Tak Sa
Tak Sa
Tak Sa
of traditional naming given in Tamratak- between 1981 and 2000. Since names
sa. According to Thep Sunthornsara- always reflect beliefs and values of the
thoon (1998: 57), coining first names in contemporary society, it is hypothesized
royal families followed the principles that the names of the two periods differ
given in Tamrataksa a long time ago. and thus point to a change in the
Today, when commoners are better selection of auspicious personal names.
educated, they also follow the royal
practice and tend to choose names The data of 1,314 first names were taken
based on their auspiciuousness more and from Census Department of records
more. A lot of naming books are avail- from four districts in Thailand: Muang
able in bookstores, and Thai people pay district ofChiangmai Province, Muang
a lot of attention to them. Most naming district ofNakhonratchasima Province,
books explain principles ofnaming based Thonburi district of Bangkok, and
on Tamrataksa, and give a lot of exam- Muang district ofNakhonsrithammarat
ples of auspicious first names for Province. Five hundred and fourteen
readers to select conveniently. Further- names 2 belong to the group of over 81
more, modern Thai people seem to (hereafter this group will be referred to
change their names more often than in as "the old generation"), and eight
the past. P. Suwan (1995: 9-10) refers hundred names belong to the subjects
to the belief that "People who have an under 20 (as referred to as "the young
unpleasant, unsuccessful, or unhappy generation".)
life, tend to blame it on an inauspicious
first name. However, if inauspicious The result of the study will be given in 2
first names are replaced by auspicious parts: the first part deals with the
ones, the owners' lives will be better". selection of auspicious letters based on
In informal interviews, I found that most the traditional "Tamrataksa" , and the
people who changed their names second part is about the selection of
believed that they would have a better favorable meanings.
life thereafter since auspicious names
can bring happiness, success, and
goodness in life. Some Knowledge about
Auspicious names comprise two ele-
ments. The first is the appropriate choice
of letters in line with the principles in Some astrological specialists refer to
Tamrataksa. The second element is the Tamrataksa by different terms such as
meaning of the selected words which "Khamphiitaksaphayakorn" ( Sutabut
usually convey the social values at a 1970: Preface), "Khamphiitaksa-
particular time. pakorn" (Phlooluang 1997: 33), "Kham-
phi imaha taksaphayakorn" (Pi tsanu-
In this paper, I aim to show the change phethang 1984: 349), and "Khamphii-
in the selection of auspicious first names namtaksapakorn" (Na Bangchang 1984:
in Thai society. I will compare the first 107). Despite the differences in names,
names ofThai people of two age groups
in different periods: namely, Thais over
81 who were named before 1921 , and
There are relatively few samples due to the
small population of this age group.
Thais under 20 who were named
the content and principles in these or Sanskrit; the identity of the writer and
naming books are alike: they are astro- the exact time when the book was
logical textbooks which are used to written are unknown. Phlooluang (1977:
forecast everything concerning the lives 33) however, assumes that Tamrataksa
of human beings. The basis of such originated from Mon and was rewritten
books is the belief that the movement in the Bangkok period. The book is very
of "Atthakhroh", or the eight heavenly helpful for astrological studies and
bodies, affects everything, including the explains more thoroughly "Cakarad-
lives of human beings in good and bad ipani", a textbook about the origin of
ways. One part of the book is about the the universe. In addition, it is very
giving of auspicious name and explains important for studying Khamphii-
the principles of selecting auspicious phichaisongkhram, a textbook of the
letters. science of war, and Khamphii-
sorotpuram , a textbook which suggests
Praphit Sutabut (1970: Preface) states how to choose where to build a home.
that Tamrataksa was first written in Pali
'fl and all vowels n"llfi6J.J'l '"l 'U "ll "ll Q,J '1J
Venus Mercury
North South
Friday Wednesday
~'jj'~~ritl DDj~~ru
A part of Tamrataksa refers to naming, The chart above shows that the seven
which is well-lmown and widely believed days and Wednesday night have their
by Thai people. It gives details about the own letters; for example, t:l and all the
principles of astrology. "Atthakhroh" or vowels are for Sunday, n ~ 'II <JJ and ~ are
the eight heavenly bodies consisting of for Monday, and "l ~ 'II a.~ and C\J are for
the sun, the moon, Mars, Mercury, Tuesday, etc.
Uranus, Jupiter, Pluto, and Venus are
mentioned in the book. Each of these To decide which letter is auspicious or
heavenly bodies is assigned its position inauspicious, Chart 2 must be applied
and day: sun, northeast and Sunday, systematically with "Taksa", counting
moon, east and Monday, Mars, southeast clockwise according to eight groups of
and Tuesday, Mercury, south and meanings: Parivara (surrounding peo-
Wednesday, Uranus, southwest and ple), Ayu (health and long 1ife), Teja
Saturday, Jupiter, west and Thursday, (power, dignity,and fame), Sri (goodness,
Pluto with northwest as its location does attraction, and wealth), Mula <important
not have its day but night: Wednesday, base, social status, and treasure), Utsaha
and Venus, north and Friday, (diligence and tolerance), Montri (great
respectively. The position of these authority and supporters), and finally,
heavenly bodies is believed to influence Kalakini (evil, misfortune, obstacles,
one's luck. Groups of letters are put in decline, worries, and sorrow). One
the slot for each star or each day to counts clockwise beginning with the day
facilitate forecasting and naming as of one's birth. For example, if one is born
shown in the Chart 1.
Chart 2 Taksa and the groups of letters for people born on Monday
Kalakini Parivara
Montri Teja
on Monday, one begins with the Monday u 1 fl and 'l are Utsaha, PI ~ ~ 1.1 li and
slot (see Chart 2), which automatically llare Montri. The letters in the Sunday
becomes P arivara for those born on slot, ~ and a 11 vowels, are K alakini,
Monday. Counting clockwise, Sunday inauspicious letters, which should not be
becomes Kalakini. The letters in all the used. Chart 2 sums up the naming
slots except Sunday are auspicious principles explained above.
letters and can be used to confer
auspiciousness: n 'II 'II 'SJ and ~ are Pari- For another example, auspicious and
vara, "~ ~ 'II D-l and tl.J are Ayu, !J !J 3 'Yl inauspicious naming letters for people
~and ru are Teja, 111 111 n VI !i and u are who born on Friday are shown in the
Sri, u tJ eo~ tJ Y1 Yl 11 and ~ are Mula, following chart.
Chart 3 Taksa and the group of letter for people born on Friday
The table above shows that the average previous name Ln1tHA'n~lkriaiJsak/
percent of names with no inauspicious (famous power)
letters is lower in the old generation than renamed tlnmn. /pa?tl.pha:n/
in the young generation. This reflects a (wit)
stronger belief in the process of giving
auspicious names between 1981 and previous name ~'Yi'1'1ru /su?phanni:/
2000 than before 1921. (beautiful skin)
renamed 3~l-J1'Yi'1
To confirm the younger generations /thl. ?tl. ?ma:pho:n/
stronger belief in the auspiciousness of (Blessing of stability)
names, I collected more data of new
names chosen by people who changed It can be concluded that the occurrence
their names between 1981 and 2000. I of auspicious letters in the new names
found that 81.22 percent (333 out of increased. The names oft he young
410) ofthose who changed their names generation reflect a stronger belief in
avoided inauspicious letters. This auspicious 1etters, as prescribed in
reflects the new generation's belief in Tamrataksa , than those of the old
auspiciousness following Tamrataksa. generation.
The following are examples of old
names and new names o f the young
generation. Change in the selection of
names with favorable
For those born on Sunday, of which the meanings
inauspicious letters are PI, M, t'l, t.~, li, and
Studying the change in the selection of
names with favorable meanings, I
previous name ~~~~ /su?ro:t/ (great
analyzed 514 names of the old gene-
ration and 800 names oft he young
renamed ~1~~..r !cl.raro:t/ (long-
generation. I analyzed each lexical item
lasting progress)
in each name and categorized them on
the basis of significant meanings. For
example, the name ~ /di:/ (to be good),
one 1exical item, is grouped in the 7. Knowledge and Ability : 1~ /wlit/ (degree)
category of"goodness and prosperity", :S'Yiu /wltl (knowledge) nr!ll I na tl (learned
the name 11).1~ / sombat/ (treasure), one person) :S11111 /wltcha:/ (enlightenment) Ll-lti
lexical item, is grouped in the "wealth" /me:thi:/ (academic) 11"~1 /pri:cha:/ (to be
sagacious) iiCIIC\11 /panja:/ (wisdom) 1J1
category, the name 't'l'lr-nrq'Yii /wajro:tr1t!
/phu:rl?I (intelligent person)ti 1::! thi:nl?I
two lexical items, is separated into 't'l'l~··nr
educated person)
/wajro:t/ (to make great progress) which
is included in the meaning group of 8. Happiness and Love: Lti1l-J /pre:m/ (to be
"goodness and prosperity" and q'Yii lr1t! fine) 1h11CII /samra:n/ (to be pleased) q'll /silk/
(magical power) which is grouped in the (to be happy)iu /ru1:n/ (to be cheerful) l'l'l1'1'1
"dignity, fame, and power" category. /sa?wa:t/ (passion) ~1uu'll /?a:non/ (pleasure)
n1ui11 /ka:n/ (beloved person)
Favorable meanings are grouped into 12 9. Religion and Beliefs: l.jC\1 /bun/ (merit) ti11)1
categories. It can be noted that the /tham/ (Buddhist teaching) s11111 I tha:da:/
lexical items can be standard Thai , Thai (god of creating) iil'l:: /sl?wa?/ (the highest
dialect, Pali and Sanskrit. Examples of god)
lexical items are shown below :
10. Suitability: ~)J lsoml (to deserve)
1. Goodness and Prosperity : Pi /di:/ (to be 11 . Eternity : ~11 /ci:ra:/ (to be long-lasting)
good) r-,1 I sl:/ (attraction)~ <i~~ I sa?watl ~l-J11/?ammara:/ (to be immortal) cn'l1
(virtue) ~NI'111 /moiJkhon/ (to be auspicious) /tha':w::>n/ (forever)
L<ti'C\1 /ca?r';J:n/ (to progress)
12. Order and Numbers: L4lu /?~:j/ (the first)
2. Wealth : 'YI!H I th:>:IJ/ (gold) LL n'l /k£:w/ 13u /lu:n/ (the last) llih /la:J (the latest) tl3l-l
Uewelery) L~'l!r I phet/ (diamond) fl u I s!nl /pa?thOm/ (the first) "~"l /ca?ru?/ (four) iiC~~<t
(treasure) /panca?/ (five) uvt /n 6p/ (nine) ~,r~ /sa?bat/
(a thousand)
3. Nature: u'l /bua/ (lotus) !hu /ra:j/ (cotton)
4'u'Yif /can/ (the moon) fl\11111! /ku?la:p/ (rose) Thai names must contain lexical items
di /ra?phi:/ (the sun) 1111') /da:w/ (star) m with good meaning and no names
/khi:ri:/ (mountain) Ullflu( /n6ppha?sln/ contain lexical items with bad meaning.
(river )
However, there are still some lexical
items with unknown meaning : lli)J
4. Humans and Family : Qvt1 /ju?pha:/
/ru!:rnl "'ij /ml?/ u.~)J /cern! LO~~ / nu1aiJ/
(woman) ~u~l'f /?a?noiJ/ (girl) tiPl1 /thl.?da:/
(daughter) tJ,rPl1111 / pa ?n~Hda: / (grand- m~)J /re:rnl u·wnfi / na:ta:li:/ 'hn /ri?.s'ii:/
Analyzing data of 514 names of the old items are grouped into meaning
generation or the names given before categories, and the frequency of words
1921, I found 573 lexical items. These in each category is shown in Table 2.
The table above shows that the names The categories of"Goodness and Pros-
of the old generation carry meanings perity" and "Wealth" indicate leading
which belong most often to the category desirable goals in life such as~ /di:? (to
of "Actions and Qualities". The next be good) lW 'Ifl / moiJkhon/ (to be
three categories, each with more than auspicious) L<~'1t1J /ca(r';}';}n/ (to progress)
10 per cent, are "Goodness and and 'lltJ~ /th:>:IJ/ (gold) LLn'l Ike :w/
Prosperity", "Nature", and "Wealth". (jewelery) L~'!l' /phet/ (diamond) ~\l/s'in/
The order of the categories indicates the (treasure) LL'II'l\l /we:n/ (ring) u'll'i1
social values of the past, in which the lbuakharnf (golden lotus). The category
actions and qualities of the name owners "nature", for example u'l lbua/ (lotus)
were most auspicious. The charac- lhu / ra:j/ (cotton) 4'\l'llf /can/ (the moon)
teristics of the babies and the situation shows the close relation to nature and a
at the time of birth may have had an belief in the auspiciousness of natural
influence on the selection of names. For things.
example·, Liln I lek/ (to be small) was
probably selected because the baby was
Analyzing data of 800 names of the
small, 'IJ111 /khut/ (to dig) perhaps was
young generation or the names given
selected because the father or mother
between 1981 and 2000, I found 1,299
herself was digging the soil at the time
lexical items, which I grouped into 12
of the child's birth
categories. The following table shows
the frequency of occurrence and the
average per cent of each meaning group.
The table above shows that names of The categories "Goodness and Pros-
the young generation fall most often in perity", "Humans and Family",
the category "Knowledge and Abi- "Wealth", and "Dignity, Fame and
lity". The next four categories, each Power", each with over 10 per cent,
with more than 10 per cent, are show the belief that such meanings are
"Goodness and Prosperity", "Human also very auspicious, and indicate
and Family", "Wealth", and "Dignity, leading desirable goals in Thais' lives.
Fame and Power", respectively. Order Examples of names in these categories
of the categories indicates that in the are 'l 1~'11!f /w~:ra'lwit/ (the best
modern period knowledge and ability are knowledge), 'lri'liiJ"I! /w~:ra'lwat/ (superb
the most auspicious values. It is possible progress) n lJI'l'l!un /ka 'lmoncha'ln6 k/
that in modern time it is believed that (heart of father), ~ C111f111"1! /su 'lda:rat/
knowledge and ability enable one to live (beloved daughter), nl'3'r'l~,; /natthaphoiJ/
happily, because knowledgeable people (family of learned people), fiui liiJ"I!
are given social acceptance. Examples /tha'lna'lwat/ (financial progress), i 'llf
of names in this category are 1~-B'u /watcha'lni'l/ (diamond) n111~m
/wutthi'lchaj/ (to graduate and to win), /k'i.tfiiph~:n/ (blessing of dignity), '11"17Pin~
L1~~~'11!f / rmaiJwit/ (progressive
/khaic~:nsak/ (widespread power),
knowledge) , m'l!'l'r'll'l /pri:cha:phon/ ihLC11'l! /thi:ra'lde:t/ (power of educated
(power of sagacity), il cycy1Vj1 I panja: person), and ~'llfi'ln1 /r1tth1'lkraj/ (great
ph~:n/ (blessing of wisdom), 1J"1~'11!f
magical power).
/phu:ri'lwlt/ (intelligent person with a
lot of knowledge), and ih::Yl~f'f /thi:n~'l
phoiJ/ (family of educated people). Compared to the names of the old
generation in the same categories, we
can see a modern preference for Pali and
Sanskrit lexical items rather than Thai
native words.
It can be seen from the study that avoid unlucky letters more than their
favorable categories of the two predecessors; moreover, the analysis of
generations differ. This reflects changes new name s chosen by the young
in social values, away from "Actions generation also shows that these names
and Qualities" which are related to avoid unlucky letters by 81.22 per cent.
visualized and concrete characteristics As for the selection of favorable
in the names of the old generation, to meanings for names, Thai people select
abstract meanings such as "Knowledge meanings with contemporary social
and Ability", "Goodness and Prosperity", values. The names of the old generation
in the names of the young generation. carry meanings that imply contentment
Moreover, the names of the old such as actions and qualities w hich
generation reflect the real status of the reflect simplicity, acceptance of one's
name owners rather than the own self, and suitability with one 's
expectations or wishes for the n arne status, whereas the names of the young
owners. For example, u.cM /de:IJ/ (red),~ generation convey worldly desires, for
ltu'll (to be fat), L n~EJ~ /kl1aiJ/ (to be example, knowledge and ability, and
smooth), ,jtlu /n6:j/ (little), and ~tJu /c5:j/ Goodness and prosperity.
(to be tiny) can be related to the
appearance o f the n arne owners, but
'ln'llu/w~:nl'lwit/ (the best knowledge), The change in auspicious names reflects
tiu-l~t!/tha'lna'lwat/ (fmancial progress),
that the belief in supernatural power is
i 'll1 /watcha'lr:f?/ (diamond), fintn'll
increasing in Thai society inspite of
/thi :nl'lde': t/ (power of educated today's seemingly modem way of life.
person), and qVIfi1M /ritthi'lkraj/ (great Perhaps this is the result of rapid
magical power) are the wishes for the technological and economic change in
name owners to be or to have. modem Thai society. There is so much
competition that people feel their lives
To conclude, although the number of are unstable, so they try to find some
meaning categories in the names of the psychological bulwarks to help them
two generations is not different, there succeed in life. Names with auspicious
are differences in the priority given to letters and auspicious meanings are one
the categories and also a shift in the interesting factor that gives them
choice oflexical items from Thai native emotional stability. This is perhaps a
words to Pali and Sanskrit words. continuous phenomenon from ancient
times: that because human beings
cannot understand and overcome natural
Conclusion disasters, they worship holy things and
supernatural power.
Thai pe·o ple have had a belief in
auspiciousness and inauspiciousness for
a very long time. The selection ofletters
and meanings in their names is evidence
of such beliefs. However, the selection
of auspicious letters and favorable
meanings are practised more frequently
among the young generation than the
old generation. Younger Thais tend to