BN Newsletter Oct

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Volume 1, Issue 2 October 2011

From the Battalion Commander

To our Soldiers and Family Members! What a busy summer the Medicine Warriors has had! Between support to ROTC Warrior Forge mission and preparing three units to assume the Homeland Defense mission, our Soldiers have been going strong! This coming fall, we have a lot of changes in terms of personnel, specifically our command teams. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome some of our incoming commanders. CPT David Chappell is assuming command of HHD/56th MMB in November. He has been assigned to the 56th MMB since December 2010 and was an integral member of the I Corps Expert Field Medical Badge testing this past March. CPT Mark Sander, a new member of the Medicine Warrior Team, is joining us from Hawaii and is assuming command of the 551st Medical Logistics Company. Mark is a trained medical logistics officer and is looking forward to the challenge of reintegrating the unit as the Soldiers just returned from their deployment in support of OND. Our last incoming commander, CPT Andrew Maccini, is assuming command of the 547th Area Support Medical Company and is no stranger to the 62d Medical Brigade having just returned from a year long deployment from Afghanistan as their Property Book Officer. Each of our incoming commanders are not only excited and honored, they are more than qualified to assume this important role in the Battalion! Welcome each of you as well as your Families! We are so blessed to have you all! I also would like to take this opportunity to congratulate SFC Diana Istre and SSG Karsten Johnstone, our Battalion S2 team, on winning the Joint Base Lewis McChord Amazing Security Race. Competing with up to 16 teams across the installation, both SFC Istre and SSG Johnsone competed in 10 events, requiring physical stamina, skill and determination! Of note, our team beat out the I Corps Special Security Office! Great job! We are so proud of you!


Medicine Warrior! Newsletter

As you enjoy your October festivities, please remember to incorporate safety and healthy living into your every day life and activities. October is Fire Safety and Prevention month. I encourage each of you to review some simple fire safety procedures as a Family in your home. Examples include creating evacuation routes and holding practice fire drills. In closing, thank you for what you do each and every day. Thanks for your commitment to our organization and our Nation! God bless each of you! V/r LTC Kim Aiello

Command Sergeant Major Forum

As we enter the Fall season change is in the air. Our ranks are changing as fast as the weather. Most of our Soldiers are returning home after deployments and are slowly reintegrating themselves back into a more normal routine. As we begin the Fall Holiday season take a few moments to reflect on all the great things the Battalion has accomplished this year. Multiple unit deployments , Warrior Forge, Special Olympics of Washington, COMET Inspection, ICI Inspection , Vibrant Response and assumption of the DCERF mission to name a few accomplishments. Change is good and many of you are preparing to PCS or ETS in the near future. As Veterans Day approaches, take a moment to remember why you serve this great country of ours and the many sacrifices you and your families have made to keep this great nation free!! Thank you for all that you and your families do and God Bless the 56th MMB and the Unites States of America.

Inside this issue:

Awards Promotions Hail and Farewells Soldier of the Month NCO of the Month 547th/551 Welcome Home Meet Chaplain Bankston HHD 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 166th OP 218th (RD) 227th PM 255th PM 514th GA 575th MC 520th MC 153rd BS 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 673rd DC 98th CSC Upcoming Battalion Events Our Newest Editions Volunteer of the Month Who is this? CPT Berger-AMEDD Junior Leader Safety Message 8 9 9 10 10 10 10 11

Medicine Warrior Awards

Army Commendation Medal (ARCOM) were presented to the following Medicine Warrior Soldiers:

SFC West, Jamie HHD SSG Gilbert, Brandon 575th MC SSG Pennington, Jon 575th MC

Army Achievement Medal (AAM) were presented to the following Medicine Warrior Soldiers:

SPC Hooven, Laura HHD PFC Agbavon, Billy HHD PFC Jones, Lauren HHD PFC Nehl, Jason HHD SPC Zayas, Carlos HHD 1LT Blau, Ashley 514th GA SPC Cartwright, Richard 514th GA SPC Jones, Travanti 514th GA SPC Miller, Dustin 514th GA

SGT Kenyon, Keith 514th GA SPC Sweazy, Shawn 514th GA SSG Beck, Anthony 575th MC SGT Bayer, Jayson 575th MC SPC Beck, Jessica 575th MC SPC Davis, Olga 575th MC SPC Deusa, Michael 575th MC SPC Kim, Hyun 575th MC

Medicine Warrior Promotions

CONGRATULATIONS to the well deserved promotions to the following Soldiers:

SPC Deyoe, 547th MC SPC Hull, 547th MC SPC Quinn, 547th MC

Medicine Warrior Hail and Farewells

56th Multifunctional Medical Battalion welcomes the following Soldiers into our ranks this month: CW2 Vise, HHD CPT Sander, HHD SGT Burton, HHD PFC Moore, HHD PVT Soifer, HHD PFC Bosarge, 218th PV2 Johnson, 218th SGT Mathewson, 514th GA PFC Moore, 514th GA CPT Maccini, 547th MC SFC Balcom, 547th MC
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SPC Hart, 547th MC PV2 Bellemare, 547th MC CW2 Forrest, 551st MLC SSG Hiton, 575th MC PV2 Hatcher, 575th MC 56th Multifunctional Medical Battalion farewells the following Soldiers and wishes them well in their future assignments and endeavors: SGT Southwell, HHD SGM Payne, HHD SGT Pacheco, 520th MC SPC Frank, 520th MC

SSG Stevens, 520th MC SPC Hooven, 575th MC SPC Hooven, 575th MC SPC Ramsdell, 575th MC SGT Richards, 575th MC SPC Kwon, 575th MC SPC Schofield, 575th MC SPC Hansen, 514th GA


Medicine Warrior Soldier of the Month

SPC Fitzgerald is currently serving as the 218th (R) (P) Supply Sergeant. With her time in the 218th (R) (P), she has been responsible for 4 property book hand receipts and 12 sub hand receipts valued over $6.5 Million. She has completed over 75 lateral transfers, valued over $2.5 Million. She is always willing to go above and beyond what is expected. She has put in countless hours in activity within the BN, to include 2009 56th MMB Holiday Ball committee, and Tillicum Elementary vision and hearing screening 2011. Her work ethic and dedication to the mission has always made her stand out among her peers. SPC Fitzgerald also volunteered her time in support of the 56th MMB Rangnar Northwest Passage Relay Race team, who would finish first place in their division. She is currently working on her short term goal to receive a bachelors in Social Services having completed over 38 credit hours.

SPC Fitzgerald, 218th Rear Detachment, Medicine Warrior Soldier of the Month.

Medicine Warrior NCO of the Month

SGT Almendares has been a part of the unit since June of 2011. He came into the unit running by ensuring that he inventoried and signed for equipment and meeting with his team before leaving for SLC. Upon his return from school, he prepared the unit for the FTX in Aug providing guidance, leadership, and experiences from previous units. While in the field, he was the leader who took the initiative to ensure that all Soldiers were up on time, vehicles were PMCSed and ready for training with all necessary equipment readily available. He proved to be a great leadership asset to the command team.
SGT Almendares, 227th PM, Medicine Warrior NCO of the Month.

Welcome Home 547th ASMC and 551st MLC!


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Meet Chaplain Bankston

My name is Myles Bankston and my wife and I have been married for over 18 years. I am from New Orleans, LA. I first entered the military in 1990 in the Marine Corps where I was in the infantry. I entered the Army Chaplaincy in 2002. I have been a pastor of multi-church districts and large churches, evangelist, and worked as a Federal Prison Chaplain since entering the ministry in 1996. My family and I moved from Fort Gordon, GA where we spent the last year working at Eisenhower Hospital while I was attending school. We are excited to be here and pray that our time at the 56th MMB will be spiritually rewarding for all the soldiers and family members we have the privilege to come in contact with. I like to consider myself a soldiers Chaplain and easily approachable by soldiers and their family members. I believe my job as a Chaplain is to be where the soldiers are and easily accessible to their spiritual needs. If you see me in your area please feel free and comfortable to come and talk with me. I try and accept everyone for who the are, not what they are, because I understand that God knows what they can become. Thanks and God bless, Chaplain Bankston

Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment (HHD)

Hammer Soldiers,
Friends and Family- I would like to start off by saying thanks for all your hard work and dedication of the last 20 months. As my time is nearing the end here as the HHD Commander I wanted to speak on a few of the units accomplishments during my tenure. First was our short deployment to Operations Unified Response in Haiti- The unit was truly tested in its ability to set up operations from the ground up while providing command and control to 4 direct reporting units. Second were the back to back field exercises during the winter months in 2010. The unit was able to become trained in all the Mission Essential Tasks through the Operation Forces realistic scenarios. Third was Expert Field Medical Badge Operations in which we hosted over 400 candidates to compete in the EFMB. Lastly has been the units hard work and dedication to getting Back to Basics. We have been working extremely hard in overcoming our shortfalls in the everyday systems and processes. We are continuing to receive pass ratings in the Organizations Inspection Program and COMET. As the Soldiers continue to accomplish the daily mission so do their family members. Once again I cannot thank you enough for your continued support, not only to the unit but to your Soldier. Our Family Readiness Group continues to turn into a program sought out by many members of the Hammer Team. I encourage you to continue to attend Family Readiness Activities. I will Change Command in Nov and would like to take this opportunity to introduce the incoming Commander, CPT David Chappell. CPT Chappell is a 67J (Aeromedical Evacuation Officer) and has been with HHD since Jan 2011 working in Support Operations. He is very eager to take the position and will do an outstanding job. CPT Williams

166th Ophthalmic Team

September was a busy month for the 166th. It was back to school for all the kids, for some that meant twice due to the teacher strike by Tacoma Public Schools. Our adopted local business, Clarus Eye Center, invited CPT Bingham and myself to their staff meeting on 8 September. The initiative spearheaded by the local AUSA chapter works to connect local businesses with military units. I gave a short overview of our units mission and recent deployment.
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We will work toward future cooperation and establishing ties between Clarus and the 166th. Outdoor recreation gave a good informational talk about their services at our FRG meeting on 16 September. There are certainly lots of local adventures to enjoy. The quarterly hail and farewell gave us a chance to hail SSG Reed and CPT Bingham. We bid our farewell to SSG Conlon and his wife Victoria as they PCS to warmer climates in November. They will be

taking positions at Ft. Sam Houston, TX. We are all looking forward to the arrival of a new Bingham as Darin and Amy are expecting a baby boy in November. We are putting in our request for the much sought after "56th MMB" onsie. Regards, LTC Blunden


227th Preventive Medicine

Thank you to all the family members that have supported your Soldiers through another busy summer. The month of July proved to be another busy month for the Black Scorpion Detachment. Just to highlight a few of the missions going on this month, in addition to the daily detachment activities, we are preparing for the Command Maintenance Evaluation and Training Team Inspection. This inspection is a comprehensive evaluation of the detachment maintenance and supply programs. We also hosted the 40 hour Field Sanitation Course training 49 follow Soldiers across Joint Base Lewis McChord units. The course trains Soldiers in basic field sanitation measures and appropriate personal hygiene that when applied result in reduced disease rates that are often the leading cause of combat ineffectiveness. We had our monthly FRG meeting in which a Financial Counselor came to speak with us about debt management, investing options, and identify theft prevention during deployment. The Army Community Service, Financial Readiness Program offers a wealth of information to family members about financial aid options for higher education programs. I encourage everyone to seek out this free service. Lastly the detachment received an Excellence Rating on the Physical Security Inspection which evaluates the Arms Room processes. SSG Canady, the detachment Armorer with the assistance of SPC Quartucci, tirelessly worked to ensure they flawlessly passed all 72 inspection checklist items with zero critical, major, or minor deficiencies. Their hard work is a testament to the quality of Soldiers that I get to work with daily. Thank you all for your continued support! CPT Katherine Kinder Black Scorpion 6

255th Preventive Medicine

The 255th Medical DetachThe unit had its CPL Blemings receives an AAM for her exceptional ment participated in a large last FRG meeting on performance during the DCRF exercise. joint Defense Chemical Biothe 21st of Septemlogical Radiological Nuclear ber. Information will Response Force (DCRF) exbe forthcoming reercise in Indiana from the garding upcoming 18th-24th August. The unit monthly activities provided preventive medicine and the October FRG support for the exercise by meeting. conducting environmental surveillance to include air, PFC Bower performs environmental sampling. water, and soil sampling.

514th Ground Ambulance

Greetings to all from the 514th Medical Company (Ground Ambulance)! The Soldiers of the 514th Med Co (GA) have continued to be very busy as they finished their support of Warrior Forge 2011 and Medical Proficiency Training; moving directly into preparation for Defense CBRN Response Force (DCRF). This includes preparing to deploy to and participate in Operation Vibrant Response, which will serve as a culminating and certify exercise prior to our official DCFR assumption in October 2011. The Soldiers of the 514th Med Co (GA) have done all of this while continuing to take on any additional Mission Support Requirements, manage their annual training requirements and continue to develop as Soldiers and Leaders. Their efforts have been and continue to be no less than extraordinary. The 514th Med Co (GA) also had three exceptional young leaders (SPC Statz, SPC McCoy & CPL Russell) attend and graduate the Warrior Leaders Course, with CPL Russell earning a place on the WLC Commandants List for graduating in the Top 10% of her class. Congratulations to them all! We also had SPC Duval attend the Sergeant Promotion Board and was recommended for advancement to SGT! We look forward to seeing him develop as a NCO and congratulate him for a job well done! Our near term focus will continue to be DCRF training, mission support and, as always, the Welfare, Training, Physical Condition and Wellbeing of our outstanding Combat Medics and their families. As always, we stand ready to take on any mission; anytime, anywhere. RENEGADES!!! Kill the Pain! 1SG Elliott (Renegade 7)


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575th Medical Company (Area Support)

I want to thank the Soldiers and Families for their steadfast support during a long summer. After all our hard work and dedication to the mission we have been able to enjoy some opportunity leave and recharge our batteries. We have assumed the C2CRE mission and remain prepared to be called upon if any attack should occur on American soil. Guardians have said goodbye to many good Soldiers in the past few weeks and have welcomed many more. We have proud to have them on our team. CPT A.J. Bertone

News from our deployed units 520th Medical Company (Area Support)
520th MED CO (AS) continues to set clinic was a special day for a numthe standard as the best medicine ber of our Soldiers because they warriors in the battalion. Shortly established operations there in after our visit to Bangor, Maine, the 2008. It is fitting that 520th Witchdoctors completed training at ASMC is here to close the clinic one of Kuwaits northwestern troop that honored the service of CPT staging posts, Camp Buehring. We Maria Ortiz. completed theater specific training, Thank you all for your continued acclimated to the 100o weather, and support. We have received lots of grew as a team. In only four days, we letters, packages, emails, and waved goodbye to Kuwaits desert Facebooks messages. They all sand as we loaded the aircraft that brighten our day and warm our would bring us to BIAP (Baghdad hearts. International Airport). CSM McBean, 47th CSH CSM, awards SPC Corley The 547th MED CO (AS) Crusaders with her first coin . CPT Brain Welch welcomed the Witchdoctors with open arms. Boy, were they glad to see Week competition every week. Conus! We immediately began training on gratulations and thank you to SPC their standard practices and procedures Mauney, SPC Corley, and PFC Ramiin the clinic, in the tactical operating rez for your outstanding efforts. Your center, and in the office. 547th ASMC hard work and dedication are greatly did an outstanding job in preparing us to appreciated. The Soldiers have been assume their mission. Our Soldiers emcommitted to excellence and self imbraced the training and worked hard to provement. Your Witchdoctors are learn how they operated. While we did studying and working hard. We will not formally assume the health service see many promotions this deployment. support mission until ten days after arriNow that we are getting settled in and val, our Soldiers immediately took redeveloping a battle rhythm, it is time sponsibility and made the Golby, Ortiz, for change. 2L Wingo, SFC Paez and Soldiers of the 520th Medical Company enjoy a Union III and Shield clinics distinct the Gypsy platoon closed operations at Saturday afternoon outing to the Palace. Witchdoctor territory. the Maria Ortiz Clinic on 31 July and In true Witchdoctor fashion we have are transferring responsibility to the won the TF 47 MED Soldier of the Department of State. Closing the Ortiz
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Deployed Family Events

56th MMB Deployed Unit FRG Meeting will be held on 26 October at the Family Resource Center from 5:307:30pm. This month we will be making Welcome Home Signs is preparation for our Soldiers Return. Waiting Families Support Group is an outreach program for family members with a sponsor that is deployed. The group provides opportunities for families to network with others in similar situations and share in the unique experiences of separation and reunion. Monthly meetings and activities are held. For more information about joining the support group or about monthly family events, call 253-967-3633. Deployed Family Member monthly dinner is offered at Four Chaplains Memorial Chapel the second Tuesday of each month. The main dish is provided and attending families are asked to bring a dish to share. Please confirm your attendance to Carolyn Clanton, [email protected]

153rd Blood Support

We are looking forward to our return to Joint Base Lewis McChord in a very short time! We have cased our colors here in Iraq and are patiently awaiting to be in reunited with our Families! I would like to thank all our Families and Friends who have offered us unwavering support during our deployment. "Blood Warriors" Our deployment has come to an end!
MAJ Christopher Evans

Welcome Home 218th Veterinary Service


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673rd Dental Company OEF

It is difficult to believe, but new assignment at Fort we just entered our 6th month of Benning, GA. CPT Richdeployment. Amazing how ard Clark will return to Fort time flies when you are having Riley, KS, home of the Big fun!! In less than one month Red One and COL Marour current PROFIS dental offishall Cox. CPT Tejdeep cers will redeploy and rejoin Rattan will return to Fort their families and DENTACs in locations all around the world. COL Thomas Wichgers will Team Phoenix and some of return to Fort Hood, TX. Hope- their adventures outside the fully, he will bring some much wire while visiting the Afneeded rain to Texas with him. ghanistan National HospiCOL Terry Lee will return to tal. Fort Leavenworth, KS, home of the Combined Arms Center. COL Donald Scales, COL Ramon (Ray) Melendez, and Drum, NY and to his new CPT(P) Prabhdeep Grewal will bride. CPT Candace Dereturn to Fort Sam Houston, TX, Veaux will return to Fort the home of Army Medicine. Lee, VA. Finally, CPT COL Richard Lynne and CPT Andrew Gutierrez will Aaron Simmons will return to return to Vogelweh, GerFort Sill, OK. No doubt CPT many and CPT Henna Kim Simmons looks forward to meeting his will return to the Hawaii DENTAC (hope no new daughter, Capri Ann, who was born one is too jealous!). It has been great to have during his deployment. MAJ Murgesh you on our team. Thank you for providing Loynes will return to SHAPE, Belgium excellent dental care to thousands of US and for about one month and then move for a Coalition Soldiers during your deployment. I wish you safe travels back home! The 673rd DCAS Family Readiness Group (FRG) had a BBQ for the family members at the Gebharts on 27 August. Apryl & Caleb Clauda; Elisa Barris and her children, Ilaria, Amber & Gabriel; Debbie Stovall & her grandson, Nicholas; Kara & Aiden Gebo; Beth & Cheyenne; and Rosie Gebhart were able to attend. I am told the weather was perfect for a BBQ - sunny and about 85 degrees. In addition to enjoying great food, they played games and shared stories. Too bad we missed out! We look forward to welcoming our second group of PROFIS dental officers. In addition to the opportunity to make new friends, their arrival also signifies that we are over the hump and only have 6 months left in our deployment!


673rd Dental Company OND

Greetings to the Family, Friends, and Soldiers of the 673rd DCAS FWD. This last month we have witnessed many events and changes for our unit here in sunny Iraq. And the heat is on; temps are pushing the 120s and higher. Our command group has relocated our HQs from Joint Base Balad (JBB) to COB Adder, which is more to the south. This 673rd Soldiers enjoy a 5K Fun Run in the Iraqi heat. will facilitate that our HQs will re-main up and operational when JBB We have been able to institute our Rest and closes. We will still be needed here, so we Recuperation (R&R) Program since June, had to find new digs. Our staff is doing a allowing our troops to take some valued splendid job keeping the lines open while leave and be with family and friends back some personnel relocate, with more to folhome. We will do our best to get everyone low once we are operational down here. We out before the first of October; thats when have a building to ourselves (for now). It is USF-I shuts the door on it. a very hardened structure, so you can know We are authorized to rotate only a handful that your friends and family are safe while of personnel each month. I trust that you at work. Now if we could just get our furniwill find this a rejuvenating and restful ture to arrive in CONNEXs that were experience. Enjoy your time off, practice shipped weeks ago, then we would have safety in all you do, and come back ready to something to sit on and places to work at. go the distance! I want to express my gratitude to those who offered thoughts and prayers for me while I had surgery in Landstuhl hospital the end of June. All is well, completely healed, and ready to finish this mission. Please write often to your family members, friends, and loved ones. Keep in touch with the most important people in your life. Boost your morale, keep your spirits positive, and remember this too shall pass. So make the best of this experience, as we provide the best dentistry for our Nations Warriors! COL Daniel Reese

673rd Soldiers pose with the Broncos Cheerleaders who visited on a USO tour.

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98th Combat Stress Control

It has now been a full seven months out here in the Iraqi desert! There have been changes in the 98th FRG and Soldiers boots on ground. We have said goodbye to some of our colleagues and received some new ones with open arms. The home front has grown as well with new family dynamics and additions. We've had births, weddings, and engagements. I will say the Soldiers and family members in the 98th CSC don't let a big thing like a deployment make them put life on hold. First the goodbyes; our teams here in Iraq have changed. We saw our first set of psychiatric providers, psychiatrists and psychiatric nurse practitioners rotated out. MAJ Elizabeth Callen from the Warrior Team, MAJ Allen Fields from the Balad Team, MAJ Muhammad Alam from the Al Asad Team, and MAJ Glenda Wolfe from the Marez Team all completed their tours and returned to their families and home front professional obligations. I want to thank them for the high level of professional skills and life enriching impact that they made for the Service Members we serve as well as how they bolstered each and everyone of us that had the opportunity to work with them. Goodbye to our FRG family members for these soldiers. I want to thank you for your love, sacrifice, prayers, and support helping us all stay strong and make it through this tough deployment. Also we closed two sites and had to say goodbye to all the units and friends we made at COS Marez and FOB Warhorse. All of us in the 98th want to welcome our new set of psychiatric providers bringing enthusiastic attitudes with new and fresh ideas to help us all grow professionally. Welcome MAJ Gail Casley -Sawyer and MAJ Daniel Steigerwalt both new to the Balad Team, MAJ Blanca OsorioCandelaria new to the Al Asad Team, and MAJ Michael Cyra new to the Warrior Team. We all look forward to working with and learning from these highly experienced professionals. We warmly welcome your family members into our Family Readiness Group. We also want to recognize our other new additions that came to us during R&R leaves, SGT and Mrs. Richard Navarro's new baby girl, Karen Isabella, and SPC Richard Jordan's bride, Bobbie Jo Jordan. We welcome you to the 98th. We are past the half way mark, winding down, and starting to set our sights on completing the mission. The Soldiers are moving to collapse points and so the goal is in reach. So families get ready for reunions, your Soldiers are doing great things and ready to do even greater things in the future. LTC Gourley

Upcoming Battalion Events

Medicine Warrior Soldiers, Family and Friends (dogs too!) are invited to wear your costume for this fun run on Friday, 28 October. Please meet at the LCOF at 7 am.


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Our newest additions

Congratulations to the following Soldiers who welcomed little bundles of joy! SGT Navarro (98th CSC) and his wife welcomed their baby girl, Karen on 3 September. SGT Montoya (218th VS) and his wife welcomed their baby girl, Aubrey on 15 September. PFC Larson (514th GA) and his wife welcomed their baby boy Jackson on 24 September.

FRG Volunteer of the Month

Linda Lassandro has been a great asset to the 547th FRG from the moment they PCS'd to the unit in 2009. She is currently volunteering as the FRG Secretary and Platoon Point of Contact (POC). Linda has made the FRG a priority among all of her other responsibilities. She has volunteered at fundraising events, organized and executed fundraising events by herself and has embodied the values of what an FRG is. Since the units deployment in July 2010 to their return in July 2011, Linda has taken to Volunteers don't get heart the role of POC. She ensures she makes some sort of contact with each and every spouse, parent, brother, paid, not because they're sister or aunt and uncle that is on her platoon roster. This has helped to alleviate any worries and much stress worthless, but because among family members and helped to resolve any issues that arise. She is a wonderful asset to the 547th Medithey're priceless. cal Company FRG. All her work has helped put the FRG in a very positive light with the Soldier's downrange. Without Linda, our FRG wouldn't be all the success that it is. ~Sherry Anderson

Who is this???
The following units can now be found on Facebook:

Can you guess who this mystery Soldier is? The first person to report the FRSAs office with the correct answer will get a prize. The answer to the mystery soldier and the person who guessed correctly will be revealed in the next newsletter!

56th Multifunctional Medical Battalion 673rd Dental Company 514th Ground Ambulance 520th Medical Company 575th Medical Company 153rd Medical Detachment (Blood Support)

CPT Berger Selected as AMEDD Junior Leader of the Month

Congratulations to CPT Carla Berger for her selection as one of the AMEDD Junior Leaders for the month! CPT Berger has recently joined the Medicine Warrior Team as the Office in Charge of the Battalion S4 Shop. Her nomination as AMEDD Junior Leader of the month was submitted by LTC Harper , 62nd MED BDE S4. CPT Carla A. Berger exemplifies the mission driven, customer focused, combat tested Medical Logistician that is the foundation of our military health care system of the 21st Century. CPT Berger has excelled at every assignment, to include such diverse assignments as Medial Company Command in the 4-2 Stryker Brigade and Deputy S4 at the 62nd Medical Brigade. While assigned to the Medical Brigade, CPT Berger filled a field grade officers position, working in both Operations and in Logistics. Exemplifying the skill and tenacity of todays rock star logisticians, CPT Berger was the primary officer in charge of deploying the personnel and equipment of 15 separate units from 9 different CONUS locations for both Air Force and Army medical assets, converging on Camp Atterbury, Indiana for a national level task force certification exercise. Over 2000 personnel and over 600 containers and vehicles for the Medical Task Force were received, deployed, recovered, and returned to home station. CPT Berger understands that a Medical Logistician in todays AMEDD needs to know more than just inventory and medical supply. Now serving as the S4 for the 56th Medical Battalion, CPT Berger has the lead in providing logistics support for the Battalion HQ, and for the 10 subordinate units in all phases of the ARFORGEN cycle. CPT Berger is assessing her opportunities for Long Term Health Education and



Training, and for expanding her capability to provide outstanding logistics support to Army medicine. CPT Berger is definitely the example of todays Medical Logistician.

Safety Message
Halloween Health and Safety Tips
For many people, autumn events like Halloween and Harvest Day are fun times to dress up in costumes, go trick-or-treating, attend parties, and eat yummy treats. These events are also opportunities to provide nutritious snacks, get physical activity, and focus on safety. Below are tips to help make the festivities fun and safe for trick-or-treaters and party guests. Going trick-or-treating?

old a flashlight while trick-or-treating to help you see and others see you.

lways test make-up in a small area first. Remove it before bedtime to prevent skin and eye irritation.

ook both ways before crossing the street. Use established crosswalks wherever possible.

ower your risk for serious eye injury by not wearing decorative contact lenses.

nly walk on sidewalks or on the far edge of the road facing traffic to stay safe.

ear well-fitting masks, costumes, and shoes to avoid blocked vision, trips, and falls.

at only factory-wrapped treats. Avoid eating homemade treats unless you know the cook well.

nter homes only if you're with a trusted adult. Otherwise, stay outside.

ever walk near lit candles or luminaries. Be sure to wear flame-resistant costumes.

Expecting trick-or-treaters or party guests? Provide healthier treats for trick-or-treaters, such as individual packs of raisins, trail mix, or pretzels. For party guests, offer a variety of fruits, vegetables, and cheeses. Use party games and trick-or-treat time as an opportunity for kids to get their daily dose of 60 minutes of physical activity. Be sure walking areas and stairs are well-lit and free of obstacles that could result in falls. Keep candle-lit jack-o-lanterns and luminaries away from doorsteps, walkways, landings, and curtains. Place them on sturdy tables, keep them out of the reach of pets and small children, and never leave them unattended. Remind drivers to watch out for trick-or-treaters and to drive safely.

Follow these tips to help make the festivities fun and safe for everyone!


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