The Role of Museum Education

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The role of museum education

in Kindergartens

Anna Magkiosi

Principal of Kindergarten of Rizario, Greece

Scientix and Global pro ambassador
Expert in Erasmus projects and e Twinning coach
International speaker and teachers ’trainer
School profile and strategies
Kindergarten of Rizario is a public kindergarten and operates as an all-day school.
Our school staff offers to our students regardless of race or nationality, equal opportunities for
quality education with the aim their all-round development and smooth socialization, so they are
prepared to face the challenges of society of tomorrow, where they are going to live in.

Any kind of innovation have been integrated into daily program of our Kindergarten and are being
applied with excellent results ( ICT, STEM, Robotics, environment and museum education,etc)

Kindergarten of Rizario is :

• eTwinning school,since 2018

• Expert STEM School
• Code Week School
• Silver Safety School
• Global Silver School
• Ambassador for 17 SDGs since 2018.
• Certified Sustainable School
• Award winning School by “BRAVO SCHOOLS ”
for the 17 SDGs, twice (2018 and 2023 )
• Award winning School by Education Leader
Awards of Greece twice (2019 and 2023
Museum education
Museum education is an educational process, which develops skills that
cultivated in the museum environment and contributes to the development
of critical skills and the creation of tomorrow's active citizen.

Museum education contributes

to the primary goal of education
which is the all side development
of students through the cultivation
of multiple forms of knowledge,
attitudes and skills required in 21st
century society.

The museum are important educational

environments that offer a considerable
learning potential and global approach
to knowledge.
Museum education aims
1. Understanding the concepts of culture and history
2. Contact, highlighting and preserving of cultural heritage
3. Understanding of the interaction between past, present and future
4. Acquiring critical ability
5. Acquiring attitudes, values and behaviors
6. Cultivation of cultural and historical consciousness
The role of Museum education

• Contributes to the opening of the school to society and to the active

action of students in the museum and cultural spaces.

• Cultivates to the maximum the goals of the school as well as children

and teachers culture for respect of our cultural heritage.

• Offers creative utilization of the archeological sites, museums and

monuments of each region.

• Helps young students to understand the historical value of objects,

respect and understand better the culture of other nations.
Museum education aims to exploit better the educational value of
culture material with alternative forms of communication and
learning. It defines the design, implementation and evaluation of
educational programmes, which encourage students and social groups
to approach, understand and use creatively cultural spaces.

Museums, as sources of knowledge and research, contribute to the

production of knowledge with innovative educational actions that aim
to develop motivations and lead to the promotion of learning,
overturning the traditional structures of education.

The educational actions of the modern museum include activities

inside and outside of museum space, such as for example exhibitions,
educational programs, lectures, guided tours or even plays and
The museum is an important tool in preschool education, because it
invites children to new learning experiences through a new learning
environment, activating their curiosity and interest in their objects and
collections that offer multiple "readings" through experiential learning.

Museums offer a dynamic opportunity to expose children to experience

and explore new things in a rich educational environment.

Museums are the witnesses of the past which can offer to children lot of
information and by receiving their messages, they will be able to respect
and protect cultural heritage.

A visit to the museum contributes without any doubt, to the

understanding of children's interest in issues related to cultural heritage,
lifestyle of past and every kind of art !
Museum as educational environment

Exploring museums help students to

process of acquiring knowledge and
to express thoughts and emotions that
can lead to multifaceted learning.

Exploring museums gives to young

children the ability to development of
critical thinking skills and lifelong learning
skills because learning is not limited to the

Collections exhibited in museums provide young students with a tangible

connection with time, places, events or people and allow them to
experience the evolution of human history and cultural heritage.
A visit to a museum cannot be separated from a first cognitive moment
that must begin in the classroom, with preparatory activities aimed at the
formation of diagnostic evaluation and we could also invite experts in
our school or to have with them a virtual meeting or a virtual visit to the
museum, in order we have more information about the museum that we
want to visit .

Into the museum students will work with educational programs.

The autonomy of each program leaves the museum gate open for many
visits with different goals, allows research, study, collaboration and
contributes to the formation of a pleasant experience.
Planning a visit to a folklore museum

Before the museum visit:

•What is a museum?
•What kind is the museum that we are
going to visit?
•What are we going to do to this museum?
•What do we know about this subject?
•What would we like to learn about this?
•How will we make this visit to the museum?

Of course it is very important the role of teachers in raising students' interest,

expectations and motivations regarding to the training experience they will perform.
"MUSEUMS " are indicators of the social
and economic level of a particular season
and can be therefore the subject of study
and research for students of all ages.

MUSEUMS can offer especially to young

students the opportunity to know the
economic and social conditions of the season
and to identify the changes that have taken
place through the passing of time.
After the visit to the museum:

• What have you liked best?

• Why?
• What caught our attention most?
• What have you learned from
this visit to the museum?
• What can you do with what you
learn from this visit to the museum?

After visit we will prepare children's assessment file that will contains group work,
the paintings they made during their visit to the museum and during their activities
in the classroom, photos or other material that resulted from their involvement
in the realization of this subject. Children can share also their experiences and the
knowledge they have gained with their parents and their peers.
In a corner of our school also we can create a museum with exhibits that
people used in the past and it could be a reason for more discussion and

A presentation could be created and we could organized an exhibition

where parents will be invited in order to visit and see the collection of
pictures and other materials.
It could be also presented theatrical plays on the subject of life in the past
and occupations of the past (for example clothes, decoration of home,
customs, etc.)

Parental involvement plays an important role in a successful assessment

and enhances the relationship with their children. Thus, the evaluation of
the educational project will be more effective.
Visit to the folklore museum of our city
Learning the way of life in the past through old photos
Traditional costumes of Thessaly region
Virtual visit to an archaeological museum
Open air museums and cultural heritage monuments
Museums of our region

Museum education can expand children intellectual horizons, receive

stimuli, use their imagination, play, participate in dramatizations and
taste the information by their own, since the essential learning takes
place only when the teaching is done in such a way that allow children to
discovery the knowledge by themselves.

The importance of museum education is that cultivates to the maximum

the goals of the school and allow students to experience the evolution of
human history and cultural heritage.

If we realize the educational and spiritual benefits that come from the
contact between children and museum and by extension their direct and
continuous contact with civilization and culture, then we will be able to
realize that only if we invest in spiritual development will we produce
healthy personalities.
Museum education contributes to intercultural education, since it
enables all of us to respect and appreciate the richness of other

Related researches show that even the weakest students are

encouraged to participate due to the absence of pressure of grades or
high performance.

Today, the museum implements new policies and practices, with the
main goal of enhancing the learning process in its exhibition spaces
with the philosophy of educational utilization of its collections.

It is very important to bring the child into contact with museums and
archaeological sites from infancy because the museum gives other
choices for learning to the young children ,creating more interesting
learning environment that make the lesson more attractive for them.

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