2bgu Worksheet Unit 3
2bgu Worksheet Unit 3
2bgu Worksheet Unit 3
3 VOCABULARY DATE: 17-01-2024
ccording to losing popularity with young
the website people. We shouldn’t forget
DataReportal, that platforms operating in
4.2 billion people were languages other than English
using social media at the are also extremely popular
beginning of 2021 – that’s in certain areas of the
63.6 per cent of the world’s world, for example WeChat
population. And with 490 and QZone in China and
million new users of social VKontakte (also known as
media in 2020 alone, it’s VK) in Russian-speaking
clear that this number is likely to for everything from booking a countries.
grow and fast. train ticket to finding out the In fact, the average social
Meanwhile more than two- latest gossip about our favourite media user is on eight or more
thirds of the world now have a celebrities. Research shows that we sites. This is partly because we use
mobile phone, and most of us use social media most as a source of different sites for different things.
spend several hours a day online. news information, though its role For instance, Taringa!, aimed
However, figures are different in providing entertainment, such mainly at Spanish speakers, is
from country to country, with the as music or videos, is close behind. known for life tips, recipes, reviews
Philippines leading the way with a We also spend huge amounts of and other similar information,
huge eleven and a half hours a day time using it to share messages while most people use LinkedIn
online compared to just four and a and photos with family and to contact people about, or
half hours in Japan. friends. discuss issues connected with,
Why are we spending so much So, which social media work.
time staring at screens? Well, platforms are we using most? At the Whatever our reasons for
the main reason is that we have time of writing, Facebook is still using social media, it’s difficult to
got used to using technology the clear leader, with the most users understand how we used to manage
in so many areas of our lives, in 154 countries, but it may be without it!
2 Read the text again and complete the sentences. 3 COMPARE CULTURES Discuss the questions.
1 In 2020, people started • What are the most popular forms of social media
using social media. in your country?
2 The second most popular reason for using social • Are there any social media platforms specially
media is for . for people who speak your language? If yes,
3 Facebook is probably becoming less popular what are they, and what do people use them for?
with . • Is there a difference between the way old and
4 VKontakte is popular in countries where people young people use social media in your country?
speak . • Do you think your country has more or less
5 People use LinkedIn for . internet use than average? Give reasons for your