Ent Samplex - Tikitiki
Ent Samplex - Tikitiki
Ent Samplex - Tikitiki
- Triangular Flap
5. Indirect tests for head and neck Diagnostic Tools: Head & Neck Tumors
tumors entail gathering of
tumor tissue and sending it to DIRECT
pathology section for analysis. - FNAB / Cytology
● True - Core Needle Biopsy
- Incisional Biopsy
● False
- Excisional Biopsy
- Ultrasound
Panoramic X-ray
- Mandible Fracture
25. Application of Barthon’s Treatment:
bandage is employed in: - Stabilization by figure of 8 or
● Orbital floor fracture Barthon’s bandage
● Mandibular bone fracture
● Nasal bone fracture
● Zygomatic bone fracture
26. One of the basic objectives in Basic Objectives of Repair:
the repair of a cleft lip is to - Preserve philtrum, cupid’s bow,
lengthen the patient’s lip. pout & musculocutaneous
● True junction
● False - Lengthen lip
- Reconstruct - Orbicularis Oris
- Correct distortion - Alar base &
- Require Orthodontic Correction
for deformed alveolus
27. An incomplete cleft lip extends Incomplete Cleft
from the vermillion to just short - Extend from the vermillion to
of the floor of the nasal just short of the floor of the
vestibule. nasal vestibule
● True
Complete Cleft
● False
- Extend into the floor of the
28. A V-Y pushback is another A V-Y pushback is a two-flap
cheiloplasty technique that palatoplasty technique.
mainly uses two flaps.
● True
● False
Class II Occlusion
- Mesiobuccal cusp tip of the
maxillary 1st molar is anterior to
the buccal groove of the
mandibular 1st molar
- Prominent midface, recessive jaw
5. Preferred donor site for skin Skin grafts are taken from:
graft are the following except: ● extremities
● Upper arms ● buttocks
● Chest ● scalp
● Scalp ● abdomen
● Abdomen
● None
14. The middle component of the Deep Component of the Deep Cervical
deep cervical fascia is Fascia conceals the ‘Danger Space’
continuous with the danger found between the Alar and True
space. Vertebral Parts
● True
● False
19. Essential factors for the survival 3 Essential Factors in Skin Graft:
of a graft: ● Viable recipient bed
● Viable recipient bed, close ● Close contact between graft
contact between graft and bed, and bed
immobilization of the graft, time ● Immobilization of the graft
of graft placement
● Viable recipient bed
● Viable recipient bed, close
contact between graft and bed,
immobilization of the graft
● Viable recipient bed and close
contact between graft and bed
20. Which among the following The monofilament sutures exhibit less
sutures exhibit less resistance to resistance to passage through tissue
passage through tissue? than multifilament suture.
● Braided sutures
● None of the above
● Multifilament sutures
● Monofilament suture
21. This gland lies beneath the Submandibular Gland - lies within the
horizontal ramus of the Submandibular Trigone or Digastric
mandible and lies within the Triangle; beneath the horizontal ramus
digastric triangle. of mandible
● Sublingual gland
Sublingual Gland - anterior
● Submandibular gland
submucous part of the oral floor
● Parotid gland Parotid gland - retromandibular fossa
● Minor salivary gland Minor Salivary Gland - under the
22. Monofilament sutures are less The monofilament sutures exhibit less
sti and have a higher resistance to passage through tissue
coe cient of friction when used than multifilament suture.
in wound closure.
● True Multifilament Suture - materials are
less sti but have a higher coe cient
● False
of friction.
26. Structure that drains the Rivinus duct - drains Sublingual gland
parotid: Wharton's duct - drains
● Rivinus duct Submandibular and some Sublingual
● Wharton's duct
32. The carotid sheath is found in Carotid sheath is found in between the
between the layers of the layers of the Pre- Tracheal and
superficial component and the Prevertebral layers; DEEP component
middle component of the deep of the deep cervical fascia.
cervical fascia.
● True
● False
35. What is the best initial test to FNAB has 80% Accuracy
perform in patients who need
histologic diagnosis of their
salivary gland tumor?
● Ultrasound
● Minimally Invasive Incision
● Core Needle Biopsy
● Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy
39. The middle component of the Deep component of the deep cervical
deep cervical fascia anteriorly fascia:
overlies the scalene muscles. ● Anteriorly covers the vertebral
● True bodies and scalenes
● False ● Laterally covers the
paraspinous and deep neck
41. Your brother asked you why he Sialorrhea - excessive flow of saliva
drools when he sleeps. You know from the mouth (drooling). Maybe due
for a fact that even as a kid, he to neurologic diseases or mechanical
is a snorer and frequently sleeps obstruction
in a prone position with his
mouth open. Which of the Why do some people drool? Is it
because of excessive saliva
following is the LIKELY reason
why he has sialorrhea while he
● It actually has something to do
sleeps? with sleep position
46. The surgeon can place the Surgery scars may be camouflaged by
incision on a wrinkle or skin placing the incision along favorable
crease to minimize the visual lines and approximating wound edges
impact of scars when doing without tension.
● True Incisions are less apparent if they are
concealed in natural creased lines
● False and into shadows.
Secondary Intention
● Wound heals via
epithelialization and
Delayed primary Intention
● Wound left open for short
period of time and then closed
by primary intention
● Used with contaminated
wounds to decrease the risk of
52. The Wharton’s Duct drains the Wharton’s duct drains the
sublingual gland. submandibular gland
● True
● False
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