LCP Purlins & Girts Catalogue

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FEATURES Cold formed purtins and gits ore recognised os being efficient, economical structural members suitable for 3 wide range of Bulking aopications. LCP Building Products Ple. Ud. offers a full range of section depths from 10mm ie 88mm deep. ICP puns es contours fo AS/NTS 4600 or BS 5950 cn the ales! ECS devan, > High tonsie steel — for high strengt anc! low weight » 2275 ze coating ~ for economic comosion protection > Fullrange of ancessaries ~ from brackets to bots to ensure ease of use and installation, » Full sie range — for ease of desian in both C &Z seulions » Downturn lip available — For those projects requiting this feature » Special size capabiity - non stancard range of special shapes and channe’s ovaiioble 10 sult Individval requirenienis MARKING Foch bundle ot purin of git s marked to show customer's nemo, delivery location, inveice number, unin type, length and mark number Mars numbers metch the marking plan sypplie< prior 1e manufacture. PROPERTIES Cited 150 160 37 24412 TP a LEA ne a crao19 c1so04 24545 [eae ee El (ES Ema acral eee 1 MATERIALS LEP PURLINS ce: cold rollect formed sections manufoe- lurec fom tigi strengin gavanises seel In bose: Inicknesses ranging from Tamm BMT {C550 gicde, 550 MPa minimum yield sirast material] 10 30rrm BMT {C180 grede, 450 MPa minimum yisld sross) with @ 2275 zinc Coating 1275 gions per square_mette minimum coating mass} in accordance with AS 1397. High tensile ste! materia! meeting ‘he requiment of BC | : 2008 Fectary Procuction Contro| Contato. TOLERANCES Al sections will be produced within the following tolerances Section length 0mm /-10mn Section wom jen A) Hem Section fienge (dim. 8D.) timm intemal flonge angle #12 +e Hole centres fimm Plecse contact LCP Bullding Products Pte Utd for ay specific toloronce deta. ecu 19 2.4 zi0019 Tio024 voz 102 53 53 a 160 EO a2 [1.0 7s a 170) lias nsa9 715024 152 152 65 65 19 24 4 545 7300: "| INSTALLATION ICP C&T sections are easly instaled in single, double, double lapped. continous lapped end reduces end lop systems. For Single Span, Double Socn 2 Double Lapped please reter 10 LCP PURLINS & GIRTS quick selection iobie al page ». For Continuous laoped and reduced end lap systems, please contact LCP Bullding Froducrs Fre. itd, ‘SIMPLE END CONNECTIONS ‘ns simple connection uses two stoncord bolts and « slandard ‘clea! and is common fe bolh Zand C sections (see Fig 1}. An ovemang may sometimes be Fequited ler support of raking gis, A double cleat may aise be used fo join separate lengts of section above a camman paral ame [PP Fig 7) __NON-STRUCTURAL CONNECTIONS AZ sections are rolled with broad and nerrow flanges. Lapping i: easily accomplished by invering alternative sections, anabing sections to nast togethor Nos-sinctural laos formed in this way result in suastantal sovings in cleats and bolls see Fig SI. For even greater economy ond performance, use structural laps, |CTURAL CONNECTIONS Structural laps provide greater load carrying copacity 40 the section. the lap/span ratio must be 15% or greater and all laps should use six belts. inclucing two Mnough the bullorn funige. Z ec uns wan be lapped i any Ihickness combinalion end allew heavier, slionger tions #9 be used in end ay cpalications (see Fiz 4). ‘STANDARD ERECTION DETAILS Z sections pertarm best when installa in single bay lengths lus stnicturel laps. The acded strengtn one lower defisction cheracte‘istics favourcbly. effect bulcing economy. Biidging must be ‘rstalled prior to cadding to reduce seclion twist and increcse performance. CC sections are simple to use and ore primarily suited for single 0" double spans. Tor bes! perfomance, install and C sections with the ‘Cladding flange facing up the roof er wallsiope. SIMPLE END io) DOUBLE CLEAT (Fig) BOLTS Balls used in the assembly of puting are usually M12 [Giode 4.6} nuts and boll: with either nlegrel washers or hwo washers, However, 300mm and 28¢mm putin izes requie the use of M16 bolls. Please contact LCP Building Froducls Pte. ltd, for highe’ grade 88 bobs that may be requited in some instalation. HOLES Purins and gitts ore usuclly delivered with standard holes of @l4mm, Bi sm, B18mm, @22n1m or sot no's Blax2Anm punched lo dela supplied, This allows putins to be used on orival ot ste, Tre computer Sonttelled greduction tne alows holes almost af ary postion cr frequency. Holes cre posiioned from hole Seni sheets sipped prin to maniiart ring LCP Building Products Ple, Ud. can supply purl and iis punched Io convenfional hole centres. Engute hole detail sheets show comect hole centres and spacing required and location avd type of bridging hows, sronact | All soctions must bo kopt sry during transport, stored ‘chove ground ond covered fo prevent meisture trom enteting packs. Wet packs shoukl be brosen open, Gied wilh @ cloth and separated to alow ar crevition, DETAILING Core should bs token fo ensure correct layout of purin hole punching. Generally, it is rocommended dotal purtns with flanges facing up the reof slope, When bay spacings ate the same on both ends and sides of the bulking, “opposite hand” deials for the reverse side con be used. NON-STRUCTURAL LAP ria) STRUCTURAL LAP (Fig 4) FASCIA Specticaly designed, or a standate € sectien, fascia Butins are normally subjected to lower loadk and Usually provide a convenient surface fo mount the root aiainage guiters, This is osssied by the use of special low profile head foscia bolts. ShOUG Ine foscla putin. via Ine Tosclo blading system support ine wall girs, ensure sufficient allowances Is made fo cary this ex'ra load, Regular uso is made of Standard C sections. 9g. C280 standard sections as the fescia purtin. Availabe in ona, ‘oll formed lenalhs and win stendard lead times, © sections ore sometimes & more economical Gitemative to specel tasca sections, For detcis of the specifically designed fascia avollable Flcose contact LEP Buliding Products Pie. Lid. office These sections cre 230 or 240mm web depth, D wits up cet down turned botiom ies RAKING GIRTS Raking gills ere required when cladding gable ands al bulcings. The git then provides support to fking paints for cledcings ana flashing. Raking gits cre normally fixed beneath overhung purins fo Ine Up with the end wall girls. Roe puns and the raking gi wil neec detailing lo provide hole locations, Using stangara prackers me raking gi (5 casi mod 10 the ends of the putin or allernativey bolted drectly 10 the purin flange hole. Araking git! brackets avalable for connecting raking Coffs Io fascia purlins BRIDGING POSITIONS To moximize performance and to reach the design lars given in the periomance chet. bielging shor bbe pesitionad as shown below. Actual postion dimensions may be rounded to the nearest 50mm. __ SPECIAL PROFILES For special or leige projects, LCP Building Products Pie. Ud. is abio 10 produce purine ouside the slonciard size range. Special putin dlowable ‘oad: are caiculsted wiih the aid of computer analysis ond tequesis for information should be directed 10 LCP Building Products Pre. ltd. DOWNTURN LIPS any LCP purins, both Zond € orofles, can be supplied with downtuin lips tor special projects. Purine of tris shape canna! normnally be lapped and Gre usually sed ih single o douole spon constuction, However, LGP Building Products Ple, id. con supply “ioppatle” Z 0 special enauites providing @ unique section which ters chength ane enanamy ne wel a the einwuntenect Fp. Piaase coniaci LEP Bullding Produels Pe. Lid. office {or details on order quantity and delivery. bot Harge | Ss Net 100 Raking git “Ss L Cold deci oe Underside of putin SPAN (L) SPAN (L) a Es assis 1 Row - oo < . o = tng = = = = = (=.= \encono eee Lk Bee 44 20k pe esse ess tre Rows =o =e Bian foo et = oo 2b a at SL aba 25h Perera Petree el aidaieg - pc = eo 6 oe a, Trrvmw assoas waren assent LAP DETAILS TO SUIT APPLICATION SECTION PROPERTIES the following section pioperties are subject to aight vaviation due to commercia tolerances on dimension: inote: however, the folal material ued wil not vary). Any designs comisd out using these properiies should be caleulatedt using AS/NZS 4600 a1 BS $950 or EC. C SECTION PROPERTIES LCP PURLINS & GIRTS™ - Full C Section Propertie: Tain ae Ba eT ot 162 5a 00 15024710 ool9 409 0024 516 ni mz (Ee cca re eel eco ee so ‘115024 710 537, 1R8 187 a ts 186 1369202 [34 | [ras [606 [103 _| | 305 | a 40 LCP PURLINS & GIRTS QUICK SELECTION TABLE Sere eee c72 10024 3.80)" 3.811) 4310)" 4.61)" 4.8/2) 4610)" 5.411)" 5.402} ©/2 20019 5.(0)" 641i) S710" 6.11) 400) 7.711) Saf) 7B) 8.810) 7.81) 680)" Zali) 8800)" Zt) cz 2024 6710" 8sil}* 851% ——_4.8(0)* ASI)" 85124 700" 9711} 10212) | tage 103) 5 852) oe 1.0%) ast 52) C/L38030 1221" 12.912)" 12913) asf)’ 8.512) vais 15.4(2)* 15.413) LCP C/Z PURLINS & GIRTS™ SPAN for Single skin metal roof CHLNDOIS Ci 1DOIF cit cond 410 ASIII 4512) S.ALO)* BILI)* 61ND 618) Se(0* AA)? ANDY 5.43) CL so1e) 6)" BU C/T 15024 iz 20019 7.010" _78)i) 70)0" Ba))* 8.412} 7ally 9.812)" 9.843) C/L 25024 8.30" 100(1)* 10.02) 3/0)" asi)" 85/2) 85 11.6(1)* —12.6(2)"—12.6(3) (C/E 30024 1851) 8.542) C/1 3000 i350 14.5 15.12)" 15.1/3) asi)" 85(2) 12.913)" Notas Brackets {| indicoter numbar of rows of oridging and * denotes maximum span ore oulide of LCF recommended Didging requirements of minimum (200 oy én), whare D denotes web depin (ste 19 propartias table mpage 1) 16quyr 17.012)" Monimum rool slope odoples is 5 degrees, Serviceabilly LimiteL/150 ond equivalent imposed DL=025k"o, LLn0.s0Kro, ‘YA=0.75kPa with puri al |-2m spacing lor single én metal ol. Fer double skh metal oo! imposed DL=0.£04Pa, LL=0.754>% i=0.75kPa with putin ct 1.2m spacina, BRIDGING To enhonce performancein longer spans, bridging is generally used. Where wind uplift loading is dominant. grealereconcmy can generdlly be achieved by using acaitional Brg in the endl spans. The performance of putlesis improved corsdetably wher the roof or wall cacding olfaches. so bidging normally required fo ensute easy instlletion of clocking. Generally, bridging spacing should not exceed 29 times the web depth, B, (eg. 000mm for a 1s0mm deep section) or aocomm, whichever the lest. sss CONVENTIONAL BRIDGING/STRUTS ~~ eed scna CCorverticnal bridging usually consis of bidgng channel, Sx bolied or welded connected to end plates which are: Sa bolied be'ween parallel purins. This typ0 of system is effective cna bridging mernbers may She Be olenotad wn eros eR0D CconnecroN Hoe and foicla conventional beaing i simi nN. SMnond yep onde ry iy ‘adhustment to LCP pricing. For arlgngintaotion posse o'r to pag & 5 INSTALLATION blidging ca be Installed up the sope of the root, fing foxcia bridging, then alliniexmediste bilaging. then instal he ridge bridging to pul the putts stcight. and finaly acjust the fese'a oridging to corect ‘escie putin iwi ‘Atematively. install the ridge bridging and straighten the ridge puttns. then instal the immediate bridging to the fasci Fond cous! the foscia brieging for sraighiness cnc! hs. ACP bridging detal sheets cover the slant cifferences between “up the slope" Ind “down the slope” components Note thal cn steep roots or where Iong bridging runs are used, the Turmbuckles used for the ridge bridging are not Inlended 'o pollsia'gh! a large number of scgaing purlns. Similaly, cole should be laken when gils ate used on high wal, Ihal lang inlennectale bildging members are nol iubjected 1o an excesive comoresive load, Please refer to page 3 for correct bridging positions. ACCESSORIES Glomp plates and angle connectors provide o quick, easy and efficient method of connecting purins and gitts agether with athar nor -sructural faring members such as wincow or door surtoures. Large slols inal brackets alow Tor combinations of aiferent purin sizes For those cppications where web fixing is possible, a general purpose brackst fs available to recuce king time and expense, Al these brockels and plates are produced from galvanised steel 8 O10 als sg 8 ale els s CLAMP PLATE ANGLE GENERAL PURPOSE CONNECTOR BRACKET CLAMP PLATE, J ANGLE CORNEGTOR TYPICAL CONNECTION GENERALPURFOSE ANGLE CONNECTOR USED TO. BRACKET INSTALLATION CLOSED FURLIN END AVOIDING TURIN END AY TYPICAL DOOR FRAME IMPORTANT NOTE: “he infomation pullshed in his brochure & 98 fr os passe accurate at the date of pubication, however, por “ooppicotonin particular sivalcn, LCP auleing Products Pte, id recommencs nal you aici ualifed exper acuce corfiming rhe Lutapily 0! products; n questo" for ne opalcation proposed. Whte UCP Busing Produets Pte ks, 0c-epIs 1slego QOH. be cuore Rowever thal 9 Ine exiet pervited by law ACP Bulldng Products Pe. Ud. liciaims al labity (meludng Fapiiy for nagigenrel fara lors! sarage testing fom the use of the Infernarion paevsecin his bere, cP LCP BUNDING PRODUCTS FIELD. LCP BUILDING PRODUCTS SDNBHD LCP BUILDING PRODUCTS PVT. LD. tereiPce, nano 581 1121 eer, Ameo in te fo Aa" a 42.2 mia roxio aeene — Mroimnara Me ‘homage oe Teenie oe foutaizanaon roaches rio AnnmoarotincentdhcomontadPn rene Campenie

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