DC17 Chp09

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Discovering Computers

Enhanced Edition ©2017

Tools, Apps, Devices, and the Impact of Technology

Chapter 9
Objectives Overview

Explain how an operating

Describe the start-up system provides a user
Explain the purpose of an process and shutdown interface, manages
operating system options on computers and programs, manages
mobile devices memory, and coordinates

Describe how an operating Identify file management

system enables users to and other tools included
configure devices, establish with an operating system,
an Internet connection, and along with ways to update
monitor performance operating system software

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See Page 410 or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, 2
for Detailed Objectives in whole or in part.
Objectives Overview

Explain how an
operating system Summarize the features
enables users to control of several desktop
a network or administer operating systems

Summarize the features

Briefly describe various
and uses of several
server operating
mobile operating
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See Page 410 or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, 3
for Detailed Objectives in whole or in part.
Operating Systems

• An operating system (OS) is a set of programs that

coordinate all the activities among computer or mobile
device hardware
Start and shut down
Provide a user
a computer or Manage programs Manage memory Coordinate tasks
mobile device

Provide file
Monitor Establish an Internet management and Updating operating
Configure devices
performance connection other device or system software
media-related tasks

Control a network Administer security

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in whole or in part.
Operating System Functions

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Figure 9-1 in whole or in part.
Operating System Functions

• Starting and restarting Computers and Mobile

– If a computer or mobile device is off, you press a power
button to turn it on
– If it is on, you may need to
restart (also called reboot)
the computer or mobile
device for a variety of reasons.
• Shutting down computers.
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Page 412 or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, 6
Figure 9-2 in whole or in part.
Operating System Functions

• A user interface
(UI) controls how
you enter data and
instructions and
how information is
displayed on the
• With a graphical
user interface
(GUI), you interact
with menus and
visual images
Pages 413– 414 © 2017 Cengage Learning®. May not be scanned, copied
or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website,
Figure 9-3
Operating System Functions

• In a command-line interface, a user types

commands represented by short keywords or
abbreviations or presses special keys on the
keyboard to enter data and instructions

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Pages 414 - 415 or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, 8
Figure 9-4 in whole or in part.
Operating System Functions

• Managing programs
– How an operating system handles programs directly
affects your productivity

Single tasking Foreground

Single user
and and
and multiuser
multitasking background

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Pages 415 - 416 or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, 9
in whole or in part.
Operating System Functions

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Figure 9-5 in whole or in part.
Operating System Functions
• Memory management optimizes the use of the
computer or device’s internal memory (RAM)
– Virtual memory is a portion of a storage medium (hard disk)
functioning as additional RAM

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Pages 416 - 417 or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, 11
Figure 9-8 in whole or in part.
Operating System Functions

• Coordinating tasks: the operating system determines

the order in which tasks are processed
– Sometimes, a device already may be busy processing one task
when it receives a request to perform a second task

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Pages 418 – 419 or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, 12
Figure 9-9 in whole or in part.
Operating System Functions

• Configuring devices driver:

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in whole or in part.
Operating System Functions
• A performance monitor is a program that assesses and
reports information about various computer resources
and devices (processor, drives, network, and memory

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Page 420 or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, 14
Figure 9-10 in whole or in part.
Operating System Functions

• Establishing an Internet Connection: Operating systems

typically provide a means to establish Internet connections

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Page 420 or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, 15
Figure 9-11 in whole or in part.
Operating System Functions
• Many programs, including operating systems, include
an automatic update feature that regularly provides
new features or corrections to the program

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Page 421 or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, 16
Figure 9-12 in whole or in part.
Operating System Functions

• Providing File, Disk, and System Management Tools:

– Operating systems often provide users with a variety of
tools related to managing a computer, its devices, or its

File Manager Search Image Viewer Uninstaller Disk Cleanup

Disk File PC Backup and

Screen Saver
Defragmenter Compression Maintenance Restore

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in whole or in part.
Operating System Functions

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in whole or in part.
Operating System Functions

• Controlling a Network – A network administrator

uses the server operating
– Some operating systems
system to:
are designed to work with
 Add and remove
a server on a network
users, computers, and
– These multiuser operating other devices
systems allow multiple  Configure the
users to share a printer, network, install
Internet access, files, and software and
programs administer network

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Page 423 19
or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website,
Operating System Functions

• Administering Security
– A user account enables a
use to sign in to, or
access resources on, a
network or computer
 A user name, or user ID,
identifies a specific user
 A password is a private
combination of
characters associated
with the user name

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or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website,
Figure 9-13
Types of Operating Systems

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Table 9-2 in whole or in part.
Desktop Operating Systems

• A desktop operating system is a complete

operating system that works on desktops, laptops,
and some tablets

Windows Mac OS UNIX

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Page 426 or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, 22
in whole or in part.
Desktop Operating Systems

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Pages 426 - 427 or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, 23
in whole or in part.
Desktop Operating Systems

• The Macintosh operating system has earned a

reputation for its ease of use
• Latest version is OS X

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Pages 427 - 428 or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, 24
in whole or in part.
Desktop Operating Systems

UNIX is a multitasking
operating system developed
in the early 1970s

Linux is a popular,
multitasking UNIX-based
operating system
© 2017 Cengage Learning®. May not be scanned, copied
Pages 429 – 430 or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, 25
Figures 9-14 – 9-15 in whole or in part.
Desktop Operating Systems

• Chrome OS is a Linux-based operating system

designed to work primarily with web apps

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Pages 430 - 431 or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, 26
Figure 9-16 in whole or in part.
Server Operating Systems

Windows OS X
Server Server

UNIX Linux
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Pages 432 - 433 or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, 27
in whole or in part.
Mobile Operating Systems

• The operating system on mobile devices and

many consumer electronics is called a mobile
operating system and resides on firmware

Android iOS

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Pages 433 - 434 or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, 28
in whole or in part.
Mobile Operating Systems

• Android is an open
source, Linux-based
mobile operating
system designed by
Google for smartphones
and tablets

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or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website,
Figure 9-17
Mobile Operating Systems

• iOS, developed by
Apple, is a proprietary
mobile operating
system specifically
made for Apple’s
mobile devices

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or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website,
Figure 9-18
Mobile Operating Systems

• Windows Phone,
developed by Microsoft,
is a proprietary mobile
operating system that
runs on some

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or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website,
Figure 9-19

Variety of desktop
operating systems,
Functions common to
server operating
most operating systems
systems, and mobile
operating systems

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Page 437 or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, 32
in whole or in part.
Discovering Computers
Enhanced Edition ©2017
Tools, Apps, Devices, and the Impact of Technology

Chapter 9
Chapter 9 Complete

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