Revised Research Proposal

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1.1 Background of the Study

As social civilization and the quality of road engineering continue to

progress, so do people's understanding of and functional requirements for
roadways. The development of new functional accoutrements and the expansion
of cross-discipline since the turn of the twenty-first century have greatly backed in
the design and development of colorful types of environmentally friendly
functional pavement as well as broadened the field of pavement accoutrements
exploration. Beforehand, in the nineteenth century, rubber greasepaint was first
applied on asphalt. It was not until the middle of the nineteenth century that the
idea of vulcanizing asphalt was first proposed. Asphalt vulcanization was shown
to have a considerable impact on the material's high temperature parcels.
Beforehand in the 20th century, rubberized asphalt was used in France to make the
first road.

This study is all about how effective concrete waste is in modifying

asphalt, knowing the extent of the useful life of an asphalt pavement while also
extending the intervals between maintenance visits is the concern of this study.
The benefit of extending pavement life a significant annual reduction in
maintenance costs as well as in the energy needed for such upkeep. The need for
sustainable designs and construction methods is becoming more and more clear in
corporate and social responsibility statements, and it may be utilized to choose
which repair methods to adopt.

According to Zhen Fu, et al., (2017). Comparing modified asphalt fusions

with unmodified asphalt fusions, the stability of the modified asphalt fusions at

high temperatures is enhanced. The high temperature stability of asphalt fusions

modified by CRM is bettered compared to unmodified asphalt admixture.
Compared to unmodified asphalt fusions, modified asphalt fusions can continue to
parade good water stability and low temperature cracking resistance after a brief
period of age. Despite a slight decline in performance after prolonged age,
upgraded asphalt fusions still perform much better overall. CRM thereby enhances
the asphalt fusions' capability to repel aging.

The purpose of this study is to prove how concrete waste accoutrements

can be used effectively in road constructions and to differ the asphalt and
cumulative strengths of modified asphalt admixture with those of standard asphalt
admixture. At the end of the study, the researchers can produce well-strength and
durable asphalt, aiming to reduce cost of new construction, rehabilitation,
maintenance, and increase road's service life.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The main goal of the study is to investigate the feasibility and performance of
modified asphalt using concrete waste as sustainable alternative to standard and
traditional asphalt mixture, evaluating its mechanical properties, environmental impact,
and long-term durability in road construction. This study seeks to answer the following
questions in particular:

1. What is the influence of varying proportion of concrete waste on the

mechanical properties and stability of modified asphalt, and how does
this impact the overall performance of the road surface?
2. What are the economic implications using concrete waste in modified
asphalt, considering factors like material cost, maintenance
requirements, and potential long-term savings in road construction

3. How does the incorporation of concrete waste in modified asphalt

contribute to the reduction of environmental impact, such as lowering
carbon emissions and decreasing the demand for traditional raw
materials in asphalt production?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

This study aims to achieve a detailed understanding to modified asphalt and

concrete waste. The following are the specific objectives:
1. To make an asphalt using concrete waste as replacement for aggregates.
2. To perform the stability, specific gravity, air voids, flow, voids filled, and
asphalt content to the modified asphalt
3. To compare the modified asphalt using concrete waste from the existing

1.4 Significance of the Study

This study tends to produce a high-quality asphalt pavement and to recycle

concrete waste. The main beneficiary of this study are the following:

Government. Due to its capacity to be recycled, asphalt has a higher residual

value than other pavements and low startup.

Community and People. The general driving public can always count on asphalt
for a stable, quiet, and smooth ride.

Researchers. The result and information regarding the study will be beneficial to
the future researchers that will attempt to do research related to the study. This
study will serve as a guide to improve the asphalt pavements durability.

1.5 Conceptual Frameworks


Collecting Conducting Modified

raw experiment Asphalt with
materials Concrete

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

1.6 Theoretical Framework

This research focuses on the theoretical foundations of sustainable

construction, emphasizing the use of eco-friendly materials to reduce

environmental impact. The circular economy concept in construction, promoting

the reuse and recycling of waste materials, forms a basis for exploring sustainable

practices. This innovation aims to contribute to the development of sustainable

and resilient infrastructure. The study also considers potential challenges and

opportunities in implementing modified asphalt pavements using concrete waste,

aligning with the broader goal of fostering more sustainable and environmentally

responsible infrastructure development, providing valuable insights into the

feasibility and effectiveness of this innovative approach.

According to Putri (2018), the higher value of stability indicated the

stronger the pavement to carry load from wheel passing. In addition, higher

stability indicated the aggregate and bitumen were strongly adhere to withstand

the traffic load passing.

The optimization of concrete mixing may vary the result of the stability and the

flow of the asphalt pavement in line with its compressive and flexural strength. A

review of literatures found that 50% recycled material by weight as coarse

aggregate in concrete mix was found to be optimum amount. Workability and

compressive strength were the evaluation criterion for the selection of the

optimum amount of recycled aggregate. Compressive strength of the concrete mix

decreases with the increase of the proportion of recycled aggregate. (Khan, 2005).

1.7 Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study focuses on creating modified asphalt pavements consisting of

asphalt and concrete waste that are sustainable. To extend the time between
maintenance on rehabilitated asphalt pavements, researchers modify asphalt using
scrap concrete.

1.8 Operational Definition of Terms

The following terms are hereby defined operationally for clear and proper
understanding of the study:

Asphalt. Is a combination of summations, binder, and padding used to make and

maintain roads, parking lots, road lines, anchorages, field runways, bike lanes,
walkways, play- and sport areas, and other structure.
CRM. Composite Reinforcing Material.
Modify. Change, alteration, variation, and modification all refer to making or
Pavement. Is a road's smooth or hard surface.
Residual. After the largest portion or quantity has been consumed.
Rubber Powder. Is the best product available after recycling used solid tires.
Scrap. A tiny quantity, especially one that remains after the main portion has been
Sustainable Concrete Waste.



This chapter is grounded on a review of papers, journals, specifications,

and other written validations that were located using hunt machines and
information databases. Despite the fact that there's a lot of information in the
literature about the revision of asphalt using waste accoutrements like recycled
plastic and tire rubber, the experimenters only uncovered a small quantum of data
that was directly material to the experimenters' study, which focuses on modified
asphalt pavement using concrete waste.

2.1 Pavement

Infrastructure for transportation must include pavements (BTS, 2018).

Highway spending in the United States accounted for the highest portion of
infrastructure spending in 2017 with a total of US $181billion (Highway Statistics,
2018). According to De Lima et al., (2013), paving materials are the main focus of
road investments. The maintenance and rehabilitation (M&R) of pavements also
calls for considerable investment. These significant investments present a chance
for decision-makers to pinpoint affordable pavement design (Lu et al., 2018).
Pavement construction also necessitates energy-intensive procedures and
materials with negative environmental effects (Santos et al., 2015).

To lessen the detrimental environmental effects of paving and to choose

more cost-effective investment options, road authorities promote sustainable
practices (Wu et al., 2017). The choice of appropriate materials has a significant
impact on the sustainability of pavements. One of the sustainable methods for
choosing pavement materials is to use waste materials (Plati, 2019). Waste
materials, such as reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP), fly ash (FA), bottom ash
(BA), recycled asphalt shingles, lignin, waste plastic, crushed brick, recycled
glass, and crumb rubber, can be used as aggregate or bitumen replacement in
various layers of pavement structures. The so-called modified asphalt (mixture)
refers to an asphalt binder made of rubber, resin, high molecular polymer, natural
asphalt, ground rubber powder, or other external admixture (modifier), thereby
improving the asphalt or the performance of the asphalt mixture. A modifier refers
to a natural or artificial organic or inorganic material added to asphalt (mixture).
At the same time, with the development of the times, a single modifier has a
certain effect on improving the durability of the asphalt mixture, but its ability to
resist aging, plastic deformation, fatigue, and other durability is relatively weak,
so the modification effect of a single modifier on asphalt cannot meet the
requirements of existing pavement performance. Therefore, composite-modified
asphalt has emerged. Composite-modified asphalt mainly refers to multiple
modification of matrix asphalt (Zhao et al., 2020). Pavement performance
assessment, life cycle cost analysis (LCCA), life cycle assessment (LCA), and
sustainability rating systems are some of the pertinent methodologies and tools
that may be used to measure the sustainability of pavements in various ways. Two
methods—LCCA and LCA—are used to measure and address the economic and
environmental aspects of a product’s sustainability over the course of its life cycle
(Harvey et al., 2016).

LCCA is a method for assessing the present and future costs of paving.
These expenses include manufacturing, construction, maintenance and repair
(M&R), and end-of-life (EOL) costs for road and transportation agencies (Batouli
et al., 2017). Using analysis of pavement management systems or historical
experience, many design possibilities are found in the first step, along with the
service life of each option. The determination of user costs based on M&R
operations and specific traffic data comes after the estimation of agency costs
based on construction quantities and unit costs. Two popular economic metrics
used for LCCA of pavements are net present value (NPV) and equivalent uniform
annual cost (EUAC) (Moins et al., 2020). Both deterministic and probabilistic
methods can be used to examine the results of LCCA (Wang and Wang, 2019).

For sustainability assessment of pavements, it’s important to consider the

costs associated with all life cycle phases. The product costs of waste- deduced
pavements include the recycling costs of waste accoutrements, birth, accession
and the product costs of raw accoutrements (Harvey et al., 2016). These costs
cover the expenditure on outfit, labor, transportation of accoutrements and energy
(Dam et al., 2015). Costs associated with factory processes include costs of energy
for mixing, hotting and drying of accoutrements (Li et al., 2013). Several factors
are associated with the product phase of waste-deduced accoutrements which
beget advanced costs for road agencies similar as redundant accoutrements,
complements, outfit, and labor (Zhao et al., 2020). Field processes, including
transportation of fusions and outfit, point cleaning, excavation, construction
and contraction of road layers, constitute the construction costs of pavements
(Vidal et al., 2013). Cost factors associated with construction processes include
transportation of ministry and accoutrements, outfit, labor, storehouse and safety
measures (Santos et al., 2015). Through the service life of pavements, a set of
M&R works is accepted to maintain the utility of pavements (Harvey et al., 2016).
Cost factors of M&R conditioning are analogous to those for the construction

phase (Santos et al., 2015). At the end of the pavement’s service life, mulled or
demolished pavements can be reclaimed, re-used, or disposed of Costs associated
with EOL phase include disposal freights, transportation, labor and deconstruction
(Moins et al., 2020). Throughout pavements’ lifetime, the commerce between
vehicles and pavement changes the characteristics of the pavement face. Thus,
frequentness of conservation conditioning, pavement utility and eventually stoner
costs change (Harvey et al., 2016). The investigations described above looked into
commonly used recycled materials like RAP, FA, and BA. According to a survey
of the literature, broken brick, waste glass, waste plastic, and lignin all have the
potential to be employed in pavement with significant advantages. The effects of
these materials in pavements on the ecology and the economy, however, have not
been thoroughly investigated.

2.2 Asphalt

The most significant and constantly employed substance for pavement

structure at airfields and on roads is asphalt. It's a long- continuing, affordable
structure material that's simple to reuse, can be reclaimed multiple times, and can
be laid without joints in a fairly short quantum of time. Asphalt may be reclaimed,
which lowers product costs. Recycling asphalt results in savings, which makes the
procedure more affordable. Due to its quick construction, asphalt is also cost-
effective. Time and plutocrat are saved in this way. The typical lifetime of an
asphalt pavement is 10 to 25 times. still, a variety of factors affect factual
continuance. You need to take into account the following factors to determine
how long your asphalt pavement will survive. In comparison to aged asphalt
fusions, the composition of road asphalt fusions has changed greatly over the once
many decades, which has had a considerable impact on the geste of the asphalt
material. Traditional styles as a result are getting less and less applicable. To
address the forenamed objects, experimenters around the world are now faced

with the problem of creating intelligent, sustainable, and functional

accoutrements. Although exploration in asphalt technology has gradationally
come its own area of study within accoutrements wisdom, choosing the right
methodologies and ways for material modeling, performance testing, and
structural pavement design still calls for a thorough understanding of rheology,
solid and fluid mechanics, chemistry, and statistical modeling. A pivotal task for a
new generation of asphalt experimenters and technologists may be to develop
practical, intelligent, durable, and sustainable asphalt fusions. Pavements with shy
design are known to deteriorate substantially through thermal cracking (Wistuba,
2019). Crack development and circumstance are significantly told by the
composition of the particular asphalt admixture, including the summations' face
state and geometric parcels, as well as the type of asphalt binder named (Pszczola
et al., 2018; Li et al., 2019; Sun et al., 2020; Wei et al., 2021). Bending Beam
Rheometer (BBR) tests are generally used to measure the asphalt binder's
forbearance at low temperatures. A certain essence earth is used to produce the
BBR asphalt binder ray. After demolding, the instance is conditioned for roughly
an hour in a fluid bath at the test temperature using applicable bath fluids, similar
as ethanol, methanol, or glycol- methanol combinations. BBR has surfaced as the
main testing device for assessing the low- temperature parcels of asphalt binders
(substantially long- term aged previous to BBR testing). still, a number of pens
have proved severe BBR testing limitations linked to instance medication and
testing terrain. The conventional BBR test requires a 15 g lozenge of asphalt
binder per ray instance. As is normal, 135 g of testing material is demanded,
which necessitates a lot of work to induce the applicable quantum of asphalt
binder when counting for three test replicates and three test temperatures. There's
a severe limit on how important readily useable asphalt binder can be collected
from field cores, especially in field studies (Wang et al.,2019). It takes a lot of
time and trouble to prepare the instance shafts, and
the quality of the homemade work has a big impact on how accurate the test
results are (Kim, 2022). Particularly, slice of the bulge and junking from the earth

may affect in minor but significant excrescencies in instance shape. Also, high
density binders beget partial breaking or flaking of the instance, whereas low
density binders beget a kindly crooked instance morphology. Europe frequently
uses ethanol when considering the fluid bath medium. On the other hand, it was
noted that ethanol might alter the chemical and physical parcels of the asphalt
binder through inhomogeneous prolixity, which would also affect the test results.
(Marasteanu et al., 2018). Also, due to its toxin, volatility, and low flash point,
ethanol manufacturing is governed by REACH regulations. The enrollment
assessment, blessing, and restriction of particular chemicals produced or imported
in the EU are needed by the chemical operation regulation REACH. (Kim, 2022).
Due to the fact that air has a lower specific heat capacity than ethanol (Cp = 1.012
J g K1 at room temperature), the target temperature in air can be reached in a
fairly short quantum of time, running BBR tests in air was also delved by colorful
authors. (Cannone Falchetto et al., 2018; Marasteanu et al., 2018; Moon et al.,
2018; Wang et al., 2019a). Tempering the liquid bath requires a considerable
quantum of time (total 60 min, including a stabilization time of 20 min to attain
0.2 °C), and it can be delicate to maintain an invariant temperature distribution
throughout the bath (Riccardi et al., 2017).

2.3 Concrete Waste

The global structure sector consumes further than 26 billion tons of natural
total annually (Hwang et al., 2019). Around 2.3 billion tons of primary
summations (beach, clay, and crushed gemstone) are produced in Europe every
time (Brown et al., 2018). This high rate of consumption will ultimately affect in
the need for further natural, high- quality total over time. This issue is wide,
particularly in heavily populated civic areas (e.g., the Netherlands significances
natural total). Construction and obliteration (C&D) waste operation is a growing
worldwide concern at the same time.

Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA) is considered to be a potential

substitute for natural aggregates in asphalt mixtures (Kavussi, 2018).
Concrete waste as the substitute for coarse aggregate material for cement-treated
base (CTB) in flexible pavement is researched by Saepudin (2015). The use of
25% concrete waste at 10% cement content, fortunately, qualifies for the CTB
compressive strength specifications. Ansori (2016) took advantage of concrete as
the substitute for coarse aggregate in asphalt concrete-binder course (AC-BC)
mixture. According to Letelier (2021), the combination of glass powder and fine
recycled concrete aggregate on mortar will reduce CO2 emission and greenhouse
gas. Recycling of construction and obliteration (C&D) debris, particularly that
from demolished concrete, also known as recycled concrete total, is a good place
to start when trying to break these issues (RCA). The rate of recycling of C&D
trash in European nations varies greatly; some nations reclaim lower than 10 of
their C&D scrap, while others, including Denmark, the Netherlands, Estonia, and
Germany, reclaim over 80 of theirs (Kim et al., 2022). Others warrant access to
the right information at all. Since296.7 million tons of hot and warm blend asphalt
were produced in Europe in 2017, (EAPA, 2018). There's a lot of room for RCA
to be used in asphalt road mixes, especially given that asphalt concrete generally
contains 90 – 95 percent total (by weight). And according to Harnaeni et al. 2022,
the utilization of concrete waste will also bring a positive impact on the
environment. Concrete production and demolition waste, and lime production
waste can be processed into construction materials.
As long as the essential crushing, drawing, and webbing are rightly carried
out, any destroyed concrete debris may be successfully employed. The
cementitious matrix and the natural total patches make up the macrostructure of
RCA, which is generally the same as that of its parent concrete. Generally
speaking, these according to El- Tahan et al., (2018) the characteristics of RCA
affect in better commerce and further face disunion between the aggregate patches
(2018). Results from surveying electron microscopy reveal that natural total has a
much lower specific face compared to RCA (Galan et al., 2019). The major causes

of lesser water/ bitumen immersion in discrepancy to natural total are the

advanced specific face of RCA and the actuality of a pervious cementitious

Natural total is generally replaced with RCA while making concrete

cement, but it may also be used for footloose foundation and sub-base layers and
soil stabilization, (Pourkhorshidi, et al., 2020). lately, there has been an increase
in interest in using RCA in asphalt mixes. The material study, still, has
substantially concentrated on the relationship between RCA quantum and
flyspeck size distribution and the optimal bitumen content, (OBC), as well as the
water perceptivity stiffness and rutting of asphalt mixes, (Alvares, et al., 2020).

The quantum of RCA used in asphalt mixes and the OBC value have been
shown to be identified in a number of earlier explorations. In asphalt mixes, an
advanced RCA chance frequently results in a larger OBC because to RCA's
pervious nature patches. disquisition was done into how important RCA (up to 45
by mass) affected the physical and mechanical characteristics of asphalt mixes,
and the results were also compared to those of a reference control admixture made
with NA alone. The results show that the control admixture requires up to 1 lower
bitumen when RCA is added. As a result, mixes containing RCA had a critical
fatigue strain value that was over to 26 lesser and had a stiffness that was 15 – 20
lower (Radevi et al., 2020).

The larger RCA chance lowered the stiffness of asphalt mixes when it
came to fusions with a complete natural total negotiation (both fine and coarse
RCA). (Nwakaire et al., 2020). According to Nwakaire et al., (2020) employed
RCA deduced from high- quality concrete (with a compressive strength of 60
MPa) and came to the conclusion that, above 40 RCA, the flexible modulus
declined successively.

When it comes to fatigue resistance, former studies' findings show that adding
RCA as a padding or fine total (4.75 mm) bettered fatigue resistance, whereas
fusions that fully replaced natural total with RCA and those that used coarse RCA
as a partial relief had worse fatigue resistance than the control fusions. They set
up that no matter what kind of asphalt mixes you add RCA to, the fatigue
resistance would fall (Hou et al., 2018). Moreover, according to Kavussi et al,
(2018) hot mix asphalt containing RCAs also showed to have better fatigue
performance than conventional mixes containing natural mineral aggregates. A
mix containing higher percentages of RCAs has a longer fatigue life. Asphalt
mixes containing RCA materials showed some moisture susceptibility. This was
recognized to be the result of siliceous nature of RCAs used in this research. The
results indicated that by treating RCAs, moisture susceptibility of treated RCA
mixes could be improved.
Pasandn and Pérez (2017) discovered that, in discrepancy to these
assertions, the fatigue resistance of a base course admixture created with RCA
outperformed an admixture made with natural total in the control. Nwakaire et al.
(2020), who examined the geste of a gravestone mastic asphalt combination, came
to the same finding and attributed it to the lesser OBC of RCA mixes than the
control admixture. Pasandn and Pérez also examined the impact of coarse RCA
(>4.75 mm) on the fatigue resistance of asphalt layers (2017). In comparison to
combinations with RCA values of 5, 10, 20, or 30, the authors examined a control
admixture. Results from the analysis showed that the quantum of RCA used didn't
significantly affect the asphalt fatigue resistance.
Following a study of the material exploration findings, it's clear to us that
the quantum of RCA and the distribution of the flyspeck sizes have a significant
part in the effectiveness of asphalt mixes. The stiffness of asphalt mixes for
wearing courses was generally assessed in exploration by exercising simply a
combination of fine and coarse RCA. Asphalt mixes for base courses prepared
with either fine or coarse RCA were the subject of an important smaller number

of examinations. In addition, there are many explorations on assessing the

adaptability of RCA- containing asphalt mixes to low- temperature cracking and

2.4 Modified Asphalt

The advantages of employing modified asphalts are to lessen the frequency and
inflexibility of pavement torments and to outstretch service life have been
conceded by trace agencies. Lower thermal (cold- temperature) cracking and
lesser admixture continuity are the secondary benefits of employing these high-
performance asphalts, with bettered rutting resistance being the top benefit. also,
certain modified binders offer enhanced resistance to stripping (humidity
damage). Plastic waste product, for illustration, is adding in tandem with
population growth. Countries have endured issues with managing solid waste.
Plastic waste recycling as modifiers of accoutrements for structure and road
structure are getting more popular sun on a global scale (Brasileiro et al., 2019).
In addition to being economically profitable, this is also a means to reclaim scrap
and produce commodity precious. The Philippines' Department of Environment
and Natural coffers (DENR) reported that domestic trash, including plastic
wastes, account for 56.7 of the country's generation of external solid waste
(MSW) in the Philippines. nearly a third of MSW is made up of recyclable scrap,
with plastics making up about 38 of them (DENR 2018). Hence, it's necessary to
make use these wastes so that their disposal in tips is reduced, if not excluded.
The operation of flexible pavements for the structure of roads in multitudinous
nations, including the Philippines. Given the growing quantum of business on the
roads, they need to ameliorate in terms of quality and performance. The severity
of asphalt admixture is conceivably increased by the addition of plastic debris,
strength, rutting resistance, fatigue resistance, and density (Sarkar 2019; Wu and
Montalvo 2021). According to Harnaeni et al. 2022, Marshall properties as the

indicator of the performance of asphalt mixture, with the utilization of concrete

waste by 0%, 20%, and 40%, the value of Stability, Marshall Quotient and VFWA
experience decrease as the addition of concrete waste variations in of Asphalt
Concrete-Wearing Course (AC-WC) and d Hot Rolled Sheet-Wearing Course
(HRS-WC) asphalt mixture is continued, while for the value of Flow, VIM, and
VMA tends to increase. Utilization of up to 20% concrete waste as the substitute
for coarse aggregate is acceptable for each of AC-WC and HRS-WC asphalt
mixtures. The maximum permissible variation of concrete waste is 35% for AC-
WC mixture and 29% for HRS-WC mixture. Waste concrete can be used to
substitute coarse aggregate in asphalt mixtures, and this can reduce the amount of
concrete waste and reduce the use of fresh aggregates, which can make a positive
contribution to the environment.
Yet, some findings indicate mischievous goods on other asphalt admixture
performance criteria (Wu and Montalvo 2021). Other trials have added between 2
and 20 of plastic waste to the modified asphalt admixture (Chegenizadeh et al.,
2021) where there's the most plastic waste for the binder content of modified
asphalt admixture was 10 by weight (Chandrawal et al., 2016; Asare et al., 2019).
According to studies, the number of plastic wastes that must be added to the HMA
admixture depends on the following among other effects, the size, kind, and type
of mineral padding of the area where the accoutrements must be applied (Dalhat
and Wahhab 2017; Abu Abdo and Khater 2018; Khurshid et al., 2019).
Performance of the combination has produced antithetical issues in colorful
examinations. For case, HDPE both increases and decreases rutting resistance
(Wu and Montalvo 2021). likewise, the use of polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
redounded in a worsening in humidity resistance and resistance to thermal
cracking. These antithetical findings show that further exploration is needed to
completely understand the impact of the addition of plastics on the functionality
of the asphalt binder and asphalt fusions (Wu and Montalvo 2021).

2.5 Summary of Gaps and Conclusion


Many studies have already proven the advantages of modified asphalt

pavement road construction. Other researchers used rubber greasepaint and
plastics in modifying asphalt in their study. It is shown that the materials’ high
temperature has a considerable impact. The size, kind, and type of accoutrements
also affect the resistance to thermal cracking and humidity resistance, and some
findings have shown that further exploration is needed. In this study, the
researchers aim to look in to how effective if concrete wastes are going to be
added in an asphalt mixture in road construction. The researchers hopes that this
can surpass the service life and stability of the standard asphalt pavement and
even to the existing studies. Seeing that there are no existing studies in modifying
asphalt using concrete wastes, it is important to explore on this kind of modified
asphalt stability so that we can have a higher quality road.


The methodological decision and the study’s research procedure are

covered in detail in this chapter. The selection of the methodological approach has
mostly been guided by the scientific perspective and the research challenge. It
discusses more clearly why the Marshall Stability Test technique is deemed
suitable for the study. The chapter also established the processes for gathering,

analyzing, and reporting data. The experimental and comparative approaches have
been treated separately because they both serve different purposes. Additionally,
the methods used to improve the studies’ validity and reliability are outlined in
depth. The chapter concludes by defining the research’s operational difficulties,
such as timing, weighting, and testing choices as well as pointing considerations
for modifying asphalt.

3.1 Research Materials and Equipment

The materials that are used in this study are bitumen (asphalt), fine
aggregate, coarse aggregate and pulverize concrete waste. There are three sizes of
pulverize concrete waste that will be used in this study. All the materials that are
needed in this experiment was provided from different producers and
manufacturer in the of province of Zamboanga Del Norte.

3.1.1 Bitumen

The petroleum substance known as bitumen is a thick, sticky, and dark

liquid or semi-solid. It is frequently known as asphalt in the United States. This
substance, which is categorized as a pitch, can be found in natural deposits or as a
refined product. A word for asphalt was also in use before the 20th century. The
hot asphalt that are used in this study was provided by the asphalt production
company located at Roxas Zamboanga Del Norte. The chemical composition of
hot asphalt is shown in table 3.1 and figure 3.2 Shows Bitumen.

Table 3.1 Chemical Composition of Bitumen (Jamal, 2017)

Compound Weight %

Carbon 87%

Hydrogen 8%

Sulfur 5%

Nitrogen 1%

Oxygen 1%

Metals 2000ppm

Figure 3.2 Bitumen (Katipunan, Zamboanga Del Norte, 2023)

3.1.2 Aggregates
Sand, gravel, and crushed stone are examples of aggregates—raw materials
that come from natural sources and are taken out of pits and quarries. They are
used to create compound materials like Portland cement concrete and asphalt
concrete when combined with a binding medium like water, cement, and asphalt.
Table 3.2 below shows the chemical composition of aggregates and figure 3.3
shows the aggregates.

Table 3.2 Chemical Composition of Aggregates (Zhang & Luo, 2019)


Chemical Composition of Value

Sodium oxide, Na₂O (%) 2.007
Silicon dioxide, SiO₂ (%) 87.495
Aluminum oxide, Al₂O₃ (%) 6.096
Ferric oxide, SO₃ (%) 1.621
Calcium oxide, Cao (%) 0.276
Magnesium oxide, MgO (%) 0.032
Insoluble residue, (%) 0.882

Figure 3.3 Aggregates (Dapitan City, 2023)

3.1.3 Concrete Waste

Concrete waste can be produced as a result of testing concrete samples,
tearing down old buildings, and other reasons. Crushed concrete is frequently
utilized as aggregate in recycling efforts using concrete waste. Chemical recycling
may also be utilized to reuse concrete waste to create new building materials.
Some concrete waste types can be used as calcium sources, alkaline compounds,
and seed materials. However, in this study, concrete scrap is utilized as a modifier
in the creation of asphalt pavement. The researchers in this study will collect
concrete waste from demolished infrastructure within the city proper of Dapitan.

Table 3.3 shown below shows the chemical composition of concrete waste and
figure 3.4 shows concrete waste.

Table 3.3 Chemical Composition of Concrete Waste (Mejia et al., 2016)

Element %Fine %Coarse
Si 19.16 20.69
Ca 22.15 17.93
Al 5.07 5.16
Fe 2.57 2.51
P 1.03 0.96
Ti 0.40 0.36
Mg 1.43 0.51
Na < 0.010 < 0.010
K 0.99 0.98
Mn 0.14 0.14
Cr 0.06 0.06
S 0.93 0.93
Losses On Ignition 6.92 9.95

Figure 3.4 Concrete Waste (Sta. Cruz, Dapitan City, 2023)

3.1.4 Concrete Hammer

In this investigation, the waste concrete will be ground up using a concrete

hammer. If you're doing any demolition work, such as removing concrete
walkways or an outbuilding, these power tools can be helpful. Figure 3.5 shown
below shows the Concrete Hammer.

Figure 3.5 Concrete Hammer (Polo, Dapitan City, 2022)

3.1.5 Sieve

A sieve is a laboratory tool that consists of a wire or plastic mesh

supported by a frame and is used to strain solids from liquids, separate coarse
from tiny particles, or pulverize soft substances. 4.75mm, 2.36mm, and 2.0 mm
sizes will be used in this investigation. The table shown below shows the different
sizes of a sieve according to Backus and the figure 3.6 shown below shows how a
sieve looks like.

Table 3.4 Sieve Sizes (Backus, 2023)

Standard U.S. Alternative
100.0mm 4in
90.0 mm 3-1/2 in
75.0 mm 3 in
63.0 mm 2-1/2 in
50.0 mm 2 in
37.5 mm 1-1/2 in
25.0 mm 1 in
19.0 mm 3/4 in
12.5 mm 1/2 in
9.5 mm 3/8 in
4.75 mm No.4
2.36 mm No.8
2.0 mm No. 10
1.18 mm No.16
600μm No.30
300μm No.50
150μm No.100
75μm No.200

Figure 3.6 Sieve (Jose Rizal Memorial State University, Dapitan City, 2023)

3.1.6 Mold

In this study, cylindrical mold will be used in molding the samples and it
must have a diameter of 102mm and a height of 64mm as shown in figure 3.7.

64 mm

102 mm

Figure 3.7 Marshall Compacted Test Specimen Size


3.1.7 Water Bath

A container with hot water is used as the equipment for a water bath in a
lab. It is employed for long-term, temperature-controlled incubation of samples in
water. To allow users to choose a desired temperature, every water bath has a
digital or analog interface. Utilization processes might involve heating reagents,
melting substrates, or incubating cell cultures. It is also utilized to make it
possible for some chemical processes to take place at high temperatures. To avoid
ignition, a water bath is a preferable heat source while heating combustible
chemicals. Marshall and other asphalt specimens must be cleaned in a water bath
prior to chemical testing. There are several types available with various sample
capacity and temperature ranges. For enhanced temperature stability and wider
temperature ranges, starting at 5°C, you may alternatively choose a model with a
cooling unit. Stainless steel is used only in the construction of water baths. All
water baths are made of stainless steel. A Water Bath Machine shown in figure
3.8 below.

Figure 3.8 Water Bath (Provincial

3.1.8 Marshall Stability Test


The fundamental Marshall test basically entails crushing a cylinder of

bituminous bacterium between two semicircular test heads while documenting the
highest load attained and the deflection at which the maximum load occurs.
Engineers can estimate the performance of an asphalt mixture and the highest load
it can support using the Marshall stability test device. The Marshall is made up of
a 59 KN maximum capacity electro-mechanical ram, a data processing and
acquisition system, and a two-column, sturdy frame with an adjustable upper
cross beam. For calibration reasons, a lateral hand wheel on the Marshall Stability
Machine may be manually turned. At a steady rate of 50.8 mm/min, the
mechanical jack elevates the lower cross beam. The Marshall Stability Machine
from the Provincial Engineering Office of Zamboanga Del Norte is shown in
figure 3.9 below.

Figure 3.9 Marshall Stability

3.1.9 Universal Testing Machine


A Universal Testing Machine (UTM), also known as a materials testing

machine or a tensile testing machine, is a versatile piece of equipment used to test
various mechanical properties of materials, including flexural and compressive

Figure 3.10 Universal Testing Machine (Jose Rizal Memorial State University,
Dapitan City, 2023)

3.1.10 Wheel Tracker

A wheel tracking device is a piece of equipment used in the testing and

evaluation of asphalt mixtures to assess their resistance to rutting or deformation
caused by repeated traffic loading and high temperature. The device is particularly
useful in determining the potential rutting or deformation of an asphalt mix before
it is used in actual road construction. The wheel tracking test typically involves a
loaded wheel that moves back and forth along a sample of the asphalt mix under
controlled conditions of temperature and pressure.

Figure 3.11 Wheel Tracker (Jose Rizal Memorial State University, Dapitan City,

3.1.11 Automatic Marshall Compactor

An automatic Marshall compactor is a machine used in asphalt testing to

compact cylindrical asphalt specimens using the Marshall method. This method
assesses the stability and flow properties of asphalt mixtures. The compactor
automatically applies a specified number of blows to the specimen to simulate the
compaction it would undergo during actual road construction. This helps evaluate
the asphalt’s resistance to deformation and its ability to withstand traffic loads.

Figure 3.12 Automatic Marshall Compactor (Jose Rizal Memorial State

University, Dapitan City, 2023)

3.2 Sample Preparation

The following sieve sizes, specifically 4.75mm, 2.36mm, and 2.0 mm,
were employed to achieve the desired sizes of crushed concrete waste for the
purpose of modifying the hot asphalt mixture. This mixture, known as Hot Mix
Asphalt (HMA), is produced within a temperature range of 270°F to 325°F and
consists primarily of approximately 95% stone, sand, and gravel held together by
asphalt cement, a byproduct of crude oil. Prior to experimental phase, the
researchers combined the hot asphalt mixture with 4.75mm, 2.36mm, and 2.0 mm
sizes of crushed concrete waste, allowing it to air dry for 48 to 72 hours. The
same procedure was applied to eight other sizes of crushed concrete waste.
Additionally, they also allowed HMA without any additional concrete waste to

dry for the same duration. To assess the stability, compressive strength, and
flexural strength of the nine modified asphalt samples and one unmodified
sample, the researchers utilized the Marshall Stability Test Machine and UTM.
This analysis helps the researchers identify the most stable and suitable dried
asphalt for use in pavements. It also enables them to compare the stability of the
modified asphalt pavement with the non-modified one.

3.2.1 Preparation for Molded Sample

A mixture of aggregates, filler, and crushed concrete waste weighing

around 1000gm is heated to a temperature between 175° and 190°C. With the first
trial proportion of bitumen (say, 4% by weight of the mineral aggregates),
bitumen is heated to a temperature of 121-125°C. At 154-160°C, bitumen and
heated aggregates are well combined. At a temperature of 138°C to 149°C, the
mixture is poured into a heated mold and crushed using a rammer with 50 blows
on either side. To achieve a compacted thickness of 63.5+/-3mm, the weight of
the mixed materials used to prepare the specimen may be appropriately changed.

3.2.2 Specimen Mix

The sample mixture is altered in nine different ways based on the size of
the sieve that was used to specify the concrete waste selection.

Table 3.5 provides the composition of existing hot asphalt mixture in

which the coarse aggregates make up 50% of the total composition, while the fine
aggregate constitutes 44%. Additionally, a filler material is included, accounting
for 1% of the mixture while 5% of bitumen to bend the materials.

Table 3.5 Hot Asphalt Mixture Composition (A-Rock Asphalt, 2023)

% of Total Aggregates Sample Weight (g)
Coarse Aggregate 50 500
Fine Aggregate 44 440
Filler (Agg. dust) 1 10
% of Bitumen Weight of Bitumen
Bitumen 5 50

Table 3.6 it shows 50% coarse aggregate, 25% fine aggregate, 1% filler,
and the 19% crashed concrete waste. Along with these materials, 5% of bitumen
will be used in the mixture for the first trial. By using sieve 4.75 mm, the size
distribution of the aggregates can be controlled. This particular sieve size ensures
that the mixture has a specific range of particle sizes, contributing to the desired
performance of the modified asphalt pavement.

Table 3.6 Using Sieve 4.75 mm with 19% Crushed Concrete Waste
% of Total Aggregates Sample Weight (g)
Coarse Aggregate 50 500
Fine Aggregate 25 250
Filler (Agg. dust) 1 10
Crushed Concrete 19 190
Wastes (from Sieve
4.75 mm)
% of Bitumen Weight of Bitumen
Bitumen 5 50

Table 3.7, it contains 1% filler, 25% crushed concrete waste, 50% coarse
aggregates, and 19% fine aggregate. With 5% bitumen will be added to the
mixture along with these components. By using sieve 4.75 mm, it is possible to
determine the aggregates’ particle size distribution and confirm that the materials
selected are appropriate for the pavement mixture.

Table 3.7 Using Sieve 4.75 mm with 25% of Crushed Concrete Waste
% of Total Aggregates Sample Weight (g)
Coarse Aggregate 50 500
Fine Aggregate 19 190
Filler (Agg. dust) 1 10
Crushed Concrete 25 250
Wastes (from Sieve
4.75 mm)
% of Bitumen Weight of Bitumen
Bitumen 5 50

Table 3.8 it shows 50% coarse aggregate, 14% fine aggregate, 1% filler,
and the 30% crushed concrete waste. Along with these materials, 5% of bitumen
will be used. By using sieve 4.75 mm, the size distribution of the aggregates can
be controlled. This particular sieve size ensures that the mixture has a specific
range of particle sizes, contributing to the desired performance of the modified
asphalt pavement.

Table 3.8 Using Sieve 4.75 mm with 30% of Crushed Concrete Waste
% of Total Aggregates Sample Weight (g)
Coarse Aggregate 50 500
Fine Aggregate 14 140
Filler (Agg. dust) 1 10
Crushed Concrete 30 300
Wastes (from Sieve
4.75 mm)
% of Bitumen Weight of Bitumen
Bitumen 5 50

Table 3.9 consists of 50% coarse aggregates, 25% fine aggregates, 1%

filler, and 19% crushed concrete waste. Along with these materials, 5% of
bitumen will be used in the mixture for the first trial. The use of sieve 2.36 mm
allows for the determination of the particle size distribution within the aggregates,
ensuring that the chosen materials are suitable for the pavement mixture.
Table 3.9 Using Sieve 2.36 mm with 19% of Crushed Concrete Waste
% of Total Aggregates Sample Weight (g)
Coarse Aggregate 50 500
Fine Aggregate 25 250
Filler (Agg. dust) 1 10
Crushed Concrete 19 190
Wastes (from Sieve
2.36 mm)
% of Bitumen Weight of Bitumen
Bitumen 5 50

Table 3.10, it contains 1% filler, 25% crushed concrete waste, 50% coarse
aggregates, and 19% fine aggregate. For the second trial, 5% bitumen will be
added to the mixture along with these components. By using sieve 2.36 mm, it is
possible to determine the aggregates’ particle size distribution and confirm that
the materials selected are appropriate for the pavement mixture.

Table 3.10 Using Sieve 2.36 mm with 25% of Crushed Concrete Waste
% of Total Aggregates Sample Weight (g)
Coarse Aggregate 50 500
Fine Aggregate 19 190
Filler (Agg. dust) 1 10
Crushed Concrete 25 250
Wastes (from Sieve
2.36 mm)
% of Bitumen Weight of Bitumen
Bitumen 5 50

Table 3.11 it shows 50% coarse aggregate, 14% fine aggregate, 1% filler,
and the 30% crushed concrete waste. Along with these materials, 5% of bitumen
will be used in the mixture for the third trial. By using sieve 2.36 mm, the size
distribution of the aggregates can be controlled.

Table 3.11 Using Sieve 2.36 mm with 30% of Crushed Concrete Waste
% of Total Aggregates Sample Weight (g)
Coarse Aggregate 50 500
Fine Aggregate 14 140
Filler (Agg. dust) 1 10
Crushed Concrete 30 300
Wastes (from Sieve
2.36 mm)
% of Bitumen Weight of Bitumen
Bitumen 5 50

Table 3.12, it contains 1% filler, 19% crushed concrete waste, 50% coarse
aggregates, and 25% fine aggregate. For the first trial, 5% bitumen will be added
to the mixture along with these components. By using sieve 2.0 mm, it is possible
to determine the aggregates’ particle size distribution and confirm that the
materials selected are appropriate for the pavement mixture.
Table 3.12 Using Sieve 2.0 mm with 19% of Crushed Concrete Waste
% of Total Aggregates Sample Weight (g)
Coarse Aggregate 50 500
Fine Aggregate 25 250
Filler (Agg. dust) 1 10
Crushed Concrete 19 190
Wastes (from Sieve 2.0
% of Bitumen Weight of Bitumen
Bitumen 5 50

Table 3.13 it shows 50% coarse aggregate, 19% fine aggregate, 1% filler,
and the 25% crushed concrete waste. Along with these materials, 5% of bitumen
will be used in the mixture for the second trial. By using sieve 2.0 mm, the size
distribution of the aggregates can be controlled.

Table 3.13 Using Sieve 2.0 mm with 25% with Crushed Concrete Waste
% of Total Aggregates Sample Weight (g)
Coarse Aggregate 50 500
Fine Aggregate 19 190
Filler (Agg. dust) 1 10
Crushed Concrete 25 250
Wastes (from Sieve 2.0
% of Bitumen Weight of Bitumen
Bitumen 5 50

Table 3.14 consists of 50% coarse aggregates, 14% fine aggregates, 1%

filler, and 30% crashed concrete waste. Along with these materials, 5% of
bitumen will be used in the mixture for the third trial. The use of sieve 2.0 mm
allows for the determination of the particle size distribution within the aggregates,
ensuring that the chosen materials are suitable for the pavement mixture.

Table 3.14 Using Sieve 2.0 mm with 30% of Crushed Concrete Waste
% of Total Aggregates Sample Weight (g)

Coarse Aggregate 50 500

Fine Aggregate 14 140
Filler (Agg. dust) 1 10
Crushed Concrete 30 300
Wastes (from Sieve 2.0
% of Bitumen Weight of Bitumen
Bitumen 5 50

Table 3.15 provides data on stability, compressive strength, and flexural

strength of samples under different composition. The data is organized based on
different combinations of sieve sizes (4.75 mm, 2.36 mm, and 2.0 mm) and
amounts of crushed concrete waste (190g, 250g, and 300g). It aims to understand
how different combinations of sieve sizes and amounts of crushed concrete waste
impact the stability, specific gravity, air voids, flow, voids filled, and asphalt
content of the samples. The results of this study could have implications for the
selection and use of concrete waste in construction applications.

Table 3.15 Test Analysis

Stability Specific Air Flow, Voids Asphalt
Gravity Voids, inch Filled, Content,
(Gmb) % % %
Sieve 4.75
mm with
190g of
Sieve 4.75
mm with
250g of
Sieve 4.75
mm with
300g of
Sieve 2.36
mm with
190g of
Sieve 2.36
mm with
250g of
Sieve 2.36
mm with
300g of

Sieve 2.0
mm with
190g of
Sieve 2.0
mm with
250g of
Sieve 2.0
mm with
300g of

3.3 Experimental Procedure

The asphalt pavement undergoes the following experimental procedure:

a) Put the molded samples in a water bath for 30 to 40 minutes to raise their
temperature to the appropriate level, which is 60°C.
b) Remove the samples from the water bath and place them in the Marshall
testing machine such that the machine delivers a load on the sample’s
surface area rather than the cross-section.
c) Before loading the sample, zero out the proving ring and flow gauge.
d) The machine compresses the sample, and at a certain load, the specimen
fails to compress. Take note of the peak load value from the proving ring.
e) Keep track of the sample’s matching vertical deformation as measured by
the flow gauge as well as the passing time.
f) The specimens are then removed from the gauge of the Marshall Stability
Machine. It will be then tested for flexural and compressive strength using
the Universal Testing Machine.

3.3.1 Test Procedure of Marshall Stability Test

This covers the test needed to carry out this study, along with any
associated actions that may be needed to set up the initial preconditions and any
wrap up activities after execution.
1. Specimen are heated to 60 to 1°C for a minimum of two hours in a water
bath for 30 to 40 minutes.
2. The samples are taken out of the water bath and put in the lower part of the
breaking head. The specimen breaking head’s upper segment in
positioned, and the entire assembly is then set in place on the testing
3. The flow meter is positioned above one of the posts and set to zero.
4. Up until the maximum load reading is attained, load is applied at a rate of
50 mm per minute.
5. One observes the maximum load reading in newtons. The flow was also
noted on the flow meter at that moment.

3.3.2 Test Procedure of Universal Testing Machine

Using this testing machine, it is possible to pinpoint the location of a

material's fracture when tension or compression forces are applied. It determines
whether a product is appropriate for a certain application by measuring the
maximum force a material can support before failing.
1. To perform a compression or flexural test, the sample is firmly clamped
between the two jaws.
2. The jaws are pulled apart to apply the flexural or compressive test when
the sample has been properly positioned.
3. The sample is subjected to tension up until the fracture point.

3.4 Statistical Analysis



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It should be a glass image of the design description and include a thorough

breakdown of the anticipated design expenditures. A budget is shown as a
categorized list of anticipated design costs that represents the researchers stylish
conjecture at the quantum of plutocrat needed to cover the suggested task. The
experimenters’ anticipated budget is shown below for this study.

Table 16. Propose Budget

Material and Equipment Quantity Unit Price (approx.)
Bitumen 1 gallon 2,800.00

Fine Aggregates 0.0625 cu.m 53.125

Coarse aggregates 0.0625 cu.m 75.00

Concrete Waste To be collected To be collected

Marshall Stability Test 9 specimens will undergo 1,710.00

Water Bath Test 9 specimens will undergo 2,700.00

Test Sieve 3 sizes 660.00

Swell and stability 9 specimens will undergo 7,200.00

characteristics with test
laboratory compacted
density and absorption
Dry time 9 specimens will undergo 500.00
Curing compound 9 specimens will undergo 9,000.00
TOTAL AMOUNT PHP 24,623.125.00


A Gantt chart is a 2-dimensional depiction representing a sequence of

tasks and their relationships. A Gantt chart gives you a detailed look at every
aspect of your project, including the status of each job, its priorities, its
milestones, its time estimates, etc. Below is a presentation of the researchers'
progress during this study.

Table 17. Gantt Chart


Stages of Research 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week

Selection of topic and title

Data Collection from secondary


Write Research Proposal Chapter


Reading Journals and Articles

from internet and other sources
of Information

Review of Relared Literature


Collecting data for Research


Research Methodology

Revision of Chapter 1 to Chapter


Submission of the Research


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