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AMCHAM Compendium US Companies Partners in Indias Inclusive Growth

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Companies: Partners in India’s Inclusive Growth

American companies have been operating in India since 1902. Following India’s
economic reforms, FDI from U.S. companies has exceeded 50 billion dollars. U.S.
companies have actively engaged in India’s inclusive growth story and have
created gainful engagement for more than 5 million people. Collectively, they
are at the forefront of innovation and ground-breaking research and
development across sectors, actively engaged with the MSME sector, committed
to social upliftment, rural outreach, skill development, education, women’s
empowerment, as well as, health and sanitation, across the country. This
compendium offers a glimpse of the initiatives taken by AMCHAM members to
contribute in India’s inclusive growth.
Table of Contents Jacobs Engineering India | 121
John Deere India Pvt. Ltd. | 124
Johnson & Johnson India | 127
Abbott Healthcare | 4 Johnson Controls India | 130
Acclaris Business Solutions | 7 Kemin Industries South Asia | 132
Amazon India | 10 KPMG in India | 135
American International School Chennai | 13 Lockheed Martin India | 138
American Megatrends India Private Limited | 16 Manhattan Associates India | 141
Amritt India Associates | 18 Modine India | 143
Amway India | 20 Monsanto India | 146
Avery Dennison India | 23 Mosaic India | 149
Bard India Healthcare | 26 Novus Animal Nutrition India | 151
Bausch & Lomb India | 28 Owens Corning India | 153
BD India | 31 P&G India | 156
Blackboard Technology India Pvt. Ltd. | 34 PepsiCo India | 159
Boeing India | 37 PNB Metlife India | 162
CA Technologies India | 39 Protiviti Member Firm - India | 165
Cadence Design Systems | 41 PwC India Foundation | 167
Cargill India | 43 Quaker Chemical India | 170
Caterpillar India | 46 Rockwell Collins India | 172
ChildFund India | 48 RRD India | 174
Cisco Systems (India) | 51 Saggezza Inc | 177
Citi India | 52 Sealed Air | 179
Coca Cola India Private Limited | 54 Solenis Chemicals India | 182
Cognizant | 57 Synopsys (India) | 185
Dell India | 60 The Kraft Heinz Company | 187
Deloitte | 63 Thomson Reuters India | 190
Dow India | 65 Tupperware India | 193
E.I. DuPont India | 67 Turner Project Management India | 195
Eli Research India | 70 UL India | 197
ELS International Education Pathways | 72 UTC, CSS India | 200
Emerson Electric Company (India) | 74 WABCO India | 203
First Solar Power India | 77 Walmart India | 206
Fluor Daniel India | 79 WaterHealth India | 209
Ford India | 82 Willis Towers Watson | 212
Franklin Templeton Investments India | 85
General Electric India | 88
General Motors India | 91
Genpact | 94
Goodyear India | 97
Griffith Foods Worldwide Inc | 99
HKS India Design Consulting | 102
Honeywell India | 105
IBM India | 108
Ingersoll Rand | 110
International Paper India | 113
Itelligence India Software Solutions | 116
J.P. Morgan, India | 119

Better Lives Through

Better Health
Abbott’s Community-led Total
Sanitation Project in Gujarat

Established in 1910, Abbott is
one of India's oldest and most
Our Corporate Citizenship
admired healthcare companies. Philosophy
We provide consumers with a
diverse range of diagnostics At Abbott, we believe that responsible, innovative and sustainable
solutions, medical devices, business plays an important role in building a healthy and thriving
nutritional products and society. Through our own actions and in partnership with others,
established pharmaceuticals that we're working to reach more people, in more places, than ever
before – helping people build better, healthier lives and stronger
span the continuum of care.
communities in India and around the world.
With over 14,000 employees in
India and extensive local
knowledge, we offer relevant The Issue of Poor Sanitation in
solutions that ensure the
healthcare needs of consumers,
patients, doctors, hospitals,
According to the 2011 census, nearly half of India’s people have no
blood banks and laboratories
toilet at home. Lack of access to toilets causes communicable
are being met throughout both diseases, preventable disease epidemics, malnutrition and
rural and urban areas. poor overall health. It also poses risks for the safety of women and
children, poorer attendance of girls in schools, and significant
challenges for senior citizens with mobility and health challenges,
among others. All of these issues have a tremendous negative
impact on individual and public health, and limit the potential of
people and communities.

As a commitment to help advance India’s "Swachh Bharat" drive to

improve sanitation and hygiene, Abbott has invested Rs 3 Crores
(U.S.$500,000) in a program that has introduced an inclusive model
for making communities "Open Defecation Free" – not just by
building toilets, but by changing minds and habits. Through a
comprehensive partnership, we're working to make sustainable,
long-term improvements in sanitation in two villages – with the
broader goals of helping people live their best lives through better
health, and sharing learnings that can help advance "Swachh Bharat"
efforts across the country.
Our Approach
The issue of poor sanitation is further complicated by the
fact that simply building toilets hasn't turned out to be an
effective solution. An all-India survey conducted by the
National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) in 2015 revealed
that only 46% of 9.5 million toilets built in rural India were
being used1.

Abbott’s approach, therefore, was rooted in infrastructure

development, and education and building awareness to
drive long-term change.. We aimed to not only increase
the sanitation coverage but also to motivate the
communities and local bodies to adopt sustainable
practices and facilities.

Our objective was to bring about a meaningful,

sustainable change through a robust series of capacity
building interventions that were delivered through
community based organizations to ensure effective and
efficient engagement.

Abbott chose the villages of Talodara and Dadheda

because of their close proximity with Abbott’s
manufacturing plant at Jhagadia. These villages were • Behavioral Change Program: We partnered with
mostly inhabited by communities with extremely poor Mahila Hosing Trust SEWA for continuous
sanitation. Nearly 70% of the households did not have community-based-engagement with door-to-door
toilets and over 85% of the community members were visits every week to drive the need for behavior
completely unaware of the linkages between health and change. Meaningful participation of women and
sanitation — spurring us to take up the challenge to children was ensured to promote gender equality
help them become "open defecation free" (ODF). and social inclusion by enabling them to become the
drivers of behavioral change in every household. We
Abbott’s Program Model also focused on fostering community leadership and
helped all households learn how to maintain their
toilets. Additionally, Abbott employees volunteered
We worked through the following steps: in two local schools in an effort to promote the need
• Needs Assessment: To identify the requirements of for better health and sanitation.
the community and individual households. • Community Feedback: Our initiative was built on a
• Demand Generation: We started by creating a robust feedback mechanism, wherein we sought
demand for sanitation facilities through active inputs from community members on construction,
engagement with households, schools and sanitation and other needs, and worked with
community leaders. This engagement included folk implementation agencies to ensure that their needs
plays, presentations, one-on-one counseling. We were met. Feedback from the community was critical
then built a few model toilets to demonstrate the in ensuring that the people were satisfied with the
advantages of the twin-soak pit model that we toilets and, hence, would continue to use the
adopted to work around the limited drainage and facilities.
water infrastructure that the villages had access to. • Robust Monitoring Mechanism using an IT Platform:
These activities initiated dialogue and debate Activities were tracked on an ongoing basis and data
amongst the residents and encouraged community collection from beneficiaries was driven through p3-
participation. a cloud based mobile application that enables real-
• Construction of Toilets: We built toilets with a twin time, geo-tagged data. The p3 mobile app was
soak-pit model to ensure that the toilets do not linked with Google maps to enable users to track the
become defunct after a few years. Two pits are used activities that were progressing in each of the
alternatively: while one pit is filling, the other pit locations, using the map as an interface.
remains out of service. The pits are switched every 3-
4 years. Storage tanks, wash basin and electrical
fittings have been included in the toilet design to
ensure a pleasant experience for the community.

Needs Demand Constructio Community Monitoring
Assessment Generation n of Toilets Feedback using and
IT Platform

The Impact led by community members, and it grew to 100% as

the engagement progressed, providing stability and
sustainability to the program
To address various health and safety issues that • Both villages achieved Zero Open Defecation in
community members were faced with, Abbott worked September 2016 and this status has remained
through an inclusive approach that not only ensured the unchanged since then
right model of toilets in these villages, but also • 100% households have been equipped to handle the
influenced mindsets and behaviors through 6 maintenance and upkeep of toilets
Community Based Organizations (CBOs). These CBOs • In terms of behaviour change, community members
helped drive acceptance, encourage participation and are demonstrating enhanced personal and
ensure sustainability. Here are some of the highlights of household hygiene awareness, and better
the impact on-ground: understanding of the importance of sanitation and its
effect on health
• 100% households in the two villages have access to
sanitation facilities
• 517 Toilets built on twin-soak-pit model designed for
low water consumption and independent functioning
have been working flawlessly over the past 12
• 3150 community members have been engaged
through 109 awareness and capacity building
• These capacity building programs were delivered
through 6 Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
that comprised 95 community members, mostly
• In the Initial phase, only 20% of CBO activities were

Go the Extra Mile

and Make the Difference


Acclaris provides the technology
and services health plans, benefit
consultants, private exchanges 1) Working in Rajarhat block of North 24 Parganas , Kolkata West
and financial institutions rely on Bengal with a NGO for providing early childhood care and
to deliver healthcare and education to socially and economically weaker students in the
reimbursement accounts. Acclaris age group of 3 to 6 years.
stands out from the competition
for its operational efficiency, Project aim:
configurable (SaaS) technology a) Working towards language, emotion and intelligence
and service delivery at scale. development.
b) They are prepared so that they can get admitted to
Acclaris enables clients to deliver
primary schools.
a range of innovative account
c) Most of them are first generation school goers and the
options and an exceptional teachers & volunteers visit the parents and convince
consumer experience under their them so that they send their children to school.
own brand. d) Twice a week the volunteers visit the students home to
enquire regarding the absentees.
e) Guardian meeting is also held every four months for the
awareness of benefits of education.

Objective of the project:

a) Provide basic education to the under privileged
b) They can be admitted to other schools for higher
c) Awareness of benefits of education to the socio
economically weaker section of the society.

2) Working in village & PO Paushi, P.S. Bhupatinagar, Dist Purba

Medinipur West Bengal along with a NGO for providing basic
and quality education to children with socially & economically
weaker background who are mostly fishermen and farmers.

Project aim:
a) Provide basic education to 200 plus under privileged
b) Provide food and shelter to about 90 orphans.
c) Provide vocational training

Objective of the project:

a) Children are provided the basic education so that they
can get admitted to other schools for further studies.
b) They can earn their living by doing some
kind of job after completing the vocational Health and Sanitation
training like Art, Computer and Tailoring.
1) Worked in two schools in the District of North 24
Parganas to develop and install functional sanitation
3) Working in Bidhan Nagar and surrounding areas of blocks with toilets, water closet, changing room with
Darjeeling district of West Bengal along with a incinerator and pure drinking water stations along with
registered residential school supporting basic sanitary hygiene education.
education and self-employment among visually
impaired children from socio-economically weaker Project aim:
section of the society.
a) Security , privacy and the dignity of girls in
Project aim schools
b) Improved sanitary hygiene infrastructure,
a) Provide basic education to around 50 education & habits of girl students who in
visually impaired children belonging to 4 to turn will inspire parents to have proper
18 years. toilets at home so that women do not
b) Self- employment to around 20 visually have to go to the fields
impaired children belonging to 12 to 18 c) Safe drinking water facilities
years. d) More than 1150 students will be benefited
from the project
Objective of the project:
Objective of the project:
a) The children are provided the basic
education so that they can get admitted to a) Increased girls’ attendance in school
other schools for further studies. b) Reduce girl drop outs from school due to
b) They can earn their living by doing some inadequate or absence of proper toilet
kind of job after completing the vocational facilities.
training like computer, candle and Incense c) Good hygiene practice to prevent diseases
stick making. for all students
2) Worked in South 24 Parganas, Kolkata area
along with a NGO towards providing free
cataract surgery towards restoration of vision
and self-dependence of cataract affected
destitute older persons.

Project aim:

a) Awareness and preventive care

campaigns to identify older persons
who are in need of a surgery to
restore/improve their vision
b) Screening for cataract surgery which
includes eye selection, BP
measurement, Syringing, Urine sugar,
Pre-operative drop etc.
c) Cataract surgery is done where the
cloudy lens are replaced with
intraocular lens
d) Provide post-operative care and
follow up care till the time the person
is comfortable and is able to perform
activities of daily living independently

Objective of the Project:

a) Restore dignity and improve quality

of life of the persons who have
benefited directly as well as indirectly
from the surgery

the Way India
Buys and Sells

Amazon began its marketplace in
India four years back and since
Engagement with Merchants,
then, expanded presence across Traders and Small Businesses
the country. The philosophy
behind the marketplace is simple Amazon has successfully on boarded 1.67 lakh sellers from the SME
– to Transform the way India Buys sector to sell online. The sellers are assisted by specialized account
& Sells. The impact of Amazon’s managers, who help them grow their business online. Amazon puts
business is intrinsically beneficial great emphasis on educating sellers on the know-hows of the
marketplace, so that they can derive benefits from the online
for the country as it touches a vast
marketplace. Amazon’s web training portal called ‘Seller University’
swathe of the nation – merchants,
has highly curated training content that has been put in place by
traders & retailers on one side expert industry trainers. Hundreds of training modules covering the
who are looking to modernize very basics of writing an accurate product description, cataloguing,
their operations, expand their understanding dynamic pricing as well as advanced concepts of an
presence and reach newer e-commerce marketplace are accessible to the sellers anytime, and
markets and consumers on the absolutely free of cost. In addition, Amazon runs a program called
other, who are looking to access a ATES (Amazon trained e-commerce specialists) under which 2500
large range of products, buy them people have been trained to provide on ground training to sellers.
conveniently and in a transparent Amazon Tatkal is another scaled initiative launched in 2016 to help
thousands of small & medium businesses in the country. A one-
manner. Apart from the two direct
stop-shop on the go, Amazon Tatkal enables SMBs to get online
stakeholders, Amazon has
and sell on Amazon.in, in less than 60 minutes. Tatkal is a studio-on-
positively impacted the lives of wheels that offers a suite of launch services including registration,
millions of Indians, such as imaging and cataloguing services, as well as basic seller training
transporters, logistics providers, mechanisms. TatkaI has enabled thousands of interested sellers to
kirana stores and so on, who are start selling on Amazon.in in real time and experience the benefits of
indirectly connected to the e- launching an online business.
commerce engine. Amazon’s
reach has increased to 97% of
pincodes, including the most
remote corner of the country. In a flagship partnership in December last year, Amazon’s
Launchpad program collaborated with the Startup India initiative.
After launching in major markets such as the US and the UK,
Amazon unveiled its Launchpad program in India in order to help
Indian startups sell not just in India but also in global markets. For a
nominal fee of INR 5,000 a month, startups can access Amazon’s
seller support services such as account management, marketing and
warehouse management among others. Amazon believes that India
has great minds who invent amazing products and we will support
their growth by helping customers discover their innovative
products. Today there are 100+

startups (chosen out of almost 500 applications Rural Outreach

received so far) selling products, such as eco-friendly
yogamats, ergonomic baby carriers made by handloom To ensure outreach in Tier II and III cities and address
co-operatives, electric wheelchairs and so on, online the challenges of lack of access to ecommerce and
through Amazon’s Launchpad program. Amazon plans weak logistics networks, Amazon launched Project
to continue to display value in this collaboration by Udaan. Project Udaan is playing a key role in our effort
consistently showcasing startups that have enrolled in to make Amazon.in accessible within a few minutes to
the program and provide them with the guidance and all our customers, and bring the joy of online shopping
expertise needed to scale their business model. to everyone. We believe that the initiative has the
potential to be transformational for all neighborhoods
Another great example of innovation is the localization and communities. Under Project Udaan, Amazon.in
of content on Amazon’s widely used e-reader, Kindle. appoints offline associates across retail points like kirana
Amazon has launched thousands of e-books in 5 Indian stores, medical stores and mobile shopping outlets and
languages, namely Hindi, Tamil, Gujarati, Marathi and provides them a PC-based website. The store owners
Malayalam. With this launch, Amazon has made more are trained to help customers find and buy products of
than 4200 e-books available in 5 different languages on their choice, while earning a commission in the process.
Kindle. With increase in readership, this is one way in Amazon.in then delivers the products to the customer’s
which Amazon is innovating to provide content that its doorsteps or to the CICs and they pay in cash while
readers are looking for, in a language that they can receiving the packages. Udaan integrates skill
culturally connect with. There are several titles that development and self-employment with assisted
readers are unable to find in libraries or book stores shopping and Amazon Pickup, thus enabling the
because they are dated, or there aren’t enough copies ‘digitally underserved’ to benefit from the emerging
available in the market for distribution. Amazon is digital commerce opportunity. Amazon started piloting
collaborating with state culture departments to ensure Udaan in June 2015 in Erode Tamil Nadu and today it
that such titles and many more are digitized, and a operates with 2429 stores across 267 cities, spanning a
great portfolio is built over a period of time that attracts total of 20 states and 858 pin codes. With constant
readers to access readily available content in their efforts such as these to increase outreach, today over
regional languages. 50% of our sellers are from Tier II and Tier III cities and
Amazon is helping these sellers in generating livelihood
and encouraging entrepreneurship.

Skill Development
Amazon entered into a strategic partnership with the Ministry of Textiles in Feb, 2016. As part of this partnership,
we are training and working with weavers in four clusters across the country to register them onto the
marketplace. Through one to many workshops in collaboration with the govt. under Amazon’s partnership with
Office of Development Commissioner (DC) Handloom and innovations like 3D imaging (to facilitate model shoots
in clusters eliminating the need to ship products to imaging studios), the team has successfully on boarded 195
aggregators across 4 states and has till date impacted the lives of more than 18000 weavers by enabling them to
sell online. Today, close to 5000 products are being sold under an exclusive ‘Craft in India’ label on Amazon.

Foreign Direct
Amazon has committed to invest $5.5 billion into
India to transform the way India buys and sells. Close
to 40% of the invested amount has gone into
building infrastructure and logistics in the country.
This has allowed Amazon to expand to the far
corners of the country and provide exemplary
service everywhere.

We Inspire


Founded in 1995, the American
International School Chennai
provides an excellent education The main business of the American International School Chennai
for children of American and revolves around education. Currently we educate 865 students
expatriates on assignment in coming from over 30 countries. The education children receive at
Chennai. Together we inspire a AISC consists of five realms: Service, Play/Choice, Athletics,
love of learning, empowering all Academics and Arts. While more traditional education models might
students with the courage, focus on academics exclusively, we look to educate the whole child.
confidence, creativity and In addition to the five realms, we have four drivers of change at
compassion to make their unique AISC. These drivers focus on collaboration, creation, personalization
and application. These drivers are not everything students do, but
contribution in a diverse and
they influence the decisions we make at the school around
dynamic world.
curriculum and expectations. AISC also makes a commitment to
having co-curricular programs, pastoral care and student voice and
choice. Again, these commitments emphasize supporting the child
and their interests over a one-size fits all approach. There are two
characteristics that are seen at AISC, parent engagement and digital
connectivity. All of these elements come together to support our
students to live our Mission.

Gainful Employment
For the 2016-2017 school year, AISC employs 405 people coming
from more than 10 countries as well as employing outsourced
services from across India.

AISC has three full-time school nurses each highly experienced and
possessing RN degrees. School nurses provide support to the
students, faculty, and staff in the promotion of health and wellness.
We also have two doctors, a physician and a pediatrician, from
Apollo Hospitals. In addition to personnel, AISC also has health
facilities. The Health Office is a spacious facility with five beds. It
contains diagnostic and treatment devices to handle basic
emergencies and common conditions. The Health Office also
supports in emergency preparedness. Procedures are reviewed for
emergency situations on a regular basis. All faculty members are
trained in emergency first aid, CPR and AED. In case of a medical
emergency, the following procedures take place: first life. We work on student’s academic and athletic skill
aid administration, parent and section principal development as well as learning habits, such as
notification. Should the child require care at an engagement, collaboration and preparation. Teachers
emergency facility and can be moved safely, the also learn and grow in our institution, whether through
student will be taken by medical staff in an ambulance teachers learning from each other, embedded
to one of the Apollo Hospitals. professional learning or by attending workshops and
conferences around the world. AISC also designs its
Sanitation own learning experiences for students and faculty, such
as the International Schools Writers Conference where 5
schools sent 50 grade 6-8 students to AISC to work with
With respect to sanitation we do the following on our three authors/storytellers, and the Leadership Academy
campus. We clean classroom tables, door handles, where faculty from AISC and other local international
landlines phone, toys, and wash basin taps with Dettol schools come together to learn key skills leaders need
liquid. We clean the classroom floors with Lysol. In in schools.
addition, the restrooms are being cleaned with green
chemicals, Crew Bathroom Cleaner and scale remover, J
Flex. Common areas are being cleaned with green Social Upliftment
chemicals, Alpha, an HP multi-surface cleaner, J Flex.
Finally, AHD hand Sanitizer is kept in all classrooms and As service plays a key role in our school, we work with
restrooms. several community partners such as VidyaSagar, Teach
For India, Seva Samajam Children's Home, St. Joseph's
In addition to being more eco-friendly with our cleaning Social Service Centre Society, BHUMI, HOPE
products, we have introduced solar panels to reduce Foundation, Vishranthi Home for Aged and Destitute
our carbon footprint. The plant capacity is 260 KW. We Women, The Tree Foundation, and the Blue Cross
installed 958 solar panels as of February 14, 2017. The Animal Shelter. Our students work with these
per day average production is 1550 units, but this may organizations to help with skill development such as
vary according to the sun radiation. Our average power Seva Samajam where AISC students teach the students
consumption per day is 8,600 units. Out of which we computer skills and English. In addition, AISC also raises
are coming 1,600 units (20%) through our solar panels. money to support those in needs, such as during the
Chennai Flood of 2015. Finally, AISC works with local
Skill Development partners to build an inclusive community. While many
of the students and faculty come from different parts of
the world, we all call Chennai home, and AISC students
As a learning institution, our students are growing and help to bring about positive change.
so are our faculty and staff. We embrace a growth
mindset, the idea that we can change our thinking and
our behavior and continue to improve throughout our

Women’s Empowerment
A key aspect of women’s empowerment is treating
boys and girls equally from the day they are born. At
school, boys and girls have equal access to
education, sports, arts and more. Decisions are not
made to benefit one gender over the other. In
addition to this, we provide an excellent education,
allowing all of our students access to financial
independence, which can be the greatest
empowerment. Recently in the 2016-2017 school
year, AISC also held a video and discussion series
that talked about issues that women face in the
workforce and strategies to navigate them. AISC also
celebrated women’s accomplishments and feminism
during International Women’s Day. Finally, the
Director of Advancement has spoken at different
multinational corporations in Chennai about
navigating the workforce and becoming a woman

American Megatrends
Outstanding Contribution to
India’s Inclusive Growth


Started in 1994, American
Megatrends India Private Limited
Health and Sanitation
(AMIPL) offers hi-tech engineering We understood that a human’s greatest asset and gift is health.
solutions and services to customers Health is majorly depended on sanitation. The term sanitation
worldwide. according to us means, sanitation around us and sanitation inside
us. If sanitation is not done in either way then we suffer in
We are specialty leaders in macrocosmic & microcosmic way.
Embedded Services, BIOS
Customization & Porting, Mobility We at AMI, apart from creating healthcare ecosystem on a business
Solutions, IP SAN/NAS Data storage perspective took this as a social responsibility. We are strongly
committed to the cause – “To promote and encourage an illness
solutions, Infrastructure Asset
free world.” We are continuing our journey with strong conviction
Management, Telematics Solutions,
that our quality healthcare systems would play a part in creating and
Knowledge Management System, maintaining an “illness free world.”
Healthcare IT solutions, Platform
Validation Services, Android Though started as a field trial, eventually we took it up as an initiative
Services. as social responsibility and ran various healthcare camps across the
state. We have done this as an initiative to promote thinking about
healthcare and sanitation among the masses. Our whole idea was
never forcing them to know the facts.

We showed them the data of the vital statics of their own body, we
tested them for:

• Blood pressure level

• Heart rate
• Oxygen level in body
• Body temperature
• Hemoglobin level
• Blood glucose level
• Cholesterol level

These tests are considered basic vital stats for any human.

And in turn we made the masses to infer a thought. A thought which

inspires and creates a destructive ripple in a positive sense. Though
we try to name it as CSR initiative that would benefit the society, we
are seeing it more than an obligation. IT IS ALL THE SMILE AND
Our CSR initiative motto strongly delivers the message, But now times have changed, we are using technology
“When you can prevent, why go for cure?” A healthcare as a tool to improve the quality of lives which cannot be
system that provides hope to mankind that they can valued at any instance. We are provoking a thought to
lead an illness free life. A healthcare system that is key in take care of everyone’s health.
promoting healthy and happy life.
Recognizing our impact and initiative, our company’s
Our Projects Director and CEO Mr.
selected as one among
Sridharan Mani, has been
the top 100 Most Impactful
Healthcare Leaders by World Health & Wellness
1. Free health check-up with inference to healthcare Congress 2016-2017.
and sanitation
2. AMI‘s Green Global: planting as many trees We envision to a create a healthy community which in
possible in the space allocated turn creates a healthy country. We had an inspiration to
3. Chennai Floods Drive through: An initiative taken inspire. We had an aspiration and felt a responsibility to
by our company by lending a hand to recover from be a part of this eternal care.
the floods that shook Chennai down to roots

We can relate all our projects to one cause health and

sanitation. In the middle ages, the average human life
expectancy did not reach into the teen years, not only
because of the extremely high perinatal mortality that
heavily skewed the data, but also because Europeans
(and much of the world during this time) lived in an
unhealthy milieu of filth, poor hygiene, and nearly non-
existent sanitation. Superstition and ignorance, along
with pestilential diseases and vermin infestation, were
rampant. Epidemic and endemic diseases such as the
bubonic plague, typhus, variola (smallpox), and the
White Death of tuberculosis (consumption) took a
heavy toll on the population, both young and old.

Uplifting India’s
with American Resources


Amritt is the leading American Amritt is an American consultancy headquartered in Malibu,
niche consultancy, which is California, USA and focused exclusively on improving bilateral trade
in products and ideas between India and the United States.
focused on expanding Indo-
American trade. Executives from
Most of Amritt’s American clients engagement with medium and
American companies trust Amritt’s small enterprises in India as they expand their business in India. Our
seasoned consultants as “The clients have recruited distributors and suppliers in Delhi, Mumbai,
India Expert.” Amrit has glowing Bangalore, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Jamnagar, Roorkee, Baddi,
testimonials from companies in Mysore, Vadodara. Several Amritt clients have also created their
sectors as diverse as consumer own SME businesses in India.
products, defence, medical
devices, energy, textiles, foods, Amritt clients have invested in India directly from the USA as well as
entertainment, furniture and through vehicles in third countries. Amritt has advised on a roasting
plant in Gujarat, cosmetics in Uttarakhand, software and engineering
investments in Hyderabad and many more.

In eastern Uttar Pradesh, in Gujarat, in Chennai and elsewhere,

Amritt clients have created and sustained thousands of good paying
jobs for adult women and men. Most of this employment is created
or sustained and the partner companies that support Amritt clients
in manufacturing and services industries.

Amritt’s work in supporting innovation from India and in developing

world class research and development centers has been noticed by
keynote plenary sessions at the World Meeting of the Industrial
Research Institute and in several Amritt-authored articles in the
Harvard Business Review; these articles highlight the specific
initiatives and products developed or improved using technical talent
from India.

Prominent among Amritt ‘s client facing staff are several women.

Purnima Hindia in Bangalore, Supriya Pande in Santa Monica, Smita
Goel in Malibu. Amritt supports and empowers women students as
interns to learn about global business by working on crucial projects
during summers and industry semesters.

For these reasons Amritt is near the top when you google the term
“India Business Consultant.”

Main website : amritt.com

Blog: TheIndiaExpert.com

Helping People
Live Better Lives

Amway India is a wholly owned Amway products are popular not just in India, but across the world.
subsidiary of Amway with Nutrilite is the world's No. 1 selling vitamins and dietary supplements
brand* while Artistry is among the world’s top five, largest selling,
headquarters located in Ada,
premium skincare brands.*
Michigan, USA. Amway is one of
the largest Direct Selling Amway’s manufacturing facility in India is located at Nilakottai in the
companies in the world with Dindigul district of Tamil Nadu. This is Amway’s third manufacturing
presence in over 100 countries & plant located outside of USA. The other plants are located in China
territories. and Vietnam.

Globally, Amway is over 57 years *Source Euromonitor International Limited. Vitamins and Dietary Supplements, World,
GBN, Retail Value RSP, % breakdown, 2015. *Source Euromonitor International
old, US $ 8.8 billion, manufacturer Limited. Beauty and Personal Care 2016, Premium Beauty and Personal Care and
and direct seller of high quality Premium Skin Care category and subcategory, global 2015 value RSP.
consumer goods. Amway’s
innovation and industry-leading CSR Practices, Success Stories
R&D has seen more than 1200
patents granted and another 500 and Case Studies
patents pending. Amway has
nearly 1000 scientists across 75 Amway supports a comprehensive CSR programme covering a
research and development and gamut of initiatives including water conservation and health support
quality assurance laboratories programme for the communities around the company’s
manufacturing plant located in the Dindigul district, near Madurai in
Tamil Nadu. Amway also supports underprivileged children in the
area of education, health and hygiene with a national project called
Amway India sells more than 130 Sunrise. As a key focus area, Amway has been working tirelessly
daily use products across towards the welfare of the visually impaired with a firm belief that
categories like Nutrition, Beauty, education and knowledge is the key to the future.
Personal Care and Home Care
through individuals who make Amway’s first key initiative under National Project for the visually
personal recommendations impaired was to distribute Braille books – a key tool for the visually
regarding the use of distinctive impaired – reaching out to 85,000 children across 12 states in India.
high quality products. Amway Amway Opportunity Foundation (AOF), a registered non-profit
organization and the CSR arm of Amway India, has taken various
products are widely recognized
social initiatives to support the cause of visually impaired. Some of
and appreciated for their quality
the significant initiatives include:
and value. These products are
backed by a money back 1. Computer Centers in 15 cities
guarantee for 100% satisfaction of 2. Setting up of Braille Libraries in 33 cities
use. 3. Digitizing educational material for visually impaired students
4. Mobile Application – Accessible Reader
5. AOF – IAB Centre for Excellence for the differently-abled youth
in Madurai

Computer Centers in 15 •

Siliguri, West Bengal, Turnstone Global
Kolkata, West Bengal, West Bengal
Cities •

Imphal, Manipur, Turnstone Global
Shillong, Meghalaya, Bethany Society
AOF has been providing computer training to the
visually impaired since 2008, and has set up 16 Digitizing Educational
computer centers across the country. A total of 1000
visually impaired individuals are getting benefited at the Material for Visually
AOF supported computer centers. There are 5 such
centers in the Eastern region: Impaired Students
• Kolkata, West Bengal, Turnstone Global AOF has supported the program digitizing class XIIth
• Narendrapur, West Bengal, Ramakrishna Mission educational material for National Institute of Open
Blind Boys’ Academy Schooling (NIOS), as well as select graduation and post-
• Patna, Bihar, Anterjyoti Netraheen Balika Vidyalaya graduation educational material for Delhi University,
• Shillong, Meghalaya, Bethany Society Mumbai University and Hyderabad/EFLU University,
• Guwahati, Assam, Guwahati Blind School which will help different abled especially visually
impaired students across the country.

Braille Libraries
Mobile Application –
AOF has set up braille libraries in 33 cities which are
benefitting more than 11,000 visually impaired
Accessible Reader
individuals. These libraries offer Braille versions of a
variety of books & journals ranging from academic AOF’s commitment to educate the visually impaired, led
books, fiction, self-help, general etc. There are 9 such AOF to develop an Android-based application
libraries operational in East region: ‘Accessible Reader’. This Application leverages
available text-to-speech engines and makes it
• Ranchi, Jharkhand, All India Confederation of the convenient for the visually impaired to read digital
Blind documents with complete navigation. The application
• Patna, Bihar, All India Confederation of the Blind is available at the Google store as a free download for
• Guwahati, Assam, Guwahati Blind School Android based mobile users.
• Bhubaneshwar, Orissa, Turnstone Global
• Agartala, Tripura, Turnstone Global

Project Sunrise
Under Project Sunrise, AOF supports less-privileged children in the area of education, health and
hygiene by working with more than 15 NGOs across the country. Some of the key projects in Eastern part of India
• A computer training centre for girl children in Bhubaneswar.
• Handloom weaving centre for underprivileged children in Aizawl.
• A recreation center, health center and tailoring unit for girl children in Bhubaneshwar.
• A tailoring unit for underprivileged girls in Kolkata.

Following NGO partners are based out of East

• Bhubaneshwar, Orissa, Palli Unnayan Seva Samiti
• Kolkata, West Bengal, Mukti Rehabilitation Center
• Guwahati, Assam, Guwahati Blind School
• Aizawl, Mizoram, Thutak Nunpuitu Team

Success Stories

Nilotpal Baishya was born blind in a small village

Sualkuchi in Assam. But he did not let his visual
handicap come in the way of his studies. As a
student of Guwahati Blind High School, he
studied with the help of Braille system up to class
five and later on pursued his higher education
through audio books as there was a dearth of
Braille books in Assam. Thereafter, he graduated
in History Honours from Cotton College. The
turning point of his life was a call from AOF in
2011 for an interview for the position of
Computer Instructor at Guwahati Blind School
Computer Centre. He secured the said position
after competing with normal sighted candidates.
At present he is working as an Assistant Teacher
at Beliram LPS, Government School for sighted
students. He is also the proud recipient of The
AOF Young Achievers Award.


Janaki Munda, a 14-year-old from Keonjhar,

Odisha, is enrolled at the self defence programme
at the AOF – Palli Unnayan Seva Samiti Recreation
Centre where she gets training in karate. She
recently won a silver in the under-14 age group at
the 7th All India Open Karate Championship held
at Bhubaneswar. Janaki is studying in class VI at
PUSS residential school. She aspires to become a
politician and a social worker so that she can
work for the betterment of girl child.

Avery Dennison
Aspires to Make a Difference


Avery Dennison Corporation is a As part of their community initiative, the Avery Dennison India
global leader in labeling and (ADI) team identified certain areas to work under the CSR Domain
under ‘SEWA’ initiative. The objective of this initiative is to engage
packaging materials and solutions.
more and more ADI team to serve and help the society.
Since entering India in 1997, Avery
Dennison has experienced strong Background
growth for the businesses: The local HR team with support from AD foundation has worked
on making make a significant contribution in the area of corporate
• Founded in 1935. A FORTUNE social responsibility.
500 ® Company with sales of
$6.0 billion in 2015 Our approach
• Global Operations in more • Contribute and share with the communities in locations Avery
than 50 countries: Dennison operates
• Provide opportunities to employees to partner in serving the

Women’s Health &

“Swabhiman Program” aims to improve women's health, keep girls
in school and change community attitudes in some of the poorest
parts of Delhi, in association with SMILE foundation.

Post funding approval by the AD Foundation, a total of 3379

beneficiaries have been reached through group meetings (Indirect
impact exceeds 8500 individuals, including family members). They
were made aware on the health issues like family • Providing Support for Chennai Floods: To help flood
planning, anaemia, immunization, vaccination victims in Chennai, Avery Dennison Employees
menstrual hygiene HIV/AIDS etc. Average family donated half day salary and collected INR 5,00,000.
members of the community are 4-5.These are mostly This was given to Smile Foundation and Action Aid
the migrant labours from the nearby villages. The men who are working in Chennai for Rehabilitation and
are into daily wage jobs of painter, hawker, driver, Resettlement post floods.
plumber, housekeeping shops and earn between • Regular tree plantation and Environment day
Rs.5000 to 6000 per month. The women mostly work in celebrations
houses as maid servants.

“Her Health” is creating awareness for women in Education & Skill Building
Customers site to support Project with BSR “Her
Health”. Educate women employed at customers Scholarships under Swabhiman Program: Avery
factory with the aimed at improving their health and Dennison also provides scholarships to girls who are
productivity through awareness. Her Health project is a very academically strong but cannot continue further
16 month program. It will follow a peer-to-peer training education. A group of volunteers are associated with
model, with the following modules: this project and regularly celebrate festival and events
with the families at these slums. Avery Dennison India
• Maternal health regularly celebrates Women's Day with the Smile
• Nutrition Foundation Swabhiman project team.
• Waterborne diseases
• Family planning Akanksha Foundation: Supporting Education for
• Menstruation underprivileged children – Avery Dennison India
• Prevention of sexually transmitted infections partnered with Akanksha Foundation in 2014 to support
• Personal hygiene the education of the Children studying in BOPODI
Foundation is a not-for-profit organization with a
mission to provide high-quality education to children
Sustainability & Disaster from low-income communities, enabling them to
Relief maximize their potential and transform their lives.
Akanksha provides supplemental education through its
centres and addresses formal education by running
• Providing Support for Jammu & Kashmir floods: To schools and initiating school reform through The School
help and support people in Jammu & Kashmir Avery Project. A total 256 students are studying in BOPODI
Dennison partnered with GOONJ (an NGO ) that has ENGLISH MEDIUM SCHOOL, Pune with 100% student
been working for the past 14 years on providing retention. Eye-checkup camp for underprivileged
rehabilitation and relief in the face of several natural children was also conducted by ADI Pune plant where
disasters. total 332 students benefited.
• We have also been collecting spare clothes through
drop box in every location and providing the
collected clothes to Goonj
Upscale Industry Talent in Partnership with LMAI:
The label and packaging industry currently faces a
talent shortage, with a clear lack of employable entry
level talent and knowledge/practical training
standards for the roles of print machine operator
and printing supervisor.

Avery Dennison worked with LMAI in driving a non-

profit initiative to provide the industry with
employable talent and a training framework which
meets industry requirements for print machine
operator and printing supervisor roles. The sole aim
was to upscale basic skilled talent for the Industry,
leverage our Knowledge Center at Bangalore to
create and deploy an extensive curriculum. This
curriculum, over duration of one month provides
best in class classroom and practical training on
modern equipment, to prepare the target group for
roles in industry. The talent base hired by industry as
machine operators / supervisors includes Graduates
(BSc), Diploma and ITI. They are expected to operate
sophisticated equipment and are usually trained on
job for a particular duration before being allowed to
independently operate the machines. These students
are then hired by our customers to help thereby
helping provide talent to the industry and livelihood
to students.

Invent Scholarship: The Avery Dennison Foundation

Spirit of Invention ‘InvEnt’ Scholarship Program is
designed to recognize and reward invention,
innovation and excellence in high-achieving first year
college students, studying in specific fields of
science, engineering and technology at select higher
education institutions in China and India. Each year
10 students are selected for this award in India.

Scholarship benefits include a scholarship award of

USD 1300. In addition, scholars are honoured by the
Avery Dennison teams at an award ceremony. The
program provides continued support for leadership
and innovation development through alumni

Bard - A World
of Caring


BARD India Healthcare Private Bard India sponsored free Cancer Check Up Camps in Mumbai &
Limited is a wholly owned Surrounding localities for underprivileged people by partnering with
Cancer Patients Aids Association (CPAA). CPAA works in the field of
subsidiary of C.R. BARD Inc. – US
“Total Management of Cancer” from awareness to rehabilitation.
By organizing various free cancer screening camps Bard has
For more than 100 years, C. R. contributed in creating awareness about cancer, its root causes, early
Bard, Inc. is actively engaged in detection, spreading information and knowledge about the disease.
developing innovative medical
devices that meet the needs of The screening program involves detailed check up by doctors:
healthcare professionals and • Head & Neck examination
patients. Our guiding principles at • Medical examination for men involves complete physical
BARD are Quality, Integrity, examination
• Gynecological examination for women
Service and Innovation.
• Routine blood test
• Complete health check up by Physician
BARD India strongly believes and
actively engages with The reports are assessed by Surgeons and advice on follow up
communities to fulfil social activities if required
responsibilities in areas of
Hygiene, Disaster Relief and There was a Cancer Screening Camp for women set up at Naigaon
Education. Dadar Centre in February 2017.

Learning &
@ Bausch & Lomb
Keep Learning… Keep Growing…


Indian Operations run across Ever since its launch in the year 1993, Bausch & Lomb (B+L) has
Vision Care, Surgical and consistently endeavoured to improve the quality of eye care services
in India by undertaking several projects that have helped in
Refractive business in
increasing awareness among the people.
Ophthalmology and Solta &
Obagi business in Dermatology. B+L understand and believe that technical knowledge is the key to
success in any field especially health care. Since then B+L has
Vision Care Business: dedicated teams of professionals who ensure that capability building
is the key within and outside the organization for patient awareness
India is one of the fastest and benefit.
emerging markets in APAC.
Currently B+L India is the market During the course of strengthening its footprint in the Indian market,
leaders in Contact Lens with 52% the company has initiated various educational programs in line with
its mission of improving the quality of products education in the
share & Lens Care market with
80% share. With sheer trainings
and development initiatives B+L is To transform B+L into a learning organization and encourage a
raising awareness about personal culture of continual learning among employees, all Learning &
image, fashion among youngsters, Development (L&D) initiatives fall under the umbrella called KEY
hygiene and comfort in the Indian (Keep Educating Yourself). B+L uses the ADDIE Model to understand
market. the need of training in the respective businesses.

Surgical & Refractive Business: ADDIE stands for:

• Analyse
B+L India offers a full suite of
• Short term business objectives - Building on existing skill
Cataract, Vitreoretinal & Refractive
base, focus on developing core functional capabilities in
products and equipment. B+L is Sales and technical team.
ranked as the 3rd largest • Mid Term Objective - Evaluate build vs buy options,
Multinational Company in the focus on development of key talent.
Surgical Ophthalmology space in • Long term Objective - Create a strong succession pipe,
India. continue focus of sustained L&D initiatives.
• Design & Develop
• Internal vs External
• Online / Classroom
• Content Development and Finalization
• Leverage E-learning and corporate programmes
• Implement
• Calendar Finalization
• Programme Delivery
• Evaluate
• Feedback and
• Evaluation Follow-Up modules
All our L&D initiatives are designed that takes the shape External Trainings: Working closely with Eye Care
of an Annual Training Calendar. The calendar is then Practitioners (ECP’s) to enhance their skills of fitting
customised as per the business requirement and the various types of contact lenses effectively in order to
same is rolled out to individual employees to get the deliver better eye care to end consumer.
visibility on the training programmes assigned to them
for the year. There are 3 broad classifications of ICLEP: One of its oldest programs of B+L is the ICLEP
trainings that are done internally: (Indian Contact Lens Education Program) started in
1993 in partnership with LVPEI. The programme is
a) Technical Trainings conducted by the subject experts including B+L PS
b) Soft Skill Trainings team. The program has trained over 5,000 contact lens
c) Compliance Trainings professionals so far, helping to raise the overall
standards of contact lens practice throughout India and
Technical Trainings SAARC. B+L have conducted 52 sessions of ICLEP since

Vision Care Business: The company supported LV Surgical & Refractive Business: B+L India offers a full
Prasad Eye Institute (LVPEI) to set up the Bausch & suite of Cataract, Vitreoretinal & Refractive products
Lomb School of Optometry in 1998. Today, the school and equipment. B+L is ranked as the 3rd largest
has an impressive alumni base and is one of Multinational Company in the Surgical Ophthalmology
the most reputed institutions in the domain. space in India.

By empowering the students with the necessary The objective is to educate all sales employees on the
knowledge and skills, the Bausch & Lomb School of fundamentals of Ophthalmology, Cataract Surgery,
Optometry is focusing on developing a credible talent Intralocular lenses (IOLs), implantation of IOLs,
pool of highly competent professionals for the industry. Viscoelastic, Biometry, Keratometry, in depth knowledge
B+L has a team of well-qualified Optometrists who of Premium IOL’s, IAVP products, Synergetic range of
work under Professional Service function in Vision Care Vitreoretinal products, Stellaris, Stellaris PC and Versavit
business. This dedicated internal team of Professional unit covering advanced repairs and troubleshooting of
Services (PS) works on following: all our IAVP products.

Internal Capability Building: Training internal employees Aesthetics Business: B+L India also has the most
so that they can speak to the customers more comprehensive offering across Aesthetics portfolio
effectively and educate them on the product usage and which provides innovative, safe and effective derma
benefits. solutions for patients. B+L acquired Aesthetics business
of Solta & Obagi worldwide in year 2013 and started
India operations in 2014. The objective is to train all employees on the technical and marketing aspects of our
products via demo / hands-on sessions and to educate all engineers on all Aesthetics products including Fraxel
restore, Thermage, Clear + Brilliant, Isolaz 2, Liposonix model 2, Vaserlipo and PowerX.

Soft Skills Training

To enhance the existing skillsets & focus on developing core functional and non-functional skills and optimize the
managerial effectiveness. B+L India have a repository for all functional and non-functional soft skills trainings
pertaining to modules of Selling Excellence, Advance Selling Excellence, Channel Strategy, Digital Marketing,
Coaching & Mentoring, Negotiation skills, Analytical
skills, Managing pressure at workplace, Women self-
defence, MS Excel and Leadership skills training.

All our internal trainers are certified from various

certification bodies to impart these trainings to our
internal employees, in enable seamless internal

Compliance Training
Being in the healthcare industry B+L is also in the
regulated space, business dealings involve
interacting with hospitals, healthcare professionals,
and government agencies etc. which have their own
compliances and norms and well laid out code of

B+L being a responsible player makes sure that

neither the employees nor the business partners
should engage in any unfair trade practise or seen
as buying the business. Appreciating this sensitivity,
B+L engages extensively with employees and
business partners with respect to compliance

Being a part of a US multinational group B+L is also

liable to comply with FCPA (Foreign Corrupt
Practices Act) Law. Similar to code of conduct, a
breach of FCPA could also have serious economic
implications and damage to brand equity.

Compliance Trainings are conducted to educate

employees in accordance with Standards of Global
Business Practices, Country laws, FCPA (Foreign
Corrupt Practices Act), Company policies and
procedures and industry guidelines.
• Corporate Governance Trainings
• Adverse Event Reporting Trainings

Lacunae in Indian
Healthcare Skill
An Opportunity to Seize

BD is a global medical technology The healthcare sector in India continues to move in rapid strides with
company that is advancing the medical tourism growing at a fast pace. Despite constant
contributions from public and private sectors to strengthen the
world of health by improving
medical ecosystem, gaps in the skilled resource continue to plague
medical discovery, diagnostics and
healthcare settings in India.
the delivery of care. BD leads in
patient and health care worker As per available government data, for every 10,000 patients, there
safety and the technologies that are only 7 doctors, 17 nurses/midwives, 1 dentist and 5
enable medical research and pharmaceutical personnel available. These numbers are far lower
clinical laboratories. The company than the WHO benchmark of 2.5 doctors and nurses per 1000
provides innovative solutions that people, which reflects the grim reality of Indian healthcare system.
help advance medical research Experts believe that this poses a bigger threat to current
and genomics, enhance the establishments, especially the hospital sector that involves life-saving
exercises.[1] Data published in the Indian Journal of Medical
diagnosis of infectious disease and
Research in April 2013 also states that seventy percent posts of
cancer, improve medication
specialist surgeons, physicians, pediatricians and gynecologists at
management, promote infection Community Health Centers across the country currently stand
prevention, equip surgical and vacant. There is a net shortage of 600,000 doctors in the country.[2]
interventional procedures and The highest attrition rates in the healthcare sector calls for a
support the management of collaborative action by public and private sector launching long-
diabetes. The company partners term schemes and policies to maintain the retention of critical
with organizations around the manpower resources.
world to address some of the
most challenging global health Around the world, we see how healthcare providers try to balance
demanding and often competing needs such as increasing access to
issues. BD has more than 40,000
healthcare; improving clinical outcomes and efficiency; lowering
associates across 50 countries
costs of operations and ownership; and optimizing patient and
who work in close collaboration healthcare worker safety. We believe BD has an essential role to play
with customers and partners to in driving these goals, together in partnership with our customers,
help enhance outcomes, lower governments and other key stakeholders. We see unique
health care delivery costs, increase opportunities to support India by working with multiple stakeholders
efficiencies, improve health care in the ecosystem to strengthen healthcare practices across settings.
safety and expand access to
health. The lack of healthcare infrastructure — that includes hospitals, clinics
and well-trained healthcare workers is unarguably one of the biggest
barriers to access in our country. Many of BD’s collaborations with
philanthropic, government and non-governmental organizations are
designed to help address this challenge and to improve the delivery
of healthcare services that includes increasing access to clinical and
laboratory products and services. Our approach goes beyond
traditional philanthropy. We combine our expertise and the
commitment of our associates with BD products and donations while
working with nonprofit partners to deliver essential Pathlabs is training healthcare workers to receive
healthcare services and build healthcare capacity. certified training on safe blood collection practices. We
understand that the healthcare workers face numerous
Collaborations for BD mean applying our knowledge, risks when carrying out their jobs, including accidental
expertise and resources to expand and improve needlesticks and exposure to bloodborne pathogens.
healthcare systems, build local capacity and improve BD pioneered the development of safety-engineered
patient care. We often in collaboration with universities medical devices and has been at the forefront of this
or hospitals sponsor healthcare training facilities by field for more than two decades. No other company
instituting Centers of Excellence (CoE) that help has invested more capital, human resources or
advance the skills and training of healthcare workers, technological know-how to reducing needlestick and
using the latest technologies. At BD, education and other sharps injuries. We incorporate safety features
training are key factors for maintaining the safety of into product design and train healthcare workers to use
healthcare workers. our products appropriately.

At a time when the Skill India Movement is looking at Another example of skill building for the life sciences
bringing about convergence and focuses on industry industry is our long-standing relationship with Jamia
linkages, our initiatives stand committed to enhance the Hamdard University, Delhi for flow cytometry workshops
clinical skills and address the shortage in human and training designed for young researchers and
resources. Our training and lab strengthening programs scientists. Together with the National Accreditation
are creating sustainable improvements in healthcare Board of Hospitals (NABH), we launched Safe-I to
practices. For more than 65 years, BD has served as the implement best practice in infection control in tier-two
pioneer and leader in the science of specimen facilities around India. Nearly 225 facilities in states of
collection. With the goal of helping strengthen Punjab, Kerala, Maharashtra have registered for the
healthcare systems, we provide training for laboratory program, and results have been significant decrease in
staff and clinicians who can then help educate other infections and an increase in patient confidence in the
healthcare workers at their facilities. Blood collection accredited facilities. In India, we have also formed a
ranks among the riskiest procedures for healthcare scientific advisory board of endocrinologists and
workers, with potential injuries from needles posing a diabetes experts who have compiled Forum for
life-threatening infection hazard. Our CoE at Dr Lal’s Injection Technique (FIT) India recommendations to
promote best practices in insulin injection technique.

To address underappreciated healthcare needs, collaboration is often more impactful than what one company or
nonprofit can achieve on its own. Our most successful collaborative projects bring together a variety of
organizations with diverse skill sets. They are based on consistent goals of strengthening health and laboratory
systems, supporting achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, increasing patient access to vitally
needed medical and diagnostic products, increasing the pool of qualified health workers, protecting clinicians and
patients from disease spread in the healthcare environment and reaching resource-limited and vulnerable patient
The tangible dichotomies of unavailability of skilled
force and lack of knowledge in available resources
are adding major setbacks in the current healthcare
scenario that is grappling with massive disease
burden and substantial infrastructure crunch.
Bridging the skill gap in manpower has to be the
priority, inability to do so can cripple the whole
healthcare sector in the long run.


1. NSDC data Human resource and skill

requirement in the healthcare sector (2013-
2. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3

Inspire the World to Learn


Blackboard is an educational
technology company that helps
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Today’s students want an education that meets their individual

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In today’s fast paced environment, where the employed population

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The associated hardware products required for the
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Learning Management & Student Information Systems. improve their knowledge and skills manifold thereby
It transforms institutional data from programs, faculty, making them more acceptable in the competitive real
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understood by all stakeholders. It helps institutions to
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Skill Development,
teachers the tools they need to better understand their Innovation, Research &
learners and cultivate the critical thinking skills required
to survive and thrive in the 21st century. Development
Blackboards’ vast exposure to the education systems in The product spectrum of Blackboard has been serving
the US helps to provide solutions that are in line with many countries across the globe for the past 2 decades.
the Washington Accord expectations and procedures In these years, the world has seen a tremendous
mandated by ABET. Imbibing these practices makes our change in all areas especially in education and
technology. Providentially we (a U.S. based Indian organization) being a bridge between both these areas with our
mammoth education system combined with our zest for embracing technology, we find ourselves to be an early
adapter to the changes. We consistently learn and update our skills to meet the market requirements. We keep
collecting inputs from our customers and find ways for improvement. We upgrade our products with cutting-edge
technologies in such a way that we serve our customers better and create an impact in the education society.

The education industry is seeing a paradigm shift; It throws challenges in front of people and changes the way
people learn; It exposes people to numerous possible ways for development. We bring various innovative
thoughts to enable people to traverse this paradigm shift.

We focus more on the Research and Development

which is the root of our organization; It drives us
towards Innovative ideas. It may range from
continuous improvement of existing practices
through to transformation of how we achieve goals
or rethinking what those goals are.

We understand our customers and their needs; We

get feedback from our customers and those
feedbacks cater to our Research and Development
that keep us building customer centric innovative
products and features.

We recruit fresh minds from colleges and train them

on latest technologies; It provides employment for
the youth that in turn offers social upliftment of their
respective families; It also boosts up the economy of
the country.

Our team in India serves the customers across the

globe; In order to achieve customer satisfaction, skill
development becomes a significant activity, which
lead us to learn new technologies. We create
supportive environment for our employees to work
on latest technologies. We organize internal and
external training programs for them to improve their
Technical skills, Interpersonal skills, Leadership Skills,
Communication skills, etc. Our team does
certifications like TOGAF, ISTQB, ORACLE, etc., that
make them more qualified professionals. We bring
experts from the industry to talk to our employees
that enables them to gain good exposure and
knowledge. We offer them opportunity to take part
in industry forums & conferences, QAI Testing
conferences that makes them to be at par with the
professionals across the industry. We also provide
opportunity for our employees to take innovative
challenges that enable them to prove their potential.

Skill Development in the
Aerospace Sector in India

Boeing has been active in India for The Indian aerospace and aviation industry, while nascent, is
75 years with its commercial evolving at a fast pace and is forecast to grow significantly.
Investments are expected to be made by Indian industry in
airplanes providing the mainstay
anticipation of the opportunities in the sector in the coming years
of India’s civil aviation sector.
and one critical area that needs attention is the availability of skilled
More recently, its military aircraft manpower.
and services business have played
an important role in the The shortage of trained frontline factory workers or certified Aircraft
modernization and mission- Maintenance Engineers (AME) poses a major challenge to fully
readiness of India’s defense realize India’s aerospace aspirations. India’s traditional vocational
forces. Boeing is focused on education and training institutions are facing challenges in skilling
delivering value to Indian aerospace workers in adequate numbers for the skills that the
customers with advanced industry demands.
technologies underscored by
Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the aerospace sector
lifecycle support services. In
in India, in particular, are severely constrained to provide world-class
addition, Boeing is rapidly manufacturing skills in-house. The shortage of skilled frontline factor
increasing its footprint in India workers and AMEs impacts the competitiveness of the overall
and supporting the growth of the industry due to escalating cost of re-work, low quality standards and
Ind ian aero sp ace s ecto r b y non-adherence to schedule.
developing world-class suppliers
fo r its g lobal supply chain,
increasing sourcing from India,
Boeing’s Skilling Advantage
scaling up Boeing’s engineering
With the realization that the competitiveness of Indian aerospace
center in Bengaluru, and industry is directly related to the availability of skilled frontline factory
advancing innovation in research workers, Boeing has partnered with key companies and institutions
& technology partnerships with such as Dynamatic Technologies, Tata Advanced Materials, TAL
India’s top engineering and Manufacturing Solutions, and Rossell Techsys to offer training and
scientific institutes. technical assistance programs.

Fo r m o r e in fo rm a t ion , v is i t Training programs by Boeing have been customized based on the

w w w . b o e i n g . c o . i n manufacturing work being done by the suppliers and the skill gaps
observed. Training programs have covered structural assembly
(drawing interpretation, process & planning requirements, drilling,
riveting, assembly fit-up, fastener installation, sealant application,
electrical bonding); composites (layup, laser projection, composite
drilling and trimming); wire harness assembly; defect root cause
identification, corrective action & prevention; and proposal
preparation. In addition, Boeing has provided on-site technical
assistance in program management, engineering, supplier
management, manufacturing planning, tooling engineering,
composites engineering & fabrication, quality assurance & control,
and various process qualifications. (MSDE), Ministry of Defence (MoD), AASSC and NSDC
to launch large scale programs that will involve the
In 2014, Boeing executed a program to enhance skilling of thousands of students.
manufacturing skills in aerospace wire harnesses for the
world’s most advanced aircraft. Under this project, 30 India is expected to become the third largest aviation
students received classroom and hands-on training market in the next 20 years. Boeing projects that India
over a 12-month period to achieve certifications from to add over 1,850 new aircraft to meet the expected
the Aerospace & Aviation Sector Skills Council (AASSC). 8.6% per year air traffic growth. The airline fleet is going
The skills delivery partner for this project was the Nettur to multiply. Progressive changes in the regulatory and
Technical Training Foundation (NTTF). Rossell Techsys, a tax regime of Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO)
Micro/Small/Medium Enterprise (MSME), provided its are going to increase the number and scope of MRO
facility to the students and NTTF for the practical work undertaken in India. A substantial increase in the
hands-on training (see Figures 1 and 2). The students number of skilled aircraft maintenance engineers is
were eventually absorbed by Rossell Techsys. The critical to achieving this growth.
second batch of this project, started in 2015 was
extended to Tata Advanced Materials (TAML) where 36 Boeing’s training programs in India have had a strong
students from across India underwent training on influence in making India an attractive sourcing
composites manufacturing. The third batch, launched destination for Boeing to drive its affordability and
in 2016 was with another MSME Jaivel, and focuses on productivity objectives. These training programs are
Aerospace Tooling. also in small ways building the blocks of the country’s
aerospace manufacturing ecosystem, propelling it to be
A Scalable Model Skilling a world-class player. The combination of these
advantages to both Boeing and India make these
in India skilling initiatives a true win-win for all stakeholders.

The strong growth in aerospace and aviation is secular

So far, Boeing has skilled hundreds of Indian engineers and imminent. One of the key risks in fully realizing this
across technical and functional areas and program growth is not having a strong and skilled workforce. The
management. The plan is to continue to expand these nature of this growth implies that the skilling has to be
programs as Boeing grows in India as we move towards on a large scale. Boeing is committed to play its role as
a step-change that is required to dramatically impact a leading industry player in shaping and accelerating
the competitiveness of the Indian aerospace industry. skills development, and can being its vast knowledge
Towards that objective, Boeing is working with the and expertise to India. This will go a long way in
Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship benefitting both India and Boeing.

CA Technologies
CSR Overview

CA Technologies helps customers At CA Technologies, giving is part of the company culture and one
succeed in a future where every of the most rewarding and fulfilling aspect of an employee’s life. CA
Technologies supports organizations, programs and initiatives that
business—from apparel to
enrich the lives and well-being of people in the community they live
energy—is being rewritten by
in, with primary focus on STEM (science, technology, engineering
software. From planning to and math) education. This is done by supporting a wide range of
development to management to local non-profit organizations combined in conjunction with
security, at CA we create software employee volunteering efforts.
that fuels transformation for
companies in the application In India, CA Technologies partners with various Non-Governmental
economy. Organizations (NGOs) to help improve the quality of education in
the economically backward sections of the society. In partnership
with HOPE Foundation, CA Technologies has adopted HOPE School
since 2004. As part of this, primary education (up to grade 4) is
provided including breakfast and meals, bags, books, school
uniforms, tuitions and other basic amenities besides meeting the
complete operating costs. Parents of students are counselled from
time to time to ensure parents understand the importance of
education and reduce drop-out rates. CA Technologies employees
volunteer for various activities such as helping organize
Independence and Republic Day, children’s day, school annual day,
graduation day, excursion and teaching over weekends. Certain
teams even convert their team outing into CSR activity with the kids.

CA Technologies also runs a program “4X4” in partnership with the

NGO, India Literacy Project (ILP) wherein four schools have been
adopted within four kilometers’ radius of Hyderabad campus
impacting 800 plus students. In the past one year, the school
infrastructure has been redone with respect to classrooms, toilets,
clean drinking water, compound wall, educational mural paintings
etc. The highlight of this turnaround has been digital classrooms in
all four schools.

It’s not just infrastructure activities but in keeping with the motto of
improving the “quality of education” quarterly teachers training is
conducted at the CA Technologies, Hyderabad campus both by
employees as well as external trainers to train teachers in engaging
teaching methodologies to improve learning retention in students.
CA Technologies employees have volunteered enthusiastically in
helping turnaround the schools both in terms of giving time as well
as voluntarily raising funds to conduct sports and annual day.
CA Technologies also partners with the NGO, Youth for
Seva (YFS), in sponsoring their flagship event “Chiguru”
meaning budding in Telugu. This annual inter-school
sporting, cultural and literary fest showcases talents of
under privileged kids in and around Hyderabad and
nearby rural areas. Also, CA Technologies is the proud
sponsor of 26 tuition centers impacting 250 students.

With another large NGO partner in the field of

education, CA Technologies has sponsored Science
Labs in three districts of Maharashtra impacting 2500
plus students and Second Chance program in the Old
City of Hyderabad helping 108 young women continue
with their education.

There have been lot of proud moments along the

journey – reduction of drop-out rate by girl students,
community involvement, marriage postponement of a
girl student, government action in terms of releasing
funds, increase in enrollment etc.

CA Technologies also organizes CA Together in Action,

a worldwide volunteer initiative, providing employees
with the opportunity to take time off during the work
day to participate in a variety of volunteer activities.
Employees can also contribute to the non-profit of their
choice with a one-to-one company match of up to
$10,000 each fiscal year and are given five business days
to volunteer with any NGO of their choice.

While the journey has been positive, impactful and

gratifying, there is a lot more to be done and the
employee volunteers are keen to continue making a

Cadence Makes a
Child Smile


Cadence Design Systems (I) Pvt
Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary
Skill Development
of San Jose, California- A focus of Cadence’s involvement in the community has been on
headquartered Cadence Design children, and in enabling them to earn a livelihood on their own. A
Systems, Inc. Cadence enables few of the programs where Cadence has contributed are:
electronic systems and
semiconductor companies to • Partnered with ICARE Hospital NOIDA to establish an 18-month
create the innovative end Vision Technician Training course for underprivileged boys and
products that are transforming the girls focused on nursing assistant training in the field of
way people live, work and play. ophthalmology. 30 students enrolled to this program in 2016 can
expect to get jobs as ophthalmic nursing assistants in polyclinics
Cadence’s software, hardware and
and hospitals this current year.
semiconductor IP are used by
customers to deliver products to • As an extension to the support to Delhi Council for Child Welfare
market faster—from (DCCW) for surgery and rehabilitation of physically challenged
semiconductors to printed circuit children in 2011, Cadence sponsored vocational training for the
boards to whole systems. The children so that they could not only overcome their disability but
company’s System Design also earn a livelihood.
Enablement strategy helps
customers develop differentiated • Cadence has funded the Computer on Wheels program of Tara
products in mobile, consumer, Mobile Creche, which aims at teaching basic computer education
to migrant children between 6 and 14 years. The program aims to
cloud datacenter, automotive,
reach out to 2,500 migrant children, and travels to different
aerospace, IoT, industrial and
centers according to a monthly schedule.
other market segments. Cadence
is listed as one of FORTUNE
Magazine's 100 Best Companies Education
to Work For. Learn more at
cadence.com. Cadence has been In 2016, Cadence decided to extend its support to beyond vocational
in India since 1987 and has offices training, and initiated the Cadence Scholarship program with an
objective to help under-privileged children take professional courses
located in Noida, Bangalore, Pune
for a better career matching their aspiration. Presently 22 students,
and Ahmedabad.
who have been identified by Cadence India employees for the
scholarships are pursuing different streams of study based on their
interest, and will be mentored by Cadence employees to help them
face unforeseen challenges in the journey. This program will further
expand in the current year to cover more students and locations.

Through employee contributions and company donation, Cadence

has sponsored the land and part of the building for Vidya & Child’s
Barola center in Noida for an after school facility and continues to
guide these children by providing mentorship programs.

Women’s Empowerment During the Kosi floods in 2008, Cadence employees

were helped in their cause by the company in donating
Cadence has believed in building women relief material through partners like that included
empowerment by providing opportunities to the girls to material to maintain health and sanitation for the
have equal or better opportunities. All Cadence people affected by the natural disasters.
sponsored vocational programs have had a high
percentage of girl students.

Health and Sanitation

Health and nutrition are key areas of struggle for the
dis-advantaged section, especially the children.
Cadence has part-sponsored the nutrition program at
BalChetna, a respite home and day-care facility for
mentally challenged children that is run by DCCW.
Through this program, the children are provided
nutritious, freshly cooked midday meals, morning and
afternoon snacks, and clean drinking water. Children
suffering from malnutrition are provided dietary

Catalyzing Youth
Agri-Entrepreneurship in
Davangere, Karnataka

In India, Cargill’s operations Jagdeesh‘s family in Davangere, Karnataka cultivates rice, coconut
started in 1987. We have and other crops on 9+ acres of farm area. Jagdeesh, a 30-year-old
farmer who studied commerce, has strong business acumen and he
businesses in refined oils, food
used the knowledge to improve his farm and opened an input shop
ingredients, grain and oilseeds, ,
in his village, an important resource for other local farmers.
cotton, animal nutrition and trade
structured finance. Cargill Foods Stories like Jagdeesh’s, however, are not common today as more
India, markets leading consumer and more rural youth are migrating to cities and towns for
brands of edible oils such as livelihoods and do not see a future for themselves in agriculture. This
Nature Fresh, Gemini, Sweekar, exodus leaves a vacuum of agricultural knowledge, skills and
Leonardo Olive Oil, Rath and business people to support existing or new farming enterprises,
Sunflower brand of hydrogenated further deteriorating the appeal of an agricultural livelihood.
fats. We also market wheat flour
Keeping this at the centre, Cargill and TechnoServe developed the
under the Nature Fresh brand
Cargill Agri-Fellows (CAF) program to support a younger generation
name. The Animal Nutrition
of agriculture entrepreneurs in Davangere. The Agri-Fellows
business of Cargill provides animal Program is a part of the ‘Saathi’ project, a collaboration between
feed and premix and nutrition for Cargill India and TechnoServe advancing economic development of
aqua, dairy and poultry. We 5,000 farming households. The CAF program aims to create
market animal feed and premix agriculture-based livelihoods for youth from farming households,
under the brands such as Provimi, strengthening the agriculture ecosystem by providing agricultural
Purina, Citura and Cargill. The extension support and assisting young entrepreneurs in ventures
Grains and Oilseed crush business that provide solutions for local farmers.
originates grains & oilseeds at 240
When Jagdeesh joined the six-month program in April 2016, he and
storage locations. Cargill employs
the other fellows began a month and a half of practical training at
more than 3000 employees
the University of Agricultural Sciences in Dharwad, Karnataka. The
working across offices and plants university setting fosters an innovative environment where program
and a network of warehouses and participants can focus on how and where they can build careers in
depots. agriculture. There, Jagdeesh learnt about and discussed the region’s
agriculture and agribusiness needs, and began to formulate his
business plan. With his coursework complete, Jagdeesh began the
field component of the program, working alongside the
TechnoServe project team and sharpening the skills that he would
need to make his business a success. He had developed an interest
in horticulture during the practical training, and, together with the
Saathi project team, formulated a plan to intercrop marigold
plantations within 3 acres of his coconut orchard.

An important aspect of the CAF program is the diversity of

participants' career trajectories. Some fellows, like Jagdeesh, have
decided to start their own ventures, while others looked for
employment as extension service providers. The program will
graduate 30 fellows in two batches – including 20 Jagdeesh can confidently invest in his business, knowing
percent women – who will then develop sustainable that in addition to Saathi team’s follow-up support, he
business plans. The program also focuses on ensuring also has a community of fellow agricultural
that the future extension officers and service providers professionals to provide the inputs, services or advice
among them are equipped to provide these that he may need. Jagdeesh’s marigold harvest
entrepreneurs with the services and infrastructure that represents a golden opportunity for Davangere as this
they will need. first wave of Agri-Fellows help establish an agriculture
ecosystem and act as catalysts and role models that will
Among the first batch of graduates, there are dairy allow their families and their region to thrive.
farmers, mushroom producers, drip irrigation engineers
and vermicomposting providers, among other Cargill and TechnoServe have partnered to implement
professionals. This diversity helps build the business “Saathi”, a ~ Rs.10 crore, local economic development
support infrastructure, and facilitate further agricultural project with the farming community near Cargill’s corn
development within the community. milling plant in Davangere. The project is focused on 23
villages in the proximity of the Cargill plant and is
Armed with a business model for cultivating marigolds, committed to impact 5,000 smallholder farming
Jagdeesh approached Synthite, a company that now households over a period of four years (2015-2019).
provides him seedlings at nominal cost and assures
buyback of flowers at a fixed rate. Jagdeesh also The key pillars of the intervention are:
planned his planting cycle around traditional festivals in
October, when he knew that demand for flowers would • Agriculture development & diversification
be high. After his first harvest, Jagdeesh sold 4 tons of intervention implemented with 5,000 farming
flowers in the retail market and supplied Synthite with households
20 additional tons of marigolds, earning an additional • Livelihood opportunities developed for the youth of
~Rs.189,000 by December 2016. (Previously, the family's the farming households through Cargill Agri Fellow
income from all farming activities was around Program
Rs.315,000). With such a promising start after only three • Economic empowerment opportunities created for
months, Jagdeesh now plans to integrate his the women of the farming households
intercropping method into 4 more acres of his land, • Community engagement through targeted
rotating a total of eight crops. interventions in public places including local schools
and Anganwadis (daycare centers)

We at Cargill take pride in the fact that Corporate

Responsibility is part of everything we do! Our
purpose of being in business is to nourish the world
in a safe, responsible and sustainable manner;
therefore it becomes naturally incumbent on us to
address the complex issue of food security and
nutrition. In India, we developed a multi-pronged
program ‘Nourishing India’ and deployed more than
Rs. 90+ crore and impacting over 32 million people.
We promote food security in many ways by working
directly with farmers to help increase their
productivity; supporting government investments in
rural communities and local agriculture; advocating
for open trade; partnering with global organizations,
such as CARE, TechnoServe, and the Global Alliance
for Improved Nutrition (GAIN).

Corporate Social
at Caterpillar

For 91 years, Caterpillar Inc. has At Caterpillar, we are dedicated to transforming lives in the
been making sustainable progress communities where we live and work. Together with our partners, we
champion programs that support education, environment and basic
possible and driving positive
human needs – which help people help themselves out of poverty.
change on every continent. With
2016 sales and revenues of • Education: We support programs that achieve a
$38.537 Billion, Caterpillar is the measurable knowledge increase, improvement in
world’s leading manufacturer of academic progress, or employment outcomes for
construction and mining individuals. Access to quality education helps break the
equipment, diesel and natural gas cycle of generational poverty, contributes to business
engines, industrial gas turbines growth and builds strong economies. We invest in
and diesel-electric locomotives. holistic programs that focus on numeracy and literacy,
improving academic outcomes, financial literacy and
workforce readiness. We also focus on various skill
The company principally operates
development initiatives which are in alignment with
through its three product
Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s initiative of Skill
segments – Construction India.
Industries, Resource Industries and
Energy & Transportation, and also • Environment: Restoring the environment while building
provides financing and related the local economy is critical to long-term sustainable
services through its Financial development. We support environmental programs that
Products segment. focus on restoring natural infrastructure while improving
quality of life.
With more than 100,000
• Basic needs: When people’s basic human needs are met,
employees worldwide, and over 3
they are able to more effectively pursue economic and
million products at work around
education opportunities. We contribute to basic human
the world; Caterpillar’s global needs through food, water, shelter and energy. The
reach and presence is unmatched focus is further enhanced in the event of any unfortunate
in the industry. We serve in more instance of disaster etc.
than 180 countries around the
globe with more than 300
products. More than half of our
Award and Recognition
sales are out-side of the United
Caterpillar India was awarded with the
States. Our manufacturing,
Golden Peacock Award 2016 for Sustainability.
marketing, logistics, service, R&D
and related facilities along with
our dealer locations total more
than 500 locations worldwide,
ensuring that we remain
geographically close to our global
customer base.

Skill Development Education

Caterpillar India in alignment with Hon’ble Prime Education is one of the pillars of focus of the Caterpillar
Minister Narendra Modi’s initiative of Skill India has India Corporate Social Responsibility mandate.
implemented a unique skill development program in Caterpillar achieves this vision by partnering with
the state of Rajasthan. Under the project Caterpillar various organisations and causes such as:
India in partnership with the Department of technical
Education (DTE) and the Rajasthan Skill and Livelihoods • Igniting Passion for STEM (Science, Technology,
Development Corporation (RSLDC) has ensured Engineering, and Math): Caterpillar works with the
successful up gradation of an existing government FIRST LEGO League to ignite young people’s passion
Industrial Training Institute (ITI) at District Jhalawar into through annual robotics competitions and help
a world class ITI and skill training centre for the create science and technology leaders of tomorrow.
development of skills, innovation and enterprise. A
“Centre of Excellence” in ITI, Jhalawar is being • Bridging Gaps in Education: Caterpillar has
developed in the campus for training and skilling partnered with Samridhdhi Trust to run Bridge
activities related with operation and maintenance of education programs combining literacy, knowledge
‘Earth Moving Equipment’ used in construction and and skills for out-of-school-children (OOSC) to make
mining sector. education “effective” for underprivileged children of
Bangalore. The program also admits OOSC to
The courses currently being implemented under the mainstream schools after one year bridging and
program are for operator training on earthmoving continue supporting them with after school tuition
equipment for construction sectors. Students who have program.
completed the training have successfully found
employment as operators in various organizations. • Enhancing School Recognition: In Chennai,
Students also regularly participate in a career fairs to Caterpillar has been working with the Chellammal
increase their exposure towards the heavy machinery school for up gradation of school infrastructure in
industry. order to obtain school recognition for the state level
school that enrols students from grades 1- 10.

ChildFund India’s
Skill Development and Women’s
Empowerment Activities

ChildFund India is part of ChildFund India’s interventions are aligned with age-specific and
ChildFund International, USA, a contextual needs, utilizing a unique Life Stage approach based on
children’s experiences of deprivation, exclusion, and vulnerability:
global child development and
protection agency. ChildFund
• Life Stage 1: Maternal Health and Early Child Development (ages
India has been working in India 0-5)
since 1951 with child centred • Life Stage 2: Childhood and Adolescence (ages 6-14)
program expertise. Our • Life Stage 3: Youth/Young Adults (age 15-24)
interventions span from maternal-
child health, early childhood Our program life cycle is completed only when a healthy, educated
development, education, as well child becomes a self-reliant, financially secure young adult who
as youth & woman empowerment contributes actively to family, community and society. Hence,
and livelihoods, with a cross- ChildFund’s program strategies are designed in order to support
youth as well as women, as they are the backbone of the family, to
cutting focus on child protection,
achieve improved economic, physical and social well-being and
gender equality, and emergency
become change agents in their families and community. Civic
response/disaster risk manage- engagement and leadership training is one of the core components
ment. of ChildFund’s livelihood programs to empower youth and women
to contribute positively in their communities.
ChildFund India works in over 60
districts across 14 States and 2 A productive youth workforce is a powerful channel for upward
Union Territories. Through long- socioeconomic mobility. Recognizing the same, ChildFund has been
term partnerships with grassroots supporting underprivileged youth across its operational areas by
NGOs and direct implementation, providing employability and entrepreneurship training through its
sustainable livelihood centres called “DAKSH”. DAKSH is a distinct
ChildFund India annually reaches
youth employment model that strives to make youth work ready by
nearly two million children, youth,
combining market-based skills training, entrepreneurship
and their families in over 6,000 development, financial literacy, and life skills training which involves
communities/villages. personal competencies, problem-solving and managing conflicts,
effective habits, for long term success in the workplace. The skill
development trainings are provided based on the market and
interest of the participants. The courses include technical as well as
non-technical such as ITES, Beauty culture, Hospitality, Computer
Skills, Garment Making, Retail Business, Automobile Repairing,
Welding, Nursing, etc., giving them ample opportunities to have a
sustainable livelihood.

As part of this initiative, we work with over 21,000 youth in around

1,000 Youth Collectives as well as over 600 Self Help Groups for
aspiring female entrepreneurs, from across India. More than 2700
youth have been successfully trained under its programs with a
placement and entrepreneurship rate of 60% and 10%, respectively.
ChildFund places special focus on enhanced skills and practiced with poor productivity & minimal returns.
training on agriculture and allied services to help Livelihoods in these areas are dependent only on rain-
women and youth. Some of the key interventions that fed agriculture; lack of alternative livelihood options,
have been carried out in this domain are adoption of force people to migrate in other states for the labour
appropriate agriculture practices, increased cultivation work in exploitative environment.
of commercial crops, promotion of high value crops,
group sale of commercial produce to get fair returns, Over the last decade, poultry production has become a
increased access to government funds to conserve soil large and profitable economic opportunity. In tribal
and water for agriculture, technical training of farmers households, poultry farming is generally not practiced
on commercial crops (oil seeds, vegetables), organic as a source of livelihood but rather it is an integral part
cultivation, capacitating youth for Entrepreneurship of their self-sustaining tribal living because of which the
and Agro-based business, engaging family, farmers scale is missing. Since the tribal community, mainly
groups and CBO leaders on Agro-based business and follows traditional methods for poultry farming due to
developing linkages with livelihood service providers for lack of exposure to modern technology and lack of
accessing the services. market connections/linkages, they get insufficient profit
margins left with no bargaining power and are unable
ChildFund India has developed a series of livestock to exploit and cater to the demand existing there.
employability models that allow rural populations to Despite all economic activities carried out by women,
maintain a sustainable income using the resources ownership rests with the men.
already available to them. Its poultry farming livelihoods
initiative has provided women (BPL) and their families in To address this issue, ChildFund implemented a Poultry
its operational areas with a sustained source of income. rearing initiative in Jhabua district in Madhya Pradesh
with 60 BPL (Below Poverty Line) and tribal families. This
ChildFund India has been working in Jhabua, Dhar and initiative has yielded positive outcomes and has brought
Alirajpur District in Madhya Pradesh (MP) for the last 7- significant change in the lives of women and their
8 years. These districts are predominantly tribal areas families. Undertaking transformative work in some of
located in the western part of Madhya Pradesh. The the remotest areas of the country with the lowest
area has low fertility of land and soil erosion coupled human development indicators through sustained
with the scarcity of rainfall (an annual rainfall of less community engagement, has equipped ChildFund with
than 800mm with every 3rd year declared as drought). a strong understanding of the needs as well as
Considering these limitations, mono-cropping is challenges prevailing at the micro-level.
Taking this endeavor forward, in 2016, ChildFund India partnered with Citi Foundation and initiated a project -
‘Poverty to Prosperity’. The project aims to work towards equipping 1000 below poverty line female youth, from
the tribal belt of Alirajpur, Dhar and Jhabua regions of Madhya Pradesh, with entrepreneurship, leadership and
financial inclusion skills required for creating an alternate source of livelihood in poultry farming. ‘Poverty to
Prosperity’ program will train the women from the community to scientifically carry forward ‘poultry farming’
creating viable, sustainable livelihood options for them, and develop a self-sustaining model through the
formation of a Producers Company to take the poultry farming to a profitable scale and provide these tribal
women an opportunity for better marketing and enhance their bargaining power, giving a much needed boost to
the local tribal economy.

It’s been just few months since the launch of the

project, and the foundation laying work has almost
completed. The project has been able to successfully
establish 8 centres for training in the project areas
and has also initiated providing 5 day training on
poultry management, feed management, disease
management, record keeping and demonstrated
entrepreneurship as well as leadership skills to the
identified participants. Till date, nearly 250 women
have been trained under the same helping them
become entrepreneurs in Poultry Farming.

for Urban and Rural Areas


Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO) is the Giving back has always been at the core of Cisco’s DNA. As part of
worldwide technology leader that our 2% India CSR portfolio, we invest in scalable and self-sustaining
programs that use technology to meet some of society's biggest
has been making the Internet
challenges. Our focus areas include Critical Human Needs, Education
work since 1984. Our people,
& Research and Economic Empowerment & Employment. As part of
products, and partners help Critical Human Needs, Healthcare is an important focus area and
society securely connect and seize one of our key projects that leverages technology is in this space.
tomorrow’s digital opportunity
today. Through our ongoing partnership with Narayana Hrudayalaya
Foundation, we are able to provide patients in remote locations
access to the best specialists at Narayana Healthcare hospitals. This
healthcare solution uses Cisco Collaboration framework integrated
with a medical devices controller framework and prebuilt
customizable workflows to create an integrated experience.
Applications such as Unified Communications, EMR, Consultation
and Scheduler are integrated seamlessly connecting locations from
clinics to hospitals to homes, and also to personal medical devices.
What this means is that families in remote villages will now be able to
seek specialist consultations for example Neurology, Nephrology,
Oncology and Cardiology without having to travel to cities and
sacrificing their daily wages. Cisco will also implement modifications
to hospital infrastructure enabling healthcare delivery at district
centers and multi-specialty hospitals of Narayana Health Group
across the country, creating a truly mobile and digital hospital

Through video enabled collaboration and screen sharing facilities the

interface can check for doctor and specialist availability, capture and
store vitals such as pulse, SpO2, BP, ECG and maintain detailed
patient and records, thus saving plenty of manual input hours.

The results of the report demonstrate that as

information, technology, bandwidth, and integration of
the network become the center of the "new world,"
both human and digital aspects are key parts to the
overall patient experience. These components lead to
more real-time, meaningful patient and doctor
interactions. Currently this technology has connected
healthcare centers in Karnataka and Kolkata to
respective Narayana Healthcare Multispecialty
Hospitals. The program has seen over 500
consultations to date.

Citi India
Corporate Citizenship

Committed to India for over 110 Citi is committed to enabling socioeconomic progress in the
years, Citi takes pride in being a communities where we live and work. Citi India through its
premier locally embedded Corporate Citizenship efforts; endeavors to support the nation’s
financial institution, backed by an priorities, in the areas of education, financial inclusion, youth skilling,
unmatched global network. Citi is empowerment, basic nutrition and preventive healthcare, art and
an employer of choice in India culture and environmental sustainability through programs
supported by Citi India as well as Citi Foundation.
offering consumers and
institutions a broad range of In FY15-16, Citi India contributed more than INR 392 million towards
financial products and services, programs in financial inclusion, education, preventive healthcare,
including consumer banking and protection of natural heritage, youth skilling and employability and
credit, corporate and investment environmental sustainability. Since its inception in 1999, Citi
banking, brokerage, treasury and Foundation, catalyzed opportunities for more than 2.8 million
trade services, securities and fund families across the countries while working in the areas of Financial
services and wealth management. Inclusion and Youth Economic Opportunities. In 2014, Citi
In line with our commitment to Foundation launched the India Innovation Grant Program to
make a positive difference in the encourage non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to develop
innovative programs that are scalable and replicable. Starting with a
communities we work, Citi India's
single focus on financial Inclusion, when it launched in 2014, the
citizenship program targets its program in 2015 extended itself to also encompass Youth Skilling,
strategic efforts in the priority based on the Indian Government’s national priorities and in 2016 the
areas of Financial Capability & focus has specifically been in direct alignment to the national
Asset Building, Microfinance, agenda of Skilling Youth and creating Livelihoods.
Enterprise Development, and
Youth, Education & Livelihoods. Employee engagement activities and volunteerism are strong drivers
of the Citi Citizenship program. Close to 3900 Citi employees,
Additional information may be families, friends and NGO partners came together in 7 cities to
found at: www.citibank.co.in and participate in 13 events themed on ‘Swachh Bharat’ at Citi’s Global
Community Day in May 2016. Citi India also launched Giving at Citi -
w w w . f a c e b o o k . co m / ci t i i nd i a
the revamped employee payroll giving program in May 2016. Since
its launch, there has been an increase of 146% in the contribution
amount and the number of unique contributors have increased by
The protection and promotion of India’s national heritage, art and culture has been an integral part of Citi India’s
Citizenship philosophy, strategy and mandate. It has continued its strong partnership with the National Centre for
the Performing Arts (NCPA), celebrating the Guru-Shishya Tradition with the Citi-NCPA Aadi Anant Festival of
Indian Music, The Guru-Shishya Scholarship Program, and the Music for Schools program. Further Citi India is also
proud to be patron of the first and only much acclaimed Symphony Orchestra of India since its inception in 2007.
Further, Citi India has also partnered with the Prince of Wales Museum on two programs - the first entails the
conservation and restoration of 150 ancient objects of national significance from the CSMVS collection, while the
second is a Museum on Wheels program that has reached out to 100,000 kids in schools and educational
institutions in and around Mumbai and Pune, with a plan of reaching out to an additional 300,000 children this

To learn more about Citi India’s programs and partnerships, please visit:

Touching Lives:
The Coca-Cola Way


Coca-Cola India, is one of the Coca-Cola India’s sustainability framework adopts a multi-level,
country’s leading beverage multi-stakeholder approach, which is aligned to the UN Sustainable
Development Goals. The company’s initiatives are empowered by
companies, offering a range of
the ‘golden triangle’ – a collaboration between government, private
healthy, safe, high quality,
sector and civil society. Through its CSR and sustainability initiatives,
refreshing beverage options to the Company contributes in Foreign Direct Investments (FDI), rural
consumers, with it’s unmatched outreach, skill development, Gainful employment (direct and indirect)
portfolio. women’s empowerment, health and sanitation, etc. across the

We believe that the complex challenge of developing sustainable

India needs to be addressed top-down as well as ground-up.

• All manufacturing locations of Coca-Cola treat 100% wastewater

to support aquatic life.

• Created a water replenishment potential of 148% compared to

our total water usage.

• Through the Department of Regional Water Studies at Teri

University, we address water stewardship at strategy and
governance level.

• Support My School (SMS), aligned to the Government’s Swachh

Bharat Mission, has revitalized 700+ schools by provision of basic
infrastructure facilities:

1. Separate toilets for boys and girls

2. Access to water
3. Sports facilities
4. Library/Rainwater Harvesting
5. Environmental Upkeep of government schools

While the first 3 objectives are mandatory under SMS, the remaining
are implemented basis need assessment of that school.

Contributing towards rural education, health and sanitation and

upliftment through the Support My School project and the impact so

Prior to SMS interventions, schools witnessed high girl child drop

outs and poor attendance because of unavailability of adequate
toilet facilities, which was also a concern for their safety. Post SMS
interventions personal hygiene and sanitation levels of increased employment opportunities. Already
students have enhanced, along with a significant rise in benefitted more than 700,000 people in over 500
female attendance SMS has already benefitted 758 villages, and especially empowered women, in rural and
schools and 2.6 lakh children, while it inches closer remote India.
towards 1000 schools and 3 lakh students.
Case Study – Project Jalanidhi in Bundelkhand
Extending the IMPACT of SMS Project - Urban WASH
Alliance Bundelkhand region of central India is severely water
• TERI, USAID and Coca-Cola partnered to organize stressed and faces challenges of land degradation and
the Urban WASH Alliance in Kolkata and Chennai poor socio-economic status. For decades, people have
schools to train 152 teachers on comprehensive migrated in search of water source and livelihoods.
water, waste and sanitation modules. Anandana intervened in 2010 in 2 villages Bilkhi and
• Interactive workshops and distribution of material for Tola Swayam, Bundelkhans by initiating Project
WASH, which was translated in Hindi, Tamil, Bengali, Jalanidhi.
and Urdu
• Special trainings on women’s health • Benefitted lives of over 4000 people
• Waste management in schools • Created Water Storage capacity of 55,822,000 liters
• 10,500 children benefitted across Kolkata and • Increase ground water levels by 2 to 3 meters
Chennai schools • 165.5 acres of land made cultivable resulting in
4 times the increase in income of the farmers
Our partnerships with government and 100+ private • Cropping Intensity increased up to 244 acres from
institutes truly empower these initiatives. 104 acres

Farmer Testimonial: “Since the check-dams have been

built in our village, the water level has risen by 3 meters;
we are able to farm without problems. Our family used
to migrate to cities, has now come back and we are all
able to make a living with agriculture. Even though there
Anandana, The Coca-Cola India Foundation was set up was a drought last year, thanks to the check-dam, the
in 2008, committed to viable and inclusive community groundwater level is the same” -Kastouri, farmer from
development by focusing on water sustainability and Tola Swayam
women’s empowerment through promotion of solar
energy. The Foundation initiated projects in Uttar
Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Rajasthan, as
they are the most water deficit areas of the country.

Anandana partners with recognized NGOs working with

local villagers to create viable water augmentation
projects in severely stressed areas, through models of
rural water supply management systems, training, and
active involvement of communities. It is based on the
precept that people’s participation is the only means to
ensure long term sustainability.

Anandana implements livelihood solutions with core

focus on groundwater replenishment, through
construction of check dams, restoring ponds,
prevention of soil erosion and improved agricultural
practices. A significant feature of these projects is
women participating in large numbers and attaining a
supervisory role as members of village level “Pani
Samitis (Water committees)”to run sustainable
community water projects.

Results are, rise in ground water table, higher crop

yields, more water available for domestic use, and

Growing Together – Make in India, Make for India

Coca-Cola truly believes in the philosophy of GROWING TOGETHER – Make in India, Make for India and
agriculture lies at the center of our business. We source 95% of our ingredients locally, accounting to 50% of our
procurement expenditure, creating gainful employment (direct and indirect), skill development, women
empowerment, and benefitting more than 400,000 farmers by 2023. With regards to FDI - TCCC is one of the
largest buyers of Indian agricultural produce and is committed to infusing USD 5 billion in India between 2012 and
2020 which will provide a boost to the agriculture sector.
In India, Coca-Cola is implementing crop-specific
programmes to enhance the economic well-being of
farmers, improve yields and protect natural
resources across the supply chain. This will
contribute INR 4,000 crore in FDI, and 4,00,000+
metric tons of annual purchase of fruit by
2023,benefitting 400,000 farmers, in line with
government’s focus on doubling farmers’ income by

PROJECT UNNATI (Mango) - In Chittoor district of

Southern India, Project Unnati fosters women’s
empowerment, community well-being, water and
sustainable agriculture. The fifteen-year project,
started in 2011, aims to harness the higher
productivity potential of mango farms, through
ultrahigh density farming, allowing marginal farmers
to increase crop yields, conserve water and improve
their livelihoods.

PROJECT UNNATI (Orange) - Hindustan Coca-Cola

Beverages Pvt. Ltd in 2016 signed an MOU with the
Government of Maharashtra and Jain Irrigation for
Project “Orange Unnati”, to set up a juice
manufacturing facility in Vidarbha region. The
project supports local farmers in the cultivation of
Indian orange mandarins with the adoption of Ultra
High Density Plantation to boost orange yield,
through training and demonstrations around it. The
Project also seeks to leverage “NOGA” brand
(Nagpur Orange Grower Association) Unnati Orange
is estimated to benefit 5,000 farmers with an average
landholding of 2 acres each.


project of DCM Shriram, IFC, Solidaridad, and Coca-
Cola India with primary focus on sustainable
sugarcane development by addressing the
challenges of soil health, increasing cost of
cultivation and poor yields of sugarcane in Uttar
Pradesh. The objective is to address key
requirements of small landholders for sustainable
sugarcane cultivation, their capacity building,
adoption of sustainable production standards. It
envisions to impact more than 48,000 farmers,
35,000 Ha. of land, through Good Agriculture
Practices (GAP), Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
and Efficient Water Usage.

Cognizant in India:
Over Two Decades of Growth and
Nation Building

With a presence in 11 cities across the North, East, West and South of
Cognizant (NASDAQ-100: CTSH) is
India, Cognizant directly employs over 185,000 professionals in India,
one of the world’s leading which is approximately 75 percent of its global headcount. The
professional services companies, company’s growth has largely been possible because of the unique
transforming clients’ business, advantages India offers—high quality talent, professional work ethic,
operating and technology models good investment climate and support from different government
for the digital era. The company’s and quasi-government bodies and global connectivity. During the
unique industry-based, consultative past two decades, Cognizant has seen robust growth in its global
approach helps clients envision, operations.
build and run more innovative and
efficient businesses. Headquartered • Revenue growth: From approximately $2 million in 1994 to $13.49
billion in calendar 2016.
in New Jersey, Cognizant is ranked
• Employee growth: From 75 employees in 1994 to over 260,000
230 on the Fortune 500 and is globally in 2016. Today, Cognizant is arguably amongst the Top 3
consistently listed among the most multinational employers in India and enjoys the distinction of
admired companies in the world. creating well over 400,000 direct jobs and over 1 million indirect
jobs in India during this period.
• Market cap growth: From under $100 million in 1998 when the
company went public on the NASDAQ stock exchange to
approximately $36 billion as of March 2017, enjoying great
credibility among investors.
• Infrastructure investment: Invested over $2 billion in India since its
founding in 1994 in both physical and technology infrastructure.
• Corporate Social Responsibility: Cognizant has a two-pronged
approach towards its CSR programs in India—Cognizant
Foundation (CF), the corporate social responsibility arm of
Cognizant, and Outreach, the employee-led, grassroots social
initiatives program. To date, Cognizant Foundation has partnered
with over 200 NGOs and has supported over 290 projects in the
areas of education, healthcare and livelihood. Over 100,000
Cognizant employees have clocked an excess of 1,750,000
volunteering hours and positively impacted over 400,000 lives in
the country. Outreach has been recognized among the world’s
largest corporate employee volunteering programs.

Committed to Building
Cognizant Foundation focuses on improving the lives of
underprivileged sections of the society, through focused activities in
the areas of education, skill development, healthcare and livelihood.
Cognizant Foundation has impacted the lives of: • Over the past six years, 165,000 children in eight
cities and two villages have been trained by 14,000
• Over 500,000 people annually in the past five years, Cognizant volunteers for extra-curricular activities.
across India. • Several hundred students are now in college as a
• Over 130,000 underprivileged students annually, in direct result of the Outreach Scholarship program, in
the past five years, through education projects that which over 90 percent are first generation
address key issues such as inequitable access, quality graduates.
of teaching input and poor infrastructure. Cognizant
Foundation has set up infrastructure such as
computer laboratories, science laboratories/galleries, Engagement Programs
smart classrooms, learning resource centres, teacher
training and other educational infrastructure Education: Coaching and tutoring: In this program,
support. employees volunteer to take classes in English,
• Over 390,000 people annually, in the past five years, Mathematics and Sciences in schools in their
through healthcare projects that provide medical neighbourhoods, aptly titled
equipment for hospitals catering to the ‘Be A Teacher’ (BAT). Outreach has seen a substantial
underprivileged, with special focus in the areas of increase in weekday and regular volunteering hours,
Ophthalmic Care, Maternal & Child Health and and has been quick to adopt volunteering teams across
Critical Care. India. Every week, more than 93 classroom sessions are
• Over 7,800 underprivileged youth and women in progress across India. These regular sessions have led
through livelihood programs that provide short-term to a noticeable increase in the academic scores of the
skill training combined with job placements. children.

The project locations are spread across India, mostly in Impact:

states where Cognizant has offices. • Volunteers in Chennai helped a government-run
school in Kadapakkam record a 100% pass rate in
Outreach: Cognizant’s employee-driven social Computer Science and 98% pass rate in English in
volunteering program offers a framework and support Class 12 board exams. The school did not have full-
network to its employees to channel their volunteering time staff for these subjects.
efforts and improve the quality of life in India, primarily • Outreach Coimbatore’s Project C helped nine
in the area of education. What makes this program schools record an average 98.8% pass percentage in
unique is that it is driven entirely by the voluntary efforts Class 12 Computer Science board exams.
of Cognizant’s socially responsive workforce. • The Fisheries school in Thevara, near Kochi, where
our associates regularly teach, has been recording
• Since inception, over 100,000 volunteers have 100% pass percentage for the last two years.
clocked an excess of 1,750,000 volunteering hours to
impact over 400,000 lives.
Nurturing Talent: TalHunt is an annual inter-school competition for schools supported by Outreach. TalHunt was
envisioned as a platform for school children from underprivileged backgrounds to showcase their talent. Over the
years, more than 14,000 Cognizant volunteers have trained children in dance, drawing, chess, carom, story-telling,
quiz, and so on. In the last eight editions, more than 165,000 children across eight cities and two villages across
India participated in regional TalHunt events.

Creating or improving the infrastructure of schools: From setting up computer labs, to refurbishing classrooms
and science labs, providing continuous drinking water supply to schools, and constructing toilets, outreach
volunteers constantly work to improve infrastructure at schools supported by Outreach.

Outreach’s Project Irumbai

The marginalized tribal community in the village of
Irumbai (near Puducherry) was not exposed to any
opportunity to earn a living. Outreach women
volunteers travelled every weekend to teach the
women of the community to make handicrafts such
as making flowers and bouquets using nylon and
paper; earrings and key chains from quilled paper.
This vocational training has now helped the women
of Irumbai village earn a livelihood by selling their

Cognizant Foundation’s Skill Training Programs

Obtaining gainful employment is a major challenge
for youth from disadvantaged socio-economic
backgrounds, both in urban and rural settings. To
improve the lives of this segment, Cognizant
Foundation has adopted “Skill Training for
Disadvantaged Youth” as its flagship program under
its “Livelihood” initiatives. Cognizant Foundation
supports short-term skill training programs that offer
skill building, life skills training and job placement.

The skill-training courses supported include

Information Technology enabled Services (ITeS),
desktop publishing (DTP), high-tech welding, CNC
machine operation, automobile technician skills,
Tally, electrician skills, domestic BPOs, home nursing,
customer relations and sales, customer relationship
management (CRM) and hospitality.

Cognizant Foundation’s Partnership with ANEW

CF has partnered with ANEW (Association for Non-
traditional Employment for Women) to train 150
underprivileged women in the home nursing trade.
The six-month training program encompasses basic
skills in patient care, geriatric and paediatric care.
Apart from classroom training, the program also has
a three-month internship, where the trainees get
practical training in hospitals in Chennai. On
completion of training, ANEW also helps the trainees
find employment in hospitals or as home nurses. On
an average, these women earn Rs. 10,000 per

Dell’s Commitment
to Creating Shared Value Through
Targeted and Balanced CSR Activities

Incorporated in 1996, Dell India Every day, Dell is pairing technology with innovation to make a
has been among the fastest positive social and environmental impact – building a Legacy of
Good. Our 2020 Legacy of Good Plan puts our technology and
growing technology companies in
expertise to work where it can do the most good for people and the
the country. An engine for Dell’s
global growth, Dell India is a
strategic component of Dell’s Our strategy is simple: create shared value, where sustainability and
transformation into a true IT social responsibility are driven as part of our business objectives. Our
solutions partner and a ‘trusted IT plan captures this, outlining our path forward through a series of
advisor’ focused on end-to-end goals that cross all aspects of our business.
offerings. With over 27,000 team
members, Dell India is the largest Dell International Services India Private Limited supports this
operation for Dell outside the US approach at national and local levels, with a range of programs
focusing on the areas of education & skills development, female
and has presence across seven
empowerment and health & sanitation. These programs involve
cities – Bangalore, Hyderabad,
both financial and non-financial contributions to promote
Delhi, Pune, Noida, Coimbatore engagement and partnership to create shared value. As a measure
and Chennai. Dell has invested of its commitment, Dell India committed 3 percent of its profit after
significantly in building end-to- tax towards CSR activities in the last year.
end solutions and delivery
capabilities sales & marketing,
manufacturing hub, Dell Services,
A Focus on Youth Education
R&D center, Customer Contact
Dell has a key focus on promoting education to under-served young
Centre’s, Dell IT, Global Analytics
people. Through its partnerships with 15 NGOs and multiple
and Global Financial Services- programs, Dell has positively impacted more than 330,000 young
besides setting up a distribution people in the last two years in the states of Delhi, Haryana, UP, Tamil
network of commercial and retail Nadu, Karnataka and Telangana.
channel and a service network
that spans over 650 locations A key example of this work would be Dell India’s partnership with the
across India. Dell today is a leader American India Foundation (AIF) on its signature Digital Equalizer
across all customer segments in program. Digital Equalizer integrates technology as a pedagogical
India. tool to enhance and transform teaching and learning processes in
government schools in India, helping students who would not have
access to such hardware to develop the necessary skills in the 21st
century workforce.

The program advances the use of technology to engage, enrich and

empower India’s under-served children by providing computers,
software, Internet access and training to children and teachers in
under-served schools across India. Information technology literacy
training is combined with computer-aided learning (learning to use
computers to learn other subjects) using technology as charity of choice for every 10 hours of volunteering
a means to further educate. completed by a Dell India team member each quarter.

Centers are established for students (between 10 and 15 In the three years up to 2016, 344,000 volunteering
years old) consisting of computers, Internet hours were completed, with 70 percent of team
connections, software and digital curricula. Dell members participating. In 2015, around 1,700 non-
supports centers in Delhi, Hyderabad and Bangalore as profit organisations were supported by 125,000
well as supporting innovative education pilots. A similar volunteering hours, including initiatives linked with the
pedagogical approach is being undertaken to enhance programs highlighted above.
increased financial literacy through the Edusat
infrastructure of Punjab reaching over 100,000 students Team members are actively encouraged to undertake
and 13,000 teachers in 3,300 government schools. volunteering during both global Dell campaigns, such
as Children Cancer Awareness in September, and key
The Digital Equalizer program is unique in providing local events, such as volunteering during the Daan
medium-term funding alongside support to help Utsav or ‘Joy of Giving’ week in October.
schools secure future funding sources.
Good examples of the value that can be created by
Additionally, grants are provided to 12 non-profits Dell’s approach can be seen in two volunteering
working in multiple cities across India to support access projects that help thousands of children at rural
to technology and learning for underserved youth. government schools. The cost of supporting these
These grants are flexible and can be used in a range of programs, focused on conducting cultural festivals and
ways. installing clean water filters respectively, are met from
the quarterly financial recognition noted above. The
Integrated Volunteering idea behind these programs were developed by team
members themselves; to support governance, Dell
Opportunities formally interacts the organization supporting these
programs every six month to help ensure its efficient
Dell India provides a structured framework for its team
members to provide their expertise and time to help Last year, Dell progressed virtual volunteering by
causes and organizations about which they are promoting Career Village to its team members to
passionate. There’s considerable flexibility in this connect with young people, students and others
framework (in or out of office hours, skills-based or pro- seeking advice on education and careers in technology.
bono) and the company donates Rs 10,000 to the

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)

Commitment to diversity and an inclusive culture has been a cornerstone of success for Dell. We continue to unit
and champion these values through our Culture Code, creating a workplace where team members of all
backgrounds can come together to do their best work for our customers. Employee networking groups have
been a longstanding and important part of the cultural fabric of our company. More than 34,000 team members
participate in these groups around the world, including 2500 in India.

There are 14 ERGs across the company today, of which 5 are active in India. Areas currently covered include:

• Gen Next (creating an inclusive work environment

for people with special needs and leverage Dell
technology and expertise to support
organizations that cater to people with
• Planet (encouraging an environmentally
responsible culture by increasing awareness and
internal partnerships to implement relevant
sustainable solutions)
• Women in action (fostering networking, ongoing
learning and exchange that positively impacts
female team members, business results,
workplace and the communities in which we live
and work by building a culture that values and is
influenced by diverse perspectives)

Dell’s approach to CSR is balanced and
comprehensive, focusing on a few key priorities, to
ally the company’s expertise in technology with
recognized needs in the local communities.

CSR Initiatives
in India
Deloitte refers to one or more of At Deloitte, we are driven by one purpose – making an impact that
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu matters. It is in keeping with this purpose that we seek out corporate
social responsibility initiatives to address strategic, operational and
Limited, a UK private company
financial challenges within our local communities and make an
limited by guarantee (“DTTL”), its
enduring impact. Focusing primarily on education and employability
network of member firms, and in India, our efforts in 2016 were aimed at contributing towards the
their related entities. DTTL and success of India’s future generations.
each of its member firms are
legally separate and independent This was accomplished through our six flagship programs:
entities. DTTL (also referred to as
“Deloitte Global”) does not 1. Impact Day – On its 14th Impact Day, Deloitte volunteered
provide services to clients. In the 143,000+ hours to touch over 9,42,000 lives through 175
United States, Deloitte refers to education and skill development-related projects across 12 cities.
One of Deloitte’s most visible programs, Impact Day has Deloitte
one or more of the US member
professionals investing the entire work day to make tangible
firms of DTTL, their related entities
contributions through nonprofit projects, thereby supporting the
that operate using the “Deloitte” underserved and strengthening relationships in local
name in the United States and communities.
their respective affiliates. Certain
services may not be available to 2. Year-round volunteer projects – Sustaining what is achieved on
attest clients under the rules and Impact Day, year-round volunteering has Deloitte professionals
regulations of public accounting. lead strategic projects for long-term, sustainable outcomes. The
Please see volunteering program gives Deloitte professionals the
www.deloitte.com/about to learn opportunity to pay it forward by sharing their knowledge and
experience with those less fortunate in our communities. In 2016,
more about our global network of
over 2,000 professionals volunteered their time and skills at 46
member firms.
nonprofits and 92 public schools across 4 cities. For instance,
Samridhdhi Trust in Bengaluru is educating 1,600+ out-of-school
This publication contains general information
only and Deloitte is not, by means of this children, of which 500+ are in their bridge school this year, while
publication, rendering accounting, business, 800+ out-of-school children have already been inducted into
financial, investment, legal, tax, or other both mainstream private English medium schools and
professional advice or services. This publication government schools in the last 5 years. Through its year-round
is not a substitute for such professional advice
or services, nor should it be used as a basis for involvement, Deloitte volunteers are helping improve the
any decision or action that may affect your academic standards and English proficiency of children in nine
business. Before making any decision or taking locations across Bengaluru.
any action that may affect your business, you
should consult a qualified professional advisor.
Deloitte shall not be responsible for any loss 3. Deloitte Employee Giving program (DEGP) - Our professionals
sustained by any person who relies on this have the option of monetarily supporting nonprofits,
publication. Copyright © 2017 Deloitte educational institutions or specific causes as listed under DEGP.
Development LLC. All rights reserved. In 2016, 6,350 Deloitte professionals came forward to make
voluntary contributions towards nonprofit projects that Deloitte
engages with.
4. Strategic Donations – Deloitte makes meaningful tested leadership development framework to India’s
investments in large-scale transformational projects school system, empowering government school
that have produced proven outcomes in academic principals to be drivers of the change they want to see
excellence and employability. In 2016, Deloitte in their schools.
supported 41 projects identified for the long-term
impact they aim to achieve, in the areas of At Deloitte University: The Leadership Center in
education and skill building, medical assistance and Hyderabad, Deloitte hosted “Step Up”, providing
healthcare and better policy governance. industry exposure for engineering students by helping
them present their profiles more effectively. This
5. Deloitte Center for Leadership & Community – We program was initiated in response to an ask from the
help nonprofits and educational institutions nonprofit organization - TASK (Telangana Association
improve their skills and achieve higher potential by for Skill and Knowledge), and helps address
sharing knowledge through capacity-building employability challenges among government
programs. engineering school graduates. The program was rolled
out in two waves, impacting 450 students.
6. Pro Bono – We also leverage our intellectual capital
to help strengthen nonprofits’ capabilities, with a Focusing on holistic transformation of communities,
focus on their long-term sustainability. Deloitte continues to support a three-year project plan
to develop ‘Bahadurpura Mandal’ – one of the largest
Through 2016, we furthered our flagship Courageous divisions in Hyderabad, Telangana. According to a
Principals program to cover another 200+ principals in baseline study by the United Way of Hyderabad, the
the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, mandal has alarmingly low indicators in its quality of
successfully completing outreach to all model schools in education – only 54% of the enrolled students attend
the two states. Another 58 school principals from school regularly; pass percentage for grade 10 is the
government schools in 13 districts of Karnataka were lowest in Hyderabad (46%); and dropout rates are very
part of a pilot batch in Bengaluru. These model school high. Deloitte’s efforts, in collaboration with United Way
principals impact close to 2,000 students. The Hyderabad and local nonprofits , can directly impact
Courageous Principals program extends Deloitte's time- 14,000 children in the schools and the future
generations of Bahadurpura.

Touching Lives:
One Step at a Time

Dow Chemical International Private Innovate to better human lives is deeply rooted in Dow Chemical
Limited (Dow India) combines the International Private Limited’s (Dow India) philosophy. Over the
power of science and technology to years, Dow India has strived to deliver on their promise of using
passionately innovate what is chemistry that is good for the people, planet and business. The focus
essential to human progress. The has always been to combine the power of science and technology to
Company is driving innovations that solve human challenges. The company through its business solutions
extract value from the intersection of and CSR initiatives has been focusing on local issues to enable
chemical, physical and biological sustained economic and social development.
sciences to help address many of
India's most challenging problems With a firm conviction that meaningful and result oriented CSR
including the need for clean water, programs must be complementary to the core competency of the
clean energy generation and company and have the potential to become self-sustainable over
conservation, and increasing time, three core tenets underpin Dow India’s CSR initiatives:
agricultural productivity. With
approximately 800 employees in 1. Invest time and money in projects that create long-term benefits
locations spread across the country, 2. Fund sustainable projects, where there is an opportunity to use
Dow India is continually finding ways our technology
to make people's lives healthier, safer 3. Engage employees to voluntarily contribute to the communities,
and more convenient through where we work
exploring sustainable solutions based
on technology development and The company’s contributions go beyond giving to include co-
application research in areas of creating and providing mentorship on both the technical and
infrastructure, transportation, energy, functional aspects of the project.
consumer and, lifestyle. As a
responsible corporate citizen, the
company uses its technology
The Jaipur Foot Initiative
expertise and employee volunteerism
to partner with the communities in One of the projects that Dow India has worked extensively is the
which it operates. Dow India prosthetic limbs. Every year, thousands of people in India lose their
continues to support Jaipur Foot limbs to diseases, accidents and other hazards. Inflicted by poverty,
through free distribution of prosthetic many do not have the necessary means to access healthcare
limbs along with BMVSS, building services. The ‘Jaipur Foot Initiative’ aims to provide prosthetic limbs
homes for the underprivileged at an affordable price.
through 'Habitat for Humanity' and
supporting scientific thought and Dow India partnered with Bhagwan Mahaveer Viklang Sahayata
environmental awareness among the Samiti (BMVSS) in 2005 to support the cause of disability. BMVSS is
future generations through ‘Multiply a charitable organization that works for the betterment of amputees
the Message’ and ‘Mobile Science in India, by providing artificial lower limbs, callipers, and crutches
Lab’ programs. For more, visit free-of-cost to the physically challenged. First developed in 1968, the
www.dow-india.com original Jaipur Foot was an artificial foot handmade of vulcanized
or http://in.dow.com rubber. In partnership with Pinnacle Industries, Dow India developed
and delivered an artificial foot that was more robust, light weight
and flexible.
Since, the onset of this initiative in 2005, Dow India has means to communicate environmental terms and
empowered over 50,000 lives in the 23+ camps hosted concepts through hands-on activities. The project has
near Dow India sites and offices. Dow India employees reached out to over 3000 teachers and 52,000 students
volunteered during the camps contributing over 7000 since 2009.
hours over the past decade. Last year, the company
celebrated ten successful years of partnership with
BMVSS and expanded the project to Bangladesh in Agastya Science Labs
In collaboration with Agastya, in 2015 Dow India
Other marquee projects of Dow India include Habitat launched a mobile science lab with easy, affordable
for Humanity, Multiply the Message and Agastya Mobile scientific models and experiments aimed to help
Science Lab. children understand and apply basic concepts of
science, while piquing their curiosity and logical
thought. The Mobile Science Lab aims to reach schools
Habitat for Humanity without access to a science lab, in rural, remote or
underprivileged areas and impact over 10,000 children
As a partner to Habitat for Humanity, Dow India has in the age group of 6-15 years every year.
been helping build affordable homes in rural
communities since 2006. In line with our philosophy, the We believe that the world needs solutions for big
projects leverage Dow products and technologies as challenges like energy, climate change, water, food,
well as sweat equity in the form of volunteer support nature and social issues. With our 2025 Sustainability
from the employees. Dow India partnered with Habitat Goals we are working to redefine the role of business in
for Humanity, India in building over 250 homes in the sustainability through leadership and action – working
tribal belts of Maharashtra & outskirts of Chennai. together at the intersection of business, government
and society to help drive the transition to a more
Multiply the Message sustainable planet and society. Over the next decade,
the company will continue to reduce its own
operational “footprint,” deliver ever-increasing value to
Committed to make environmental education in schools customers and society through our “handprint” of
impactful, Dow India has partnered with Trailblazers in products and solutions, and develop and deliver a
the conceptualization and implementation of this “blueprint” for a sustainable planet and society.
initiative. As part of the program the teachers are given

CSR Overview:
DuPont in India


DuPont has been bringing world- For more than 200 years, DuPont has brought world-class science
class science and engineering to and engineering to the global market place through innovative
products, materials and services. Our market-driven innovation
the global marketplace in the
introduces thousands of new products and inventions every year
form of innovative products,
serving diverse industries across 90 countries.
materials, and services since 1802.
The company believes that by Today, DuPont is building on this heritage by partnering with others
collaborating with customers, to tackle the unprecedented challenges in food, energy and
governments, NGOs, and thought protection facing our world. The company is working with
leaders, we can help find solutions customers, governments, NGOS and thought leaders to discover
to such global challenges as solutions to today's toughest challenges- provide enough healthy
providing enough healthy food food for people everywhere, decrease dependence on fossil fuels, as
for people everywhere, well as protect people and the environment for generations to
decreasing dependence on fossil
fuels, and protecting life and the
The portfolio of DuPont spans offerings across a variety of market
environment. For additional segments comprising agriculture, food and nutrition, auto, safety
information about DuPont and its and protection (including defense), renewable energy, healthcare,
commitment to inclusive home and construction, electronics, transportation, infrastructure
innovation, please visit and textiles. Some of the well-known brands of DuPont are:
www.dupont.com. Coragen®, Ferterra®, Kevlar®, Nomex®, Tyvek®, Surlyn®,
Delrin® and Sorona®.
The company has a significant
footprint in the country with 4,000 DuPont believes science can play a vital role in addressing key
challenges in India. Showcasing our commitment to this belief,
colleagues, the DuPont
DuPont launched The Power of Shunya™, an initiative which is about
Knowledge Center (DKC) and the
working collaboratively with customers, partners, government, and
DuPont Services Center in others to deliver sciencepowered solutions that contribute to India’s
Hyderabad as well as the DuPont growth. To know more about how DuPont harnessed The Power of
India Innovation Center in Shunya™ in collaboration with other organizations, please visit
Gurgaon. The company has www.dupont.co.in/Shunya
manufacturing centers across four
locations at Savli in Gujarat, Sohna
in Haryana, Medchal in Telangana
and Madurai In Tamil Nadu.

Ram Mudholkar is the President of

DuPont South Asia.

Driving Progress Through DuPont India champions several CSR programs

focused on community development, education with
Sustainability an emphasis on the girl child, skill development &
employability, women empowerment, health &
sanitation as well as environmental conservation.
At DuPont, we believe in creating innovative,
sustainable solutions towards a healthier, safer planet
and supporting communities in which we operate Community Development
around the world.
• Roz Ka Meo model village development, Mewat,
In line with its approach of paying it forward to the Haryana - DuPont India is working on developing
communities we live and work in, DuPont demonstrates Roz Ka Meo into a model village with the goal of
commitment to corporate social responsibility improving the standard of living for almost 400
programs across India. The company has aligned its families in the village through various community-
CSR focus to Government of India’s flagship initiatives based activities focused on four core areas i.e.
like Swachh Bharat (Clean India), Skill India and Beti education, skill development, health and sanitation,
Bachao Beti Padao (Save & Educate the Girl Child). environment.

The following themes form the bedrock of DuPont’s

CSR policy in the country: Education & Skill
• Advancing Social Progress: Focuses on increasing Development
access to opportunity, supporting underprivileged
children, youth, women along with families and • Greens Special School, Hyderabad - DuPont India is
fostering understanding amongst community supporting the education and skill development of
members. 75 differently-abled children and adults in the age
group of 3-25 through Greens Special School at
• Enhancing Economic Success: Aims at revitalizing Hyderabad. The company also provides salary
neighbourhoods, helping people achieve self- support to the trainers for these special children.
sufficiency and enhancing their quality of life.
• Education as Path to Progress, Mumbai - DuPont
• Enabling Environmental Excellence: Partnering with provides comprehensive support in areas of
programs and organizations that conserve, nurture education, health and skill development to 300
and protect the planet. children of migrant workers in Hanuman Nagar &
Pawne gaon slum communities in Navi Mumbai,
Thane District of Maharashtra.
• Pardada Pardadi, Bulandshahr, UP - In line with its commitment to education of the girl child, DuPont supports
the primary education of 200 girl students from class VI to XII at a school set up by PPES at Bulandshahr, UP.
The school aims to teach them traditional curriculum as well as leadership and life skills.

• Prayatna School of Excellence, Gurgaon - DuPont supports the education of 150 underprivileged children in
the age group of 6 to 16 years at the Prayatna School, Gurgaon. It works on imparting quality education and
overall development in sports, recreation, art and theatre to the students.

Livelihood & Women

• Strengthening On Farm Livelihood, Haryana and
Telangana - Spearheaded by DuPont India, this
program works to raise awareness about
agribusiness among the farmer community
comprising 40% women farmers. Implemented in
10 villages across Haryana and Telangana over a
period of 1 year, the learnings help them
transition smoothly from sustenance farming to
commercial farming.

• Ajeevika, Hyderabad - DuPont India is supporting

Ajeevika, a vocational training program for 150
women hailing from backward communities in
Hafeezpet, Hyderabad. The project aims to
provide market linkages to enable women

Health & Sanitation

• Mobile Health Clinics, Savli, Gujarat - DuPont
enables mobile healthcare services to improve
the health and nutrition profile of underprivileged
communities across 23 villages in the vicinity of of
Savli, Vadodara, Gujarat. Several health
awareness initiatives along with specific disease
screening and prevention camps have been
conducted impacting 20,294 beneficiaries till
December 2016.

• Water Conservation & Harvesting, Sohna,
Haryana - DuPont is working on water
conservation and harvesting in Sehjawas village
of Sohna, Haryana. This is being done through
building awareness and engaging the community
members towards these objectives.

The Secret Mantra for Growth


Eli India is a part of Eli Global. Eli Whether it is skill development, generating employment
started its India operations in 2007 opportunities for professionals across a broad spectrum, or reaching
out a helping hand to the community; Eli India has been at the
as a Research and Publications
forefront of action in the decade of its existence. Eli India doesn’t
organization. Their current
simply believe in its motto of “Engage. Learn. Inspire.” Rather, it
business spans across diverse demonstrates this faith in the manner it has used inclusiveness as its
verticals including Healthcare, magic mantra.
Market Research Reports,
Collections & Recovery, Eli India a part of Eli Global, a U.S. based conglomerate, with over 40
Certifications, Online Reputation operating units across diverse industry verticals in 30 locations across
Management, Collectibles, the globe. Since its inception in 2007, Eli India has grown from
Insurance and Annuities, Media & having a few people working out of a single office in Faridabad to
Publications and more. having nearly 3000 people on board, working in six different
locations in five Indian cities for multifarious industry verticals in 2017.
Apart from the people working in one of the office locations, Eli India
also offers eligible independent consultants & professionals the
option to work from home.

Gainfully Employed Engaged

Eli India provides a culture of accountability and entrepreneurship to
its employees to keep them engaged. It has a huge focus on
upskilling employees through training and coaching to get them
ready for next level challenges. This ensures that the company has
the right skillsets necessary to meet client needs, and achieve
business goals. Eli India’s success story is closely linked to its ability to
spot opportunities where others saw challenges, and converting
ideas into profits —be in healthcare technology, insurance, market
research, knowledge processes, certifications, sports collectibles,
media, publications, medical coding, or financial services.

Skill Development for Youth

Eli India promotes skill development by hiring young graduates and
providing them 11 months’ employment in various online projects.
These fresher’s are provided communication & Email writing training
to enhance their confidence. They gain expertise in using MS Office,
including using Excel and Access to build data bases. At the end of
the 11 months, many are absorbed into various BUs belonging to Eli
India, and others find newer job avenues outside the for eye care was a logical step given that Eli has a major
organization as confident professionals. presence in ophthalmology.

Care for the Community The camps are organized with the help of the locals by
word of mouth and displaying banners. The medical
team from iCARE visits the camp sites, screens the
Eli believes in identifying with the concerns of the patients, and those identified for surgery are brought to
society, and trying to give some care back to the the base hospital at Noida. Till now Eli India has
community it operates in. From frequent blood successfully completed five eyecare camps. Some
donation camps, providing support during floods or details about the camps are as follows:
cataract surgery camps, Eli India’s community support
initiatives demonstrate its sensitivity to the demands of • Over 1800 people visited the camps and were
corporate social responsibility (CSR). administered medicines.
• Over 1000 people have received vision correction
Gift of Sight •
Over 75 people successfully underwent cataract
removal surgery sponsored by Eli India.
Providing vision to the underprivileged through cataract
surgery camps.
Widening Horizons is a
During November, 2016 Eli India took a huge leap in
bringing a change in society when it joined hands with Continuous Process
iCARE Eye Hospital and Post Graduate Institute — a
non-profit organization — Noida in taking responsibility This is just the beginning…Eli India plans to continue its
to provide the gift of sight through cataract surgeries in efforts towards working in areas over and above its core
and around the national capital region (NCR) for the business. 2017 would have a strong focus on innovation
underprivileged communities. Supporting an initiative and the organization has already started providing an
environment to its employees to focus on innovation.

ELS International
Education Pathways
Education Domain


ELS started its operations in India ELS started its operations in India in 2010 with headquarters in
in 2010 with headquarters in Chennai and offices in Bangalore, Coimbatore and Hyderabad. ELS
India offers Unbiased International Counseling and Admissions
Chennai and offices in Bangalore,
Services to students to help them choose institutions which most
Coimbatore and Hyderabad. ELS
closely match their academic qualifications, career ambitions and
India offers Unbiased International budget. According to the Institute for International Education (IIE)
Counseling and Admissions (2016) - India, China and Brazil account for most of the growth in
Services to students to help them international students on U.S. campuses. In the year 2015-16, India’s
choose institutions which most growth outpaced China, with students from India increasing by
closely match their academic 25.4% on US campuses. At ELS India, 98% of our students
qualifications, career ambitions matriculated to universities in the United States of America, and the
and budget. remaining to destinations in France, Canada and Australia
contributing to mobility of Indian students with aspirations for higher
education abroad.

The numbers of Indian students seeking higher education abroad

continues to be high. ELS India facilitates Early Career Pathway
Guidance through seminars at schools, colleges and universities by a
team of internationally experienced professionals who discuss career
pathways as students chart out their educational objectives. ELS
India continues to service them through our innovative unbiased
counseling approach defined as a collaborative, student-focused
and process-driven service rendered in several important stages that
includes a minimum of 40 hours of personalized Counseling, Study
Abroad Assessment and University Shortlisting, Application
processing, Visa guidance, and Pre-departure assistance. University
recommendations to students are not limited to partner universities
based on commission, rather each counseling session focuses on
students’ developmental objectives and career goals. Our
sophisticated ELS Training, Assessment and Certification program
allows our internationally educated counselors to draw on their
training and personal experiences to provide relevant academic and
cultural guidance to students. Through interaction with our certified
counselors, students cultivate skills necessary to acculturate and
integrate to a globalized economy.

Indians abroad make important contributions to the economy of

their homeland as scientists, entrepreneurs and professionals
creating new businesses, jobs and innovation. Their contribution also
extends to the Indian economy in the form of remittances.
Moreover, with scientific, investment and professional environment
in India improving to global standards of competitiveness, graduates
return home to drive mobility in India as evidenced by ELS India continues to keep pace with the demands of
high profile returnees like our esteemed Governor of the industry and provides guidance to the progressive
the RBI – Dr. Urjit Patel; 75% of faculty in select number of students through innovation, dedication,
departments at IIT Delhi and Powai who are foreign- extensive research and knowledge sharing. We continue
educated; or notable entrepreneurs like Azim Premji to adapt and change, overcoming new challenges in a
whose contributions are well documented. At ELS India, competitive global industry, yet remaining committed in
our knowledgeable team is able to inspire students to our intention to assist students achieve academic
achieve their dreams of academic and socio-economic excellence.
excellence through appropriate career pathways. We
understand every student is unique and offer them
personalized guidance for career preparation to meet
the challenges of global competition. ELS India has
provided educational pathways to hundreds of students
helping them to matriculate to over 130 colleges and
universities in USA, Canada, France and Australia with
services extending to Malaysia and Germany.

ELS India is also a pioneer in international collaboration

with over 750 partner universities worldwide. We work
with our international and Indian institutional partners
to facilitate student exchange programs and joint
degree programs that are recognized worldwide. Our
partnership with Indian universities like SRM University
aims to improve university support for students through
on-campus learning centers. To support our Prime
Minister’s ‘Make in India’ vision, our ELS on-campus
Language Centers increase international students
coming to India from the Middle East, China, Japan, S.E.
Asia, and Francophone Africa. We have co-created
programs at our English Language Center at SRM to
help international students studying in India to adapt to
the learning structure and perform on par with other
students in their classes.

Emerson in India:
Making a Difference


Emerson, headquartered in St.
Louis, Missouri, USA, is a global
Emerson CSR Guiding Principles
manufacturing company that In 2015, Emerson launched in India its corporate citizenship program
brings technology and called “Making a Difference” while addressing the unmet needs of
engineering together to provide society, communities and people. Emerson's goal has been to
innovative solutions for customers implement a program which:
in industrial, commercial and
consumer markets around the • Will not discriminate and will provide equal opportunities to
world. communities and affected people
• Will focus on the underprivileged
• Will not be limited to any one organization or community
Emerson first entered India
• Will provide forward looking, far reaching, impactful and
directly in the 1980’s through
enduring results
joint-venture relationships with
several Indian-owned companies, Education is the initial focus of these efforts, where Emerson is
and has been investing seeking to build awareness and interest in science and its
significantly in India since the applications to help reduce overall school drop-out rates and aid in
1990’s. Since then, Emerson has the continuity of education of underprivileged youth. To learn more
fully acquired several of these joint about us, please visit: http://www.emerson.com/en-
ventures and integrated the in/AboutUs/Pages/corporate-citizenship.aspx.
companies into its existing
businesses platforms which have Collaboration with NGOs
further expanded the regional
sales and operation footprint. Emerson India is contributing to community development,
particularly in the field of education by participating with the
Today Emerson in India has over following NGOs
6500 employees at 10
Agastya International Foundation
manufacturing locations, 5 Global
• Brings innovative science education to Government schools in
Engineering Centers and 35
various states
offices across the country. • 115 Mobile Science vans to take science education to the village
• 43 Science Centers as resource hub for schools and communities
• 135 Operation Vasantha Centers community run remedial classes
Current Engagement
• Emerson contributed to developing the Science lab Pune and
Pilani program launched in summer 2015

Purkal Youth Development Society

• PYDS provides “out of the box” education through ‘Learning by
• The school aims to provide residential facilities to all Retail, Plumbing and Book Binding
the girls and boys in the School post class 5
Current Engagement Lend-A-Hand-India
• With Emerson assistance the school’s infrastructure • Address the issue of school drop-outs prevalent
can improve to cater for increasing number of amongst under-privileged students
underprivileged students • Lend a Hand India focuses in making school
• The Girls Hostel has been inaugurated in May 2016. education practical and relevant by providing
pertinent job and life skills training
SOS Children’s Village • “Project Swadheen” provides job skills and life skills
• Quality education reflected through improved training as part of existing school curriculum
performance of youth leading to a healthier and Current Engagement
more prosperous life • With support from Emerson, Lend-A-Hand-India is
• Over the years this program has created a network upgrading the existing school vocational education
of supporting adults who hand hold each other to program (Project Swadheen) to be NSQF (National
tide over life situations Skills Qualification Framework) compliant with
• The settled youth have not only found their way, but certification from National Skill Development
their descendants are likely to escape the vicious Corporation (NSDC) in 15 schools covering 1200
cycle of being underprivileged students annually
Current Engagement
• Emerson funding of SOS Children Villages will
support the education of approximately 1400 Research & Development
students across 32 villages for professional courses
The Emerson Innovation Center in Pune is an essential
Masoom part of Emerson Global engineering network
• Masoom partners with night schools to facilitate the contributing to R&D requirements of Emerson business
“Night School Transformation Program” and strive to units globally. Major activities include new product
establish quality education development, sustaining engineering, engineered to
• Among the various projects are Leadership order products, engineering simulations, product
Academy, Night School Toolkit, Tech-Wheels and lifecycle management, design automation,
Helpline manufacturing engineering, prototyping, analog/digital
Current Engagement hardware development, embedded firmware/software
• Masoom has expanded skills development courses development, application software development and
for 250 students, key areas include Digital design verification.
Filmmaking, Photography, Animation, Graphic
Design, Beautician, Mobile Repairing, Electrician,
The center represents a best in class facility supporting a broad spectrum of products and system design for
Emerson Commercial & Residential Solutions and Automation Solutions business platforms; key activities are in the
area of compressors, sensors, transmitters, flow meters, gas chromatographs, control valves & actuators and
thermostats, with design activities in the field of mechanical, electrical, electronics, software engineering and
system design.
The R&D center’s key contributions are:
• 500 patent applications and 150 patent granted
• Contributed to 150+ new products in last 3 years
• Over 55% of contribution is towards New
Product Development
• Established a robust innovation framework &
culture to foster creativity
• World-class labs facilities
• Over 700 employees
• Strong collaboration with local universities

Innovation &
Manufacturing Hubs
With over 2000 employees, Pune is Emerson India’s
key hub for manufacturing and innovation. The
Emerson Export Engineering Center caters to the
entire project management lifecycle from quote to
order, committed to high quality execution and
delivery. The Engineering Center delivers projects
worldwide with PMP certified Project Managers,
Planners, Cost Controllers, Project Administrators
and Finance Analysts, ensuring satisfaction of every
stakeholder. With its engineering strength, diverse
knowledge of processes, high standards and
continuous trainings, this center is delivering
innovative solutions that help customers achieve
their business objectives in various industries. The
factories in Pune contribute to best-in-class
manufacturing processes and systems taking
advantage of local resources. The factories
manufacture state-of-the-art compressors suitable
for residential and commercial applications, flow
controls and electronics, condensing units and cold
chain solutions.

The manufacturing establishments in Mumbai and

Chennai complete the “Make-in-India” vision
harnessing the potential of local skill and market

Additional engineering and IT centers in Pune,

Chennai, Mohali and Noida are focused towards
continuous improvement and developing innovative
solutions that solve the most pressing needs of
customers in the region. Key applications include,
implementation, administration and maintenance of
IT technologies and tools, power and water
solutions, process systems and solutions, valve
automation, project management, et all

First Solar
Ensuring a Sustainable Energy
Future in India


First Solar is a leading global The Government of India, put a vision of a more sustainable energy
provider of comprehensive mix to address the energy security and sustainability concerns that
loomed large. It set a target of 100GW of solar capacity by 2022, and
photovoltaic (PV) solar systems
further signalled its intent to scale up renewables in the energy mix
using advanced module and
by signing the COP-21 declaration in Oct 2016, where India became
system technology. First Solar the 62nd country to ratify the Paris Agreement on climate change.
Power India Private Limited (FSPI), Decarbonizing the energy sector, which currently accounts for
a wholly owned subsidiary of First approximately two-thirds of global greenhouse gas emissions. Given
Solar, Inc. has been present in this objective of sustainable development, and as solar PV emerges
India since December of 2011. Our as a mainstream energy source, the environmental performance and
business activities in India include impact of PV technologies is becoming increasingly important. And,
(a) sale of modules to 3rd parties at First Solar, we accomplish this by incorporating sustainable
and (b) development of utility business practices. We have increased our technology and
manufacturing efficiencies to produce solar photovoltaic (PV)
scale PV solar assets.
modules and projects with higher energy yields and lower
environmental impacts.
With over 1.2 GW of modules
installed base in India, in 2014 we In 2016, First Solar, in India, celebrated a significant milestone by
commenced project development, becoming the first thin film PV module manufacturer to achieve the 1
and have successfully completed GW milestone of PV solar capacity shipped to the country. While, the
the commissioning of 200ac MW developed utility scale PV asset capacity of 150 ac MW’s produces
projects in the states of Telengana enough electricity to power 260,500 average Indian homes and
and Andhra Pradesh, and are displaces 234,000 metric tons of CO2 per year.
currently executing 6OMWs in the
First Solar’s thin film cadmium telluride (CdTe) photovoltaic (PV) is
state of Karnataka.
the industry’s leading eco-efficient technology, which:

• Requires no water to generate electricity and uses less water on a

life cycle basis than most alternative sources of energy generation
(First Solar thin film PV has the lowest life cycle water use of all
solar technologies and uses up to 12 times less water than other
solar technologies on a life cycle basis)

• Has the smallest carbon footprint and fastest energy payback

time of all solar technologies on a life cycle basis

• Our fully integrated manufacturing process uses less energy,

water and semiconductor material than conventional silicon

• Provides 5-9% annual energy yield advantage over competing

PV technologies in areas of high temperature and high humidity
resulting in a lower levelized cost of electricity (LCOE)
Responsible recycling further reduces the environmental development and is consistent with the Indian
life cycle impacts of PV modules. First Solar is Government’s key program of Skill India which is a
committed to responsible product life cycle mission under the Human Resources Development
management. We take into account the environmental Ministry targeted towards making a larger section of the
impact of our products and utility-scale solar projects population employable. And recently, in July of 2016,
throughout their life cycles; from sustainable raw young women and men have been trained on
material sourcing and responsible manufacturing and Computer & IT skills at Raichur, Kodangal, adjacent to
construction, to providing a cost-effective recycling the First Solar project site at that location.
service for PV power plant and module owners.
With the smallest carbon footprint, lowest life cycle
We aren’t stopping there, in addition, First Solar, is also water use and fastest energy payback time in the
committed to being a responsible partner in local industry, First Solar produces the leading eco-efficient
communities where we build projects. We implement PV technology. Our modules generate more energy at
local community engagement and development a competitive cost and with the lowest environmental
programs. In November of 2015, the First Solar India impact per kilowatt-hour. In addition to addressing
team kicked off its first community development energy security, climate change and water scarcity, First
initiative at Mahbubnagar in the southern Indian state Solar energy solutions are sustainably delivering
of Telengana. The theme of the program was skill competitive, accessible and reliable solar electricity

Helping India Build

its Infrastructure


Fluor Corporation is a publicly Fluor’s corporate citizenship is focused on four strategic areas:
owned engineering, procurement, Education, Social Services, Community & Economic Development
and Environment. Since its inception 60 years ago, Fluor and the
fabrication and construction
Fluor Foundation have contributed millions of dollar worldwide in
organization. The company
support of the communities in which it has a presence. Fluor India
employs more than 60,000 has been an active participant in community programmes for over a
personnel worldwide and decade through its Fluor Cares employee volunteer program.
maintains offices in over 25
countries. The company has been In 2016, Fluor India volunteers supported 31 CSR projects with the
operational in India since 1995 help of more than 700 volunteers who contributed ~7,000 volunteer
and currently employs approx. hours to benefit the underprivileged in multiple domains.
3,400 personnel.
Amongst the key projects executed were:

Teaching: Project Saksham is the longest sustainable project of Fluor
Cares India, with 35 volunteers contributing 2000 hours for imparting
8,000 hours of computer & STEM classes. This project covered
underprivileged children between grades four to ten in last 3 years.
In addition, Fluor successfully completed ‘Adding Wings’ project to
impart English, Health and Life skills to 700 underprivileged kids in
two communities. Fluor India has been devoted to improve the state
of education of underprivileged communities so that the people
from these communities get equal opportunity and they can raise
their self-esteem.

Meals: Under-privileged students often go without adequate food

and improving the nutrition levels of kids can be an enabler in
improving attendance levels in schools. In accord with this, Fluor in
consultation with the nutrition consultant provided 12,000 hot and
nutritious meals for more than 130 school children in association with
NGO Aman Biradari over the entire year.

Backpacks: Fluor India provided support to underprivileged children

who lack in resources but are committed for education. Under
Building Backpack Futures, 669 backpacks were distributed filled with
academic stationery requirements and books for the needy students.
School noticed improvement in student’s attendance later to back
pack distribution indicating rising interest in education.
Laboratory equipment and classroom infrastructure: units of blood in a two-day event. To facilitate this
Fluor has been actively involved in improving classroom camp, more than 160 volunteers ran a sustained
and laboratory infrastructure of undergraduate campaign to raise awareness about the cause.
engineering institutes that have students enrolled from
underprivileged society. On an average INR 4 million Medical Camp: A total of 250 volunteers from Fluor
has been donated towards providing computers, CPU New Delhi Office organized and managed 24 camps of
machines, drafting equipment, Auto-CAD software etc. the “Doctors at the Door Steps" project run by Mahavir
International, a non-governmental charity. The project
Social Services provides free medical consultation and preventive and
interventional eye care at the door steps of under-
privileged individuals deprived of normal medical care
Blind Students: Fluor supported 120 students of the All and sustenance. 6500 patients were screened by
India Confederation of the Blind’s school in Gurgaon general practitioners, eye surgeons and ear, nose and
navigate the world better with improved facilities such throat specialists and offered medicine. 85 patients were
as talking software, desktops, and building detected with cataract and provided medical support
Infrastructure material including access to clean Power for surgery and post-operative care.
from Solar PV panels and back-up system

Differently Abled Children: Fluor participated in Delhi Community & Economic

Half Marathon to support two causes for differently
abled kids – therapeutic services for special children, Development
and braille resources for the blind. To support these
causes, Fluor witnessed largest participation this year GCPF: Fluor India is proud to support two projects
with 160 runners fundraising INR 7,76,000 through under Global Community Project Fund. By providing
individual donations. Under the banner of ‘Mission clean drinking water in old age home, Project ‘Neer’
Humanity’, this event received huge participation and supports 450 people to fulfill their water needs. Clean
enthusiasm from both volunteers and beneficiaries. water is a basic need of humans which is not available
to underprivileged communities, resulting in bad health
Blood Donation: 3 camps for employee blood and sanitation issues. As part of this project, a water
donations were arranged for thalassemic patients in tank is storage tank and a water filter unit is installed to
collaboration with 6 blood banks and 2 NGOs. A record serve the drinking water requirements of the
high of 774 employees donated an equal number of community.
Women Self Sufficiency: Fluor India promotes all-round community development by strengthening and upgrading
the infrastructure of NGOs working for various segments of society such as women, children, senior citizens, and
the economically disadvantaged. Fluor volunteers reached out to NGOs to identify their needs. As a result, Fluor
distributed a paper sublimation machine to Literacy India, a nonprofit organization that promotes women self help
groups earn a living by themselves.

Jaipur Foot Camp: As a global company in tune with the communities in which it operates, Fluor recognizes how
important it is to ensure that people have access to basic needs. This year again, Fluor Cares India, in partnership
with Bhagwan Mahavir Viklang Sahayata Samiti (aka Jaipur Foot), organized a camp of Hope & Joy, a two day
event that fitted 200 custom-made prostheses manufactured in a mobile workshop onto needy recipients in this
veritable Collective of Optimism. Fluor also contributed in improving the productivity of the manufacturing of
prosthesis by supplying new equipment.

Triangular Park & Sector 43 Park Upgradation: More
than 100 Fluor volunteers have been involved in
cleaning of litter from the park and planting new
trees and shrubs. Fluor has also sponsored the park
by providing funds for improving the park

A Better World

Established in 1995, Ford in India Ford’s commitment to India is not just business centric. At the heart
manufactures and exports of the company’s business plans are people and communities. With
an unwavering commitment to the country and its people, Ford’s
automobiles and engines made at
CSR initiatives are a reflection of its ‘Go Further’ journey in India.
its integrated manufacturing
Supporting programs that effect meaningful change and improve
facility in Chennai, Tamil Nadu the quality of life in the communities in India, Ford’s three key
and Sanand, Gujarat. Ford’s community investment priorities revolve around: Community life,
current range of award-winning Education, Driver safety.
products in India includes the
Ford EcoSport, Ford Figo, Ford
Aspire, Ford Endeavour and Ford
Community Life
Mustang. Ford Operations in India
Helping to strengthen the communities in which we operate is a core
also include Global Business
priority for Ford. Around the world, our efforts to improve
Services, with offices in Chennai, community life include hunger relief, poverty alleviation, and
New Delhi, and Coimbatore. environmental initiatives like water conservation.
Registered as Ford Motor Pvt. Ltd.
(FMPL) as a legal entity, Global Involved with a multiplicity of projects, Ford supports Women
Business Services provide Empowerment Program(s) in villages close to the Chennai plant. Till
innovative solutions to nearly date, more than 600 women have been trained in this skill over the
every Ford locations around the last two years, of whom a significant number have started leveraging
world -- in areas of Information this as an additional source of income.
Technology, Product Engineering,
Another key program supported by Ford is The Maternal & Child
Finance and Accounting,
Healthcare intervention in Kalvarayan Hills in Villupuram district, 300
Automotive Financing, Material, Km from the Chennai facility. The program, already in its fourth year,
Planning & Logistics, Marketing is enabling access to quality healthcare for expectant mothers in the
Sales and Service, Analytics, and region while including community awareness initiatives that address
Purchasing. Ford currently issues here like child marriage and dropout rate amongst girls.
employs more than 14,000 hard-
working, dedicated men and On healthcare, Ford has also been supporting a primary health care
women across its operations in center – “Sanjeevi” for 18 years, providing near-free medical care to
India. more than 500,000 people in surrounding villages since its inception.
The Primary Healthcare Center also organizes various awareness
camps, to reach out to the community and volunteers from Ford
For more information, visit
participate in these camps. Seeing the success and impact it created,
www.india.ford.com Ford has also commissioned a project to upgrade infrastructure and
facilities at a community health center in Sanand, Gujarat. Seeing the
impact healthcare creates in a growing economy like India, Ford has
been named as the largest Voluntary Blood Donor successively for
years across its manufacturing and IT operations.
Ford’s water strategy today recognizes the human right
to clean, affordable drinking water, and adequate, Focus on Education
accessible sanitation.
We work with communities around the world to drive
In Gujarat, India: Ford’s ‘Sujal’ (clean water) initiative in sustainable innovation in education. Aiming to provide
Sanand today has been working to provide safe holistic education to children studying in government-
drinking water to 55 Anganwadis (government run schools, Ford launched its “Happy School” program
sponsored child-care and mother-care center in India) in Chennai in September 2014. As part of the Happy
covering 50 villages. The installations of water purifiers Schools program, Ford partners with reputed NGOs to
are benefitting more than 1700 children along with an collectively conceptualize and design a social
equal or more number of villagers. intervention model that addresses the identified gaps in
the areas of academics, health, nutrition, and
As part of sustainability focus, Ford organizes programs infrastructure across primary schools.
where water bodies in community areas are cleaned,
strengthened & restored to its original capacity & A critical component of the intervention is engagement
beauty. The cleaning process involves removal of with key stakeholders, including the management of
physical garbage from the premises. Programs of this schools, the teachers, and parents, to create a sustained
sort showcase the amount of determination and support system for the child. This program is impacting
passion that the employees have towards creating a lives of children across 30 schools in Chennai and
sustainable environment. In the latest addition to the Sanand, Gujarat. Ford’s focus on Girl Education with its
list, Ford has been working towards the scientific Light House Project is addressing the issue of dropout
restoration of the Thirukachur lake, next to its Chennai rate amongst girls in schools.
facility. De-silting the lake will help improve the quality
of ground water while improving the biodiversity of Another important pillar of Education Ford has
surrounding areas and help in increasing the survival of remained invested in India is Digital Literacy. As an
both flora and fauna in this region.
important entitlement for all young people in an increasingly digital culture, Ford has been supporting the
program for underprivileged communities in South India. Through the contribution of both hardware and the
software, the Ford-Rotary Digital Literacy program has already empowered 82,000 people from economically and
socially disadvantaged backgrounds.

Driving Safety
The Ford Driving Skills for Life (Ford DSFL) program is the centerpiece of our efforts to improve driver safety.
Launched in 2009 in India, the program is in keeping with Ford’s objective of creating Safe Roads and a Better
The program focuses on safe driving while
emphasizing on maximizing the driving experience
through economic and eco-friendly driving behavior
(including anticipation of road conditions, applying
fuel-efficient driving techniques, avoiding over-
speeding and having a well-maintained vehicle). Our
trainers have been a part of an intensive training
conducted by global experts, who have pioneered
this program for Ford Motor Company in many

Year after year, the DSFL program is working

towards reducing the number of traffic fatalities and
injuries by reinforcing safe and economical driving
skills and has trained more than 20,000 people in
India since its launch here.

Driven by Volunteerism
Ford’s operations currently employ more than 14,000
hard-working, dedicated men and women across its
operations in India which also include Global
Business Services, with offices in Chennai, New Delhi,
and Coimbatore.

Volunteerism has been an integral part of Ford

Motor Company since its creation in 1903. We
encourage our employees to participate in programs
that build stronger communities through the Ford
Volunteer Corps. Ford’s Global Week of Caring is
one of the cornerstone programs of the Ford
Volunteer Corps. It includes a week of volunteer
events across all of Ford’s operating regions. In 2014,
our ninth year with this program, more than 15,000
Ford employee and retiree volunteers participated in
more than 320 projects in 36 countries and 17 U.S.

Franklin Templeton
Corporate Social Responsibility


Franklin Templeton Investments is As part of our social purpose initiatives in India, Franklin Templeton
a premier investment continues to partner with several organizations with a focus on
education, vocational skilling, livelihood and infrastructure
management firm with over 65
years of global investment
expertise. Established in India in 1. Akanksha Foundation (Education)
1993, we have over 2 decades of
rich experience with specialized The Akanksha Foundation is a non-profit organisation with a mission
expertise across various to provide children from low-income communities with high-quality
investment styles and asset education, enabling them to maximize their potential and transform
classes; all dedicated to one goal: their lives. The foundation works in the field of education, initiating
delivering quality results for our school reform through ‘The School Project’, and providing
investors. supplemental education through the Akanksha centers. Currently,
Akanksha reaches out to over 6500 children through two models:
the after-school or center model and The School Project. As part of
At Franklin Templeton
our CSR programme, we have adopted the Abhudaya English
Investments, we believe that Medium School in Mumbai. Our program attempts to address the
Corporate Citizenship is a critical inequities in education by creating reforms in the education system
link between integrity and in partnership with the government. The program aims to: a) prove
performance—how we do the that every child has ability to learn and excel, b) demonstrate the
right things the right way in order importance of skilled educators by investing in recruitment and
to deliver value to our retention of high quality staff, c) use schools as labs to improve
stockholders, clients, employees, quality of education in government schools.
and our communities. Citizenship
2. Bala Vikasa Social Service Society (Infrastructure)
is embedded in our corporate
values and is an important
Water purifier plants: Bala Vikasa is an organization devoted to
element of how we achieve sustainable development in India. Their approach is to help
success in working with all of our communities help themselves by providing rural villagers with the
key stakeholders. tools and resources they need to transform their lives. The situation
of slum dwellers is especially poor on the area of clean drinking
water. Municipal water supplied is often contaminated leading to
high incidences of water borne diseases. We joined hands with Bala
Vikasa for a project to set up water purifier plants in various locations
across the country. These installations had an impact on about 2800
children, 2000 youth, 3000 rickshaw pullers, 6000 families across 6
locations in India.
3. American India Foundation Trust (Livelihood) 4. Agastya International Foundation (Livelihood)

The American India Foundation (AIF) is a non-profit Agastya is an Indian education trust and non-profit
organization devoted to accelerating social and organization based in Bangalore, India whose mission is
economic change in India. AIF has partnered with to spark curiosity, nurture creativity and build
multiple NGOs in India to build a trusted network for confidence among economically disadvantaged
implementation, scale, and sustainability. Franklin children and teachers in India. Founded in 1999,
Templeton India is in its second year of partnership with Agastya runs hands-on science and art education
AIF. In year one, we focused on providing rickshaws in programs in rural and semi-urban regions across 18
the Indian village of Sitapur. The project focused on Indian states. It is one of the largest science education
facilitating an ecosystem which leads to increase in programs that caters to economically disadvantaged
income levels of rickshaw pullers, reducing poverty and children and teachers in the world. Franklin Templeton
create a source of livelihood, hinging on self-reliance has been associated with Agastya for the past few years
and financial discipline. In 2016, we joined hands with and has sponsored mobile vans for the foundation.
them to support their livelihoods and skill development
programme called Market Aligned Skills Training 5. Akshaya Patra Foundation (Education)
(MAST) and Ability Based Livelihood Empowerment
(ABLE) in Mumbai. ABLE is a project that works to The Akshaya Patra Foundation is a not-for-profit
ensure that persons with disabilities are able to obtain organisation headquartered in Bengaluru, India. They
equal, inclusive and dignified livelihoods. The MAST tackle issues like hunger and malnutrition, by
program works towards skill development and access to implementing the Mid-Day Meal Scheme in the
employment for persons with disabilities.

government schools and government-aided schools.

It is the world’s largest (not-for-profit run) mid-day
meal programme serving every-day wholesome
food to over 1.6 million children from 13,500+
schools across 11 states in the country. Provision of
hygienically cooked, Nutritional mid-day meal to
government school going children has been a
critical catalyst in increasing enrollment, attendance
and classroom participation. A single meal plays a
major role in the holistic development of the child.
We have tied up with Akshaya Patra to sponsor
meals for 16,500 children and have sponsored food
delivery vans.

GE’s CSR Focus

on Women Empowerment


GE is a digital industrial Company
with diverse capabilities in energy,
Diversity & Inclusion
healthcare, transportation & We are a global company. With operations in over 140 countries, GE
aviation. GE is proud of its legacy employees reflect both the local communities we serve and the
in India since 1902 and has over people with whom we do business. We see diversity and
18,000 employees and 21 inclusiveness as an essential part of our productivity, creativity,
manufacturing centres across the innovation and competitive advantage.
country, In a significant
endorsement of India as a major GE has a strong focus on Sustainability, Corporate Citizenship and
global manufacturing destination, Inclusion. In this context, great emphasis has been given to diversity
and gender. Accordingly, GE places great emphasis on women
GE unveiled its new ‘Brilliant
empowerment, both in terms of its staff and policies, as well in its
Factory’ at Chakan in Pune. The
social development endeavours as part of corporate social
John F Welch Technology Centre responsibility (CSR).
in Bangalore is the largest
integrated multidisciplinary GE has a dedicated Women’s Network, which is highly active and
Research and Development works to promote the cause of women empowerment within GE.
Centre, globally for GE.
Women Empowerment in CSR
In our CSR strategy, GE India adopted women empowerment as a
key focus area. In its implementation of CSR activities in 10 locations
across India, attempt is made to ensure that women beneficiaries
occupy centre-stage either as direct beneficiaries or as major
participants in the programme.

Given their central role in households, women as beneficiaries not

only directly benefit from the programmes but their empowerment
goes a long way for the overall development of the family and eco-
system of a given area. Few women receive proper medical care,
even during pregnancy and nursing. Starting from birth, girls do not
receive care and commitment from their parents and society. This
necessitates activities that help women gain greater prominence and

Creating Impact Through CSR

While all our CSR programmes have strong inclusion of women,
some of our programmes are exclusively focused on women’s safety,
dignity, education, self-confidence, health, sanitation and hygiene.
National Capital Region personal safety, sexual abuse, hygiene, sanitation and
Safety for Girls: Greater NOIDA - We have provided for health.
a dedicated Tata Sumo vehicle to a Girls Home in
Greater NOIDA run by Udayan Care. The vehicle helps At Hosur, we have taken up major renovation work,
in transporting the children and young women from including toilets, at the Government Girls High School. A
remote areas to their in-house vocational training compound wall has been erected for increased safety of
centres as well as accomplishing the schooling, medical girls by preventing any form of encroachment to their
and other needs of the girls, staying at the Girls Home. privacy. We have also completely renovated the
The vehicle has greatly served the purpose of ensuring chemistry laboratory in the school facilitating greater
security for the girls. interest and resources in imparting practical knowledge
of the subject.
Women’s sanitation, Gurgaon – We have signed up
with Sulabh International to provide for a community Shahabad, Karnataka
toilet facility for women, managed by Sulabh Livelihood training: We have started a livelihood
International. This is primarily aimed at highly programme of vermi compost making and marketing to
marginalised sections of society. The aim is to provide more than 100 women. In addition, a separate women’s
for dignity as well as clean sanitation facilities. empowerment programme is underway which focuses
on their all-round socio-economic health and increased
Marhaura, Bihar incomes.
Lighting and safety: In Marhaura, we have one of our
most significant projects of building railways Hygiene and sanitation: We have provided for
locomotives. Women have been the main beneficiaries Individual sanitation units to 50 households in a village.
of the more than 100 solar street lights installed by us to In partnership with the Town Panchayat of Shahabad,
cover 13 villages. we have also provided for a community sanitation unit
at Shahabad town, both of which have greatly
Tamil Nadu enhanced women’s hygiene, sanitation, dignity, and
Education, safety, hygiene and sanitation: In the safety. The programme has been greatly appreciated by
neighbourhood of our factories in Pallavaram and the women.
Padappai (close to Chennai), we have reconstructed
toilet blocks for girls in schools at Pallavaram and Durgapur, West Bengal
Padappai, close to Chennai. A major sensitisation and Safety and Health: We have installed solar street lights
awareness programme has been conducted for more in 4 tribal villages for improved safety and security of
than 400 girls in both the primary and senior school women. The women who would not venture out in the
sections at Pallavaram, touching the aspects of their dark, now find it safe to move through the village
streets with no fear for their personal safety. Similarly, we have provided solar lanterns for improved safety,
security and comfort. This has helped discontinue the use of kerosene lamps, which were harmful both from
environment and health perspectives.

Water: A drinking programme covering 4 villages has not only ensured availability of drinking water, but has
helped reduce the drudgery and saves valuable time for other productive activities.

Vadodara, Gujarat
Self-Help Groups: We have created 18 Women Self Help Groups (SHG) in 5 villages which are actively involved in
the CSR programmes implemented in the location.
Livelihood training and awareness: We have also
provided for financial literacy and financial planning
training to 250 rural women, thereby enabling
improved livelihood and socio-economic
empowerment. The programmes includes awareness
of schemes and programmes of government for
women empowerment.

Vocational training: We have started a vocational

training programme to benefit 250 women in
Vadodara, for general duty assistant in healthcare
and sewing machine operators in apparel sector.
The aim is to build self-confidence and empower
them with income-earning prospects.

Water: Collecting water is generally the responsibility

of women in rural households. This takes away their
considerable time and energy when they have to go
far to fetch the water. We have installed hand
pumps, in addition to a safe drinking water plant to
address women’s discomfort and drudgery in
carrying or collecting water.

Improved infrastructure: The improved facilities and

infrastructure provided by us in the village Milk
Collection Centre has reduced the long queues and
waiting time for their turn, thereby saving their time
for other activities.

Pune, Maharashtra
Education: We provided for the first science
laboratory in Bhamchandra High School, Pune,
realising that there was no school offering science in
11th and 12th classes in a radius of 25 kilometres.
This has been of great help to girls, as due to the
distance involved, they either chose Arts despite
their penchant for science or all-together dropped
out. The impact was to be seen immediately, as 24
girls joined the first batch in the 11th class.

Safety and Mobility: Aimed at increased mobility,

safety and self-reliance, we have distributed bicycles
to 68 girls studying in the 10th class in the same

Hygiene and Sanitation: We constructed three toilet

blocks for girls in 3 schools addressing the concerns
of privacy, hygiene and sanitation.

and Gender Diversity
in the Auto Sector


Founded in 1911 in Detroit, Diversity in the organizations has a huge role to play in their growth
Chevrolet is one of the world's prospects. In order to appeal to the market and consumers,
organizations should incorporate people from all walks of life
largest car brands, doing business
irrespective of their background. In this regard, gender diversity has
in more than 100 countries and
often dominated the mainstream debate for long. Even though over
selling more than 4.0 million cars the last century major progress has been made with respect to
and trucks a year. Chevrolet gender parity; in 2017 we still see the Indian business community
provides customers with fuel- crawling towards achieving this goal. In order to alleviate this, the
efficient vehicles that feature policy makers of the 21st century have introduced several macro-
engaging performance, design level policy reforms, social media campaigns and installation of
that makes the heartbeat, passive women councils in corporates, providing an edge to the gender
and active safety features and diversity movement, while empowering them as well.
easy-to-use technology, all at a
Traditionally, fields like automotive, sciences and aeronautics among
value. More information on
others have been stereotypically a male territory. However, in the
Chevrolet models can be found at
age of globalization and advanced technology, these industries have
www.chevrolet.com. begun to value talent more than gender.

Given the rise in women taking focused training in mechanics field,

recruiting and retaining them will then be considered smart business.
However as Deloitte report cites the example of EU, where though
women form nearly 46% of EU’s labor force, they still count for less
than a third of the manufacturing workforce. Talking about the
global scenario, the report reveals that women represent 47% of the
total workforce of which only 24% are employed in the automotive

The India story, with respect to gender diversity and women

empowerment, is almost identical. Globally, ranked third (IHS
Markit), India hosts a lot of global automotive players. Starting the
millennium with only 16 car manufacturers, India by 2020 is expected
to witness a threefold growth in this sector, both in the domestic and
the international market. However, such growth is yet to be reflected
in the percentage of women hired in the Indian automotive industry.
Globally, the issues remain the same- biasness towards men for
leadership positions, lack of organizational supportive infrastructure,
and non-existent pay parity to name a few. Additionally, women also
have domestic barricades to overcome in order to deliver quality
work at par with men.

In such scenarios, companies should support by providing facilities

like baby-crèche, pet-daycare and smoother transportation to foster
a healthy work-life balance for women. Amenities such as ‘pink park-
ing’, transport and safety-escort arrangements, and an organization has a Gender Ratio of 10:90 (2016) and
leadership training workshops for women in certain approximately 14% of the new hires are women. In a
companies are admirable examples. Such practices are pursuit to engage the women employees GM has a
particularly required in today’s time especially in sectors self-paced leadership development program called
like the automotive, to help build a robust women “Women in Action” and believes in fostering STEM
workforce. (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)
among young girls.
Amongst the leading automotive markets, the number
of women in the Indian automotive industry, more so in In fact, given the socio-economic scenario of India,
core manufacturing – is one of the lowest. Over the educating, hiring and retaining women has become
past decade, gender inequality in the workplace has crucial for the auto-giants to survive the competition.
been persistent despite growing attention from business The auto industry, like the rest, is subject to the
leaders and the media. According to Mckinsey’s latest changing demography, consumer behavior and
survey, “more than 75 percent of CEOs include gender technological advancements.
equality in their top ten business priorities, but gender
outcomes across the largest companies are not • The companies are acknowledging the fact that
changing”. With more and more women engineers, most of the automobile customers are increasingly
specializing in auto-manufacturing and management, women, thereby creating space and need for them
the HR landscape for these companies needs to in the higher leadership management teams as key
change. The organizations now need to adopt new- decision makers.
age policies and unconventional methodologies, to • Digitalization is the new-age platform for industries
bring a diametric change in the male dominated with data being the new business currency.
corporate structure. Automobile sector too now is manufacturing
technologically advanced auto units, competing not
Considering these offset gender challenges, GM India just with the old but also the new emerging sectors.
has adopted some benchmark policies such as liaising They are in a race to hire the best of the talent; with
with feeder colleges to gain entry level talent. As an women comprising a substantial 48.1% of this talent
automobile giant, GM wants to enable a culture of pool, who have digital education
change. It has initiated efforts to improve gender • A very endearing quality of a woman employee is
diversity starting by setting a strong tone at the top. longevity, i.e. women employees are better at
From running Gender sensitization workshops to sticking to the company in comparison to their male
sharing case studies on reasonable accommodation; to counterparts. They come up with creative solutions,
having eminent speakers from the industry discussing which are useful especially in times when 64% of
the need and benefits women employees are being India’s population is expected to fall in the
made to change the mindset of the managers. GM as millennial- bracket by 2020, having matured in the
digital age.
In order to incorporate more women employees in the organizational structure, it is vital for companies to reform
their recruitment policies. This can be done by:

• Including the percentage of women recruited in the KPIs of the top management
• Creating awareness among the prospective employees, by showcasing case studies and success stories,
especially highlighting women
• Adoption of women-friendly policies, which allow flexibility, mobility and retention
• Reforming the existing policies in favor of women- by addressing hygiene factors such as availability of
healthcare, family schemes, adequate infrastructure, safety and transport etc.

Eventually, it is imperative for the companies in

general to address the issues of gender diversity at
workplace. Corporates in today’s time should give
chances to women as they have the ability to bring
in unique insights, while working on multiple projects
simultaneously. Companies then need to incorporate
policies which empower women and set an
exemplary picture- allowing women to take the
center stage with equal opportunities. This way, not
only will they attract the best talent, but also throw
off the male-biased image of the auto- industry.
This will render a high community value to the
companies and prepare them for a sustainable
innovative future, absorbing differences and

Genpact Cares

Genpact (NYSE: G) is a global At Genpact, giving is a way of life and we have institutionalized a
professional services firm focused culture of giving among our leaders, clients, partners and our large
workforce of people. Together we generate social impact through a
on delivering digital
number of global platforms, programs, projects and social initiatives.
transformation for our clients,
In 2016, Genpact Cares initiatives spanned 16 countries, including
putting digital and data to work to 15,500+ unique volunteers, 65,500+ volunteering hours, 15,000
create competitive advantage. payroll donors, 24 client partnerships and 16 long term NGO

The CSR projects at Genpact fall under three core pillars, which are
aligned to our strengths and expertise, and include causes our
employees are passionate about:

1. Education & Employability

2. Women’s Empowerment
3. Sustainable Social Impact

Women’s Empowerment
Genpact focusses on enabling the inclusive growth and education of
women in the communities where we operate. This is a topic that is
close to our collective hearts and is evident through the plethora of
initiatives that our employees undertake around the globe each year.
Our partnerships with non-profits and other institutions encourage
women to push their boundaries, therefore helping them and their
communities grow stronger every day.

Projects under women’s empowerment:

Udayan Shalini Fellowship

In India, education of girls and women continues to be treated with
discrimination and neglect – particularly their higher education.
According to current transition rates, a girl who enters her final year
of primary education (typically Class V) only has a 54% chance of
starting Class XI. This does not include the girls who drop out during
primary school or never attend school at all.
The highest percentage of girls dropping out of school counselling and personal development and organizes
happens between Class X and Class XI. Only 68% of regular interactions with them. The ‘Udayan Shalinis’,
girls who enter Class X move on to Class XI (NUEPA are welcomed to the Genpact campus every month for
2015). Moreover, only 6% of Indian women (above 15 personality development sessions and mentoring
years) are college graduates. Currently, out of every workshops with the senior leaders in the organization.
100 graduates, only 38 are women (Census 2011). In an In the near future, Genpact along with Udayan care
effort to change this reality, Genpact partnered with aims to link the beneficiaries of the USF program with a
Udayan Care to support the higher education of girls skilling program at Genpact called ‘Reach Higher’, a
through the ‘Udayan Shalini Fellowship Program’ program that focusses on improving employment
(USFP). The USF Program was initiated in 2002 in Delhi opportunities for underprivileged youth by honing their
with 72 girls but has now expanded to Kolkata, Delhi, employability skills.
Jaipur, and Hyderabad and enables higher education of
400+ meritorious girls from underprivileged
backgrounds. Since inception, USF has supported over Genpact Centre for
4400 girls
from economically-disadvantaged
Women’ Leadership
The objective of the program is to help girls become
empowered citizens of the country through the Genpact Centre for Women’s Leadership at Ashoka
realization of their potential and honing of their skills. University is a reaffirmation of the company’s
This is done by providing girls access to advanced commitment to Diversity. With a vision to drive gender-
education, personality development programs, inclusive growth that empowers and promotes women’s
vocational training and technical courses at various leadership across sectors in the country, Genpact
levels. partnered with Ashoka University to create and launch
GCWL. Through GCWL, our aim to create an ecosystem
As a partner of the Udayan Shalini Fellowship Program, of knowledge, resources, and advocacy that will help
Genpact sponsors the college education of girls in the create the next generation of women in leadership
higher grades of government schools, whose family roles. 200+ women have already participated in GCWL’s
income is below Rs. 90,000/- per annum. Genpact also research projects and leadership sessions so far.
believes in actively contributing towards their

Training & Preparation of Women athletes with OGQ

Genpact is committed to the cause of women in leadership across a spectrum of arenas and takes several steps
for their advancement in both the corporate sector and outside. To further this aim, Genpact has partnered with
the Olympic Gold Quest (OGQ) to support 10 Indian women athletes in their training and preparation for the
Olympics. P.V. Sindhu, the first Indian women to win an Olympic silver medal was one of the 10 athletes supported
by Genpact, as part of the OGQ program.

Safer Roads
Safer You
An Initiative of IRTE
in association with Goodyear

Goodyear is one of the world’s Goodyear is in the mobility business and safe mobility is what the
largest tyre companies. It employs company would like to promote, in order to help make communities
stronger and safer. In line with this endeavor, Goodyear has taken up
about 66,000 people and
‘Safer Roads, Safer You’ a CSR initiative in the area of road safety.
manufactures its products in 48
facilities in 21 countries around the Road safety is not just about preventing accidents but also about
world. Its two Innovation Centers enhancing the overall experience whilst travelling on the roads.
in Akron, Ohio and Colmar-Berg, Improved driver training is one way of enhancing the quality of this
Luxembourg strive to develop experience. The objective was to also help curb traffic rule violations
state-of-the-art products and and make taxi services safer and more customer friendly.
services that set the technology
and performance standard for the ‘Safer Roads, Safer You’ is a unique initiative aimed at supporting the
industry. fleet owners and taxi operators by training their drivers. Through this
initiative, Goodyear has supported individual, small, medium and
large taxi fleet owners and aggregators in their efforts to strengthen
Goodyear’s presence in India is
the safety and efficiency of their cab services. This capacity building
over 90 years old, with two plants, effort has been made possible through training of drivers in the
one each in Ballabhgarh and most crucial domains of passenger safety, passenger service,
Aurangabad. In the passenger car defensive driving, passenger vehicle maintenance, and incident
segment, Goodyear supplies tyres management.
to many of the leading OEMs and
has also been a pioneer in In association with Institute of Road Traffic Education (IRTE), a non-
introducing tubeless radial tyres. profit research based organization of repute in the area of road
In the farm segment, Goodyear safety, Goodyear has enabled the training of 4660 drivers through
233 workshops carried out across Delhi NCR and Mumbai over the
tyres are supplied to all the major
last two years.
tractor companies.
After the first phase of training 2,555 drivers, a survey was conducted
with fleet companies such as Uber and International Travel House to
assess the impact of the training on the lives of the fleet drivers. The
results showed that the overall skills and behavior of drivers
improved post training resulting in better customer orientation,
increased responsibility and sensitivity towards safe driving; and also
lesser cancellations of rides resulting in higher earnings, thereby
improving their livelihood. The fleet companies also saw value in this
initiative and expressed willingness to participate in future training
sessions for their fleet drivers.
In addition to fleet driver training, as part of “ Safer
Road, Safer You” initiative, a two day national
conference was held in New Delhi on 27-28 March,
2017 towards 'Safer and Convenient Taxi Operations in
India'. The conference was organized to develop a
National Code for Taxi Operations, which focuses not
only on safety but also on a commitment to deliver
quality, consistency and a comfortable world-class
experience for travellers. The guidelines aim to create a
platform of excellence and support for drivers, service
providers, women and customers with special needs like
the elderly, children and differently abled. The
conference was supported by Goodyear India Ltd under
its ‘Safer Roads, Safer You’ corporate social
responsibility (CSR) initiative. It was attended by
representatives from government, industry, civil
societies, academicians, students and media. A short
film to raise awareness amongst taxi drivers was
released at the conference.

By supporting the initiative, Goodyear aims to create a

culture of safe driving and passenger care in the taxi
service industry to help increase ridership of the public
transportation system, thereby benefiting the fleet
owners, taxi drivers, police organizations as well as end-

Creating Better


Griffith Foods is a product
development partner specializing
Foreign Direct Investment
in food ingredients, serving global What good is a company that doesn’t do good? Offering a great
and regional food companies product or service and excellent customer service should always be
worldwide. We’re committed to pillars in the foundation of any business, but can a business also help
helping our customers succeed make the world a better place?
through true, collaborative
innovation. Who we are, how we Griffith Foods Inc. (as Griffith Foods Private Limited, located in
help our customers win, and what Bengaluru, India) is a food product development partner in the
we do are all driven by our perfect marketplace to contribute to the greater good. Every day,
millions of people around the world consume the products that
Purpose – We Blend Care and
Griffith Foods assists in creating. From foodservice and other food
Creativity to Nourish the World.
manufacturers to retailers and distributors, Griffith Foods has helped
the largest and most influential businesses in the food industry
develop some of their best-known products

Griffith Foods is improving the food industry through its commitment

to shared value and the company’s purpose: blending care and
creativity to nourish the world.

At Griffith Foods, we work with our customers to create solutions

that are as unique as their opportunities and challenges. We closely
collaborate with our partners from the beginning of the product
lifecycle, providing consumer insights, creating innovative culinary
concepts, applying our product development expertise, ensuring
quality through sensory testing, and delivering through final
production of your products. Everything we do is tailored to our
customer’s needs – whether the goal is to differentiate through
distinct flavors, textures or appearance, achieve cost savings without
altering critical attributes, increase your healthful offerings, or gain
functional advantages such as shelf life and yield.

Rural Outreach & Skill

Griffith Sustainably Sourced (GSS) programme is a key enabler under
Griffith Foods Inc.’s Sustainability platform. With GSS, we have been
working in 11 villages in the state of Telangana for 4 years and
training our Chilly farmers to adopt Good Agricultural Practices
(GAP) and buying the crop directly from them.
Our farmers are taught Sustainable agricultural
practices. This has helped them to reduce the quantity Social Upliftment –
of pesticides used by 66% and to optimize the cost of
cultivation. Farmers get better price for the produce by
Feeding Bangalore
elimination of middle-men and delivering superior Foundation
quality. They also benefit from fare trade practices
promoted by Griffith Foods. When you have the means and the ability.....you also
have a responsibility to those who don't have them.
Farmers are trained in adopting Integrated Pest The seed of this thought germinates into a 'Mission'
Management, Farm-waste management, proper throughout our offices of Griffith Foods Inc. and
application of the fertilizers and proper drying through that into our community feeding program-
techniques which helps in reducing post-harvest 'Produce for Hunger', which ably and generously
wastages. supports the Bangalore Food Bank and its 54 feeding
partner NGOs in the city of Bengaluru. The resultant
Griffith’s field team regularly trains farmers in GAP and Social Returns on Investment resonates in the hearts of
also monitors the crop keeping records on GPS enables our employees and our corporate friends, market
devices. suppliers, manufacturers, and all concerned hearts to
feed nourishing meals and give hope, thereby.....'giving
We enable the farmers to avoid burning of farm wastes back to the community', of which we are all a part of.
and to put them back into the soil. This helps enriching Produced for the hungry and serviced with a
the soil and reducing air-pollution. Open wells are smile......that’s the way to do it.
fenced and wildlife is not harmed. We have also set up
Drinking water projects and regular Health checkup Feeding Bangalore Foundation is a non-profit
camps in these villages as part of giving back to the organization registered under section 7 of the
community. All our farmers are Group-Rain Forest Companies Act 2013. It acts as a facilitator and
Alliance (RFA) Certified indicating that they follow intermediary service to distribute food between those
Sustainable Agricultural Practices. who might have surplus or that which might be wasted
due to any reason, and those who need it to survive. The Bangalore Food Bank was initiated on October 2014,
under the chairmanship of Mr. Shyam Mohan - MD and President of Griffith Foods for India & the Middle East.
The central goal of the food bank at Feeding Bangalore Foundation, is to source and salvage food in the form of
grains, oils, pulses, spices, or any food product that has shelf stable life and make this available by delivering it
directly to those who struggle to stretch their rupee.

The world produces enough food to adequately nourish everyone. However a lot of what is grown, produced,
processed, manufactured, may not get consumed due to various reasons such as poor harvest, post-harvest loss,
product disposal due to expiration, over production, damage, marketing, and other business decisions. It could be
due to inadequate tax creatives, or even poor co-ordination amongst the government public and private sectors.

Food banking is acknowledged world over, as an

innovative and technology driven initiative to
alleviate the woes of malnutrition and hunger in any
country, with a replicable delivery system to
strengthen this food mission and its efforts to end
hunger, and with concentrated efforts, to break the
vicious cycle of poverty.

Feeding Bangalore Foundation serves 54 community

owned agencies (NGOs) in Bengaluru. They include
homes for the abandoned, special needs persons,
homes for the aged, homes for street children,
schools for children of parents with low income,
homes for children of migrant laborers and any
agency that serves the poor and needy. Our feeding
partners comprise of more than 15,000 persons.

And yes, we can’t feed nor support them on our

own. We receive generous support form like-
minded individuals and corporate organization like
Grant Thornton, Britannia Industries Ltd, Neo Foods,
Sodexo and Bank of America and Food World
Bengaluru, to name a few.

Food Banks address the issue of extending the

supply chain of food organizations, making it
possible to extend this line into an effective
distribution of its intended purpose, which is feeding
people, long after it has lost its commercial value,
albeit through a philanthropic arm.

Feeding Bangalore Foundation has its warehouse in

Doddaballapur - Bengaluru. We have been given
warehouse space by the offices of Griffith Foods Inc.
in their own LEED’s certified facility warehouse. We
adhere to strict food safety and nutrition as per
certification rules and standards.

HKS Approach
Design Innovation, Research and


For 78 years, HKS has embraced a
culture that is centered on
innovation and customer focus. At HKS, our attempt is to constantly innovate to keep building on
HKS is a worldwide network of and bettering where we are currently. Innovation for us is not just
professionals, strategically located innovation in design but also innovation in the processes employed
and working seamlessly as one to deliver design solutions. Examining a design afresh in terms of its
firm. HKS operates from 24 context, constraints and desired performance levels allows us to
worldwide offices. Our project come up with solutions that, although they are informed by our
experience includes corporate experience, are in no way restricted by our past or current
headquarters, office buildings, knowledge. This thrust on innovation becomes even more
imperative in an ever-evolving profession to remain relevant, to
healthcare facilities, sports
remain aware of the changes around us and to constantly adapt to
facilities, hotels and resorts, banks,
market fluctuations and changes in discourse.
government, aviation facilities,
convention centers, religious, When HKS set up base in India, there were visible and obvious
public buildings, multi-family challenges that the Indian market presented. These were typically
housing, educational facilities, related to construction techniques, weather conditions, cost points,
science and technology, retail and material availability, finish quality, information management, etc.
industrial projects located in over Most of these could be handled through robust documentation,
1,500 cities throughout 92 detailing and vendor selection, which are inherent strengths with
countries. The firm employs more HKS. Cost points and designing for relatively severe weather
conditions were ones that really allowed for a tremendous
than 1,350 dedicated and
opportunity to bring in design innovation.
experienced professionals with
specialty experience as well as We took India and its vast heritage as a starting point. The country
building-technology savvy. historically hasn’t really been very resource-rich for the most part.
Integrating our in-house R&D What it has been, however, is immensely frugal in the way it has
teams, we grow your interests used its limited resources and very inventive in terms of how it has
through in-depth, knowledge used them. Given the extremely high temperatures that most of the
based practices. country reels under during the summer season, achieving thermal
comfort is one of the key drivers for most buildings, or at least it
used to be. To demonstrate this, if we were to look at typical
dwelling units in the north and central parts of India — say, about
100 or 200 years back, we would find a few typical characteristics.
These would include high ceilings, pronounced shading devices,
thick walls, high-level ventilators, step wells, etc. These were passive,
less-resource-intensive techniques of lowering temperatures without
dependence on mechanical methods of cooling. Interestingly, this
was done not because of choice but, rather, for the lack of it
because mechanical methods were not available for the most part,
or when they were, they simply were too expensive to be
implemented on a mass scale.
Fast-forward to the early ’90s: the opening of the also its surroundings to understand the impact that the
economy coupled with the emergence of a relatively proposed development would have in the long term.
more aware, more traveled average Indian who was The client brief was to create a landmark building that
aspirational in all that he pursued. This resulted in a would serve not only as an urban marker but also as a
demand for design that emulated the developed world benchmark for all such future developments. This also
with large glass façades, aluminum cladding and meant creating design that is forward-looking and
enormous atriums with skylights to achieve the reflective of the future in terms of form, functionality
“developed world” aesthetic. and the use of materials.

What was forgotten in this attempt to achieve notional Working with the client, the design team could
design prosperity was that a large glass façade that may successfully create a built environment that not just
work well in the relatively colder climates of Europe may ticked all the right boxes aesthetically but also was able
not actually transcend very well when placed in to employ innovative methods to make the sure the
Gurgaon, which would see summer temperatures that building performed well. To address the concerns
reach 45 degrees Celsius. It would be safe to say that imposed by the climate, light and ventilation
there was a sheer disregard for the centuries of building requirements, etc., there was a conscious application of
in a context-sensitive manner that respected where the techniques like evaporative cooling to bring down
building was placed and the climate. What we now temperatures around the main concourse, strategically
called passive design was simply just sensible design not located shading devices, and a façade that was lighter
too far back. and more transparent in the right places to allow for
adequate daylight penetration and heavier where we
We at HKS understand this condition and constantly required thermal buffers, just to name a few.
apply design innovations that are informed by the
traditional building methods designed to mitigate the This resulted in not just bringing down temperatures
effects of a harsh environment and limited resources. but also, in effect, reducing the requirement of HVAC
Basic design considerations like the right orientation, systems in the building, which, in turn, reduced the
south and west façades being more solid, use of power consumption, the requirement of power backup
evaporative cooling, double-skinned façades, and, in effect, the power panels. More daylight
employing adequate shading devices, use of local penetration resulted in fewer light fixtures, all of which
materials, etc., all find their way back into our design translated into not just lower capital costs but also
approach as more contemporary interpretations of significantly lower operational costs. Due to these
these tried and tested techniques. interventions, it is projected that we can bring down the
overall predicted energy use intensity (pEUI) by close to
One such project that is a large extension to an already 50 percent.
sizeable built mass is situated in New Delhi and
embodies various such design innovations. The site sits This is just one small example of how we at HKS
across an urban village on an extremely tight and busy constantly take local knowledge and pair it with our
road, which imposes serious challenges related to traffic design sensibilities and robust delivery mechanisms to
movement, air quality, functional parameters, etc. Our develop approaches that are truly innovative.
approach was to be able to not just study the site but
The post-liberalization India became an attractive investment option for global multinational companies, and U.S.-
based corporations took the lead in this. Starting in the late 1990s with a few giant corporations taking the lead,
we saw many more from all industry verticals setting up a base in India. As the 2000s progressed, most large
global corporations started looking at India and their investments from a strategic viewpoint. Progressively, U.S.-
based conglomerates realized that India can be looked at as a potential destination for setting up their R&D
departments, due to the availability of highly trained manpower at competitive costs.

How HKS Supports

Research &
The research entities and initiatives at HKS are
merged within the design decisions and practice. It
• CADRE (our nonprofit research group that
conducts deep dives into research focused on
enhancing human and organizational well-being
• HKS LINE (our research and design team that
focuses on cross-pollinating design thinking
laterally, across all sectors, by the study and
application of emerging technologies and
• Design Fellowships (our fellowships that cultivate
Research Helps Create emerging design talent, providing a forum for
Better Design stimulating new ideas and processes to deepen
the relationship between research and design)

Good research enables us to constitute a blueprint Our R&D efforts focus on evidence-based design,
for the collection, measurement and analysis of data, workflow innovation, high-performance exterior
and it helps the design team make an informed design, parametric design, maximizing efficiency and
decision, unlike the traditional practice of relying on software application. Our uniquely structured
unfiltered data from varied sources and based only approach facilitates our designers to integrate this
on personal experience and judgment. Earlier, investigative effort into the design process. This
research and development has been limited to enables our clients and designers to create more
independent centers and academic bodies. The value and revenue.
need and value of measured decisions has increased
with change in the client perspective of placing value At HKS, our approach is to treat every design
over money, increased awareness, an expanded problem as a springboard to investigation and
ecosystem and a growing market. Successful research. The impacts of these decisions on the
research provides knowledge and supports a buildings are tracked and tested post-occupancy
solution, and it tells our clients that choices have and during the buildings’ life cycles. We are
been based on evidence rather than unfiltered committed to education through our research and
information. It helps to add both tangible and development activities by publications and
intangible value to our design and the built presentations through both print and online media.
environment. The tangible aspects include the return
on investment by reducing operational costs, We firmly believe that:
whereas the intangible ones include enhanced
human efficiency, sustainable design, and better “Research is creating new knowledge.”
organizational value and comfort for the users. — Neil Armstrong

Driving Real,
Measurable, and
Sustainable Impact
in the Communities Honeywell Serves

Honeywell is a Fortune 100 Honeywell is committed to improving the world we live in by
software-industrial company that creating, supporting, and nurturing programs and initiatives that
make real, sustainable, and measurable impact on communities that
delivers industry specific solutions
Honeywell serves. The cities, towns, and villages where Honeywell
including aerospace and
has operations and where our employees live and raise their families
automotive products and services; are not just addresses to us – they’re our hometowns.
control technologies for buildings,
homes, and industry; and In 2014, Honeywell India took the lead in re-anchoring our country’s
performance materials globally. All corporate social responsibility (CSR) approach guided by the Indian
of Honeywell’s global businesses government’s new Companies Act 2013. Honeywell Hometown
have a strong legacy in India, built Solutions India Foundation (HHSIF) was set up as a not-for-profit
over the last eight decades. entity that marries the Indian government’s CSR schedule with
Honeywell’s India commitment is Honeywell’s global CSR framework. We were among the first
companies to comply with the government’s CSR schedule,
evident in seven state-of-the-art
maintaining the legal, financial, and process rigor that Honeywell is
manufacturing and engineering
known for globally.
operations, and five global centers
of excellence for technology Under the ambit of HHSIF, we invest in relevant partnerships with
development and innovation. public and not-for-profit institutions of global repute, apply the
Honeywell employs close to same rigor and business tools that we use in the workplace, and
15,000 people across 50 locations. build outstanding programs that deliver results we can quantify: one
community, one home, one teacher, and one student at a time. We
deploy our CSR efforts in five critical areas: Science and math
education, Family safety and security, Housing and shelter,
Sustainability, and Humanitarian relief.

HHSIF creates opportunities for Honeywell volunteers to contribute

time and effort via various CSR activities that are managed and
delivered locally in and around Honeywell India sites. It also has a
highly transparent and rigorous process to bring new partners on

Funded by six Honeywell India entities HHSIF is driving three

outstanding and well-established programs in India. These programs
are driving sustainable impact among rural, peri-urban, and urban
communities in the country.

Educational Program to Make Making a difference every day: “The Safe Kids at Home
program has really made a difference in making us
Pune a Safe Kids At Home understand how kids can get injured. Now, we have the
knowledge to prevent burn and scald injuries to our
City daughter,” said Aarti, a housewife in Pune.

Safe Kids at Home: Honeywell India in partnership with

Safe Kids Foundation (SKF), launched Safe Kids at Providing Safe Water Access
Home, a home safety program to help prevent and to Communities in Regions
reduce burns and scalds among children under 14 years
old, in Pune. This program is backed by an extensive Suffering Groundwater
IMRB research on the occurrence and severity of injuries
children in this age group suffer at home. The program
deploys cutting-edge, experiential, and fun educational
tools targeted at different age groups, to reach 425,000 Safe Water Stations in Telangana: Honeywell India in
children and 250,000 parents by 2018. The program collaboration with Safe Water Network India (SWN), a
does not stop at safety training for children alone, but not-for-profit organization, is setting up 60 safe water
children become a pivot for bringing citizens and civic stations in Telangana from 2014 to 2017. These stations
agencies together to drive a strong safety culture in the will provide safe water access to more than 200,000
city in line with the Indian government’s 100 Smart Cities people in areas of Telangana that suffer acute shortage
vision. and groundwater contamination, including from
fluorides, which cause widespread health problems.
From a single city to an entire country: This program is These water stations are owned, operated, and
helping create 60 model safe schools in Pune which not maintained by local communities. These safe water
only adopts the Safe Kids at Home curriculum but offers stations use world class multi-stage reverse osmosis
extensive fire safety training to students, teachers, treatment system to remove contaminants and
support staff, and parents. These schools will also have dissolved solids; deploy cutting-edge remote
the right equipment and signage to deal with fire monitoring systems and process rigor to ensure less
emergencies. This year the program received than two percent downtime; and ensure engagement at
nationwide recognition with Chief Fire Adviser to the all levels of the targeted community for social, financial,
Government of India, recommending the Safe Kids at and environmental sustainability. Water ATMs have
Home curriculum for use by fire departments across 36 recently been installed at many sites to allow any time
states and union territories in the country on the dispensing via RFID cards. Twenty liters of water can be
National Fire and Evacuation Drills in Schools Day. fetched through RFID card for five rupees. Some of
these stations are also powered with solar panels that make clean drinking water available even in the absence of
grid power.

Driving greater impact: SWN has recently collaborated with Medak government to launch the district’s first safe
water station, to be funded by Honeywell India. Honeywell’s contribution to the state has been recognized
Hyderabad Software Enterprises Association award for CSR in 2017.

Making every drop safe to drink: "Before we used tap water and the children would suffer from diarrhea, throat
and stomach infections. Daily life was tough. These safe water stations have given hope to my family," said Kalyani,
a woman from Warangal district.

. Bringing Transformational
Education to Economically
Disadvantaged Students
Honeywell Science Experience: Honeywell India and
Agastya International Foundation (Agastya) have
partnered to launch Honeywell Science Experience
— an integrated learning program designed to
cultivate curiosity, nurture creativity, and instil
confidence among middle and high school students
in government schools. Honeywell India will support
15 science centers, 13 mobile science labs, and 1,850
young instructor leaders (YIL), benefiting more than
63,500 students and 1,500 teachers in Bangalore,
Delhi, Gurgaon, and Pune from 2016 to 2019.The
program aims to spark, nurture, and instill these
qualities to help develop creative-thinking and
problem-solving abilities in children. Through its
uniquely scalable, hands-on teaching-learning
methods, it aims to foster child and teacher
participation in experiential learning, and boost
science education. It is vastly different from the
typical rote-based learning system that discourages
questioning and student-teacher interaction.

Shaping next-generation innovators and scientists:

"Honeywell's science lab makes learning fun,” said,
Shifa, grade 10, Government Urdu High School, DJ
Halli, Bengaluru, Karnataka. “Honeywell Science
Experience program has instilled confidence in me
and I remember all complex scientific experiments,”
said, Alok Sharma, Class VIII – A, Government Senior
Secondary School, Khandsa, Gurgaon.

Citizenship in India
Transforming Business, Technology
and Society

In India, IBM has offices in over 22 IBM’s longstanding, global commitment to corporate responsibility is
cities, with headquarters in a demonstration of our values and the priorities that guide them.
IBM’s technology and talent have the power to help transform
Bangalore and regional offices in
governments, institutions, communities and the quality of life for
New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and
people around the world. We approach societal challenges as we
Chennai. IBM has been expanding would any engagement —by applying our talent and technology to
its footprint in India - and has a innovative solutions for education, economic development,
presence in over 200 cities and environmental sustainability, healthcare and more.
towns across the country - either
directly or through its strong IBM India citizenship programs include: 'Teachers Try Science' that
business partner network. IBM in aims to improve education outcomes through improved access to
India is a unique microcosm of the education resources for teachers ; 'Impact Grants' and 'Corporate
IBM Corporation bringing to India Service Corps' that focus on building stronger systems and processes
in NGOs to help enhance and deepen their mission impact;
the entire spectrum of IBM’s
'community grants' that provide small grants to NGOs to meet their
global capability and expertise –
program requirements and support women's capacity building to
from hardware, software, services strengthen women entrepreneurship; and the P-TECH 9-14 School
(domestic and global delivery) as Model that address employability gaps and economic empowerment
well as the crown jewel of of youth. Supported by large engaged corporate volunteers, IBM's
research and development. India citizenship programs make most of IBM's competencies and
is also home to IBM’s largest technologies to support social development in India.
global delivery teams across
Infrastructure, Applications,
Consulting, and Business Process
P-TECH India - A Model for
Outsourcing and is the largest Education and Workforce
MNC exporter in the IT industry in
India. Development
The P-TECH 9-14 School Model demonstrates the power of public-
private partnership in providing young people with the skills and
industry-recognized credentials necessary to compete in the 21st
Century economy. Through the model, students earn both a high
school diploma and an industry-recognized, two-year postsecondary
degree and are prepared with the skills necessary to continue their
education or to be first-in-line for jobs with their school’s industry

The model was launched in 2011, in New York, through a partnership

among IBM, the New York City Department of Education and The
City University of New York. In the United States, early results have
shown that the model helps build a skilled workforce, empowering
young people in underserved communities and addressing industry
skills gaps. The model is now in 62 schools in the U.S. P-TECH:
and Australia, and continues to replicate significantly • Forges partnerships among secondary and higher
around the world. educational institutions and employers to ensure
that education is relevant to local and national
The P-TECH model address the following issues in India: markets;
• Build a skilled workforce in key economic areas • Integrates secondary and tertiary education and
• Strengthen government reforms designed to creates an explicit link to careers to keep students
address school dropouts (Vocationalization of motivated to achieve industry-recognized
Secondary and Higher Secondary and National Skills postsecondary credentials; and
Qualification Framework (NSQF) and aligns with the • Maximizes the effectiveness of post-secondary
Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Adhyayan (RMSA) education by increasing efficiency, shortening time
introducing vocational education from Grade 9 to meaningful qualifications and increasing the
• Demonstrate a working model with multiple number of students who complete them.
progression pathways to build the number of
employable youth in India Quotes:
• Enhance the education endowment. “At IBM, we leverage our thought leadership,
technologies and expertise to help our clients and our
P-TECH in India can be replicated in India through communities – making a difference to where we live and
thoughtful implementation of the core tenets of the work. Our CSR focus in 2016-2017 was on supporting the
model. P-TECH will be initiated in India in 2017-2018 community through service grants, helping build the
with committed collaboration of government, school, capacity of NGOs that we are associated with to make a
college and industry partners. P-TECH model has larger or deeper impact. We continue to evolve our
significant promise in raising education attainment approach on corporate citizenship to provide the
levels and addressing significant skills gaps to bolster maximum benefit.”
and revitalize regional and national economies. — Vanitha Narayanan Chairman/IBM India Pvt. Ltd. &
Industry Academy Advisory Board Member

Inspiring Progress
Improving Lives
Creating a Difference

Ingersoll Rand (NYSE:IR) advances At Ingersoll Rand, we believe in responsible and sustainable progress
the quality of life by creating by taking an active role in addressing issues that impact not just our
company, but also the communities within which we operate. In
comfortable, sustainable and
India, Ingersoll Rand takes great pride in steps we have taken to
efficient environments. Our
improve millions of lives and impact even more with our focused
people and our family of brands efforts in the areas of Education, Healthcare and Sanitation,
— including Club Car®, Ingersoll Livelihood generation and Sustainability.
Rand®, Thermo King® and
Trane® — work together to We ensure that we follow a carefully structured approach in
enhance the quality and comfort everything we do. From drafting our CSR Policy, to identifying our
of air in homes and buildings; partners, to evaluating projects and complying with the government
transport and protect food and mandate, we have carefully defined, designated, and deliberated.
perishables; and increase
All our CSR projects are selected and implemented in accordance
industrial productivity and
with our CSR Policy. Our Vision is to advance the quality of life
efficiency. We are a $13 billion
through our social commitments to help build healthy, sustainable,
global business committed to a efficient and educated communities. The company’s detailed CSR
world of sustainable progress and Policy is uploaded on the website www.ingersollrand.co.in.
enduring results. We have been
present in India for over 100 years
now and are implementing
Promoting Education
strategies for product innovation
Ingersoll Rand Science Centre at Government Girls Senior Secondary
and design for Industrial School, Jacubpura, Gurgaon
Technologies; Food Safety; Energy
Efficiency and Sustainability. The In 2013, Ingersoll Rand partnered with Agastya to launch a Science
company has two world class Centre at the Govt. Girls Senior Secondary School, Jacobpura in
manufacturing facilities at Naroda Gurgaon. Ingersoll Rand has continued to extend operational
and Sahibabad; and two support to this Centre to benefit multiple students, teachers and
Engineering and Technology schools in the region and from neighboring schools.
Centers at Bangalore and
With this program, Ingersoll Rand is providing stimulating science
Chennai. For more information,
education through practical mentoring and countering rote-learning
visit www.ingersollrand.com
education system for a decrease in dropout rates. The project gives
the opportunity to interact with science experiments and models to
the government school teachers and children who visit the Science

Ingersoll Rand Mobile Science Lab at Chennai, Bidadi, Naroda,

Mumbai and Sahibabad

Ingersoll Rand supports Agastya for 5 Mobile Science Labs (MSL) in

Chennai, Bidadi (Bangalore), Naroda (Gujarat), Sahibabad and
Mumbai. The MSL is a very powerful and innovative In 2015-16, Ingersoll Rand has supported 9609 children
instrument to revolutionize rural education and make in Bangalore and Ahmedabad covering 61 schools. Last
hands-on education increasingly accessible. Each MSL year Ingersoll Rand fed 18, 98,456 mid-day meals for
targets government school children and teachers with the beneficiaries. With successful implementation of the
200+ hands-on science models covering a wide range program, children supported by Ingersoll Rand:
of topics in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and for Class 5 • get hot, nutritious meals every day in schools,
through 10. Our intervention with Agastya cover aspects protecting them from hunger
such as: • are encouraged to come to school every day and
• Hands-on, interactive, activity based science get education
education • have improved nutritional status, physical and
• Linked to syllabus cognitive development
• Peer-to-peer learning, day/night coverage, easily
replicable Supporting Integrated Child Development Services -
Aanganwadi Project with Akshaya Patra
In 2015-16 alone, the Ingersoll Rand MSLs and Science
centre benefited over 1,40,000 children including 69,600 The Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS)
girls, 70,400 boys, 3400 teachers across 2560 schools Scheme was launched by the government with an
through school and community visits, science fairs etc. objective to improve the nutritional and health status of
children in the age-group 0-6 years. Ingersoll Rand
Mission Education with Smile Foundation in Kolkata extended support to the ICDS scheme by providing
infrastructure support towards efficiently running the
Ingersoll Rand has partnered with Smile Foundation in Akshaya Patra kitchens that cater to the government
Kolkata to support 150 children under the Mission run Aanganwadis. The organization has provided
Education program. With this project, Ingersoll Rand will kitchen equipment including Vegetable Washer and
provide quality education to children from remote, Vegetable Peeler that contribute to better functioning
urban and semi urban areas. The project directly of kitchens and provision of healthy meals to the
benefits and empowers children in the age group of 03- beneficiaries.
18 years from underprivileged communities in India.
Indirectly, the program also benefits the families of Public Private Partnership with Government of Gujarat
these children, teachers/educators through training and Naisargik Trust for Aanganwadis
sessions and community sensitization programs and
community workers through mobilization programs. Further supporting the ICDS Scheme in Gujarat,
Ingersoll Rand provided infrastructure support to the
Through this program, we provide: Aaganwadi centers in urban and semi urban areas of
• Basic education and healthcare to underprivileged Ahmedabad in the form of 665 cooking gas stoves
children for their holistic development and readiness across five zones in the region. The project has been
to return to mainstream society. implemented in collaboration with Ahmedabad
• Provide curricular/ co-curricular/ community Municipal Corporation (AMC) and local NGO partner,
mobilization activities to 150 children from Class X – Naisargik Trust. The joint program has benefitted
XII from economically weaker families and socially children of 0-6 years of age and pregnant and lactating
disadvantaged communities. mothers who gather at the Aaganwadi centers for mid-
• Enhanced academic performance of the children in day meals and other services. The provision of gas
the Mission Education centre, especially girls and stoves has helped these Aanganwadis to provide hot,
overall improvement in the health status of students. nutritious and quick meals to the children and mothers
visiting these Aanganwadi centers.
Meeting Nutritional
Ingersoll Rand School Meal Program with Akshaya Patra

Ingersoll Rand has partnered with Akshaya Patra for a

highly successful school meal program built on a
unique Public Private Partnership model. The ultimate
goal of this program is to promote basic education of
underprivileged children by addressing the root cause
of illiteracy, poverty and hunger.

Providing Disaster Relief

Supported Habitat for Humanity for Chennai disaster relief - Every year, 5% of our CSR budgets are kept aside for
spend on unforeseen emergencies for the betterment of the affected communities. The Tamil Nadu Flood Disaster
was declared as a ‘Disaster of Severe Nature’ by the Central Government this year and Chennai was declared as
Disaster Zone by the State Government. In response to the devastating floods in the Chennai region, Ingersoll
Rand pledged support and disaster relief through its partner Habitat for Humanity. Provision of Hygiene Kits to 75
flood affected beneficiaries:
• An immediate response mechanism to help the flood affected people to recover from their loss and to
improve their living conditions through provision of Humanitarian aid kits and Hygiene kits.
• Repair & Renovation of School Building affected by the floods. In the second phase of relief work in the region,
Ingersoll Rand allocated funds for the repair and renovation of Corporation Primary School, Perumal Koil
Street, Taramani, Chennai. As part of the project, the
damaged school walls were repaired and plastered,
a new toilet block with 5 Units constructed and the
existing toilets repaired.

With this project, Ingersoll Rand is working towards

increasing resilience of the flood affected Schools
and to help school going children regain their
confidence and restart life with education, health
and hygiene.

Improving Quality of
The Ingersoll Rand Pan-India Impact
In our dedicated efforts to improve the quality of life
and education, especially in rural India, we have
affected over 2, 00,000 lives. We are proud of our
work so far and we can say this with utmost
conviction that we will continue on this path of
improving the lives of millions for years to come.

Employee Volunteering
At the heart of every successful campaign are the
volunteers who work for the cause wholeheartedly.
Ingersoll Rand has an extended CSR employee team
that is dedicated and designated across all project
locations. In 2015-16 alone, 15 employee
volunteering activities were organized covering 5
new project launches and 1220 hours of employee
engagement time.

We continue our journey in the coming years with
an intent to create a long lasting impact in the lives
of our beneficiaries at all stages of life. We continue
to provide nutritional and healthcare support to
children and ignite curiosity in their minds through
practical hands on learning. In addition, we are
working towards skilling these educated children to
provide livelihood and prepare them for the
industry. We’re also committed towards the
betterment of the community and focusing on
provision of sanitation facilities to society at large.

CSR in our DNA


International Paper (IP) India Pvt.
Ltd is the group company of
Rural Outreach
International Paper which is a Tribal Communities and Problems in Education
leading global producer of While the Literacy rate of the country stands at an average of 72.9%,
renewable fiber-based packaging, the same is only 58.9% in Scheduled tribes (2011 statistics) and in
pulp and paper products with Andhra Pradesh it is lower at 49.2%. The national drop-out rate in
manufacturing operations in Classes I to X averages to 49.3% while it is 70.9% amongst
North America, Latin America, Scheduled Tribes.
Europe, North Africa, Asia and
Russia. IP produces packaging International Paper works with a tribal residential school named
Girijana Vikas Kendram in the Addateegala mandal in EG District and
products that enable world-wide
bordering Visakahpatnam district. The school is located in a remote
commerce; pulp for diapers, tissue
reserved forest area and though there is a road adjacent which leads
and other personal hygiene to Addateegala, the mandal headquarters, the school does not have
products; papers that drive several critical facilities like drinking water connection, sufficient
communication; paper bags that toilets for girls and several other infrastructure requirements.
carry groceries; and paper cups
and food containers. Support Provided by IP APPM – CSR 2014,2015 & 2016
Headquartered in Memphis,
Tenn., IP employs roughly 55,000 Infrastructure Support:
colleagues located in more than • Safe Drinking Water Plant – The school has been given a 250LHP
(liters per hour) Safe Drinking Water plant as the ground water
24 countries. Net sales for 2016
was identified as having microbial contamination. The plant was
were US $21 billion.
set up inside the school building next to the Staff Room and
members of the staff were trained to operate the plant.
• Row Toilets & Bathrooms For Girls – A separate building was
constructed with a row of 8 toilets and 8 bathrooms for the girl
students. Prior to this the total toilets available were only 8 and
were located at one place. The toilets infrastructure assured the
girls of privacy and more toilets ensured better access for all
• Compound Wall for the school – To improve the security for the
girl students as there were several miscreants from nearby
villages who were loitering around the school a compound wall
measuring 1700 feet perimeter wall of 6 feet height above the
ground with double barbed wire fencing and 2 iron gates was

Any construction work in the school is a difficult task because of the

location – availability of material, man-power, transportation,
connectivity (except for BSNL CDMA no other networks have signal
here) and disruptions due to heavy monsoon that this • Tanker Supply – 500 Households
region experiences. • Safe Drinking Water Plants – Totally 7 plants -
970 Households (6 of the 7 plants were set up in
Material Support to the students: Solar lamps, note- 2015-16)
books, bags and shoes and socks (a first for the
students) have also been given As it is possible to supply water through the first 2
platforms only to communities/areas within reasonable
Health & Sanitation distance from the paper mill, the third platform, Safe
Drinking Water plants, was selected to be the most
important initiative that was carried out as part of the
Right To Life: Right To Safe Water – A Fundamental CSR program in the years 2015 and 2016. To ensure
Right that the communities where we are present have better
drinking water access/resources, we not only had to set
Article 21 of the Constitution of India guarantees to its up the Safe Drinking Water Plants but also worked on a
citizens the Fundamental Right – Protection of Life and partnership pattern which would include the Panchayat
Personal Liberty. Several High Courts and The Supreme and the villagers - a Public Private Pluralistic Partnership
Court of India have over the years interpreted right to (PPPP).
life to include right to Safe Water. “Access to Safe water
is a fundamental human need and therefore a basic Self Sustaining Safe Drinking Water Plant Achieved
human right “ Kofi Annan. The Human Right to Water
and Sanitation (HRWS) was recognized by the United In order to establish a self-sustaining plant the villagers
Nations General Assembly on 28th July 2010. have to be educated and motivated to buy water,
International Paper has always served communities through their subscriptions bring in revenue for the
around its mills through CSR in several ways – but has Panchayat to both fund the day to operation like power
placed paramount importance to providing Safe charges and operator salary while also paying for the
Drinking Water. While doing so, International Paper has repairs and maintenance of the plant. One such model
always reached out to the most marginalized has already been established while a couple of others
communities are very close to becoming self-sustaining.
A success story which can be replicated by creating a
Safe Drinking Water is being supplied by IP totalling to PPPP model.
approximately 3000+Households (HHs):
• Piped water – 1600 Households

The Corporate Social Responsibility activities of International Paper and IP India Foundation are divided broadly as
Education, Engagement and Environment.

Under Education, Academic & Infrastructure Support to government schools and schools for under-served are
carried out based on the need assessment conducted in the school and community. Under Academic Support
the following are the activities that are being carried out:
• As part of its CSR, runs an affordable English medium School, the APPM Model High School, within the
premises of the APPM employee colony/quarters. Only 30% of the students (total 1270 students) are workers
children while the others are from the neighboring communities
• An employee contribution based fee support
program - called Project Saathi helps arrest
school drop-outs and also prevents children from
doing odd jobs to support the family/their fees.
• Project New Horizons – Spoken English Classes
currently done in 5 government high schools, the
larger aim of the program is that by 2020 all the
Government school leaving children of
Rajahmundry town will speak English
• IP Scholarships is the support program for
meritorious students from Government Schools
to continue their education after Class X .
• Teachers Training : 200+ Government primary
school teachers from Kadiam Mandal and APPM
School were trained through workshops held in
2015 & 2016

Under Infrastructure Support - Project 100 intends to

reach support to 100 Government and schools for
under-served. The following were done over the
past 3 years
• Compound walls – 3 schools
• Safe Drinking Water Plants – 4 schools
• School painting – 2 schools (volunteering by
• Girls Toilets – 2 schools
• Furniture – 4 schools
• Solar lamps – 25 schools
• Note-books, bags, socks & shoes – 6 schools

SAP + itelligence
Run Together


Incorporated in 2012, a SAP
Platinum partner, we are one of
R&D and Innovation at
the leading provider of SAP itelligence – itelli Labs
services and solutions in India.
With over 500 employees, we We take a pragmatic approach to delivering SAP solutions to enable
have provided SAP our customers’ business. We’ve created specialized practices
Implementation and support equipped with a state-of-the-art SAP innovation lab to take business
services to more than 300 people on a personalized visual tour of business transformation
possibilities enabled by the latest capabilities of SAP.
customers, from 6 different
industries, delivering more than
Our ongoing investments in R&D, focused on SAP and emerging
350 projects globally, which technology areas such as IOT, are being made under its ‘itelli Labs’
includes Consulting, Hosting, and initiative. The itelli Labs provide our delivery teams and clients with a
Managed Services. number of capabilities such as value added solutions, industry
solutions, POCs, etc. Some of the innovations developed by itelli
Labs are as follows:

Value Added Solutions

1. Quality Management Cockpit

The quality management cockpit is a web based application which
has multiple display and transaction functionality. This application will
provide an enhanced view of SAP quality management results in a
mobile, user friendly and actionable interface. The set of Fiori
applications allows for quality managers to post results recording,
create notifications, execute the notification process, certificate of
analysis, and any approvals needed. To facilitate quick decision
making on the shop floor the solution provides dynamic analytic
reporting on quality relevant items such as vendor defects, and
inspection or notification aging analysis.

2. it.Customer Portal
it.Customer Portal is designed to provide B2B customers with a
robust customer dashboard. It facilitates fast access to relevant
information required by customers to manage their purchases,
payables and real time status of their orders. It gives customers a
self-service experience with access to information about any sales
order. Designed using Fiori to provide better customer experience,
it.Customer Portal is a fully functional HTML5 web portal built on the
HANA cloud platform and can be integrated with SAP ERP.
3. It.Vendor portal 6. it.Commission
A robust application based on the SAP ERP system, Based on SAP FIORI and UI5, it.Commission is a fully
FIORI, and UI5 for Suppliers. It facilitates fast access to functional HTML5/UI5 application built on the HANA
relevant information by the suppliers and enables cloud platform designed to integrate with SAP ERP.
suppliers to carry out certain transactions from the Read more
portal which reflects back in the SAP ERP system of the
customers. Can be implemented in on- premise as well Industry Solutions
as in HCP platforms.
1. it.Manufacturing
4. it.Resume Database Solution on HCP A robust manufacturing solution that enable
Resume Database is a HCP based Java application for manufacturer to improve operational efficiency,
creating and maintaining employee’s Resumes. A Cloud maximize production uptime, and increase real-time
(SCP) Solution, developed using most popular visibility. It enables manufacturers to view embedded
technologies like Spring, Hibernate and SAP HANA It management reports for effective decision making,
has options to enter and search Micro Verticals of an optimize productivity and effective use of resources and
Industry, various Reports for Managers / Admin / assets, advance and accurate forecasting and planning,
Resource Management group, periodic reminder e- higher inventory turnover, allow management to make
mails to employee to update their resumes, and workload or forecast changes and send them down
dashboards to Admin / RMG for high level overview of through their organization, improve quality and reduce
skill matrix available at Org Level. variation through corrective actions that identify
defective products, boost plant performance and
5. iMAP – Manage & Assign Personnel profitability
It is a HCP based Java application that eases search
process for resources. It helps in assigning right 2. it.LifeScience
resource to the right opportunity or project. A comprehensive pharma solution that efficiently
manages narrowing margins, declining drug pipeline,
price-sensitive markets while adhering to regulatory compliance. It enables pharma companies to streamline the
operation process for various functions, increase operational effectiveness and productivity, optimize efficiency
and manage compliance Integrated solutions, global adaptation of best practices, improve batch tracking
management, manage advanced order fulfilment and inventory functions, and efficient measurement of KPI’s.

3. it.EC&O
A property and construction management solution that mitigates intense pressure to increase profit margins,
deliver projects on time, and control operational costs while meeting customer requirements. It enables customers
to gain greater project profitability through insight into execution and productivity, enhance agility due to timely
information analysis for optimal decision making, improved project performance through transparent historic
project data and benchmarks, increase stakeholder collaboration throughout all phases of the project. Read more

Skill Matrix – Continuously Learn & Innovate

Our motto is to empower and enable our employees

to continuously innovate, and deliver asymmetric
advantage to our customers. In order to achieve
this, we have built a culture of continuous learning at

The skill matrix aims to objectively define and map a

particular job role with the relevant set of skills and
their description. This outlines the minimum
expectations from each role holder and should be
used as a guideline for bridging the gap between
the current skill proficiency and expected proficiency
for each role. This matrix acts as a ready reference
for skill development inputs and identifies the
Individual Development Plan. Supervisors refers to
the matrix to help their team members in charting
out their growth path more effectively.

Tech-Talk is aimed at unfolding various aspects of

different technologies, processes, tools, domains etc.
These sessions will be managed by a team of
internal experts who will deliver, delve and deliberate
on myriad topics. Quarterly training calendars are
announced, which are in line with the internally
developed skill matrix for each role. These include
diverse programs catering to the technical and 'non-
technical' needs of employees.

Education for Girl Child –

A CSR initiative
itelligence believes in education is the key to
empowering women and girls, which helps bring
about social equality. To support this, we regularly
come up with programs and initiatives that support
girl child education and spread its awareness. This
year we participated in RUN for a CAUSE...EDUCATE
a GIRL CHILD event in collaboration with the NGO
Sewabharathi in Hyderabad.

Towards Inclusive


J.P. Morgan is a leading global At J.P. Morgan we believe that one of the most urgent challenges
financial services player, with a facing the world is the need for increased economic growth and
more widely shared prosperity. As one of the world’s largest financial
presence in India since 1922.
services companies, we have the resources and the responsibility to
Today, India is a key market for
make a difference – using our strengths, global reach, expertise and
J.P. Morgan and the firm has access to capital to support local communities and build new
consistently invested in the India pathways to economic opportunity.
business, which has been growing
steadily. The lines of business Corporate Social Responsibility has always been central to how we
include the Investment Bank, the operate within a country. Given the rapidly growing economy of
Global Corporate Bank, Private India and its enormous potential, our philanthropic mission in the
Equity, Asset Management, country is to help to ensure that this growth is inclusive. Through our
Treasury Services, among others. Global Philanthropy initiatives we aim to expand economic
opportunities for the excluded by equipping youth with marketable
J.P. Morgan is among the
skills and building the financial capabilities of vulnerable and low
country’s leading players in almost
income populations across the country.
all of its businesses and primarily
caters to the firm’s global clients
with business interests in India and Key Corporate Responsibility
local multinationals growing their
footprint internationally. India is
also home to the Global Service
Investing in Skills
Centre, which services J.P.
Morgan’s businesses around the Countries around the world are working to strengthen their
world in the areas of operations, economies, yet millions of people are still unable to find jobs that
technology and research. offer the prospect of economic mobility. At the same time, many
employers struggle to fill vacancies, especially for technical and
skilled positions. To help address this gap, J.P. Morgan launched
New Skills at Work in 2013, a global $250 million commitment over
five years, which aims to identify strategies and support data-driven
solutions that help improve labour market infrastructure and develop
skilled workforces.

In the case of India, the country’s ability to leverage its demographic

dividend by increasing productivity will determine, in large part,
whether the country can live up to its growth potential and succeed
in lifting tens of millions out of poverty. J.P. Morgan India supports
demand-driven vocational skills training and placements for youth in
high growth sectors, improving their employability and helping them
to build well-structured career paths. To achieve scale and
sustainability we align with government initiatives through catalytic
Public Private Partnerships that introduce vocational
skills into the country’s education systems to both
complement and enhance existing curricula. We
support demand-led training programs that help
individuals, particularly those from disadvantaged
backgrounds and low-income communities, to acquire
the knowledge, skills and expertise necessary to obtain
good-paying jobs, compete in the global economy and
find new pathways to economic opportunity. Our
desire to improve and ensure the impact of
philanthropic efforts in workforce readiness is reflected
in our commitment and support for high quality
research and thought leadership forums.

Building Financial Capabilities

Financially healthy individuals increase the financial

stability and resiliency of their communities. J.P. Morgan
India strives to build the financial capability of low-
income individuals by enhancing their ability to access
and use appropriate formal financial services. Our
programs leverage technology and develop innovative
solutions to help the participants improve access to
their bank accounts, identify the products that are
appropriate for their various life cycle needs and
manage those products in the manner that is most
convenient to them.

Volunteers Making A Difference

Our employees are firmly committed to giving back to

the places where they live and work. As part of our
global Good Works program, J.P. Morgan employees in
India regularly donate their time and expertise to
support a variety of organizations, such as United Way
of Mumbai, Bankers without Borders and our own,
internal, Technology for Social Good program.

Jacobs Women &

Inclusive Network


Jacobs is one of the world’s Mission

largest and most diverse providers
of technical, professional, and Women are historically underrepresented in the Construction &
construction services, including all Engineering Industry. In Jacobs, male to female ratio is 5:1 leading to
aspects of architecture, pockets in the company that have weak female presence. This
engineering and construction, industry and company-wide asymmetry necessitates the presence of
operations and maintenance, as a committed women’s network that provides a sustainable and
well as scientific and specialty progressive platform to women such that we:
• achieve diversity of thought and action;
• identify and groom talent;
Our 54,000 employees in 230+ • broaden access to opportunities;
locations around the world serve a • facilitate career growth through active engagement in
broad range of companies and leadership roles;
organizations, including industrial, • harvest untapped potential;
commercial, and government • drive a collaborative and inclusive environment; and
clients across multiple markets • improve client engagement,
and geographies.
Ultimately leading to an increase in employee engagement,
retention, and growth.

Goals and Objectives

The Network seeks to achieve its mission by:
• Strengthening interpersonal leadership, management
and technical skills through a program of professional
development events
• Providing a robust networking platform within local
chapters and between chapters around the world
• Elevating the profile of talented women to provide them
with new opportunities and improve the business’ access
to talent
• Raising and addressing gender-specific challenges in
partnership with management
• Developing a structure and culture that supports
sustainable growth for the network

Vision Opportunity-Equal Responsibility.

Vision of the Network is “Creating a comprehensive & We intend to aim at the following through this network:
inclusive environment to harvest untapped potential
and catalyse growth through active engagement in • Empower and mentor women employees to
leadership roles”. rise to leadership positions
• Increase the number of women employees
Purpose in the region
• Retain talent and make Jacobs the preferred
The Jacobs Women’s Network is a flexible vehicle to choice for women employees
provide women and men with the opportunity to build • Increase Company’s productivity
multi-national connections, develop leadership and
technical skills, and enhance their careers at Jacobs.
JWIN also aims to promote culture of the organization
to have a discrimination free workplace with Equal

Tools to make the program successful

Leadership engagement

• Senior leadership commitment to

network growth
• Chapter leaders work with their local
operations managers to obtain support
and resources

Male Engagement

• Participation from male employees at

various stages with cross-mentoring
roles to affect change in overall culture
when it comes to promoting female

Mentor program

• A group of committed female leaders

across the board from difference
disciplines and regions coach and
mentor younger talent

John Deere India

as a Power for Good


Deere & Company, founded in Deere & Company, founded in 1837, is a Fortune500 Company and
1837, is a Fortune500 Company is the world's leading manufacturer of agricultural, construction and
forestry equipment. India operations started in the year 1998, with
and is the world's leading
manufacturing of tractors, combines and allied farm equipment for
manufacturer of agricultural,
sales in India and overseas.
construction and forestry
equipment with revenues of US$ “Deere’s foremost responsibility is to operate a successful business,
26. 64 billion, net income of US$ one that delivers quality products, a meaningful employee
1.52 billion in the year 2016. John experience and superior investor returns. Business success, in turn,
Deere spent US$ 1.39 billion on provides the means for being a productive member of society and
R&D in 2016. fulfilling our higher purpose as an enterprise. That purpose is to
support higher living standards for people everywhere through our
India operations started in the commitment to those linked to the land.”
year 1998, with manufacturing of
Upholding our philosophy and commitment towards the society,
tractors for sales in India and
John Deere India aspires to be a catalyst for positive change by
export to more than 110 countries focusing our energy, intellect, and resources on providing solution
worldwide. John Deere markets for world hunger, empowering others through education, and
agricultural equipment and developing communities.
services through a network of 19
area offices, 6 Regional offices John Deere India over the last couple of years has invested
and close to 900 dealers touch purposefully and strategically to improve the lives of people in
points and 4 training centers several geographies across the country, benefitting 87,115
spread across India. households across 9 states with 10 projects in India. John Deere
projects are focused in rural areas, home to majority of habitants in
Headquartered at Pune, today,
John Deere has total six
manufacturing and service units in One such initiative of John Deere ‘Samruddhi’, a multi-year project,
India. is funded by the John Deere India. ‘Samruddhi’, which means
prosperity in Indian Context, is a slum and village improvement
program and is being implemented in the districts of Pune, Dewas
and Sirhind in India. The program has engaged over 300 farmers,
one amongst them is Daulat Khan who has also received training on
improving Ag productivity. Daulat Khan is a small farmer with two
acre of land in Jamgod village in Dewas, was historically engaged in
two crops with limited means of income.

Post the training program like many other farmers Daulat Khan’s
yields have improved significantly by 100 % thereby providing him
increased income level. “I am very happy that with the support of the
Samruddhi project, my soybean yields have increased enabling me
to make more money from the same piece of land,” Daulat says.
The Samruddhi project additionally empowers farming JIVA addresses the drudgery of women farmers by
communities through access to education, vocational providing simple and innovative agriculture tools for
training, enhanced pubic infrastructure (safe and clean increased productivity in agriculture. Knowledge
drinking water, toilets at each household, waste water dissemination happens through demo plots and
management system), and modern agricultural workshops on modern agriculture practices. JIVA also
practices. Since the inception of Samruddhi in 2013, the focuses on providing improved infrastructure in schools
project has benefitted over 22,000 people, with 2,600 and anganwadis, making education accessible
residents trained in vocational skills and over 150 started especially to girl child who are seen as a potential drop
their own businesses as an entrepreneur for economic out due to several social and cultural practices. The
independence. project has witnessed 100 percent enrollment of drop
out children in schools.
Bihar being one of the important agriculture states and
beginning to see growth in various sectors, safe John Deere being a modern and technologically
drinking water in the hinterland was seen as a major advanced equipment manufacturer has constantly
need. John Deere India, lead and supported an endeavoured to provide skill building opportunities to
‘Integrated Development Project’ by establishing a the youth of the village, thereby enhancing their
Community Owned Mini Drinking Water Supply System employability and contribution to agriculture sector.
that provides safe, and potable drinking water which is There are three centers in the state of Madhya Pradesh,
accessible to all the villagers at their door step. This Maharashtra and Karnataka and have successfully
project is owned by the community members who trained over 295 with an employment rate of 58%.
manage operations and maintenance of the system,
with a fees of Rs 20/month paid by each household. John Deere strongly believes in its contribution and
giving back to the society there by creating more
One of John Deere’s flagship program, JIVA (Joint opportunities for the communities to grow and improve
Initiative for Village Advancement) that received their quality of life. Agriculture, education and
recognition from CECP (Committee Encouraging infrastructure improvement shall continue to remain our
Corporate Philanthropy) has madesignificant impact in guiding areas of investment.
the lives of communities by transforming their quality of
life in three villages in the district of Rajsamand,

History in India
Over the years John Deere has made significant
progress in India by introducing various products
and programme needed by the Indian farmers in
various segment of the Ag value chain including,
seeding, harvesting and post harvesting equipment,
and has the following units established in the

• John Deere Pune Works, Pune, Maharashtra -

Tractor Manufacturing Unit
• John Deere Technology Centre, Pune,
Maharashtra - IT and Engineering Services
• Product Validation & Verification Centre, Pune,
• John Deere Electronics Solutions, Pune,
Maharashtra - Electronic control for modernizing
Agriculture tractors and customer convenience
• John Deere Sirhind Work, Sirhind, Punjab -
Harvesters Manufacturing Unit
• John Deere Dewas Works, Dewas, Madhya
Pradesh - Tractor Manufacturing Unit

John Deere has a long history of designing and

manufacturing quality products around the world.
John Deere India has Technology Centre at Pune,
which provides leading edge technology, product
designs, and innovative ideas to support the
company's global business in technical areas,
including Information Technology, Product
Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Embedded
Systems and Technical Authoring.

We also bring unique partnership opportunities with

the state government, industries on a PPP mode to
bring technology access to the farmers who
otherwise are unable to access this for modernizing
their farming practices. We see this as a tested
business proposition to help small farmers improve
their yield and income levels.

Besides the above, John Deere is associated with the

small and marginal farmers through “frugal
innovation at farms” and “community betterment
initiatives” through various CSR and volunteerism
initiatives in India. John Deere strongly believes in
empowering women/ village youth engaged in
farming and off-farming activities by enhancing their
skills thereby providing opportunities for a better
quality life.

A Helping Hand
For Those in Need


Johnson & Johnson Private What makes Johnson & Johnson unique and different is its enduring
Limited, India (J&J India) is a commitment to Our Credo and concern for the Community, which
forms an integral part of Our Credo.
subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson,
one of the world’s most
At Johnson & Johnson, the focus is not just on business, but on
comprehensive and broadly based extending a helping hand to the underprivileged and underserved.
manufacturer of health-care Our philanthropic work enables our community based partners and
products, as well as a provider of dedicated employees to touch the lives of millions of people each
related services for the consumer, year, bringing them better, healthier lives.
pharmaceutical and medical
devices markets. While the term The company works together with key community based partners
“corporate social responsibility” is that have the greatest insights into the needs of local populations
widely used today, the concept and the strategies that stand the greatest chances of success. In
order to best distribute resources and support, our CSR Program is
behind it is not new to the
divided into strategic pillars, one of which is:
Johnson & Johnson Group of
Companies. Our responsibilities to
those who use our products and Advancing the Empowerment of
services, to our employees, to the
communities in which we live and
Women and Girls
work, and to our shareholders are
There are many barriers to women empowerment and equity lies
voiced in Our Credo, and have
ingrained in cultural norms. Thousands of young children are living
guided employees of Johnson & under miserable conditions; the most vulnerable are the
Johnson for several years. disadvantaged women and children. Maternal care, child health, full
immunization, nutrition are certain aspects that require attention.
Therefore, CINIASHA, our NGO partner in Kolkata, provides special
emphasis on early registration of pregnancies, birth preparedness,
institutional deliveries and post natal checkups for women for about
3 years, thus leading to safe motherhood and reducing infant
mortality rates. Lack of knowledge is one reason for poor health.
These women are empowered when they receive adequate
knowledge about reproduction, sexual health rights, and also about
the various existing schemes and services provided by the
government. This further leads to an empowered community. The
project aims to continue to reach out to a population of 93,500 in
urban slums of Kolkata.

Adolescent girls being informed about reproduction and sexual

health rights:

There is an acute scarcity of livelihood opportunities in villages in

rural India. The problem is compounded for underprivileged girls in
these villages, who because of gender bias are denied wherein we support the training of Nurses and ANMs.
the right to basic education and consequently have
virtually no employment opportunities. A large number Our programs aim at “killing two birds with one stone”
of girls from rural areas do not pursue studies beyond – (1) Advancing the empowerment of women and girls,
secondary school due to poverty. Advancing the and (2) Building Healthcare Capacity by strengthening
empowerment of women and girls creates significant the healthcare workforce. We run a number of projects
impact at multiple levels – on the girls themselves, their that empower women, and also strengthen the
families, communities and the nation as a whole. It also healthcare workforce, some of which are:
addresses health and social issues like, chronic
malnutrition resulting in a disease like anemia, 1. Each year Johnson & Johnson supports the training
unhealthy personal hygiene practices, mental and of 40 girls from rural Maharashtra to study at the
physical abuse, and early marriage leading to early School of Nursing for Auxiliary Nurse Midwives
pregnancies. (ANMs) at the Bel Air College of Nursing,
Panchgani., and another 40 girls from rural Andhra
On the other hand there is an acute shortage of Pradesh to study at St. Joseph’s MPHW Training
healthcare professionals in these very same areas, School, Nellore. The girls are selected for training
leaving large parts of rural India without adequate based on merit and economic background and
healthcare facilities. There is lack of trained hospital staff their course fees, accommodation, food, study
and hospitals are forced to employ unskilled persons. materials, uniform and stationery are provided free
This affects patient care and also the wages and of cost. On completion of the course, which is
working conditions of the persons employed. Many approved by the Indian Nursing Council, the girls
deaths, especially among mothers and infants, could be are placed in village health programs under the
prevented with properly trained nurses in these villages. National Rural Health Mission (NRHM). This training
Regulation of hospitals by the Government and helps to provide an enhanced quality of care at
expansion of the medical insurance sector will require healthcare centers in rural Maharashtra, as well as
trained people in hospitals, and thus accredited courses. increased health awareness, decreased neonatal
ANMs (auxiliary nurse midwives) are also needed at old and maternal mortality, improved pre/post natal
age homes, help centers for the disabled and for and infant care in villages and an increase in the
elderly/disabled persons being cared for at home. Thus economic, educational and social status of the
came about the “Building Healthcare Capacity” initiative, beneficiaries.

2. Nurses are among our many valued partners.

They are often the first person at the bedside
when a woman is having a baby. As a leading
healthcare company, our vision is to partner
systematically on long term basis with the Indian
Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) to reduce Infant
Mortality Rate (IMR) in India through education
and training healthcare workers and infant care
providers on prompt and skilled resuscitation to
survive the neonatal period and to create a
program with critical thinking skills that
promotes lifelong learning and knowledge. Our
program helps nurses and midwives with
training and equipment to face challenges at
birth. One such challenge is birth asphyxia–an
inability to breathe at birth. Birth asphyxia is a
major cause of infant mortality and can
contribute to developmental issues such as
cerebral palsy and mental retardation.
Estimated deaths due to asphyxia are
approximately 0.3 MM per year. The main
reason for the death due to asphyxia is absence
of a trained person at the place of birth to
resuscitate them. The Neonatal Resuscitation
Program (NRP) - First Golden Minute (FGM)
Project - addresses birth asphyxia. Neonatal
resuscitation can be easily learnt and requires
very simple instruments. The objective is to
empower nurses and midwives to have the
resuscitation skills and equipment to save more
lives and thereby reduce the Infant Mortality
Rate. So far we have trained 200,000 Skilled
Birth Attendants (SBAs) in neonatal resuscitation

The rural areas of the country still have a feudal and

medieval outlook towards women. The main goal of
these programs is to promote women participation
in all areas and sectors to build stronger economies
and to also improve the quality of living. Women
empowerment in its truest sense can be achieved
only when there is an attitudinal change in the
society with regards to the women and when it is
made the essential tool to get the goal of

Johnson Controls
Safer, Comfortable and Sustainable
Buildings and Cities


Johnson Controls is a global Johnson Controls’ innovative solutions are driving the future of
diversified technology and multi urban efficiency. As today’s buildings, communities and cities
advance, Johnson Controls is driving the transformation to meet
industrial leader serving a wide
today’s needs and tomorrow’s opportunities. We combine future-
range of customers in more than
focused technologies with expert insight to build connected, secure,
150 countries. Our 117,000 sustainable built environments and energy solutions that move the
employees create intelligent world forward.
buildings, efficient energy
solutions, integrated infrastructure Johnson Controls India has been active in India for more than 2
and next generation decades with 3,000 employees across 15+ cities. In 2015, globally,
transportation systems that work Johnson Controls donated $14.5M to nonprofit and community
seamlessly together to deliver on organizations; dedicated 316,000 total employee volunteer hours
the promise of smart cities and impacting 37 million people.
communities. Our commitment to
Johnson Controls is a leading provider of building technology,
sustainability dates back to our
products and solutions— controls, equipment and services for
roots in 1885, with the invention of HVAC, security, fire and refrigeration. It has helped many building
the first electric room thermostat. owners and businesses increase energy efficiency and lower
We are committed to helping our operating costs, including the world’s most iconic buildings - the
customers win and creating Empire State Building, Burj Khalifa and Shanghai World Financial
greater value for all of our Center.
stakeholders through strategic
focus on our buildings and energy Johnson Controls is a global leader in and largest manufacturer of
growth platforms. lead-acid automotive batteries and advanced batteries for Start-
Stop, hybrid and electric vehicles, powering nearly every type of

Johnson Controls obtained a majority stake in joint venture with

Hitachi Appliances in 2015 to create Johnson Controls-Hitachi, to
deliver the most diverse technology portfolio in the heating,
ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration industry. With the latest
merger with Tyco® in September 2016, Johnson Controls Plc is now
the global leader in buildings and energy solutions.
Connected Technologies: Our technologies power
modern, growing cities by delivering world class
technologies, smart buildings and next generation
energy and infrastructure systems. From emergency
response to healthcare to education to retail — our
data-driven technologies help cities work better and our
customers work smarter.

Safe and Secure Technologies: We help our customers

see and understand more clearly what’s happening in
the world around them, prevent problems as much as
possible and respond to the unexpected quickly and
efficiently. Our products and services reduce risk by
keeping people safe and assets secure. Our vehicle
energy storage systems provide peace of mind for
drivers who depend on them to start and power their
electronic systems.

Sustainability and Energy Technologies: We deliver

innovations that improve sustainability and resilience,
helping everyone do more with less. We’re leading the
transformation to a circular economy — creating the
technologies and regenerative vehicle, building and
energy systems that deliver efficiencies in communities,
cities and regions. Sustainability is woven throughout
our end-to-end supply chain and is part of our overall
operational excellence and the way we conduct
business. Our next generation chiller products are 10%
more energy efficient and use 30% less refrigerants
saving our customers 80K tons of GHG emissions per

To Lead is
To Serve


Kemin combines sound molecular “We have a responsibility to return to our community and the world
science with the human qualities a portion of what we earn from our endeavors and that of the
people who work with us.” – Mary Nelson, Co-Founder, Kemin
of creativity, curiosity and
collaboration to improve the lives
December 2015, Chennai experienced centuries’ heaviest rainfall
of humans and animals around leading to floods. The nature’s fury took hundreds of lives leaving
the world. thousands of people uprooted from their homes.
Kemin India has rolled an internal campaign joining the efforts for
Using superior science, Kemin the relief and rehabilitation of the city. Employees contributed a
manufactures more than 500 generous sum of INR 5,00,000 which is matched by the company to
specialty ingredients that deliver serve the city. Overall we have a contributory fund of INR 1000000
important nutrition and health plus. In addition to this relief grant we have pledged to support the
benefits through products community through volunteering activities in association with Habitat
for Humanity, a global NGO.
consumed by people and animals.
Kemin recognized this opportunity to give back to the community in
the need of the hour.

We have 30 plus employees who volunteered to be at the sites

doing actual work for one day (8 hours) apart from monitory
contribution. We are supporting three projects through our
contribution and volunteering efforts. The sense of corporate
citizenship, social responsibility and engaging ourselves with local
villagers/children, families provided Kemin a “humble” experience
and inculcated a sense of “Servant Leadership”, the concept with
which we also operate within our business.

Project 1: Improving Life by

Improving Sanitation
RCM is one of the oldest schools started in 1939 located near
Tambaram. Kemin is supporting in rebuilding sanitation facility for
girls damaged during the floods. The school serves the education
need for 1000 students with 500 plus girls from neighbouring villages
whose parents are farmers, quarry migrants, daily labourers and
construction workers.

Kemin has planned to reconstruct a new toilet block for the girl
students. We have also planned Behaviour Change Communication
training to help school children with proper sanitation habits

Project 2: Restoration and ll in Nepal -18

Reconstruction of Child In addition, Kemin India along with Kemin HQ decided
Care Centre to serve to rebuilt Nepal after a massive earthquake hit
the country with the epicentre approximately 70 km
away from Kathmandu. It impacted by the 7.8-
Kemin has taken a Child Care Centre located at magnitude earthquake. This was the worst disaster to
Vysarpadi run by NGO. The child care centre of hit Nepal in decades. Only 17 days later a second
approximately 250 Sq.ft has 30 children from Pre- earthquake of magnitude 7.4 hit near Mount Everest,
school age of 2.5 to 5 years from different walks of life. taking more lives and destroying more homes.
Its focus is on holistic development of a child by According to government estimates, the earthquakes
adopting play way method of teaching and joyful left over 750,000 houses and buildings destroyed or
activities. During flood, water reached upto roof, damaged and caused over 8,790 deaths.
resulting in damaging walls, toilet, children learning and
play materials. Kemin decided to serve Nepal earthquake victims
through raising donations and rebuilding houses in
Kemin project envisages reconstruction with kitchen Nepal. The Nelson family, founders of Kemin, decided
facility, child friendly toilet with ventilation, black board Kemin would match employee donations to help
and water recharging initiatives. rebuild Nepal. Through donations from hundreds of
employees from all over the world, we raised
Project 3: Improving $91,346.54. Kemin and Habitat for Humanity joined
forces and sent 40 employees across the world to Nepal
Quality of Life by Repairs to help build homes in 2016 in Nepal, Bipaltar, Kavre
District for about one week in Nepal in November, 2016.
and Renovation Kemin employees joined this venture for 3 full days by
offering volunteering activity and time to rebuilt Nepal.
Kemin has planned to implement a long term shelter
intervention program in Erumaiur, a village with 350 Employees were involved physical labour work with
families located near Tambaram. We have identified 6 Habitat Humanity team like by performing, bricks
damaged houses. Unfortunately the main earner of passing, stone breaking and masala mixing, etc. along
these families had lost their lives in flood. We are with community people in the village of Kavre districts.
supporting these families by repairing their houses We recognise the humane need and served it,
ensuring they have a safe and durable home. irrespective of region, race and alike.
With a shared vision of responsibility and service,
Kemin is committed to improving lives in our
communities and around the world through
charitable involvement, valued partnerships and
sustainable operations.

Charitable Involvement - We seek and support

organizations that enhance science and education
or care for underprivileged children. Organizations
we currently support include: Youth Emergency
Services & Shelter (YESS), Habitat for Humanity and
Kemin Hope Primary School.

YESS™ - Each December, Kemin hosts a YESS

Charity Auction to raise money used to purchase
gifts for the children living at the Youth Emergency
Services & Shelter facility over the holidays.

Habitat for Humanity® - Since 2001, Kemin

employees in Des Moines have donated hours of
sweat equity to help build homes for low-income
families through Greater Des Moines Habitat for

Kemin Hope Primary School - After an earthquake

devastated Sichuan Province, China, in 2008,
including a school in Qin Chang village, southwest of
Chengdu, Kemin officials announced the company
would collect and match employee donations that
would be used to help rebuild the area.

All in all, Kemin stands with its vision, in letter and

spirit that spells “We strive to improve the quality of
life by touching half the people of the world every
day with our products and services” and the “journey

KPMG in India
Milestones in the Government Space

KPMG in India, a professional KPMG in India is the only firm that is working on all marquee
services firm, is the Indian programmes of the Indian Government, assisting in the mammoth
task of nation building.
member firm affiliated with KPMG
International, and was established
We have earned the role of trusted advisors to the Government of
in September 1993. We strive to India due to our reliability and practical solutions. We have worked
provide rapid, performance- on several key initiatives such as Make in India, Skill India, Digital
based, industry-focused and India, Clean India, Smart City projects, Ease of Doing Business and
technology-enabled services, other projects. We are the Investment Promotion Consultants to
which reflect a shared knowledge India’s Manufacturing and Services Hub including Gujarat,
of global and local industries and Maharashtra, Punjab, Haryana, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, etc.
our experience of the Indian and we have helped establish the Ease of Doing Business Framework
business environment. for the Government of India to measure and rank states.

We have significantly increased our brand presence and we hold a

robust position in the market and a few significant achievements
make us extraordinary.

Coming back to your roots!

Pravasi Haryana Divas (PHD) 2017

Pravasi Haryana Divas 2017 was an effort of the Government of

Haryana (GoH) to welcome Pravasi Haryanawis settled in other states
or overseas. The event saw a record participation with more than
1500 delegates and 23 MoUs signed for an investment value of
INR20,000 crore, thereby generating an employment potential for
more than 40,000 people. Team KPMG in India assisted the State
Government of Haryana in pulling the whole event together doing
roadshows, content development, MoUs mobilisation and facilitation
and conducting sectoral sessions covering five themes: IT and
Electronics System Design & Manufacturing, Skill Development,
philanthropy, health, education and tourism.

Uttar Pradesh Pravasi Divas 2017

KPMG in India has also been working closely with the Government of
Uttar Pradesh in the field of policy formulation, start-ups and
investment promotion for the IT and electronics sector.
Collaborating with CII and NRI Department, with Government of
Uttar Pradesh as Knowledge Partners, we were instrumental in
organising Uttar Pradesh Pravasi (NRI) Divas 2017.

Incubating the learning National Conference on e-Governance

process! The Department of Administrative Reforms and Public

Grievances (DARPG), Ministry of Electronics and
Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India in
Startup Learning Programme partnership with Information Technology, Electronics
and Communication Department, Government of
KPMG in India is the National PMU for the Government Andhra Pradesh (GoAP) organized the 20th edition of
of India’s Startup India initiative. We have been working largest annual national conference on e-Governance.
with the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion
(DIPP) to ensure effective implementation of the KPMG in India works with the IT Department of the
initiative. Government of Andhra Pradesh drive investment
promotion initiatives in the state and as part of its role
Startup India Learning Programme is a free online assisted the Department in hosting the 20th edition of
entrepreneurship programme to help entrepreneurs get the conference. The conference was attended by over
ideas to reach the next level through structured 1,200 delegates, 250 CXO’s and over 150 senior
learning. The programme was launched by Nirmala bureaucrats from across the country. In line with
Sitharaman, Minister for Commerce and Industry. Andhra Pradesh’s image as an early adopter of
technology, for the first time in the history of the
Working together for the conference, KPMG in India was instrumental in the idea
and implementation of an event app with a Virtual
task of nation building! Assistant and Virtual Reality Video featuring on Andhra
Pradesh’s pioneering technology driven governance
Providing support to Skill India through NSDC initiatives. The successful event was a prime example of
how KPMG in India is working closely with its clients to
KPMG in India was selected as the Central Management deliver value.
Agency for monitoring the technical and financial
performance of National Skill Development Corporation Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2017
(NSDC) projects. NSDC is an agency associated with the
Government of India, for the implementation of the The Government of Gujarat organised the 8th edition of
Government’s flagship programme - Skill India. the Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit 2017. Prime Minister,
Narendra Modi, inaugurated the Summit, and KPMG in
This win is a testimony to the client’s trust in KPMG in India is proud to be associated for the second time as
India, reinforcing the firm as the ‘Clear Choice’. The Knowledge Partners.
scope of the project is to support NSDC in monitoring
and evaluating training partners and sector skill councils KPMG in India advised the Government on the overall
funded by NSDC and social and financial analysis and planning of events and seminars which led to the
rating of training partners’ performance. formation of the draft programme. Our support also
extended to preparing promotion presentations for
roadshows, identifying potential investors and setting up one-to-one meetings for the delegation visits.

Swachh Survekshan 2017

KPMG in India is the national PMU for the Government of India’s Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban). We have been
working hand-in-hand with the Ministry of Urban Development to ensure effective implementation of the
programme in all 4,041 statutory towns/cities of the country. The mission aims to make India clean and ‘open
defecation’ free by 2 October 2019.

KPMG in India bags one of a kind win with India Post

KPMG in India has been appointed by India Post,

Department of Post, Government of India, to advise
them on their parcel network business strategy and
implementation. Being chosen over other leading
strategy consulting firms, this win is a marquee
credential addition for the India firm as well as the
international network of KPMG member firms.

Connecting overseas!
KPMG in India has been selected as an advisor by
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)

KPMG in India has been selected as an advisor by

the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) to undertake the
three-year transformation programme for its
national postal network. The win is an excellent
example of focused effort between India and the
KSA firm to take advantage of the public sector
transformation opportunities in the Kingdom. This
win projects how the India and Saudi firms can win
big together and the corridor programme’s potential
to benefit from the larger network and its member

Engineering a
Better Tomorrow


Headquartered in Bethesda, With an office in New Delhi, Lockheed Martin has been present in
Maryland, Lockheed Martin is a India for more than 25 years and is approaching the Indian market
with a dedicated in-country presence and a solid commitment to
global security and aerospace
delivering innovative, affordable solutions and unparalleled customer
company that employs
approximately 97,000 people
worldwide and is principally The customer-focused company has a proven track-record of
engaged in the research, design, successful partnerships with India and Indian industry. The C-130J
development, manufacture, Super Hercules tactical airlifter partnership with Tata and the Indian
integration and sustainment of Air Force is one notable example.
advanced technology systems,
products and services. Diversity and inclusion are the foundation of Lockheed Martin’s
culture, and reflect its values of doing what's right, respecting others
and performing with excellence.

From tactical aircraft to integrated air and missile defense, Lockheed
Martin brings proven performance to more than 70 customers
worldwide, helping them solve even the most complex security and
aerospace challenges.

Lockheed Martin is one of the world’s most innovative companies,

working to engineer a better tomorrow by advancing scientific
discovery and delivering innovative solutions that will shape our
world for the next century and help its customers keep people safe.

The C-130J Super Hercules tactical airlifter , in service with the

Indian Air Force, remains unmatched in reliability, multi-mission
capabilities and value. Other products and programmes of relevance
include the F-16 fighter, MH-60 maritime helicopter and both Javelin
and Hellfire missiles.

Industry Partnerships
Lockheed Martin is proud to have been a trusted partner with India
for more than 25 years and, in the years ahead, it is the company’s
intent to strengthen its commitment to partnership and
collaboration in India. A joint venture with Tata Advanced Systems
in Hyderabad manufactures aerostructures for the global supply
chain of C-130J Super Hercules. Today, all C-130Js include Indian
built components and sub assemblies. economic growth.

In addition, a joint venture between Sikorsky, now a As a responsible corporate citizen, Lockheed Martin
Lockheed Martin company, and Tata, also in also plays an active role in helping to strengthen the
Hyderabad, produces components for commercial quality of life in in communities where it has a presence.
helicopters and has grown to become the largest It strives to be a valued partner to its neighbours.
integrated component manufacturing facility in the
private sector in the country. In India, Lockheed Martin is a founding partner in the
India Innovation Growth Programme (IIGP), a key
Both projects support the government of India’s Skills element of its longstanding commitment to the nation.
India initiative and have developed the majority of their By leveraging the best institutional partnerships from
own staff through apprenticeships and on the job both India and the United States, IIGP aims to help
training. Indian innovators and entrepreneurs introduce their
ideas commercially and, where appropriate, scale them
In the area of cyber security, to ensure the safe and for the global marketplace.
secure transition of digitisation of the Small and
Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Lockheed Martin and the IIGP, which celebrated its 10th anniversary recently with
Data Security Council of India (DSCI) have launched a the introduction of an enhanced programme, is the
bespoke education programme for small and mid-size only public-private partnership of its kind. It invests in
businesses, to help them minimize risk from online social and industrial innovations, trained innovators in
threats. DSCI promotes data protection among the world-class commercialisation strategies, offers support
Indian industry partnered with Lockheed Martin to for incubation and assists in business development. It
heighten the cybersecurity awareness of businesses and ultimately aims to take ideas and Indian technologies
their workforce. into the global marketplace.

Community Outreach The programme enables entrepreneurs to develop

science and technology-based solutions for the benefit
of society. Select innovators across social and industrial
As an industry leader in global security and information sectors have the opportunity to accelerate their proof of
technology, Lockheed Martin provides products and concepts to a sustainable product or service. The
services that address some of the nation’s most critical initiative contributes and supports the Government of
issues but the company’s contribution doesn’t end India’s evolving industrial strategy and new focus on the
with a commitment to support our country’s needs and “Start-Up India” and “Skill India” initiatives.
An impact assessment by Ernst and Young highlighted that the participating companies have generated economic
wealth of over US$ 800 million and have provided employment across different areas such as finance, strategy,
operations and marketing.

In its first 10 years of operation, IIGP has impacted more than 100 cities across India and received and evaluated in
excess of 7000 ideas. In addition to building entrepreneurs, more than 50 incubation managers from India have
been trained in the U.S. on global best practices in the areas of business incubation and commercialisation.

In addition to Lockheed Martin, DST and The Tata Trusts, which will specifically support innovations to address
social challenges, programme partners include the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Indian Institute of
Management Ahmedabad, and Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.

Student Initiatives
Advancing science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics (STEM) education is a critical focus for
Lockheed Martin. We know first-hand the
importance of educating young people in these
areas. A nation’s technological advantage depends
on a constant supply of highly trained, highly
capable technical talent.

To help address these challenges and strengthen the

global talent pipeline, Lockheed Martin provides
funding to STEM education outreach activities for
students at the earliest stages of schooling through
to college students. The company supports
programmes, events and campaigns which focus on
student achievement, teacher development, and
gender and ethnic diversity.

With the vision to encourage more females to take

up interest in STEM subjects and explore career
opportunities in related industries, in 2016 Lockheed
Martin helped initiate a Girls in Aviation Day, in
partnership with the The India Chapter of Women in
Aviation International (WAI).

In the spirit of acting as a catalyst for collaboration

and innovation In India, the company also launched
a C-130 Roll-on/Roll-off (Ro/Ro) University Design

Students from five leading Indian Universities (IIT

Delhi, IIT Chennai, Delhi Technological University,
BITS Pilani – Goa Campus and University of and University of Petroleum and Energy Studies
Petroleum and Energy Studies) were challenged to were selected. These teams have been awarded
design disaster relief modules with the focus of IAF further grants to develop prototypes of their
and NDRF as their initial target. Lockheed Martin modules and mentoring support to develop a go-
provided the student teams with grants to facilitate to-market strategy.
work with local industry partners as well as
engineering, technical, and business development Lockheed Martin will work with each team to explore
expertise. options with government and industry to mature the
prototype for global markets.
In 2016, designs of two teams representing entries
from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Chennai

True Impact
through Women Focused Initiatives


Manhattan Associates develops At Manhattan Associates, women empowerment is one of the core
the most complete suite of supply aspects of the 1000+ strong India Innovation Center. It is
spearheaded by our India head – Ushasri TS, Senior Vice President
chain software solutions, from
and General Manager - one of the early women leaders in the Indian
planning to distribution
IT industry. Usha launched and co-chairs the WIN (Women Initiative
management, that have been Network) India chapter. It aims to increase the representation of
rated among the best in the women in significant leadership roles, and focus on the development
industry by top analysts including of Women in leadership and technology.
AMR, ARC and Gartner. Their
advanced software solutions help
customers successfully manage
Making a Difference With
accelerating and fluctuating Learning
market demands, and master the
increasing complexity and WIN is driven by four pillars - employee engagement, community
volatility of their local and global and industry outreach, coaching, mentoring and communication.
supply chains, thus creating Last year, we kicked off the WIN learning series - A series of
sustainable competitive workshops/ sessions aimed at orienting women on Work Life
advantages that impact their Integration, Leadership through Women icons, experiencing the
bottom line revenues. emotional world, Networking and relationship building, and on
Feminine Potential, Potency and Performance. These workshops help
Manhattan’s supply chain
our women employees to observe from close quarters the
commerce solutions are
characteristics and behaviors of successful women leaders and adopt
positioned directly at the leading in their careers.
edge of the omni-channel
commerce revolution, serving as a We host an annual WIN conclave, in the month of April-May,
means to deliver critical business commemorating Women and their achievements. Last year, the WIN
capabilities that seamlessly conclave drove a panel discussion about “Women in Diverse Fields”
connect every channel across the and a talk on Diversity and Inclusion. The sessions were a great
enterprise. opportunity to talk about Women in Technology, to Network and
envision the future.

Changing the Game with

We{Code} is largely directed toward Women in technology. Last
year, the We{Code} team launched the W-Hackathon with the
theme ‘Think, Design and Innovate’. The program’s objective is to
test and build on existing technical skills of our women employees.
The activities included creating automated testing tools and multiple
other complex toolsets aimed at improving internal operational

Orienting to a New
Effective Communication is critical for the smooth
functioning of any business. Many women find it
difficult to speak up in a public forum or in meetings. To
overcome this challenge, we have initiated mentorship
programs, annual events, panel discussions on stress
management, to build effective communication skills in
our women employees. A few other Women specific
trainings are work-life balance and self-defense that we
believe are necessary education in today’s context.
These programs have helped our women employees
immensely in their professional career and growth.

We will continue to innovate and launch multiple

women-focused initiatives going forward. Women
empowerment and development of women in
Leadership and Technology roles, will continue to be a
focus area for Manhattan Associates India.

Across the Globe

Modine is a U.S. MNC with MTSI conducted the following activities in CY 16
headquartered at Wisconsin
Modine employees provide time and goods to school in local
Racine, NA. Started in 1916,
community (SEED - Society for Education & Economic Development,
celebrated 100th Year anniversary
in July 2016.
Teaching Basic Maths/Science
Modine India is 100% subsidiary of Safety & Emergency preparedness
Modine Manufacturing Company Sponsor, B.Sc Nursing, INR 1,50,000
NA, was started in 2007, is now a
$ 25 Million revenue company SEED (Society for Educational and Economic Development)
specializing in PTC & EPG thermal http://seeduniversal.org/
management systems and
“SEED” is a Non-Governmental Organization working with children
components. Offering products to
who are in need of care and protection. Such children are given a
industry verticals like Commercial
secure home, education, social skills and above all confidence to
vehicle, Passenger cars, Off face life.
highway and Genset segments.
SEED was founded by a few likeminded people, greatly influenced by
the life and work of Mahatma Gandhi, with the intention of working
for the socially, educationally & economically downtrodden. SEED
was registered as an Association on 1981 under the Tamilnadu
Societies Registration Act, 1972 (Reg.No.251/81).

SEED started its activities at Sriperumbudur, the holy place where the
Saint & Philosopher Shrimath Ramanuja who fought against the
caste system through Bhakthi Marga, was born in first century. SEED
started with 27 children but now caters to the needs of more than
300 children at all its three centers.

A.R. Palanisamy built the first comprehensive rehabilitation model for

children of life prisoners, murder victims, and those affected by
leprosy and cancer. Palanisamy uses education and skill training to
build their self-confidence and mainstream them into their own
communities and societies.
Contributing Across the Globe – Spend time and offer Donation of hours to technical Institute – PSB
gifts to school (SEED): Polytechnic College

Teaching Basic Mathematics & English Exposure on Industrial activities - Production &
Plan: 8 hrs per Month. Manufacturing
Occurrence: Biweekly Thursdays (10.30 AM to 12.30 PM)
starting from 21st July 2016 P.S.B. Trust was established in the year 1996 by founder
Resources: Er.S. PETHIAH. The motto of this trust is to impart
• Amirtharaj D S, handle English Language Classes supreme knowledge and holistic training in the field of
• Divyatharani V, handle Mathematics Classes Technical Education. It is located in Old Mamallapuram
Effective Hours till Dec 16: 44 hrs road(OMR) also Called as IT highway. The college is just
2 kms from kelambakkam. The Institution inculcates
Contributing Across the Globe - Education on Safety & education with discipline.
Emergency preparedness for school children
The collage has successfully groomed both rural and
• Drawing competition conducted “Safety,” and the urban students & have highly qualified teachers who
students actively participated. guide the students.
• A few students spoke on the topic “Safety”
• Interactive session – on the importance of safety Contributing Across the Globe – Provide technical
shared by the students. training on Modine plant site
• A first aid trainer from Apollo hospitals conducted
the awareness session with models. Engage interns from PSB Polytechnic College

10 students trained in following areas for 10 days. In the

streams of :
• Manufacturing Engineering
• Production
• Press and tooling
• Quality
Donation of hours and goods to Institute to visually
challenged students (National Institute for Visually
Handicapped, Poonamallee)

The National Institute for the Visually Handicapped is

a premier Institute in the field of visual disability
working under the administrative control of Ministry
of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of
India. The Institute is committed to promote rights
and dignity of persons with visual impairments. In
order to achieve this laudable objective, the Institute
produces trained manpower for providing quality
education, vocational training and rehabilitation
services to the visually impaired persons. It also
undertakes research and developmental activities
ensuring emergence of disability inclusive policies,
programmes and practices. Its R& D activities have
contributed a number of useful tools and enabling
technologies for equal participation by the visually
impaired persons in different walks of life. The
Institute is largest producer and distributor of Braille
literature and devices in the country including talking

Contributing Across the Globe – Establish Library, 2

PC’s to support visually challenged students
Sponsor, 2 PC’s, INR 60,000

Modine Contributing Across the Globe:

• No. of hour volunteered: 152
• No. of volunteers: 12

to India’s Inclusive Growth

Monsanto India Limited (MIL) is a
subsidiary of Monsanto Company
USA. We are present in India since Monsanto’s presence in India spans over four decades. We provide
1949 and are committed to integrated agricultural solutions to the farmers to improve
improve farmer’s lives by productivity and operational excellence. Social Responsibility is an
producing more from their land integral part of Monsanto and our CSR Vision is to improve lives by
and conserving more of the partnering with communities to deliver lasting solutions. We are
natural resources. We enrich committed to making a difference to the lives of all the people we
farmers’ lives using breeding touch through our products, our efforts in the field or through our
technology and techniques, philanthropic activities.
advanced research and
Prior to the Companies Act, Monsanto India CSR programs were
development, extensive
executed utilizing “Monsanto Fund” the global philanthropic arm of
agronomic practices and on-farm Monsanto. Instituted in 1964, the focus has been on strengthening
technology development. We farming communities and the society we live in by providing basic
provide advisory services to education and meeting critical basic amenities. We have partnered
farmers on better agronomic with nine NGOs to execute socially relevant projects in the areas of
practices to improve crop yields education, providing safe drinking water, enabling a sustained
and quality through Monsanto livelihood, infrastructure for irrigation and women empowerment.
Farm AgVisory Services (MFAS).
We partner with various state In compliance with the global CSR vision and to align our efforts with
the Companies Act 2013, we engaged with KPMG to assess and
governments, agricultural
evaluate the needs of the communities. The locational analysis based
universities and NGO’s to provide
on Human Development Index and business interest to Monsanto
farmers necessary support for provided us the key geographical regions and thematic areas to
successful harvest. focus on. The three thematic areas that emerged from the analysis
are Sustainable Agriculture, Health and Nutrition and Education with
the beneficiaries being farmers, women and children. Our flagship
programs “SHARE” and “DISHA” are designed around these thematic

SHARE (Sustainable Harvests - Agriculture, Resources and

Environment) focuses on making agriculture output sustainable,
provides additional livelihood opportunities and improves household
income for small and marginal farmers. The efforts under this
program focus on providing farmers access to better information
and exposure to advanced agronomic practices.
DISHA covers our efforts in the Health, Nutrition and the schools and regular parent teacher meetings are
Education areas focused on women and children in the held. Teachers are constantly trained on newer teaching
rural communities. The projects under this program aim techniques to effectively impart knowledge to the
to impact the communities by providing access to children and make learning fun. We continue to work
drinking water through supply and water conservation with Deshkal in Kirtiyanand Nagar block of Purnia
efforts, sanitation facilities and education support. district in Bihar covering 165 primary and upper primary
schools, with 48,000 students and 300 teachers to
On the education front, our efforts are aimed at improve schooling outcomes and learning achievement.
providing impetus to early childhood education and In the last couple of years of this project, enrolment in
helping improve the capabilities of teachers. India has schools is 100% and retention rate 80%. Sanitation
400 million children of which 35 million in the age facilities have been provided in 80% of the schools and
group 6 – 14 years do not attend school. While midday meals regularized in 90% of the schools. The
enrolment is about 80%, attendance in school is only aim is to reach 100% in the next one year.
65%. Some of the reasons for children dropping out of
school are access to education coupled with hunger. To We have worked with “Sikshana Foundation” across 60
address these challenges, we work through our partners schools in Karnataka benefitting 7500 primary school
to provide reading material, infrastructure and support children. New learning techniques were adopted to
the government’s mid-day meal program. enable reaching a target of 96% for reading proficiency
and 88% for arithmetic ability. The unlimited writing
In the Katihar region of Bihar, Monsanto partnered with material provided increased language proficiency and
“Deshkal Society”, across 193 government primary speed of writing. The schools where interventions were
schools benefiting over 61,000 children and 250 implemented boast of results better than the state
teachers. Through the interventions, attendance in average in Mathematics and Kannada.
schools improved from 59 to 73% and drop-out rate
reduced from 40 to 26%. Reading proficiency increased In Maharashtra, in partnership with “Room to Read”
from 70 to 88% while arithmetic ability went up from 88 eight primary school libraries have been established and
to 97%. In addition, collaborative efforts fostered 19,000+ books provided thereby creating learning
effective school community engagement and parents’ opportunity for 4000+ children to promote positive
involvement in their childrens’ education. School reading behavior, enhance reading ability, language
Education Committees have been constituted in 95% of proficiency and overall literacy. Child friendly books are

available for all levels of children which keeps them

motivated. The in-class teaching aids makes learning
more interesting and impactful.

To facilitate increased attendance in school we have

partnered with “AkshayaPatra Foundation” and
ensured nutritious midday meals to 37500 children
across the states of Orissa, Karnataka and Uttar
Pradesh and 22500 children across Gujarat and
Rajasthan. Keeping in view that proper hygiene
ensures better health, children have been sensitized
on hygiene and safe hand washing practices.
Personal hygiene kits containing tooth brush, paste,
tongue cleaner, soap, shampoo, hair oil, comb, nail-
cutter and handkerchief have been distributed to
45000 children.

Our interventions in education will provide children

access to nutritious meals, sanitation facilities,
increase attendance rate in schools and enhance
reading proficiency leading to improved literacy
levels thus helping them grow up to be productive

Through our CSR programs, we strive to improve

lives by collaborating with the communities to
deliver sustainable solutions. We partner with various
NGOs to execute our projects and influence a
positive change in the lives of the communities. We
remain committed to improving the lives of
communities to deliver sustainable solutions.

Leading with
Our Corporate Social Responsibility
in India

The Mosaic Company is the In India, Mosaic and implementing partner the Sehgal Foundation
world’s leading producer and manage the Krishi Jyoti Project, or “enlightened agriculture,” in the
districts of Mewat Haryana and Alwar Rajasthan.
marketer of concentrated
phosphate and potash, two
‘Krish Jyoti’ brings to life Mosaic’s mission of helping the world grow
essential crop nutrients. Driven by the food it needs. Launched in 2008-09, Krishi Jyoti contributes to
our mission to help the world community in agriculture, water management & education; it has
grow the food it needs, Mosaic is made a remarkable difference around 45,000 farmer and over 3200
committed to working toward students.
improved global food security and
protecting critical water resources.
Krishi Jyoti Interventions
Agricultural Development: With the help of balanced crop nutrition,
agronomic expertise and financial support, farmers increased yields
by as much as 35 % over traditional farming practices. In total, Krishi
Jyoti has directly benefited more than 22,000 farmers, cultivated
nearly 15,000 acres of land, and reached 60 villages.

Water Management: The Mosaic Villages Project funded the

construction of four new check dams in Mewat & Alwar. The check
dams assist with capturing and storing rainwater, which is then
funneled into the underground aquifer, recharging groundwater
levels and pushing back salinity so that water can be consumed and
used for irrigation. Together, the check dams have directly and
indirectly benefitted more than 30,000 people, and have a total
reservoir capacity of more than 14 million gallons.

Education (School Renovation): Mosaic funded school renovations

for 16 schools in Alwar and Mewat in Haryana and Rajasthan—
including adding sanitation facilities (separate for boys and girls),
safe drinking water systems, and a school kitchen. Over 3,200
students have benefited, and the Government Middle School got the
awards related to the improvements.

Wildlife Rescue


NOVUS International, Inc. Improved quality of life is an integral part of Novus’ vision and we at
headquartered in St Louis, Novus understand that a healthy ecosystem helps improve the
quality of life. Sustainability is a priority for Novus and is a mindset
Missouri (USA) is a global leader
that permeates throughout our operations. The Wildlife Rescue
in the animal health and nutrition
initiative by Novus integrates our value of improving the quality of
industry. Novus is driven by a life by improving the biodiversity.
vision of helping feed the world
affordable, wholesome food so In an effort to protect, preserve and rehabilitate the lives of Sloth
they can achieve a higher quality bears that are exploited as Dancing bears for human entertainment;
of life. This ambition is ingrained Novus has collaborated with Wildlife SoS – Rescue the Bear project.
in our culture and is a driving Wildlife SOS was established over 20 years ago with a strong
force in our mission to make a inspiration to protect and conserve natural heritage, forest and
difference in sustainably meeting wildlife wealth. In India, the organization actively works on
conserving habitats, studying biodiversity, conducting research and
the growing global need for
creating alternative and sustainable livelihoods for poacher
nutrition and health.
communities who previously depended on wildlife for survival.

Bannerghatta Bear Rescue Centre is one of Wildlife SOS’s important

projects which is instrumental in rescuing and providing care for over
a hundred Sloth Bears rescued from the Dancing Bear trade,
poaching, ill-kept zoos and Human-Bear conflict situations. As part
of this association with Wildlife SOS; Novus has provided digital X-
ray and scanner machines to be used in operation theatre for
reviewing the well-being of the bears at the Bannerghatta Bear
Rescue Centre.

Owens Corning
India’s Work
in the Sanitation Space


Owens Corning develops, Owens Corning is supporting the Indian market in this space
manufactures and markets through dissipating its material science knowledge, application know
how and brand connect to bridge access to manufacture and
insulation, roofing, and fiberglass
facilitate turnkey services for glass fiber based modular toilets.
composites. Based in Toledo,
India has a population of more than 1.2 billion people, out of which
Ohio, Owens Corning posted 2016 nearly 600 million people, or 55 percent, have no access to toilets.
sales of $5.7 billion and employs These numbers are alarming and having potentially serious health
about 16,000 people in 25 implications.
countries. Owens Conning is listed
in NYSE, a Fortune 500 Company This inadequacy triggered the Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan program at
for 62 consecutive years and this scale and in turn a need to build 120 million toilets by 2019
committed to balancing economic costing ~ $30 Billion. This initiative is welcome, but come with
growth with social progress and challenges for implementation around quick construction,
proliferation and maintenance.
environmental stewardship.
What we offer in the sanitation space

1. Glass fiber based materials and application know-how support

around designing, manufacturing and installing toilets.
2. Turnkey facilitation and marketing support through its Preferred
Network fabricators and installers for organizations keen to
source and execute construction of toilets with speed.
3. Techno-commercial and marketing support to companies
wanting to enter into manufacturing of toilets and other allied
structures using these materials.

The challenges with current and conventional materials of


• Speed and scalability in construction: To execute large numbers

on time, it is imperative that the material of construction brings
element of design flexibility, optimization in resource usage
amongst others.
• Maintenance: Building toilets is one deal, but maintaining them
well efficiently and affordably is another. This is where advanced
materials drive the advantage of being maintenance friendly.
• Sanitation Waste Management: Waste management systems are
key component of the toilet system. Having a waste management
system affordable, design friendly and easy to install with the
right technologies to effectively dispose waste is required.
• Cost Effective Execution: With a big portion of this sanitation
program is driven by subsidies, a solution which brings the right
element of cost effectiveness is equally significant and vital.
The Differential Impact Owens Corning has made so far: • Diversification & Start up Support: We have been
successfully handholding companies with support
• Execution for leading sanitation firms/NGO’s: We around technology and manufacturing keen to enter
have cohesively engaged to enable turnkey to diversify into manufacturing of toilets with these
facilitation execution work on ground in materials besides helping them with technical and
commercially building toilets for a couple of the marketing services.
prominent NGO’s in India having installed more than
200 units and still counting. • CSR Contribution: Through its own small way,
Owens Corning has been contributing part of its
• Creation of ecosystem to execute pan India: We CSR in building toilets across India in and around
have created an ecosystem of preferred network our current plants and intend to continue the same
fabricators, contractors. Recently, we entered into an in the future.
alliance with a sanitation aggregator organization
based in Bhubaneshwar. This ecosystem would Benefits of Owens Corning’s Glass Reinforced Concrete
support end to end facilitation services to execute (GRC) Material
toilets for NGO’s and corporates. The first major
milestone we are set to execute through this alliance GRC based modular toilets are structures made with
is executing toilets for Madurai Corporation. Owens Corning’s Anti-crack® HD reinforced mortar
precast panels. Anti-crack® HD is a ‘’High
• Recognitions: One of our preferred network Performance’’ Alkali Resistant (AR) glass fiber
members’ toilet design made with GRC materials has engineered to increase flexural performance adding
been recognized by Government Drinking Water & toughness, impact, and fatigue resistance to concrete.
Sanitation Department) and by a reputed German AR glass fibers are unique as a concrete reinforcement
University. Further, Owens Corning’s design with same specific gravity as stone or gravel mixed in
guidelines was also bestowed with an Innovation concrete so fiber dispersion is easier to achieve than
Award at the hands of Dr. Mashelkar. These with other fibers.
initiatives would support in the push of proliferation
and awareness.
GRC materials are an excellent engineered system which provides benefits when used for making toilet and waste
management structures:

• Lightweight: Thin-walled lightweight structures against typical precast structures with primary glass fiber
reinforcement. This supports easy and quick installation. Typically, AR glass fiber reinforcements can reduce the
weight and thickness of concrete by a factor of 10 compared to conventional steel reinforced materials/.
Further, concrete consumption gets reduced by around 70% making the overall solution cost effective and
sustainable (less water usage during mixing).
• Easy & quick to install with reduced labor – Modular design and light weight nature of this toilet makes them
very easy and quick to install. Installation time reduces to almost 1/3rd of the current brick and mortar. Further,
labor reduces by around 1/2 during installation saving overall manpower and time.

• Enhanced Corrosion Resistance & Overall

durability: GRC system inherently contributes
enhanced mildew and algae resistance benefits
enhancing the overall corrosion resistance
compared to conventional materials. To
summarize, durability is enhanced through AR
fibers in the formulation supporting lower
porosity → reduced water penetration → Long
Life and low maintenance.
• Easy and Cost Effective Transportation: Modular
design blocks make it easy and cheaper to
• Better Aesthetics and Appearance: These toilets
have been aesthetically designed and painted.
This has started to induce positive behavioral
changes in the society by regular usage,
maintenance and collective social ownership.
• Helping fulfill basic needs of the community: Last
but not least, faster installations would help
provide access of basic amenities to poor
villagers, school children and the community at
large. This has improved lives and reducing the
drop outs of school children (especially female
• Tailor made to suit different and Urban
development needs like Smart & AMRUT Cities:
These materials can be well engineered and
designed into panels suiting individual,
community and public toilets. Further, these
toilets have the potential to help incorporate
smart IOT based accessories.

In India, we have self-motivated, committed people

who are working towards community work. This
helps Owens Corning’s Purpose – Our People and
Products make the world a better place.

P&G India
A Good ‘Corporate Citizen’
Improving Lives Through Education

P&G serves consumers in India At P&G, being a good Corporate Citizen means making every day
with one of the strongest better for people through how we innovate and how we act. As the
world’s largest consumer products Company, we have both a
portfolios of trusted, quality,
responsibility and an opportunity to do the right thing and create
leadership brands, including Vicks
social change. This strategy has inspired an enduring CSR strategy of
®, Ariel®, Tide®, Whisper®, supporting the cause of Education via our CSR program – ‘P&G
Olay®, Gillette®, AmbiPur®, Shiksha’. P&G Shiksha, since its commencement in 2005, provides
Pampers®, Pantene®, Oral-B®, children from underprivileged backgrounds with an access to a
Head & Shoulders® and Old holistic education.
Spice®. P&G operates through 3
entities in India of which 2 are P&G's signature corporate sustainability program P&G Shiksha has
listed on NSE & BSE. The listed till date built and supported over 1 thousand schools across the
P&G entities are: ‘Procter & country that will impact the lives of over 1 million children, in
partnership with a number of NGOs like - Round Table India (RTI),
Gamble Hygiene & Health Care
Pratham Foundation, Save the Children, Army Wives Welfare
Limited’ and ‘Gillette India
Association (AWWA), Navy Wives Welfare Association (NWWA), Air
Limited’, whereas the unlisted Force Wives Welfare Association (AFWWA) amongst others. These
entity (which is a 100% subsidiary partners serve as specialists, lending their expertise to particular
of the parent company in the U.S) aspects of the education system. RTI, for example, is dedicated to
operates by the name ‘Procter & constructing educational infrastructure and supporting schools
Gamble Home Products Ltd.’ In across India. Save the Children focuses on girl child’s education by
the last 12 years, P&G’s signature aiding government funded programs like the Kasturba Gandhi Balika
CSR program P&G Shiksha has Vidyalayas (KGBV). Pratham has special expertise in remedial
built and supported 1000 schools learning to help bring children up to speed with the learning levels in
their curriculum. Similarly, the NGOs AWWA and NWWA are experts
that will impact the lives of
in serving the educational needs of disabled children and those who
10,00,000 underprivileged children
are affected by natural disasters.
across the country by providing
them with access to education. P&G Shiksha has till date made a cumulative donation of over INR
80 crores towards building new schools, providing critical
infrastructural amenities at existing schools or reviving non-
operational government schools. Additionally, P&G Shiksha now
strongly focusing on learning and quality of education that has
emerged as a big gap in the Education System as per the ASER

Focus on Girl-Child Education

Save the Children in partnership with P&G Shiksha continues to
empower marginalized girls through education and all round
development. In Rajasthan and Jharkhand, we support Kasturba
Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas (KGBV) that focus on education and overall
development of the girl children. These two states have nutrition supplement by providing fruits along with mid-
high drop-out rates for girl children. Additionally, Baal day meals. At about 20 km from the Bhiwadi Plant, in
Sansads and School Management Committees (SMCs) association with IBTADA, a local NGO, P&G Shiksha
have also been strengthened through capacity building continues its association with a local school to promote
of its members. These initiatives have thus resulted in a the education of girl children in Gwalda village. The
positive change in the overall environment of KGBVs. students are provided holistic support in the form of
For example, teachers have started taking initiatives in uniforms, library, meals, infrastructure, recreational
practicing innovative pedagogical methods (such as activities & study tours. For the second consecutive
promoting an effective use of the library facility, project year, the initiative has received a prestigious recognition
work, story building as well as an overall better planning with the Bhamashah award by the Rajasthan
and execution of multi- level teaching). Government for outstanding contribution in promoting
education and creating a transformational change in
Focus on Education at the lives of young girl children.

Manufacturing Sites P&G Shiksha Upgrade

P&G continues to impact the communities around its ‘From Learning Outlay to
plants in a holistic manner throughout the Financial
Year. At Goa, in association with Matruchhaya, a local Learning Outcome’
public charitable trust, P&G is providing educational
and infrastructural support to a school for the P&G started its flagship CSR program ‘P&G Shiksha’ in
orphaned, destitute and abandoned children. The P&G 2005 and in line with the need of the hour ‘educational
Baddi plant continues its association with Himachal infrastructure’, over the last decade, P&G made
Pradesh Voluntary Health Association (“HPVHA”) with infrastructure interventions to provide underprivileged
Lodhimajra Village School in order to make children with an access to education. More recently,
infrastructure additions to school while organizing after consulting with thought leaders in education, we
health check-ups for the students. In Mandideep, P&G realized that learning levels of students emerged as a
is building on its association with Arushi, a local NGO, huge gap. For example, in a lot of schools, the learning
to provide infrastructure, nutrition and hygiene support levels (language and arithmetic) of students in Grade 5
to the Satlapur Government School. P&G Shiksha has could be that of Grade 3 or sometimes even Grade 2 or
also enabled the school with construction of a 1. This results in children dropping out as they nor their
boundary wall, refurbishment of the roof, health and parents see the value in keeping them in school. Hence
eye check-up for students, construction of toilets and we identified the need for learning effectiveness and
upgraded P&G Shiksha program to focus more on learning outcomes versus learning outlay. We focused on two
areas that we felt would result in the maximum impact on learning levels. These were i) Remedial Learning camps
for coaching outside of school & ii) Early Childhood Education to set children up for success when they enter

P&G partnered with Pratham Foundation in their ‘Read India’ program that focuses on remedial learning via
learning camps and aims to bring school children up to the curriculum of their respective standards in Rajasthan,
Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra. The results were phenomenal, we reached out to more than 500 schools and
18,000 children and saw the learning levels in the schools rise at the end of the year following our interventions.

Before the intervention, only 20% children in these

schools who were able to read and write as per their
curriculum level, which increased to 70% after our
intervention. Similarly, there was more than a two-
fold increase in the percentage of children who were
able to do basic arithmetic after our intervention.

P&G also identified ‘Early Childhood Education’ as a

key opportunity area in the educational landscape of
the country. The program builds the capability of
Anganwadi workers in order to develop motor and
cognitive skills in children so that they are set for a
fast paced growth once they start going to school.
We launched the program in Bihar and Maharashtra
through Pratham’s partnership with the Government
(ICDS), to impact early childhood learning in
Anganwadi centers to strengthen school readiness in
children. At the end of the year, to assess their level
of development, children were asked to do several
tasks like matching shapes, ability to trace shapes to
recognize a number, ability to tell their name and
family background. The results were overwhelming,
80% children in the intervention groups had
competent motor skills (ability to draw, hold a pencil,
colour within a shape etc.) versus 42% in the
comparison groups. Similarly, the cognitive
competence of the children in intervention groups
was more than two-fold than that of comparison

We are encouraged by the results on our new areas

of focus and are all set to strengthen the Shiksha
Upgrade by expanding these programs across more
states as per their respective needs in the future.
Since the government has highlighted ‘quality of
education’ as one of the key focus areas for
country’s growth in the next decade, P&G is well
poised to play an active role in the India Success

Rural Outreach

PepsiCo entered India in 1989 and PepsiCo entered India in 1989 and in a short period, has grown into
in a short period, has grown into one of the largest MNC food and beverage businesses in the
country. PepsiCo’s growth in India has been guided by “Performance
one of the largest MNC food and
with Purpose”, its goal to deliver top-tier financial performance while
beverage businesses in the
creating sustainable growth and shareholder value. One of PepsiCo
country. PepsiCo’s growth in India India’s bottling units is located in the notified industrial area of
has been guided by “Performance Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC) at Paithan,
with Purpose”. PepsiCo India’s Aurangabad district, in the western state of Maharashtra. This facility
diverse portfolio reflects its receives its water supply from MIDC.
commitment to nourish
consumers with a diverse range of PepsiCo India engaged an NGO, Alternative Development Initiatives
fun and healthier products. (ADI), for establishing SWRDM (sustainable water resource
development and management program). The program combines
community interventions for water resource development with
livelihood enhancement. The community was the nucleus of this
project; a deeply participatory approach was adopted right from the
start. PepsiCo reached out to the community to jointly identify
potential initiatives, and four key areas were short-listed.
Accordingly, an implementation strategy was developed to address
these initiatives:

The key objectives of the intervention included the following:

• Mapping land and water resources in the watershed, including
land and water use for assessing feasibility of a water
replenishment program;
• Assessment of sufficiency of water resources in the watershed;
• Develop a long-term solution, jointly with the community, for
sustainability of the watershed and improved access to water by
the community.

Water Recharge & Conservation

Based on the comprehensive hydro-geological and topographic
survey carried out and dialog with the community, PepsiCo/ADI
team constructed 13 check-dams across three rivulets. These rivulets
were flowing through the watershed hence ensuring significant water
harvesting potential that could recharge the locally depressed
aquifer. In addition, efforts were directed towards recharging of a
hundred open wells and introduction of micro-irrigation on a pilot
basis. Community members were trained on water conservation,
maintenance of the water bodies, measurement of rainfall and

Agriculture Development of local level institutions. Women in the community

were facilitated to form their Self-help Groups (SHGs).
These SHGs were encouraged to avail micro-credit.
A series of agro-focused trainings were organized with Moreover, assistance was provided to the women SHGs
farmers’ clubs. Capacity building of the farmers was for enrolling in Aam Admi Bima Yojana (Common
conducted by renowned institutions such as ICRISAT Man’s Insurance Scheme) and internet mobile banking.
(The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi- Other beneficiaries were supported in the formation of
Arid Tropics), KVK (Krishi Vikas Kendra) and WALMI local level institutions including Water Users’ Association
(Water and Land Management Institute). Exposure visits (WUA) and Farmers’ Club (FC).
were organized for field training on latest equipment
and technology development on different fronts.
Institutional Arrangement
Livelihood Enhancement The key partners in this intervention were PepsiCo India
and the four beneficiary village communities. PepsiCo
Both farm and non-farm skill-based trainings on diverse India has gained from the knowledge and experience in
topics were provided to vulnerable members in the establishing a model SWRDM program. Thus, an
community to help improve their livelihood inclusive engagement with the community through
opportunities so they are less dependent on one annual regular dialogue, consultation, capacity building and
rain-fed agricultural crop. Alignment between livelihood co-ownership has made this model sustainable for the
interventions and related central / state Government stakeholders involved.
and NABARD (National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
Development) schemes was made. This convergence Results:
allowed the community to leverage funds from the
above mentioned institutions to further improve their • Community water intervention by PepsiCo India near
income generation. its Paithan plant has positively impacted water
availability in the area with the water levels
Community & Gender increasing by about 5 m in the surrounding villages.

Empowerment • Overall, more than 12000 community members have

benefitted since the start of the initiative, and more
PepsiCo India adopted an inclusive approach to engage than 1.7 billion liters of water was recharged in the
with the community and seek opportunities for their calendar year 2015, much more than the MIDC
empowerment through establishment or strengthening water used by Paithan plant in its operations during
the same period.
• The community is a proud joint owner and user of the check dams and wells. The Gram Panchayat (local
council), along with WUA, has taken up the ownership of the maintenance of the water projects.

• Community members have not only learnt the importance and necessity of water conservation but are also
adept at measuring rainfall through rain gauge and therefore well-equipped to take key decisions related to
water availability, cropping pattern and irrigation.

• Increased water levels and availability have converted fallow/non-agricultural lands into agricultural land by at
least 60%. Sufficiency in water now allows these farmers to additionally grow rabi (winter) crops and orchards
have come up as an outcome of trainings on diversification of cropping pattern and have become
economically viable. Further, farmers are able to grow organic vegetables on a commercial basis. Together
these initiatives have led to an increase in farmer income levels in the program area to the tune of INR 3000-
• The linking of water security, livelihood security
and women’s empowerment has reaped
significant results. Skill-based trainings to women
in Wahegaon village have been found to be both
welcome and useful.

Lessons Learned
The following are the three key lessons learned from
our water intervention near Paithan:

1. PepsiCo India’s water intervention near Paithan

demonstrates that social and environmental
impacts due to water scarcity can be highly local
in nature and associated with the watershed.

2. Water is a shared, finite resource and water

interventions sustain best in when planned in
partnership with the local stakeholder
constituencies around the watershed that are
inextricably linked with each other.

3. The intervention has been useful in

demonstrating the success of a model public
private partnership.

4. The SWRDM model has been replicated in four

other sites in Sangareddy (Telangana), Panipat
(Haryana), Nelamangala (Bangalore) and
Mamandur (Chennai) in addition to wahegaon
contributing to water recharge of 4.4 billion
liters in 2015.

Navigating Life


PNB MetLife is a partnership
between leading global life
insurance provider MetLife and Technology is bridging the gap between the consumers and
India’s leading nationalised bank insurance companies; insurtech will be a critical engagement tool in
PNB. Present in over 7,000 the future. PNB MetLife has been on the forefront of innovation in
locations in India, PNB MetLife terms of its product design and customer services. We are among
provides a wide range of life, the first insurance firms to integrate technology to support
health and retirement insurance continuous innovation and customer centricity; thereby, provide
products. superior customer service. In the last couple of quarters alone, PNB
MetLife has been on a spree of introducing new technology – the
PNB MetLife Infinity app, ConVRse and Dr Jeevan.
For more information, follow us
on twitter @PNBMetLife1,
1. PNB MetLife Infinity is a secure platform for individuals to save
www.facebook.com/PNBMetLife all their important documents. Our Infinity app reached 30,000
or visit www.pnbmetlife.com plus downloads in first 30 days, which is a great success

2. ConVRse is an experiential virtual reality platform built in

collaboration between MetLife’s innovation center - LumenLab
in Singapore and PNB MetLife in India. This is the first time that
virtual reality is being used in the insurance industry to benefit
the customers directly through superior experience and
availability of experts. It provides a differentiated, immersive and
a personalized experience to the customer through the VR
headset available in 15 PNB MetLife branches across 10 cities.

3. Dr. Jeevan is the Life Insurance industry’s first AI powered

interactive chatbot solution on Facebook Messenger platform.
Dr. Jeevan helps users know their health quotient, educates
them on India’s top two critical illnesses - Cancer and Heart, with
interactive videos and provides personalized quotation for PNB
MetLife Mera Heart and Cancer Care within the Facebook
platform itself.

Rural Outreach & Social Health Initiatives: We have supported health and
hygiene initiatives in schools for underprivileged
Upliftment children by building toilets in Orissa and Delhi through
Nirman Foundation and Habitat for Humanity, which
have benefited more than 800 children. In addition to
PNB MetLife believes in a good corporate citizenship this, health and hygiene workshops were also
approach and we are committed to help different conducted for the children to instill the importance of
communities grow in various aspects and is determined cleanliness and sanitary practices.
to apply constant efforts towards creation of a
sustainable environment and society for everyone. Our Education and Vocational Training: We continuously
CSR strategy and approach is to contribute to six critical strive to provide opportunities to children in identified
areas – financial inclusion, health, education and locations to get access and help in getting education in
vocational training, disaster relief and rehabilitation, schools, helping school drop-outs with skill training in
promotion of nationally recognised sports and most collaboration with our NGO partners CRY (Child Rights
importantly, insurance awareness. and You), PRAJNA Counselling Centre, in Jammu and
Kashmir and Karnataka.
Key initiatives of PNB MetLife’s CSR Programme:
• PNB MetLife (PMLI) and Jammu & Kashmir Bank
Financial Inclusion: MetLife Foundation is committed (JKB), in partnership with CRY set up a project
towards providing low-income families and individuals towards the education and development of children
with the financial tools to improve their lives in identified across the districts of Baramullah, Bandipora,
segments. Pulwama and Srinagar, impacting lives of over
35,000 under-privileged children.
• Trickle Up: MetLife Foundation and Trickle Up, an • PNB MetLife has worked with Prajna Counselling
international NGO, kicked-off its innovative Centre in Karnataka to enrol 648 children in creches.
economic and social empowerment program, The programme has also sensitized over 750 poor
Graduation Approach. MetLife Foundation has and marginalized families about early childhood
awarded a US$1.1 million, 3-year grant to Trickle Up care and development of younger children across 30
to work with 100,000 ultra-poor households in villages among many other initiatives within first
Jharkhand, Odisha and West Bengal to help them eight months.
“graduate” from severe poverty

• Sesame Workshop India: Keeping in mind that

financial behaviors are predominantly influenced by
families and the habits we learn in childhood,
MetLife Foundation kick-started this exciting project
with the Sesame workshop called “Dream, Save, Do:
Financial Empowerment for Families.” The program
helps children and adults in their lives acquire and
use healthy financial skills and behaviors. This
initiative has touched 1.7 million people through
community engagement and over 18 million children
through television

• Women’s World Banking and Ujjivan: MetLife

Foundation has also been supporting Ujjivan (via
Women’s World Banking) and Parinaam Foundation
in Delhi to strengthen the ability of unbanked
women entrepreneurs to grow their businesses and
use credit well.

Disaster Relief and Rehabilitation Activities: During

the unfortunate floods in Jammu & Kashmir, PNB
MetLife set up Medical Camp in branches, arranged
for sending blankets and medicine kits along with
working closely with various NGOs for rehabilitation
work in the valley, reaching out to more than 13,000
families. A 6-month grace period was provided to
policyholders for premium payment along with
dedicated claim settlement helpline which was set up
again during Hudhud cyclone and Tamil Nadu

Promotion of Nationally Recognised Sports: PNB

MetLife Junior Badminton Championship (JBC) has
provided career-building opportunities to young
and budding talent. Through JBC, the company has
provided scholarships to 24 talented underprivileged
children and 18 national winners to train in reputed
badminton academies in the country over the last
two years. This has given confidence to these
children and has motivated their families, who were
finding it difficult due to financial constraints, to
support their passion.

Insurance Awareness Initiatives: Insurance is

perceived as a complex subject with great deal of
intricacies. To break this mind-block and help in
understanding insurance in a simpler manner, PNB
MetLife conducts workshops in partnership with
Insurance Foundation of India (IFI). With a
cumulative outreach of 230,000 people across
Jammu & Kashmir, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, PNB
MetLife aims to reach out to the rural and semi-
urban population driving the key message of
insurance awareness and financial inclusion.

A World
Without Hunger:
Protiviti’s I on Hunger Initiative


Protiviti delivers deep expertise, objective ‘I on Hunger’ is our global firm-wide community service initiative that
insights, a tailored approach and provides our employees and clients with a unique opportunity to
unparalleled collaboration to help leaders make a positive difference to our community by fighting hunger. It
face the future with confidence. Our allows us to give back to our communities through the organizations
consulting solutions span critical business we serve, creating a lasting impact on recipients.
problems in technology, business
process, analytics, risk, compliance,
transactions and internal audit. We are The programme was launched towards the end of 2014 with a target
committed to attracting and developing a of providing 1 million meals, which was exceeded in the first year
diverse workforce of professionals that itself. Since then we have delivered over 3.8 million meals globally to
share the common value of collaboration. those in need by touching close to 100,000 lives and supporting
As an organization, we believe that by nearly 100 partnering organizations through the initiative. Almost all
teaming together, with each other, and of our employees, together with volunteers from 187 of the firm’s
our clients, we can see beyond the clients, have packed, cooked or delivered meals since the beginning
surface of changes and problems of the programme.
organizations face in this fast changing
world to discover opportunities others
might miss and face the future with Leading up to milestone, we have conducted over 200 meal-
greater confidence. packing, delivery, cooking and other food-related events in 55 cities
where we have offices, stretching across 21 countries: Australia,
Our more than 4,500 people serve clients Bahrain, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan,
through the network of Protiviti and Kuwait, Mexico, The Netherlands, Oman, Peru, Qatar, Singapore,
independently owned Member Firms in South Africa, the UAE, U.K. and U.S.
more than 70 offices in over 20 countries.
Our people and organization have The programme has been very well received both within the
consistently been recognized by
organization network and outside. We received the ‘Excellence in
FORTUNE and Consulting Magazine as a
best company to work for. We have Social & Community Investment Award’ from Consulting Magazine
served over 60% of FORTUNE 1000® in 2015. The award recognizes the positive impact consulting firms
companies and 35% of FORTUNE Global make in social and community causes.
500® companies. In India, Protiviti’s
member firm (Protiviti India Member In India, we joined hands with ‘Stop Hunger Now’, a global hunger
Private Ltd.) is a leading provider of relief non-profit organization and hosted the first campaign in 2015,
business consulting, internal audit, risk where our employees packed 20,000 meals for Himalayan
management, technology, tax and earthquake victims.
regulatory, financial reporting and IFRS
advisory, forensic and fraud investigation,
information management and transaction In December 2016, we partnered with the ‘Delhi Food Bank,’
services. Protiviti member firms are engaged in serving meals through its various feeding centers in the
separate and independent legal entities, region to provide 26,000 meals. As part of the initiative we
are not agents of other firms in the organized a beneficiary event for children from under privileged
Protiviti network, and have no authority communities at a school and child care center in Delhi. Our
to obligate or bind other firms in the employees joined the campaign, interacting with children and
Protiviti network. conducted meal serving and health awareness activities.

As a recognition to these efforts we were awarded for

the “Best Corporate Engagement initiative 2016” by
Delhi Food Bank. The Award was presented at the 5th
edition of the “Food-A-Thon Culmination Ceremony”
hosted in New Delhi.

All these ‘I On Hunger’ programmes are driven by

young volunteers, from planning the initiative to
anchoring all the activities on-site to meals serving.
Many of the participants join such community service
events for the first time and find it an immensely
satisfying experience.

a Difference
The foundation was formed in 2008 with the
objective of making a difference in the areas Health and Sanitation & Education
of education and environment sustainability.
Expansion of our work evolved to Introduction
encompass issues of urban children, water, Children in urban India comprise 30% of the total population, yet their
sanitation and hygiene (WASH), social needs are not taken into account in urban planning. Those from
entrepreneurship and humanitarian needs disadvantaged sections are susceptible to illness and urban disasters;
of people affected by natural calamities. Our
have poor access to water, sanitation and education; and lack protection.
initiatives revolve around the following:
To address these issues, PwC India, in collaboration with Save the
• Empowering communities: partnership Children, brought out an insightful report that turns the spotlight on
with local bodies and NGOs on diverse urban children.
issues such as addressing health needs
of community from vulnerable The report, ‘Forgotten voices: The world of urban children in India’, looks
background, drought mitigation at the challenges children face in cities. For its cohesive examination of
programs and develop the capacities of the issues affecting the growth and development of urban Indian
disaster-hit communities to recover and children, the report has been appreciated and recognised as being the
first of its kind. The report captures the voices of working, slum, street
• Enabling Participation: Support is
and runaway children. They spoke about their problems, came up with
harnessed from PwC employees through solutions and also shared their dreams.
skilled-based volunteering or pro-bono
engagements to create value in society The report reveals the interconnections between different focus areas
and highlights the need for adequate measures to be taken in any given
• Special Initiatives: collaboration with realm in order to ensure overall improvement. For example, sanitation
different stakeholders to address affects the health of children. Half a million children under the age of five
fundamental challenges of our country. die due to diarrhoea, which is caused by poor water quality. Children also
PwC’s marquee report titled ‘Forgotten
suffer from typhoid, cholera and malaria due to lack of sanitation
voices: The world of urban children in
India’ focused on the issues of children
from vulnerable sections and enabled
decision makers to integrate Findings from the report helped PwC India Foundation design a unique
requirements and entitlements of programme that aligns with India’s focus on empowering the girl child
children in urban planning and through the Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Yojana and providing sanitation
implementation. In addition, the Global facilities in the country through the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.
Dignity initiative was launched nation-
wide; that sought to promote the Our intervention
message of dignity among the younger
The PwC India Foundation endeavours to reach out to those who are
neglected by mainstream intervention programmes. The schools we
chose to work with were attended by children from BPL families, who are
often not aware nor taught how to practise safe sanitation. In most cases,
the heads of the households were casual labourers. It became relevant to
demonstrate improved sanitation practices which could be adopted by
the children and through them to the families.

The first intervention was specifically aimed at the schoolgoing children of

Ajmer and later initiatives were extended to schools in Hyderabad and
residential school for boys with visual impairment in Kolkata. This initiative
was also extended to schools for visually impaired children.
Adopting improved sanitation and hygiene practices example, one of the most common problems faced by
was a strategic plan that aimed to enhance the the schoolchildren was the spread of infections,
children’s health status, thereby creating a conducive primarily from contaminated water and poor sanitation
environment for school and children to focus on the facilities.
academic performance.
Poor sanitation infrastructure at schools, especially for
Findings girls and students with visual impairment, in rural areas
Needs assessment was conducted in schools mostly was a grave concern as it affected their attendance and
located in the suburban/rural areas of Ajmer, learning curve. Especially during the menstrual period,
Hyderabad and Kolkata. The assessment highlighted the girls prefer to stay at home due to challenges
that schools located in rural and semi-urban areas experienced with non-availability of clean toilets and
lacked proper infrastructure, had poor operations and handwashing facilities. This affected their academic
management, and witnessed relatively low resource growth.
allocation. The non-functional toilets, operational
challenges in keeping the toilets clean and lack of Moreover, the toilets in these schools were not user
hygiene demotivated the children and teachers. friendly. As a result, children did not feel encouraged
Additionally, schools with a higher number of students to use them regularly. Importantly, the facilities did not
faced a shortage of toilets that diverted their attention take into account the needs of children with visual
from their studies. impairment students. The dilapidated condition of the
toilets—broken pipes, plaster, etc.—further posed a
The growth of water and sanitation infrastructure in safety hazard.
schools has not kept pace with the quality of operation
and maintenance of infrastructure. Some of the Support from the PwC India Foundation
common challenges faced by schools with water and A WASH-based intervention was introduced which
sanitation facilities include: included the construction of new toilets, renovation of
existing toilets and improvement of drinking
• Non-existent or insufficient water supply and water/handwashing units. An important part of this
handwashing facilities support was the focus on soft skills training. A 90-day
• Toilets which are not adapted to the needs of soft skills training programme was held for every class,
children, especially girls and it involved the participation of the school
• Broken toilets, unclean, water supply, unhygienic management committee (SMC) and child cabinets. This
sanitation and handwashing facilities training was customised to suit the needs of the
• Poor hygiene and handwashing practices among students by introducing a fictional cartoon character
children named ‘Rani’, who was used to explain the processes
• Improper operation and maintenance of existing of handwashing, menstrual care, etc. Students could
facilities easily relate to the character of Rani whose pictures
were posted with dos and don’ts, steps to wash hands,
Given these challenges, the environment at schools and care and caution to be maintained during
was observed to be unsafe as it was easy for diseases menstruation.
to be transmitted in the unhygienic conditions. For
Boys who were visually impaired were given information on WASH
which was later translated to Braille for the benefit of other batches.

Involving stakeholders
The initial phase of the intervention included interactions with
teachers/principals to sensitise them to the needs and challenges of
students. Thereafter, there was a focus on the creation and
strengthening of a child cabinet which encouraged students to take
decisions and train their peers.

During the implementation phase, the school authorities, students and

parents were consulted on the location of toilets and handwashing
units. This led to a feeling of belongingness and ownership in
maintaining future standards.

Furthermore, separate training sessions were conducted for the

masons and cleaning staff who worked in the schools. As part of the
training sessions, the staff were provided with not only cleansing
materials but also uniforms, boots and face masks. This was done to Students using a handwashing unit
encourage the cleaning staff to maintain hygiene themselves and gave
them a sense of pride in directly contributing to the health and hygiene of students and teachers.

As a holistic step, the PwC India Foundation encouraged volunteers from PwC to visit the schools and interact with
the students so as to create a conducive environment for them to exchange knowledge and learnings about their
school environment.
In Ajmer, many behavioural change activities were conducted,
first with the school authorities and then with students from
all grades.

Additionally, school-led total sanitation initiatives gathered

momentum and created awareness among parents and
community members. Parents were also trained during
parent-teacher meetings to become active members in the
growth and development of their children.

Rani’s steps to washing one’s hands properly

Through the WASH intervention, PwC has reached out to more than 9,000 girls and 2,000 boys across different
schools in Ajmer, Hyderabad and Kolkata.

The school students participated and conducted a school rally on World Handwashing Day. They also conducted
week-long activities to encourage sanitation practices and promote them on a large scale.

While toilet construction is ongoing in Kolkata and Hyderabad, Ajmer has exhibited high success rates in sanitation
practices among students. Post the intervention and WASH-related behavioural training, 99% of the students who
were interviewed reported that they were now using the handwashing facilities and proper handwashing
techniques they had been taught. During menstrual cycles, the average attendance would drop; this scenario
changed with the availability and accessibility of clean toilets, vending machines and incinerators. This is directly
impacting the children’s attendance and academic performance.

Two schools that were part of PwC’s WASH intervention were given a five-star rating, while eight schools received a
four-star rating at the district level. Moreover, one of the schools was awarded a score of 81 under the Ministry of
Human Resource Development’s ‘Swachh Bharat, Swachh Vidyalaya Puraskar’ scheme in 2016. These schools have
become models of functional and sustainable WASH programmes that can be scaled up.



Quaker Chemical India as an
enterprise is committed to do
business fairly and responsibly Quaker has partnered with “Premjyoti Prangan” a school for young
contributing to India’s economy children from economically challenged families in Jamshedpur,
while improving the quality of life Jharkhand, India as an implementation platform towards this
of the work force and their initiative and optimizing utilization of resources. Quaker’s
families as well as the local contribution have made it possible to provide infrastructural support
community and the society at as well as maintain a team of 540 students and 19 qualified very
large. The success of our business committed teachers who work unrelentingly in training these young
lies in inclusion of social and minds in every sphere.
environmental consideration into
Till date 14 batches have taken their school leaving examination and
our company’s operations that
80% of the students are pursuing higher education. Quaker has
essentially means contributing made a difference in the lives of these young children by
positively to society and contributing towards the education of the underprivileged children
managing our company’s ensuring and enabling them to have a better future for themselves
environmental impact while and their families thereby making them equal stakeholder in India’s
satisfying our shareholders and growth story.
customers demands.
In conclusion, Quaker’s aim of this initiative is to develop scalable,
sustainable and replicable components of quality education to make
a large scale impact on the education sector through supporting
schools in Industrial Towns and Villages where resources are
challenging. Our vision is to impart education to such families with
economic support who can not afford schooling for their children.

Health & Sanitation

Quaker actively contributes to the social development
of communities to build a better sustainable way of life
for the weaker sections of the society to raise India’s
human development index. Quaker partnered with
United Way to carry out Projects planned in a
participatory manner in consultation with the
community and gauging their basic needs. Our
contribution helped in providing water and sanitation
facilities in schools in low income communities, to
ensure girls stay in school. By providing separate toilets,
changing rooms for girls, safe drinking water stations
and trainings on sanitary hygiene, school attendance
improved and disease caused due to poor hygiene was
also prevented.

The project also included installation of drinking water

stations so that girl students did not have to face sexual
harassment from the boys while refilling their bottles.
As an ongoing process health awareness trainings are
conducted where over 700 girls were trained in Health
& Hygiene in 4 schools in West Bengal. Through a field
based partner every girls could get a 2 days awareness

Building a
Better World


Rockwell Collins is a pioneer in the We at Rockwell Collins India, are committed to our society and the
design, production and support of environment and we strive to become responsible corporate citizens.
Rockwell Collins India, through its Corporate Social Responsibility
innovative solutions for our
initiative in India – Sahaayam (meaning help in Sanskrit language),
customers in aerospace and
has been involved in several social activities.
defense. Our expertise in flight-
deck avionics, cabin electronics,
mission communications, info- Education
mation management and
simulation and training is We have adopted Government schools to encourage education and
strengthened by our global help uplift the literacy rate. Rockwell Collins India takes care of all
their infrastructure needs and also manage various drives like
service and support network
distribution of books and winter clothing. We conduct events all
spanning 150 countries.
through the year to keep the students engaged. (Annual day, Sports
day, Republic day, Independence Day etc.)

Students from these adopted schools were trained by the employees

and selected for participation in “Chiguru-2016”, an interschool
competition for government school children across Hyderabad. It
had 15 different events including cultural, sports and education

Research and Development

We are involved in academic research with one of the premier
institutes in India. Kindling the innovation spirit in the young
generation to help address the rural needs via technological
advance products and solutions. One such initiative being to
develop autonomous navigation of unmanned air vehicles for farm

Skill Development
Majority of the uneducated and unemployed population in the cities
are slum dwellers. In order to open avenues for them to get
employment opportunities, Rockwell Collins India has started a
Computer Center in a major slum to impart computer education.

This has seen several success stories where the youth have utilized
this skill center to either get self-employed or get placed in other
organizations. This has motivated the other youth in the
area to join the Skill center to increase their job

Health & Sanitation

When a cancer patient's medical team determines that
the cancer can no longer be controlled, medical testing
and cancer treatment stops. But the patient's care can
continue at a Hospice centre. This care focuses on
making the patient comfortable by providing treatment,
medication, counseling and mental strength to face the
inevitable end. Rockwell Collins India supports such an
initiative for terminally – ill cancer patients.

We are actively supporting a center for Differently-

abled children, by helping infrastructural needs like a
providing a car to help bring regular medical aid to the
center and construction of a Pyramid building
(meditation center) helps hyperactive, distracted
children to improve their concentration.

Employee Volunteering
Rockwell Collins India employees have been voluntarily
participating in the events and always look forward to
giving back to the society as often as possible. The CSR
team identifies various projects / needs in the
community; teams up with recognized Non-
Governmental organizations after due diligence; fund it
where necessary and engage the volunteering
employees accordingly. During the last year we had
approximately 15 major events on the weekends, and
each of those events had an average participation of
about 60 employees resulting in about 7200
Volunteering hours.

The positive impact keeps driving Rockwell Collins India

and its employees to make more such contributions to
the society we work and live in.

RRD Reaches Out

RRD is a global, integrated An organization becomes truly global when they aspire to change
communications provider, with a lives of the disadvantaged. Through various initiatives designed to
help the needy and create a better environment, RRD has
42,000 strong workforce across 28
endeavored to bring positive change not just within but outside RRD
countries enabling organizations
as well. We believe growth must be inclusive and equitable
to create, manage, deliver and opportunities are facilitated for every section of society in everything
optimize their multichannel we do, whether in our employment practices or in outreach
marketing and business programs.
communications. We have an
extensive customer base of 52,000 Our successes arise from the individual actions of the employees
clients across industries in private who strive to make a difference by engaging in activities that
and public sector, an unmatched support this kind of growth.
portfolio of capabilities and a
Launched in 2009, Reach, our Corporate Social Responsibility wing’s
proven management team with
driving principle is uniquely designed to focus more on interventions
the financial flexibility allowing
based on mobilization of employees to make lasting differences in
investments in innovative the lives of the disadvantaged. The sole focus of Reach has been to
technologies and growth nurture and develop the community we are part of through
opportunities to meet initiatives focused on education, health and wellness, environment
communication challenges. and social upliftment. Reach enrolls volunteers across various CSR
activities which give the employees a strong sense of engagement
with the community. Over the years we have gained ground by
empowering our employees to drive multiple activities that improve
the livelihood of people, their community and the natural

Here’s a glimpse of the lives we’ve touched and the difference we’ve
made in 2016.

Education with Special Focus on

Women’s Empowerment
Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which
you can use to change the world”. At RRD, we strongly believe
education is the best means for transformation. Majority of our
activities involve support in the form of basic education, provision of
school supplies and renovation of schools with old infrastructure.

Our flagship program, RRD CIP (Corporate Internship Program)

launched in 2009 trains children from less privileged backgrounds on
corporate skills like MS office, language and communication skills,
basic grooming and etiquette. Seven teenagers from students understand the corporate environment.
an NGO based out of Mumbai, aged 16-18 years,
attended the program in 2016 at our Chennai office.
The NGO works for rehabilitation of children. Overall Health & Wellness
70 children and adults have been trained through this
program since its inception. While on one hand we raise awareness about the need
to stay healthy within the organization, on the other
NASSCOM (National Association of Software and hand we also engage and pursue opportunities that
Services Companies) Foundation launched the NDLM help us improve the quality of life for those in need.
(National Digital Literacy Mission) program in February RRD in collaboration with Dr. Mohan's Diabetes
2015. This program teaches the essentials of Internet, Specialties Center and MDRF conducted a Diabetes
Email and Social Media usage along with e- Prevention Program that saw 500+ employees signing
Governance, e-Commerce and Internet security. RRD up to be screened for the risk of diabetes. This
believes in this cause and aligned with the vision by program also included treatment and prevention plans.
conducting programs for members from our
housekeeping and security teams. This year we are In an effort to improve general wellness, Reach
expanding the program to include relatives and friends organized health camps covering BMI, BMD, Blood
of this group. Pressure, Eye-Sight, Dental Health and a general
consultation for our employees. A lifestyle
RRD is passionate about women’s empowerment and management session in collaboration with Prashanth
was one of the companies that was quick to realize the Hospitals and a three day fitness program, in
importance of diversity and gender equality and collaboration with Fitness Positive, gave the employees
launched Women’s own Network (WoN) in 2008. WoN an opportunity to understand how simple lifestyle
focuses on establishing a level playing field for women changes and practicing yoga, cross-fit, mixed martial
across the organization and provides them with the arts and zumba could help them lead a healthier life.
tools and support to pursue their goals. This year an RRD routinely organizes blood donation drives across
internship program was designed for 14 commerce sites. Our Trivandrum office also conducted a program
students from M.G.R Janaki Women’s College. They for boys in the age group of 10 - 18 years from The
were trained on the basics of MS Excel and business Government Special Home for Boys, Poojappura, who
communication and given an extensive introduction to are vulnerable to drugs and tobacco usage. Our
finance and accounting work. A tailor-made session on volunteers educated them on the ill effects of drugs and
business etiquette and professional conduct helped the tobacco through videos, a skit and a poster

Social Upliftment
For RRD’s Global Community Connect day, which is a special event conducted globally each year, Chennai, in
partnership with MERT30, cleaned and painted Kamraj Colony Welfare Center where free tuition classes are
conducted for almost 30 children of the colony. This building was severely affected during 2015 floods and our
volunteers gave the building a fresh look. Volunteers in Trivandrum visit a home for destitute children in
Poojappura every weekend to help them with their studies, while the Colombo team spends time with children
from the Maw Sevena Orphanage.

RRD employees spend time volunteering for various

social activities and events conducted by diverse
non-profit organizations. Our employees help the
NGOs manage and execute these activities
successfully. 41 volunteers took part in the second
annual KIDS CARNIVAL conducted by MERT30 &
MELC100. This event was organized for
underprivileged children from different schools and
institutions as a medical camp and fun event. Our
volunteers managed the game stalls and performed
mime shows and spent time entertaining the

Round Table India celebrated Children's Day with a

program called Tare Zameen Par – an art
competition for under privileged school children.
Close to 1,000 children participated in the
competition from various schools. 31 volunteers from
RRD got themselves immersed in this event and
managed all the activities from setting up the space
to assisting the children and cheering them.

A donation drive was initiated across RRD for victims

of the Sri Lanka flood and for victims of the Puttingal
Fireworks tragedy. Our Back-to-School stationary
drive benefitted over 1000 children.

The initiatives we design, the events we support and

the activities we volunteer for have created
awareness and made a difference. The 4589
volunteering hours in 2016, across all our four
locations, have bettered the environment, living
conditions and livelihood of the world around us.
We take these actions not because they are in our
job descriptions but simply because we care, we
want to create positive results in the world and have
the avenues to do so.

Takes Us Further

Saggezza is a software Saggezza is aware of its responsibility towards the community and
development and technology the environment. It expresses this by actively seeking opportunities
and contributing towards educational and social programs.
services company with major
Saggezza sponsors children from Parikrama, a Non-Profit
operations at six offices across the
organization in Bangalore, India, to help provide them with quality
US, UK and India. Our areas of Education, Nutrition, and Healthcare. These children belong to
specialization include Cloud underprivileged backgrounds with no access to even the most basic
Computing, Big Data, Analytics facilities.
and Enterprise Modernization. We
are acknowledged leaders in the More recently, Saggezza partnered with 14-year-old, Krish Samtani’s
emerging and very exciting arena 0Gravity.org to launch a coding club for children who are excited by
of "big data." The industry insiders the prospect of programming. 0Gravity.org is an initiative to create
believe that these technologies awareness, structured training programs and communities for
technical education for children between the ages 10-14.
will revolutionize business decision
0Gravity.org’s mission is to provide a platform specifically designed
making. It will enable managers to
for students who possess intellect and aspirations for the best, but
use a combination of hard facts haven’t yet been exposed to the absolute wonders of programming
and predictive analytics to make and computers.
decisions rather than relying on
experience and gut instinct alone. The first of a kind coding club in India was launched by oGravity.org
We at Saggezza are developing in collaboration with Saggezza at our corporate facilities in Chennai
tools that make this promise real. and Bangalore. The launch received an overwhelming response
from young and enthusiastic children eager to explore the benefits
of Computer Science in a corporate setting. Several children from
Parikrama, The Perfect Raaga and other NGOs are also enrolled in
the classes at the Coding Club which are offered completely free of
cost. The classes are taught by volunteers who are technology
professionals from Saggezza and other corporates.

The first batch of young programmers and coders graduated

recently. Saggezza has had the privilege of working with 14 year old
Krish Samtani and his 0Gravity.org to provide a quality learning
opportunity to brilliant young minds and is encouraged by support
received from the NGOs, parents and guardians in making this vision
a reality. Saggezza will continue to endeavor to live up to the
expectations of the community by launching more such initiatives in
educating the young minds of today so our tomorrow will be better.

Sealed Air Creates

Shared Value

Sealed Air Corporation creates a Sealed Air believes creating cleaner and healthier environments is of
world that feels, tastes and works paramount importance. Our Diversey Care division is globally
recognised for its smart, sustainable solutions for cleaning and
better. In 2016, the company
hygiene, food safety and infection prevention. Being the industry
generated revenue of
leader, we have been re-imagining and standardising the cleaning
approximately $6.8 billion by industry in the country, through the integration of science and
helping our customers achieve technology-enabled training, connected services, and systems.
their sustainability goals in the
face of today’s biggest social and
environmental challenges. Our Healthy Environments with
portfolio of widely recognized Science of Clean
brands, including Cryovac®
brand food packaging solutions, When developing cleaning technologies, we understand the balance
Bubble Wrap® brand cushioning needed between the safety during use and efficacy for sanitation
and Diversey® cleaning and and infection control. We remain at the cutting edge of new
hygiene solutions, enables a safer technologies that combine higher levels of performance, responsible
and less wasteful food supply consumption, and increased safety and reduced environmental
chain, protects valuable goods impacts.
shipped around the world, and
Today, with our vision of creating a better way for life by providing
improves health through clean
livelihood and bringing dignity to cleaning and hygiene profession in
environments. Sealed Air has
India, we have embarked upon Garima- Diversey School of Hygiene,
approximately 23,000 employees India a CSR program to improve and standardise the skill sets for this
who serve customers in 171 important but ignored industry. Name for this initiative has been
countries. To learn more, visit derived from a Hindi word “Garima” meaning dignity.

The initiative enables fulfill following objectives:

• Employment - helping unemployed youth find jobs and a better
living condition
• Science of Cleaning - bringing scientific approach to the cleaning
profession and enhancing the standards of the cleaning industry
• Dignity - helping the industry bring dignity to the job of cleaning
professionals by positioning them as “hygiene technicians”
instead of janitors

Since January, 2016, team has been piloting this initiative (Garima-
Diversey School of Hygiene, India) in 6 states of India, providing
training to more than 600 candidates. Upon the Now, we are planning to expand the Garima project
successful completion of 27 sessions, the initiative was further, by training 5000 youth in 2017.
formally launched amongst media and our key
customers in February, 2017.
Soap For Hope™
“Our team has embraced this mission of corporate
social responsibility,” said Himanshu Jain, VP Indian Millions of children and their families around the world
Sub-continent and South East Asia. “Sealed Air India is live and work in slums, in dire poverty, with very little or
expanding the Soap for Hope™ and Linens for Life™ no access to soap. How can Sealed Air Diversey Care
programs to create shared value with community in help?
which we operate. We are also focused on providing
standardized skills training and a trained workforce to
our customers. This will help us create job and address
two of the pressing challenges faced by cleaning
industry in India- lack of scientific approach in cleaning
and trained manpower”.

While talking about the ambitious Skill Development

Initiative, Himanshu said, “It is a difficult job, but it will
have far-reaching impact on the society and our
industry. We have started to bring standardization of Sealed Air has launched a soap recycling program using
cleaning skill by starting Garima-Diversey India School discarded soap from hotels which is made into
of Hygiene. reconstituted bars of soap. These are then distributed
to households in poor communities that do not have
Dr. Ravikant Singh, Co-founder & President Doctors For access to basic sanitation and healthcare. Access to
You (the NGO Partner of this initiative) says, “Garima is soap is the easiest and most cost-effective way to
one of the very few initiatives that is focusing on provide basic sanitation to these communities.
placement, I do not think we’ve had any batch without
100% job placement. Under the Garima project, we Recycling used hotel soap is not a new idea; however,
have trained youth from the urban slums of Delhi, the costs are usually high due to collection, shipment, a
Mumbai and Chennai as well as rural youth from the centralized reprocessing plant and redistribution.
valleys of Kashmir, to Bihar and Kokrajhar in Assam. Through an innovative but simple cold-press method
that is easy to operate, Soap for Hope™ decentralizes and brings the initiative to communities that are located
near partner hotels.

Our Soap for Hope™ program focuses on 3 core objectives:

• Saving lives - enabling hygiene through providing access to soap to communities who need soap but have no
• Providing livelihood to the local community through recycling and reprocessing soap
• Helping hotels reduce waste by turning used soap into something useful again

How it Works
Soap is recovered from Sealed Air hotel customers
which are Soap for Hope™ program partners, and
then transported to a local site where residents
reprocess it using an innovative but simple cold-
press method. The cold-press method includes the
use of a 120 gram soap press made by Sealed Air, or
a 500 gram soap press made by The Full Belly
project, to form the new soap. The new soap is then
transported to communities in need and distributed,
thereby eliminating waste, improving hygiene and
creating new jobs. One of the key aspects of our
program is community involvement. All projects are
run directly by local nonprofits and employ
underprivileged community members to do the
work, giving livelihood opportunities to those who
wouldn’t otherwise have the chance. Doctors For
You is the NGO partner of Soap for Hope™ initiative.
To know more about the NGO partner, log on to

The recycled soaps from Soap for Hope™ are

distributed during WASH programs where the
children are taught healthy practices of hand
washing, oral and body hygiene practices, and basic
public health awareness. The soaps are also used in
the promotion of immunization programs where
they are gifted to encourage immunization among
urban slum children. The soap recycling is
conducted in four facilities in major cities. The Sealed
Air India team manages the program by ensuring
the regular pickup of soaps through reverse logistics
to establishing a consistent process for sending
impact report and feedback to hotel. Integrating
WASH project well in company’s CSR Policy, under
Soap for Hope™ umbrella, Sealed Air India supports
the WASH intervention led by Doctors For You.

Soap for Hope™ is just one example of how we

bring together our business and societal
commitments to create shared value with a diverse
group of partners. Learn more about our other
sustainability initiatives that create a better way for
life for our customers and the communities they

Responsible Care
by Solenis at RZP School
Ritghar, Panvel


Solenis is a leading global
manufacturer of specialty
Total Literacy for India – Our
chemicals for the pulp, paper, oil Mission
and gas, chemical processing,
mining, biorefining, power and ‘Total Literacy in India’ is the mission that we share with Rotary India
municipal markets. The company's Literacy Mission. It aims to eradicate illiteracy from India by 2026 and
product portfolio includes has initiated many plans to bring normal children, special-needs
process, functional and water children, out-of-school children and illiterate adults to get proper
education and become part of the literate India.
treatment chemistries as well as
state-of-the-art monitoring and
Under Rotary India Literacy Mission, one of the greatest
control systems. More contributions to education is to convert an under-privileged school
information, please visit into a Happy School. ‘Happy School’ is one such initiative wherein
www.solenis.com. we select a needy & deserving elementary school and
provide/upgrade infrastructural and/or co-scholastic facilities there,
to make it a secure, attractive and happy learning-teaching place for
students and teachers.

Responsible Care by Solenis

Solenis has a commitment to make a positive impact on the
communities in which it operates. The Raighad Zilla Parishad (RZP)
School at Ritghar is the chosen school for Solenis Responsible Care
Support in India.

The financial support to refurbish the school in Panvel, about 15 km

from our manufacturing plant is most fitting, as it would enhance the
education experience of 140 children studying there, by transforming
it into a Happy School.

The School Chosen for Happy

Towards this goal, we decided to work around the needs of Raighad
Zilla Parishad School. The school had three basic buildings and
committed teaching staff but a lot was desired on the infrastructure
and facilities front.
The government-aided school has three small buildings grills with enamel paint.Total Area- 5280sq
that cater to Balwadi (Jr KG & Sr KG) and Primary (1st – ft.
4th Std.) classes. The school was in dire need of repairs, • Internal walls /ceilings of all 3 buildings with
painting and many facilities such as: one coat of Distemper. Total Area- 8530 sq
• Water-proofing and roofing • @ total cost – Rs. 60,000/-
• Safety grills • Providing 2nos of Doors , Electricity bulbs and water
• Drinking water connection to the existing toilets. @ Rs 6,000/-
• Toilet rooms repairs • Preparing and installing a permanent marble
• Hand wash area engraved structure displaying Solenis name, at the
• School class rooms needed repair and a coat of venue @ Rs 5,000/-
• Library Apart from these amenities, we also provided following
• Updated staff room facilities, that are sponsored by many individual donors
and our own members.
Making of a ‘Happy • An additional roof to restrict seepage , on top of
School’ twomain school buildings and half portion of old
store room building roof.
• A drinking water station for the students with hand-
The club started with zeal and commitment to address wash basins so that children get into the good habit
these issues and do every effort possible to bring these of hand washing before mid-day meal.
amenities to the school. • Repairing of 4 nos MS window, covering and
making 2 nos MS window repairing of MS doors for
With the help of the funds given by Solenis, we have the proposed Library room
completed following work: • Providing a well-stocked library with two cupboards,
• Fixing of MS Grill for the first building, including one table and six chairs
painting of the same (in size 54 ft x 30 ft )- Grill Size • Providing swings and other sports equipment for
370 sqft area @cost - Rs 30,000/- children to play during sports period
• Painting of school buildings - • HP brand desktop computer for the school teachers
• External side of all 3 school buildings and and staff for convenience of reporting and
inside boundary wall and application of 2 accounting.
Coats of Birla cement paint including
painting of doors, windows and window


The establishments of Synopsys in
India are wholly owned
subsidiaries of Synopsys Inc Mt. Synopsys India funds mobile science vans through Agastya
View, California, USA. Synopsys in International Foundation in rural areas. Liaison with Agastya, the
India started its Bangalore annual science fair ‘Anveshana’ is conducted where engineering
operations in 1995. Today students collaborate with government high school students to create
Synopsys in India is represented innovative models to address real life problems. Synopsys also
by Synopsys (India) Pvt Limited, sponsors global summit for teachers at Agastya campus.
the R&D arm and Synopsys (India)
EDA Software Pvt Limited which Parikrma Humanity Foundation
caters to local sales and pre-sales
activities in the region. The culture Synopsys launched a hands-on science programs named
within Synopsys India is one of ‘Universe2U’. Synopsys supports a theme based annual science
technical competence, people festival for schools where students from many schools team up with
centered management, individual Parikrma students to get mentored by the top scientists in the
empowerment and pleasant work country. Besides, Synopsys also sponsors a classroom at Parikrma.
Global Volunteer Day
A full day annual activity by employees who personally contribute to
major causes like refurbishing school, orphanage or home for
children with special needs, planting saplings, making bird nests,
career counseling etc.

Synopsys as a company and the employees have always contributed

significantly during any of the natural disasters by donating blankets,
distributing food, or contributing through fund.

Twice a year blood donation camps by employees save lives of

hundreds of needy people. More than hundred employees
participate various marathon events to raise funds for various non-
profit organizations.
Synopsys believes helping education to under-
privileged is one of the best possible ways to give back
to community. Annual note book drive helps more than
25,000 rural students where employees personally visit
the primary schools and distribute to the children. To
help various non-profit organizations and schools,
Synopsys donates more than hundred refurbished
desktops, laptops and printers to help improve the
education or operations. As partner with Light For
Education program, Synopsys provides solar lamps to
rural students.

The list goes on. For almost every employee fund

donation drive, Synopsys provides matching
contribution. Whereas the fund donation from Synopsys
and employees is just one part of the community
relations, there is a lot to add from employees for their
time and energy too during the activities.

a Better World


Heinz started its India operations
in 1994 by acquiring the Family
The Challenge
Products Division of Glaxo with Developing countries often are faced with problems like low literacy
powerful brands such as rate which in turn impacts employment, lifestyle and health, thus
Complan, Glucon-D, Nycil and leading to a dangerous vicious circle. Despite declining child
Sampriti. The Company now undernourishment rates, India is home to over 40 million stunted
known as Kraft Heinz India is fully children under 5, more than any other country in the world. The
integrated into the global country has 282 million illiterate people, equivalent to the population
operations employing HACCP of Indonesia out of which 18% are unable to complete secondary
certified quality standards. school. Challenges of retaining students in school remain, putting
India’s large working population of around 860 million by 2020 at

Being a food company, Kraft Heinz India is committed to improve
health, nutrition and thereby education of the underprivileged
sections of the society. The company promotes employee
volunteerism and has made an impact through strategic investments
and multiple partnerships with NGOs of repute, municipal/state run
schools, public and private hospitals. Here the company has
initiatives like Mid-Day Meal & Bal Shakti Program, Community
Nutrition & Welfare Program, Rural Health Outreach Program and
National Employability Enhancement Program that has helped in
uplifting lives of over 125,000 people across 50 villages and 3000

Mid-Day Meal Program and BAL

Shakti Program (Education)
Mid-Day Meal Program: With an aim to increase enrolment in
schools, reduce the rate of school dropouts and ensure no child is
deprived of education due to poverty and hunger Kraft Heinz India
participates in the Mid-Day Meal Program in select municipal
schools in Mumbai. The company donates 60 Tons of Sampriti Ghee,
used as a main ingredient to prepare the mid-day meals for more
than 60,000 children.
Bal Shakti Program: In addition to this, Kraft Heinz India across India. Over last 2 years, over 200,000 meals have
with SEWA (Self Employed Women’s Association) as the been packed directly by employees of the company
implementing partner, conducts the BAL Shakti from ingredients sourced locally thus contributing to
program for 5000 children in Rural and Urban Centers. the growth of local economy.

• The Rural centers are located in Kheda district of The company also implements the Nutrition Program in
Gujarat, where 2500 kids in 20 Child care centers are hospitals for cancer patients in Mumbai, Kolkata and
provided a glass of Complan daily. Chennai where more than 3000 patients are daily
• The Urban centers are located in different parts of served with Complan. The company has also partnered
Ahmedabad where 8 SEWA Gyan Vigyan centers with NGOs in Orissa where 500 children in orphanages,
provide 2500 children with a glass of Complan daily. shelter homes for trafficked and physically & mentally
challenged people are daily served with Complan and
After this intervention the centers have witnessed Glucon-D in hot summer.
positive results - stronger immunity in students despite
seasonal changes, improved school attendance and Understanding the need and importance to spread the
significant change in the appetite leading to higher knowledge of good nutrition practices Heinz Nutrition
activity and concentration at school. Foundation, India has founded Nutri Life Clinics in Delhi
and Chennai. These clinics are run by leading
Community Nutrition & nutritionists providing free one-to-one consultations
and also conduct ‘Nutrition Sessions’ in local schools,
Welfare Program (Health hospitals and hostels, A quarterly newsletter on nutrition
is also distributed amongst 9000 medical professionals.
and Sanitation) The above programs have been implemented either
The nutrition intake of beneficiaries is enhanced daily, directly or in partnership with reputed NGOs like United
through various initiatives like the ‘Kraft Heinz Way of Mumbai, Rise Against Hunger, Self Employed
Micronutrient Campaign’ which combats malnutrition Women’s Association (SEWA), ISKCON Food Relief
and micronutrient deficiency by distributing dry, Foundation (IFRF) and Akanksha.
nutritious meals (suitable to Indian palate), fortified with
23 essential vitamins and nutrients. These meals are
distributed in schools, orphanages, shelter homes, etc.

Rural Health Outreach

Program (Rural
Kraft Heinz India has partnered with Rise Against
Hunger - a hunger and life-saving aid relief
organization with an aim to provide reliable
healthcare in remote, rural parts of India; where
primary healthcare services are either inadequate
or not available. Mobile Medical Vans have been
launched in Banka district in Bihar and Prakasam
district in Andhra Pradesh which bring
professional healthcare and medication to the
doorstep of 50,000 beneficiaries annually. This
medical aid program has helped reduce the
number of children missing school due to poor
health by 25%, saved more than Rs 2 million for
the beneficiaries on medical aid and provided
more than 35,000 medical treatments within 24

The company also undertakes an ‘Animal Welfare

Program’ in partnership with Lupin Industries,
where veterinary heath camps are conducted
around the factories of Kraft Heinz India in Uttar
Pradesh benefiting 3,000 animals and 10,000 milk
farmers in 30 villages.

We Care to Make a Difference


Thomson Reuters provides At Thomson Reuters, we look at Corporate Social Responsibility as
professionals with the intelligence, Corporate Responsibility and Inclusion (CR & I) and believe that it lies
in sharing of skills and resources with the communities where they
technology and human expertise
live work and do business. . We strongly believe that inclusion is a
they need to find trusted answers.
key driving factor of engagement and this thread runs through all
We enable professionals in the our programs. All our activities engaged are aligned with Schedule
financial and risk, legal, tax and VII of the Companies Act 2013 with a focus on Education and
accounting, and media markets to Vocational Training, Gender Equality, Livelihood Enhancement,
make the decisions that matter Environmental Sustainability, and Contribution to Technology
most, all powered by the world's Incubators. We follow a three layered approach, which is holistic in
most trusted news organization. nature- Employee Engagement, Community Investment Programs
and Volunteering.

Employee Engagement
Under Employee Engagement, we have very strong and able bodied
Global Volunteer Networks, which primarily drive all our volunteering
efforts cutting across all the office locations. Their efforts revolve
around designing volunteering activities, lending support to local
projects and developing long lasting relationships with all our
community partners.

The Community Investment Programs primarily focuses on

employees’ personal charitable giving and fundraising efforts, which
are matched accordingly by the company up to $1,000 per year. Our
employee volunteerism is supported ably through the Volunteer
Grants program, wherein each employee that gives a minimum of 20
hours to a charity of their choice, the respective charity receives
$500, which can go up to $1000 for a maximum of 40 hours
contributed per year.

Volunteering is considered of utmost importance at Thomson

Reuters. In order to facilitate and propagate a strong volunteering
spirit, the company allows every employee to give their 2 days of
work time towards social causes of their choice. Our employees
come with diverse set of skills and we know that they are keen to
explore opportunities outside businesses to apply their skills and
expertise. In 2016, the target set for volunteering was 1, 20,000 hours
and the employees overachieved this, by clocking 1,35,000 hours. For
the year 2016-17, we focused on 8 projects reaching out to 18,000
beneficiaries, spanning across 16 locations with fund allocation of 2.2

Education specialized financial content for commerce students to

become better prepared to join the mainstream
financial industry along with sessions on essential soft
Under education, we work towards supporting the skills. This program also aims at creating strategic
public schools and resource centers with infrastructural partnerships that are in line with our business goals to
facilities like classroom designing, to create a more enable sustainable business growth and maximize
pleasing and conducive environment for learning, external connections. Being a holistic program, this aims
setting up of libraries to inculcate the habit of reading in at absorbing the students’ part of the program as
the students and supporting the equipping teachers prospective employees of Thomson Reuters and other
with different creative learning aids like flash cards( multinational firms. The programme led to over 70% of
alphabets) and educational charts. Collaborating with the students being hired by multiple companies
Youth For Seva, 4 slum study centers (Abhyasika), were including Thomson Reuters.
supported in Hyderabad, a student-centred
environment, completely hassle free , helping the
students better themselves at crisis management, to Social Upliftment
find solutions to the difficulties faced in their
surroundings. In collaborating with Parikrma, Thomson Under social upliftment, our employees are actively
Reuters is involved in sponsoring a class of 30 students involved in raising funds through trail walkers and
to take care of not only their academics, but also 70— marathons to help organizations working at grass root
80% of their nutritional requirements, health care and levels address real social issues like poverty and hunger.
family welfare for a year. We are also an active part through volunteer
engagement activities with organizations that take care
With respect to engagement with SMEs and Gainful of the Midday meal scheme in the government school
employment, Thomson Reuters organizes a yearly system. Thomson Reuters has been collaborating with
activity- 100 Hours to Financial Markets, which has two Parikrma Humanity Foundation, in sponsoring a class of
pronged objectives: 30 students to take care of not only their academics,
• To equip young people from Tier 2 colleges with the but also 70—80% of their nutritional requirements,
skills they need to find employment health care and family welfare for a year. Through
• To create a skilled workforce that could potentially engagement with Apne Aap’s Women Collective-
form a talent base for Thomson Reuters and other Project Udaan, which focuses on prevention of
firms in the financial sectors intergenerational cycle of prostitution among the
daughters of women in brothel based prostitution in
As part of ‘100 hours to Financial Markets’, the staff Kamathipura, Mumbai. A total of 78 girls will be
members from the Financial & Risk team in supported and provided holistic development with a
collaboration with the Corporate Responsibility & focus on education, health services, financial
Inclusion Council and Talent Acquisition Team develop empowerment, recreation and shelter.

Rural Outreach
As part of rural outreach, Thomson Reuters worked closely with Rotary South West Bangalore and SELCO
Foundation. Through the intervention with the former, solar lamps were provided to students in class 8, 9 and 10
to support their after school learning and education at home. In 2015-16, this project was initiated in 4 schools in
and around Bangalore. In 2016-17, the project has been expanded to 2 schools in Hyderabad. The project with the
latter, involved in providing sustainable energy solutions and work towards poverty alleviation. Sustainable energy
solution lamps will be provided to over 500 households impacting about 2,500 beneficiaries in 7 districts which are
in close proximity to Bangalore.

Health & Sanitation

As part of health and sanitation, our employees are
actively involved in Health Camps organized for the
government school children and also impart
awareness sessions to promote benefits of personal
hygiene and heath. Students are trained on basic
etiquettes like brushing teeth, hand washing, using
of toilet and soap facilities at the schools. Further,
initiatives are planned around assisting the
government hospitals on the polio immunization
campaign in the upcoming months.

and Communities

With a vision of economically Making an impact is not limited to consumer households, changing
empowering women at the core lives continues to be Tupperware’s mantra while shouldering the
Corporate Social Responsibility. With a policy of investing in sectors
of its business, Tupperware is one
related to women and children, multiple avenues have been
of the world's leading direct
explored to invest in niche high impact, as showcased by examples
selling companies with the largest below:
women’s network, marketing
premium food storage, Project Gurukul is an initiative along with Literacy India to support
preparation and serving items. academically inclined, above average students who are able to
Today it is moving from being a handle English medium studies, in the National Capital Region
kitchenware brand towards belonging to various Socio Economic Backgrounds, by meeting the
becoming a complete culinary entire cost of their education. Various schools that are a part of this
solutions company. Post its entry initiative are Rotary Public School, Bhartiya International School, St.
Soldier Public school, Little ones Public School, Heera Public School.
into India in 1996, Tupperware has
been a successful part of
Ciao Kids’ foster home (in association with Parivarthana, an NGO)
changing the Indian kitchen & has been set up for providing quality education and apprenticeships
also the lives of millions of Indian to deserving tribal girls in Hunsur (Karnataka). This helps give them
women. access to a profession and help ensure a social future for them. The
construction of the building, aided by Tupperware, began in April
2015, and the inauguration was done in January 2016. Currently 30
girls are residents of this foster home and the costs of their
education and other daily needs are funded by Tupperware.

Health Camp for Women

With the objective of helping create health awareness amongst
women, Tupperware, in association with Hope Foundation &
national and regional hospital chains such as Fortis, Max, Apollo,
Columbia Asia Hospitals, conducted health camps across Jodhpur,
Bhubaneswar, Ludhiana, Raipur & Nasik for women in 2016. Over
500 women benefited from these camps. The importance of health
awareness and daily healthy lifestyles was reiterated at these camps.

Facilities at the camps included • Blood Group, Sugar & Hemoglobin

Count • Eyesight Test • General Physician check-up • Gynaec check-
up • ECG • Nutrition & Lifestyle counseling
Tupperware and Indha (a project of Literacy India)
provides vocational training in sewing, tailoring, block
printing, vermin compost, leaf plate making,
manufacturing recycled and handmade paper. A Self
Help Group was set up around Gurgaon (Haryana)
which has trained around 10,000 women and currently it
employs hundreds of highly skilled women workforce
capable of producing all kinds of hand crafted items of
cloth and paper. These products are sold in the
corporate and urban market and approximately 40-50
percent of the revenues get paid back to the artisans
while the rest is used for further training and
development and meeting the operational costs
including the provision of tools of the trade to the
trained women.

Committed to
Making a Difference
in Our Communities


Turner entered the India market in At the heart of Turner’s identity is a firm commitment to community.
2007 providing international This commitment is rooted in the belief that service is an essential
part of good corporate citizenship. Turner India engages in
project management services to
community service under the initiative ‘Paint the town blue’,
Hiranandani Palace Gardens,
sponsoring and taking part in a wide variety of programs to support
Chennai. Since then, we have education, safety, environment, health & hygiene and social welfare.
worked with major local and
international developers, Turner has long recognized that it is not only where, or what we
government agencies, private build, but how that makes a difference. We are proud of the many
equity funding companies and outreach and service activities we have completed over more than a
corporations across market decade in the Indian market, and we continue to increase
segments – including residential, engagement in the communities where we work. Of course part of
commercial, retail, aviation, iconic our contribution is often financial, but we are always most proud to
contribute Turner’s most valuable resource: our people.
monuments, and interiors. Now,
with over 150 staff, Turner
Our annual Founder’s Day of service is a perfect example. It is a
manages projects in Delhi, company-wide day of community outreach, when Turner employees
Mumbai and Gujarat regions, across India and the entire organization come together, celebrate
offering clients across the country the anniversary of our company’s founding, and give back to our
the support, accessibility, and communities.
market knowledge of a local firm
with the stability and innovative An active and visible community presence reflects our values, and
resources of a multi-national demonstrates to our partners, clients, and of course communities
organization. that we care about them. And it inspires our people, who feel good
about working for a company that is dedicated not only to building
well, but conducting business in an ethical and socially responsible
For more information please visit
national. You can also download Founder's Day gives employees a chance to see it's not all about the
Turner International App for iOs work, but it's about the people who are impacted by our work.
from here and for Android from We're not just project management consultants, we are part of a
here. community and working to give back with your fellow team

Since 2007, Turner India employees have volunteered more than

3500+ hours and more than 500+ families have been benefitted by
Turner’s community outreach programs.

We believe a single, shared day of service helps us maximize the

impact that our efforts have in the communities where we build and
where we live.

Advancing Public
Safety in India
Our Mission is at the Core of
Everything We Do

UL fosters safe living and working
conditions for people everywhere
The Need for a Safer India
through the application of science With a rapidly evolving economy, India is witnessing unprecedented
to solve safety, security and growth across various sectors. Safety is an integral and essential part
sustainability challenges. The UL of this growth. As India advances economically and technologically,
Mark engenders trust enabling the we have the responsibility to help ensure a ‘Safe Society’-- safe for
safe adoption of innovative new its children, safe for its citizens in their daily lives, safe while
products and technologies. consuming products and services available in the market. As of 2015,
Everyone at UL shares a passion several reports rank Indian roads as one of the most unsafe roads in
to make the world a safer place. the world, accounting for about 400 deaths in a day. Road Safety
has emerged as one of the biggest public safety challenges in India,
We test, inspect, audit, certify,
while Fire Safety and Electrical Safety are proving to be looming
validate, verify, advise and train
issues evoking caution.
and we support these efforts with
software solutions for safety and UL’s mission driven strategy to address India’s public safety
sustainability. To learn more about challenges
us, visit UL.com.
As a global leader in safety science UL is guided by its mission to
promote safe working and living environments for all people. The
Company uses scientific research and standards development to
bring solutions to a complex global supply chain by partnering with
retailers, manufacturers, trade associations and authorities having
jurisdiction. UL has consolidated its public safety efforts into a four-
pronged approach (R-O-S-E) committed to R-Research, O-
Outreach, S-Standards and E-Education.

Research – helping curate local

Investing heavily in research, UL not only delves deep in identifying
safety solutions based on scientific data, but also believes in studying
the science behind a problem. For instance, UL collaborated with the
Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, one of the premier
educational institutions in the country to create India’s first glass
facade testing project. Together they have been conducting fire
research on glass building exteriors to study and evolve appropriate
fire safety mechanisms in India. Given the mushrooming of glass
façade buildings in the country’s urban landscape, formulating a
dedicated approach to combat fire hazards posed by these
structures is an imperative public safety need.
UL also partnered with the World Resources Institute networks, to create consumer-friendly illustrative
(WRI) to gather extensive accident data from Bangalore programming and promote the idea and necessity of a
Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC) and safer world. Through panel discussions, debates and
Brihanmumbai Electric Supply and Transport documentaries created under the ‘INDIA DEMANDS
Undertaking (BEST) bus agencies and develop practical SAFETY STANDARDS’ (IDSS) banner, several industry
solutions for safer buses. leaders and UL’s safety experts have come together to
build a campaign highlighting important aspects of
Outreach – taking the safety standards across various industries.

safety message to the

stakeholders Standards – setting the
benchmarks for quality
UL has tirelessly worked with various stakeholder
communities and advocacy groups to deliberate on and safety
growing safety challenges and build a consensus on
urgent action items. UL held the Fire Safety Council for UL is focused on today’s requirements and tomorrow’s
the eighth consecutive year in December 2016 with an challenges for its customers. This includes the
aim to convene industry experts and regulatory bodies continuing evaluation and development of quality
to further the dialogue on Fire Safety. The prevalence of assurance practices and safety standards; increased
lithium-ion batteries (LiBs) in the modern world has scrutiny for chemical usage in products; and the effects
created the need to focus on their continued safety. To of immersive technology as electronics and
that end, UL has used its unique position as a safety interoperability usage increases in daily life. UL helps
science organisation to bring together thought leaders manufacturers and retailers verify every aspect of the
from government and industry to the first ever Energy supply chain and production process—from raw
Storage Technology Summit to India in 2016. Experts materials to sales transactions—to better manage risk
from the entire battery supply chain engaged in a and deliver products that are safe, socially responsible
dialogue on the current state of battery safety and and compliant with industry and brand specifications.
incidents, and explored areas of communication and
collaboration to advance safety. To further its commitment toward its ‘India for India’
strategy, UL is part of several technical committees
Recently, UL joined hands with CNN- News 18, one of constituted by various ministries of the central and state
the leading and widely respected and trusted television governments. Through these associations, UL shares its
global expertise with policy makers, guiding them in creating locally relevant standards that are harmonized with
global norms.

Education – grooming youth as safety ambassadors

With more than 50 percent of India’s population under 25, UL believes India’s young people are uniquely suited to
help solve this problem, especially since it personally affects them and their peers. Instead of merely creating
awareness through passive learning techniques, it is important to engage the youth through experiential methods,
thereby creating a culture of safety. UL has continued to value its engagement with the youth to create an
ecosystem of relevant safety education for young adults in India through various ties-ups.
The company’s collaboration with Disney gave birth
to the idea of the ‘Wild About Safety’ educational
series on safety. Timon and Pumbaa from Disney’s
Lion King with their Safety Smart® checklist in hand,
teach students in kindergarten through third grade
the importance of always being on the look-out for
safety problems. UL also partnered with the
Directorate of Fire and Emergency Services, Goa as
well as other agencies, to spread fire safety
education among school children in Goa. The
National Safety Science Quiz (NSSQ), UL’s unique
national quiz property that helps highlight issues of
public safety and promotes deliberation on safety
solutions with multiple stakeholders such as schools,
students, parents, safety organisations, entered into
its fourth year in 2016 with a larger platform for
students through its tie-up with the country’s leading
television network NDTV.

The Safer Roads Safer India Program was conceived

in the year 2015 with an aspiration to encourage
young people to comprehend, discuss, and act on
road safety problems in their local communities. UL
partnered with Youth Service America (YSA), a non-
profit with over 3 decades of experience in youth
leadership and service, to provide grant
opportunities, implement global learnings and
develop a program suitable to the Indian youth

For more than a century now, UL has been striving
for safer environments, with endeavours in standards
development and innovative solutions for businesses
to keep pace with the changing requirements in the
progressive world of science and technology. UL is
committed to studying the area of Public Safety in
India and investing in high-impact interventions to
drive change at various levels by engaging with key
stakeholders—Schools, NGOs, Government, and

Project Pehal:
Health & Sanitation


UTC Climate, Controls & Security Project 'Pehal' is a community development initiative started in
is a leading provider of heating, Chakkarpur community, Gurgaon in 2013. With the intention of
improving lives in migrant communities the health objectives are:
ventilating, air conditioning and
refrigeration systems, building
• To promote the health and well-being of the women, girls, men
controls and automation, and fire and youth in the community through evening clinic, health
and security systems leading to camps, awareness on institutional deliveries and immunization
safer, smarter, sustainable and • To understand the community dynamics and challenges around
high-performance buildings. UTC local issues such as waste management, improvement in sanitary
Climate, Controls & Security is a conditions, disaster preparedness in situations such as fire, etc.
unit of United Technologies Corp.,
a leading provider to the Health
aerospace and building systems
industries worldwide. A clinic was set up in 2013 under project Pehal, offering Out Patient
Department (OPD) and referral services to the targeted community
For more information, visit during evening hours. After the initial success it was planned to scale
www.CCS.UTC.com and follow the operation. In 2016 a full scale clinic offering diagnostic, curative,
@UTC_CCS on Twitter. referral services and IT enabled was set up. A Lifecycle approach for
implementing priority high impact interventions for saving lives was
put in place, along with a strong referral arrangement with
government and private hospitals for management of complications
and specialty cases.

The Pehal Clinic deploys a team of qualified medics, paramedics and

community Health Workers. Takes health services to the doorstep of
the community by providing home-based counselling services,
organizing community awareness outreach/ mobilization and health
camps aimed at improving the community’s awareness about
chronic diseases, non-communicable diseases, home based new
born care, diarrhea, breast feeding, malaria, pneumonia, diarrhea
and HIV/AIDS. The clinic is well furnished, follows all relevant medical
guidelines, uses Health care innovations like point of care
diagnostics, medicines, over 60 in house diagnostic tests and m-
Health solutions within the framework of RMNCH+A 1000 day best
practices for all Women and adolescent girls, early NCD screening
and management & follow up of patients.

Project Interventions

• 01 Smart health clinic established in operational area

• Organizing health camps on General, Eye, skin, dental care,
Anemia, Blood Sugar and TB testing camps
• Organizing awareness sessions in schools and • Mass screening of 524 Students for Anaemia-
Community engagements by formation of women 35.35% children were found anemic. Anemic
health clubs children and caregivers were counselled on the
• Vaccination/Immunization drives dangers of anaemia and the importance of a healthy
• Supporting and facilitating National Health Program diet for good health.
,Government of India such as PradhanMantri • 459 person were screened for Blood Sugar and
Sawatha Matritawa Yojna, National drive on Vitamin Blood Pressure during Haat Campaign rolled out in
A and deworming, Breastfeeding Week, prevention fixed strategic locations, 13% were found in the High
& management of diarrheal disease risk category.

Outcome of the program Impact of the program

• 12,656 community members have been treated • Clinic is providing easy, timely and quality health
through health clinic and health camps ,Over 50% of care services
the beneficiaries were women • Increased institutional deliveries which has led to
• 325 expectant mothers have availed ante-natal care Safe deliveries, timely referrals of high-risk
and 190 institutional deliveries facilitated pregnancies avoid morbidity in mother & child
• 45 Eligible Couple availed Family planning services • Strengthening home-based newborn care and
(DMPA-5, OCP-12, IUCD-6, CC-22) prompt referral by regular home visit
• Point of care diagnostics total 2487 ( Anemia • Various health camps with specialized doctors
Screening-1580, U-Check-12, Su-check-459, MPL- benefited community with specific needs
436) • Significant impact in the community, which is evident
• Community members were linked with Government by willingness of people coming for ANC ,
Health facility, Scub-Centre, Primary Healthcare Integrated management of childhood diseases, HIV
Centers, General Hospital, Gurgaon and charitable tests, family planning methods, TB tests
clinics/trusts and private hospitals • School sessions have helped young girls become
• 11 Community members underwent sputum test to aware about anemia, menstruation, RTI/STI and
diagnose TB infection, of which 05 are found basic health to take preventive measures early
infected and are linked with DOTS
• 908 people underwent HIV testing and no HIV
positive case has been detected
• 60 Women Health Clubs formed benefiting around
900 women The sanitary condition was bad at the beginning of the
• 541 spectacles are given to those diagnosed with low project and defecating in open was a common practice
vision due to absence of toilets. Poor condition of the toilets,
• 30 Pregnant women are assisted to get ultrasound drainage system, and washing platforms resulted in
procedure performed at lower cost stagnant water, thereby acting as catalyst for the spread
of certain water borne diseases. Much before the launch of ‘Swacha Bharat Campaign’ by the Government of
India on 2nd October, 2014; the project carried out community cleaning actions regularly in various slum clusters
with the active participation of members of women health clubs and community leaders. (July, 2013 onwards).
During the cleaning actions, project staff sensitizes the community members about the importance of keeping not
only their homes but even the surroundings outside their homes including the community toilets clean.

Project Interventions

• 44 toilets, bathing places, drainage systems repaired

• 7 bathrooms constructed
• 60 toilets being cleaned every day by a janitor
• 26 Cleaning Actions organised
• 9,097 women and youth mobilized for maintaining a healthier environment
• 20 garbage bins were installed around the community.


• Repair of the washing platform and connecting it

to the main drainage halted the spilling of used
water during washing clothes and other activities
into the main drainage system keeping the area
clean and safe for living
• Cleaning and covering of the draining channel.
• The community was involved to take the
responsibility of removing the collected solid
wastes from the drains on a regular basis to
ensure proper functioning of the drainage system
• Construction of toilets has encouraged the
community members to stop defecating in open
and the toilets are cleaned everyday by a Janitor
• Cleaning action educated the residents about the
importance of maintaining good health and
hygiene through regular cleaning of the
• Community members are prompted to dispose
garbage at a common place away from the
slums and 20 garbage bins were installed at the
various sites.
• People took initiative to participate in cleaning
actions wherein they cleaned the pathways,
clogged drainages and surroundings.


• New bathing facilities and the clean action drives

made the operational areas cleaner and more
• Cleaning action mobilized people on the
importance of cleanliness in the surrounding
living areas as well as promoted the adoption of
hygienic practices
• The cleanliness drives have made people aware
about the cleanliness in their surrounding from
the aesthetic point of view and to prevent water
borne diseases
• Incidence of water borne diseases and skin
infection has declined due to no surface water

WABCO India:
Corporate Social Responsibility

WABCO India designs, manu- WABCO India’s CSR policy lays emphasis on the company to
factures and markets conventional undertake CSR activities in the areas falling within the ambit of the
Companies Act, 2013 with preference being given to the local areas
braking products, advanced
where the Company operates which includes promoting preventive
braking systems, and other related
health care, sanitation, making available safe drinking water,
air assisted products and systems. promoting education, employment enhancing vocation skills,
With five world-class manu- livelihood enhancement projects, promotion of road safety
facturing facilities, technology awareness in all facets of road usage, vehicle drivers’ safety and
center and a vehicle testing facility training, promoting gender equality, empowering women,
near Chennai, WABCO excels in environmental sustainability, contributions to technology incubators
engineering and manufacturing. located within academic institutions etc.
WABCO India is committed to
social sustainability and this WABCO India’s CSR Committee of the Board identifies areas for
implementing its CSR activities as per the policy, recommends the
commitment arises from our
amount of expenditure to be incurred, and monitors the
vision of "Saving Lives. Protecting
implementation of the CSR activities.
the environment.”
WABCO India undertakes its CSR activities either directly or through
an implementation agency. WABCO India has formed a Trust in the
name of WABCO India Foundation which will undertake and
implement CSR projects on behalf of the Company going forward.

WABCO INDIA LTD has chosen the following sites for implementing
the CSR Projects:

1. WABCO INDIA LTD – Ambattur, Chennai

2. WABCO INDIA LTD – Proving Ground, Sriperumbudur (near
3. WABCO INDIA LTD – Jamshedpur plant
4. WABCO INDIA LTD – Lucknow plant

The above mentioned locations were chosen considering that they

had poor infrastructure and a large percentage of under privileged
people belonging to low socio economic group.

Implementation Process:
Identification of Projects
All projects are identified in a participatory manner, in consultation
with the community, by discussing with them and gauging their
basic needs. Subsequently, based on a consensus and in discussion
with the village panchayats, the projects are prioritized.

Based on their needs, WABCO INDIA LTD has

completed the following projects. ACTIVITIES
Ambattur, Chennai

Free Medical Camp

a) The Third Main Road of Ambattur Industrial Estate, 1 09.12.15 conducted at Korattur, 136
which is a very busy road was not having structured Ambattur
storm water drain due to which there was water Free Medical Camp
clogging on the roads during rainy days leading to 2 10.12.15 conducted at 156
a threat to the safety of the motorists. Mangalapuram, Ambattur
b) The Third Main Road of Ambattur Industrial Estate
was not having dedicated parking lots for the Free Medical Camp
motorists, due to which there was haphazard 3 11.12.15 conducted at Managalam 375
parking leading to the inconvenience of other Nagar, Porur
Handing over of 910 litres of
c) To create greenery and spread safety awareness
along the Third Main Road of Ambattur Industrial disinfectent (Phenyl) for
Estate. 4 11.12.15
sanitation purpose to the
d) Participation in the 27th National Road Safety Health authorities of
Awareness week along with the Tamil Nadu Ambattur Chennai
Government between 10.01.2016 and 16.01.2016. Corporation
e) December 2015 Chennai Flood relief operations Handing over of Public
f) Preventive Health camps to the Govt.Primary Address System to the
school children around Chennai Ambattur 5 15.12.15 Health authorities of NA
Ambattur Chennai
g) Skill development centers for the ITI’s of North
Eastern States
Free Medical Camp
Based on the above facts, WABCO INDIA LTD 6 15.12.15 conducted at Tirutheri, 145
constructed a storm water drain and dedicated parking Chengalpet
lot. Trees were planted along the center medians with
auto irrigation system. Safety slogan boards were Free Medical Camp
posted along the median to create Road Safety 7 15.12.15 conducted at SP Koil, 162
Awareness among the motorists. Chengalpet

Free Medical Camp

8 30.12.15 conducted at Madhiravedu, 311

Free Medical Camp

9 31.12.15 conducted at West 170
Mambalam, Chennai

Free Medical Camp

07.01.2016 conducted at Jafferkhanpet, 165

Free Medical Camp

09.01.16 conducted at Anjineyar 425
Temple, Porur

Handing over of Cheque to

09.01.16 Little flower Deaf & Dumb NA
School Authorities

Proving Ground, Sriperumbudur

The Government Primary School of the village Hussain Nagar, located adjacent to our vehicle testing facility,
where nearly 200 school children study, faced two acute problems.

a) Damaged floors of three class rooms, due to which the children were facing the problem of hygiene and a
poor ambience for studying. They requested for re-lay of the floorings.
b) The school was facing water scarcity, as they did not have their own source of water resource and had been
depending upon the village common water facility which was practically non existent. Hence they requested
for a bore well within their premises with submersible motor.

Now the school children are studying clean and hygienic class rooms and have access to uninterrupted water

Jamshedpur Plant
a) Village Ramchandrapur, located adjacent to our
plant faced severe water scarcity due to the lack
of water. The available water resource which
comprised of three hand pumped borewells
were in need of some maintenance and due to
non-availability of funds by the local body, it
was left unattended to.
b) The Government primary school of the village
Upperbera was facing water scarcity, as they did
not have their own source of water resource
and had been depending upon the village
common water facility which was practically non
existent. Hence they requested for a bore well
within their premises with submersible motor.
c) After the completion of the above two projects,
the villagers and school children are not facing
any issue of water scarcity.

Lucknow Plant
Somaiya Nagar Govt school’s toilet was in an
unusable condition which posed health risks for the
school children. WABCO INDIA LTD renovated the
toilet block along with submersible motor with
overhead tank facility to provide uninterrupted water

Somaiya Nagar village did not have a bus shelter

due to which the villagers had to bear discomfort
while waiting for the bus. WABCO INDIA LTD,
constructed a bus shelter at the Somaiya Nagar Bus

Making Impact
through Women’s Economic
Empowerment Initiative

Walmart runs 21 Cash & Carry Women’s Economic Empowerment
stores in India with the mission of
enabling ‘small businesses to Walmart and Walmart India strive to improve the quality of life of
prosper’. By generating thousands employees, customers and communities through financial
of jobs and sourcing 95% of contributions, in-kind donations and volunteerism. The company
products locally, Walmart supports initiatives focused on enhancing opportunities in skills
contributes to the local economy training, environmental sustainability, women’s empowerment and
as `partners in progress’. community development. Through training and sourcing, Walmart
India’s Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) Initiative is helping
to provide sustainable employment opportunities and significantly
We are growing our business by
expanding economic opportunities for women across India. Through
opening 50 more stores over the a combination of our local programs and support from the Walmart
next few years. Foundation, we are impacting thousands of women in India

Ever since Walmart launched the Women’s Economic Empowerment

(WEE) initiative in September 2011 with the objective to improve the
lives of under-served women in farms and factories and provide
opportunity to women owned businesses (WOBs), the company has
made significant strides in achieving the goals.

Diversity in the Supply Chain

We launched the Women Entrepreneurship Development Program
(WEDP) in April 2016 to support women owned businesses across
various categories develop their professional as well as soft skills
necessary to build strong businesses and therefore to enable them
to achieve higher levels of business growth and make them more
resilient in today’s dynamic socio-economic environment. Supported
by Walmart and implemented by Vrutti and WEConnect
International, the program included robust business management
modules that were delivered through experts in workshops and
classroom training. During several assessments, it was heartening to
see that the program has brought about the desired outcome and

The first cohort of the 32 enterprising women owned businesses

(WOBs) from the Class of 2016 from AP, Delhi NCR, Telangana,
Punjab & UP and into both food and non-food categories
graduated on 13 April 2017. The training modules aimed at helping
the women owned businesses build robust businesses comprised
Life Skills, IT, Social Media Marketing, Operations, Replenishment,
Logistics, Supply Chain, Product Marketing, Financial
Planning and Resource Management, Negotiation Skills,
Training Women in Factories
among others.
The ‘Women in Factories’ (WiF) program aims to
Beyond classroom sessions, the participants met and empower workers, especially women in factories, using
interacted with Walmart India Senior Leadership Team; life skills as a method to help them cope with life
engaged and showcased products to Walmart India’s challenges and make advances in their career. The
Merchandising team, interacted with Global Sourcing initiative also focuses on building the capacity of the
team; visited Best Price Stores to understand the factory management to identify and develop talent,
format; and got the opportunity to set up stalls and encourage retention and create an enabling
attend Think Big, the largest international confluence of environment for the workers.
WOBs and buyers. All the WOBs have also got
connected to mentors based on their need and interest. The WiF program, supported by Walmart Foundation,
was initiated in India in 2011 as part of the Women’s
We feel a sense of pride that this program has created Economic Empowerment Initiative. Currently, NGO
a pipeline of strong women owned businesses for the partner Swasti is implementing the programme in 34
industry’s supply chain as well as for Walmart India, in factories located in Gujarat, Karnataka, Punjab, Tamil
line with our efforts to be ‘partners in progress’ with the Nadu and the Union Territory of Daman. The program
Government in the country. includes critical life skills training on communication,
hygiene, reproductive health, occupational health and
safety, identifying personal strengths and gender

The program ultimately facilitates creation of an eco-

system that promotes, conserves and sustains
Women Owned Logo workforce development and empowerment. The
In October 2015, WEConnect International launched the program has:
‘Women-owned’ logo in India to identify the
significance of the high quality & unique products made • Enriched the lives of 26,005 workers (21,885 women
by women. As part of an overall strategy and goal to and 4,120 men) through 15 hours of Foundational
source more from WOBs, Walmart supported Training in 34 factories.
WEConnect International, to develop the logo to help • Trained 4,055 women under 80-100 hours of
members easily identify products made by WOBs. All Advanced Training to equip them with leadership
WOBs that are WEConnect-certified are eligible to skills; Sensitized 1,620 Supervisors to create an
display the logo on their product packaging. enabling environment .
• Trained 141 factory trainers (through the training of trainers approach) and 1,297 Peer Educators to sustain the
learning, project efforts and outcomes of the WiF program beyond the project period.

Training Women in Retail

The Walmart Foundation supported the Retail Opportunity Training Initiative, collaboration between the Global
Fairness Initiative and the Self-Employed Women's Association – SEWA.

Launched in 2015, this program delivered opportunity–driven training in retail sales and management, bridging
the opportunity gap between India’s underemployed women and the country’s fastest growing economic sector.

This effort supported Walmart’s larger Women’s Economic Empowerment Initiative.

Key program highlights:

• Trained more than 11,000 participants, both men

and women, in Gujarat.
• Delivered a world class, certificate-level
curriculum on Retail Sales and Management
emphasizing essential technical and “life skills”
necessary for full employment
• The program tackled key social issues along with
bringing in solutions for long-lasting systemic
• Created a Centre of Excellence in retail sector
leadership and employment within the highly
regarded SEWA Manager Ni School
• The program was supported by a robust job
placement platform aimed at promoting women,
and placing women certificate holders, in India’s
organized retail sector

Women in Farms
Apart from other programs in the last few years,
Walmart Foundation supported the following

• Agribusiness Systems International’s Sunhara

Prayas project facilitated increased socio-
economic empowerment for 6,000 smallholder
farmers – 5,000 of them women – in the
vegetable value chain in four districts of Uttar
Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh in India, through
improved and inclusive horticultural production
and marketing systems.
• This two-year program focused on empowering
women through female-achieved, on-farm
income gains and addressing barriers (market
and social) that restrict their ability to access and
exercise control over economic opportunities.

Providing Safe
Water Affordably

WaterHealth India (WHIN), a WaterHealth India (WHIN) provides safe, scalable and affordable
wholly owned subsidiary of drinking water to the underserved communities globally and
currently runs over five hundred (500) decentralized Community
WaterHealth International,
Water Systems (CWS) across Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat,
provides scalable, safe drinking
Karnataka, Delhi and Tamil Nadu providing access to safe drinking
water solutions to underserved water to over seven (7) million people since it started operations in
areas in India through advanced 2006.
technology and innovative
business models. WHIN started WaterHealth has adopted a decentralized model for serving
operations in India in 2006 and communities that are severely impacted due to unsafe drinking
has successfully launched over water in urban, peri-urban and rural areas. The Company’s
500 WaterHealth Centres (WHCs) innovative strategy has been to install, operate and maintain “micro-
covering six states and serving utilities” called WaterHealth Centers (WHCs) in the underserved
over seven million people.
The WHC uses a six (6) stage purification process which ensures that
all physical, chemical and microbiological contamination in the water
is remediated to potable water quality. The water thus obtained
complies with World Health Organization (WHO) and Indian drinking
water standards (IS10500) and is offered under the brand name of
“dr. water”.

The unique advantage of WHCs is that these are easily scalable and
can run for a sustained period of time i.e. 25-50 years and offer
lowest capital cost per capita (under $2/person) compared to other
safe drinking water options in the world. WaterHealth’s operating
model addresses all the five (5) key sustainability dimensions namely
financial, technical, institutional, social and environmental and
thereby making the projects viable across all sustainability axes.
Financial sustainability is ensured by charging a nominal user fees to
consumers for providing clean and safe water. The user fee is
affordable for even the lowest economic segments of the
underserved communities.

WaterHealth has made significant partnerships with local

government bodies such as Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Pallike
(BBMP) where the Company is planning to install over 200 WHCs in
each of the wards of the city of Bengaluru. WaterHealth has also tied
up with the Delhi Jal Board (DJB) where the Company is setting up
about 280 water dispensation points in the slums of the capital.
WHIN is also in advanced stage of discussion with third parties to determine the social and health impact
Public Health Engineering Department (PHED) of WHCs on the communities, some of which are listed
Rajasthan to cover all urban underserved areas of the below.
state. WaterHealth has partnered with international
development agencies such as USAID, RVO (Dutch 1. Based on a comprehensive study conducted by
Development Agency) and other prestigious Trusts, IMRB engaged by IFC to understand the impact of
Foundations and Corporates to provide safe and WHCs in its areas of coverage, it is found that dr.
affordable drinking water to the underserved water consumer households are approximately nine
communities in India. (9) times less likely to contract waterborne diseases
compared to non-consumer households.
The Company also runs well conceived social marketing
programs to change consumer behavior towards safe 2. Sambodhi, an accredited Market Research agency
drinking water. These programs are customized to conducted a study in 2015 – 16 to measure the
spread awareness about the health benefits of safe social, economic, health and environment impact of
drinking water. The social awareness programs focus WaterHealth’s interventions in the communities in
primarily on creating awareness among women and which the WHC is established. Some of the key
school children in order to bring about a positive findings of the research are indicated below.
behavioral transformation within the communities
towards. i. Around 85% of WHC consumers are BPL
(Below the poverty line) thereby
WaterHealth’s interventions are certified by Gold establishing that a WHC helps extend
Standards (the first global standard that has certified drinking water services to the most
the positive socio-economic impact of water projects) vulnerable households within
which validates that the Company is addressing various communities. WHCs operates through a
goals within the United Nations Sustainable socially inclusive model reaching out to
Development Goals (SDG) framework. the economically poor and socially
disadvantaged groups.
There have been multiple researches conducted by

ii. Households consuming water from WHC report lesser incidence of illness vis a vis households
consuming water from any other source. Households who do not consume water from WHC have
1.2 times higher risk of suffering from any illness. Children of households who do not consume water
from WHC have higher risk of suffering from diarrhoea. Households drawing water from WHC also
exhibit better knowledge, attitude and practices on WASH parameters and knowledge on diarrheal

iii. WHC helps households save time (reduce

drudgery) thereby ensuring the time saved in
fetching water is used for other productive
activities. Women save time due to reduction in
drudgery in fetching water are more likely to
engage in economically productive activities.
Research shows that households that consume
water from a WHC can potentially save over
INR 4,700 annually (around 2.5% of their
annual income) due to reduction in medical
expenditure, decrease in drudgery and increase
in productivity. This amounts to an addition of
25 workdays per family per year. Other impacts
on households consuming water from WHC
include a significant reduction in absenteeism
from school and reduction in work days lost
due to illness.

WaterHealth has the vision of becoming a global

leader in providing scalable, safe and affordable
water solutions to the underserved through
innovative business models. In line with its vision, the
Company is pursuing the audacious goal of serving
100 million customers by 2020.

Unlocking Potential


Willis Towers Watson (NASDAQ:
WLTW) is a leading global
advisory, broking and solutions
company that helps clients around
the world turn risk into a path for
growth. With roots dating to 1828,
Willis Towers Watson has 40,000
employees serving more than 140
countries. We design and deliver
solutions that manage risk,
optimise benefits, cultivate talent,
and expand the power of capital
to protect and strengthen
institutions and individuals. Our
unique perspective allows us to
see the critical intersections
between talent, assets and ideas –
the dynamic formula that drives
business performance. Together,
we unlock potential. Learn more
Our Vantage Point
at willistowerswatson.com. Our people, our research driven intellectual capital and our
relationships offer an unmatched vantage point. This has been well
represented in respected publications like the Strategist, Business
Today and People Matters where we have shared perspective on key
trends that will shape the HR industry:

Future of Work – Technologies are fusing, blurring lines between the

physical, digital and biological worlds, and technological
breakthroughs like artificial intelligence and robotics will continue to
evolve. These changes are dramatic compared to previous
revolutions in that they are already disrupting almost every industry
in every country, having a significant impact on work and jobs.

Business Agility for the Digital Age – Dynamic marketplaces reward

businesses that can deliver relevant products and services with
speed. In today’s digital environment, businesses must be able to
plan, execute and scale with greater agility to future proof their
As organisations are forced to adapt to changing Reimagining employee engagement in India
market forces and customer demands, core
organisational capabilities (one of these being talent) Employee engagement surveys to have become a mere
must also be agile in order to address these changes calendar activity, or are organisations effectively
and succeed in the new environment, if not merely listening to employees and taking attendant steps
survive. towards sustainable engagement? Willis Towers
Watson’s Reimagining employee engagement in India
Agile organisation design – Aligning an organisation to explored perceptions around employee engagement,
its operating model, business objectives and customer the essence of employee surveys and how these are
value propositions will continue to be a priority for the likely to take shape in the future.
top management. Leadership capability will be crucial
to drive organisational growth. Bringing HR Risk into the spotlight

Performance management that works – Focus will be The impact of human capital risk is typically not well
on identifying the hyper performers and cutting understood or managed, even in organisations which
through performance management bureaucracy. are otherwise adept at managing other risks. Willis
Managing performance as a concept is nascent where Towers Watson commissioned a study specifically to
many organisations have either done away with the age identify critical people related risks faced by
old bell curve or are piloting such a concept for critical organisations and assess the overall maturity of human
functions. capital risk management practices in India.

Rewards portfolio that builds sustainable employment Transforming the Talent management and Rewards
deal – Organisations will keep strengthening the golden Space
rule – ‘pay for performance’, the total employment deal
would cover all aspects of employee experience. Our talent management and rewards study for the first
time took an in-depth look at the employee reward
Role of technology – HR technology will play a programmes and talent management best practices of
transformative role in strengthening the HR ecosystem. organisations around the globe. The global workforce
study which polled employee views, made this a
Analytics and Decision-Making – More than ever, data uniquely insightful combination on issues around
is king, and key stakeholders will look to HR to provide attraction, retention and engagement.
data-driven insights to identify and address workforce
issues and provide solutions to help solve them. Championing Wellness to improve Productivity

Flexibility – Employees will continue to look for more Holistic health and wellbeing strategy is not only about
flexibility in the workplace - from telecommuting to providing a number of programmes, but also about
working unconventional hours. ensuring that healthy lifestyles are embedded in the
organisational culture through communication and
Health and Wellness – increasing focus on programmes engagement strategies, supported with metrics and
that create differentiated EVP to promote and support viewed as a true business priority. Our Staying@Work
health and wellness. study surveys how successful organisations use health
and productivity strategies to their competitive
Communication – openness and transparency when it advantage.
comes to explaining pay and benefit philosophies to
employees. Championing Retirement Adequacy

Not just Partners or The Willis Towers Watson Global Benefits Attitudes
Survey revealed a discomforting observation that
Advisors, but Pioneers millennials in India feel they are less likely to be better
off in retirement than their parents. Therefore there was
a critical need to develop a whitepaper titled
Over the years, Willis Towers Watson has been a Understanding & Preparing for Retirement Adequacy in
visionary in assessing trends that would impact India. This whitepaper is a holistic retirement planning
business. We have been able to achieve this through tool where we looked at retirement planning using
our unflinching focus towards insight based pioneering advanced modelling techniques.
Employee Benefits Accounting and Risk Study

Since 2008, Willis Towers Watson has published an annual study on the finances of employee benefit plans of the
largest companies in India. The insights have led Indian companies to become increasingly vigilant about financial
facets of employee benefits, as a result today companies have greater clarity and understanding about valuation
of employee benefits.

Retirement Plan Governance

Our retirement plan governance study provides insights into what companies are doing to address statutory
changes, increase employee awareness and improve governance in retirement benefits in India.

Leveraging technology to deliver a superior client

• Talent|REWARD is a world-class talent and reward software solution.
• BenTrack: designing cost effective and consistent employee benefits programmes by assessing the market
competitiveness through this powerful web-based tool.
• CompSource: insights to help our clients design compensation and benefits programmes that are based on
data from across 40 industry sectors to match with the evolving market trends.
• HR Portal Software: Personalised, mobile-ready software that dramatically improves the user experience and
lowers HR operating costs. HR Portal gives employees, managers, families, retirees and HR the information they
need, when and where they want it.
• VERA: is the first automated narrative text-processing tool in the world designed specifically for employee
survey comments. VERA utilises a breakthrough analytic formula that extracts key themes buried across
thousands of comments in seconds.
• Saville Consulting Wave: This psychometric assessment tool gives highly valid information on individual’s
talents, motives, competency potential and preferred culture. These are highly insightful for making
recruitment, talent management and employee development related decisions.

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