Castor Oil

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Castor Oil: Therapeu#c

Benefits, Uses For Skin And
Uses Castor Oil In Ayurveda

March 28, 2022

Castor oil is a vegetable pressed oil extracted from

the plant Ricinus communis, a na!ve to African and
Asian countries. The leaves of this castor bean plant
resemble the palm of Christ, thus earning it another
popularly colloquial name ‘Palma Christe.’
Castor oil is a nonvola!le fa"y oil obtained from the
seeds of castor bean plant (Ricinus communis) which
belongs to the flowering family Euphorbiaceae.
Castor oil is known as vilaakenni in Tamil, Arandi tel
in Hindi and Amudamu in Telugu.

It contains a harmful enzyme called ricin, but the

process of hea!ng castor oil deac!vates it, making
the oil safe for use. Castor oil is a translucent liquid
with a pale-yellow colour which has a unique taste
and odor with a high boiling point and density.
Castor oil and its by-products are used widely in the
produc!on of soaps, lubricants, hydraulic, paints,
inks, cold-resistant plas!c, waxes, nylon and
perfume. Castor oil has a broad spectrum of
medicinal, industrial and pharmaceu!cal benefits. It is
used extensively as an addi!ve in the food industry,
skincare essen!als, industrial lubricant and biodiesel
fuel component.
As per the study published by the Interna!onal
Journal of Toxicology, castor oil is used extensively in
more than 700 cosme!c products. Castor oil also
comprises certain beneficial salts and esters which
works as skin-condi!oning agents. Castor oil has
always been an integral part of home remedies while
trea!ng common skin issues like pigmenta!on and
DIY beauty care products.
Castor oil comprises a host of beneficial components
including Omega 3 fa"y acids, ricinoleic acid,
flavonoids, Vitamin E, phenolic acids, amino acids,
terpenoids and phytosterols. Castor oil is broken
down in to ricinoleic acid in gut which promotes the
diges!on process. The ricinoleic acid is absorbed well
within the skin layers and aids in maintaining healthy
skin flora. Castor oil is used extensively in trea!ng
various skin disorders including derma!!s, psoriasis
and acne.

Uses Of Castor Oil In Ayurveda

Castor oil is praised as a Master in Ayurvedic

medicine for its poten!al in healing alopecia,
wrinkles, ovarian cysts, cons!pa!on, piles, asthma
and arthri!s to men!on a few. It is known as
Gandharvahasta or Eranda taila in Ayurveda and the
plethora of natural compounds in castor oil confer
healing health benefits which are used widely in
Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine.
As per the Ayurveda castor oil possess sweet,
pungent, and astringent tastes. It cools the body
when applied externally. The sweetness offers
nourishment, while the pungent and astringent
quality flushes out salts and toxins from the system.
The cooling property aids in lessening pita and skin
irrita!ons like prickly heat.
The chief ingredients of castor oil are ricinoleic acid
(85-90%), oleic acid, stearic acid, palmi!c acid,
linoleic acid and dihydroxy stearic acid. The strong
an! inflammatory, an! infec!ous, an!rheuma!c,
fungicidal, laxa!ve, immune boos!ng, an!-viral, labor
inducing, an!-allergic, an!aging and analgesic
proper!es are valued as a great remedial quality of
pure castor oil in Ayurvedic medicine.
Evidence shows that castor beans were used in
Egyp!an tombs da!ng back to 4000 BC. Even
Cleopatra used this amazing natural oil for
brightening whites of the eyes and for dry eyes.

Effect On Doshas

Castor Oil, also known as Eranda Tailam in Ayurveda

is sanc!fied with Tikta (i.e. bi"er taste) and Madhura
Rasa (i.e. sweet taste) and five potent Gunas or
quali!es including Guru (i.e. heavy), Ushna (i.e. hot),
Sara (i.e. flowing), Balyam (i.e. strength promoter) and
Visram Gunas (i.e. foul-smelling quali!es). It
intrinsically portrays Ushna Virya (i.e. hot potency)
and Katu Vipaka (i.e. pungent metabolic taste). Being
heavy and oily, it pacifies the Vata (air) doshas and
Kapha (earth and water) doshas whereas an excess of
it can aggravate the Pi"a (fire and air) doshas.
Owing to the intrinsic proper!es and doshas, Eranda
taila has a posi!ve effect on the various Dhatus (i.e.
body !ssues) of the body including Rasa (i.e. Plasma),
Rakta (i.e. Blood), Mamsa (i.e. Muscles), Asthi (i.e.
Bones) and Shukra (i.e. Reproduc!ve Fluids).
Also Read: Introduc!on To Ayurveda: Learn About
Vata, Pi"a And Kapha Doshas

Ayurvedic Indica#ons

Since centuries, eranda taila has been used for its

powerful therapeu!c applica!ons and hence it was
men!oned !me and again in several Puranic texts
and ayurvedic scriptures. The holis!c science of
Ayurveda acknowledges this powerful oil for the
following main indica!ons which include; Vranahara
(helps treat wounds), Shramahara (relieves !redness),
Krumihara (relieves worms), Sulaghnam (relieves
pain), Anila Shodhanam (flushes morbid Vata),
Rasayana (an!-ageing), Vardhamahara (cures hernia),
Virechana (treats cons!pa!on), Gulmahara (treats
abdominal tumors), Jwara hara (treats fevers), Kustha
(treats skin disorders), Keshya (treats hair problems),
Dahahara (relieves burning sensa!on), and Varnya
(improves complexion).

Extrac#on Of Castor Oil

Castor oil is extracted from castor bean by

mechanical pressing, solvent extrac!on or a
combina!on of both pressing and extrac!on. The
seeds are sun-dried for seven days to allow the hull
to split open a$er which the husk is removed
mechanically with the help of dehuller. The dried
seeds are cleaned to remove impuri!es and heated
to harden the interior of the seed suitable for
extrac!on. Then the seeds are warmed in a steam-
jacketed press to remove the moisture and this
process will assist in oil extrac!on. The boiled seeds
are dried again before the extrac!on process starts.
A hydraulic press is used to crush the castor seeds
which helps to extract oil.

5 Important Health Bene2ts Of Castor Oil


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Therapeu#c Benefits Of Castor Oil

1. Natural Laxa#ve

Castor oil is a highly valued as a natural laxa!ve like

cumin and aloe vera. The laxa!ve proper!es of
castor oil increase the movement of muscles which
freely pushes bowel materials via the intes!ne and
clears the waste. Castor oil when ingested, is broken
down to ricinoleic acid in the small intes!ne and gets
absorbed well.
Several studies have revealed that castor oil can treat
cons!pa!on by reducing symptoms, lessen the strain
during defeca!on and reduce the feeling of
incomplete bowel movements. However, castor oil is
safe for use in small doses, large amounts may cause
abdominal cramps, vomi!ng, nausea and diarrhea.

2. Supports Wound Healing

Castor oil when applied on wounds provides a moist

environment that fosters healing and prevents sores
from drying out. Many ointments used in clinical
se%ngs to heal wounds contains castor oil. Castor oil
promotes !ssue growth that creates a barrier
between the wound and the environment, lowering
the risk of infec!on. In addi!on, it also aids to lower
the dryness, cornifica!on and averts the building up
of dead skin cells that may delay wound healing.
Evidence strongly supports that ointment containing
castor oil may be beneficial in healing pressure ulcers.

3. An#-Inflammatory Effects

The goodness of ricinoleic acid the major fa"y acid in

castor oil exhibits powerful an!-inflammatory
proper!es. Castor oil when applied topically supports
in lowering inflamma!on and alleviates pain. The
an!-inflammatory proper!es of castor oil may be
specifically beneficial in trea!ng inflammatory
condi!ons like rheumatoid arthri!s. Furthermore,
moisturizing proper!es of castor oil may be potent to
ease dry and irritated skin issues in people with

4. Treats Acne

Acne or pimples is a common skin disorder affec!ng

teens which result in blackheads, whiteheads and
bumps on the face and back. Acne is caused when
the skin becomes clogged with dead skin or bacteria.
Castor oil possesses amazing medicinal proper!es
that are beneficial in lowering acne symptoms. The
poten!al an!bacterial proper!es of castor oil ba"les
bacterial overgrowth when applied topically and clear

5. Ba%les Fungal Infec#on

Fungal infec!on caused due to candida albicans

results in dental problems like plaque growth, gum
infec!ons and root canal infec!ons. The strong
an!fungal proper!es of castor oil facilitate to ward
off bacteria and maintain mouth fresh and healthy. It
is also effec!ve in trea!ng denture associated
stoma!!s, a painful condi!on caused due to candida
albicans from the infected tooth root. Moreover,
brushing and soaking dentures in castor oil solu!on
exhibited a remarkable reduc!on in Candida among
elderly people using dentures.

6. Promotes Immunity

Castor oil is highly valued in tradi!onal medicine for

strengthening the immune system by increasing
white blood cells. Evidence revealed that castor oil
has the poten!al to boost the count of T11 cells and
promote the secre!on of lymphocytes in the blood
within a few hours of use. Lymphocytes are the body
natural disease-fighters which can bout toxins,
bacteria, fungus, virus and other outside invaders and
keep diseases at bay.
In addi!on, it also promotes lympha!c system
drainage, improve blood flow, the health of thymus
gland and triggers immune system func!ons. Studies
reveal that castor oil serves as an essen!al
detoxifica!on ingredient and trea!ng diges!ve

7. Induces Labor

Castor oil is a highly praised natural remedy for

inducing labor. Since ancient !mes, castor oil is highly
recommended for the full-term pregnant women to
speed up the contrac!on of the uterus. The fact
behind it is ricinoleic acid in castor oil ac!vates EP3
prostanoid receptor in the uterus which assists in
inducing labor. Recent evidence reveals that the use
of castor oil is linked with a higher probability of
inducing labor within 24 hours a$er inges!on. Thus,
castor oil can serve as a non-pharmacological
method for labor induc!on. However, one a$ermath
of taking castor oil is that a few women may feel
nauseated a$er consuming it.

8. Promotes Libido

Castor oil facilitates to balance the hormones by

absorbing the fat molecules in the body. It enhances
blood flow to the sexual organs aids in boos!ng the
sexual drive and vitality. In addi!on, it can also
alleviate the PMS symptoms, anxiety and mood

9. Regulates Cycle

Ricinoleic acid in castor oil works as a natural

emmenagogue and s!mulates menstrua!on in case
of a delayed cycle, eases pain and abdominal cramps
during menstrua!on.

10. Eye Health

The strong an!-inflammatory proper!es of castor oil

assist in improving cataracts, reduce dry eye and
lower eye infec!ons. It is also effec!ve in reducing
dark circles under the eyes.

The Benefits Of Castor Oil For Skin

Castor oil has been used since ancient !mes as a

natural remedy to treat skin and hair related
problems. It is an elixir for keeping mane lustrous and
skin glowing. Enriched with vitamin E, omega fa"y
acids and proteins, castor oil helps prevent hair fall,
premature greying of hair, ba"le irritated scalp
problems and promotes hair growth. Be it tan,
pigmenta!on, acne or ageing castor oil is the best fix
for all.

1. Lessens Wrinkles

Castor oil acts as an amazing remedy for lessening

wrinkles. It diffuses into the skin and s!mulates the
produc!on of collagen which smoothens and
hydrates the skin. Apply castor oil over the wrinkled
area, let it stay overnight and rinse well. This can
revamp the skin by making it look supple and radiant.

2. Moisturizer

The poten!al an!-inflammatory and an!bacterial

proper!es in castor oil assists in healing skin
problem, shield the skin from bacterial infec!ons and
thwart off microbes causing skin issues.
The abundance of triglycerides in castor oil confers
to maintain skin moisture and helps in trea!ng dry
skin. In addi!on, the humectant proper!es can retain
the moisture by preven!ng the water loss and keep
the skin well hydrated throughout the day.

3. Cleanser

The natural astringent proper!es of castor oil help in

clearing off the impuri!es from the skin and it is
suitable for cleansing oily skin too. The richness of
essen!al fa"y acids in castor oil facilitates in
reinsta!ng natural moisture balance of the skin.
Gently apply castor oil on your face and massage in
circular mo!ons, allow it to stay overnight and wash
off in the morning. This clears the clogged pores and
heals acne.

4. Maintains Complexion

The richness of monosaturated fa"y acids in castor

oil makes the skin smooth and so$er when applied as
a facial oil. It can also s!mulate the growth of healthy
skin !ssues and revamp the uneven skin tone thus
enhancing the skin texture and complexion.
Castor oil has a very low comedogenic score, it
lowers the risk of developing blackheads and has
very less chance to clog pores in the skin, thus
suitable for all types of sensi!ve skin.
To promote be"er absorp!on of castor oil into the
skin always dilute castor oil in the ra!o 1:1 with
other agents like olive and coconut oil which allows
castor oil to penetrate deep within the skin.

Castor Oil For Hair Health

1. Promotes Hair Growth

Castor oil is believed to be the best oil to boosts hair
health. The goodness of ricinoleic acid and omega 6
fa"y acids improves the blood circula!on when
messaged onto the scalp and promotes the growth of
hair. Furthermore, it also hydrates and condi!ons the
hair naturally.


1 tsp castor oil

1tsp coconut oil
½ tsp methi powder

How To Use

Mix castor oil with coconut oil and methi seed

powder, apply it on the scalp, let it stay for 20
minutes and wash well. This hair pack can avert hair
fall and makes the roots stronger, grow tresses faster
and lustrous.

2. Clears Dandruff

The poten!al an!fungal and an!bacterial proper!es

of castor oil facilitate to clear all types of dandruff
and treat scalp infec!ons.


2tsp castor oil

1 tsp lemon juice

How To Use

Blend castor oil with lemon juice, apply this mixture

on the scalp of the hair, and allow it stay for 30
minutes and rinse well to ward off dandruff.

3. Treats Stye

The potent an!bacterial proper!es of castor oil help

in thwar!ng off stye. Apply a few drops of castor oil
for three-four !mes in a day for best results.

Castor Leaves Benefits

The leaves of castor bean plant also confer with a

wealth of healing benefits. Castor leaves paste when
applied topically improves the milk secre!on in
lacta!ng women. It works as a natural moisturizer,
enhances the tone and complexion of the skin and
smoothen the hair. Castor leaves juices are believed
to provide instant relief from rheumatoid arthri!s,
headache, cellulite, edema and skin condi!ons like
ringworm, psoriasis and warts.

How To Use:

Warm few castors leaves, place pack over the

affected joints and bandage, leave it overnight. This
can effec!vely offer relief from painful joints,
s!ffness and lowers inflamma!on.

Uses Of Castor Oil

Castor oil has a broad spectrum of uses in various

ways – orally, applying externally on the skin, oil
packs or massage oils or blended with different
essen!al oils which are used widely in skincare
regimen and treatment. Always choose brands that
are of the highest quality, cold pressed, organic and
pure castor oil is available in local departmental
stores and online.

Side Effects And Precau#ons

Castor oil is classified by the Food and Drug

Administra!on which is recognized safe for both
external and internal use. Castor oil has been listed
Generally Recognized as Safe and Effec!ve (GRASE)
by FDA (Food and Drug Administra!on USA as an
over the counter laxa!ve.
Some!mes skin breaks out when exposed to castor
oil as the chemicals in castor oil make it harmful.
However, taking too much castor oil orally can
elevate the risk and results in diges!ve issues like
diarrhea, dehydra!on, cramping, nausea, irrita!on,
gut issues, sore throat, chest pain and breathing

Pregnant women should not take it before consul!ng

with a doctor to induce labor as castor oil falls into
the X category list.

Frequently Asked Ques#ons

Can Castor Oil Prevent Hair Loss?

Yes, castor oil is highly beneficial for reducing hair

fall. It works by moisturising the hair sha$ and
lessening the chance of breakage, promo!ng hair
growth, and making the mane bouncy.

Can I Apply Castor Oil Daily For Hair Growth?

No, you cannot use castor oil daily, experts

recommend using castor oil not more than once or
twice a week. Also, use it in very small quan!!es and
never apply it directly on your mane. Always mix with
a carrier oil such as coconut o argan or almond oil for
op!mum hair benefit.

Can I Have Castor Oil Orally?

Yes, castor oil can be taken orally, a$er ge%ng advice

from your physician. It acts as a natural laxa!ve and
helps to s!mulate bowel movement and relieve
cons!pa!on. The recommended dosage is 10 ml and
should be taken with milk or water for best result.

How Long Does It Take For Castor Oil To Work?

Generally, castor oil takes about 2-3 hours to

regularise bowel movements, but for some people, it
may take as long as 6 hours to work.

Does Castor Oil Help With Weight Loss?

Castor oil may help lose extra weight by suppressing

the appe!te and curbing hunger pangs. Being a
natural laxa!ve, it supports regularising bowel
movement and reducing water reten!on in the body
and help you lose weight.
Take 1 teaspoon of castor oil with lukewarm water or
fresh lemon juice on an empty stomach for a week
for every alterna!ve week and con!nue this for 3
months for best results.


Castor oil serves as a natural remedy for trea!ng

various health condi!ons including cons!pa!on,
fungal infec!ons, eases arthri!s pain and enhances
skin and hair health. Thus, castor oil serves as a
versa!le ingredient and a must-have natural healer in
every house.

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Sowmya Binu
MSc., M.phil Food And Nutri!on

Last updated oddddn:

04 May 2022 | 13:37 pm (IST)

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