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a hollow curve with the inside of the hands.

While keeping this

form of suction cup, the masseur hits the area to be massaged
following a succession of rapid beats. Apart from this difference
in the shape of the hands, the claps follow the same principles as

head to toe massage

The whole body can receive massages. From head to toe,
each area has its own specificities and virtues. A full
massage is, well
safe, the most indicated to enjoy all the benefits of the whole body can receive massages. Of
head to toe, each area has its own specificities and virtues. A
full massage is, of course, the best way to enjoy all the
benefits of massages. Reflexology is a form of massage that
has therapeutic virtues to the foispsychological and
physical. It aims to restore the body’s balance by acting on
strategic points called reflex zones. We distinguish the
different reflexology according to the massage area
• reflexology of the hands;
• facial reflexology;
• energy reflexology, which involves the stimulation of
several reflex zones;
• Ear reflexology
• foot reflexology
massages. Reflexology is a form of massage that has
therapeutic virtues to the foispsychological and physical. It
aims to restore the body’s balance by acting on strategic
points called reflex zones. We distinguish the different
reflexology according to the massage area concerned:
• reflexology of the hands;
• facial reflexology;
• energy reflexology, which involves the stimulation of
several reflex zones;
• Ear reflexology
• foot reflexology

Head massage
The head is the motor of all the
movements of the nerves, the massage of
this area therefore provides relaxation,
better blood circulation and good
oxygenation of the body.
To be more effective, the head massage must
be quite firm; the fingertips are then the most
appropriate part of the hand.
Applying an upward movement from the base
of the skull to the temples, the masseur will
take care
to spread and tighten his fingers while enclosing the head.
Circular movements are most suitable for this part of the body, and gestures
precise and delicately applied are essential for an efficient head massage.
Head massage has the virtue of acting on the whole body. It stimulates the circulation of
blood, and contribute to blood oxygenation. By stimulating the nerves located in the parts
cranial, it relaxes all muscles and thus promotes the balance of the body.
In addition, head massage encourages the glands to release hormones acting on stress.
In addition, head massage follows different essential phases to know:
• Put your hands on the base of the neck.
• Then place both thumbs on both sides of the rounded skull bone.
• Place the rest of the fingers so that they rise upwards.
• Raise your hands behind your ears with some pressure.
• Gently slide fingers over chins and cheeks.
• Count a five-second pause before resuming the same gestures.
• Place hands at ear level and massage temples with middle and index fingers in a circular
• Pause after about five laps.
• Repeat the same movements three times in a row. On the other hand, the massage of the
head should mainly be done on the
It is therefore applied especially on the neck, at the base of the neck to treat migraine and
head, and on temples to ease tension

Hair massage

The hair massage is a

true care for the hair, because it
promotes their tone and contributes to
the relaxation of the body.
Hair is often relegated to the background
when it comes to massage. Yet, like
other parts of the body, they need
specific care, including regular massage.
Considered a hair gymnastics, the
hair massage is a source of well-being and undeniable health.
It allows both to relax this area of the head, stimulate micro-circulation and soften
the scalp. In addition, it helps the regeneration of regrowth and stimulates the epidermis of
hairy. Hair massage also acts on the nervous system by oxygenating the system
vascular, and helps the evacuation of stres
In practice, three main gestures must be applied during a hair massage. Il
first of all to join the fingers and massage both sides of the head, in movements
outwards from the nape of the neck to the top of the head; then perform small vibrations
from the forehead to the top of the head, always with the fingers raised. Finally,
Place both hands flat, horizontally, on the forehead, sliding them towards the neck.
Hair massage does not require any special precautions as long as the patient is
healthy. The hairdresser often uses this type of massage to better activate the
It is particularly advisable to work on a clean scalp, if not during the after-
In addition, the hair massage has some strategic points. These are all the areas
located along the meridians of the skull, namely:
• neck, to relieve migraine;
• the top of the head, to provide
relaxation and well-being;
• behind the ears and on the forehead to
release tension;
• the whole scalp, for a skin
more supple and balanced hair. However, hair
massage is strongly prohibited on subjects with
head injuries. Similarly, dermatological
diseases are also not compatible with this type
of massage.
The hair massage can be provided by a masseur, a professional hairdresser or by
yourself through the practice of self-massage.
Hair massage does not require any special precautions as long as the patient is
healthy. The hairdresser often uses this type of massage to better activate the
It is particularly advisable to work on a clean scalp, if not during the after-
In addition, the hair massage has some strategic points. These are all the areas
located along the meridians of the skull, namely:
• neck, to relieve migraine;
• the top of the head, to provide
relaxation and well-being;
• behind the ears and on the forehead to
release tension;
• the whole scalp, for a more supple skin and
balanced hair. However, hair massage is strongly
prohibited on subjects with lesions on the head.
Similarly, dermatological diseases are also not
compatible with this type of massage.
The hair massage can be provided by a masseur, a professional hairdresser yourself thanks to
the practice of self-massage.

Facial massage
Facial massage provides well-being and relaxation to
the face, which is the part of the body most exposed to
external aggressions and pollution.
The face is one of the most sensitive areas of the body. It
can also accumulate tension, especially in the maxilla
where there are a number of nerves. The facial massage is
therefore a moment of relaxation and offers the opportunity
to bring a
facial treatment

Hand massage
Hand massage opens the way to the release of tensions and relief of some
organs. This part of the body housing the nerve endings, massage allows to
stimulate the organs through the use of reflex zones. The massage of the hands
rapid effects on the body, as the hands are easy to handle and offer mini- mapping
of the organization.
It helps to regain the flexibility of the hands for lighter gestures and
fight the wear of ligaments and tendons. It also stimulates nerves and digestive
and respiratory and delays the signs of skin aging.
In addition, hand massage provides relaxation and well-being by relieving
stress. It allows
also to fight sleep disorders.
In practice, the hand massage is done at the fingertips, with small movements
circular from the nails to the birth of the fingers. It is necessary to press the
muscle located at the base of the thumb towards the wrist, then slide gently until
the forearm.
The massage ends by turning each finger on itself and dragging the
knuckles between fingers while pressing. It is also more effective when
combined with
essential oils.
Ligaments and tendons should only be grazed. Otherwise, no precaution
is not required.
Nevertheless, hand massage is strictly
forbidden on parts with accidents
muscle or bone without prior medical authorization. In
addition, hand massage allows you to work on several
vital points:
• Massage from inside the wrist soothes the
mind and heart and helps to regain sleep.
Massage from outside the wrist is used to
stimulate lung function.
The massage of the corner of the fingernail acts

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