PMLN Manifesto 2024 29
PMLN Manifesto 2024 29
PMLN Manifesto 2024 29
Senator Irfan Siddiqui | Marriyum Aurangzeb | Bilal Azhar Kayani
Now, if we want to make this great State of Pakistan happy
and prosperous we should wholly and solely concentrate on
the well-being of the people, and especially of the masses
and the poor. If you will work in co-operation, forgetting the
past, burying the hatchet, you are bound to succeed.
The establishment of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is a great miracle of the 20th century,
made possible by the grace of Allah and the unblemished leadership of the founder
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, with the historic struggle of the Muslims of South Asia.
The founder had stated, "The sole purpose of governance should be to achieve one goal. That
goal is how to serve the people, how to create ways and means for their prosperity and
well-being; no other aim can be pursued by any government besides this."
As always, for the upcoming elections in 2024, the spirit of our manifesto echoes the words
of the Father of the Nation. Our foremost objective is to practically implement the concept of
public welfare and national strength. To achieve this grand goal, the entire nation must
emerge into the field with the same enthusiasm that fueled our forefathers' historic struggle
for liberation from subjugation. Without mutual unity, agreement, and complete consensus,
this destination cannot be reached. We must embark on this new journey, ending all hatred,
differences, and animosity for the sake of our people and our beloved country.
Today, Pakistan is facing grave challenges and difficulties. At this decisive and critical
���ں��از juncture, the people must take clear and firm steps for their future. Rising above politics,
everyone must contribute to the reconstruction of Pakistan and the prosperity of its citizen.
I commend Senator Irfan Siddiqui and all members of the manifesto committee for their
dedicated efforts in preparing the manifesto. May Allah grant us the courage and success to
paint the canvas of our aspirations.
Whenever I was given responsibility in Punjab, I always devoted all my energies under the
leadership and guidance of our Quaid, Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, towards serving the people
and advancing the progress of the province. In 2022, when the PDM government was
established in Pakistan and I was trusted with its leadership, the country was standing on the
brink of bankruptcy. Without going into the details of other matters, I say with an
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overwhelming sense of gratitude to Allah that if the PDM government had not prevented the
catastrophe of bankruptcy, the people would have faced an unimaginable crisis. I firmly
believe that if the people entrust us with their vote, we will, with Allah Almighty's grace,
implement this manifesto and lead Pakistan towards economic and political stability and
prosperity. Let us join hands and embark on the journey of building a great Pakistan, step by
step, following in the footsteps of Quaid Nawaz Sharif.
• Allocated Rs. 30 billion for Prime Minister’s National Programme • Achieved significant import substitution of Edible oil through 56%
for Solarization of Agriculture Tube Wells increase in area and 62% increase in production of Oilseeds in the
• Achieved Highest ever level of output/production of Wheat (28.13 country during 2022-23.
million MT) during 2022-23 • Increased indicative agricultural loans target from Rs.1,819 billion to
During all of PMLN’s terms in the federal and Punjab governments, we transitioning towards value-addition in agriculture, and making
• Revived Cotton Crop by setting Rs 8500 per 40Kg intervention Rs.2,250 billion
have strengthened the agriculture sector, improved the lives of agriculture a major export sector for Pakistan. We promise to
price and achieved estimated production of 12.7 million bales from • Removed all duties and taxes on import of quality Seeds,
Pakistani farmers, and ensured food security. PMLN aims to bring a guarantee domestic food security, stimulate income and employment
2.77 million Ha of area Combined Harvesters, Seeder, Rice Planters and Dryers
new green revolution in Pakistan, by improving yield productivity and in the agriculture sector, and make the sector globally competitive to
• Allocated of Rs. 5 billion for umbrella project – Green Revolution 2.0 • Allocated Rs.5 billion for the provision of concessional loan to
diversifying our crops, making Pakistan’s farmers prosperous, build it as a source of much needed foreign exchange.
• Established seed track & trace system to ensure provision of quality agro-industry.
seed to the farmers
Revived agriculture sector growth agriculture practices through farmer education PROMISE 2024-2029
• Expanded the agriculture economy by 3.8% during 2017-18 (highest • Covered 43,388 acres of land with high efficiency irrigation
in the past 13 years) systems such as drip irrigation and sprinkler systems 1. Industry Status for Agriculture • Ensure fair crop prices for major crops such as wheat, cotton,
• Provided a "Kissan Package" of Rs. 341B including: • Established 9,000 medical kit mounted motorcycles, 347 mobile • Elevate the agriculture sector to the status of an industry, rice, sugarcane, canola, and maize
• Direct cash transfers of Rs. 328 to 1.6M farmers veterinary dispE;?nsaries, 44 mobile veterinary laboratoriesand 9 incorporating it into chambers of commerce and industry • Food Stabilization Funds (FSFs) to counteract price fluctuations
• Power subsidy of Rs. 128 through tariff reduction mobile training schools to support the health and wellbeing of • Create a Pakistan Agriculture Council for elevated quality through strategic fiscal, financial, and market measures
• Massive subsidies on fertilizers subsistence livestockin 26,000 villages of Punjab standards, following the PMDC model. • Guarantee timely availability of crucial agricultural inputs like
• Tax relief on import and sale.of farm machinery Increased access to agriculture credit 2. Catalysing Farmer Support fertilizers and pesticides at fair prices. Enforce strict checks and
• Increase in agriculture credit to farmers with small landholdings • Increased agriculture credit disbursement from Rs. 3368 to • Continue and expand PM Kisan Package for farmers balances on the demand and supply to deter shortages and
• Market access support around Rs.1,0008 • Solarisation of Tubewells: Subsidised prices and convenient black-market sales.
• Created a database of 8M livestock farmers in Punjab and linked instalment plans for solarising tubewells • Integrate comprehensive agriculture subjects into school and
Encouraged research based interventions them to branchless bankingproducts withregulatory and • Financial Empowerment: Interest free loans for small-scale university curricula.
• Upgraded research institutes, equipped labs and allocated compliance support from SBP farmers • Mandate rural development as a core subject in agriculture
resources for demand-driven research • Direct-to-Consumer Farmer Markets: Cut out the middleman universities.
• Adopted evidence-based Initiatives on cultivation, water use Strengthened legislative and policy framework and enable growers to sell their produce directly to customers • Provide compulsory training for rural youth in SMEs and
efficiency, agricultural education and use of ICTto improve food • Amended the Seed Act 1976 and introduced the Plant Breeders • Farm-to-Market Connectivity: Implement a nationwide initiative service-oriented skills.
security Right Act to enhance crop variety to construct 'Farm to Market Roads,' facilitating the seamless • Introduce targeted internships for agriculture graduates,
• Developed the first ever National Food Security Policy flow of agricultural products and machinery emphasizing skill development and entrepreneurship.
Supported small farmers • Farmer Cooperatives: Extend support to cooperative societies of 3. Export-Quality Assurance for compliance with international
• Increased yield and productivity by giving 7,000 laser levelers farmers at the union council level, empowering farmers to sell standards
and 110,000 mobile phones to increase effectiveness of their produce within their local communities 4. Transition to Smart Agriculture
• Digitization of Land Records: Expand land record digitization • Incentivize adoption of modern technology
initiatives to the district level, ensuring transparency and • Tech-Driven Storage Solutions to minimize post-harvest losses
efficiency and enhance agricultural efficiency
• Smart Credit Guarantees: Introduce Smart Credit Guarantees at • Biotechnology Integration to enhance crop yield, quality, and
banks, specifically designed for small farmers (less than 5 acres) overall farm productivity.
who constitute 65% of the total farming community • Drone Technology for Precision Farming: Remove NOC
requirement for drones, promote their use for precise fertilizer,
pesticide application, and pest and disease assessment
financial support for drip and sprinkler irrigation in irrigated and
• Introduce mobile grain dryers for rice and maize, ensuring
efficient post-harvest processing.
• Modern Agri-Tech Investment: Soft loans from commercial
• Crop Zoning for Sustainable Agriculture to optimize agriculture
based on climate, soil type, crop importance, and topography.
• Regulating sugarcane cultivation in designated areas, ban
banks and direct subsidies for modern agricultural technology, certain crops in cotton-growing regions, promote oilseed crops,
including 'Super Seeder' for rice and wheat harvesting, aimed at and discourage water-intensive crops
curbing smog in Punjab • Completion of Kacchi Canal in Baluchistan to improve irrigation
5. Make Pakistan’s agriculture sector climate resilient and agricultural development in over 700,000 acres of irrigated
• Enhance Seed Quality: Carry out legislation to incentivize land
private sector investment in seed production and ensure 7. Dairy and Livestock Self-Sufficiency
stringent regulations for seed quality • Incentivize farmers to achieve self-sufficiency in livestock
• Funding for Resilient Seeds: Establish Research Fund dedicated • Address livestock’s nutritional deficiencies through value
to developing Disease-Free, High-Quality, Climate-Resilient addition of crop residue, such as fodder, silage and
Hybrid seeds unconventional feed source
• Early Warning System: Use state-of-the-art technology to • Ensure availability of best quality semen for the best and most
create a 'National Early Warning System for Agriculture,' profitable breeds
offering timely alerts on weather patterns, pest outbreaks, and • Conduct participatory research to improve the efficiency of
potential risks to crops small-scale dairy production units
• Comprehensive 'Farmer Insurance Scheme’ safeguarding • Special packages for landless farmers for livestock and dairy
against weather shocks and floods development to assist the sector's transition into value addition
6. Water Management, Innovative Irrigation, and Canal Completion and industrial footprint
• Implement canal lining and water management systems to
alleviate water shortages and promote efficient water usage
• Incentivize construction of water reservoirs, dams and rain
harvesting facilities, through subsidies and loan facilities,
especially in barani and new virgin lands
• Drip and Sprinkler Irrigation: Actively promote and provide
PROMISE 2024-2029
UNLEASHING DIGITAL GROWTH Telecommunications (Connectivity and Digital Infrastructure) PML-N era (Telecom Policy 2015, and Digital Pakistan Policy, 2018)
Technology played a pivotal role from 2013-2018 in PML-N's agenda and invest in the latest technologies. A radical transformation is are due for review. Following key reforms will therefore receive
There will be a continuous effort to build and maintain a conducive
for transformation, reform, and recovery across economic sectors. envisioned for Telecoms and Information Technology domains, immediate policy attention:
environment, policies and legislation for investment and adoption of
The party connected the unconnected with Mobile Broadband, emphasising broadband connectivity, cybersecurity, digital i) Licensing Reform: immediate review of the Licensing
latest technologies in the Country.
focused on start-ups, digital skill development, and e-governance. In infrastructure, and digital service provisioning. Framework as provided in the Telecoms Policy 2015. Universal
the future, PML-N aims to revamp institutional governance, Making Pakistan a Digital Nation with public and private sector licenses with easy entry and exit duly separating services from
Legislation and Sector Governance:
strengthen digital infrastructure, bridge the digital divide, boost services digitalized leveraging a Pakistan Digital Stack Infrastructure will be considered as the way forward.
Focus on convergence and services:
investments in start-ups, legislate on data protection, expand fintech, ii) Competition Reform: The Competition Rules will be
i) Amendments in the Telecommunications laws: The Telecom
Act, 1996 (amended 2006) needs a major overhaul with immediately reviewed.
PERFORMANCE 2022-2023 relevant focus on converged Telecom, IT, digital Infrastructure iii) Spectrum Reform: Spectrum market reforms as provided in
and digital services in one place. Telecom Policy 2015 (including secondary markets (sharing and
Supported the IT industry • Established Citizen Contact Center to run helplinesfor several ii) Transforming MoIT&T into Ministry of Digital Economy: To have trading), reframing, reallocation, base pricing reform and use of
• Launched the National Digital Policy2018 and the Punjab IT Policy government departments a major and effective cross sectoral role, we will converge the diverse allocation mechanisms besides auctions and incentive
2018 Encouraged IT-based entrepreneurship & research Digital Technology mandates of Ministry of IT & T, Ministry of pricing regime) will be considered after inclusive due
• Extended IT export tax holiday till 2025 • Established startup incubatorsin Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, Science and Technology, Ministry of Commerce etc. into a consultation with stakeholders.
• Gave 5%cash reward unit exports Peshawar and Quetta that have produced over 300 high-tech single Federal ministry of Digital Economy with strong mandate iv) Market Development KPIs for regulator: Policy must clearly
• Reduced sales tax on IT-enabled services to 5% within federal areas startups, valued over $70M on Digital sector policies applicable across all economic sectors setup a system of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the
• Enabled commercial loansat preferential rates • EstablishedEx ellence Centers for loT, Big Data, Robotics and and strong mechanism to align the provincial initiatives too. Regulator to measure the sector and economic development
• Enhanced infrastructure for IT industry by developing technology Cyber Security iii) Apart from the Ministry of Digital Economy, a fully autonomous impact of the functioning of the Regulator.
and knowledge parks • Established world-class IT Universities in Lahore and Rahim Var Khan Digital Authority led and run by Subject Matter Experts with
Facilitated citizens e-governance mandate to: v) Policy to Prevent Market Failures: Bold Policy initiatives to have
Reduced the digital divide
• Established e-Khidmat Markaz, providing 20 key government continuous regulatory assessment of market failure in various
• Launched China-Pakistan FibreOptic Project, costing $44M, to
services under one roof a) Roll out Digital public infrastructure and market segments will be pursued so that clear and unambiguous
bolster Pakistan's internet connectivity
• Established Police e-Khidmat Centers In all Punjab districts tools are available with the GoP and Regulator for interventions
• Launched 3G and 4G platformsto substantially enhance the
• Introduced e-Stamping for payment of stamp duty b) Integrate all relevant data sources within public and private to prevent market failures, and to protect investments as well as
penetration of high speed telephony and internet services
• Collected feedback from 23M citizens through Citizen Feedback sector consumer interest linked to those markets.
• Distributed 425,000 laptops among students on merit
Monitoring Program (CFMP) • Established CM's e-Rozgaar centers across Punjab, which enabled
• Digitally transformed land revenue system iii) Ease of doing Business: Regulation:
recent graduates to freelance
• Automated Criminal Record office andcomputerized all police a. Provide investors one platform through which they can Regulatory practice will be reviewed to consider:
• Formed 21 e-Libraries in Punjab to utilize an online knowledge base
stations in Punjab comprising of millions of resources manage all government related tasks
• Verified attendance of doctors & paramedics through biometric b. Facilitate investors through organizations such as the i) Regulatory Impact Assessment: RIA may be considered as be
• Installed Wi-Fi hotspots in big citieso'f Punjab
attendance system Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) and the standard requirement for all regulatory initiatives with clearly
• Digitized textbooks and provided tablets in schools
• Supervised health, education, agriculture, livestock and irrigation Special Technology Zone Authority (STZA) reasoned basis for all decisions.
• Took lead in withdrawing the broadband tax in Punjab
field staff using ICT tools • Conducted the first-ever digital census in the country saving Rs. 7 Policy and Implementation:
• Improved geographical coverage of vaccinators from 22%to The major prescriptions of the flagship award winning policies of ii) RegTech Implementation and Sync with Industry: To improve
billion of Exchequer due to prudent & visionary planning
92%through eVaccs • Launched the Governance Innovation Lab, which aims to enhance
• Compiled monthly monitoring feedback from over 52,000 schools transparency & service delivery
for evidence based performance management
transparency and accountability all regulatory process and and liaising with provinces to achieve the goal.
Facilitate students with digital tools and professional guidance to taxes, fees, levies, salaries and pensions
mechanisms must be systematically transformed through well • Programs for early age exposure of girls to STEM education and
earn a good living as freelancers. • Implement e-procurement across government departments
researched RegTech Implementation. skill development.
Pakistan Tech Fund • Establish citizen facilitation centers in every tehsil
Cyber Security • Move all citizen credentials and documents to a unified digital
iii) Growth Focus and incentivizing Regulatory Compliance: Policy
To tackle the menace of cyber-attacks: Establish ‘Pakistani Tech Fund’ that will provide funding to start ups. platform, backed by blockchain, for ready access and
mandates will be put in place so that the Regulator works with
• Devise a data protection law that is at par with the international authentication
industry to maximize commercial value-added activity to ensure
standards. Future Tech • Increase Venture Capital and Private Equity (VCPE) investments,
better returns on investment and directly enhance the quality of
• Stringent implementation of cyber security policy across PML-N intends to facilitate Pakistan tech companies and startups to and make Pakistan the regional hub of IT entrepreneurship
services and competition.
government departments use technologies to solve real life problems will set up a National AI • Increase the capitalization of Startup Venture Fund with focus to
iv) Clear, enforceable, and encouraging policies for promoting use
• Invest in giving cybersecurity training and certifications to IT & Blockchain Council. develop Pakistani unicorns.
of digital payments and reducing cash in circulation
graduates consultation with stakeholders. Accelerate adoption of sandboxes at SECP and SBP both • Increase penetration of affordable Broadband.
In addition, attract global venture capital firm to invest in Pakistan • Bridge the gender digital divide with a focus on enhancing
Bridging the Digital Divide Information Technology: Software, applications and Digital service
fintech growth participation and inclusion of women and girls in ICT ecosystem.
i) Enhancing investments in mobile networks across Pakistan. provisioning
• Using agriculture technology to improve crop yields, weather
ii) Bring LEO Satellite internet services into Pakistan to provide Ecosystem for Freelancers
Fintech forecast, improving supply chain, farm to market access via
low-cost internet services to far-flung mountainous areas of PML-N will expand the professional digital training programs and
Bring large online payment platform companies to Pakistan. agri-tech apps and water management.
Pakistan certifications for freelancers to develop a highly trained tech
• Scale up and incentivize free public Wi-Fi hotspots
iii) Increase smart phone penetration from 38% to 65% Issuance of workforce of Pakistan. To achieve this, in continuation of the
E-governance: • Legislation of data protection law to enhance IT investments and
5G licenses, ensure coverage in 80% of the geography of Digiskills program launched by PML-N in 2018, will train 05 million
To improve efficiency, transparency, and accountability within the protect Pakistani cyber space
Pakistan Pakistanis in the next 5 years following a multi-dimensional training
government departments to ensure that the federal and provincial • Establishment of computer emergency response teams to
Bridging the Gender Digital Divide governments go on less paper in the next 5 years. counter national level cyber attacks
• Focus on enhancing participation/inclusion of girls/ women in • Encouraging world class online payment companies to provide
Ecosystem for Freelancers can include:
ICT ecosystem through: Targets services in Pakistan
Accelerate integration of Payment systems of other countries/re-
o Provision of access to ICT infrastructure and ICT tools. • Introduction and adaptation of latest technologies in the country • Government to encourage satellite internet companies to
gions and RAAST (Pakistan Instant Payment System) to achieve
o Increase usage of Cellphone (in own name) of 50% women on an ongoing basis provide internet services under served and unserved areas of
• Low cost receiving of international remittance
to 70% women • IT exports to be taken to $20 B in 5 years Pakistan
• Shift informal remittances to formal channel and increase at least
o Increase usage of smart phone in women from 20% (of • Government to ensure sustainability of Telecom and IT policies • Promote e-commerce and m-commerce
25% of formal international remittance to Pakistan
adult women) to 50% for the next 5 years • Implement policies to expand mobile·and digital payments
o Increase usage of banking accounts in women from 13% (of • Establishment of 5 world class IT cities across the Country • Focus on digital connectivity of value chains to facilitate
adult women) to 50%. • Digitalskills Training and certification of 5 million consumers, businesses and FBR
o Providing access to Customized ICT Education for Specific students/freelancers in the next 5 years • Enhance SECP role in facilitating start-up founders and investors
• Create consumer protection laws
Skill Development • All government departments to go on less paper in the next 5 through enabling international investors to bring their capital in
• Facilitate regulations for Escrow facility on financial transactions
o Promoting self-employment and entrepreneurship of girls/ years Pakistan and also to take back (under a certain limit)
pertaining to e-commerce, property purchases and car
women through launching specific programs. • Government to facilitate opening of offices of world class • Digitize land records and initiate digital transfers of properties.
o Providing access to mentorship and funding for potential technology companies in Pakistan • Strengthen internet infrastructure and ensure coverage pan
• Create and induct high quality digital and financial literacy
startups & entrepreneurs. • Digitalize payments and reduce cash in circulation by utilizing Pakistan.
content within mainstream educational curriculum. Train
o Providing internship opportunities to develop IT skills. teachers to dispense digital and financial literacy education at instant payment infrastructure (RAAST) of Pakistan
• Expanding the footprint of ICT for Girls Program in the Country schools, colleges and universities • Enable digital and mobile payments for all government receipts,
• LNG Advancements: Conceptualized, built, and operationalized highly efficient • Lowered agricultural/ tubewell tariff from Rs. 8.35/ unit to Rs. 5.35
and technologically-advanced LNG plants, delivering a total of 3600MW to bolster / unit and provided a subsidy of over Rs. 12 billion for tube-wells
energy resources. during 2013-18
• Renewable Energy Pioneers:
• Pioneered renewable energy by establishing the first Met Consumer Needs & Enhanced Services
wind-power and solar-power plants in the country • Printed GPS-tagged pictures of meter readings on electricity bills
• Heralded net-metering to encourage roof top solar power • Established call centers to deal with consumer issues
• Hydel Power Initiatives:
• Secured international funding for Dasu Dam and approved all Transnational Transmission Line: Achieved a milestone by completing
funding for Mohmand Dam, advancing hydel power generation in record-time the Pollan-Jeevani transmission line, connecting Iran's
• Invested in land worth Rs. 123 billion for the future Diamer-Basha grid directly to Gawadar.
PROMISE 2024-2029 PROMISE 2024-2029
More Power to the Poor average electricity costs and reduce fuel import expenses • Replace every electricity meter with an AMI/smart meter across Pakistanis across socio-economic strata
• Continue subsidies for farmers and the economically • Substitute power generated from imported fossil fuels with Solar the country to reduce theft and ensure accurate billing • Reform each part of the energy sector to ensure technical
disadvantaged Energy: 6,000 MW proficiency, ethical conduct, and vigilance in the public interest
• Implement off-grid solar and cluster-based mini-grid solutions in • Provide 4,000MW of solar power to electricity-starved rural areas Reforming Transmission, Distribution and Storage, while enhancing efficiency and cost-effectiveness
remote areas, particularly for tube wells, backed by innovative through 1-4MW rural-grid-based micro-solar plants • Increase investment in the transmission and distribution network • Gradually shift away from uniform tariffs, reduce cross-subsidies,
concessional financing • Solarize Public Sector Buildings, Tube wells and lifeline power • Reduce transmission and distribution losses and theft and discourage energy arbitrage across fuels to maintain a
• Extend the national grid through a comprehensive rural consumers • Privatise DISCOS in order to improve service delivery, efficiency balanced generation merit order
electrification plan • Enable business-to-business wheeling and reduce losses • Initiate a transition towards electricity as the main energy source
• Establish Mini Solar Grids • Simplify rules and processes in the NEPRA Act to minimize delays by dedicating indigenous gas specifically for efficient electricity
Tax Reforms for Affordable Electricity • Encourage rooftop and distributed solar power plans and streamline regulatory obligations generation, shifting the rest of the gas consumers to a
• Reduce electricity bills by 20-30% • Incentivise local production of solar panels and related • Integrate information technologies into the organizational DNA of weighted-average cost
• Implement measures to rationalize tariffs, reduce generation equipment power companies
costs, eradicate circular debt, and enhance infrastructure through • Initiate a transition to decentralize management, storage Power Economic Growth through Abundant Power Supply:
smart meteringg Go Green - Improve Health & Environment: technologies, and micro-grids and smart-grids • Add generation capacity ahead of demand through integrated
• Reduce the burden of illness and environmental impact by • Open the distribution market to the private sector to break planning across the value chain and capacity reserves
Lowest Cost to the End Consumer increasing the share of renewable power to over 10% monopolies and enhance competition • Add 15,000 MWs of power, including 5,000-7000 MW through
• Rationalise tariff for the end consumer • Connect renewable energy zones to grid nodes and eliminate Thar coal and hydroelectricity
• Reduce generation cost through lowest cost power source, tariff restrictions on intermittent energy Overhaul & Paradigm Shift of Power Policy: • Build a Regional Energy Hub for regional energy trade to foster
bidding & replacing inefficient plants • Establish a fund to support clean energy initiatives • Formulate a power policy cognizant of federation challenges, collaboration and resource sharing
• Eradicate circular debt and reduce losses by enhancing aligned with national goals, and reflective of the aspirations of
transmission/ distribution infrastructure, smart & reverse Roadmapping Sustainable Energy Efficiency:
metering, and prepaid meters • Shift towards sustainability by converting all motorcycles and
• Ensure future contracts with Independent Power Producers three-wheelers to electronic vehicles (EV), reducing emissions
(IPPs) are based on Pakistani rupees and fuel consumption by half
• Move towards a competitive energy supply market • Improve specifications of electrical appliances for increased
energy conservation
Transitioning to Sustainable and Indigenous Energy • Legislate fuel-consumption specifications, mandating a shift to
• Lead Pakistan towards a sustainable energy future by hybrid technology by 2035 and complete EV adoption by 2040
transitioning to renewable, clean, and indigenous energy sources in the local manufacturing of domestic, goods transport, and
• Increase the contribution of solar, Thar coal, hydel, nuclear, and public transport vehicles
wind energy in Pakistan’s energy mix
• Explore other domestic sources that align with economic Optimizing & Invigorating Revenue-Streams:
feasibility as they emerge. • Conduct thorough audits of both public and private generation
companies, followed by stringent recoveries
Solar Revolution • Shift towards a competitive investment approach, eliminating
• Continue nationwide 10,000MW solar initiative, launched by foreign-exchange based sovereign guarantees in the power
PMLN-led government in 2022, over the next five years to lower sector
A PATHWAY TO SECURITY & SUSTAINABILITY • Developed Offshore Rules 2023 and model production sharing
agreement for offshore areas in line with the PP 12 to attract
investors in offshore Area
• Crafted the gas sector circular debt settlement strategy, and
implemented gas price revision that cross subsidized the gas
supplies to the poor by the affluent, while minimizing the circular
• Created an IGA with the UAE for supply of Petroleum Products debt (modelling the wellhead circular debt to zero)
from ADNOC, UAE • Created a Circular debt stock settlement plan through non-cash
PERFORMANCE 2013-2018 • Developed a Time matrix to connect Jhal Magsi Gas processing settlements and dividend ploughing backs
Energized People out of Poverty: Reliable Transmission & Distribution to Consumers: plant with national grid by Mar24 • Provided relief to export industries through carefully managed
• Provided gas to 2 million domestic households • Built 1,681KM of transmission pipeline • Passed resolutions by the major E&P companies to set up (minimized) subsidies through FY 2023
• Energized 3000 commercial SMEs with gas, generating mass • Completed 19,462 KM of distribution pipeline renewable energy subsidies • Supported RLNG based fertilizer plants (1m mt urea capacity)
employment • Established 6,500 KM of services infrastructure through breakeven tariffs for Kharif season (save foreign
• Increased competitiveness of~200 large industrial enterprises Midstream – Oil exchange on imports ~$150m)
through gas connections Go Green - Sustainability: • Developed a G-to-G project pitch for green field Saudi Aramco • Advanced the IP project by liaising with Attorney general for
• Established low carbon-emittingEuro II standards Refinery Project (SARP) exemption from US sanctions
Pervasive Relief- Diminished Supply-Demand Gap • Instituted minimum octane rating of92 RON to improve • Created the Brown field refining policy for bottom of the barrel • Developed and signed the Joint Implementation Plan for TAPI
• Provided relief to households by reducing supply-demand gap performance upgradation project in order to produce more profitable and project between the MoE and Turkmenistan’s State Concern
from 2bcdf to < 700mmcdf • Deregulated pricing for petroleum products above 92 RON to environmentally friendly portfolio of products TurkmenGaz
• Commissioned 2 LNG regasification terminals (1.2 bcdf) in record encourage quality and performance • Approved the bonded warehouse policy for enhancing national
time storage capacity and diversifying product sourcing, while Downstream – Oil & Gas
• Signed medium-long term LNG contracts at globally low prices Energy Security - Diversified Energy: mitigating import risks • Revised and set dealer and OMCs margins in order to ensure
to ensure uninterrupted gas supply to power plants and • Mix: LNG, well head, coal, hydro, nuclear, RE, etc. • Created an IGA with SOCAR Azerbaijan for importing low-cost sustainable oil supply chain
industries • Geography: Middle East, Central Asia, Asia Pacific LNG cargoes (distressed / spot cargoes) with no binding • Arranged Sovereign guarantees of ~Rs. 100bn to mitigate
• Economics: Created a balanced portfolio of local and imported resources commercial obligations on Pakistan, and an agreement to form a cashflow issues of PSO and SNGPL.
Joint Global Trading Company • Enhanced imports of LPG by four folds (~68k mt) as compared
• Developed an MoU and structured / signed an agreement with with FY 22 to supplement natural gas usage for winters.
the Russian Federation for procurement of low cost crude • Created a sector consortium for green hydrogen and carried out
PROMISE 2022-2023 • Finalized all modalities including shipping, insurance, financial negotiations with global actors and supplier
transactions and refining with the Russian Federation, without
Strategic Achievements commitment of $24.68 million for 3 years and annual social attracting any global concerns or sanctions, leading to the Minerals & Mining
• During the 2022-23 PMLN-led coalition government, the welfare obligation of $ 180k per block import of the first crude cargo of 100,000 tons • Integrated mineral sector data through National Mineral Data
achievements in the oil and gas sector are as follows: • Facilitated the settlement of Reko-Diq dispute (Copper-Gold • Created a renewable energy business group within PSO Centre (NMDC)
Mining Project in Baluchistan), warding off $10 billion in • Converted heavy oil-based power generation to solar at Saindak
Upstream E&P arbitration penalties on Pakistan Midstream – Gas Copper-Gold Project
• Added ~40 MMSCFD of new gases into system from discoveries • Developed a policy framework, with incentives, for exploration of • Designed a Gas load management framework for scheduled and • Signed a MoU with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the mineral
in Bannu West, Wali, and Kot Palak Tight gas minimal load shedding across the nation sector
• Settled out of court and revived 11 revoked blocks; recovered Rs. • Established a cell of subject matter experts for Geographical • Developed a strategic plan for LPG imports during winters 22-23 • Developed the Coal Gasification Policy
500 mn of outstanding dues studies of Basins to explore potential reservoirs in consultation in order to enhance availability and avert black marketing / • Declared the Mining sector as industry
• Granted licenses of 6 new blocks with minimum firm work with world class consultants over-pricing
PROMISE 2022-2023 PROMISE 2024-2029
Others mechanisms • Deregulate gas distribution companies (SNGPL and SSGC)
Established a world-class strategy and implementation group, • Redirect natural gas (wellhead) for electricity generation to the toward a competitive market place
Strategic delivery unit (SDU), of cutting edge professionals, for most efficient gas/LNG based power plants in order to • Restructure gas distribution companies and enhance their
innovative idea generation, conceptualization, strategy formation, significantly reduce the generation cost of electricity productivity by comprehensively installing smart meters at SMS
rapid implementation and a robust policy framework for problem • Gradually move toward electrification of space heating, water level and devolving the profit and loss accountability
solving heating and cooking, commensurate with the decrease in price • Conduct a comprehensive geological survey for targeted mining
of power generation through natural gas allocation to efficient areas of Pakistan through international collaborations
power plants • Conduct rigorous commercial due diligence and valuation for
• Digitize the Ministry, DGPC and OGRA offices toward minimizing every mining asset, and grant leases on a competitive basis with
PROMISE 2024-2029 discretion/human intervention in approval processes and
enhancing transparency
reasonable guarantees for the development of down-stream
industrial activities / clusters
With this tremendous record of success, reform, and pioneering in toward becoming sustainable / renewable energy companies
the energy sector, PMLN will: through subsidiaries in order to produce low cost and clean
• Ensure energy security, affordability and sustainability for • Focus on indigenous production of oil and gas by offering new
Pakistan on-shore and off-shore blocks / assets, leading to significantly
• Sign and implement the $10 B refinery deal with the Kingdom of lowering the energy import bill
Saudi Arabia • Develop international collaborations to systematically collect
• Ensure timely and synergistic delivery of Pakistani commitments comprehensive geological / seismic data for oil and gas assets in
to TAPI, toward the completion of an end-to-end pipeline for a phased manner and make it globally available for competitive
providing low cost natural gas bidding
• Develop a web of comprehensive international energy security • Encourage investments in clean coal technologies, carbon
agreements with regional and global countries in order to ensure capture and coal gasification in order to maximize the value of
energy security of Pakistan natural coal assets, while minimizing environmental burden
• Create Pakistan’s first global energy trading firm to support PSO • Expedite production of tight gas through a policy that attracts
for lowest possible cost oil and LNG imports, in collaboration investments, both indigenous and FDI, while ensuring that the
with world class international trading companies through G-to-G cost of indigenous gas never surpasses the cost of imported
agreements RLNG
• Transition Gwadar toward becoming a regional energy hub • Conduct a detailed study on the commercial potential of shale oil
• Develop a green energy fund with the participation of bilateral, and gas in Pakistan
multilateral and private sector financing • Provide third party access to RLNG terminals for self-use to local
• Finalize and implement aggressive policies for green hydrogen industries, especially export-based industries
and green ammonia through the regime of carbon credits • Eradicate circular debt permanently by establishing a uniform
(financing) in order to offset carbon foot print, associated with blended price for all gas (including NG, low BTU gas and RLNG),
exploration and refining while ensuring affordability for the poor and competitiveness of
• Transition all major oil and gas companies, with state interests, industrial and agricultural sectors purely through pricing
PMLN has always firmly believed that constitutional, legal, judicial and of the Constitution. Governance reforms, including civil service
governance reforms are essential foundation for Pakistan’s progress. reforms and empowerment of local governments, are critical to
The 18th Amendment is a prime example of PMLN’s commitment. implement any and all of the measures that have been outlined in this
Rule of law and timely justice are the need of the hour, which can only manifesto across all sectors. An effective governance structure and
be ensured by critical and urgent legal and judicial reforms. Similarly, civil service is critical for effective implementation. The measures
important constitutional reforms are needed to restore the outlined below are firmly rooted in the importance of these essential
Constitution of Pakistan to its true spirit as envisaged by the framers pillars for national progress.
Provided speedy and affordable justice • Empowered the Election Commission of Pakistan and the Chief
• Enacted Alternative Dispute Resolution Act 2017 Election Commissioner to ensure free and fair elections
• Passed Costs of Litigation Act, 2017 to award costs for unjustified • Passed Islamabad Capital Territory Local Government Act 2015
adjournments and frivolous litigation to enable the first-ever local body elections in ICT
• Passed Evening Courts Bill to help reduce backlog and improve • Reallocated Province-wise seats in the National Assembly after
access to justice the Census of 2017
• Completed preparatory legal work for 3-tier instead of 4-tier Promoted accountability
legal system, to reduce litigation time and improve quality of • Enacted Public Interest Disclosure Act, 2017 ( for whistle-blower
judgments protection) to promote accountability
• Amended Legal Practitioners and Bar Councils Act • Passed Right to Access to Information Act, 2017 to enhance
• Updated Pakistan Penal Code, and uploaded it on the Law transparency
Ministry’s website • Constituted Parliamentary Committee to review National
Ensured fundamental rights Accountability Ordinance 1999 which drafted a bill to reform the
• Provided fundamental rights to people of (former) FATA legal framework for accountability
• Extended jurisdiction of the Supreme Court and the Peshawar Curbed terrorism
High Court to FATA • Passed two constitutional amendments related to military courts
• Passed legislation against crimes in the name of honor and rape for speedy trial of terrorism offences
Promoted democratic agenda
• Carried out electoral reforms (Elections Act, 2017), including
consolidation of seven electoral laws
PERFORMANCE 2022-2023 PROMISE 2024-2029
• The Ministry of Law and Justice vetted more than 150 laws • The Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act, 2023; Judicial, Legal and Justice System Reforms monthly stipend.
• Drafted following landmark legislations to attract Foreign Direct • Anti-Rape Investigation Rules, Anti Rape Trial Procedure and Legal System Enrichment Partnership: Collaborative Progress • Translate all laws into urdu to amplify public awareness
Investment (FDI) in Pakistan: Anti Rape Crises Cell and Medico Legal Rules, 2022 Nurturing
• Foreign Investment (Promotion and Protection) Act, 2022 • Developed Pakistan Code a website i.e. Collaborate with the Superior Courts, Law and Justice Commission of Promotion of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
• Inter-Governmental Commercial Transaction Act, 2022 providing all the authentic and update Pakistan and Provincial Justice Committees bring about reforms for • Promotion of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanisms,
• Board of Investment (Amendment) Act, 2023 (Establishment of Federal Laws and publication of Apps for smartphones the overall development of the legal system such as mediation and arbitration, to reduce strain on the
SFIC) • Automated Federal Courts and Tribunals at Islamabad traditional judicial system and expedite dispute resolutions
• Drafted and vetted a number of legislative enactments to ensure Ensuring Time & Process Efficient Judicial Processes • Extend the purview of Alternate Dispute Resolution Act 2017
compliance with FATF Action Plan that ultimately led to the Established: • Legislate to ensure that no case is continuously leftover / not across Pakistan for effective out of court settlement of disputes
white-listing of Pakistan in October, 2022 • Five Special Courts (Customs, Taxation and Anti-Smuggling) at heard for a period exceeding maximum two months at District Level
• Ensured Lawyers Sector compliance with Anti-Money laundering Quetta, Noshki, Chaman, • Limit adjudication time to one year, especially for cases affecting
obligations of lawyers as per the legal regime applicable in • Multan and Karachi; the life of a common citizen Defamation laws: Improve and enforce defamation laws to make
Pakistan • Insurance Tribunal at Multan, Lahore and Rawalpindi; • Time-bound disposal of Civil litigation and Criminal Cases them effective
• Played a pivotal role in concluding decisions relating to litigation, • Banking Courts at Sialkot, Okara, Vehari, Bahawalpur, Islamabad, spreading over generations and decades, respectively, through Abolish NAB: Strengthen existing anti-corruption institutions and
settlement of the dispute and Toba Taik Singh, Hafizabad, legislative intervention agencies
• development of the Reko Diq Project • Quetta and Dera Allah Yar. Deterring Ill-intentioned Pursuits
• Intellectual Property Tribunal at Rawalpindi and Quetta; Economic Impetus for Structural Upgradation • Curb frivolous litigation through the judicious application of
Enacted: • Human Rights Court in Islamabad. Enhance funding for organizations involved in legal proceedings to section 182 of the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC), and discourage
• National Accountability (Amendment) Act, 2022; improve infrastructure, adopt technology to streamline misuse of the legal system
• The Publication of Laws (Amendment) Act, 2022; administrative processes, and improve capacity • Introduce a compensation schedule under sections 35 and 35A
of the Code of Civil Procedure (CPC) to deter false and frivolous
Effective, fair and timely prosecution litigation, and safeguard the interest of affected parties
PROMISE 2024-2029 • Connect police stations, investigation, forensic laboratories, •
prosecution, courts and prisons through robust data systems
Legislation on initiation of False Criminal and Civil cases by
imposing exemplary costs and in extreme cases imprisonment.
Constitutional Reforms • Initiate combined training courses for judges, executive
Amendments to be introduced in the Constitution: magistrates, investigating officers and public prosecutors Overhauling Codes for the 21st Century
Establishing Unequivocal Supremacy Of the Parliament:
Empowering the People • Improve capacity of the Prosecutor General's office Comprehensive amendments in Civil Procedure Code, 1908 and
• Articles 62 and 63 need to be amended or restored to their
Criminal Procedure Code, 1898 to standardise the procedural laws
• Right to education shall be strengthened original position.
Legal Inclusivity Initiative
• Right to healthcare, including access to clean water and proper • Article 63 A shall be clarified.
• Ensure timely availability of legal assistance for individuals from Amend the Code of Criminal Procedure 1898 and 1906 to:
sanitation, shall be added. • An Ethics Committee of the Parliament to be created to monitor economically disadvantaged backgrounds, including pro bono • Simplify procedure and ensure easy access to courts
• Right to access to justice shall be recognized. the conduct of the members of the Parliament. services • Amend/expand the evidence law (qanoon-e-shahadat)
• Right to good governance shall be accepted • Provisions regarding the Local Governments to be strengthened • Vibrant Statutory Legal Aid Bodies for affordable legal services • Strengthen anti-money laundering laws
• Introducing the Panchayat System for alternate dispute including enhancing their administrative and financial powers for common man by empanelling the fresh law graduate on •
and security of the tenure. Implement witness protection programs
PROMISE 2024-2029 PROMISE 2024-2029
Enhancing Merit & Inclusivity of Judicial Appointments final adjudication adopting international best practice, and managing and monitoring Leadership Course (SLC) for officers in BPS-21
Inclusive procedure for appointment of Superior Court Judges on Strengthen and optimise Overseas Courts case progress Performance management: Continue and further strengthen
merit Establish dedicated Commercial Courts that specialize in managing Establish E-Courts for time and resource efficient justice performance management system involving performance contracts
economic and business disputes, and guarantee swift resolution of • Appointment of Additional Judges with special focus on between the Prime Minister’s Office and the Ministries
Judicial Accountability Career progression, retention, and planning: Establish a
commercial cases meticulous adherence to proper processes
• Structural Reforms in Judiciary including but not limited to Prisons, Probation and Parole well-defined framework for career advancement, including a
Reform family and child custody laws
devising an accountability centric Code of Conduct of Superior transparent promotion and placement policy that offers clear
• Review and improve Jail Manuals according to international best
Court Judges as well as District Judiciary through legislatives • Model Family and Guardian Courts across the country for the
pathways for professional growth.
welfare of mother and minors practices
measures. Compensation, benefits, and retirement provisions to be reviewed
• Align closer with Islamic Principles and harmonize legal • Ensure jails serve as correction centres where prisoners attain
• Developing a transparent legislative mechanism for regulating and improved to attract and retain best talent and incentivize good
provisions with religious injunctions education and skills so that they return as positive contributors
proceedings of Supreme Judicial Council under Article 209 of performance
• Introduce Child-Centric & Child-friendly Reforms that: to society
the Constitution for time-bounded disposal of complaints
• Mitigate negative impact of current custody practices • Ensure adequate facilities in prisons for women and juvenileLocal Governments
against judges of Superior Courts
• Find alternative to requirement for children to meet inmates, including infants imprisoned with their mothers Political and Administrative Empowerment
• Existing forum for disposal of complaints against the District
secondary custodian in court • Ensure availability of psychological counsellors at all prisons
• Constitutional amendment to further strengthen the financial
Judiciary will be replaced with an efficient Statutory Body to
ensure transparency and accountability in conformity with • Utilise services of child mental health specialists for custody Governance Reforms and administrative powers of local governments including
international standards proceedings Transform the Civil Service into a highly capable service provider byelections within 90 days of dissolution
• Implement child-friendly procedures and practices promoting a merit-based system at all levels through improvements• Empower ECP to undertake all election related matters including
Transparency Through Live Court Proceedings: • Prioritise the best interests and well-being of the child in in recruitment, postings, promotion, training and incentives. demarcation and delimitation
Live Telecast of important matters under adjudication before the custody proceedings Induction and recruitment • Mandatory youth representation at every tier of Local
Superior Courts including the proceedings of the Supreme Judicial
Labour-Friendly Legal Reforms aimed at safeguarding the rights of • Improve recruitment by finding better ways to assess candidates’Government
employees, and creating a fair and just working environment knowledge and aptitude • Devolve following departments to local governments: Primary
Eliminate Legal Manipulation By Civil Servants Introduce and Implement Digital Transformation in Judiciary by • Adopt a cluster-based approach for specialisation Health (Basic Health Unit), Primary Education (Primary and
Amendment in Article 212 of the Constitution and other legislative online filing and remote hearings through Implementation of a • Create space for technical experts through special pay scales Middle Schools), Social Welfare, Family Planning, Sports,
steps to reduce the misuse of Constitutional Jurisdiction of High user-friendly online filing platform • Raise maximum age limit from 28 to 30 years Transport, Child Protection, Public Health, Disaster Management,
Courts under Article 199 of the Constitution by the Civil Servants Endorse and enhance Transparency Through Live Court Rescue Services, Tourism and Environment.
Training of Civil Servants
Prequalifying Petitions For Efficient Utilisation of Resources Proceedings • Developing a specialized local government service cadre to
• Establish specialized training programs
Create Administrative Benches in High Court to conduct the Ensuring Swift and Efficient Judicial Processes: Improve efficiency enhance administrative capacity of local governments.
• Introducing Operational Management Course (OMC) for officers
preliminary hearings of any case filed before it till it gets mature for of the justice system by introducing Case Management System • Empowering local governments in decision-making roles,
seeking promotion from BPS-17 to BPS-18, and the Senior
PROMISE 2024-2029
particularly in urban planning, land use planning, master plans and Fiscal Empowerment
zoning regulations. • Formalizing Provincial Finance Commissions with minimum 30%
• Merge all parallel bodies, companies and authorities including Gross Revenue Receipts for Local Governments.
Development Authorities, PHAs to form an integrated city / • Restructuring Provincial Finance Commissions for equitable
district wide local government. distribution, prioritising under-developed districts.
• Strengthening District Disaster Management Authorities for • Empowering local governments for localized revenue generation
emergency response through taxation methods including reforming property tax.
• Empowering local government commissions to oversee and • Develop innovative financing methods such as municipal bonds
support local governments and land value capture.
• Establishing linkages between national and provincial poverty • Empowering local governments in environmental management,
alleviation initiatives with local government institutions. particularly in land use, energy, and transport.
• Transfer of homeless shelters, langar khanas, dar ul amaans,
orphanages, and old homes to local governments.
Forests, and climate-resilient urban human settlements. 32 Damaged Bridges Under ADB Flood Emergency Loan
• Launched initiatives such as battery swapping stations and electric (Estimated Cost Rs. 36.211 billion).
vehicles to facilitate e-mobility. • WB funded- Sindh Flood Emergency Rehabilitation Program
• 3.1 billion World Bank-funded projects were approved for Sindh (SERP) (Estimated Cost Rs. 66.0 billion)
Rebuilding health houses of 7000 lady health workers damaged
by catastrophic floods
Formulated the Strategic Action Plans for Non-Communicable
Established The First National Program For Children With Autism
And Intellectual Disability
Formulated the National Tobacco Control Strategy 2022-2030
During PMLN tenures over the past three decades, healthcare Our focus spans seven key areas in the health sector: Primary Diseases • Drafted the National Hospital Sector Framework
infrastructure and Pakistanis’ access to health has progressed Healthcare, Secondary Healthcare, Tertiary Healthcare, Medical Established: • Established Strategic Action Plans including National Lady
significantly. Some of Pakistan’s premier health institutions, such as Education, Preventive Healthcare, Drug Control, and Improved • Allied Health Professionals Council of Health Worker Strategy and Action Plan for Climate Resilient
the Pakistan Kidney and Liver Institute (PKLI), have been established Governance. Key initiatives include enhancing infrastructure, • Pakistan Health Systems
by PMLN. Access to health has been improved by upgrading and launching mobile clinics, promoting nutrition, expanding • Pakistan Nursing and Midwives Council • Formulated the Strategic Action Plans for Non-Communicable
expanding the network of DHQ Hospitals, THQ Hospitals, Basic immunization, and improving mental health services. Through • Pakistan Medical and Dental Council Diseases
Health Units (BHUs) and Rural Health Centers (RHCs) across Punjab, dedicated interventions in each of these domains, we strive to • Expanded immunization of Covid 19 for children aged 5-11 years, • Rs. 5 Billion National Program for Prevention of Diabetes
and by launching the Health Card during PMLN’s 2013-18 tenure. transform the healthcare landscape and foster a healthier, more with 8 million free vaccine doses of vaccine Rs. 8.5 Billion National Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Program
PMLN is committed to transforming Pakistan’s healthcare sector at all resilient nation.
levels in order to ensure that each and every Pakistan has access to
quality healthcare.
Safeguarded child's right to life • Set up 125 Hepatitis Clinicsto contain the epidemic
• Increased the rate of fully immunised children from 49% to 84%, • Established 4 Burn Centersand 2 Regional Blood Centers
covering lM additional children Increased healthcare funding
• Improved rate of safe deliveriesfrom 68% to 81% Eliminated • Increased healthcare financingfrom 0.27%of GDP to 0.91%
Nee-Natal & Maternal Tetanus from Punjab • Increased Punjab's health budget by 200% since 2012-13
• Reduced Polio cases from 306 in 2014 to 3 in 2018 Produced world-class health workforce
• Treated 222,525 SAM and 634,602 MAM children • Recruited additional 5,000 doctors, 3,800 Post Graduate
• Enhanced breast feeding rate from 16.8%to 30.7% Specialist Traineesand 8,000 nurses
• Increased TB detection by 12%, with 93% success rate • Established 3 medical universities and 4 medical colleges
Enhanced health access and coverage for the poor Upgraded 7 nursing schools to colleges
• Opened access to privatehospitalsfor 3M abject poor through Channelized resources for sustainable population growth
PM's National Health Program in 44 districts • Conducted the long pending population census for effective
• Added over 7,000 hospital beds across Punjab planning
• Revamped 15 THQ and 25 DHQ hospitals • Setup a Punjab Population Innovation Fund to generate creative
• Added 800 new 24/7 BHUs, and installed 1,000 ultrasound models for family planning and reproductive health
machines to ensure safe births • Ensured over 95% availability of contraceptives at family
• Introduced 933 ambulances in rural and urban areas healthclinics and family welfare centers across Punjab
PROMISE 2024-2029 PROMISE 2024-2029
Primary Healthcare • Ensure access to Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) and • Improve the state of operation theaters across the country • Double the annual intake of nursing students across the
Strengthen Infrastructure nutrition essentials • Strengthen emergency care provision country
• Revitalize all Basic Health Units (BHUs) and Rural Health • Establish a national nutrition taskforce for multi-sectoral • Strengthen Emergency blocks across all tertiary care facilities • Strengthen Pakistan Nursing Council and Allied Health
Centers (RHCs) programming • Introduce a centralized Stroke Management System Council
• Implement phased uplift of BHUs and RHCs nationwide Immunization • Increase the ability of Tertiary facilities to conduct Primary • Establish Nutritionist & Dietetic council
• Provide critical equipment, furniture, and fixtures • Permanently interrupt poliovirus transmission by 2026 Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI)
• Upgrade 200 RHCs into Model RHCs with integrated screening • Increase national Fully Immunized Child coverage to at least • Provide high-quality diagnostic services through a Preventive Healthcare
desks and 24/7 diagnostics 90% by 2029 pay-for-performance model for CT Scan, MRI, and Cath Labs • Provide integrated screening services at primary care facilities
• Introduce mental health clinics at all DHQs and THQs • Introduce new vaccines like HPV and Mumps based on • Augment bed capacity by finishing incomplete projects • Provision of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) screening and
• Set up Dental Clinics at all DHQs and THQs to screen and treat evidence in the EPI Program initiated during 2018-2022 counselling services.
dental diseases • Promulgate the Essential Immunization & Epidemic Control Act Medical Education Pursuing Medical Excellence • Introduce Family Medicine Model
• Establish a nationwide network of Regional Blood Centers Safe and Happy Families • Revision of Medical and Dental curricula to produce doctors Drug Control
• Create national / provincial Emergency Response Centers • Ensure access to safe family planning services through Lady skilled to meet the emerging social needs • Revitalise Provincial Quality Control Boards, and District Quality
Health Workers, Clinic-on-Wheels, BHUs, and RHCs • Establishment and functionalization of Medical Colleges as Control Boards.
Access to Quality Care • Establish Well-women Clinics at every DHQ and THQ Centres of Excellence • Ensure Pre-qualification of Pakistan’s Regulatory System with
• Launch Clinic-on-Wheels for urban slums across provinces • Provide essential family planning services at tertiary hospitals • Inauguration of PKLI University with a special emphasis on World Health Organization (WHO).
• Each Clinic-on-Wheel to offer basic OPD, Family Planning, Healthcare in Schools development of post-graduate training programmes for nurses • Implement an electronic Track and Trace system by drug
Ante-natal, Post-natal care, nutritional screening, and • Train School Health Nutrition Supervisors (SHNS) for basic and introducing PhD programmes for nursing. manufactures including barcoding on packaging of drugs.
communicable diseases screening screening • Ensure all Pakistani medical graduates and postgraduates are • Revamp judicial system / drug courts enabling speedy disposal
• Scale-up the ambulance system by increasing the fleet of • Introduce a school hygiene and adolescent children’s health recognized internationally of all cases involving spurious & counterfeit drugs.
well-equipped ambulances manned by trained paramedical program • Strive to provide international examinations like USMLE and Universal Health Coverage and Universal Health Insurance
staff PLAB frequently in Pakistan • Provide free-of-cost healthcare services specifically to low and
• Introduce telemedicine facilities, especially for hard-to-reach Secondary Healthcare • National internship programme for Health Professionals middle income households
areas Second-generation Revamping • Nursing and Allied Health Establishing New Institutions
Malnutrition and Stunted Growth • Revamp all secondary care facilities and introduce modern • Strengthen and improve Nursing Colleges across the • Establish Hospital Management Authority
• Recognize nutrition as an inalienable right technology for provision of quality services at secondary country • Establishment and operationalization of Medical City in every
• Implement programs for fortification of staple foods healthcare facilities • Improve course content in the curriculum, and enhance provincial capital
• Ensure nutritious meals for all children at school in the • Affiliate DHQs with teaching colleges for training programs teaching capacity for bachelors, masters, and further • Establishment of Cancer Care Hospital in each province
government school system Jail Health Programme higher education, including PhD, for nursing • Establishment of PKLI facilities in each province
• Ensure importance of nutrition and the issue and effects of • All jail hospitals in the province will undergo a one-time
malnutrition are adequately highlighted and emphasized in the revamping, including provision of new equipment
national curriculum • Separation of Jail Hospital from executive control of Jail
• Leverage UNICEF’s Early Childhood Development (ECD) and Superintendent to ensure that access to healthcare is not
the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) initiatives to focus on the most misused
vulnerable children Tertiary Healthcare
• Introduce a holistic nutrition program for the first 1,000 days, • Operational strengthening through complete revamping of all
targeting stunting, wasting, and micronutrient deficiencies tertiary care hospitals
• Scale up the Chief Ministers Stunting Reduction Programme to • Ensure provision of safe, free, and high-quality medicines for
a national level each patient in OPD, IPD, and Emergency
COMFORTABLE & AFFORDABLE TRANSPORT • Relaunched Green Line Train with the addition of new state of
the art coaches
Russia and Baltic states and will usher in a new era of
EFFICIENT INFRASTRUCTURE • Added 46 new passenger coaches and 200 freight coaches to •
Pakistan Railways
Renewed progress on the ML1 project after a gap of 4 years with
a revised cost of $6.6 billion
Pakistan’s transport infrastructure has been transformed during developed in several major cities by the PMLN governments in the • Signed protocol and roadmap for ‘Pakistan, Afghanistan, • Blue Line, Green Line and Orange Line Metro Bus
Quaid PMLN Nawaz Sharif’s three terms as Prime Minister. He federation and Punjab, including in Lahore, Islamabad-Rawalpindi, Uzbekistan Railway Project’ to connect Pakistan to Central Asia, Services have been started.
envisaged, pioneered, and developed by motorways in the country, Multan and Karachi. PMLN also developed the Gwadar Port under
starting with the Lahore-Islamabad Motorway (M-2), and CPEC and improved the performance of Pakistan Railways. In 2024,
subsequently successfully building a vast network of interconnected PMLN will continue its mission to improve existing and develop new PROMISES 2024-2029
motorways, connecting the country from North to South. National roads and motorways in order to further improve mobility and
Highways and the network of roads have also been improved and connectivity. PMLN will also endeavour to raise the country’s railways
Roads Infrastructure and Mass Transit Systems • Construct ring roads in provincial capitals and cosmopolitan
developed during the PMLN governments. Affordable mass-transit and air transport services to the level that our citizens and our nation cities
Urban and Rural Transportation Systems
systems, including metro buses and trains, were initiated and deserve. • Dualization of Indus Highway CAREC Corridor Tranche-1 N-55
• Further develop Rapid Mass Transit Systems in Lahore, Peshawar
and Karachi, including completion of Karachi Circular Railway • Dualization of Old Bannu Road N-55
(KCR) and expansion of Green Line bus service in Karachi • Dualization of Pindigheb to Kohat N-80
PERFORMANCE 2013-2018 • Complete BRTs in Hyderabad, Bahawalpur, Faisalabad and • Dualization of Sarai Gambila to Kohat N-55
Quetta • Peshawar Northern Bypass
Pakistan Railways Metro buses in three cities, Orange Line Metro Train and feeder • Establish a public transport system at all Divisional Headquarters • Construction of Gilgit to Shandur road
• Increased revenues from Rs. 18 billion to Rs. 50 billion bus systems • Improve rural transport connectivity such that no village is more • Construction of Chitral to Shandur road
• Increased asset utilisation by improving availability of functional • Developed the Green Line project in Karachi than 1 Km away from a bus stop • Chitral to Ayun to Bumborate road
locomotives from 42% to 82% • Computerised route permits and digitised bus terminals in Punjab • Widening and Improvement of N-45 between Chakdara to
• Improved passenger experience by upgrading passenger Road and Motorway infrastructure Chitral
services and introducing e-ticketing Strengthened Aviation And Maritime • Complete the western and eastern road alignments of CPEC • Construction of Hoshab to Awaran road
• Initiated and operationalized phase 1 of Gwadar port and started • Complete the Sukkur-Hyderabad, Sialkot-Kharian-Rawalpindi • Dera Murad Jamali Bypass
Improved Road Infrastructure development of the Gwadar city and LahoreSahiwal-Bahawalnagar motorways • Dualization of Khuzdar to Kuchlak N-25
• Launched a Rs. 1,360 billion program to construct new highways • Developed first ever dirty bulk cargo terminal at Port Qasim • Undertake M-9 Karachi-Hyderabad along new alignment • Imamia Colony Flyover and widening of road up to Shahdara
and motorways across Pakistan including the Karachi-Lahore • Completed Deep Water Container Port at the Karachi port • Create Dedicated Freight Corridor at Pipri to improve Karachi • Construction of JhalJaho - Bela road
Motorway (Sukkur-Multan-Lahore Section) and the North-South • Completed the first greenfield Islamabad airport city traffic • Construction of JhalJaho to Awaran section
Motorway • Upgraded all major airports (Rawalpindi, Multan, Faisalabad, • Dualization of N-25 from Karachi to Khuzdar and Kuchlak to • Construction of Nokkundi to Mashkhel
• Constructed 8,044 KMs farm-to-market roads in Punjab under Quetta and Peshawar) Chaman • Quetta Western Bypass
Khadim-e-Punjab Rural Road Program (KPRP) • Started construction of Gwadar International Airport • Build branch roads connecting major towns and cities to CPEC • Upgrade N-65 Quetta-Sibi-Jacobabad though dualization
• Constructed 7,500 KMs, widened 11,000 KMs and rehabilitated • Increased aircraft movements on average by 5.2% and passenger arteries • Widening of Lodhran-Multan section
14,000 KMs of roads in Punjab traffic by 4.5% • Extend Margalla Highway from GT Road to Motorway • Link Muzaffarabad and Mansehra through motorway
• Liberalised the aviation sector and gave operating permits to • Connect Lahore ring road with Multan Road • Construction of Mansehra- Gilgit Motorway
World-Class Urban Transport several airlines • Build a tunnel at Kallar Kahar on M-2 motorway • Create alternate route linking Gilgit with Muzaffarabad through
• Built international-standard urban transport systems including • Complete Rawalpindi ring road Shounter
• Construct Tunnels at Babusar and Wango Hills
PROMISES 2024-2029 PROMISES 2024-2029
• Dualization of Indus Highway under CAREC Tranche 3 • Enable transition from road to a railway-based transport and of battery locomotives creating Free Trade Zones, university, water supply and power
• Khyber Pass Economic Corridor logistics system aimed at reducing CO2 emissions plant
• Construction of Awaran to Naal M-8 • Introduce two and three-wheeled electric vehicles through Complete pending projects • Improve capacity and efficiency of Port Qasim and Karachi Port
• Construction of Mashkhel to Panjgur self-financing schemes in addition to production of electric cars, • Complete connectivity of Thar coal with railway network • Develop industrial and commercial hub at Port Qasim
• Construction of 2 Tunnels at Kahori / Kamser & Challpani on buses and freight trucks • Complete Karachi-Rawalpindi dedicated freight corridor on
Athmuwan - Sharda Khel road PPP basis Coastal Development
• Construction of Road and Tunnel between Shounter to Khel Intermodal & cross-border connectivity • Develop and improve connectivity with ports besides improving • Implement Karachi coastal comprehensive development plan
• Construction of Malakand Tunnel • Integrate different modes of transport seamlessly, facilitating terminal facilities to prepare for optimum freight operation on under CPEC
• Construction of Sagu to Zhob Western Corridor smooth transition between trains, buses, and other forms of completion of ML-1 • Develop marine and coastal tourism along coastal highway
• Construction of Wangu Hill Tunnel transportation • Improve existing fish processing and packaging facilities in
• Construction of Kharian Basima road • Collaborate with neighbouring countries including Iran, Improve railway safety coastal areas to realise export potential
• Construction of Bridge on Indus river at Sukkur Afghanistan, China and India, on cross-border transportation • Revise and implement railway safety policies in line with global • Take up Comprehensive Coastal Development at Karachi
• Construction of Besham-Khwazakhela Expressway projects to enhance regional connectivity and economic best practices through FDI of $ 3.1 billion under CPEC
cooperation • Upgrade all unmanned level-crossings in line with global best • Build Coastal Economic Zone through FDI collaboration at Port
Expand Safe-City Project practices Qasim
• Initiate New Safe City Projects in remaining provincial Performance Standards
metropolises • Revisit and upgrade the Motor Vehicle Ordinance 1985 to cater Aviation Shipping Industry
• Expand Safe City Project in other cities in the next phase for modern-day commuting requirements Aviation Infrastructure • Promote ship-building industry by establishing two project sites
• Upgrade Safe City Projects already taken in Provincial • Strict enforcement of traffic laws after revision of Motor Vehicle • Complete expansion of Lahore and Karachi airports at Gwadar and Port Qasim on Joint Venture basis with the
Metropolises Ordinance, including period of certification of vehicles to • Outsource management services of Lahore, Karachi and private sector
contain hazardous emissions Islamabad Airports • Expand PNSC as leading shipping line of Pakistan by inducting
Technology integration • Expand and upgrade Quetta and Skardu airports new ships through partnerships with private sector
• Enhance transportation efficiency by utilising latest Railways • Upgrade Sukkur airport to an international airport
transportation technologies Upgrade Rail Infrastructure • Rationalise open sky policy in line the national interest Transportation Governance
• Introduce smart traffic management systems for tracking • Upgrade ML-1, ML-2 and ML-3 (Jacobabad-Sibi-Quetta-Taftan) • Build a new international airport at D.I. Khan, to cater to
goods and vehicles using real-time data autonomous vehicles • Emergency rehabilitation and upgradation of track and ruling travellers from Southern KP, Northern Balochistan and Western • Create Federal Ministry of Transport for integrated
• Use digital platforms for public transit to optimise supply chain stock to ensure safety Punjab policymaking and implementation in the transportation sectors
efficiency • Continue upgradation of railway stations and passenger • Implement National Aviation Policy (NAP) launched in 2023 • Create a National Road Transport Authority to ensure uniform
facilitation • Complete Muridke Aerodrome policies and legislation compliant with UN standards and
Accessibility & eco-friendliness • Increase allocation for Pakistan Railways in PSDP international conventions
• Making transportation accessible for citizens with disabilities by • Construction of Rail-transport access to Mansehra Maritime Affairs
incorporating universal design principles in infrastructure and • Initiate Quetta- Gwadar Railway link through ML-4 Project
public transit
Maritime Ports
• Make transportation affordable Tech-based Solutions • Prepare national port development plan including
• Minimise environmental impact of transportation by investing in • Use tech-interventions to enhance capacity, productivity and standardisation of harbour craft, like Tugs, Barges & pilot boats
green transportation, green technologies, promoting public reliability of railway services • Make Gwadar a smart port city by completing its expansion,
awareness, and implementing policies that reduce emissions • Start electrification between Karachi-Lahore in addition to use
PROMISE 2024-2029
NAVIGATING PEACE ACROSS AARC region, can open up new vistas for regional prosperity. Holding •
the much-delayed SAARC Summit in Islamabad, as had been
Ensure consistency of policy to avoid detriment to bonds that
took decades to build
BORDERS promised by India, would be the concrete first step in putting the
regional cooperation policy back on track. Palestine and Al-Quds Sharif
PMLN condemns and opposes, in the strongest manner, Israel’s
Guided by the vision of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, PMLN policy needs to rapidly evolve on bilateral, regional, multilateral, and
Diplomatic Ties: genocide of Palestinians. We will:
has always sought to promote a policy of “peace within and peace international fronts.
• PMLN strongly holds the position that normalisation of ties with • Remain vocal and active in our support for the rights of the
without and has strived to harvest the fruits of Pakistan’s unique
India, cannot take place till New Delhi reverses the unilateral innocent Palestinian people
geo-strategic location, which places us at the borders of South Asia, We believe that in an era where geopolitical dynamics are
measures taken on August 5, 2019 • Call upon the global community to ensure earliest
Central Asia and West Asia. From energy and trade connectivity, to increasingly shaped by geo-economic strategies, Pakistan's foreign
implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 242 and 338,
people-to-people movement and mobility, Pakistan is pivotal to the policy framework needs to pivot towards an unwavering focus on
Islamic World which provide for a fair, just and legitimate resolution of the
future of this region and beyond. geo-economics, to promote connectivity, enhance trade, attract
The PMLN has always advocated strong ties with brotherly Muslim Palestinian issue.
investment, build partnerships for climate change, protect and
In recent years, the world has been in a state of flux, where promote the rights of the Pakistani diaspora and counter increasing countries particularly Iran, Türkiye, the GCC countries and rest of the
Islamic world. Leading Voice of The Muslim Ummah
consequences have added to the challenges confronting Pakistan. At islamophobia.
Pakistan has a significant role to play as a leading voice of the Muslim
a time of great upheaval and resultant turmoil, Pakistan’s foreign
Iran Ummah. To play this important role, our vision is to:
• Enhance economic and energy ties, capitalizing on geographical • Prioritize forging unity among the Muslim countries through
PROMISE 2024-2029 •
proximity and cross-border trade
Explore avenues of joint ventures in energy, particularly in the oil •
platforms such as the OIC,
Partner with brotherly countries to take unified positions, and be
China: Optimizing Dividends of CPEC • Foster energy, trade and tourism agreements and gas sectors the collective voice for the Palestine issue, the Kashmir issue, and
• PMLN will work to forge even closer, the historic deep-rooted ties • Unlock mutual economic potential and facilitating regional trade • Develop infrastructure to facilitate trade and enhance border increasing Islamophobia
between Pakistan and the Peoples Republic of China security • Strengthen ties with Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Morocco,
• PMLN will ensuring that the next phase of CPEC projects is SCO: An Engine Of Regional Growth Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Malaysia and Indonesia and other
delivered on time and in line with the vision of the two • Enhance our trade and energy connectivity with Central Asia, Türkiye important Muslim countries, to the mutual advantage of the
leaderships through Afghanistan and onwards through China and Russia, • Enhance Pakistan’s already exemplary ties with Türkiye by Ummah
particularly under the mechanism of the Shanghai Cooperation increasing volume in the fields of Trade, Economy and Defense
Defence & Strategic Prowess Organization (SCO). • Further Strengthen the fraternal bond and close Afghanistan:
• Our government will ensure that Pakistan’s strong and people-to-people affinity through cultural exchanges • Building Bilateral Trust:
impregnable defense is strengthened even further, through our India: • PML-N believes that peace and stability in Afghanistan is
continued and robust cooperation with our all-weather friend. Relations with India would be anchored in mutual respect, a shared GCC States, with special focus on Saudi Arabia, UAE and Qatar: directly linked to Pakistan’s own peace and stability. Going
• Continue to lend our full support to China on international and vision for regional stability, and economic growth the following lines: PMLN has historically maintained brotherly ties with the leaderships forward, PML-N will continue to work for peace with
multilateral fronts, particularly in areas of mutual convergence • Both nations need to engage in sustained diplomatic dialogue to of the Gulf countries, especially Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, and Kuwait. Afghanistan
and shared interests address and mitigate regional tensions We intend to take this journey to new heights by: • Build pillars for a mutually beneficial relationship
• Primacy will be given to the resolution of disputes, especially that • Making a major effort to facilitate a greater number of our skilled • Pakistan would support Afghan political and economic
manpower to this region stability, through enhanced trade and infrastructure
Central Asia: of Jammu and Kashmir.
connectivity, effective border management and support for
Building Infrastructure For Trade & Economic Outreach • Pakistan would strive for a balanced partnership, ensuring • Build partnerships anchored in our shared values, but equally
equitable opportunities for both sides. manifested in the economic, trade and commercial spheres, Afghan trade routes.
• Improve ground connectivity through road and rail with the
• Trade between India and Pakistan and connectivity within the • Work together to bring peace and prosperity in the lives of our • We will promote regional connectivity, economic growth
Central Asian states
peoples and energy transmission, through projects such as CPEC,
PROMISE 2024-2029
TAPI, CASA and other • Focus especially on Africa, a population of 1.4 billion people and
(PMLN-led 2022-23 government secured import of first Russian • Work with like-minded countries, to obtain dividends on multiple
cargo of concessional crude oil) fronts including, climate change, trade concessions, investment
• Becoming partners for long-term regional peace and prosperity facilitation, export of skilled manpower, technology transfer,
• Fostering close cooperation at regional mechanisms, to build implementation of sustainable development goals (SDGs)
peace in Afghanistan • Continue pursuing Pakistan’s longstanding and principled
position on UN Reforms, including expansion of the UN Security
The U.S Council
Pakistan’s ties with the United States will continue to occupy a vital • Leverage our diplomatic standing and outreach to get Pakistan
and consequential place in Pakistan’s foreign policy. The PMLN vows elected to major UN bodies, including the UN Security Council
to: • Continue adhering to international commitments and obligations
• Work with the current, as well as future U.S. Administrations, on to other multilateral mechanisms, such as the FATF
issues of mutual interest, particularly economy, trade, health, • Continue Pakistan’s active role in the UN Climate Change
education (through the Knowledge Corridor), IT and climate process, under the COP mechanism
change. • Pursue the developed world to play their part in securing a
• Continue the robust security cooperation between the two responsible climate action plan for safeguarding the planet’s
countries future
• Cooperate to root out threats such as Daesh, TTP and others to
bring peace to Afghanistan and the region. Broadening The Multilateral Horizon
• Continue working with the US on regional infrastructure projects, • Ensure Pakistan’s active involvement in other multilateral forums,
so that economic dividends of peace can be fully realized including, but not limited to:
• Partner with the dynamic and resourceful Pakistani-American • The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)
diaspora, to bring Islamabad and Washington closer • The Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO)
• G-77
EU and the UK: • D-8
• Access to EU markets, at concessional terms, through the GSP • Seek new avenues for Pakistan’s diplomatic outreach, including
plus mechanism pursuing membership of BRICs and FATF
• Working with various European governments on migration and
mobility issues Strengthening Capacity for Stronger Diplomatic Outreach:
• Working with European partners and those in the UK, to deal • Strengthen and empower the Foreign Office by reviewing and
with rising right-wing trends of Islamophobia and anti-diaspora reforming the Foreign Office along modern lines
propaganda • Allocate adequate resources to equip executors of our foreign
policy for the emerging challenges
Africa and Latin America: • Ensure a "whole of government” working environment, when
• Build stronger economic linkages with these regions dealing with foreign policy issues
Building an Impenetrable Defense: Safeguarding Sovereignty • Implement justice system reforms
Amidst daunting national security challenges, Pakistan remains maintaining policy continuity, PML-N strives for lasting peace,
• Modernization of armed forces for 5th generation warfare by • Modernize Pakistan Police by leveraging the latest technology,
strong and resilient in the face of adversity. For PML-N, the stability, and sustainable economic growth, not only benefiting
integrating cutting-edge technology and innovative operational providing adequate equipment, and emphasizing welfare
safeguarding of citizens takes center stage, embodying a Pakistan but extending its positive impact across the entire region.
strategies programs
commitment to positive peace that uplifts every individual, with a Successful nuclear tests in 1999 to make Pakistan the first Islamic • Enhance aerial warfare capabilities, including the acquisition of o Foster collaboration between police and the citizens
special focus on empowering women and minorities, recognizing nuclear power of the world, the National Action Plan which state-of-the-art fighter jets, avionics, and the deployment of o Make policing services available online
their vital role in national development. Our holistic strategy culminated in Zarb-e-Azb, Raddul Fasaad and Karachi Clean-up Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) o Replicate the Punjab forensic laboratory in Sindh, KP,
encompasses defense, foreign policy, internal security, economic Operation during the 2013-18 government are all prime examples of • Ensure defense self-reliance through robust indigenous arms Balochistan and Islamabad
policy, and social welfare, all converging to ensure human security. how PMLN has always prioritized Pakistan’s national security and left production, enhancing export potential and fostering a strong • Strengthen integrated border management system
Through fostering consensus, encouraging collaboration, and no stone unturned to ensure our country and our people remain safe. domestic defense industry • Establish Counter Terrorism Department in all provinces
• Establish soldier welfare for post-retirement preparedness, replicating the Punjab Model and build capacity of Law
PERFORMANCE 2013-2018 including skills training, entrepreneurship opportunities, and Enforcement Agencies
Delivered resounding results • Registered 1.38 million Afghan refugees and deported 4.3 million access to business loans • Modernize coastal guards, facilitating blue economy benefits, and
• Dropped incidentsof terrorism by 271% from 1,816 in 2014 to 489 in 2017 illegal refugees back to Afghanistan protecting trade routes in the Indian Ocean
Foreign Policy for Strength and Prosperity
• Decreased sectarian attacks by 800'/4 from180in 2014 tolessthan Prevented violence
• Reorient foreign policy to yield substantial results in trade, Welfare: Addressing economic deprivation and inequality to make
20in 2017 • Conducted 229,132 combing operations and arrested 337,297
investment, tourism, and development partnerships, addressing Pakistan more secure
• Reduced target killing by 97%, murder rates by 87%, business suspects
global challenges like climate change, pandemics, and terrorism • Ensure inclusive development through targeted programs,
extortion by 84%and bank robberies by 72% in Karachi • Registered 7,000 cases against hate speech
• Seek peaceful and negotiated settlements of international focusing on upliftment in infrastructure, health, education, and
Crushed terrorism • Filed 20,000 cases against the illegal use of loudspeakers
disputes, particularly in the context of Kashmir, negotiating from welfare
• Initiated the military operation, 'Zarb-e-Azb', in North Waziristan, • Registered 22,000 madrassahs and geotagged 100% of them in
a position of strength and adhering to principles of sovereign • Develop deprived districts and communities through tailored
dropping the rates of terrorist attacks to a six-year low federal territory, Punjab and Sindh
equality initiatives, ensuring that the benefits of development reach those
• Conducted the military operation, 'Radd-ul-Fassad', eliminating Integrated security policy • Express solidarity and support to the oppressed people of who need them the most
terrorist splinter cells • Empowered NACTA and developed a National Internal Security Policy Kashmir, Palestine, and the Rohingyas • Expand and increase support under social safety nets like BISP to
Protected borders • Constructed a national anti-terrorism narrative through media and • Adopt regional approach against extremism, jingoism, and mitigate inequalities and promote social cohesion
• Set up check posts and fences for border protection by revising madrassah curricula xenophobia, aiming for shared prosperity through geo-economics Economic Growth for National Security
• Merged NARA and NADRA databases to track cross-border movement • Devised a comprehensive National Action Plan against extremism • Strengthen relationships with incumbent and emerging powers, • Implement 'Vision 2025' and '5Es Framework' to foster a
longstanding allies, and brotherly Islamic countries, translating productive and growing economy, aligning economic policies
these alliances into mutually beneficial economic partnerships with national security needs
PERFORMANCE 2022-2023 Ensuring Internal Security: Uprooting Threats Build Formidable Defense and Deterrence
• Adopt a 'zero tolerance' policy towards terrorism, utilizing kinetic • Maintain a responsible and credible nuclear power status,
• FATF removed the name of Pakistan from its grey list. • 28 new NADRA Registration Centers have been made operational. operations and the 6Rs strategy under NISP 2018 for sustainable
• Establishment of Foreign Nationals Security Cells (FNSC) • Establishment of Foreign Nationals Security Cells (FNSC) with emphasizing the preservation and protection of Pakistan's
peace nuclear assets and missile capabilities
• Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Rwanda, Belarus and Slovakia has been nationwide reach extending down to district levels. • Strengthen inter-institutional dialogue to develop a shared vision
added in Business Visa list • Construction of Flyover on 7 Avenue completed. • Adhere to the highest international standards of nuclear security
and better understanding of strategic issues and safety to ensure the responsible use of nuclear resources
• 49,623 CNICs for disabled persons and 133 CNICs for Transgender • Land Record Digitalization Project is underway in Capital.
have been issued
OVERSEAS PAKISTANI: • Automatic Resolution of Passport Blacklisting for Overseas
• Incentivize Startups by Overseas Pakistanis for Pakistani Products
to export Pakistani textiles, agricultural products, sports goods,
• Inaugurated Overseas Facilitation Desks in Kurram District at Overseas Pakistanis Foundation educational institutions
Police Stations of Parachinar and Sadda • DIsbursed 266 Overseas Pakistani Students
• Disbursed Financial Assistance PKR 293.3 million amongst 739 • National Security
destitute families of Overseas Pakistanis • None
• Developed Education Portal integrated with separate websites of
PROMISE 2024-2029
• Create reserve seats for overseas Pakistanis through a • Establish Special Tribunals and Commercial Courts for Overseas
constitutional amendment. Pakistanis
• Establish Provincial Overseas Commissions for Grievances • Implement Alternate Dispute Resolution Mechanism for Overseas
• One-Window Investment Facilitation for Overseas Pakistanis Pakistanis
• Comprehensive Homecoming Support for Overseas Pakistanis • Dedicated 10% quota in public sector housing schemes for
facilitating their homecoming including travel, tourism, holiday, Overseas Pakistanis at 5% discount for payments made in foreign
investments and or early retirement and permanent return to currency
Pakistan • National awards for top-remitting Overseas Pakistanis
• Designated Immigration Counters for Overseas Pakistanis • Exclusive National Saving Schemes for Overseas Pakistani by the
• Address Overseas Pakistanis’ property-related concerns through Central Directorate of National Savings for investments made
the Overseas Pakistani Foundation (OPF) and the provincial using foreign currency
Overseas Pakistanis Commissions • Online Document Attestation Process for Overseas Pakistanis
• Enacted The Punjab Anand Karaj Act 2017 making us the first marriages in non-Muslim communities
country in the world to introduce legislation for registration of • Formed a national commission for Minorities to protect their
Sikh marriages rights
• Amended the Pakistan Penal Code to clamp down on forced
PROMISES 2024-2029
Children • Establish a Senior Citizens’ Welfare Fund with government
• Protect child rights and end child labour through comprehensive grants and assistance from private individuals and NGOs
legislation and effective policy measures • Introduce Senior Citizen Card and Benefits to workers over 60
• Social Protection Programs for rehabilitation of abused children years of age, providing EOBI Insurance, travel subsidies, and
• Guard identity of abused children by strictly enforcing section 376A certain tax exemptions
• End child marriages through urgent and effective measures Special Persons
Transgender people • Integrate special persons into mainstream society
• Ensure equal opportunities for transgender people in education, • Ensure Special Trainers for people with special abilities at sports
health, social protection schemes and employment facilities
• Penalise discrimination against and degradation of transgender • Develop, implement and evaluate healthcare infrastructure and
people at all levels of society policies to meet the needs of persons with intellectual disability
• Ensure seamless provision of identity documents to transgender • Establish Skill Centres where special people can learn to become
people indiscriminately and in a dignified manner self-sufficient
• Enable mainstreaming of transgender people into the society • Ensure Inclusive Infrastructure in the public sphere to ensure
Senior Citizens access to all
• Senior citizen discounts in public housing, healthcare, and travel • Sensitise doctors, health workers, and legislators to the needs of
• Expand Old Homes Initiative for senior citizens special persons
• Ensure expeditious disposal of cases involving senior citizens: • Ensure Effective Legislation to safeguard rights of special people
courts to establish timetable for timely resolution within two • Collaborate with International Organisations to further improve
months of initiation healthcare and quality of life for special persons
PMLN has always legislated and implemented every policy keeping rules with a fresh Labour Policy that not only secures the interests of
prime the interest and well-being of our labour force. Since Pakistan’s the Pakistani workforce, but promotes, markets, and facilitates them
inception, six Labour Policies have been introduced. There is an to become a strength of Pakistan not only at home, but also abroad.
urgent need to revisit, revise, and upgrade existing Labour-related
PROMISE 2024-2029
• Launch New Labour Policy in line with ILO and UNICEF laws and • Take legislative and administrative measures for benefit of
recommendations fishermen to stimulate fishing industry and amplify value addition
• Interest-free loans, specialised social safety-nets and economic • Enforce safety & security protocols for workers, in line with
support to hawkers, fishermen, and small farmers international best practices, especially in the mining industry
• End exploitation and discrimination of Labour by creating • Recognise, facilitate, and promote e-commerce workers as an
processes and complaint redressal systems to end all forms of industry
discrimination • Facilitate and protect female labourers / workers against social,
• Ensure social protection of labour by effectively implementing financial, sexual, and administrative harassment and exploitation
minimum wage, health card and education card • Promote & protect overseas labour force through international
• Provide Senior Citizen Card & Benefits to workers over 60 years agreements, elimination of human smuggling and strict actions
of age, including EOBI Insurance, travel subsidies, and certain tax against holding Pakistani labour hostage
exemptions • Facilitate and expedite conflict resolution by establishing a
• Enact comprehensive land reforms to empower tenant farmers ‘National Labour Helpline’
and sharecroppers • Ensure SSI and EOBI benefits for private and domestic workers
• Provide economic & operational facilitation through awareness, through digitised banking operations
Kisan Packages, elimination of middle-man exploitation • Tiered EOBI retirement plans
ELEVATING THE GAME educational facilities
We recognise sports as a transformative tool, not only for individuals With the majority of our population being young, it is one our top Grassroots Community Sports Development: Gender Equality in Sports:
but for our nation at large. It helps individual mental and physical priorities and we pledge to harness Pakistan’s full potential in the • Talent hunt and develop sports leagues at tehsil and provincial • Incentivize women participation in sports by providing facilities
well-being, supports the national economy as one of the largest field. We have spearheaded various sports initiatives during our teams and ensuring availability of female coaches
global industries, helps foster national unity and presents a soft and previous terms in government, and we promise to enable our • Stipend/scholarship incentives for talented sportsmen/women • Ensure equitable pay for female sportspersons
strong image of Pakistan internationally. sportspersons and atheles to achieve their full sporting potential.
Financial and Social Security of Sportspersons E-Sports
PERFORMANCE 2013-2018 • Expand the Sports Endowment Fund to facilitate elite • Encourage and conduct regular e-sports tournaments
sportsperson’s training and participation in international events • Encourage funding for e-sportspersons by corporates under CSR
• Inaugurated Pakistan Super League to develop local talent meets Olympicstandards • Provide health insurance to elite / national-level sportspersons
• Established Endowment Fund worth Rs.l.3B to support and • Increased Punjab's sports budget by 480% • Introduce a sports card with concessions on transport and
prepare 6,000 high performing athletes • Initiated the Punjab Youth Internship Program whose
• Set up 280 sports facilities across Pakistan beneficiaries are10,CXX)
• Constructed boxing gymnasiums and swimming complex that • Initiated SO stadiums and gymnasiums
• National Sports Policy and efficient
• Promulgated a new National Sports Policy, 2022-27 to boost • Included Rs. 6.00 billion in budget for successful hosting of the
sports of Pakistan 14th edition of South Asian Games in Pakistan
• Restructured Pakistan Sports Board to make it more effective
PROMISE 2024-2029
Infrastructure Overhaul • Identification and development of grassroots talent in
• Map sports facilities across Pakistan, upgrade existing facilities, educational institutions across Pakistan
and invest in new ones through Public-Private Partnerships • Establish dedicated sports university to ensure development of
• Ensure access for young sportspersons and athletes to these critical mass of human
facilities • Structural reforms to set up zonal authorities for stock-taking and
• Establish sports academies at the grassroots level through Public to monitor progress of every institution and thereby all officials
Private Partnerships responsible
• Improve governance of sports bodies by reforming governance • Determine sports quotas for educational institutions according
structures in line with international best practices their sporting performance
Educational Integration: • Integrate sports in national curriculum
• Expand Prime Minister’s Youth Program to integrate sports • National training and development programs for aspiring national
education in schools sportspersons
Pakistan’s rapidly growing population has increased six times its rate is untenable for achieving the vision of creating an inclusive, just
original size since Independence, outstripping key natural resources and progressive society where all citizens have an equal opportunity
we possess and eroding some significant developmental gains made to grow and prosper.
in earlier decades. The PML-N government will redress the neglect of focus on human
There is a huge, unprecedented increase in population from 132 development and human capital, for the past twenty years. A major
million in the 1998 Census to 241 million in 2023. An additional 110 area of neglect is a focus on population planning which has created a
million more citizens in 25 years are visible in all aspects of life and growing imbalance between an unabated large population for whom
most of all in the sharp depletion of our limited natural resources and the state cannot provide adequate basic opportunities let alone
the environment. We recognize that the current population growth investment.
PROMISES 2024-2029
• Bring down our population growth rate to a more sustainable family planning services are affordable and readily available to
level all citizens of the country
• Form a high-powered National Population Management Council • Expand coverage of doorstep services by recruiting more
containing representation of the federal and provincial Lady Health Workers and Community midwives
governments, to devise and implement a Population • Remove all informational and financial barriers that hinder
Management Agenda with consensus couples from accessing services
• Ensure political and religious consensus on balancing our • Expand service provision by utilising all channels of service
population size delivery in the public and private sectors to deliver these
• Slow population growth rate through birth-spacing between services
children to free resources to improve the quality of education • Utilise all available media to ensure national consensus
and health among all stakeholders, including the general public,
• Extract lessons from the example of fellow Muslim countries Iran, political parties, religious leaders and civil society, on the
Indonesia, Malaysia, and Turkey and other regional countries importance of creating a balance between population size
which have improved the quality of lives of their people by and available resources
lowering their population growth rates • Launch National Awareness Campaign regarding population
• 5 Point Population Planning agenda to ensure a central focus on management in Urdu, English and all regional languages
improving the quality and standard of living of our people: • Add population management to the national curriculum
• Ensure essential reproductive health services including
Fast-tracked progress of dams including: Mangla Refurbishment Project:
• Diamer Basha Dam Project • Completed and inaugurated the refurbishment of Unit 5 & 6 of
• Mohmand Dam Hydropower Project Mangla Dam increasing the capacities of the two units from 200
• Dasu Hydropower Project MW to 270 MW
• Greater Karachi Bulk Water Supply Scheme (K-IV)
Resolved long standing issues and paved way for ECNEC approval
of Naulong Dam Project
Stimulated demand
• Renovated cultural and religious landmarksacross Punjab in
PROMISES 2024-2029
Institutionalizing Tourism Promotion and Financing • Enable SME investment in potential tourist centers
• Establish Tourism Finance Corporation to: • Make leasing process for tourism easy and transparent
o Open financing for tourism projects
o Boost infrastructure and awareness Capacity Building for World Class Tourism
o Draft master plans, policies, and circuit plans • Higher Education Commission to mandate top universities to
• Improve PTDC coordination with departments start Hospitality Management Degrees
UNITY AND DIVERSITY implementation of conventions and laws regarding minorities Economic Enabling & Empowerment
PMLN has always firmly believed that interfaith harmony is vital for their voices are heard and their issues are addressed. PMLN will • Increase quotas and ensure effective implementation of quotas
Pakistan’s progress. PMLN Quaid Muhammad Nawaz Sharif continue to strive to do the same in government and to ensure Building National Integration Through Rights for minority communities
consistently strived, during his three terms as Prime Minister, to religious minorities fundamental rights are protected as enshrined in • Introduction and implementation of policies to build interfaith • Introduce economic prosperity opportunities through provision
ensure and protect the rights of religious minorities, and to ensure Pakistan’s Constitution. harmony of interest free loans for minority communities especially for
• Legislate to prevent Forced Conversions youth
• Enforcement of strict penalties for persecution of minorities • Special schemes for improved livelihoods of persons from
PERFORMANCE 2013-2018 • Enforce Implementation of the existing section(s) of the minority religious communities to ensure skill building, micro
• Excellent arrangements were made for Hajj and Umra • Enacted The Punjab Anand Karaj Act 2017, making Pakistan the Pakistan Penal Code relating to curbing forced conversion and finance, capacity building and awareness
• Ziyaraat of various holy places were facilitated first country in the world to introduce legislation for registration forced marriage of women and girls from minority religious
• An Act has been passed by Parliament to provide for compulsory of Sikh marriages communities Institutional Awareness & Transformation
teaching of the Holy Quran in Muslim schools • Pakistan Penal Code was amended to curb forced marriages in • Strengthen institutions and mechanisms mandated with
• A new radio station, FM 93.4 Sautul Quran, was launched that non-Muslim communities Safety & Security of Minorities protection and promotion of minority rights.
broadcasts Quranic recitation • A National Commission for Minorities was constituted • Legislate against incitement of violence on religious minorities • Mandatory human rights education in schools and colleges and
• The Hindu Marriage Bill was passed to regulate marriages and • The President and Prime Minister attended cultural functions of • Create a special task force for protection of life, property and promote countrywide awareness of human rights
divorces in Hindu community Christmas and Holi to express solidarity religious places of minorities in Pakistan • Raising public awareness about the rights of minorities
• A Bill was prepared for Christian Marriages and extensive • National Action Plan for Human Rights was launched for • Set severe punishments and penalties for those inciting
consultations were held with various denominations to obtain protection of human rights including rights of minorities violence Inclusivity, Integration, Facilitation of Minorities
consensus • Crackdown against all forms of hate-speech, verbal, visual, and • Implementation of measures to ensure effective participation of
• Pakistan Penal Code was amended to curb forced marriages in written against religious minorities minorities in the electoral process and adequate representation
non-Muslim communities in elected bodies at national, provincial and local levels
Strengthen Democratic Institutions for Rights of Minorities • Provision of model cemeteries, model crematoriums, and last
• Strengthen the National Commission for Minorities to curb rites services and governmental security to all worship spaces
PERFORMANCE 2022-2023 violation of the rights of the minorities
• Strengthen National and Provincial Human Rights Commissions
• Initiated ‘Road to Makkah Project’ with special facilitation of Hujjaj in custom and immigration clearance at Airports and expand to District-level subsidiaries
• Held International Seerat un Nabi (SAW) conference
• Established Recycling Plant for Shaheed Pages of the Holy Quran Special Initiatives
• Include and integrate interreligious harmony as a subject in the
national curriculum to rase early awareness and sensitisation in
PROMISE 2024-2029 society
Conforming with International Protocols • Effectively implement international protocols and conventions
• Implementation of the UNGA Resolution 135/47 which is a for minority rights that Pakistan is a signatory to
declaration of minority rights • Establish effective monitoring and reporting mechanisms on
Name of Committee Name of Convener
1. Supremacy of Constitution Barrister Zafarullah Khan
2. Legal Reforms and Access to Senator Azam Nazir Tarar
3. Economy Ahsan Iqbal
4. Trade/Industry and Natural Engr. Khurram Dastgir Khan
5. Poverty Alleviation and Reduction Ali Pervez Malik
in Inflation and Employement
6. Agriculture Riaz ul Haq Jujj
7. Energy Engr. Khurram Dastgir Khan
8. Labour/Manpower Peasants Nasir ud Din Mehmood
9. Foreign Affairs Syed Tariq Fatemi
10. Overseas Pakistanis Barrister Amjad Malik
11. Accountability / Elimination of Bashir Memon
12. Education Rana Mashood Ahmed Khan
13. Information Technology Sardar Awais Khan Leghari
14. Health Khawaja Salman Rafique
15. Youth Affairs Rana Mashood Ahmed Khan
16. Sports Shaza Fatima Khawaja
17. Women Empowerment Nuzhat Sadiq
18. Human Rights / Minorities Kamran Micheal
19. History, National Heritage and Pervez Rasheed
20. Tourism Pervez Rasheed
21. Water and Food Security Ahsan Iqbal
22. Sustainable Development and Maryam Aurangzeb
Climate Change
23. Religious Faith and Interfaith Senator Pir Sabir Shah
24. Media and Freedom of Speech / Pervez Rasheed
Access to Information
25. National Security Ahsan Iqbal
26. Democratic Governance Reforms / Ahsan Iqbal
Public Sector Reforms and
Democratic Oversight
27. Local Government Khawaja Saad Rafique
28. Federation and Provincial Harmony Sardar Awais Khan Leghari
29. Infrastructure Development and Khawaja Saad Rafique
30. CEPEC Ahsan Iqbal
31. Initiatives for Special Persons Maryam Aurangzeb
32. Population Management Maryam Aurangzeb