Crosby Manual 7
Crosby Manual 7
Crosby Manual 7
Reuse of Crosby Spelter Sockets and Buttons Appendix C, American Petroleum Institute (API)
Recommended Practice 9B (RP9B), 11th Edition,
Crosby allows the reuse of sockets and buttons so long
September, 2002 or ISO17558:2006 Steel Wire
as recommended procedures are followed.
Ropes Socketing Procedures – Molten Metal and
The following are general guidelines for the reuse of Resin Socketing.
Crosby 416/417 Spelter Sockets and Crosby 427 Spelter 2. Some standards (API, ISO, BSI) recommend
Buttons. The use and inspection of used spelter sockets preheating of the zinc spelter socket/button before
and buttons is the responsibility of the user. pouring. This temperature shall not exceed 850°F
Procedure for Removing Spelter Cone (450°C).
1. Cut the rope close (1/2”) to the nose end of the 3. Resin spelter sockets/buttons shall follow the
socket/button and press the cone out of the basket of procedure outlined by the resin manufacturer (See
the socket. WIRELOCK®, Pages 73-77).
2. We do not recommend the use of heat to remove Proof Testing
the spelter cone for metallurgical, medical and We recommend the socketed assembly be proof tested
environmental reasons. at two (2) times the Working Load Limit (2 x WLL)
A. However, if this is the only means available for assigned to the socketed assembly.
removing the zinc cone, care should be taken not
to exceed 850°F (450°C) surface temperature. STANDARD CONSIDERATIONS
The preferred method would be a slow heat in a ASME B30.9
temperature controlled oven. If a torch (rosebud)
is used, the heat spot shall be monitored with a All slings terminated with sockets shall be proof loaded.
tempil stick or a temperature indicator to prevent The proof load shall be a minimum of 2 and a maximum
localized heating from exceeding the 850°F of 2.5 times the single leg vertical hitch rated load. The
(450°C) limit. proof load should be that specified by the wire rope or
fitting manufacturer’s recommendation provided that it
B. To remove a WIRELOCK® cone, heat the surface is within the above specified proof load range. When
of the socket/button to 350°F (177°C). Do not sockets are used in sling assemblies the minimum
exceed the 850°F (450°C) limit for any localized
recommended design factor is 5.
hot spot. Leave for 5-10 minutes, then drive the
cone out with a hammer and drift. ASME B30.5
Selection of Sockets and Buttons for Reuse Cranes require that boom pendants terminated with
sockets be proof tested. When sockets are used in boom
1. Use only sockets/buttons that do not show
pendant lines, the minimum recommended design factor
discoloration from excessive heating or any signs
is 3.
of welding.
2. Select only sockets/buttons that have been cleaned See OSHA and ASME for full information.
and have passed a Magnetic Particle Inspection by
a qualified technician (Level II ASNT-SNT-TC-1A-88)
per ASTM E709. Acceptance criteria shall be per
ASTM E125, Types II-VIII, Degree 1. No cracks
are acceptable.
3. Select only sockets/buttons that do not show any
signs of overloading or wear on the socket or pin, (ie.
elongated pin holes, undersized pins, etc.).
4. Select sockets/buttons that are free from nicks,
gouges and abrasions. Indications my be repaired by
lightly grinding until surfaces are smooth, provided
they do not reduce the dimensions by more than 10%
of the nominal catalog dimension.
5. Select sockets/buttons that are not distorted, bent
or deformed.
Note: Sockets/Buttons having any of the
indications as outlined above (1-5) shall not
be reused.
Procedures For Speltering Sockets & Buttons
1. The proper procedure for speltering sockets can be
found in the Wire Rope User’s Manual, 3rd Edition,
NOTICE: All cast steel sockets 1-5/8” and larger are magnetic particle inspected and ultrasonic inspected. Proof testing
available on special order.
Drawing illustrates one groove used on sockets 1/4” through 3/4”. Sizes 7/8” through 1-1/2” use 2 grooves. Sizes 1-5/8” and
larger use 3 grooves.
NOTE: Available with bolt, nut and cotter. Contact Crosby for more information.
NOTICE: All cast steel sockets 1-5/8” and larger are magnetic particle inspected and ultrasonic inspected. Proof testing
available on special order.
Drawing illustrates one groove used on sockets 1/4” through 3/4”. Sizes 7/8” through 1-1/2” use 2 grooves. Sizes 1-5/8” and
larger use 3 grooves.
NOTICE: All Cast Mooring Sockets are Individually Magnetic Particle Inspected and Ultrasonic Inspected.
Installation Information
Install button on the rope so that the live end of the Before operation of the wire rope assembly, it is
rope extends out of small diameter of the button. recommended that all poured sockets, whether with
Broomed end of rope should be inserted to the “MAX zinc or resin, be proof loaded to seat the cone.
FILL” line marked on the button to ensure correct length Reuse of Crosby Button Sockets
of engagement with socketing material and allow
installation of pulling eye. Crosby allows the reuse of sockets so long as
recommended procedures are followed.
Socketing Using WIRELOCK® Resin Material: Refer to Page 59 for recommended procedures for
Seizing, cleaning, brooming and preparation of wire reuse of Crosby Spelter Sockets.
rope and pouring of WIRELOCK® is to be carried out
per instructions provided in the pages 73-77 in this Key Facts About Wire Rope Button Sockets:
document, and WIRELOCK® Warnings and Application 1. Can be used to terminate high performance, rotation
Instructions located on the WIRELOCK® Product or in resistant ropes and standard 6 strand ropes.
the Crosby® General Catalog. 2. Easy to install assembly utilizes Crosby®
Socketing using Zinc Spelter Material: WIRELOCK® socketing compound.
Seizing, cleaning, brooming and preparation of the 3. Sockets and buttons are reusable.
wire rope, and pouring of zinc is to be carried out in 4. Replacement buttons and sockets are available.
accordance with recommendations of Appendix C, or 5. Locking feature available to prevent rotation of rope.
other approved procedures. 6. Button contains cap with eye that can be attached to,
and used to pull rope during reeving process.
Wirelock Requirements
Size Required WIRELOCK® Kit Size
(in.) (mm) (cc) Stock No. (cc)
1/2 - 5/8 13-16 35 1039602 100
5/8 - 3/4 16-19 60 1039602 100
3/4 - 7/8 19-22 100 1039602 100
7/8 - 1 22-26 140 1039602* 100
1-1/8 - 1-1/4 28-32 250 1039604 250
1-3/8 - 1-1/2 35-38 420 1039606 500
* 2 kits required.