Learning Plan Raisin in The Sun Edited

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Schools Division Office - Manila

Manuel L. Quezon High School

1516 Blumentritt, Sta. Cruz, Manila
Tel. 244-77-60, email:[email protected]

Teachers: Arlyn M. Nillo Grade Level Nine

Joseph Obal
Learning Area English Quarter Fourth
Developmental Goal
 Enhance students critical thinking skills
Specific Goals Judge the relevance and worth of ideas, soundness Most Essential
of author’s reasoning, and the effectiveness of the Learning Competency:
presentation EN9RC-IVf-2.22

1. Reflect on the dreams and aspirations of characters in the story
2. Express one’s opinions and insights about moral and social issues reflected in the selection.
3. Relate text content to particular social issues, concerns, or dispositions in real life.
4. Write a collaborative paragraph on one’s dreams and aspirations.


Lesson: A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry

1. Laptop
2. Slides Presentation
3. Pictures

 Grade 9 English MELCs
 A Journey Through Anglo-American Literature Learner’s Material for English (Pages
 Online References


A. People with Big Dreams

The teacher will show photos of personalities who became successful despite great
challenges along the way.

 Owner of a bookstore
 Did not prosper due to heavy book censorship by the Japanese during the war
 The first branch was destroyed by fire
 A typhoon destroyed almost all merchandise
Socorro Ramos owner of National Bookstore

 Has always loved to paint

 Had a diving accident when he was 17
 Paralyzed from the neck down
Jovy Sasutona – Painter

 A son of a sidewalk vendor

 Had to be raised by his mother with 5 other siblings
 Was unable to finish his college degree
Alfredo Yao – founder of Zest 0 corporation

B. Information Processing

 What can you say about these people who became successful in life despite their struggles?
 What common quality/qualities do they have in relation to their successes?

C. Word Configuration
Determine the word being described using the configuration and some letters as clues.

1. - firm or fixed intention to achieve a desired end

2. - the quality or state of being persistent

3. - an ability to recover from or adjust easily

to misfortune or change

4. - to anticipate the best possible outcome

D. Literature Echoing Life

 Lorraine Hansberry
 Born in1930 to a real estate
businessman and a school teacher.
 Both parents were activists for civil rights.
 She is a playwright
 “Raisin in the Sun”

E. Who’s Who?
Describe each member of the Younger family and identify their aspirations in life.

F. Comprehension Check

G. Literary Appreciation
I Have a Dream (Group Work)

What is your dream for our country?

In groups of five (5) share your dreams for your country. Begin your sentence with, “I have a
dream…” The group secretary will record the discussion then the leader will present this in class.

Note this example: I have a dream. I dream of becoming a soldier because I want to help my country
preserve freedom and peace.


CRITERIA 10 15 20 25
Content Does not seem Shows a good Shows a good Shows a full
to understand understanding of understanding of understanding of the
the topic very parts of the topic. the topic. topic.
Preparednes The group does The group is The group seems The group
s not seem at all somewhat prepared, prepared but might completely prepared
prepared to but rehearsal was have needed a and has obviously
present. lacking. couple more rehearsed.
Speaks Often mumbles Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and
Clearly or can not be distinctly most ( 94- distinctly all (100- distinctly all (100-
understood OR 85%) of the time. 95%) the time, but 95%) the time, and
mispronounces Mispronounces no mispronounces mispronounces no
more than one more than one word. one word. words.
Collaboration Rarely listens to, Often listens to, Usually listens to, Almost always listens
with Peers shares with, and shares with, and shares with, and to, shares with, and
supports the supports the efforts supports the supports the efforts
efforts of others of others in the efforts of others in of others in the
in the group. group but the group. Does group. Tries to keep
Often is not a sometimes is not a not cause "waves" people working well
good team good team member. in the group. together.

H. Valuing
IV. Assignment

Exit Ticket

Can you relate this in

What interesting your life?
lessons you (State the similarities,
learned today? differences, and benefits
in our present situation)

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