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Schneider HELOC-Periodic Billing Statements (P. 2)

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~_ @ =o ceeviracrzemenr @ Loan’No: 40000008 (Continued) Page 2 i eres moe tha one person autor toute tie ret Une Account, You ears nt to ge uw eonfetg inst, such atone Borrower tallng us not to ave advancas to the othe. Ltt onthe Uae of Ghosh. Wo reer the ght et honor He Equty Line of rede hac Inthe folowing cumstances: Credit Limit Violation. Your Credit Linit hes been or woul be exceed by paving the Heme Equity Line of Credit Check. Post-dated Cheeks. Your Homa Equity Line of Crelt Chack ls postdated. If» postsates Home Equlty Lie of Credit Check le pad and a= ‘result eny other check e returned or not pad, we ar not reaponsil, ‘Stolen Checks. Your Home Equity Line of Crest Checks have boon reported lot or sion, ‘Unauthorized Signatures. Your Home Equity Line of Credit Check ls nat lgned by an “Authorized Signer* ae defined boow. “Termination or Suspension. Your Credit Line hes been terminated or suspended as provided in ths Agrooment or could Home Eauity Line of Credit Check, Transaction Volaon.. Your Home Equlty Line of Credit Check Iss than the minimum, amount required by ths: Agreement er you a blation of ny other transection requemont or would be H we pad the Home Equity Line of Cred Check It we pay any Home Equity Une of Credit Chack under these conditions, you must repay us, subject to applicable laws, forthe amount of the Home Equity Line of Greet Chock. “The Home Equty Line of Credit Check ‘elf wil. bo evidence of your debt to us together with his Agreement. Our lab, It any, for wrong{uldzhonor ofa check Is fnited to Your actual damages. Dishonor for any reason es provided In this ‘Agreament Is not wrongful déhonor, "We may choese rot to return Home Equly Line of Credit Checks slong with your perode bling Satemants; howver, your uta of each Home Equity Line of Gredt Check wit be cflacted on your pelode statement as oedt advance, We {do not "erty" Home Equity Lin of Credle Checks drawn en your Cred Une, ‘Transaction Requicements. The flowing tranesction Iintatione wil ppt to the use of your Credit Line: Request By Wall, In Person Raguest, Fax Request and Credit Line Home Equity Line of Credit Check Linitaians, Tha folowing traneaeton Imitetions ‘wil apply to your Credit Line and requesting an advance by mal, requesting an advance In person, accessing by other methods and the writing of Home Equity Line of Credt Checks. Minimum Advance Amount. The minimum smount of any etedh savance that oan be msde an your Credit Line ic £800.00, This ‘means any Home Equlty Line of Credit Check must be writen for atleast the mimum edvance amount. ‘Authorized Signers. The words "Authorized Signer" on Hore Equity Line of Credit Checks as used In this Agraement moan and include each person who (a) signs the applleation fr this Ceci Line, Ib signe ths Agreement, or {c) has executed a separate signature authorization ead for the Credit Line Account. H ‘Lost Home Equity Line of Credit Checks. If you lose your Home Equity Une of Credit Checks or if someone is using them without your permission, you agree to let us know Immediately. The fastest way to notify us is by eallng us at (905) 800-8807, You sao cen notity Us at Bank of Coral Gables 86 Merick Way, Suite 106, Coral Gable, FL_3138, Future Credit Line Services, Your pplication for this Credit Line also serves aso request fo rocsive any new services (such as access davices] Which may be avallsble at some future time se one of out servicgs in connection with ths Crest Une. You understand tha this request Ie Voluntary snd that you may refuse any of these new servcos at tho time they are offered. (Yeu furthor understand that the tems end conditions Uf this Agreement will govern any traneectons made pursuant to ny of theee new service, Collateral You acknowledge this Agreement i= secured by the following collateral described in the sacurty Instrument Isted herein: 20 ‘Open-End Mortgage dated July 28, 2006, 19 us on rel property Ioeated In Palen Beach County, State of Forde Insurance. ‘You must obisin insurance on the Property securing tls Agreement that Is reasonably satlstactory to us, You may obtain property Insurance trough any company of your chole thet reasonably satisfactory to us. You have the option of providing any ineurance required ‘under this Agreement through an existing policy ora policy Independehty ebtsined and paid for by you, subject to Sur right, for reesoneble ‘couse before credit is extended, to decline any insurance provided by you.” Subject to applicable lav, if you fel to obtain or maintain Insurance fs required in the Mortgege, we may purchase insurance to protect ou own interest, add the premium to your balance, pursue any cther remedies avaliable tous, oF do any one or more of these things. 7 Fight of Sotoft. To the extent permitted by applcabe aw, ws reserve a right of setott nal your accounts with us (whether checking, ‘ther account, cluding without imitation, all eounts you may open in the future,” However, this does not inelode any IA ‘or any trust accounts for which setof would bo prohibited bylaw.” You authorize us, to the extent permitted by apicale law, to ‘charge of soto all sums owing on this Agreement agolst any end all such sccounts, snd, st our option, to administratively freeze al such ‘sccounis to alow us to protect our charge and seta ahts proved in this paregrph It oe ald the ln ‘When FIVANGE CHARGES Begin to Accrue. Palodle FINANGE CHARGES for credt advances under your Crelt Lie wil begin to acerue on the date ret advances are posted to your Crest LIne. There Is no “foe ride period” which would alow yau to aeld a FINANCE CHARGE on your Creat Line ereit advances, t ' 1d Used to Determine the Balance on Which the FRANCE CHARGE Wil Be Computed A dally FINANCE CHARGE wil be inposed on all credit advances made under your Cedt Line Imposed trom the dato of tach ereit advance based on the “day balance” method. To get the day balance, wo tak te begining blenooof You Creat Une Accoum uch ey, odd ony ew advances and sure ony payments o eres tnd any unpsid FIVANCE CHARGES, This piven us the "al balance,” Method of Determining the Amount of FINANCE CHARGE. Any FINANCE CHARGE is determined by apiying the “Pesioe Rate” tothe belanco desorbed horain. Then wo add together the pevodie FHUANCE CHARGES for each dey In the biling cycle. This Is your FRANCE CHARGE {aleulated by applying Period ‘You eleo agee to pay FINANCE CHARGES, not cstousted by applying ¢ Petlocle Rate, as set forth below: Additional Finance Charges. The following additional FINANCE CHARGES will be charged to your Credit Line or pald In cash: nderwritng to Bank of Corat Gabes: nCosh $300.00 _cecessing Foe to Bank of" Cord A ‘Gables: i fncash 4178.00

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