
respondent’s information)
 One sample of Certificate of Appearance
 UMERC certification
 Public forum/Paper presentation certification
 Editor’s Certification
 Grammarly Report
 Turnit-in Plagiarism Report
 Curriculum Vitae

Excerpt from the book of Dr. Gloria P. Gempes and Dr. Reynaldo O. Cuizon entitled Non-Experimental
Quantitative Research: A User Friendly Manual
32  Font size: 12”
 Font style: Arial
 Paper size: Short-size
 Margin: 1.2” left, 1” right, 1.2” top, 1.0” bottom
 Page # upper right hand
 No big vacant space within the chapter
 No artistic fonts for preliminary pages
 No word contractions (e.g. won’t, didn’t, etc.)
 Avoid one sentence ¶ and one whole page ¶
 Numbers below 1-9 (in words); Numbers 10-above
(in figures)
 Avoid numbered enumeration in literature review.
Must be in ¶ form.
 Wiki and blogs are not acceptable references
 Avoid no year references/sources for cited author
 Citing the title of article (if no author) and only year
of retrieval (if no date)
 No web sites/search engines as in-text citation; only
in the reference section
 Chapter 1 – present tense
 Chapter 2 – past tense
 Chapter 3 – past tense but present tense for inference
statements and statement on general knowledge
 Chapter 4 – present tense but past tense for
statements referring to results and literature review.



Signature of Adviser
1. The ultimate use of this guide is to have complete, substantial paper before routing the revised thesis/dissertation to the panel for review.
2. Another use of this guide is for the adviser to have a thorough evaluation of the paper before final defense (all items).
3. No paper shall be allowed for defense unless this guide (accomplished by the adviser) is attached.

Excerpt from the book of Dr. Gloria P. Gempes and Dr. Reynaldo O. Cuizon entitled Non-Experimental
Quantitative Research: A User Friendly Manual

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