DC17 Chp09
DC17 Chp09
DC17 Chp09
Chapter 9
Objectives Overview
Explain how an
operating system Summarize the features
enables users to control of several desktop
a network or administer operating systems
Provide file
Monitor Establish an Internet management and Updating operating
Configure devices
performance connection other device or system software
media-related tasks
• A user interface
(UI) controls how
you enter data and
instructions and
how information is
displayed on the
• With a graphical
user interface
(GUI), you interact
with menus and
visual images
Pages 413– 414 © 2017 Cengage Learning®. May not be scanned, copied
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Figure 9-3
Operating System Functions
• Managing programs
– How an operating system handles programs directly
affects your productivity
• Administering Security
– A user account enables a
use to sign in to, or
access resources on, a
network or computer
A user name, or user ID,
identifies a specific user
A password is a private
combination of
characters associated
with the user name
Pages 423 - 424 © 2017 Cengage Learning®. May not be scanned, copied
or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website,
Figure 9-13
Types of Operating Systems
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Page 426 or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, 22
in whole or in part.
Desktop Operating Systems
UNIX is a multitasking
operating system developed
in the early 1970s
Linux is a popular,
multitasking UNIX-based
operating system
© 2017 Cengage Learning®. May not be scanned, copied
Pages 429 – 430 or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, 25
Figures 9-14 – 9-15 in whole or in part.
Desktop Operating Systems
Windows OS X
Server Server
UNIX Linux
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Pages 432 - 433 or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, 27
in whole or in part.
Mobile Operating Systems
Android iOS
• Android is an open
source, Linux-based
mobile operating
system designed by
Google for smartphones
and tablets
• iOS, developed by
Apple, is a proprietary
mobile operating
system specifically
made for Apple’s
mobile devices
• Windows Phone,
developed by Microsoft,
is a proprietary mobile
operating system that
runs on some
Variety of desktop
operating systems,
Functions common to
server operating
most operating systems
systems, and mobile
operating systems
Chapter 9
Chapter 9 Complete