Xiang 2016
Xiang 2016
Xiang 2016
Water Research
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/watres
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The UV/chlorine advanced oxidation process (AOP), which forms reactive species such as hydroxyl
Received 29 August 2015 radicals (HO ) and reactive chlorine species (RCS) such as chlorine atoms (Cl ) and Cl2, is being
Received in revised form considered as an alternative to the UV/H2O2 AOP for the degradation of emerging contaminants. This
27 November 2015
study investigated the kinetics and pathways of the degradation of a recalcitrant pharmaceutical and
Accepted 28 November 2015
Available online 12 December 2015
personal care product (PPCP)dibuprofen (IBP)dby the UV/chlorine AOP. The degradation of IBP followed
the pseudo first-order kinetics. The first-order rate constant was 3.3 times higher in the UV/chlorine AOP
than in the UV/H2O2 AOP for a given chemical molar dosage at pH 6. The first-order rate constant
decreased from 3.1 103 s1 to 5.5 104 s1 with increasing pH from 6 to 9. Both HO and RCS
0043-1354/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
302 Y. Xiang et al. / Water Research 90 (2016) 301e308
does disinfection (Rosenfeldt and Linden, 2004). purchased from SigmaeAldrich. Sodium sulfite (Na2SO3) was pur-
Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are effective for the chased from Fluka, and sodium hydroxyl (NaOH), sulfuric acid
degradation of recalcitrant PPCPs. The UV/peroxide (H2O2) AOP (H2SO4) and bicarbonate (NaHCO3) from VWR BDH Prolabo. Phos-
producing hydroxyl radicals (HO ) has been reported to unselec- phoric acid, methanol, acetonitrile and methyl tert-butylether
tively oxidize many PPCPs such as diatrizoic acid, metronidazole, (MtBE) of HPLC grade were purchased from Fisher Scientific.
phenazone, phenytoin (Wols et al., 2013; Yuan et al., 2009). How- The IBP stock solution (7 mM) was prepared by adding the pure
ever, the radical production is not efficient due to the low UV compound to deionized water containing 7 mM NaOH and stirring
absorbance of H2O2 (for example, εH2O2, 254 nm ¼ 19.6 M1 cm1), overnight. A free chlorine stock solution (about 2000 mg/L as Cl2)
which requires excessive H2O2 dosing (Barakat et al., 2005). In was diluted from the 4% sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) solution and
drinking water practices, only 5e10% of the added H2O2 is periodically standardized by DPD/FAS titration (USEPA, 1998). A
consumed during treatment (Rosenfeldt et al., 2013). The unreacted sodium sulfite solution (20 mM) was prepared weekly. A real
H2O2 requires quenching, which adds to the treatment cost. drinking water sample was collected after sand filtration from a
water treatment plant in Guangzhou, China and stored at 4 C. The
The UV/chlorine AOP producing HO and reactive chlorine spe-
cies (RCS) such as chlorine atoms (Cl ) (Eq. (1)) and Cl2, is recently
water quality parameters of the sample are shown in
being considered as an alternative to the UV/H2O2 AOP (Fang et al., Supplementary Information Table S1.
2014). The remaining chlorine can be used for residual protection in
drinking water distribution systems. The UV/chlorine AOP is found 2.2. UV irradiation
to be more efficient in producing reactive species at acidic and
neutral pH (Watts et al., 2007; Fang et al., 2014). Figure S1 shows the schematic diagram of the UV reactor used in
this study. A low pressure (LP) UV lamp (Heraeus, GPH 212T5L/4,
HOCl/OCl þ hv / HO /O þ Cl
(1) 10W, 254 nm) in a quartz sleeve was placed in the centerline of a
700 mL cylindrical glass reactor with rapid mixing provided at the
The diverse reactive species, such as HO , Cl and Cl2, that
bottom of the reactor. A water circulating system kept the inner
coexist in the UV/chlorine system may complement each other in tank temperature at 25 ± 0.1 C. The photo flux (I0) was determined
to be 0.44 mE s1 for kinetic tests and 0.62 mE s1 for other tests
degrading a variety of contaminants. HO is a nonselective oxidant,
and it reacts with organic moieties with rate constants close to using iodide-iodate chemical actinometry (Bolton and Linden,
diffusion-controlled rates (Lee and von Gunten, 2010). Cl and Cl2
2003). The effective path length (L) was determined to be 3.5 cm
are strong oxidants with oxidation potentials of 2.47 V and 2.0 V, by measuring the photolysis rate of H2O2 (Garoma and Gurol,
2005). The average UV fluence rate (E0p) was determined to be
respectively (Hirakawa and Nosaka, 2002; Beitz et al., 1998). Cl is a
selective oxidant that reacts with electron-rich moieties through 1.05 mW cm2 for kinetic tests and 1.47 mW cm2 for other tests.
one-electron oxidation, H-abstraction, and addition to unsaturated
CeC bonds (Grebel et al., 2010). Moreover, Cl can react more 2.3. Experimental procedure
strongly with benzoic acid and phenol than can HO (Fang et al.,
2014). The UV/chlorine AOP is more efficient than the UV/H2O2 All experiments were carried out in the 700 mL photoreactor
AOP in the degradation of some emerging contaminants such as described above. The UV lamp and the water circulating system
benzotriazole, tolytriazole and iopamidole (Sichel et al., 2011) and were warmed up at least 30 min before experiments. Experiments
micropollutants such as trichloroethylene (Wang et al., 2012). were initiated by adding the NaClO stock solution to the UV reactor
However, the effectiveness of the UV/chlorine process in degrading containing the solution spiked with 10 mM IBP and 2 mM phosphate
buffer to give an initial chlorine concentration of 10e100 mM and
recalcitrant PPCPs is less known. The actions of radicals (HO , Cl and
Cl2 ), especially RCS (Cl and Cl2 ), on the transformation mecha- pH of 6, 7 or 9. Samples (1 mL) were collected at different time
nisms of recalcitrant PPCPs in the UV/chlorine AOP are currently intervals, quenched with 20 mM Na2SO3 (at a molar ratio of sulfite/
unclear. Moreover, whether or not the attacks by the reactive chlorine of 1.5) and stored at 4 C in the dark before HPLC analysis.
chlorine species (RCS) in the UV/chlorine process would cause Another test was conducted in the same manner with the initial
undesirable chlorinated byproducts to form is unknown and de- H2O2 concentration of 100 mM at pH 6. Control tests of IBP degra-
mands investigation. dation by UV direct photolysis and dark chlorination were also
Ibuprofen (IBP), a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, was conducted in a similar manner but in the absence of chlorine and
chosen as the target recalcitrant PPCP for its resistance to con- UV light, respectively.
ventional water treatment processes, its frequent occurrence in To identify the degradation intermediates/products and quan-
surface water, and its potential long-term adverse effects (Vieno tify the concentrations of total organic chlorine (TOCl) and disin-
et al., 2007; Ruggeri et al., 2013). The aims of this study were to fection by-products (DBPs) during IBP degradation by the UV/
(1) evaluate the degradation kinetics of IBP by the UV/chlorine AOP chlorine AOP, higher initial concentrations of IBP (50 mM) and
under varied conditions; (2) investigate the relative contributions chlorine (200 mM) were used. After a certain reaction time (1, 2, 5,
of the reactive species to the degradation; and (3) evaluate the 15 or 30 min) in each run, the reaction was quenched with 100 mM
formation of chlorinated byproducts and reveal the degradation Na2SO3 and a 400 mL sample was collected and subjected to the
pathways of IBP by the UV/chlorine AOP. pretreatment procedure (Text S1) developed by Zhai and Zhang
(2009) for UPLC/ESI-tqMS and UPLC/ESI-QTOF-MS analyses. Addi-
2. Materials and methods tional tests at pH 0 were conducted following the same procedure
but with the pH of the reaction mixture adjusted to zero using 95%
2.1. Chemicals H2SO4 prior to adding the NaClO stock solution to the reactor.
All solutions were prepared from reagent-grade chemicals and 2.4. Analytical methods
deionized water (18.2 U-cm) produced from a Milli-Q water puri-
fication system (Millipore, Reference). IBP, sodium hypochlorite Concentrations of IBP and NB were measured using a high
solution (NaClO), hydroxyl peroxide (H2O2), sodium sulfate performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system (Agilent Tech-
(Na2SO4), sodium chloride (NaCl) and nitrobenzene (NB) were nologies 1260 Series) equipped with a Waters symmetry C18
Y. Xiang et al. / Water Research 90 (2016) 301e308 303
[IBP] / [IBP]0
method (Klassen et al., 1994). The pH was measured with a pH 0.6 -9.35*10-4t
meter (Thermo Scientific, Orion Star A111). 2
R =0.9993
The intermediates and products of IBP, after the aforementioned
pretreatment, were identified with a Waters UPLC system coupled 0.4
to the Waters Acquit ESI-tqMS device (UPLC/ESI-tqMS) and
equipped with a HSS T3 column (50 2.1 mm, 1.8 mm particle size, UV photolysis -3.06*10-3t
Waters). The mobile phase was composed of methanol and water at 0.2 C/C0=e
Dark chlorination
a flow rate of 0.4 mL/min with the column temperature of 35 C. UV/H2O2
R =0.9968
The composition of methanol/water (v/v%) changed linearly from UV/chlorine
5:95 to 90:10 in the first 8 min, returned to 10:90 in the next 0.0
0.1 min, and then changed linearly back to 5:95 in the following 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Time (s)
2.9 min. The accurate m/z and the proposed chemical formula were
obtained from a Bruker maxis 4G UPLC/ESI-QTOF-MS system Fig. 1. Comparison of the time-dependent IBP degradation in pure water by UV direct
equipped with an Agilent SB-C18 column (50 2.1 mm, 1.8 mm photolysis, dark chlorination, the UV/chlorine AOP and the UV/H2O2 AOP. Conditions:
particle size). The mobile phase consisted of water and acetonitrile pH 6, [IBP]0 ¼ 10 mM, [H2O2]0 ¼ 100 mM, [chlorine]0 ¼ 100 mM, UV fluence
(ACN) at a flow rate of 0.4 mL/min. The composition of ACN/water rate ¼ 1.05 mW cm2.
[IBP] / [IBP]0
Ultrapure water
0.1 Real drinking water
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Time (s)
Fig. 3. Time-dependent IBP degradation in real water by the UV/chlorine AOP. Con-
ditions: pH 7, [IBP]0 ¼ 10 mM, [chlorine]0 ¼ 100 mM, UV fluence rate ¼ 1.05 mW cm2.
chloride, bromide and nitrate in the real water were 0.67 mg/L,
0.98 mM, 12.3 mg/L, < 0.01 mg/L and 1.267 mg/L (as N), respectively
(Table S1). The effect of chloride at 12.3 mg/L on the IBP degrada-
tion was less than 3% (Figure S3). UV photolysis of nitrate produces
HO , but the formation of HO is negligible due to the low absorption
1 1
(3 M cm ) and quantum yield (0.09) of nitrate at 254 nm (Mack
and Bolton, 1999). DOM could act as UV254nm filter and radicals
scavenger to decrease the production of radicals and increase the
consumption of radicals, respectively (Fang et al., 2014). The rate
constant of DOM with HO was reported as 2.5 104 (mg/L)1 s1
(Katsoyiannis et al., 2011), and that with Cl was estimated to be
4 1 1
1.3 10 (mg/L) s (Fang et al., 2014). The presence of 1 mM
bicarbonate in deionized water depressed the pseudo first-order
rate constants of IBP degradation from 1.02 103 s1 to
Fig. 2. Time-dependent IBP degradation in pure water by the UV/chlorine AOP at 7.92 104 s1 (Figure S2). Therefore, the 9.2% lower IBP degra-
different chlorine dosages (a) and different pH (b). The inset shows the pseudo-first- dation rate in real water was mainly due to the competition of bi-
order rate constants as a function of chlorine dosages (a) and pH (b). Conditions:
carbonate and DOM with IBP for HO and Cl .
[IBP]0 ¼ 10 mM, [chlorine]0 ¼ 0e100 mM, pH ¼ 6e9, UV fluence rate ¼ 1.05 mW cm2.
of IBP by the UV/chlorine AOP at pH 6 (Figure S4). k0 increased from likely the main reactive species in the UV/chlorine AOP, among
1.9 103 s1 to 3.1 103 s1 with increasing temperature from which Cl2 is generally less reactive (Grebel et al., 2010). As shown
5 C to 25 C. Based on the Arrhenius equation, the activation en- in Figure S3, the degradation rates of IBP were not affected by the
ergy Ea was estimated to be 18.02 kJ/mol and the Arrhenius con- increasing chloride concentration from 0.2 to 10.2 mM, which on
stant was 4.58 s1. Generally, reactions involving radicals such as the other hand increased the concentration of Cl2 by two orders of
HO and e
aq are not strongly affected by temperature due to the
magnitude. Meanwhile, the concentrations of HO and Cl changed
relatively small activation energies (6e30 kJ/mol) (Buxton et al., negligibly (Fang et al., 2014). Therefore, the constant degradation
1988). However, increasing temperature decreases the viscosity of rate of IBP suggests that the contribution of Cl2 to the degradation
and its reaction with Cl was negligible (Watts and Linden., 2007).
3.3. IBP degradation in real water
The relative contributions of HO and RCS were determined based
on the steady-state assumption of radical concentrations, as shown
Fig. 3 shows the IBP degradation in the real water sample within
in Eqs. (7) and (8).
the first 20 min. The degradation rate of IBP in the real water
sample was 9.2% lower than that in deionized water at 20 min. k0
kNB 0 ¼ kHO$NB ½HO$ss (7)
were 7.90 104 s1 and 1.02 103 s1, respectively, in real water
and deionized water. The concentrations of DOC, bicarbonate,
Y. Xiang et al. / Water Research 90 (2016) 301e308 305
where kIBP0 and kNB0 are defined as the overall pseudo first-order
degradation rate constants of IBP and NB, respectively. kHO-IBP and
kHO-NB represent the second-order rate constants of HO reacting
0 0
with IBP and NB, respectively. kRCS-IBP and kUV-IBP represent the
pseudo first-order rate constants of IBP degradation by RCS
oxidation and UV photolysis, respectively. kUV-IBP0 was obtained
experimentally from the IBP degradation by UV direct photolysis.
[HO ]ss is defined as the steady-state concentration of HO . kNB0 was
experimentally obtained, and [HO ]ss was then calculated according
to Eq. (7) with kHO-NB obtained from the literature (Watts et al.,
2007). The only unknown in Eq. (8) was kRCS-IBP0, which was fitted
using Eq. (8). Then the relative contributions of HO and Cl to the
degradation can be expressed as kHO-IBP[HO ]ss/kIBP0 and kRCS-IBP0 /
kIBP0, respectively.
Fig. 4 shows the calculated pseudo first-order rate constants of
IBP degradation by HO and RCS oxidation and UV direct photolysis
in the UV/chlorine AOP at different pHs. At pH 6, the relative con-
tributions of HO and Cl to IBP degradation were 75% and 22%, Fig. 5. The formation of total organic chlorine (TOCl) and known disinfection
respectively, while UV direct photolysis contributed to 3% only. byproduct (DBP) from the degradation of IBP by the UV/chlorine AOPas a function of
time and by 30-min dark chlorination. Conditions: pH 6, [IBP]0 ¼ 50 mM,
With increasing pH from 6 to 9, the relative contribution of HO to [chlorine]0 ¼ 200 mM, UV fluence rate ¼ 1.47 mW cm2.
IBP degradation decreased to 53%, while the relative contributions
of Cl and UV direct photolysis increased to 30% and 17%,
respectively. remaining 82.6% TOCl is unknown. Meanwhile, the yield of the
known DBPs comprised 0.3% of the degraded IBP (as per mole of
3.5. The formation of TOCl and known DBPs during IBP degradation carbon) by the UV/chlorine process (Figure S6). The increases in the
by the UV/chlorine AOP concentrations of TOCl in the UV/chlorine AOP are consistent with
the results in Zhao et al. (2011), who used benzoic acid and NB as
Fig. 5 shows the formation of TOCl and known DBPs from the IBP the precursors. The large increases in TOCl were hypothesized to be
degradation by the UV/chlorine AOP and dark chlorination at the associated with the formation of intermediates that are more
initial IBP concentration of 50 mM and the chlorine dosage of reactive toward chlorine substitution. Therefore, the intermediates/
200 mM and pH 6. The UV/chlorine AOP generated significantly products and pathways of IBP degradation were also studied.
higher levels of TOCl and known DBPs than dark chlorination. The Besides the halogenated organic products, inorganic byproducts
TOCl formation was 31.6 mM from the UV/chlorine process but only including perchlorate (ClO
4 ), chlorate (ClO3 ), and chlorite (ClO2 )
0.2 mM from dark chlorination after 30 min. The known DBPs, can also be formed in the UV/chlorine process (Rao et al., 2012). The
including trichloromethane (TCM), 1,1,1-trichloropropanone (1,1,1- formation of ClO
4 , ClO3 and ClO2 was estimated to be < 0.1 mg/L,
TCP), chloral hydrate (CH), 1,1-dichloro-2-propanone (1,1-DCP), ~200 mg/L and <0.1 mg/L, respectively, under the experimental
dichloroacetic acid (DCAA) and trichloroacetic acid (TCAA), conditions (chlorine dosages ¼ 200 mM, UV fluence ¼ 1764 mJ/cm2),
comprised only 17.4% of TOCl, after adjustment of the number of based on their yields reported in Rao et al. (2012). Thus, the for-
chlorine atoms substituted in each product. The composition of the mation of inorganic byproducts should not be a problem for the UV/
chlorine process under oxidation conditions typically used in
drinking water treatment.
UV photolysis
Reactive chlorine species 3.6. Intermediates/products and proposed pathways of IBP
Hydroxyl radicals degradation by the UV/chlorine AOP
chlorine species and UV direct photolysis in the UV/chlorine AOP at pH 6e9. Condi-
on mass spectrograms obtained from UPLC/ESI-tqMS and further
tions: [IBP]0 ¼ 10 mM, [NB]0 ¼ 5 mM, [chlorine]0 ¼ 100 mM, UV fluence confirmed by UPLC/ESI-QTOF-MS (Table S2). Isomeric structures
rate ¼ 1.05 mW cm2. are postulated due to the peaks of different retention times with
306 Y. Xiang et al. / Water Research 90 (2016) 301e308
method reported in Deng et al. (2014). Figure S10 shows that the
m/z 117
optimum collision energy of both C258-2 and C240 in the precursor
m/z 129
m/z 171 ion scan (PIS) of m/z 35 was 15 eV, indicating that the chlorine was
1.0 substituted to hydrogen in the benzene ring instead of in the
m/z 141
m/z 151 aliphatic structure. However, as C258-2 was a mixture of monochloro
compounds, it was possible that isomers existed with chlorine
substituted in the aliphatic part. The identified final products of IBP
degradation, including carboxylatic acids (C130, C118, C172) and
chlorine containing products (C142, C152), were aliphatic com-
pounds formed through the cleavage of the benzene ring. By using
0.0 the same method described above, C142 and C152 were identified as
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time (min) dichloro and monochloro products, respectively (Figure S11). The
accurate m/z and proposed structures of all the intermediates/
Fig. 6. Intensities of ESI-tqMS full scan of major intermediates/products during IBP products identified are shown in Table S2. TCM, 1,1,1-TCP, CH, 1,1-
degradation by the UV/chlorine AOP as a function of reaction time. Hollow symbols DCP, DCAA and TCAA were continuously formed throughout the
represent intermediates, solid symbols represent products. Conditions: pH 6, IBP degradation.
[IBP]0 ¼ 50 mM, [chlorine]0 ¼ 200 mM, UV fluence rate ¼ 1.47 mW cm2.
The proposed pathways of IBP degradation and the roles of
radicals attack can explain the significantly accelerated formation
the same mass-to-charge ratio in the UPLC/ESI-tqMS analysis. of chlorine-containing byproducts in the UV/chlorine AOP. Hy-
Based on the intermediates and products identified, the pathways droxylation of IBP by HO led to the formation of intermediates (e.g.
of IBP degradation by the UV/chlorine AOP are proposed in Scheme C222-1 and C238-1) that were more reactive toward electrophilic
1. Note that four newly identified chlorine-containing in- attack by chlorine species to form more chlorine-containing in-
termediates were marked with brackets. termediates/products, including C258-2, C142, C152, known DBPs and
Hydroxylation and chlorine substitution were observed at the other unknown TOCl, during IBP degradation by the UV/chlorine
beginning of the IBP degradation. The hydroxylated products, AOP. The chlorine-containing intermediates/products could be
including compounds C222 (m/z 221) and C238 (m/z 237), were parts of the unknown TOCl.
formed at higher levels than the monochloro compound C240 (m/z
239). The possible structures of C222-1,2,3,4 and C238-1,2 are proposed 4. Conclusions
according to the results of UPLC/ESI-QTOF-MS and UPLC/ESI-tqMS,
and the reported products of HO -induced IBP degradation (Li et al., The degradation of IBP by the UV/chlorine and UV/H2O2 AOPs
2014; Madhavan et al., 2010; Me ndez-Arriaga et al., 2008). Further followed the pseudo first-order kinetics. The first-order rate con-
hydroxylation of C222 and C238 in the ring and on the side chains led stant was 3.3 time higher in the UV/chlorine AOP than in the UV/
to the formation of the multi-hydroxylated compound C268. H2O2 AOP for a given chemical molar dosage at pH 6. The degra-
Decarboxylation and demethylation on the side chains produced dation by the UV/chlorine AOP was sensitive to chlorine dosage,
C258-1 and aromatic intermediates with smaller m/z ratios of C180 alkalinity and solution pH, but not to temperature and the chloride
and C134. C258-1 and C134 have also been reported as degradation concentration tested. Increasing pH from 6 to 9 decreased the first-
intermediates of IBP in photolytic and photocatalytic systems (Da order rate constant from 3.1 103 s1 to 5.5 104 s1 and
Silva et al., 2014). increased the contribution of RCS from 22% to 30%.
To investigate whether HO and/or Cl were responsible for the The degradation was initiated by HO -induced hydroxylation
hydroxylation of IBP in the UV/chlorine AOP, a set of experiments and RCS-induced chlorine substitution, and sustained through
were conducted at pH 0, at which only Cl existed in the system decarboxylation, demethylation, chlorination and ring cleavage to
(Nowell and Hoigne , 1992). Figure S8 shows the ESI-tqMS full scan form more stable products. The hydroxylation formed in-
spectra of the sample after 55% degradation of IBP by the UV/ termediates that were more reactive toward electrophilic attack by
chlorine AOP at pH 0. The main product was the monochloro chlorine species. The formation of chlorinated intermediates/
compound of C240 (m/z 239), whereas no hydroxylated products byproducts from the UV/chlorine AOP was significant. Four
were observed. This finding suggests that the formation of hy- chlorine-containing intermediates/products was identified. The
droxylated IBP was attributable to HO attack only. yield of total organic chlorine (TOCl) was 31.6 mM after 90%
By using the ESI-tqMS precursor ion scan (PIS) of m/z 35 and m/z degradation of 50 mM IBP under the experimental conditions. The
37 (Figure S9) and comparing the natural abundances of chlorine known DBPs comprised 17.4% of the TOCl.
isotopes (35Cl and 37Cl, ~3:1) in mass spectra (Zhai and Zhang, In summary, the effects of water matrix in filtered drinking
2009), the number of chlorine atoms substituted in a compound water on the degradation were not significant, demonstrating the
can be estimated. When a compound contained isomers, UPLC/ESI- practicality of the UV/chlorine AOP for the control of some re-
tqMS selected ion recording (SIR) and multiple reaction monitoring fractory PPCPs. On the other hand, the formation of DBPs, both
(MRM) modes were used to achieve separation and to estimate the known DBPs and unknown TOCl, was enhanced. The evaluation of
number of chlorine atoms in a compound. Taking C258 as an toxicity of the mixture produced after treating IBP with the UV/
example, by comparing the chromatograms of m/z 257 in the SIR chlorine AOP was out of the scope of this investigation, but the
mode and m/z 257 and m/z 35 in the MRM mode, compounds of m/z significant formation of chlorine-containing intermediates and
257 with retention times of 2.65 min and 3.26 min were deemed to final products was firstly recognized in the current study. Never-
theless, it is a very important information for evaluating the overall
Y. Xiang et al. / Water Research 90 (2016) 301e308 307
m/z 205 C13H18O2 Cl●
Main pathway
C222-1, m/z 221 C222-2, m/z 221 C222-3, m/z 221 C222-4, m/z 221 C238-1, m/z 237 C238-2, m/z 237 C240, m/z 239
C13H 18O3 C13H18O 3 C13H18O3 C13H18O3 C13H18O4 C13H18O4 C13H17O2Cl
HO● Hydroxylation
Cl● Demethylation
HO 2
C268, m/z 267 C258-1, m/z 257 C258-2, m/z 257 C180, m/z 179 C134, m/z 133
C13H 16O6 C12H18O6 C12H15O 4Cl C 9 H 8 O4 C9H10O
O O O O Cl Cl O
C118, m/z 117 C130, m/z 129 C172-1, m/z 171 C142-1, m/z 141 C152-1, m/z 151
C5H10O3 C6H10O3 C8H12O4 C3H4O2Cl2 C5H9O3Cl
Cl Cl O O Cl
Cl Cl
Cl Cl HO Cl Cl HO
Cl Cl OH Cl
Cl Cl
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