Stas Finals
Stas Finals
Stas Finals
Early 1980s- production of the smaller and less TELEGRAPH by SAMUEL F.B MORSE
expensive personal computers allowed for - became the standard for international
direct access to information. communication with a modified code.
1995- Nicholas Negroponte published his book, -communications system in which information is
Being Digital, the similarities and differences transmitted over a wire through a series of
between products made of atoms and bits. electrical current pulses.
Primary Information Age- newspaper, radio, -an electric tool transmitting analogue speech
television. along wires
Secondary Information Age- Internet, satellite PHONOGRAPH (THOMAS EDISON)
television and mobile phones
-a device for the mechanical recording and
Tertiary Information Age- emerged by media reproduction of sound.
of the Primary Information Age interconnected
with media of the Secondary Information Age. HEINRICH HERTZ
-identified and studied radio waves in 1886
Transistor led to the creation of other media Youtube by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and
tools. Jawed Karim.
3. Clean Water
4. Medicine
5. Aesthetics
6. Lumber
7. Ideas
Status of Philippine Biodiversity
The Department of Environment and Natural
Resources (DENR 2009) claims that EXTINCTION
-in terms of biodiversity, the Philippine was 5th -refers to the termination of a species caused by
in the world as to number of plant species; habitat destruction, introduction of non- native
-8th in the world list of endemic plants; 4th in species, over-exploitation, pollution or even
endemic birds; 5th in endemic mammals; and climate change
8th in endemic reptiles. -One indication that a species may be
List of identified endemic species endangered is a dwindling in numbers.
1. Rafflesia manillana, the world’s largest Threatened: population low but extinction less
flower. imminent
2. Vanda sanderiana (waling-waling), one of Endangered: not so low that extinction
the world’s largest orchid species. imminent
3. Pithecophaga jefferyi (monkey -eating -In the 2000 Red List of the International Union
eagle), the largest bird for the Conservation of Nature and Natural
4. Rhyncodon typus, the largest fish resources (IUCN), of the 52,177 species in the
Philippines, 418 were listed as threatened.
5. Tridacna gigas (giant clam), the largest
seashell -The Philippine Biodiversity Conservation
Priority-setting Program (PBCPP) described the
6. Pandaka pygmea (dwarf goby), the 121 endemic mammals as critically endangered.
smallest freshwater fish The Bird Life International listed 116 of species
of birds in the country are threatened or near
7. Tarsius syrichta (tarsier), the smallest
-according to the Department of Environment
8. Tragalus nigricans, the smallest hoofed
and Natural Resources report (2010), out of 584
wildlife in the country, 72% are already
9. Tylonycteris pachpus (bamboo bat), the threatened with extinction.
smallest bat;
10. Pisidum, the tiniest shell in the world
11. Connus gloriamaris, one of the most
expensive shells in the world
12. Cervus alfredi, the most endangered deer
Threats to Biodiversity Underlying Causes of the Loss of Philippine
1. Environmental Pollution
The underlying causes of Philippine biodiversity
Domestic agriculture and industrial wastes are loss are:
poorly treated and are often discharged into the
sea, and to other bodies of water, such as rivers a. Population growth and increasing resource
and lakes. Pollution can lead to diseases and consumption
pollution stresses, such as coral bleaching on
reefs. b. Ignorance about species and ecosystems
– Nanoparticles such as C60, carbon nanotubes, • Difficult to predict how particles will behave in
quantum dots the environment (dispersed/clumped)