DRP English Lesson 28
DRP English Lesson 28
DRP English Lesson 28
Once there lived a chieftain who had a beautiful daughter Rice was the staple food of the ancient Filipinos. They cooked
named Liwayway. One day Liwayway went into the woods to gather it in pots and in bamboos. Our forefathers’ diet included also various
fruits and flowers but unfortunately lost her way. She became species of fish caught in rivers and lakes; meat from carabaos, deer,
unconscious when a wild beast ran after her. When she came to, she hogs, chicken and edible bids; vegetables, tubers like sweets potato,
saw a young man bending over her. He was the son of another spices like pepper and garlic, and fruits like bananas, oranges, guavas
chieftain. When they parted, each one knew they were in love with and mangoes.
each other.
There were also many kinds of wine and drinks on the islands.
One day the young man was going away to fight the white men The tuba which was taken from the coconut palms was the champagne
who had invaded their land. The lovers promised never forget each of the early Filipinos. Among the popular wines were the Visayan
other saying “Sumpa kita.” But the warrior never came back. In pangasi, fermented from rice; the Visayan gauilang distilled from
sorrow, the maiden killed herself. Sometime later, shrubs with fragrant sugar cane; and the Igorot tapuy, taken from rice.
flowers 6grew on her grave. People believed that Liwayway’s love
Although the early Filipinos were heavy drinkers, they seldom
grew and bloomed. It became a custom for young lovers after that to
lost their senses when drunk. They only became lively, talkative and
exchange garlands of these flowers as token of their faithful love. They
witty when intoxicated. Every after a heavy drink, their hands never
whispered “I promise” (Sumpa kita) to each other. In time the flowers
trembled and they could manage to weigh their gold correctly.
became known as sampaguita. It is adopted as our national flower
because of its fragrance and simplicity.
1. Who is Liwayway? 1. The story tells about food and drinks of ______?
2. Why did she go to the woods? 2. Where did they cook rice?
3. What happened when a wild beast ran after her? 3. What other things were used as food?
4. What did she see when she regained consciousness? 4. Which was considered the champagne of the ancient Filipinos?
5. Who was the young man the maiden saw? 5. What was the Visayan pangasi?
“One of them is the rooster who is up before dawn and crows “What does that mean?” asked Crab.
on the rooftops,” said Grandmother. “It is bidding its master to get up “Crustecea means covered with a crust, or shell,” explained
and go forth to earn his living. Lobster.
“The second one is the cat who announces the coming of a “It is the same with us,” said Crab. “Our claws and bodies are
visitor by washing its face so it may look presentable to its master’s made of rings of shell joined together by sockets. We use our claw for
guests.” walking and for carrying our food.”
“And the third is the dog who can smell danger and death. It “Land people like to eat us,” said Lobster. “When we are
barks to warn its master of the presence of any stranger who might do cooked, we turned into a bright red color but in the water, we are
him harm. When a dog howls with sorrow it is said that it smells death green.
coming its master’s way.”
Grandmother was relating the story of Lake Buhi to her For more than three hundred years, Spain ruled our land. The
grandchildren. According to her, Buhi was a town at the bottom of the Spanish flag flew in our land to show that the Philippines was Spain’s
lake. territory. Then, the Americans came. They freed us form the Spanish
rule. For fifty years, we were governed by the Americans. Our flag
Once upon a time the people of this enchanted town lived in was allowed to fly side by side with the American flag. We were
abundance. But as the people became wealthy they forgot all about permitted to establish our own government but under the control and
God and so God punished them. Their town sank beneath the earth supervision of the Americans
overnight and in its place there rose a beautiful lake.
In 1941, the Japanese invaded the Philippines. Under the
When the weather was warm and clear and the surface of the Japanese, we suffered three years of hunger, fear and misery. With the
lake is a clear as mirror, it is said that one can look down into the help of the Americans, our country was freed from the Japanese
bottom of the lake. The people can be seen doing their everyday tasks. invaders.
Some are cultivating their lands, others are building houses and smoke
can be seen coming from the kitchen as women cook the family meals. Once more, peace came to our country. The fourth of July, now
known as the Fil- American Friendship Day, marked the completion of
It is also said that the tiniest fish in the world, found in Lake Philippines Independence from foreign rule. It was on the fourth of
Buhi, are trimmings of abaca fiber as the people in the lake continue to July that we were granted total freedom.
make hats out of abaca for which the town was once famous.