Iec 62320-1-2009

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IEC 62320-1

Edition 1.1 2009-05


Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems –

Automatic identification system (AIS) –
Part 1: AIS Base Stations – Minimum operational and performance requirements,
methods of testing and required test results
IEC 62320-1:2007+A1:2008(E)
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IEC 62320-1
Edition 1.1 2009-05


Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems –

Automatic identification system (AIS) –
Part 1: AIS Base Stations – Minimum operational and performance
requirements, methods of testing and required test results

ICS 47.020.70 ISBN 2-8318-1017-1

® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission

–2– 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E)


1 Scope ...............................................................................................................................7
2 Normative references .......................................................................................................7
3 Symbols and abbreviations ...............................................................................................8
4 Functional layout of an AIS Base Station ..........................................................................8
4.1 General ...................................................................................................................8
4.2 Functional block diagram of an AIS Base Station.....................................................9
4.3 General VDL requirements .................................................................................... 10
4.4 Functional diagram for operation of a Base Station ............................................... 11
4.5 Base Station input/output sentence formatters....................................................... 11
5 Functional definition of the radio interface of the AIS Base Station ................................. 13
5.1 General requirements of the physical layer ............................................................ 13
5.2 Required parameter settings for the physical layer of the AIS Base Station ........... 13
5.3 Minimum requirements for the TDMA transmitter of the AIS Base Station .............. 14
5.4 Minimum requirements for the TDMA receivers of the AIS Base Station ................ 15
5.5 Shutdown procedure for an AIS Base Station ........................................................ 15
6 Requirements for AIS Base Station................................................................................. 15
6.1 General ................................................................................................................. 15
6.2 Dependent Base Station requirements................................................................... 16
6.3 Independent Base Station requirements ................................................................ 17
6.4 BIIT conditions ...................................................................................................... 22
6.5 Further requirements for optional features ............................................................. 23
7 Functional definition of the presentation interface of the AIS Base Station...................... 24
7.1 Physical requirements for the presentation interface ............................................. 24
7.2 Presentation interface data exchange.................................................................... 24
8 Tests of AIS Base Stations – method of measurement and required results.................... 24
8.1 Test conditions ...................................................................................................... 24
9 Physical radio tests ........................................................................................................ 28
9.1 Transceiver protection test .................................................................................... 28
9.2 TDMA transmitter .................................................................................................. 28
9.3 TDMA receivers..................................................................................................... 36
9.4 Conducted spurious emissions at the antenna ....................................................... 45
10 Functional tests for Base Station .................................................................................... 45
10.1 Pre-set-up ............................................................................................................. 46
10.2 Normal operation................................................................................................... 47
10.3 Intentional slot reuse (link congestion) .................................................................. 74
10.4 Comment Block Encapsulation .............................................................................. 75

Annex A (normative) Additional AIS Base Station sentences .............................................. 77

Figure 1 – Functional block diagram of an AIS Base Station ...................................................9

Figure 2 – Functional block diagram dependent and independent operation.......................... 11
Figure 3 – General processing diagram ................................................................................ 17
Figure 4 – General processing diagram ................................................................................ 18
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Figure 5 – Flow diagram for AIS Base Station response to VDM input................................... 21
Figure 6 – Format for repeating four-packet cluster............................................................... 25
Figure 7 – Measurement arrangement .................................................................................. 29
Figure 8 – Measurement arrangement .................................................................................. 30
Figure 9 – Modulation spectrum for slotted transmission 25 kHz ........................................... 30
Figure 10 – Modulation spectrum for slotted transmission at optional 12,5 kHz ..................... 31
Figure 11 – Measurement arrangement for modulation accuracy........................................... 32
Figure 12 – Power versus time mask .................................................................................... 34
Figure 13 – Measurement arrangement................................................................................. 35
Figure 14 – Measurement arrangement................................................................................. 36
Figure 15 – Measurement arrangement................................................................................. 37
Figure 16 – Measurement arrangement................................................................................. 38
Figure 17 – Measurement arrangement................................................................................. 39
Figure 18 – PER/BER or SINAD measuring equipment ......................................................... 41
Figure 19 – Measurement arrangement for inter-modulation ................................................. 43
Figure 20 – Measurement arrangement for blocking or de-sensitisation ................................ 44

Table 1 – Base Station input/output sentence formatters ...................................................... 12

Table 2 – Required parameter settings for an AIS Base Station ............................................ 14
Table 3 – Required settings of physical layer constants ........................................................ 14
Table 4 – Bandwidth related parameters of the physical layer of the AIS Base Station .......... 14
Table 5 – Minimum required TDMA transmitter characteristics .............................................. 15
Table 6 – Minimum TDMA receiver characteristics ................................................................ 15
Table 7 – Base Station response to input messages from the VDL........................................ 17
Table 8 – Base Station response to input messages from the VDL........................................ 19
Table 9 – BIIT alarm conditions monitored by an AIS Base Station ....................................... 23
Table 10 – Content of first two packets ................................................................................. 26
Table 11 – Fixed PRS data derived from ITU-T O.153 .......................................................... 26
Table 12 – Maximum values of absolute measurement uncertainties..................................... 27
Table 13 – Definition of timings for Figure 12 ........................................................................ 34
Table 14 – Frequencies for inter-modulation tests ................................................................. 43
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Part 1: AIS Base Stations –

Minimum operational and performance requirements,
methods of testing and required test results

1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising
all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of IEC is to promote interna-
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9) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this IEC Publication may be the subject of
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International Standard IEC 62320-1 has been prepared by IEC Technical Committee 80: Mari-
time navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems.

This consolidated version of IEC 62320-1 consists of the first edition (2007) [documents
80/460/FDIS and 80/468/RVD] and its amendment 1 (2008) [documents 80/522/CDV and

The technical content is therefore identical to the base edition and its amendment and has
been prepared for user convenience.

It bears the edition number 1.1.

A vertical line in the margin shows where the base publication has been modified by amend-
ment 1.
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) –5–

This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

A list of all parts of IEC 62320 series, under the general title: Maritime navigation and radio-
communication equipment and systems – Automatic Identification System (AIS) can be found
on the IEC website.

The committee has decided that the contents of the base publication and its amendments will
remain unchanged until the maintenance result date indicated on the IEC web site under
"" in the data related to the specific publication. At this date,
the publication will be
• reconfirmed,
• withdrawn,
• replaced by a revised edition, or
• amended.

A bilingual version of this publication may be issued at a later date.

–6– 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E)


Chapter V of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 (SOLAS) requires
mandatory carriage of Automatic Identification System (AIS) equipment on all vessels con-
structed on or after 01 July 2002. Carriage for other types and sizes of SOLAS Convention
vessels was required to be completed not later than 31 December 2004.

SOLAS Chapter V, Regulation 19, clause 2.4.5 states that AIS shall:

1 provide automatically to appropriate equipped shore stations, other ships and aircraft in-
formation, including ship's identity, type, position, course, speed, navigational status and
other safety-related information;
2 receive automatically such information from similarly fitted ships;
3 monitor and track ships; and
4 exchange data with shore-based facilities.

In addition, the IMO performance standards for AIS state that:

– The AIS should improve the safety of navigation by assisting in the efficient navigation of
ships, protection of the environment, and operation of Vessel Traffic Services (VTS), by
satisfying the following functional requirements:
1 in a ship-to-ship mode for collision avoidance;
2 as a means for littoral States to obtain information about a ship and its cargo; and
3 as a VTS tool, i.e. ship-to-shore (traffic management).
– The AIS should be capable of providing to ships and to competent authorities, information
from the ship, automatically and with the required accuracy and frequency, to facilitate ac-
curate tracking. Transmission of the data should be with the minimum involvement of
ship's personnel and with a high level of availability.

The provision of Shore Based AIS will be necessary to attain the full benefit of the SOLAS
Convention requirements.

This part of IEC 62320 provides the minimum operational and performance requirements,
methods of test and the required test results for AIS Base Stations. The testing is divided into
three sections, the transceiver tests, the logical tests and the Presentation Interface tests.
These are captured in Clauses 8, 9 and 10 respectively. The method used for testing is that
the EUT should meet all the tests requirements of Clause 8 before proceeding to Clause 9.
Likewise, the unit should meet all of the test requirements before proceeding to Clause 10.
Clause 10 has also been prioritised so that the tests are progressive

Clauses 5 to 7 provide functional requirement information and Clause 8 provides the general
test environment for the EUT.
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Part 1: AIS Base Stations –

Minimum operational and performance requirements,
methods of testing and required test results

1 Scope

This part of IEC 62320 specifies the minimum operational and performance requirements,
methods of testing and required test results for AIS Base Stations, compatible with the per-
formance standards adopted by IMO Res. MSC.74 (69), Annex 3, Universal AIS. It incorpo-
rates the technical characteristics of non-shipborne, fixed station AIS equipment, included in
recommendation ITU-R M.1371 and IALA Recommendation A-124. Where applicable, it also
takes into account the ITU Radio Regulations. This standard takes into account other associ-
ated IEC international standards and existing national standards, as applicable.

This standard is applicable for AIS Base Stations. It does not include specifications for the
display of AIS data on shore.

2 Normative references

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document.
For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition
of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

IEC 61108-1, Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems – Global
navigation satellite systems (GNSS) – Part 1: Global positioning system (GPS) – Receiver
equipment – Performance standards, methods of testing and required test results

IEC 61162-1, Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems – Digital
interfaces – Part 1: Single talker and multiple listeners

ITU-R M.1084-4, Interim solutions for improved efficiency in the use of the band 156-174 MHz
by stations in the maritime mobile service

ITU-R M.1371, Technical characteristics for an automatic identification system using time di-
vision multiple access in the VHF maritime mobile band

ITU-T O.153, Basic parameters for the measurement of error performance at bit rates below
the primary rate

IALA Recommendation A-124 on Automatic Identification System (AIS). Shore Station and
networking aspects relating to the AIS Service

IALA technical clarifications to ITU Recommendation ITU-R M.1371-1

RTCM SC104 – RTCM Recommended Standards for Differential GNSS (Global Navigation
Satellite Systems) Service
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3 Symbols and abbreviations

AIS Automatic Identification System
BER Bit Error Rate
BIIT Built-In Integrity Tests
BT Bandwidth Time product
CPU Central Processing Unit
DGNSS Differential Global Navigation Satellite System
EPFS Electronic position fixing system
EUT Equipment under test
FATDMA Fixed Access Time Division Multiple Access
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
IALA International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities
IHO International Hydrographic Office
IMO International Maritime Organization
ITU International Telecommunications Union
kn Knots
MAC Medium Access Control
MKD Minimum Keyboard and Display
MMSI Maritime Mobile Service Identity
NM Nautical Mile
NRZI Non-Return to Zero Inverted
PER Packet Error Rate
Pc Carrier Power
PI Presentation Interface
PPS Pulse Per Second
PSS Physical Shore Station
RAIM Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring
RATDMA Random Access Time Division Multiple Access
Rx Receive
TDMA Time Division Multiple Access
Tx Transmit
UTC Universal Time Co-ordinated
VDL VHF Data Link
VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
VTS Vessel Traffic Services
NOTE Abbreviations related to IEC 61162-1 are not included in the above list. For their meaning refer to that
standard and Annex A.

4 Functional layout of an AIS Base Station

4.1 General

The Base Station may be designed for dependent only operation or independent operation.
Both are under some control of the Physical Shore Station (PSS) as defined in the IALA Rec-
ommendation A-124.
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– A dependent Base Station accesses the VHF data link (VDL) using only the combination of
linked TSA+VDM sentences (see Table 1), as provided by the PSS.
– An independent Base Station accesses the VDL using either the combination of linked
TSA+VDM sentences as provided by the PSS or by using internal control. When operated
as an independent Base Station the unit may be delegated certain autonomous functional-
ity under the supervisory control of the PSS.

The PSS, or external controlling entity, is responsible for Base Station configuration, trans-
mission scheduling, and processing of received information. Presentation Interface (PI) text
sentences are used to configure the Base Station, schedule message transmissions, and out-
put information.

When TSA and VDM sentences are used, the PSS is responsible for ensuring the integrity of
the VDL.

The tests in this standard are for all Base Stations. Additional tests for independent Base Sta-
tions are indicated by a note located at the beginning of each appropriate test section.

4.2 Functional block diagram of an AIS Base Station

Figure 1 shows the principal components of the AIS Base Station.

AIS Base Station

Presentation interface

Ext UTC Internal
sync synchronisation
Power supply

IEC 150/07

Figure 1 – Functional block diagram of an AIS Base Station

As a minimum, the following functional elements are required for the AIS Base Station:

• two multi-channel receivers;

• one multi-channel TDMA transmitter;
NOTE Since the minimum configuration of the AIS Base Station has only one transmitter, the AIS Base Sta-
tion cannot transmit on both AIS Channels (AIS A and AIS B) simultaneously.

• a controlling unit;
• an internal synchronisation source, which may also be used as a position sensor for inde-
pendent Base Stations. If used as a position source, the internal GNSS receiver shall
meet the appropriate requirements of IEC 61108-1;
• a Built-In-Integrity-Test unit (BIIT), which shall provide alarms;
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• a power supply;
• a Presentation Interface (PI), which allows the AIS Base Station to exchange sentences
with the PSS;
• optional features, for example: DGNSS (RTCM SC104); external synchronisation; DSC

4.3 General VDL requirements

The AIS Base Station interacts with the VDL by receiving and transmitting VDL messages.

4.3.1 Sources of VDL messages for transmission

In order to transmit VDL messages, the Base Station may derive the messages to be transmit-
ted from three sources:

a) generate and transmit VDL messages autonomously as per the configuration received via
b) generate and transmit VDL messages automatically based on data input received via the
PI, using different sentences from that of the VDM;
c) transmit predefined VDL messages input via the PI. The VDM sentence shall be used to
input the content of the VDL messages via the PI to the AIS Base Station. The VDL mes-
sage shall then be transmitted by the Base Station on the VDL.

When operating the Base Station independently, these three VDL message sources shall be
supported in parallel.

When operating the Base Station dependently, only VDM messages received via the PI shall
be transmitted as noted in item c) above.

4.3.2 Use of access schemes Dependent operation

When operating as a dependent Base Station the FATDMA access scheme shall be used. The
Base Station shall use the slot(s) provided by the combination of linked TSA+VDM sentences.
The TSA sentence provides the channel and start slot information. The actual number of slots
used is based on the number of bits conveyed by the VDM sentence(s).

Dependent operation shall not use the RATDMA access scheme Independent operation

The default access scheme for a Base Station shall be FATDMA.

The AIS Base Station may also use RATDMA access schemes if implemented. The AIS Base
Station may use the FATDMA and RATDMA access schemes concurrently. The use of pre-
reserved FATDMA slots shall take priority over RATDMA access.

When using the FATDMA access scheme, the absolute slot numbers for transmission shall be
determined by one of the following methods:

• the PI combination of linked TSA+VDM sentences shall provide the absolute slot number
in which the AIS Base Station transmits;
• the AIS Base Station shall autonomously select an appropriate pre-reserved FATDMA slot
as determined by its configuration.
Both methods shall be available and operate concurrently.
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4.4 Functional diagram for operation of a Base Station

Figure 2 shows the principal components of an AIS Base Station. The diagram identifies the
elements of the AIS Base Station and the PI with the PSS.

External message
Shore processing and generation
Station TSA+VDM

Presentation Interface I/O


TXT and Table 1 ABK (RTCM)

Base Base Station configuration Autonomous message

and management processing and generation
Station VDO

sync VDL
source VDL SYNC Time (slot) TIME
information UTC reference queue
indirect and process control
FSR semaphore

Slot timing reference

Rx process Tx process

IEC 151/07

Figure 2 – Functional block diagram dependent and independent operation

The PI of an AIS Base Station consists of at least one input/output port. A specific choice for
the physical input/output port is not specified. The purpose of the PI is to:

• exchange VDL messages with the PSS;

• configure the Base Station;
• enable real time control of the Base Station;
• provide an output for BIIT alarms and status.

The information exchange of the PI is supported by a combination of IEC 61162-1 sentences

and Base Station sentences (see Annex A).

4.5 Base Station input/output sentence formatters

The following table lists sentence formatters used with a Base Station. It includes existing
sentence formatters (grey rows) and sentence formatters developed for use with Base Sta-
tions (white rows). Clause A.1 contains the details for each of the sentence formats developed
for AIS Base Stations.

A sentence linking method is described in Annex A.2. Use of this method improves the integ-
rity of data relationships between sentences, and improves the reliability and clarity of com-
munications with the Base Station.
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Table 1 presents presents both input and output sentence formatters for dependent and inde-
pendent operation. For Base Stations that support both independent and dependent opera-
tion, both sets of sentences are applicable. For Base Stations that only support dependent
operation, the sentences for dependent operation are applicable and all other sentences are

Table 1 – Base Station input/output sentence formatters

Sentence Input Input Output Output

formatter independent dependent independent dependent
Addressed and binary broadcast
Addressed binary and safety re-
lated message
AIS regional channel assignment
Preparation and initiation of an
AIS Base Station addressed
channel message (VDL Message
ACK X X Acknowledge alarm
AIS Device Status (output interval
ADS X X configured by BCE and upon
status change)
Preparation and initiation of an
AIS Base Station broadcast of a
group assignment message
(Message 23)
ALR X X Set alarm state
AIS interrogation request (VDL
Message 15)
Preparation and initiation of an
ASN X AIS Base Station broadcast of
assignment VDL Message 16
BBM X Broadcast binary message
General Base Station
configuration extended
General Base Station
CAB X X Q Q Control AIS Base Station
Not supported by this IEC
Data Link Management slot
allocations for Base Station (VDL
Message 20 – FATDMA
Configure broadcast rates for
ECB X Q Base Station messages with
epoch planning support
Frame summary of AIS reception,
defined by SPO. The manufacturer
shall declare the parameters that
are supported
Installation of a station’s
Select AIS device’s reception
processing and output
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TFR Transmit feed-back report – Base

Station report on status of
requested transmission. Automatic
status response of TSA+VDM
Transmit Slot Assignment – used
to identify AIS time slot used to
TSA X X transmit the content of a VDM
sentence. TSA shall preceed the
VDM sentence
TSP X Transmit Slot Prohibit
Transmit Slot Prohibit status
TSR X Report. Automatic status response
of TSP
VDM X X X X VHF Data-link message
VHF Data-link Own-vessel mes-
Version information about equip-
VER Q Q ment. Provided in response to
VDL Signal Information, defined
by SPO. The manufacturer shall
declare the parameters that are
supported and the corresponding
accuracy. The VSI shall follow its
associated VDM/VDO
NOTE 1 “X” indicates input to, or output from, the AIS Base Station. “Q” indicates that the sentence may be ex-
ternally requested using the IEC 61162-1 “$xxABQ,xxx” query sentence (see Annex A) method(s) in order for the
identified sentence to be output.
NOTE 2 Sentence formatters shown in shaded rows are described in IEC 61162-1.

The AIS Base Station shall output, autonomously and periodically, the ADS sentence on the
PI indicating the Base Station status. This shall be output once per minute or when there is a
change in the status.

5 Functional definition of the radio interface of the AIS Base Station

The physical layer of the AIS Base Station shall be designed in accordance with the following
minimum requirements.

5.1 General requirements of the physical layer

The following general requirements apply to all receivers and transmitter:

• a Base Station shall use simplex channels or duplex channels in either full-duplex or half-
duplex mode;
• a Base Station shall be capable of 25 kHz and, optionally, 12,5 kHz emission/reception in
accordance with ITU-R M.1084-4, Annex 3 (as referenced by Recommendation ITU-R
• a Base Station shall be capable of transmitting using at least two different power settings,
as provided for by ITU-R M.1371 and IALA technical clarifications to ITU-R M.1371. The
Base Station shall have the capability to set its power level as stipulated by an input com-

5.2 Required parameter settings for the physical layer of the AIS Base Station

Table 2, Table 3 and Table 4 are derived from Recommendation ITU-R M.1371 and give the
parameters required for an AIS Base Station.
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NOTE For the meaning of the symbols and additional information refer to the appropriate clause of Recommenda-
tion ITU-R M.1371.

The constants of the physical layer of the AIS Base Station shall comply with the values given
in Table 3 and Table 4.

Table 2 – Required parameter settings for an AIS Base Station

Symbol Parameter name Low setting High setting

PH.RFR Regional frequencies 156,025 MHz 162,025 MHz
PH.CHS Channel spacing 12,5 kHz Optional 25 kHz
PH.AIS1 AIS 1 (default channel 1) 161,975 MHz 161,975 MHz
PH.AIS2 AIS 2 (default channel 2) 162,025 MHz 162,025 MHz
PH.CHB Channel bandwidth 12,5 kHz 25 kHz
Narrow Optional Wide
PH.BR Bit rate 9 600 bps 9 600 bps

PH.TS Training sequence Always start with a zero 24 bits 24 bits

PH.TST Transmitter settling time (Transmit power within 20 % ≤ 1,0 ms ≤ 1,0 ms
of final value, frequency stable to within ± 1,0 kHz of
final value)

Table 3 – Required settings of physical layer constants

Symbol Parameter name Value

PH.DE Data encoding NRZI
PH.FEC Forward error correction Not used
PH.IL Interleaving Not used
PH.BS Bit scrambling Not used
PH.MOD Modulation Bandwidth adapted; GMSK (see Table 4)

Table 4 – Bandwidth related parameters of the physical layer of the AIS Base Station

Symbol Parameter name PH.CHB/narrow PH.CHB/wide

PH.TXBT Transmit BT-product 0,3 0,4
PH.RXBT Receive BT-product 0,3 0,5
PH.MI Modulation index 0,25 0,50

5.3 Minimum requirements for the TDMA transmitter of the AIS Base Station

The minimum technical characteristics as specified in Table 5 shall apply to the TDMA trans-
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Table 5 – Minimum required TDMA transmitter characteristics

Transmitter parameters 25 kHz channels 12,5 kHz channels

Carrier power error ± 1,5 dB ± 1,5 dB
Carrier frequency error ± 500 Hz ± 500 Hz
Spectrum mask for slotted transmissions –25 dBc at ± 10 kHz 0 dBc at ± 2,5 kHz
–70 dBc at ± 25 kHz –60 dBc at ± 12,5 kHz
Transmitter test sequence and modulation accuracy ‘0’ bit start for test signals 1 ‘0’ bit start for test sig-
and 2 nals 1 and 2
1 760 Hz + 352 Hz/ –176 Hz 535 Hz + 108 Hz/ –54 Hz
for test signal 1 for test signal 1
2 400 Hz ± 240 Hz for test 1 200 Hz ± 120 Hz for
signal 2 test signal 2
Transmitter output power versus time Power within mask shown in Not applicable
Figure 11 and timings given
in Table 12
Intermodulation attenuation ≥ 40 dB Not applicable

5.4 Minimum requirements for the TDMA receivers of the AIS Base Station

The minimum technical characteristics as specified in Table 6 shall apply to the TDMA receiv-

Table 6 – Minimum TDMA receiver characteristics

Receiver parameters 25 kHz channels 12,5 kHz channels

Sensitivity 20 % PER at –107 dBm 20 % PER at –98 dBm
Co-channel rejection 20 % PER at –10 dB 20 % PER at –18 dB
Adjacent channel selectivity 20 % PER at 70 dB 20 % PER at 50 dB
Spurious response rejection 20 % PER at 70 dB Not applicable
Intermodulation response rejection 20 % PER at 74 dB Not applicable
Blocking 20 % PER at 86 dB Not applicable

5.5 Shutdown procedure for an AIS Base Station

An automatic transmitter hardware shutdown procedure and indication shall be provided in

case a transmitter continues its transmission at the end of its transmission period. This fea-
ture shall be independent of the Base Station software control. The AIS Base Station shall
shut down the TDMA transmitter in less than 2 s.

6 Requirements for AIS Base Station

6.1 General

This clause describes the requirements for a Base Station operating as a dependent or inde-
pendent station.

The Base Station may be operated as an independent station that contains all of the function-
ality or as a dependent station that relies on external functionality. It is the responsibility of
the competent authority to ensure proper operation.
– 16 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E)

When operated as a dependent Base Station, the unit operates under full control of the PSS.

When operated as an independent Base Station, the unit may be delegated certain autono-
mous functionality under the supervisory control of the PSS.

6.2 Dependent Base Station requirements

This clause describes the functional requirements of an AIS Base Station operating as a de-
pendent unit with regard to internal processing of AIS VDL messages and Presentation Inter-
face sentences.

6.2.1 General rules

When operating as a dependent Base Station, the unit shall comply with the following general

• each dependent AIS Base Station shall, as a default, be identified by its own individual
MMSI on the VDL interface and the unique identifier on the PI interface. The AIS Base
Station MMSI and unique identifier shall be configurable by means of a SID sentence via
the PI;
• the dependent AIS Base Station shall be capable of transmitting messages with a different
MMSI provided by the PSS by means of a standard VDM input sentence;
• the dependent AIS Base Station shall be able to receive all VDL messages;
• every received VDL message shall be passed to the PI as a VDM sentence without further
data content processing;
• every received PI VDM sentence shall be transmitted on the VDL channel and beginning
in the slot indicated by the linked TSA sentence without further data content processing;
• every message transmitted on the VDL shall be passed to the PI as a VDO sentence
linked with a VSI sentence;
• messages to be transmitted on the VDL are passed using the sentence linking method
(see Annex A);
• the dependent AIS Base Station does not transmit Message 4 without PSS control;
• all transmissions are done via TSA+VDM PI input sentences;
• the dependent AIS Base Station shall not be semaphore qualified and shall not operate
• when the UTC sync source is unavailable, the AIS Base Station shall use UTC indirect or
shall be synchronised to another Base Station;
• upon request via the sentence VER, the dependent AIS Base Station shall provide its
hardware and software version information.
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 17 –

6.2.2 General processing diagram

The AIS Base Station shall internally process data in accordance with Figure 3.

RX Base Station PI
process output

VDL processing and Base Station PI
message configuration input


IEC 152/07

Figure 3 – General processing diagram

6.2.3 AIS Base Station response to PI input

The AIS Base Station shall respond to input sentences from the PI in accordance with
Table 1, “output dependent” when operating as a dependent Base Station.

6.2.4 AIS Base Station response to VDL input

The AIS Base Station shall respond to input messages from the VDL in accordance with Table 7.

Table 7 – Base Station response to input messages from the VDL

VDL input Resulting PI output Resulting VDL output Resulting VDL reporting
Any message (regardless of VDM, VSI Nil Nil
All messages in a frame (re- FSR Nil Nil
gardless of MMSI)

6.3 Independent Base Station requirements

This clause describes the functional requirements of an AIS Base Station operating as an in-
dependent unit with regard to internal processing of AIS VDL messages and Presentation In-
terface sentences.
NOTE Requirements for Base Stations operating as an independent unit are in addition to the requirements for
Base Stations operating as a dependent unit.
– 18 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E)

6.3.1 General rules

When operating as an independent Base Station, the unit shall comply with the following gen-
eral rules:

• with regard to the access schemes to the VDL, refer to 6.3.4 AIS Base Station interaction
on the VDL;
• the independent AIS Base Station shall, as a default, use a surveyed position. When using
a surveyed position, the “position accuracy” flag in VDL Message 4 shall be set upon con-
figuration, and the “RAIM” flag shall be set to 0;
• when the UTC sync source is unavailable, the independent AIS Base Station shall use
UTC indirect or the semaphore rules as defined by ITU-R M.1371;
• the independent AIS Base Station shall revert to semaphore behaviour upon detection of
semaphore condition on the VDL;
• all VDL messages shall be as short as possible.

NOTE In order to behave as a semaphore, the independent AIS Base Station must be transmitting Message 4.
The required increase of the reporting rate is autonomous. This behaviour is not influenced by FATDMA or RAT-

6.3.2 General processing diagram

The AIS Base Station shall internally process data in accordance with Figure 4.

RX Base Station
process PI output

VDL processing and Base Station
message configuration PI input


IEC 153/07

Figure 4 – General processing diagram

6.3.3 AIS Base Station response to PI input

The AIS Base Station shall respond to input sentences from the PI in accordance with
Table 1 , “output independent” when operating as an independent Base Station. Requirements for configuration of FATDMA access scheme

(Link Management Message)

Use of FATDMA is reserved for Base Stations operating as either dependent or independent.
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 19 – Slot reuse

A Base Station’s transmission slots are protected by reservation of slots (Message 4 and 20)
and the 120 nautical mile rule. Slots allocated or reserved by other Base Stations should not
be used for RATDMA unless the other Base Station is located over 120 nautical miles from
the Base Station. Configuration of Data Link Management Messages

The Data Link Management Message (Message 20) is a continuously scheduled and transmit-
ted message. The Data Link Management Message applies only to the frequency channel on
which it is transmitted.

The Data Link Management Message shall be used by Base Station(s) to pre-announce the
fixed allocation schedule (FATDMA) for one or more Base Station(s) and it shall be repeated
as often as required.

The AIS Base Station shall use the ECB sentence to schedule the autonomously and continu-
ously transmission of Data Link Management Messages, which refresh the FATDMA reserva-

6.3.4 AIS Base Station interaction on the VDL

The interaction of the AIS Base Station on the VDL is presented in Table 8.

Table 8 – Base Station response to input messages from the VDL

VDL input Resulting PI output Resulting VDL output Resulting VDL reporting
Any message (regardless of VDM, VSI** Nil Nil
Message 6 own MMSI VDM, VSI**, VDO Message 7 Once
Message 7 own MMSI VDM, VSI**, ABK Nil Nil
Message 10 own MMSI VDM, VSI**, VDO Message 4 Once
Message 12 own MMSI VDM, VSI**, VDO Message 13 Once
Message 13 own MMSI VDM, VSI**, ABK Nil Nil
Message 15 own MMSI VDM, VSI**, VDO Message 4, 17, 20, 22, or Once*
Semaphore qualified VDO, VSI** Message 4 3 1/3 s
Not semaphore qualified VDO, VSI** Message 4 10 s
* If the AIS Base Station is set up for autonomous transmission of these messages, then the reply is on the next
scheduled transmission. If the Base Station is not set up for autonomous transmission of Message 4, then the
Base Station should respond within 4 s. If the Base Station is not set up for transmission of these messages,
then there should be no response.
** If VSI enabled. Transmission of DGNSS corrections

There are two possible ways to accept DGNSS corrections for transmission:

• as a result of a VDM sentence via the PI. All required information for transmission is in-
cluded in the VDM sentence;
• via the dedicated optional DGNSS input port.

This standard provides tests for the VDM DGNSS corrections only.
– 20 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) Autonomous Base Station report Message 4

The independent Base Station shall periodically generate the Base Station report (Message 4)
with a reporting interval of 10 s according to its given configuration. The Base Station shall
operate in this state until it detects that it is required to operate as semaphore. The Base Sta-
tion shall then increase its update rate of Message 4 to MAC SyncBaseRate (one report per
3 1/3 s). Three minutes after the requirement for the Base Station to be semaphore has
ceased it shall revert to the 10 s reporting interval. Autonomous Tx of data link management messages

The DLM PI sentence shall be used to set up the link for use by the Base Station. Requirements for acknowledgement/retries configuration

The number of retries for addressed messages as described in ITU-R M.1371 shall be input
by configuration sentence BCF/BCE. Requirements for assigned mode commands

Assignment commands shall be transmitted by a Base Station when operating as a controlling en-
tity. The Base Station shall be able to assign a specified transmission schedule to a mobile station.

The reporting rate assigned by a Base Station shall be, as a minimum, 20 reports per 10 min
and, as a maximum, 1 report per second.

The Base Station shall be capable of assigning two mobile stations simultaneously. Autonomous response to interrogation

When a Base Station receives a Message 15 from a mobile station, it shall automatically pro-
vide a single response with the message number indicated by the Message 15 (see Table 8). Requirements for the preset of the repeat-indicator

The independent Base Station shall preset the repeat indicator for own transmissions of all VDL
messages to a value between 0 and 3 1 in accordance with Recommendation ITU-R M.1371. If no
configuration was received, the AIS Base Station shall use the default value of zero. AIS Base Station response to VDM input

The Base Station shall transmit, on the VDL, VDM sentences received on the PI.

FATDMA shall be used as the access scheme for transmission. RATDMA may also be config-
ured for use.

A transmission initiated by a VDM input shall not replace a scheduled message.

Messages 4, 11 and 20 shall not be transmitted.

Messages 15 and 16 shall not be transmitted if a slot offset is provided unless the slot offset
is recalculated by the base station. Messages that have a Comm.state shall have the
Synch.state bits of the Comm.state set to the current status of the station. The remaining
Comm.state bits shall be set to zero to prevent false slot allocations.

The repeat indicator shall be set to greater than zero before transmitting.
1 By pre-set of the repeat indicator by non zero, the Base Station is disqualified from becoming an indirect sync
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 21 –

After receiving a VDM sentence, the Base Station responds with the appropriate TFR sen-

The following rules shall be used for VDL transmission (as shown in Figure 5):

• the VDL message shall be transmitted in available FATDMA slots;

NOTE Available FATDMA slots are local ‘L’ slots without planned ECB transmissions.

• if FATDMA slots are not available within 4 s and RATDMA is available, then RATDMA
shall be used;
• if RATDMA is not available, and if there is an available FATDMA slot within 6 min, it shall
be used;
• if FATDMA and RATDMA are not available, there shall be no transmission and the VDM is

VDM input from PI


slots avaiable
within 4 s?


Yes RATDMA Send the message

Send the message operational?
using RATDMA using a free


VDO output VDO output


slot available
within 6 min?


Do not send
(no transmission)
IEC 154/07

Figure 5 – Flow diagram for AIS Base Station response to VDM input
– 22 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) Requirements for management of mobile AIS stations by AIS Base Station

The following operational settings for mobile AIS stations shall be controlled by an AIS Base

a) regional area designation;

b) regional working frequencies assignment;
c) power level;
d) bandwidth;
e) Tx/Rx mode;
f) transitional zone size;
g) reporting rate;
h) slot use (reservation).

6.3.5 Autonomous channel management

The ACA sentence shall be used to set up the channel management information for the AIS
Base Station which shall result in transmission of Message 22.

The “in use” data field of the ACA sentence defines the status of the region (0 = not in use,
1 = in use). The manufacturer shall declare the number of regions supported.

If optional DSC functionality is included, the ACA sentence may be used for DSC channel

6.4 BIIT conditions

The AIS Base Station shall monitor the following BIIT conditions and shall generate the ap-
propriate ALR sentences on the PI. The ALR sentence shall be output at least once per min-
ute. The alarm conditions are noted in Table 9 and the resulting alarm status is sent via PI
sentence ADS. If an alarm is active (acknowledged or not), the ADS alarm status field is set
to A; if no alarm is active the field is set to V.
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 23 –

Table 9 – BIIT alarm conditions monitored by an AIS Base Station

Alarm condition not

threshold exceeded
Alarm condition

Alarm ID or text

Reaction of the system to the alarm
Alarms description text
condition threshold exceeded

AIS: Tx malfunction A V 001 Stop transmission

AIS: Antenna VSWR exceeds limit A V 002 Continue operation
AIS: Rx channel A malfunction A V 003 Stop transmission on affected channel
AIS: Rx channel B malfunction A V 004 Stop transmission on affected channel
AIS: General failure A V 006 Stop transmission
AIS: Clock lost A V 007 Independent – follow synchronisation rules
including semaphore.
Dependent – follow synchronisation rules.
Stop transmission when there is no syn-
chronisation source.
AIS: No sensor position in use A V 026 Continue operation
AIS: Frame synchronisation failure A V 037 Stop transmission
AIS: DGNSS input failed a A V 038 Continue operation
A Alarm.
V Valid.

6.5 Further requirements for optional features

This subclause describes features that are optional for both dependent and independent op-
eration of AIS Base Stations. If an option is selected, then the AIS Base Station shall comply
with the requirements of the option selected, and this option shall be tested.
NOTE Tests for optional features are not included within this standard except for narrow band option.

6.5.1 Narrow band option

When the narrow band option (12,5 kHz) is implemented, the AIS Base Station shall comply
with the additional requirements associated with 12,5 kHz as indicated in 5.1.

When the optional 12,5 kHz operating mode is implemented, the AIS Base Station shall be
capable of changing bandwidth during normal operation.

6.5.2 External synchronisation source option

The AIS Base Station may use an external synchronisation source via a dedicated input port.
If used, the external synchronisation source shall have accuracy better than 52 μs.

The UTC synchronisation source in use shall be configurable by the sentence BCE.

The dedicated input port for external UTC synchronisation may consist of

• pulse per second (PPS) detailed setting subject to configuration;

• UTC date and time.
– 24 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E)

6.5.3 DGNSS dedicated port option

The AIS Base Station may be configured to transmit DGNSS corrections (Message 17) that
are input via a dedicated RTCM SC104 format DGNSS port.

Base Stations shall convert the RTCM SC104 format to VDL format before transmission.

This option shall only be available for the independent operation and care should be taken to
minimise the impact on the VDL.

7 Functional definition of the presentation interface of the AIS Base Station

The presentation interface (PI) provides a method of communication with the Base Station,
including a method for linking PI sentences together.

7.1 Physical requirements for the presentation interface

An interface shall be provided to handle the data bandwidth requirements of the PI.

7.2 Presentation interface data exchange

Regardless of the physical interface used, the AIS Base Station shall exchange data using the
sentences defined in IEC 61162-1 and Annex A. A method for linking sentences is provided in
Annex A.2.

7.2.1 Base Station presentation interface output

Table 1 includes the list of IEC 61162-1 output sentences.
All transmitted VDL messages shall be output by VDO sentences. The UTC hour, UTC minute
(frame), and slot number of the slot or the first slot of a multi-slot message in which each VDL
message was transmitted shall be provided by linking a VDO to a VSI sentence.

Each output sentence is identified by the talker identifier (first two characters of an
IEC 61162-1 sentence) as configured by the BCF sentence.

7.2.2 Base Station presentation interface input

Regardless of the physical interface implemented, the AIS Base Station shall accept data in-
put conforming to IEC 61162-1. Table 1 lists the mandatory sentences for each type of Base

8 Tests of AIS Base Stations – Method of measurement and required results

NOTE Physical test parameters and testing subject to national requirements may override parameters stated
below. These parameters are stated as a guideline only.

8.1 Test conditions

8.1.1 Normal test conditions Temperature and humidity

Temperature and humidity shall be within the following range:

Temperature +15 °C to + 35 °C
Humidity 20 % to 75 %
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 25 – Power supply

The normal power supply for the tests shall be as specified by the manufacturer.

8.1.2 Extreme test conditions

The extreme temperature conditions are –15 °C and +55 °C. Where required, tests under ex-
treme test conditions shall be a combination of

• dry heat and upper limit of supply voltage applied simultaneously, and
• low temperature and lower limit of supply voltage applied simultaneously.

During type testing, the power source to the equipment may be replaced by a test power
source, capable of producing normal and extreme test voltages.

8.1.3 Standard test environment

The EUT is tested in an environment using test equipment to simulate and to log VDL mes-
sages. Standard environment consists of at least 5 simulated targets. The signal input level at
the RF input port of the EUT for any simulated target shall be at least –100 dBm. Own posi-
tion sensor inputs to the EUT will be simulated by the test system or other means.

Channels in use shall be selected by manual input before starting the tests.

8.1.4 Test signals Standard test signal number 1

For TDMA Type 1: A test signal consisting of a 26 ms packet (1 slot) of 010101. Standard test signal number 2

For TDMA Type 2: A test signal consisting of a 26 ms packet (1 slot) of 00001111. Standard test signal number 3

This test signal consists of 200 packets grouped into clusters of 4 as described in Figure 6.
Each cluster consists of 2 consecutive transmissions of packets. NRZI shall be applied to
every packet. After sending packet 1 and 2, the initial state of the NRZI process shall be in-
verted and then packet 1 and 2 repeated.

Between every transmitted packet there shall be at least 2 free slots. The RF carrier shall be
switched off between packets to simulate slotted behaviour.

Packet 1 Packet 2 Packet 1 Packet 2

Invert initial NRZI state here IEC 155/07

Figure 6 – Format for repeating four-packet cluster

– 26 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E)

Table 10 – Content of first two packets

Packet Parameter Bits Contents Comment

1 Training 24 0101....0101
Start flag 8 01111110
Data 168 Pseudo random As per Table 11
CRC 16 Calculated
End flag 8 01111110
2 Training 24 1010....1010
Start flag 8 01111110
Data 168 Pseudo random As per Table 11
CRC 16 Calculated
End flag 8 01111110

Table 11 – Fixed PRS data derived from ITU-T O.153

Address Contents (HEX)

0-7 0x04 0xF6 0xD5 0x8E 0xFB 0x01 0x4C 0xC7
0000.0100 1111.0110 1101.0101 1000.1110 1111.1011 0000.0001 0100.1100 1100.0111
8-15 0x76 0x1E 0xBC 0x5B 0xE5 0x92 0xA6 0x2F
0111.0110 0001.1110 1011.1100 0101.1011 1110.0101 1001.0010 1010.0110 0010.1111
16-20 0x53 0xF9 0xD6 0xE7 0xE0 21 Bytes = 168 bits
(+ 4 stuffed bits) , CRC = 0x3B85
0101.0011 1111.1001 1101.0110 1110.0111 1110.0000

8.1.5 Arrangements for test signals applied to the receiver input

Sources of test signals for application to the receiver input shall be connected in such a way
that the source impedance presented to the receiver input is 50 Ω.

The impedance shall be met irrespective of whether one or more signals using a combining
network are applied to the receiver simultaneously.

The levels of the test signals at the receiver input terminals (RF socket) shall be expressed in
terms of dBm.

The effects of any intermodulation products and noise produced in the test signal sources
shall be negligible.

8.1.6 Encoder for receiver measurements

Whenever needed, and in order to facilitate measurements on the receiver, an encoder for the
data system shall accompany the EUT, together with details of the normal modulation
process. The encoder is used to modulate a signal generator for use as a test signal source.

Complete details of all codes and code format(s) used shall be given.
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 27 –

8.1.7 Waiver for receivers

If the manufacturer declares that both TDMA receivers are identical, the test shall be limited
to one receiver and the test for the second receiver shall be waived. The test report shall in-
clude this.

8.1.8 Impedance

In this standard, the term "50 Ω" is used for a 50 Ω non-reactive impedance.

8.1.9 Artificial antenna (dummy load)

Tests shall be carried out using an artificial antenna, which shall be a non-reactive, non-
radiating load of 50 Ω connected to the antenna connector.

NOTE Some of the methods of measurement described in this standard for the transmitters allow for two or more
different test set-ups in order to perform those measurements. The corresponding figures illustrate one particular
test set-up, and are provided as examples. In many of the figures, power attenuators (providing a non-reactive,
non-radiating load of 50 Ω to the antenna connector) have been shown. These attenuators are not "artificial anten-
nas". The method of measurement used shall be stated in the test report.

8.1.10 Facilities for access

All tests shall be performed using the standard ports of the EUT. Where access facilities are
required to enable any specific test, these shall be provided by the manufacturer.

8.1.11 Operation of the transmitter

For the purpose of the measurements according to this standard, there shall be a facility to
operate the transmitter unmodulated.

Alternatively, the method of obtaining an unmodulated carrier or special types of modulation

patterns may also be decided by agreement between the manufacturer and the test labora-
tory. The method used shall be described in the test report and may involve suitable tempo-
rary internal modifications of the equipment under test.

NOTE For example, in the case of direct Frequency Shift Keying (FSK), a means to continuously transmit a se-
quence containing only "zeros" and a sequence containing only "ones" is preferable.

8.1.12 Measurement uncertainties

Maximum values of absolute measurement uncertainties are given in Table 12.

Table 12 – Maximum values of absolute measurement uncertainties

RF frequency ± 1 x 10 -7
RF power ± 0,75 dB
Adjacent channel power ± 5 dB
Conducted spurious emission of transmitter ± 4 dB
Conducted spurious emission of receiver ± 3 dB
Two-signal measurement ± 4 dB
Three-signal measurement ± 3 dB
Radiated emission of transmitter ± 6 dB
Radiated emission of receiver ± 6 dB
Transmitter attack time ± 20 %
Transmitter release time ± 20 %
– 28 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E)

For the test methods according to this standard, these uncertainty figures are valid to a confi-
dence level of 95 %.

The interpretation of the results recorded in a test report for the measurements described in
this standard shall be as follows:

• the measured value related to the corresponding limit shall be used to decide whether
equipment meets the requirements of this standard;
• the actual measurement uncertainty of the test laboratory carrying out the measurements,
for each particular measurement, shall be included in the test report;
• the values of the actual measurement uncertainty shall be, for each measurement, equal
to or lower than the figures given in this clause (absolute measurement uncertainties).

9 Physical radio tests

Unless otherwise stated, all physical radio tests shall be performed for 25 kHz channel spac-
NOTE 12,5 kHz operation is optional.

9.1 Transceiver protection test

9.1.1 Purpose

This test demonstrates that the transceiver is properly protected against malfunction due to
faults in the antenna system. This shall be the first test applied to the EUT.

9.1.2 Method of measurement

While the transmitter is transmitting at the highest output power, the antenna port shall first be
short-circuited and then open-circuited, in each case for a period of 5 min.

The EUT shall transmit 225 single slot messages evenly spread across the 5 min period dur-
ing the short-circuit condition and the open-circuit condition.
NOTE A method for transmitting these messages should be provided by the manufacturer.

9.1.3 Required results

The proof that the transceiver is protected against malfunctions at the antenna terminal is
substantiated by the ability to pass the remainder of the tests in this clause.

9.2 TDMA transmitter

Unless otherwise stated, all transmitter tests shall be performed at the highest power setting.

9.2.1 Frequency error at 25 kHz operation Purpose

The frequency error of the transmitter is the difference between the measured carrier fre-
quency in the absence of modulation and its required frequency.
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 29 – Method of measurement

Transmitter Power Frequency

under attenuator meter

IEC 156/07

Figure 7 – Measurement arrangement

a) The equipment shall be connected as illustrated in Figure 7.

b) The carrier frequency shall be measured in the absence of modulation.
c) The measurement shall be made under normal test conditions and extreme test condi-
d) The test shall be performed at 156,025 MHz and 162,025 MHz. Required results

The frequency error shall not exceed ±0,5 kHz, under normal test conditions and ±1 kHz un-
der extreme test conditions.

9.2.2 Frequency error at optional 12,5 kHz operation Purpose

The frequency error of the transmitter is the difference between the measured carrier fre-
quency in the absence of modulation and its required frequency. Method of measurement

Use the method of 9.2.1 while substituting the frequencies in step d) with 157,4125 MHz and
160,6375 MHz. Required results

The frequency error shall not exceed ±0,5 kHz, under normal test conditions and ±1 kHz un-
der extreme test conditions.

9.2.3 Carrier power Purpose

The transmitter carrier power conducted (P c ) is the mean power delivered to a nominal 50 Ω
load during a radio frequency cycle. The rated nominal high power setting shall be 12,5 W and
the rated nominal low power setting shall be 2 W. If there is a requirement for different nomi-
nal power settings, the carrier power accuracy shall be tested at all settings. Method of measurement

a) The equipment shall be connected as illustrated in Figure 8.

b) The carrier power shall be measured in the absence of modulation.
c) The measurement shall be made under normal test conditions and extreme test condi-
d) The test shall be performed at 156,025 MHz and 162,025 MHz.
e) The carrier power accuracy shall be tested at all settings.
– 30 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E)

Transmitter Power Power

under attenuator meter

IEC 157/07

Figure 8 – Measurement arrangement Required results

P c shall be within ±1,5 dB of the rated carrier power conducted.

P c under extreme test conditions shall be within ±3 dB of the rated carrier power conducted.

9.2.4 Modulation spectrum slotted transmission for 25 kHz channel Purpose

This test is to ensure that the modulation sidebands produced by the specified test patterns
fall within the allowable masks. Method of measurement

a) The EUT shall be connected to a spectrum analyser.

b) The test shall be carried out using slotted transmission of test signal number 1.
c) A minimum resolution bandwidth of 300 Hz and video bandwidth of 3 kHz and positive
peak detection (max hold) shall be used for this measurement.
d) A sufficient number of sweeps and transmission packets shall be measured to ensure that
the emission profile is developed.
e) Repeat steps a) through d) using test signal number 2.
f) Tests shall be performed at 156,025 MHz and 162,025 MHz. Required results

The modulation spectrum shall be within the mask detailed in Figure 9.

dBc –40
–25 –20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20 25
Fc IEC 158/07

Figure 9 – Modulation spectrum for slotted transmission 25 kHz

The emission mask for 25 kHz channel mode is:

– at ±10 kHz removed from the carrier, the modulation sidebands are below –25 dBc;
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 31 –

– at ±25 kHz removed from the carrier, the modulation sidebands are below –70 dBc, with
no need to be below –36 dBm;
– in the region between ±10 kHz and ±25 kHz removed from the carrier, the modulation
sidebands shall be below a line specified between these two points.

9.2.5 Modulation spectrum slotted transmission at optional 12,5 kHz channel Purpose

This test is to ensure that the modulation sidebands produced by the specified test patterns
fall within the allowable masks. Method of measurement

a) The EUT shall be connected to a spectrum analyser.
b) The test shall be carried out using slotted transmission of test signal number 1.
c) A minimum resolution bandwidth of 300 Hz and video bandwidth of 3 kHz and positive
peak detection (max hold) shall be used for this measurement.
d) A sufficient number of sweeps and transmission packets shall be measured to ensure that
the emission profile is developed.
e) Repeat steps a) through d) using test signal number 2.
f) Tests shall be performed at 157,4125 MHz and 160,6375 MHz. Required results

The modulation spectrum shall be within the mask detailed in Figure 10.

–12,5 –7,5 –2,5 2,5 7,5 12,5
Fc IEC 159/07

Figure 10 – Modulation spectrum for slotted transmission at optional 12,5 kHz

The emission mask for 12,5 kHz channel mode is:

– at ±12,5 kHz removed from the carrier, the modulation sidebands are below –60 dBc;
– in the region between ±2,5 kHz and ±12,5 kHz removed from the carrier, the modulation
sidebands are below a line starting at 0 dBc/±2,5 dBc and ending at –60 dBc/±12,5 kHz
with no need to be below –36 dBm.
– 32 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E)

9.2.6 Transmitter test sequence and modulation accuracy verification

for 25 kHz operation Purpose

The test is to verify that the training sequence is a 0101 pattern of 24 bits and starts with a 0.
The peak frequency deviation is derived from the baseband signal to verify modulation accu-
racy. Method of measurement

Trigger device

Configuration A
Transmitter Power RF signal
under test attenuator analyser

IEC 160/07

Configuration B
Trigger device

Transmitter Power Test Storage

under test attenuator discriminator oscilloscope

IEC 161/07

Figure 11 – Measurement arrangement for modulation accuracy

The measurement procedure shall be as follows:

a) the equipment shall be connected in either configuration A or configuration B as shown in

Figure 11;
b) the trigger device is optional if the equipment is capable of synchronising to the transmit-
ted bursts;
c) the transmitter shall be tuned to 156,025 MHz;
d) the transmitter shall be modulated with a continuous test signal number 1;
e) the deviation from the carrier frequency shall be measured as a function of time;
f) repeat steps a) through e) with test signal number 2;
g) measurement shall be repeated at 162,025 MHz. Required results

For test signal number 1: the training sequence shall start with a ‘0’ bit and, the peak fre-
quency deviation shall be 1 760 Hz + 352 Hz/ – 176 Hz.

For test signal number 2: The peak frequency deviation shall be 2 400 Hz ± 240 Hz.
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 33 –

9.2.7 Transmitter test sequence and modulation accuracy verification for 12,5 kHz
operation Purpose

The test is to verify that the training sequence is a 0101 pattern of 24 bits and starts with a 0.
The peak frequency deviation is derived from the baseband signal to verify modulation accu-
racy. Method of measurement

Follow the measurement method in 9.2.6. Required results

For test signal number 1: The training sequence shall start with a ‘0’ bit and the peak fre-
quency deviation shall be 535 Hz + 108 Hz/ – 54 Hz.

For test signal number 2: The peak frequency deviation shall be 1 200 Hz ± 120 Hz.

9.2.8 Transmitter output power versus time function Definition

Transmitter output power versus time function is a combination of the transmitter delay, attack
time, release time and transmission duration as defined in Table 13 where:

a) transmitter delay time (T A – T 0 ) is the time between the start of the slot and the moment
when the transmit power exceeds –50 dB of the steady-state power (P ss );
b) transmitter attack time (T B2 – T A ) is the time between the transmit power exceeding
–50 dBc and the moment when the transmit power maintains a level within +1,5 dB –1 dB
from P ss ;
c) transmitter release time (T F – T E ) is the time between the end flag being transmitted and
the moment when the transmitter output power has reduced to a level 50 dB below P ss
and remains below this level thereafter;
d) transmission duration (T F – T A ) is the time from when power exceeds –50 dBc to when the
power returns to and stays below –50 dBc.
– 34 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E)

+1,5 dB

–1 dB
–3 dB

–50 dB


Start End
Training sequence flag Data CRC flag
IEC 162/07

Figure 12 – Power versus time mask

Table 13 – Definition of timings for Figure 12

Reference Bits Time Definition

T0 0 0 ms Start of transmission slot. Power shall NOT exceed –50 dB of

P ss before T 0

TA 0-6 0-0,624 ms Power exceeds –50 dB of P ss

TB T B1 6 0,624 ms Power shall be within +1,5 or –3 dB of P ss

T B2 8 0,8324 ms Power shall be within +1,5 or –1 dB of P ss

T E (includes 231 24,024 ms Power shall remain within +1,5 or –1 dB of P ss during the pe-
1 stuffing bit) riod T B2 to T E

T F (includes 239 26,146 ms Power shall be –50 dB of P ss and stay below this
1 stuffing bit)

TG 256 26,624 ms Start of next transmission time period

There shall be no modulation of the RF after the termination of transmission (T E ) until the
power has reached zero and next slot begins (T G ). Method of measurement

a) The measurement shall be carried out by transmitting test signal number 2 (note that this
test signal generates one additional stuffing bit within its CRC portion).
b) The EUT shall be connected to a spectrum analyser. A resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz,
video bandwidth of 1 MHz and a sample detector shall be used for this measurement. The
analyser shall be in zero-span mode for this measurement.
c) For the purposes of this test, the EUT shall be equipped with a test signal (SYNC) indicat-
ing the start of each time period that it intends to transmit into. This will be used as a trig-
ger source for the spectrum analyser. The SYNC signal shall be aligned to the nominal
start time (T 0 ) of the transmission time period.
d) Tests shall be performed on the lowest operating frequency on which the EUT can trans-
mit according the manufacturers specification and AIS2 (162,025 MHz).
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 35 – Required result

The transmitter power shall remain within the mask shown in Figure 12 and associated tim-
ings given in Table 13.

9.2.9 Intermodulation attenuation Purpose

The intermodulation attenuation is a measure of the capability of a transmitter to inhibit the

generation of signals caused by the presence of the carrier and an interfering signal entering
the transmitter via its antenna. Method of measurement

Transmitter 50 Ω 10 dB test source
under test attenuator


Spectrum 50 Ω
analyser 50 Ω
IEC 163/07

Figure 13 – Measurement arrangement

The measurement arrangement shown in Figure 13 shall be used.

a) The transmitter shall be connected to a 50 Ω 10 dB power attenuator and via a (direc-

tional) coupler to a spectrum analyser. An additional attenuator may be required between
the directional coupler and the spectrum analyser to avoid overloading.
b) In order to reduce the influence of mismatch errors, it is important that the 10 dB power
attenuator is coupled to the transmitter under test with the shortest possible connection.
c) The interfering test signal source shall be either a transmitter providing the same power
output as the transmitter under test and be of a similar type, or a signal generator and a
linear power amplifier capable of delivering the same output power as the transmitter un-
der test.
d) The (directional) coupler shall have an insertion loss of less than 1 dB. If a directional
coupler is used, it shall have a directivity of at least 20 dB.
e) The transmitter under test and the test signal source shall be physically separated so that
the measurement is not influenced by direct radiation.
f) The transmitter under test shall be unmodulated and the spectrum analyser adjusted to a
span of 500 kHz. The transmitter under test shall be set to continuous transmission mode.
g) The interfering test signal source shall be unmodulated and its frequency shall be within
50 kHz to 100 kHz above the frequency of the transmitter under test. The frequency shall
be chosen in such a way that the intermodulation components to be measured do not co-
incide with other spurious components.
h) The power output of the interfering test signal source shall be adjusted to the carrier
power level of the transmitter under test.
i) The ratio of the largest third order intermodulation component with respect to the carrier
shall be measured on the spectrum analyser and recorded.
– 36 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E)

j) This measurement shall be repeated with the interfering test signal source at a frequency
within 50 kHz to 100 kHz below the frequency of the transmitter under test.
k) The intermodulation attenuation of the equipment under test shall be expressed as the
lower of the two values recorded in above. Required results

The intermodulation ratio shall be not less than 40 dB.

9.3 TDMA receivers

9.3.1 Sensitivity for 25 kHz operation Purpose

The maximum usable sensitivity (data or messages, conducted) is the minimum signal level at
the receiver input, produced by a carrier at the specified frequency of the receiver, modulated
with the specified test signal, which will, without interference, produce a data signal with a
specified packet error rate (PER) after demodulation. If there is a requirement for sensitivity
requirements below –107 dBm, the EUT shall be tested at this stated sensitivity level. Method of measurement

Message Signal Receiver Message

generator generator under test measuring test

IEC 164/07

Figure 14 – Measurement arrangement

a) The equipment shall be connected as illustrated in Figure 14.

b) The signal generator shall be set to –107 dBm or declared sensitivity level.
c) Use test signal number 3.
d) The test shall be performed at 156,025 MHz and 162,025 MHz.
e) A minimum of 200 packets shall be transmitted during the test.
f) Repeat the test under extreme conditions with the signal generator level set to –101 dBm. Required results

A minimum PER of 20 % is required.

9.3.2 Sensitivity for optional 12,5 kHz operation Purpose

The maximum usable sensitivity (data or messages, conducted) is the minimum signal level at
the receiver input, produced by a carrier at the specified frequency of the receiver, modulated
with the normal test signal, which will, without interference, produce a data signal with a
specified packet error rate (PER) after demodulation. If there is a requirement for sensitivity
requirements below –98 dBm, the EUT shall be tested at this stated sensitivity level.
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 37 – Method of measurement

Use the method detailed in 9.3.1 with the following settings:

a) Signal generator level shall be –98 dBm for normal conditions and shall be –92 dBm for
extreme conditions.
b) The test shall be performed at 157,4125 MHz and 160,6375 MHz. Required result

A minimum PER of 20 % is required.

9.3.3 Error behaviour at high input levels for 25 kHz operation Purpose

The error behaviour (performance) at high input levels is defined in the same manner as for
the measurement of the maximum usable sensitivity when the level of the wanted signal is
100 dB above the maximum usable sensitivity. Method of measurement

Message Signal Receiver Message

generator generator under test measuring
test set

IEC 165/07

Figure 15 – Measurement arrangement

The measurement procedure shall be as follows:

a) an input signal set to 161,975 MHz, modulated with test signal number 3 shall be applied
to the receiver;
b) the level of the input signal shall be adjusted to –77 dBm;
c) 200 packets shall be transmitted and the PER shall be calculated;
d) the measurement shall be repeated with the input signal at –7 dBm. Required results

The PER shall not exceed 1 % in either case.

9.3.4 Co-channel rejection for 25 kHz operation Purpose

The co-channel rejection is a measure of the capability of the receiver to receive a wanted
modulated signal without exceeding a given degradation due to the presence of an unwanted
modulated signal, both signals being at the specified frequency of the receiver.
– 38 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) Method of measurement

Receiver Message
Combiner under measuring
test test set

IEC 166/07

Figure 16 – Measurement arrangement

The measurement procedure shall be as follows:

a) two generators A and B, shall be connected to the receiver via a combining network;
b) the wanted signal, provided by signal generator A, shall be at the specified frequency of
the receiver and shall be modulated to generate test signal number 3;
c) the unwanted signal, provided by generator B, shall also be at the specified frequency of
the receiver. Generator B shall be frequency modulated with a 400 Hz sine wave giving a
deviation of ±3 kHz;
d) the level of the wanted signal from generator A shall be adjusted to –104 dBm;
e) the level of the unwanted signal from generator B shall be adjusted to –114 dBm;
f) the message measuring test set shall be monitored and the packet error rate observed
over 200 transmissions;
g) the test shall be carried out at a specified frequency of 156,025 MHz and 162,025 MHz. Required result

The PER shall not exceed 20 %.

9.3.5 Co-channel rejection for optional 12,5 kHz operation Purpose

The co-channel rejection is a measure of the capability of the receiver to receive a wanted
modulated signal without exceeding a given degradation due to the presence of an unwanted
modulated signal, both signals being at the specified frequency of the receiver. Method of measurement

Use the method of 9.3.4 with the wanted signal generator level set to –95 dBm and the un-
wanted signal generator level to –113 dBm. The unwanted signal generator shall be modu-
lated with a 400 Hz sine wave giving a deviation of ±1,5 kHz. Required result

The PER shall not exceed 20 %.

62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 39 –

9.3.6 Adjacent channel selectivity for 25 kHz operation Purpose

The adjacent channel selectivity is a measure of the capability of the receiver to receive a
wanted modulated signal without exceeding a given degradation due to the presence of an
unwanted signal which differs in frequency from the wanted signal by an amount equal to the
adjacent channel separation for which the equipment is intended. Method of measurement

Receiver Message
Combiner under measuring test
test set

IEC 167/07

Figure 17 – Measurement arrangement

The measurement procedure shall be as follows:

a) two generators A and B, shall be connected to the receiver via a combining network;
b) the wanted signal, provided by signal generator A, shall initially be at 156,025 MHz and be
modulated to generate test signal number 3;
c) the unwanted signal, provided by generator B, shall be frequency modulated with a
400 Hz sine wave giving a deviation of ±3 kHz. Generator B shall be at a frequency
25 kHz above that of the wanted signal;
d) the level of the wanted signal from generator A shall be adjusted to a level of –104 dBm;
e) the level of the unwanted signal from generator B shall be adjusted to –34 dBm;
f) the message measuring test set shall be monitored and the PER observed over 200
g) repeat the above measurement with the unwanted signal 25 kHz below the wanted signal;
h) repeat the whole of test steps a) to g) at 162,025 MHz. Required results

The PER shall not exceed 20 %.

9.3.7 Adjacent channel selectivity for optional 12,5 kHz operation Purpose

The adjacent channel selectivity is a measure of the capability of the receiver to receive a
wanted modulated signal without exceeding a given degradation due to the presence of an
unwanted signal which differs in frequency from the wanted signal by an amount equal to the
adjacent channel separation for which the equipment is intended.
– 40 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) Method of measurement

Use the method in 9.3.6 but substitute –95 dBm for the level of the wanted signal generator
and –45 dBm for the level of the unwanted signal generator. Also, the modulation deviation of
the unwanted signal generator shall be set to ±1,5 kHz. Required results

The PER shall not exceed 20 %.

9.3.8 Spurious response rejection for 25 kHz operation Purpose

The spurious response rejection is a measure of the capability of the receiver to receive a
wanted modulated signal without exceeding a given degradation due to the presence of an
unwanted modulated signal at any other frequency, at which a response is obtained. Manufacturers’ declarations

The manufacturer shall declare the following in order to calculate the “limited frequency
range” over which the initial part of the test will be performed:

a) list of intermediate frequencies (IF 1 , IF 2 ,...IF N) in Hz;

b) switching range of the receiver 2 (sr);
c) frequency of the local oscillator 3 at 162,025 MHz (AIS2) and at the lowest TDMA channel
(f LOH , f LOL ). Introduction to the method of measurement

The initial evaluation of the EUT shall be performed over the limited frequency range and
shall then be performed at the frequencies identified from this test and at “specific frequencies
of interest” (as defined below).

To determine the frequencies at which spurious responses can occur, the following calcula-
tions shall be made. Calculation of the limited frequency range

The limits of the limited frequency range (LFR HI LFR LO ) are determined from the following

LFR HI = f LOH + (IF 1 + IF 2 +…+ IF N + sr/2)

LFR LO = f LOL – (IF 1 + IF 2 +…+ IF N + sr/2)

Calculation of specific frequencies of interest (SFI) outside the limited frequency range:

These are determined by the following calculations:

SFI 1 = (K * f LOH ) + IF 1
SFI 2 = (K * f LOL ) – IF 1

where K is an integer from 2 to 4.

2 Switching range corresponds to the frequency range over which the receiver can be tuned.
3 This may be a VCO, crystal, sampling clock, BFO, numerically controlled oscillator depending on the design of
the equipment.
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 41 – Method of measurement over the limited frequency range

Two methods are available for the measurements over the limited frequency range, one based
on SINAD measurements and the other based on PER measurements. Either method may be
used, but in each case shall be followed by the method of measurement at identified frequen-

Receiver Message
Combiner under measuring test
test set

B IEC 168/07

Figure 18 – PER/BER or SINAD measuring equipment Method of search over the "limited frequency range" using SINAD

a) Two generators A and B shall be connected to the receiver via a combining network.
b) The wanted signal, provided by generator A, shall be at 162,025 MHz and shall be modu-
lated with a 1 kHz sine wave at ±2,4 kHz deviation.
c) The unwanted signal, provided by generator B, shall be frequency modulated with a
400 Hz sine wave giving a deviation of ±3 kHz.
d) Initially, generator B (unwanted) shall be switched off (maintaining the output impedance).
e) The signal level from generator A (wanted) shall be adjusted to –101 dBm at the receiver.
f) The SINAD value shall be noted (and shall be greater than 14 dB).
g) Signal generator B shall be switched on and adjusted to –27 dBm at the receiver.
h) The frequency of the unwanted signal shall be varied in steps of 5 kHz over the Limited
Frequency Range (from LFR LO to LFR HI ).
i) The frequency of any spurious response detected (by an decrease in SINAD of 3 dB or
more) during the search shall be recorded for use in the next measurement.

j) Repeat the test using the lowest frequency. Method of search over the limited frequency range using PER or BER

a) Two generators A and B, shall be connected to the receiver via a combining network.
b) The wanted signal, provided by generator A, shall be at 162,025 MHz and shall be modu-
lated to generate test signal number 3.
c) The unwanted signal, provided by generator B, shall be frequency modulated with a
400 Hz sine wave giving a deviation of ±3 kHz.
d) Initially, generator B (unwanted) shall be switched off (maintaining the output impedance).
e) The signal level from generator A (wanted) shall be adjusted to –101 dBm at the receiver.
f) The PER or BER shall be noted.
g) Signal generator B shall be switched on and adjusted to –27 dBm at the receiver.
– 42 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E)

h) The frequency of the unwanted signal shall be varied in steps of 5 kHz over the limited
frequency range (from LFR LO to LFR HI ).
i) The frequency of any spurious response detected (by an increase in either PER or BER)
during the search shall be recorded for use in the next measurements. In the case where
operation using a continuous packet stream is not possible a similar method may be used.
j) Repeat the test using the lowest frequency. Method of measurement (at identified frequencies)

a) Two generators A and B, shall be connected to the receiver via a combining network.
b) The wanted signal, provided by generator A, shall be at the high and low channels used for
the calculation of SFI 1 and SFI 2 and shall be modulated to generate test signal number 3.
c) The unwanted signal, provided by generator B, shall be frequency modulated with a
400 Hz sine wave giving a deviation of ±3 kHz. Generator B shall be at the frequency of
that spurious response being considered.
d) Initially, generator B (unwanted) shall be switched off (maintaining the output impedance).
e) The signal level from generator A (wanted) shall be adjusted –101 dBm at the receiver.
f) Generator B shall be switched on, and the level of the unwanted signal set to –31 dBm.
g) For each frequency noted during the tests over the limited frequency range and the Spe-
cific Frequencies of Interest (SFI 1 and SFI 2 ), transmit 200 packets to the EUT and note the
PER. Required results

At any frequency separated from the specified frequency of the receiver by two channels or
more, the PER shall not exceed 20 %.

9.3.9 Spurious response rejection for optional 12,5 kHz operation Purpose

The spurious response rejection is a measure of the capability of the receiver to receive a
wanted modulated signal without exceeding a given degradation due to the presence of an
unwanted modulated signal at any other frequency, at which a response is obtained. Manufacturer’s declaration

Use the manufacturer’s declaration stated in 9.3.8. Method of measurement

Use the method of measurement detailed in 9.3.8 with the receiver frequency set to
157,4125 MHz.
NOTE The step size of the frequency of the unwanted signal in h) and h) should be reduced to
2,5 kHz. Required results

At any frequency separated from the specified frequency of the receiver by two channels or
more, the PER shall not exceed 20 %.
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 43 –

9.3.10 Intermodulation response rejection for 25 kHz operation Purpose

The intermodulation response rejection is the capability of the receiver to receive a wanted
modulated signal, without exceeding a given degradation due to the presence of two close-
spaced unwanted signals with a specific frequency relationship to the wanted signal fre-
quency. Method of test


Signal Receiver Message

Combiner under
generator measuring
B test test set

IEC 169/07

Figure 19 – Measurement arrangement for inter-modulation

The measurement procedure shall be as follows:

a) three signal generators shall be connected to the receiver via a combining network;
b) the wanted signal, provided by signal generator A, shall be at the specified frequency of
the receiver and shall be modulated to generate test signal number 3;
c) the unwanted signal from generator B shall be unmodulated;
d) the unwanted signal from generator C shall be frequency modulated with a 400 Hz sine
wave at a deviation of ±3 kHz:
e) the signal level from generator A (wanted) shall be set for –101 dBm at the receiver input;
f) the signal level from generators B and C shall be set for –27 dBm at the receiver input;
g) the frequencies of generators A, B, and C shall be set as per test number 1 of Table 14;
h) the message measuring test set shall be monitored and the PER observed over 200
i) repeat the measurement with frequencies set as per test number 2 of Table 14.

Table 14 – Frequencies for inter-modulation tests

Test Generator A Generator B Generator C

number Wanted AIS signal Unmodulated Modulated
(± 500 kHz) (±1 000 kHz)
1 162,025 MHz 161,525 MHz 161,025 MHz
2 156,025 MHz 156,525 MHz 157,025 MHz
– 44 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) Required results

The PER shall not exceed 20 %.

9.3.11 Blocking or desensitisation for 25 kHz operation Purpose

Blocking is a measure of the capability of the receiver to receive a wanted modulated signal
without exceeding a given degradation due to the presence of an unwanted input signal at any
frequency other than those of the spurious responses or the adjacent channels.


Combiner Receiver Message

test set

IEC 170/07

Figure 20 – Measurement arrangement for blocking or de-sensitisation Method of measurement

The measurement procedure shall be as follows:

a) two generators A and B, shall be connected to the receiver via a combining network as
shown in Figure 20;
b) the wanted signal, provided by signal generator A, shall be initially at 156,025 MHz and be
modulated to generate test signal number 3;
c) the unwanted signal from generator B shall be unmodulated and tuned to 161,75 MHz.
Initially, signal generator B (unwanted signal) shall be switched off (maintaining the output
impedance). The level of the wanted signal from generator A shall be adjusted
to –101 dBm at the receiver input;
d) generator B shall then be switched on, and the level of the unwanted signal set
to –15 dBm;
e) 200 packets shall be transmitted and the PER recorded;
f) repeat the test steps a) to e) with the wanted signal generator tuned to 162,025 MHz and
the unwanted signal generator tuned to 156,3 MHz. Required results

The PER shall not exceed 20 %.

62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 45 –

9.4 Conducted spurious emissions at the antenna

9.4.1 Spurious emissions from the receiver Purpose

Conducted spurious emissions to the antenna are any RF emissions generated in the receiver
and conveyed to the antenna terminal. Method of measurement

Conducted spurious emissions shall be measured as the power level of any frequency com-
ponent to the antenna terminals of the receiver. The receiver antenna terminals are connected
to a spectrum analyser or selective voltmeter having an input impedance of 50 Ω and the re-
ceiver is switched on.

The measurement shall extend over the frequency range 9 kHz to 2 GHz. Required results

The power of any spurious emission in the specified range at the antenna terminal shall not
exceed –57 dBm in the frequency range 9 kHz to 1 GHz and –47 dBm in the frequency range
1 GHz to 2 GHz.

9.4.2 Spurious emissions from the transmitter Purpose

Spurious emissions are emissions at frequencies other than those of the carrier and side-
bands associated with normal modulation. Method of measurement

Conducted spurious emissions shall be measured with the unmodulated transmitter connected
to the artificial antenna. The measurement shall be made over a frequency range from 9 kHz
to 2 GHz, excluding the channel on which the transmitter is operating and its adjacent chan-
nels. Required results

The power of any spurious emission at any frequency shall not exceed –36 dBm in the fre-
quency range 9 kHz to 1 GHz and –30 dBm in the frequency range 1 GHz to 2 GHz.

10 Functional tests for Base Station

This clause identifies the functional tests for the Base Station. Validation of the presentation
interface is integrated in the following tests. The tests are for all Base Stations. Some of the
tests are not required if the Base Station is to be tested as a dependent unit only. These tests
and results are indicated at the start of the test by a note.
– 46 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E)

10.1 Pre-set-up

NOTE The sentences provided in the pre-set-up condition and throughout this test clause contain data fields as
examples only.

For all tests the pre-set-up conditions are:

a) query the EUT to obtain the current unique identifier and MMSI. Provide a SID sentence to
set the unique identifier and MMSI to a known value;
b) the EUT will be given a BCF sentence to set the following: position source to surveyed,
LAT/LON position to a known location, position accuracy to high, channels to 2087 and
2088, transmitter power to high, messages retries to three, repeat indicator to three, and
talker ID to ABM;
c) the EUT will be given a BCE sentence to set RATDMA to zero (disabled);
d) the EUT will be given a series of ECB sentences to disable all autonomous transmissions;
e) the EUT will be given a SPO sentence to ensure all optional VDL information is disabled;
f) the EUT will be given a series of 20 DLM sentences to clear any FATDMA reservations;
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 47 –

g) the standard test environment shall include 5 AIS mobile targets running on the default
AIS channels 2087 and 2088 or appropriate test channels;
h) normal mode for the EUT is EUT with power on, UTC available, both transmitters enabled
and AIS channels set to 2087 and 2088 or appropriate test channels;
i) record all messages on the VDL and record all messages on the PI.

10.2 Normal operation

10.2.1 Base Station configuration and services Base Station configuration Purpose

The purpose of this test is to verify that the Base Station can be configured with an MMSI and
unique identifier. This test verifies the EUT’s correct response to these two SID data fields. Method of measurement

a) Apply the following SID sentence using an incorrect unique identifier:
$xxSID, AA0000003770009,AA0000003770001,003770007,*hh<CR><LF>
Query the EUT for the VER sentence.
b) Apply the following SID sentence using the correct unique identifier:
$xxSID, AA0000003770007,AA0000003770009,003770005,*hh<CR><LF>
Query the EUT for the VER sentence.
c) Apply the following BCE sentence using the correct unique identifier and enabling com-
ment blocks:
Apply the following ECB sentence with an incorrect unique identifier and DLM sen-
0,L,10,2,7,75,,,,,*hh<CR><LF> Required results

a) Confirm the content of the VER sentence and that the correct MMSI and unique identifier
has been retained
b) Confirm the content of the VER sentence and that the new MMSI and unique identifier has
been configured
c) Confirm that the ECB and DLM sentences were ignored, Base Station report information content and reporting rate Purpose

This test verifies the basic functionality of a Base Station. This test will verify the “pre-set-up
condition” used in subsequent testing.
– 48 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) Method of measurement

a) Set up standard test environment and apply the BCF, BCE, ECB, SPO and DLM sen-
tences to the EUT as defined in the pre-set-up conditions.
b) Apply a TSA sentence and a VDM sentence with encapsulated Message 4 to the EUT:
c) Apply the following BBM sentence to the EUT:
NOTE The following tests are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.

d) Apply the following DLM sentence to the EUT:

e) Apply the following ECB sentence to the EUT:
f) Apply the following SPO sentence to the EUT:
$xxSPO,AA003770007,A,1,1,1,,1,,,1,1,1,1*hh<CR><LF> Required results

a) Confirm that the BCF, BCE, ECB, SPO and DLM sentences were received correctly by the
EUT using the query sentence. Confirm that the EUT is receiving position reports on both
A and B channels from 5 test targets and verify that the VDM has the correct data for the
5 test targets. Confirm that the EUT is not transmitting.
b) Confirm that the appropriate TFR sentence is output on the PI. Confirm that the EUT is
transmitting Message 4 in the assigned slot and channel. Confirm that the Message 4 con-
tains the same data as defined by the VDM sentence. Confirm that the appropriate VDO
sentence is output on the PI when a message is transmitted.
c) Confirm that the EUT did not transmit Message 14 and issued an ABK type 2.
NOTE The following results are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.

d) Confirm that the DLM sentences were received correctly by the EUT using the query sen-
tence for DLM.
e) Confirm that the ECB sentences were received correctly by the EUT using the query sen-
tence for ECB. Confirm that the EUT is transmitting Message 4 and Message 20 in the as-
signed slots, interval, and channels as defined in the ECB sentences. Confirm that the
content of Message 20 is as defined by the DLM. Confirm that the EUT is transmitting
Message 4 with an interval of 10 s, alternating transmission channels A and B. Confirm
that the content of Message 4 is as defined by the BCF. Confirm that in the content of
Message 4 the UTC/date is provided correctly. Confirm that the communications state for
Message 4 is implemented correctly. Confirm that the appropriate VDO sentence is output
on the PI when a message is transmitted.
f) Confirm that the VSI sentence contains the associated information about each VDM or
VDO sentence. Confirm that the FSR sentence contains the associated information about
the conditions for the previous frame.
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 49 – Retention of Base Station report Information content and reporting rate Purpose

This test will verify that a Base Station retains all of its configuration settings upon restart.
There are two methods of restart, a physical restart of the Base Station and a restart using
the CAB sentence. This test will verify that the Base Station retains its last configuration after
these restarts. The test will also verify that the Base Station sets its configuration to “unde-
fined” after reset. Method of measurement

Set up standard test environment and operate the EUT as defined in the pre-set-up condi-

a) Remove power from the EUT for 2 s and then re-apply power to the EUT.
b) Apply the following CAB sentence to the EUT:
NOTE The following tests are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.

c) Apply the following DLM sentences to the EUT:

d) Apply the following ECB sentences to the EUT:
e) Remove power from the EUT for 2 s and then re-apply power to the EUT.
f) Apply the following CAB sentence to restart the EUT:
g) Apply the following CAB sentence to reset the EUT:
$xxCAB,,,,1*hh<CR><LF> Required results

a) Confirm that BCF, DLM and ECB sentences were retained correctly, as defined by the
pre-set-up conditions, by the EUT using query for these sentences. Confirm that the EUT
is receiving position reports on both A and B channels from 5 test targets. These results
shall occur within 2 min.
b) Confirm that the BCF sentence was retained correctly by the EUT using the query sen-
tence for the BCF sentence. Confirm that the EUT is receiving position reports on both A
and B channels from 5 test targets. These results shall occur within 2 min.
NOTE The following tests are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.
c) Confirm that the DLM sentences were received correctly by the EUT using the query sen-
tence for DLM.
d) Confirm that the ECB sentences were received correctly by the EUT using the query sen-
tence for ECB.
e) Confirm that BCF and ECB sentences were retained correctly by the EUT using query for
these sentences. Confirm that the EUT is receiving position reports on both A and B chan-
nels from 5 test targets. Confirm that the EUT is transmitting Message 4 and Message 20
in the assigned slots, interval, and channels as defined in the ECB sentences. Confirm
that the content of Message 20 s is as defined by the DLM. Confirm that the content of
Message 4 is as defined by the BCF. Confirm that in the content of Message 4 the
UTC/date is provided correctly. Confirm that the communications state for Message 4 is
– 50 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E)

handled properly. Confirm that the appropriate VDO sentence is output on the PI when a
message is transmitted.
These results shall occur within 2 min.
f) Confirm that BCF and ECB sentences were retained correctly by the EUT using query for
these sentences. Confirm that the EUT is receiving position reports on both A and B chan-
nels from 5 test targets. Confirm that the EUT is transmitting Message 4 and Message 20
in the assigned slots, interval, and channels as defined in the ECB sentences. Confirm
that the content of Message 20 s is as defined by the DLM. Confirm that the content of
Message 4 is as defined by the BCF. Confirm that in the content of Message 4 the
UTC/date is provided correctly. Confirm that the communications state for Message 4 is
handled properly. Confirm that the appropriate VDO sentence is output on the PI when a
message is transmitted.
These results shall occur within 2 min.
g) Verify all configuration information is undefined with the exception of receive only on AIS1
and AIS2. Configuration and operating parameters Purpose

This test will verify that the Base Station configuration can be modified. In addition, it will ver-
ify the non-default settings. The operation of the TSA+VDM transmission is verified when op-
erating independently. Method of measurement

Set up the standard test environment and operate the EUT as defined in the pre-set-up condi-
tions. Switch the working channels for the 5 test targets to appropriate channels as defined in
the new BCF sentence.

a) Apply the following BCF sentences to the EUT with an incorrect MMSI:

b) Apply the following BCF and BCE sentences to the EUT:


c) Apply a TSA sentence and a VDM sentence with encapsulated Message 4 to the EUT:
NOTE The following tests are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.

d) Apply the following DLM sentence to the EUT:


e) Apply the following ECB sentences to the EUT to start autonomous transmissions:

f) Modify the DLM reservations:


g) Apply the following ECB sentences to modify the transmission slots:

62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 51 –


h) Apply the following DLM sentence to the EUT:


i) Apply the following ECB sentence to the EUT:


j) Apply the following CAB sentence to the EUT:


k) Apply a TSA sentence and a VDM sentence with encapsulated Message 4 to the EUT on
the disabled channel:

l) Apply the following ECB sentence to the EUT:


m) Apply the following BBM and VDM sentences to the EUT:

!xxVDM,2,2,7,A,888888888888888,2*hh CR><LF> Required results

a) Confirm that the BCF sentence was ignored by the EUT using the query sentence for the
BCF sentence.

b) Confirm that BCF and BCE sentences were processed correctly by the EUT using query

c) Confirm that the appropriate TFR sentence is output on the PI. Confirm that the EUT
transmits the Message 4 in the assigned slot and channel. Confirm that the content of
Message 4 is as defined by the VDM sentence. Confirm that the appropriate VDO sen-
tence is output on the PI when a message is transmitted.
NOTE The following results are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.

d) Confirm that the DLM sentences were received correctly by the EUT using the query sen-
tence for DLM.

e) Confirm that the ECB sentences were received correctly by the EUT using the query sen-
tence for ECB. Confirm that the EUT is transmitting Message 4 and Message 20 in the
assigned slots, interval and channel as defined in the ECB sentence. Confirm that the
appropriate VDO sentence is output on the PI when a message is transmitted. Confirm
that the content of Message 4 is as defined by the BCF sentence. Confirm that the con-
tent of Message 20 is as defined by the DLM sentence. Confirm that the EUT is receiving
position reports on both channels A and B from the 5 AIS targets.

f) Confirm that the DLM sentences were received correctly using the query sentence for
– 52 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E)

g) Confirm that the ECB sentences were received correctly using the query sentence for
ECB. Confirm that the EUT is transmitting Message 4 and Message 20 in the assigned
slots, interval and channel as defined in the ECB sentence. Confirm that the appropriate
VDO sentence is output on the PI when a message is transmitted.

h) Confirm that the DLM sentences were received correctly using the query sentence for
DLM. Check that the first two entries are deleted and the third entry is retained.

i) Confirm that the ECB sentences were received correctly using the query sentence for
ECB. Confirm that the Base Station stops transmitting Message 20. Confirm that the EUT
is only transmitting Message 4 in the assigned slots as defined in the ECB message.

j) Confirm that CAB sentence was received correctly by the EUT using the query sentence
for CAB sentence. Confirm that the EUT is receiving position reports on both A and B
channels from other AIS. Confirm that the EUT is transmitting Message 4 in the assigned
slots, interval and transmitting on channel B only at a reporting rate of 20 s.

k) Confirm that the appropriate TFR sentence with status 9 is output on the PI. Confirm that
the EUT is NOT transmitting Message 4 in channel A.

l) Confirm that the ECB sentences were received correctly by the EUT using the query sen-
tence for ECB. Confirm that the Base Station stops transmitting Message 4.

m) Confirm that the EUT transmitted Message 14 and issued an ABK type 3. Confirm that
the EUT transmitted Message 5. FATDMA configuration Purpose

This test will verify the ability of the Base Station to configure all twenty FATDMA data set
definitions (ten per channel). Method of measurement

Set up the standard test environment and operate the EUT as defined in the pre-set-up condi-
NOTE The following tests are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.

a) Apply the following BCE sentence to enable the use of RATDMA:


b) Apply the following 20 DLM sentences to the EUT:

62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 53 –


c) Apply the following ECB sentences to the EUT:


d) Apply the following DLM sentences to remove the FATDMA allocations:

– 54 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E)


e) Apply the following DLM sentences to the EUT:


f) Apply the following BBM sentences to the EUT:

!xxBBM,1,1,0,0,14,D5CDPC165DIP=5CC1750,0*hh<CR><LF> Required results

NOTE The following results are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.

a) Confirm that the BCE sentences were received correctly by the EUT using the query sen-
tence for the BCE sentence.
b) Confirm that DLM sentences were received correctly by the EUT using the query sentence
for the DLM sentence.
c) Confirm that the ECB sentences were received correctly by the EUT using the query sen-
tence for the ECB sentence. Confirm that the appropriate VDO sentence is output on the
PI when a Message 20 is transmitted. Confirm that the EUT is transmitting Message 20(s)
over the VDL in the specified slots and specified channels with the specified configuration
parameters from the DLM and the ECB sentence. Confirm that all the Message 20 s re-
quired by the full set of DLM sentences are transmitted over the VDL within 2 frames in
the assigned slots as defined in the ECB sentence.
d) Confirm the DLM sentences were received correctly by the EUT using the query sentence
for the DLM sentence. Confirm that the EUT is no longer transmitting any Message 20
over the VDL. Confirm that the EUT continues to transmit Message 4 over the VDL.
e) Confirm that DLM sentences were received correctly by the EUT using the query sentence
for DLM sentence.
f) Confirm that the Message 14 is transmitted over the VDL within 4 s using RATMDA in
available slots and not using the remotely allocated slots. Channel management Purpose

This test will verify that the Base Station will transmit an addressed Message 22. Method of measurement

Set up the standard test environment and operate the EUT as defined in the pre-set-up condi-
NOTE The following tests are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.

a) Apply the following ACA sentence to the EUT:

62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 55 –

b) Apply the following DLM and ECB sentences to establish autonomous transmission of
Messages 4 and 20 by the EUT:

c) Apply the following DLM sentence to reserve slots for Message 22 transmissions:

d) Apply the following ECB sentence to start Message 22 transmissions by the EUT:

e) Apply the following ACM sentence to the EUT:

$xxACM, (MMSI of mobile 1),(MMSI of mobile 2),2087,0,2088,0,0,0,2,3*hh<CR><LF>

f) Cycle power on the EUT. Required results

NOTE The following results are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.
a) Confirm that the ACA sentence was received correctly by the EUT using the query sen-
tence for the ACA sentence.
b) Confirm that the DLM sentence was received correctly by the EUT using the query sen-
tence for the DLM sentence. Confirm that the ECB sentence was received correctly by the
EUT using the query sentence for the ECB sentence.
c) Confirm that the DLM sentence was received correctly by the EUT using the query sen-
tence for the DLM sentence.
d) Confirm that the ECB sentence was received correctly by the EUT using the query sen-
tence for the ECB sentence. Confirm that the EUT is transmitting Message 22 over the
VDL in the specified slots and specified channels. Confirm the content of the Message 22
is as defined by the ACA message. Confirm that the EUT continues to transmit Messages
4 and 20 as defined. Confirm that the appropriate VDO sentence is output on the PI when
a message is transmitted.
e) Confirm that the EUT transmits the data of the ACM to the specified mobiles within the
4 s. Confirm the content of the Message 22 is as defined by the ACM sentence and that
the MMSI has the correct number of bits in Message 22.
f) Confirm that the EUT´s channel management settings are retained and that the Message
22 starts transmitting again within 2 min. VDM to VDL processing Purpose

This test will verify that the Base Station can receive multiple types of VDM inputs and trans-
mit the encapsulated message as required by the message type.
– 56 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) Method of measurement

Set up the standard test environment and operate the EUT as defined in the pre-set-up condi-
NOTE The following tests are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.

a) Apply a VDM sentence to the EUT.

b) Enable RATDMA and apply a VDM sentence to the EUT:


c) Apply the following DLM+ECB sentences to establish autonomous transmission of Mes-

sages 4 and 20 by the EUT:

d) Apply VDM sentences with encapsulated Message 1 to 23 to the EUT.

e) Apply the following VDM sentence with inappropriate comm. state and repeat indicator to
the EUT:

f) Disable RATDMA and clear available FATDMA slots. Apply a VDM sentence to the EUT:

g) Apply a DLM sentence with available slots at the end of the epoch. Apply a VDM sentence
to the EUT. Then apply 5 VDM sentences:
$xxDLM,0,A,L,4,1,7,250,L,0,1,7,0,L,10,1,7,0,,,,,*hh<CR><LF> Required results

NOTE The following results are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.

a) Confirm that the EUT generates an appropriate TFR sentence and does NOT transmit the
b) Confirm that the BCE sentence was received correctly by the EUT using the query for the
BCE sentence. Confirm that the EUT generates an appropriate TFR sentence and trans-
mits the Message within 4 s.
c) Confirm that the DLM sentence was received correctly by the EUT using the query sen-
tence for the DLM sentence. Confirm that the ECB sentence was received correctly by the
EUT using the query sentence for the ECB sentence.
d) Confirm that the EUT generates an appropriate TFR sentence and transmits each allow-
able Message, allowing up to 4 s between transmissions in available FATDMA or RATDMA
slots. Confirm that the information in each transmitted Message is complete and correct.
Confirm that the appropriate VDO sentence is output on the PI when a message is trans-
mitted. Confirm that VDL Message 4, 11 and 20 VDM sentences are not transmitted. Con-
firm that VDL messages 15 and 16 are only transmitted when no slot offset is provided.
e) Confirm that the EUT generates an appropriate TFR sentence and transmits the message
after correcting Comm.state and that the repeat indicator is not zero.
f) Confirm the EUT generates an appropriate TFR sentence and does NOT transmit the VDM.
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 57 –

g) Confirm that the DLM sentence was received correctly by the EUT using the query sen-
tence for the DLM sentence. Confirm that the EUT transmits the 5 VDM messages one in
each frame. TSA and associated VDM processing Purpose

This test will verify that the Base Station can receive a TSA and the associated VDM for all
message types and transmit the encapsulated message as required by the message type in
the assigned slot. Method of measurement

Set up the standard test environment and operate the EUT as defined in the pre-set-up condi-

a) Apply TSA+VDM sentence pair with encapsulated Message 1 to 23 to the EUT.

b) Apply the following TSA+VDM sentence pair with inappropriate Comm.state and repeat
indicator to the EUT:
c) Apply five TSA and five VDM sentences with encapsulated Message 1 to the EUT assign-
ing the transmission of the five Messages 1s in consecutive slots on the same channel.
d) Apply the TSA+VDM sentence pair with an encapsulated message ID that is undefined,
with the correct message structure to the EUT.
e) Apply a TSA sentence and a VDM sentence with encapsulated Message 8, using five
Apply a TSA sentence and a VDM sentence with encapsulated Message 14 at least 266
ms (10 slot duration) before the scheduled Message 8 using one slot and using the same
start slot number on the same channel.
– 58 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E)

f) Apply a TSA sentence and a VDM sentence with encapsulated Message 14 using one slot
with a UTC time that is invalid to the EUT (e.g.25h61min).
g) Apply a TSA sentence and a VDM sentence with encapsulated Message 14 using an inva-
lid slot number to the EUT.
h) Apply a TSA sentence and a VDM sentence with encapsulated Message 14 using six slots
to the EUT.
i) Apply the number of TSA+VDM pairs needed to exceed available memory.
j) Apply a VDM.
k) Apply TSA and VDM sentences with encapsulated Message 14 to the EUT assigning the
transmission of the Messages 14 with the scheduled time before the current time. Apply
the same TSA with the priority set to 0.
NOTE The following tests are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.

l) Apply a TSP to prohibit the use of slots.

Apply a TSA+VDM that uses the prohibited slots reserved by the TSP.
Apply a TSA+VDM Message 8 pair in the subsequent frame for the same slots.
m) Apply a TSA+VDM in the same slot, different frame from j).
n) Apply an ECB to begin the autonomous transmission of Message 4.
Apply a TSA/Message 8 VDM pair with low priority in conflict with the autonomous Mes-
sage 4 transmission defined in the ECB.
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 59 –

o) Apply a TSA/Message 8 VDM pair with high priority in conflict with the autonomous Mes-
sage 4 transmission defined in the ECB.
p) Apply a TSP to reserve slots in conflict with the Message 4 schedule.
$xxTSP,AA0000003770007,1,A,HHMMSS,0,750,5,,,,*hh<CR><LF> Required results

a) Confirm that the appropriate TFR sentences are output on the PI. Confirm that the EUT is
transmitting Messages 1 to 23 as required over the VDL in the assigned slots and that the
information is complete and correct. Confirm that the appropriate VDO sentences are out-
put on the PI when a message is transmitted.
b) Confirm that the appropriate TFR sentence is output on the PI. Confirm that the EUT
transmits the message with no data content processing. Confirm that the appropriate VDO
sentence is output on the PI when a message is transmitted.
c) Confirm that the appropriate TFR sentences are output on the PI. Confirm that the EUT
transmits the five Messages 1s in the assigned consecutive slots on the same channel and
that the information is complete and correct. Confirm that the appropriate VDO sentences
are output on the PI when a message is transmitted.
d) Confirm that the appropriate TFR sentence is output on the PI. Confirm that the EUT
transmits the message with no data content processing. Confirm that the appropriate VDO
sentence is output on the PI when a message is transmitted.
e) Confirm that the EUT generates a TFR sentence with status 0 for Message 8 on the PI.
Confirm that the EUT generates a TFR sentence with status 1 for Message 14 on the PI.
Confirm that the EUT transmits only Message 14. Confirm that the appropriate VDO sen-
tence is output on the PI when a message is transmitted.
f) Confirm that the EUT generates a TFR sentence with status 10 for Message 14 on the PI.
Confirm that the EUT does not transmit Message 14.
g) Confirm that the EUT generates a TFR sentence with status 10 for Message 14 on the PI.
Confirm that the EUT does not transmit Message 14.
h) Confirm that the EUT generates a TFR sentence with status 10 for Message 14 on the PI.
Confirm that the EUT does not transmit Message 14.
i) Confirm that the EUT generates a TFR sentence with status 3. If it is not possible to ex-
ceed the available memory the test is deemed to be passed.
j) Confirm that the EUT generates a TFR with status 10 and does not transmit Message 14.
k) Confirm that the EUT generates a TFR sentence with status 2. Confirm that the EUT gen-
erates a TFR with the status 4 and that Message 14 is not transmitted.
NOTE The following results are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.

l) Confirm that the EUT generates a TSR sentence with status 0. Confirm that the EUT gen-
erates a TFR sentence with status 7. Confirm that the EUT generates a TFR sentence with
status 0. Confirm the EUT transmits Message 8.
m) Confirm that the EUT generates a TFR sentence with status 0. Confirm that the EUT
transmits Message 14.
n) Confirm that the ECB PI sentence was received correctly by the EUT using the PI query
for the ECB PI sentence. Confirm that the EUT generates a TFR sentence with status 5.
Confirm that the EUT does NOT transmit Message 8.
o) Confirm that the EUT generates a TFR sentence with status 1. Confirm that the EUT
transmits Message 8.
p) Confirm that the EUT generates a TSR sentence with status 1.
– 60 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) DGNSS VDM Message 17 Purpose

This test will verify that the Base Station is capable of handling a VDM with an encapsulated
Message 17. Method of measurement

NOTE The following tests are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.

Set up the standard test environment and operate the EUT as defined in the pre-set-up condi-

a) Apply the following DLM sentence to the EUT:

b) Apply the following ECB sentence to the EUT:
c) Apply VDM sentences with encapsulated Message 17 for a period of 1 min.
d) Discontinue the VDM sentences with encapsulated Message 17.
e) Apply the following ECB sentence to the EUT to disable the scheduling for Message 17:
f) Apply VDM sentences with encapsulated Message 17 for a period of 1 min. Required results

NOTE The following results are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.

a) Confirm that the DLM sentence was received correctly by the EUT using the query sen-
tence for the DLM sentence. Confirm the ECB was received correctly by the EUT using
the query sentence for the ECB sentence.
b) Confirm that the ECB sentence was received correctly by the EUT using the query sen-
tence for the ECB sentence.
c) Confirm that the EUT is transmitting Message 17 over the VDL in the specified slots, in-
tervals and channels as defined by the ECB. Confirm the content of Message 17 is the
most current and as defined by the VDM. Confirm that the appropriate VDO sentence is
output on the PI when a message is transmitted.
d) Verify that the EUT continues transmitting Message 17 over the VDL for 1 min. then stops
e) Confirm that the ECB sentence was received correctly by the EUT using the query sen-
tence for the ECB sentence.
f) Verify that the EUT does not transmit Message 17 over the VDL unless slots are available
in accordance with the rules for VDM transmissions. Assigned mode and group assignment Purpose

This test will verify that the Base Station can establish hard and soft slot assignments using a
Message 16 and is able to do a group assignment using a Message 23.
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 61 – Method of measurement

Set up the standard test environment and operate the EUT as defined in the pre-set-up condi-
NOTE The following tests are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.

a) Apply the following AGA for Message 23 content, followed by DLM and ECB sentences to
establish autonomous transmission of Messages 4, 20 and 23 by the EUT:
b) Input the following ASN sentence to the EUT:
c) Input a BCE to enable RATDMA and then input the BBM sentence (Message 8) to the
!xxBBM,1,1,0,1,8,7E3B3C3E7E,0*hh<CR><LF> Required results

NOTE The following results are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.

a) Confirm that the DLM sentence was received correctly by the EUT using the query sen-
tence for the DLM sentence. Confirm that the ECB sentence was received correctly by the
EUT using the query sentence for the ECB sentence. Confirm that Messages 4, 20 and 23
are transmitted on the defined slots. Confirm the content of Message 23 is as defined in
the AGA sentence.
b) Confirm that the EUT is transmitting Message 16, within 4 s in an available FATDMA slot,
over the appropriate channel on the VDL. Confirm the content of Message 16 is as defined
by the ASN. Confirm that the slot used for the transmission and the slot offset information
agrees with the “hard assignment” parameters supplied with the ASN sentence. Confirm
that the reporting interval information for the transmission agrees with the “soft assign-
ment” parameters supplied with the ASN sentence. Confirm that the appropriate VDO sen-
tence is output on the PI when a message is transmitted.
c) Confirm that the EUT is transmitting Message 8 within 4 s not using an assigned FATDMA
slot. Receive messages Purpose

This test will verify that the Base Station is capable of receiving all VDL message types and
outputting a VDM to the PI. The contents of binary Message 8 will verify the bit stuffing capa-
bility and the correct CRC check of the received messages is also verified. Method of measurement

Set up the standard test environment and operate the EUT as defined in the pre-set-up condi-
– 62 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E)

a) Input the following messages to the VDL:

Message 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
b) Apply a simulated position report message with wrong CRC bit sequence to the VDL. Required results

a) Check that the EUT outputs each message to the PI with the message content complete
and correct.
b) Verify that the message is not output on the PI.

10.2.2 Addressed and broadcast messaging Normal operations Purpose

This test will verify that the Base Station is capable of transmitting both broadcast (Messages
8, 14) and addressed (Messages 6, 12) safety related and binary messages. Method of measurement

Set up the standard test environment and operate the EUT as defined in the pre-set-up condi-
NOTE The following tests are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.
a) Input the following BBM sentence to the EUT:
b) Input the following ABM sentence to the EUT:
c) Apply the following DLM and ECB sentences to establish autonomous transmission of
Messages 4 and 20 by the EUT:
d) Input the following BBM sentences to the EUT:
e) Input the following ABM sentence to the EUT:
The addressed station shall provide the appropriate response, Messages 7 and13.
f) Input the following BBM sentences to the EUT:
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 63 –

g) Input the following ABM sentences to the EUT:
h) Input the following BBM sentence to the EUT:
i) Establish 80 % channel load. Initiate the transmission of two 5 slot messages (Message 8
followed by Message 12) by the EUT. (5*5 slot blocks within 4 s to create 4 sets of candi-
date slots within 4 s) Required results

NOTE The following results are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.

a) Confirm that the EUT does NOT transmit and generates an ABK type 2.

b) Confirm that the EUT does NOT transmit and generates an ABK type 2.

c) Confirm that the DLM sentence was received correctly by the EUT using PI query for
DLM. Confirm that the ECB sentence was received correctly by the EUT using PI query
for ECB.

d) Confirm that the EUT is transmitting Messages 8 and 14 once each over the VDL with the
specified configuration parameters from the associated BBM sentences within 4 s using
available FATDMA slots. Confirm that the appropriate VDO sentence is output on the PI
when a message is transmitted. Confirm that the ABK sentence with ABK type 3 is output
on the PI of the EUT when Messages 8 and 14 are transmitted.

e) Confirm that the EUT is transmitting Messages 6 and 12 once each over the VDL with the
specified configuration parameters from the associated ABM sentences within 4 s using
– 64 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E)

available FATDMA slots. Confirm that the appropriate VDO sentence is output on the PI
when a message is transmitted. Confirm that the EUT has received the Binary Acknowl-
edgement Message 7 and Safety Related Acknowledgement Message 13 from the ad-
dressed station by reviewing the PI VDM sentences. Confirm that the ABK sentence with
ABK type 0 is output on the PI of the EUT when acknowledge to Messages 6 and 12 are

f) Confirm that the EUT is transmitting Messages 8 and 14 once each over the VDL with the
specified configuration parameters from the associated BBM sentences within 4 s using
available FATDMA slots. Confirm that the appropriate VDO sentence is output on the PI
when a message is transmitted. Confirm that the ABK Sentence with ABK type 3 is output
on the PI of the EUT when Messages 8 and 14 are transmitted.

g) Confirm that the EUT is transmitting Messages 6 and 12 once each over the VDL with the
specified configuration parameters from the associated ABM sentences within 4 s using
available FATDMA slots. Confirm that the appropriate VDO sentence is output on the PI
when a message is transmitted. Confirm that the EUT has received the Binary Acknowl-
edgement Message 7 and Safety Related Acknowledgement Message 13 from the ad-
dressed station by reviewing the PI VDM sentences. Confirm that the ABK sentence with
ABK type 0 is output on the PI of the EUT when acknowledge to Messages 6 and 12 are

h) Confirm that the EUT did not broadcast Message 14. Confirm that the EUT response with
an ABK sentence with ABK type ‘2’.

i) Check that the EUT transmits in correct order according to their priority (Messages 12
before 8). Check that the EUT transmits in free slots within 4 s according to the RATDMA
algorithm. Unacknowledged messaging Purpose

This test will verify that the Base Station will retry the transmission of an addressed message
as defined by the retry field in the BCF sentence. Method of measurement

Set up the standard test environment and operate the EUT as defined in the pre-set-up condi-
NOTE The following tests are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.

a) Apply the following DLM and ECB sentences to establish autonomous transmission of
Messages 4 and 20 by the EUT:
b) Input the following ABM sentence to the EUT to an MMSI other than the 5 test targets in
the standard test environment:
c) Input the following BCF sentence to the EUT:
Input the following ABM sentence to the EUT to an MMSI other than the 5 test targets in
the standard test environment:
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 65 – Required results

NOTE The following results are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.

a) Confirm that the DLM sentence was received correctly by the EUT using PI query for DLM.
Confirm that the ECB sentence was received correctly by the EUT using PI query for ECB.
b) Confirm that the EUT is transmitting Message 12 over the VDL with the specified configu-
ration parameters from the associated ABM sentence within 4 s using the available FAT-
DMA slot. Confirm that the EUT re-transmits Message 12, within 4 s to 8 s after the previ-
ous transmission using the available FATDMA slot, in accordance with the EUT “number
of retries” configuration from the BCF sentence. Confirm that the appropriate VDO sen-
tence is output on the PI when a message is transmitted. Confirm that the ABK sentence
with ABK type 1 is output on the PI of the EUT after the last transmission of Message 12.
c) Confirm that the BCF sentence was received correctly by the EUT using PI query for BCF.
Confirm that the EUT is transmitting Message 12 over the VDL with the specified configu-
ration parameters from the associated ABM sentence within 4 s using the available FAT-
DMA slot. Confirm that the EUT re-transmits Message 12, within 4 s to 8 s using the avail-
able FATDMA slot, in accordance with the EUT “number of retries” configuration from the
BCF sentence. Confirm that the appropriate VDO sentence is output on the PI when a
message is transmitted. Confirm that the ABK type 1 is output on the PI of the EUT after
the last transmission of Message 12.

10.2.3 Interrogations and interrogation response Interrogation transmission Purpose

This test will verify that the Base Station can transmit an interrogation, Message 15. Method of measurement

Set up the standard test environment and operate the EUT as defined in the pre-set-up condi-
NOTE The following tests are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.
a) Apply the following DLM and ECB sentences to establish autonomous transmission of
Messages 4 and 20 by the EUT:
b) Input an AIR sentence, with a slot offset, to the EUT; Interrogate for Messages 3, 4, 5, 9,
17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24 Required results

NOTE The following results are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.

a) Confirm that the DLM sentence was received correctly by the EUT using PI query for DLM.
Confirm that the ECB sentence was received correctly by the EUT using PI query for ECB.
b) Confirm that the EUT is transmitting Message 15 over the VDL with the specified configu-
ration parameters from the associated AIR sentence within 4 s using an available FAT-
DMA slot. Confirm that the appropriate VDO sentence is output on the PI when a message
is transmitted. Confirm that the EUT outputs an ABK with ABK type 3 to the PI after Mes-
sage 15 has been transmitted.
– 66 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) Interrogation response Purpose

This test will verify the ability of the Base Station to respond to an interrogation request. Method of measurement

Set up the standard test environment and operate the EUT as defined in the pre-set-up condi-

a) Apply a Message 15 onto the VDL, addressing the EUT requesting Messages 4, 17, 20,
NOTE The following tests are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.

b) Apply the following DLM and ECB sentences to establish autonomous transmission of
Messages 4 and 20 by the EUT:
c) Apply a Message 15 onto the VDL, addressing the EUT requesting Messages 4, 17, 20,
Apply a Message 15 onto the VDL, addressing the EUT requesting Message 1.
d) Apply the following ECB sentences to the EUT:
Apply a Message 15 onto the VDL, addressing the EUT requesting Messages 4 and 20. Required results

a) Confirm the EUT does not respond.

NOTE The following results are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.
b) Confirm that the DLM sentence was received correctly by the EUT using the query sen-
tence for the DLM sentence. Confirm that the ECB sentence was received correctly by the
EUT using the query sentence for the ECB sentence.
c) Check that the EUT transmits the appropriate Message 4, and 20 as determined by the
ECB sentence. Confirm that the appropriate VDO sentence is output on the PI when a
message is transmitted. Check that the EUT does not transmit Messages 17 and 22.
Check that the EUT does not transmit Message 1.
d) Check that the EUT transmits the appropriate Message 4 within 4 s. Confirm that the ap-
propriate VDO sentence is output on the PI when a message is transmitted. Check that
the EUT does not transmit Message 20.

10.2.4 Addressed operation Receive addressed message Purpose

This test will verify that the Base Station will respond to addressed messages with the appro-
priate message type. This test will also verify that the Base Station does not respond to mes-
sages that are not addressed to the EUT.
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 67 – Method of measurement

Set up the standard test environment and operate the EUT as defined in the pre-set-up condi-

a) Apply a Message 6 onto the VDL, addressed to the EUT.

b) Apply a Message 12 onto the VDL, not addressed to the EUT.
c) Apply a Message 10 onto the VDL, addressed to the EUT.
NOTE The following tests are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.

d) Apply the following DLM and ECB sentences to establish autonomous transmission of
Messages 4 and 20 by the EUT:
e) Apply a Message 6 onto the VDL, addressing the EUT.
f) Apply a Message 12 onto the VDL, not addressing the EUT.
g) Apply a Message 10 onto the VDL, addressing the EUT. Required results

a) Confirm the EUT does not transmit.

b) Confirm the EUT does not transmit.
c) Confirm the EUT does not transmit.
NOTE The following results are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.
d) Confirm that the DLM sentence was received correctly by the EUT using PI query for DLM.
Confirm that the ECB sentence was received correctly by the EUT using PI query for ECB.
e) Check that the EUT transmits Message 7 as a response. Check for the VDM and VDO
sentences output using the PI.
f) Check that the EUT does not transmit Message 13 as a response. Check for the VDM
sentence output using the PI.
g) Check that the EUT transmits a Message 4 as a response. Check for the VDM and VDO
sentence output using the PI.

10.2.5 Slot phase and frame synchronisation – Base Station operation UTC direct Purpose

This test will verify that the Base Station will operate as required with UTC direct synchronisa-
tion mode. This test will also verify synchronisation jitter. Method of measurement

Set up the standard test environment and operate the EUT as defined in the pre-set-up condi-

a) Disable the UTC source for the Base Station. Insert multiple Message 1(s) on the VDL
with Comm. State 0, indicating UTC direct.
Apply a TSA sentence and a VDM sentence with encapsulated Message 8 to the EUT:
– 68 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E)

b) Apply the following BCE sentence to disable ADS reporting:
c) Apply the following BCE sentence to enable ADS reporting:
d) Restore the UTC source to the Base Station.
Apply a TSA sentence and a VDM sentence with encapsulated Message 8 to the EUT:
NOTE The following tests are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.

e) Apply the following DLM and ECB sentences to establish autonomous transmission of
Messages 4 and 20 by the EUT:
f) Disable the UTC source for the Base Station. Insert multiple Message 1(s) on the VDL
with Comm. State 0, indicating UTC direct.
g) Restore the UTC source to the Base Station. Required results

a) Confirm that the EUT is transmitting Message 8 in the assigned slot and channel. Verify
synchronisation jitter does not exceed ± 156 μs as required for UTC indirect. Confirm that
the EUT outputs ALR ID 007 via PI with the appropriate status value. Confirm that the
ADS indicates the correct Sync. State and alarm status.
b) Confirm that ADS reporting is disabled.
c) Confirm that ADS reporting is enabled, with a reporting rate of 60 s.
d) Confirm that the EUT is transmitting Message 8 in the assigned slot and channel. Verify
synchronisation jitter does not exceed ± 52 μs as required for UTC direct. Confirm that the
ADS indicates the correct Sync. State and alarm status.
NOTE The following results are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.

e) Confirm that the DLM sentence was received correctly by the EUT using the query sen-
tence for the DLM sentence. Confirm that the ECB sentence was received correctly by the
EUT using the query sentence for the ECB sentence.
f) Verify that the Base Station maintains the same reporting rate for Message 4 but changes
the Comm. State to 1. Verify synchronisation jitter does not exceed ± 156 μs as required
for UTC indirect. Confirm that the slot length is 26,67 ms. Confirm that the EUT outputs
ALR ID 007 via PI with the appropriate status value. Confirm that the ADS indicates the
correct Sync. State and alarm status.
g) Verify that the Comm. State of the Message 4(s) is 0, indicating UTC direct. Confirm that
the EUT outputs ALR ID 007 via PI with the appropriate status value. Confirm that the
ADS indicates the correct Sync. State and alarm status. UTC indirect to a Base Station: Purpose

This test will verify that the Base Station will operate as required with UTC indirect synchroni-
sation mode. This test will also verify synchronisation jitter.
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 69 – Method of measurement

Set up the standard test environment and operate the EUT as defined in the pre-set-up condi-

a) Disable the UTC source for the Base Station.

Insert Message 1(s) on the VDL with Comm. State 0, indicating UTC direct.
Insert Message 4(s) on the VDL with Comm. State 0, indicating UTC direct with a position
distance of 120NM at the slot following the EUT Message 4 transmission.
Apply a TSA sentence and a VDM sentence with encapsulated Message 8 to the EUT:
b) Restore the UTC source to the Base Station.
Apply a TSA sentence and a VDM sentence with encapsulated Message 8 to the EUT:
NOTE The following tests are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.

c) Apply the following DLM and ECB sentences to establish autonomous transmission of
Messages 4 and 20 by the EUT:
d) Disable the UTC source for the Base Station.
Insert Message 1(s) on the VDL with Comm. State 0, indicating UTC direct.
Insert Message 4(s) on the VDL with Comm. State 0, indicating UTC direct with a position
distance of 120 NM at the slot following the EUT Message 4 transmission.
e) Restore the UTC source to the Base Station. Required results

a) Confirm that the EUT is transmiting Message 8 in the assigned slot and channel. Verify
synchronisation jitter does not exceed ± 156 μs as required for UTC indirect taking into
account propagation delay. Confirm that the EUT outputs ALR ID 007 via PI with the ap-
propriate status value. Confirm that the ADS indicates the correct Sync. State and alarm
b) Confirm that the EUT is transmiting Message 8 in the assigned slot and channel. Verify
synchronisation jitter does not exceed ± 52 μs as required for UTC direct. Confirm that the
ADS indicates the correct Sync. State and alarm status.
NOTE The following results are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.

c) Confirm that the DLM sentence was received correctly by the EUT using the query sen-
tence for the DLM sentence. Confirm that the ECB sentence was received correctly by the
EUT using the query sentence for the ECB sentence.
d) Verify that the Base Station maintains the same reporting rate for Message 4 but changes
the Comm. State to 1 using the Base Station as UTC indirect sync source. Verify synchro-
nisation jitter does not exceed ± 156 μs as required for UTC indirect. Confirm that the EUT
outputs ALR ID 007 via PI with the appropriate status value. Confirm that the ADS indi-
cates the correct Sync. State and alarm status.
– 70 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E)

e) Verify that the Comm. State of the Message 4(s) is 0, indicating UTC direct. Confirm that
the EUT outputs ALR ID 007 via PI with the appropriate status value. Confirm that the
ADS indicates the correct Sync. State and alarm status. Synchronised to Base Station: Purpose

This test will verify that the Base Station will operate as required with indirect synchronisation
to Base Station. This test will also verify synchronisation jitter. Method of measurement

Set up the standard test environment and operate the EUT as defined in the pre-set-up condi-

a) Disable the UTC source for the Base Station. Insert Message 4(s), with a lower MMSI than
the EUT, with Comm. State 3, indicating semaphore operation.
Apply a TSA sentence and a VDM sentence with encapsulated Message 8 to the EUT:
b) Restore the UTC source to the Base Station.
Apply a TSA sentence and a VDM sentence with encapsulated Message 8 to the EUT:
NOTE The following tests are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.
c) Apply the following DLM and ECB sentences to establish autonomous transmission of
Messages 4 and 20 by the EUT:
d) Disable the UTC source for the Base Station. Insert Message 4(s), with a lower MMSI than
the EUT, with Comm. State 3, indicating semaphore operation.
e) Restore the UTC source to the Base Station. Required results

a) Confirm that the EUT is transmitting Message 8 in the assigned slot and channel. Confirm
that the EUT does not transmit Message 4. Verify synchronisation jitter does not exceed
± 104 μs compared to the received Message 4(s). Confirm that the EUT outputs
ALR ID 007 via PI with the appropriate status value. Confirm that the ADS indicates the
correct Sync. State and alarm status.
b) Confirm that the EUT is transmitting Message 8 in the assigned slot and channel. Verify
synchronisation jitter does not exceed ± 52 μs as required for UTC direct. Confirm that the
ADS indicates the correct Sync. State and alarm status.
NOTE The following results are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.

c) Confirm that the DLM sentence was received correctly by the EUT using the query sen-
tence for the DLM sentence. Confirm that the ECB sentence was received correctly by the
EUT using the query sentence for the ECB sentence.
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 71 –

d) Verify that the Base Station maintains the same reporting rate for Message 4 but changes
the Comm. State to 2. Verify synchronisation jitter does not exceed ± 104 μs as required
for UTC indirect. Confirm that the EUT outputs ALR ID 007 using PI with the appropriate
status value. Confirm that the ADS indicates the correct Sync. State and alarm status.
e) Verify that the Comm. State of the Message 4(s) is 0, indicating UTC direct. Confirm that
the EUT outputs ALR ID 007 via PI with the appropriate status value. Confirm that the
ADS indicates the correct Sync. State and alarm status. As semaphore Purpose

This test will verify that the Base Station will operate as semaphore. This test will also verify
synchronisation jitter. Method of measurement

NOTE The following tests are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.

Set up the standard test environment and operate the EUT as defined in the pre-set-up condi-

a) Apply the following DLM and ECB sentences to establish autonomous transmission of
Messages 4 and 20 by the EUT:
Disable the UTC source for the Base Station. Insert Message 1(s) with Comm. State 3,
indicating semaphore operation, onto the VDL.
b) Restore the UTC source to the Base Station and insert Message 1(s) with Comm. State 1
indicating UTC indirect.
c) Disable the UTC source for the Base Station. Insert Message 1(s) with Comm. State 2,
indicating Base Station synchronisation, onto the VDL.
d) Restore the UTC source to the Base Station and insert Message 1(s) with Comm. State 1
indicating UTC indirect. Required results

NOTE The following results are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.

a) Verify that the Base Station increases its Message 4, reporting rate to 3 1/3 s. Verify that
the Comm. State of the Message 4(s) is 3, indicating semaphore operation. Confirm that
the EUT outputs ALR ID 007 using PI with the appropriate status value. Confirm that the
ADS indicates the correct Sync. State and alarm status.
b) Verify that the Comm. State of the Message 4(s) is 0, indicating UTC direct. Verify that 3
min after the restoration of the UTC source, the Base Station decreases its reporting rate
to 10 s. Confirm that the ADS indicates the correct Sync. State and alarm status.
c) Verify that the Base Station increases its Message 4, reporting rate to 3 1/3 s. Verify that
the Comm. State of the Message 4(s) is 3, indicating semaphore operation. Confirm that
the EUT outputs ALR ID 007 using PI with the appropriate status value. Confirm that the
ADS indicates the correct Sync. State and alarm status.
d) Verify that the Comm. State of the Message 4(s) is 0, indicating UTC direct. Verify that
three minutes after the restoration of the UTC source, the Base Station decreases its re-
porting rate to 10 s. Confirm that the EUT outputs ALR ID 007 via PI with the appropriate
status value. Confirm that the ADS indicates the correct Sync. State and alarm status.
– 72 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E)

10.2.6 Position source Purpose

This test will verify that the Base Station will accept and correctly handle each position source
setting. In addition, this test will verify that the Base Station responds correctly if a position
source is lost. Method of measurement

Set up the standard test environment and operate the EUT as defined in the pre-set-up condi-
NOTE The following tests are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.

a) Apply the following DLM and ECB sentences to establish autonomous transmission of
Messages 4 and 20 by the EUT:
b) Input the following BCF sentence to the EUT indicating surveyed position:
c) If implemented, input the following BCF sentence to the EUT indicating internal position
d) Remove the GPS antenna to generate a failure for the position.
e) If implemented, input the following BCF sentence to the EUT indicating external position
source. Supply the EUT, using the PI, a series of GGA, RMC, or GLL sentences.
f) Discontinue the position sentences for 30 s.
g) Input the following BCF sentence to the EUT indicating survey position:

h) Repeat steps c) and d) using the following positions sources:

3 = internal EPFS in use with automatic fall back to surveyed position;
4 = internal EPFS in use with automatic fall back to external EPFS upon failure of in-
ternal EPFS.
i) Repeat steps e) and f) using the following positions sources:
5 = external EPFS in use with automatic fall back to surveyed position;
6 = external EPFS in use with automatic fall back to internal position source upon fail-
ure of external position source. Required results

NOTE The following results are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.

a) Confirm that the DLM sentence was received correctly by the EUT using PI query for DLM.
Confirm that the ECB sentence was received correctly by the EUT using PI query for ECB.
Confirm that the BCF sentence was received correctly by the EUT using PI query for BCF.
b) Confirm that the BCF sentence was received correctly by the EUT using PI query for BCF.
Confirm that the EUT transmits the Message 4 with a position source indicating surveyed.
Confirm that the ADS indicates the current position source.
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 73 –

c) Confirm that the BCF sentence was received correctly by the EUT using PI query for BCF.
Confirm that the EUT transmits the Message 4 with a position source indicating internal.
Confirm that the ADS indicates the current position source.
d) Confirm that Alarm Message 26 is output using the PI indicating a loss of position source.
Confirm that the EUT transmits the Message 4 with no position available. Confirm that the
ADS indicates the current position source.
e) Confirm that the BCF sentence was received correctly by the EUT using PI query for BCF.
Confirm that the EUT transmits the Message 4 with a position source indicating external.
Confirm that the ADS indicates the current position source.
f) Confirm that Alarm Message 26 is output using the PI indicating a loss of position source.
Confirm that the EUT transmits the Message 4 with no position available. Confirm that the
ADS indicates the current position source.
g) Confirm that the BCF sentence was received correctly by the EUT using PI query for BCF.
Confirm that the EUT transmits Message 4 with a position source indicating surveyed.
Confirm that the ADS indicates the current position source.

h) For each position source:

Confirm that the BCF sentence was received correctly by the EUT using PI query for
Confirm that the EUT transmits Message 4 with a position source indicating internal.
Confirm that the ADS indicates the current position source.
Confirm that the EUT transmits Message 4 with required fall back position source.
Confirm that the ADS indicates the current position source.
i) For each position source:

Confirm that the BCF sentence was received correctly by the EUT using PI query for
Confirm that the EUT transmits Message 4 with a position source indicating external.
Confirm that the ADS indicates the current position source.
Confirm that the EUT transmits Message 4 with required fall back position source.
Confirm that the ADS indicates the current position source.

10.2.7 Alarm messages Purpose

This test will verify that the Base Station will output alarm messages as required. See Table 9.
– 74 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) Method of measurement

Set up the standard test environment and operate the EUT as defined in the pre-set-up condi-

a) Disconnect the transmit antenna from the EUT. Apply a TSA+VDM sentence pair to acti-
vate a transmission.
b) Provide the EUT with an ACK with alarm value 1 using the PI.
c) Reconnect the transmit antenna to remove the alarm condition. Apply a TSA+VDM sen-
tence pair to activate a transmission.
d) Prevent the EUT from radiating with full power by mismatching the antenna for a VSWR of
3:1. Apply a TSA+VDM sentence pair to activate a transmission.
e) Provide the EUT with an ACK with alarm value 2 using the PI.
f) Reconnect the transmit antenna to remove the alarm condition. Apply a TSA+VDM sen-
tence pair to activate a transmission. Required results

a) Confirm that the EUT continues to generate an ALR sentence with alarm value 1 to the PI
at least once per minute.
b) Confirm that the EUT generates an ALR sentence with alarm value 1 with an acknowl-
edged status once the ACK has been received.
c) Confirm that the EUT generates an ALR sentence with an ALR ID and Status V, V in the
alarm field.
d) Confirm that the EUT continues to generate an ALR sentence with alarm value 2 to the PI
once per minute.
e) Confirm that the EUT generates an ALR sentence with alarm value 2 with an acknowl-
edged status once the ACK has been received.
f) Confirm that the EUT generates an ALR sentence with a ALR ID and Status V, V and
every minute an ALR sentence with null value in the alarm field.

10.3 Intentional slot reuse (link congestion)

10.3.1 Purpose

Verify that the EUT will operate properly in a >90 % load environment.

10.3.2 Method of measurement

Set up the standard test environment and operate the EUT as defined in the pre-set-up condi-
tions. Ensure that the signal level received from the EUT exceeds the signal level received
from the test transmitter at the test receiver location.

a) Set up additional test targets to simulate a VDL load of >90 % which include base stations
both within and beyond 120 nautical miles and remotely allocated FATDMA slots. Wait at
least 1 min.
b) Apply a TSA sentence and a VDM sentence with encapsulated Message 8 to the EUT.
NOTE The following tests are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.

c) Apply the following BCE to enable RATDMA:

d) Wait at least 1 min, then transmit a 1 slot binary Message 8 using RATDMA.
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 75 –

10.3.3 Required results

a) Confirm that the EUT generates the required VDM sentences for all messages.
b) Confirm that the EUT transmits in the assigned slot and channel. Confirm that the EUT
generates the required TFR with status 0.
NOTE The following results are required for a Base Station operated as an independent unit.

c) Confirm that the BCE sentence was received correctly. Confirm that the EUT continues to
generate the required VDM sentences for all messages.
d) Confirm that the slot used by the slot reuse algorithm is a random selection within the
candidate slots (4 most distant stations). Check that a station is not subject to slot reuse
more than once a frame.
Check that slots allocated by a local Base Station, for own use or for use by remote base
station, are not subject to slot reuse.
Check that slots reserved by a Base Station within the 120 nautical miles are not subject to
slot reuse.
Check that slots reserved by a Base Station beyond the 120 nautical miles are subject to
slot reuse.

10.4 Comment block encapsulation

10.4.1 Purpose

This test will verify that the Base Station can respond and generate comment blocks properly.

10.4.2 Method of measurement

Set up the standard test environment and operate the EUT as defined in the pre-set-up condi-

Query the EUT for a VER sentence that is encapsulated with comment blocks with both the
correct unique identifier, then with the wrong unique identifier. The EUT shall only respond to
the Query with the correct unique identifier. In the following example, the query source has
the unique identifier, ControlPC1. The Base Station is assigned the talker identifier, AB, with a
unique identifier, AA0000003770007.

a) Apply the following SID to the EUT with proper unique identifier:
Apply the following BCE to the EUT with proper unique identifier:
Query the EUT for the VER sentence
b) Apply the following query for VER with the correct unique identifier:
c) Apply the following query for VER with the wrong unique identifier:
d) Apply the following query for VER with no comment block:
e) Apply the following SPO Sentence to the EUT with correct unique identifier:
– 76 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E)

10.4.3 Required results

a) Confirm the content of the VER sentence and that the correct MMSI and unique identifier
have been configured.
b) Confirm that the EUT responds with the VER sentence with the following comment block
c) Confirm that the EUT does not respond to the request for VER.
d) Confirm that the EUT does not respond to the request for VER.
e) Confirm that the EUT links the VSI and VDM information correctly. Format will be similar
to the following:
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 77 –

Annex A

Additional AIS Base Station sentences

A.1 Format definition of input/output sentences specifically defined

for AIS Base Stations

A.1.1 General
The following sentence definitions contain a number of variable length data fields. Some sen-
tence definitions permit variable length data fields, which when totalled, could result in a sen-
tence with a total number of characters in excess of the 79 character limit described in
IEC 61162-1. Subclause 5.3 of IEC 61162-1 describes that the maximum number of charac-
ters in a sentence shall be 79 characters between the starting delimiter “$” or “!” and terminat-
ing delimiter <CR><LF>. Note that the character content of a “comment block” plus the com-
ment block delimiters (See A.2.) are not included in the character count.
This 79-character limit should be observed when applying the following sentences. Care
should be taken to either manage data field size or use multiple line grouping (See A.3.3, pa-
rameter-code “xGy:”) to meet the 79 character limit requirement.

A.1.2 ACM – Preparation and initiation of an AIS Base Station addressed channel
management message (ITU-R M.1371 Message 22)

This sentence is used to provide an AIS Base Station with the information it uses to transmit
an addressed VDL Message 22. This contains settings that are transmitted to one or two
specified AIS station(s). Upon receiving this sentence, the Base Station should prepare and
make the appropriate transmission (See ITU-R M.1371 Message 22).

$--ACM,xxxxxxxxx,xxxxxxxxx, xxxx,x,xxxx, x,x,x,x,x*hh<CR><LF>

│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ││
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │└─ ─ Transition Zone (see Note 7)
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └── Broadcast channel for Base Station
│ │ │ │ │ │││ (See Note 6)
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ └───Power level control (see Note 5)
│ │ │ │ │ │ └──── TX/RX mode control (see Note 4)
│ │ │ │ │ └─────Channel B bandwidth (see Note 3)
│ │ │ │ └──────Channel B (see Note 2)
│ │ │ └───────Channel A bandwidth (see Note 3)
│ │ └───────Channel A (see Note 2)
│ └──────────MMSI of the addressed AIS unit 2 (see Note 1)
└─────────────────MMSI of the first addressed AIS unit 1 (see Note 1)

NOTE 1 Identifies the distant addressed AIS unit(s) intended to receive the ITU-R M.1371 Message 22. The first
MMSI field (field 1) identifies the first AIS unit. The second MMSI field (field 2) identifies the second AIS
unit, and may be set to null if only one AIS unit is being addressed.
NOTE 2 VHF channel number, see ITU-R M.1084, Annex 4.
NOTE 3 0 = bandwidth is specified by channel number, see ITU-R M.1084, Annex 4
1 = bandwidth is 12,5 kHz
NOTE 4 0 = transmit on channels A and B, receive on channels A and B
1 = transmit on channel A, receive on channels A and B
2 = transmit on channel B, receive on channels A and B
NOTE 5 0 = high power
1 = low power
NOTE 6 The field identifies the channel that the Base Station should use to broadcast the ITU-R M.1371 Message
22. (This field cannot be a “null” field)
0 = No broadcast channel preference
1 = broadcast on AIS channel A
– 78 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E)

2 = broadcast on AIS channel B

3 = broadcast on both AIS channel A and AIS channel B
NOTE 7 Value of 1 nautical mile to a value of 8 nautical miles (with a resolution of 1 nautical mile)

A.1.3 ADS – AIS device status

This sentence is used to output, autonomously and periodically, the current AIS station status

The interval for automatic output of this sentence is defined using the BCE sentence. The
ADS sentence is output at the defined interval or when there is a change in status. Null data
fields are not allowed. The ADS sentence is invalid if it contains a null data field.

│ │ ││││
│ │ │ │ │ └────── UTC timing source (see Note 5)
│ │ │ │ └──────── Position source (see Note 4)
│ │ │ └────────── Sync. State (see Note 3)
│ │ └──────────── Alarm status (see Note 2)
│ └────────────────── Time (hour, minute, second) of status report
└───────────────────────── Unique identifier (see Note 1)

NOTE 1 The unique identifier is used for system level identification of a station with a maximum of 15 alphanu-
meric characters. (see the SID sentence formatter)
NOTE 2 A = active V = not active
NOTE 3 0 = UTC direct
1 = UTC indirect
2 = station synchronised to a Base Station
3 = station is semaphore
4 = no VDL synchronisation reference
NOTE 4 I = internal
E = external
S = surveyed
N = none
NOTE 5 E = external
I = internal
N = none

A.1.4 AGA – Preparation and initiation of an AIS Base Station broadcast of a group
assignment message (Message 23)
This sentence is used to provide an AIS Base Station with information it uses to broadcast a
“group assignment Message 23”. Upon receiving this sentence, the Base Station should pre-
pare and make appropriate broadcast.

│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │││
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └──Quiet time (see Note 5)
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └──Tx/Rx mode (see Note 4)
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └───Reporting interval (see Note 3)
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └───┴── Region SW corner longitude – E/W
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─┴── Region SW corner latitude – N/S
│ │ │ │ │ └───┴────── Region northeast corner longitude – E/W
│ │ │ └─┴───────── Region northeast corner latitude – N/S
│ │ └─────── Type of ship and cargo type (see ITU-R M.1371)
│ └────────── Type of mobile stations (see Note 2)
└─────────── Unique identifier (see Note 1)

NOTE 1 The unique identifier is used for system level identification of a station with a maximum of 15 alphanu-
meric characters and identifies the Base Station to which the information in this AGA sentence is in-
tended. (See SID sentence formatter). This data field should match the Base Station’s unique identifier.
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 79 –

The Base Station should ignore this sentence when this data field does not match the Base Station’s
unique identifier.
NOTE 2 The field identifies the group of mobile stations for the group assignment.
0 = all types of mobiles, except Class A (default)
1 = reserved for future use
2 = all types of Class B mobiles
3 = SAR airborne mobiles
4 = A to N stations
5 = Class B“CS” stations
6 = Inland waterway stations
7-9 = for regional use
10-15 = for future use
NOTE 3 The field identifies the reporting interval as defined in Table 17 of IEC 62287.
0 = as defined in autonomous mode
1 = 10 min
2 = 6 min
3 = 3 min
4 = 1 min
5 = 30 s
6 = 15 s
7 = 10 s
9 = next shorter interval
10 = next longer interval
11 = 2 s
12-15 = reserved for future use
NOTE 4 0 = transmit on channels A and B, receive on channels A and B (default)
1 = transmit on channel A, receive on channels A and B
2 = transmit on channel B, receive on channels A and B
3 = reserved for future use
NOTE 5 0 = no quiet time (default)
1-15 = quiet time 1min to 15 min

A.1.5 ASN – Preparation and initiation of an AIS Base Station broadcast of

assignment VDL Message 16.

This sentence is used to provide an AIS Base Station with the information it uses to broadcast
an “assignment VDL Message 16”. This contains settings that are broadcast to the specified
AIS station(s). Upon receiving this information, the Base Station should prepare and make the
appropriate broadcast (see ITU-R M.1371, Message ID 16).

│ │ │ │ │ │ │ ││
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─ Broadcast channel for Base Station
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ (see Note 5)
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─ Increment for AIS unit 2 (see Note 4)
│ │ │ │ │ │ └─ Start slot assignment for AIS unit 2
│ │ │ │ │ │ (see Note 3)
│ │ │ │ │ └─ Soft assigned reporting rate for AIS unit 2
│ │ │ │ │ (see Note 2)
│ │ │ │ └── MMSI of the addressed AIS unit 2 (see Note 1)
│ │ │ └────── Increment for AIS unit 1(see Note 4)
│ │ └─────── Start slot assignment for AIS unit 1 (see Note 3)
│ └──────── Soft assigned reporting rate for AIS unit 1 (see Note 2)
└─────────── MMSI of the addressed AIS unit 1 (see Note 1)
– 80 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E)

NOTE 1 Identifies the distant addressed AIS unit(s) for the VDL assignment. The first set of four fields apply to a
single AIS unit, while the second set of four fields (fields 5 – 8) apply to a second AIS unit. When only
one AIS unit’s assignment schedule is being provided, the second set of four fields (fields 5 – 8) may be
set to null.
NOTE 2 This field corresponds to the ITU-R M.1371 Message 16 Offset field. The Base Station will only use this
field if the “increment for AIS” field (fields 4 and 8 of this sentence) for the same AIS unit is set to zero.
The range of values for this field consists of multiples of 20, between and including 20 to 600. Values
that are less then 600 but are not multiples of 20 will be interpreted as the next higher multiple of 20.
Values above 600 will be interpreted as 600. This field should be set to null when the “increment for
AIS” field (fields 4 and 8 of this sentence) for the same AIS unit is set to a non-zero value.
NOTE 3 When the increment field is non-zero, this field is the start slot for assigned reports. The Base Station
should provide the proper Message 16 off-set at time of broadcast to accomplish this assignment. The
Base Station calculates the Message 16 “off-set” as the difference of this start slot and the slot of the
broadcast. The range of values for this field consists 0 to 2249 in units of slots. This field should be set
to null when the “increment for AIS” field (fields 4 and 8 of this sentence) for the same AIS unit is set to
a zero value.
NOTE 4 This field identifies the increment parameter in units of slots for the associated values of this field. The
range of values is from 0 to 6. Note that a value of zero does not provide an increment, see NOTE 2
above. This field shall not be set to null, unless the entire four field set for this AIS unit is not provided,
because the Base Station may invoke two distinctly different assignment methods based on a zero or
non-zero value. The values and their meanings are:
0 = Reporting rate is based upon the “soft assigned reporting rate for same AIS unit” (fields 2 and 6)/10
1 = 1125 slots
2 = 375 slots
3 = 225 slots
4 = 125 slots
5 = 75 slots
6 = 45 slots
NOTE 5 The field identifies the channel that the Base Station should use to broadcast the ITU-R M.1371 Mes-
sage 16. A null value in this field indicates no change from previous received value when this sentence
is sent to a Base Station and indicates unknown when this sentence is received from a Base Station.
The values and their meanings for this are:
0 = no broadcast channel preference
1 = broadcast on AIS channel A
2 = broadcast on AIS channel B

A.1.6 BCE – Extended general Base Station configuration

This sentence and the BCF sentence are used to configure the Base Station parameters when
it is initially installed, and later in order to make changes to the way it operates. This sentence
is also used to monitor the UTC synchronisation source being used by the Base Station.

│ ││ │ │
│ │ │ │ └──────────── Comment block control (see Note 5)
│ │ │ └───────────── ADS interval (seconds) (see Note 4)
│ │ └────────────── UTC source selection (see Note 3)
│ └─────────────── RATDMA control (see Note 2)
└──────────────── Unique identifier of the Base Station (see Note 1)

NOTE 1 The unique identifier is used for system level identification of a station with a maximum of 15 alphanu-
meric characters. (see the SID sentence formatter). This data field should match the Base Station’s
unique identifier. The Base Station should ignore this sentence when this data field does not match the
Base Station’s unique identifier
NOTE 2 Controls the Base Station’s ability to use RATDMA access to the VDL:
0 = off (Base Station cannot use RATDMA access to VDL)
1 = on (Base Station may use RATDMA access to VDL)
NOTE 3 Controls the UTC synchronisation source used by the Base Station:
E = external UTC source
I = internal UTC source
X = external UTC source with fallback to internal UTC source
Y = internal UTC source with fallback to external UTC source, if available
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 81 –

NOTE 4 The recommended interval is 60 s. This data field sets the interval between the output of “AIS device
status” sentences (see ADS sentence.). If the value of this data field is zero or negative, the ADS sen-
tences should not be provided. When the data field is zero or negative, the ADS will still be provided
when there is a change in the status.
NOTE 5 Comment blocks.
0 – off (not required)
1 – on (required)

A.1.7 BCF – General Base Station configuration

This sentence and the BCE sentence are used to configure the static Base Station parame-
ters when it is initially installed, and later in order to make changes to the way it operates.
Dynamic parameters (e.g. UTC and position of a moving Base Station) are input in a different
way. This sentence supports system administration of the AIS Base Station operation.

│ │ │ │ │ ││ │ │ │ │ │││││
│ │ │ │ │ ││ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─ Base Station Talker
│ │ │ │ │ ││ │ │ │ │ ││││ ID (see Note 7)
│ │ │ │ │ ││ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─ Mes repeat indicator
│ │ │ │ │ ││ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─ VDL message retries
│ │ │ │ │ ││ │ │ │ │ │ └─Power level channel B
│ │ │ │ │ ││ │ │ │ │ │ (see Note 6)
│ │ │ │ │ ││ │ │ │ │ └─ Power level channel A
│ │ │ │ │ ││ │ │ │ │ (see Note 6)
│ │ │ │ │ ││ │ │ │ └─ Tx channel B (see Note 5)
│ │ │ │ │ ││ │ │ └─ Tx channel A (see Note 5)
│ │ │ │ │ ││ │ └── Rx channel B (see Note 5)
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─── Rx channel A (see Note 5)
│ │ │ │ │ │ └── Position accuracy (see Note 4)
│ │ │ │ └───┴─ Longitude – E/W (see Note 3)
│ │ └──┴──── Latitude – N/S (see Note 3)
│ └────── Position source (see Note 2)
└─────── MMSI of the Base Station (see Note 1)

NOTE 1 This data field is the MMSI of the Base Station. In early Base Stations, this data field sets the MMSI of
the Base Station. For Base Stations built to comply with IEC 62320-1, this data field should not be used.
The attached “comment block” parameter-code “d:” should be used to test if this sentence is intended
for this Base Station. The Base Station should ignore this sentence if the parameter-code “d:” value in
the attached comment block does not match the internal unique identifier (also, see the SID sentence.).
NOTE 2 Identifies the source of the position:
0 = surveyed position (should always be used for Fixed AIS Base Station)
1 = internal EPFS in use
2 = external EPFS in use
3 = internal EPFS in use with automatic fall back to surveyed position
4 = internal EPFS in use with automatic fall back to external EPFS upon failure of internal EPFS
5 = external EPFS in use with automatic fall back to surveyed position
6 = external EPFS in use with automatic fall back to internal position source upon failure of external po-
sition source
Position sources 1, 2, 4 or 6 use automatic fall back to invalid position (181 degrees Longitude and 91
degrees Latitude)
When external EPFS is used (position sources 2, 4, 5 and 6), type of electronic position fixing device is
provided by talker ID of the EPFS to be used in Message 4.
NOTE 3 Surveyed position of the Base Station. [When a surveyed position is entered using the BCF sentence,
the ‘Type of electronic position fixing device’ parameter broadcast by the Base Station in the VDL mes-
sage 4 should be ‘7’ (surveyed). When a surveyed position is provided as an automatic fall back (refer-
ence BCF Note 2; 3 – internal EPFS in use with automatic fall back to surveyed position), the ‘Type of
electronic position fixing device’ parameter broadcast by the Base Station in the VDL message 4 should
be ‘7’ (surveyed). ]
NOTE 4 0 = low >10m
1 = high <10m; differential mode of DGNSS
NOTE 5 VHF channel number, see ITU-R M.1084, Annex 4.
NOTE 6 0 = high power (Nominal 12,5 W)
1 = low power (Nominal 2 W)
– 82 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E)

2 to 9 reserved for future use

NOTE 7 The default Base Station talker identifier should be set to the primary design of the equipjent. Equipment
designed to IEC 62320-1 should have a default of AB.
AB = AIS Base Station
AL = limited Base Station
AS = simplex repeater station
AD = duplex repeater station
AR = receiving stations

A.1.8 CAB – Control AIS Base Station

This sentence is used to turn on or off the transmission of Channels A and B on an AIS Base
Station and also to command a restart of the Base Station. This sentence supports system
administration of the AIS Base Station operation.

│ │ │ └─ Reset (see Note 3)
│ │ └─ Restart (see Note 2)
│ └── Channel B transmission (see Note 1)
└── Channel A transmission (see Note 1)

NOTE 1 The field commands the Base Station to turn on or off transmissions on the selected channel (fields 1 or
2). There are two valid values for the field:
0 = off
1 = on
NOTE 2 This field commands the Base Station to restart operations to last known configuration. The value of “1”
indicates a restart. If a restart is not being indicated, this field is null.
NOTE 3 This field commands the Base Station to reset all configuration information to undefined, with exception
of receive only on AIS1 and AIS2. The value of “1” indicates a reset. If a reset is not being indicated,
this field is null.

A.1.9 CBM – Configure Base Station message broadcast reporting rates

This is an IALA A-124 version 1.1 sentence and has been superseded by the IEC sentence
ECB. This sentence is not tested by this standard.

A.1.10 DLM – Data link management slot allocations for Base Station.

This sentence provides the Base Station with the slot allocations to be reserved for FATDMA
Base Station broadcasts. This sentence provides the Base Station with the information nec-
essary to broadcast an ITU-R M.1371 Message 20 Data link management message, which
informs mobile AIS units of the reserved FATDMA slots. Upon receipt of this sentence the
Base Station will reserve the provided FATDMA slot allocations within its frame map, and will
be ready to generate Message 20 when instructed to do so via the ECB sentence. This is the
information that is broadcast on the VDL using Message 20. (Reference ITU-R M.1371) (see

The shore station is responsible for filtering out slot reservation conflicts that may exist. The
Base Station is not responsible for detecting these conflicts. These conflicts in the shore sta-
tion network should be resolved separately from entering the data. The AIS Base Station,
upon receipt of a query for this sentence, will generate a response to the requestor consisting
of multiple DLM sentences containing all the FATDMA reserved slots.
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 83 –

│││ │ ││ │ │ │ ││ │ │ │ ││ │ │ │ ││ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─ Increment for reservation 4
│││ │ ││ │ │ │ ││ │ │ │ ││ │ │ │ ││ (see Note 7)
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─ Time out for reservation 4
│││ │ ││ │ │ │ ││ │ │ │ ││ │ │ │ │ (see Note 6)
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └ Number of slots for reservation 4
│││ │ ││ │ │ │ ││ │ │ │ ││ │ │ │ (see Note 5)
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └ Start slot for reservation 4
│││ │ ││ │ │ │ ││ │ │ │ ││ │ │ (see Note 4)
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └ Ownership for reservation 4
│││ │ ││ │ │ │ ││ │ │ │ ││ │ (see Note 3)
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └ Increment for reservation 3 (see Note 7)
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └ Time out for reservation 3 (see Note 6)
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └ Number of slots for reservation 3 (see Note 5)
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─Start slot for reservation 3 (see Note 4)
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─ Ownership for reservation 3 (see Note 3)
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─ Increment for reservation 2 (see Note 7)
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └── Time out for reservation 2 (see Note 6)
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─── Number of slots for reservation 2 (see Note 5)
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─── Start slot for reservation 2 (see Note 4)
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─── Ownership for reservation 2 (see Note 3)
│ │ │ │ │ │ └─── Increment for reservation 1 (see Note 7)
│ │ │ │ │ └─── Time out for reservation 1 (see Note 6)
│ │ │ │ └─── Number of slots for reservation 1 (see Note 5)
│ │ │ └─── Start slot for reservation 1 (see Note 4)
│ │ └─── Ownership for reservation 1 (see Note 3)
│ └─── AIS channel (see Note 2)
└─── Sequence number (0 – 9) (see Note 1)
NOTE 1 From template sequence number (like the sequence number method used in the ACA/ACS sentence
pair, this number is used to identify and address each DLM sentence record stored in the Base Station.)
The sequence number is used to associate the DLM field data with each of the AIS VDL “Message 20’s”
that are broadcast by the Base Station“
NOTE 2 The AIS channel that the FATDMA reservation information is to be applied to. The character “A” indi-
cates Channel A and “B” indicates Channel B. This cannot be a null field when sent to the Base Station.
When received from a Base Station, this field may be null, indicating that no FATDMA slots have been
reserved on either Channel A or Channel B.
NOTE 3 This field identifies the ownership of the reservation. Possible values are as follows:
L = Local ownership. The Base Station receiving this sentence owns and may utilize these FATDMA
slots. The Base Station should broadcast these FATDMA slot reservations.
R = Remote ownership Remote AIS Stations own and may use these FATDMA slots. The local Base
Station should transmit these FATDMA slot reservations.
C = Clear the reservation. This instructs the Base Station receiving this sentence to clear this reserva-
tion from its frame map. If this field is set to “C”, then the following four fields should be set to null, and
will be ignored if set otherwise.
First reservation “ownership” – indication of shore station ownership for each set of slot reservations; “L”
for local, “R” for remote. A Base Station shall transmit slot reservations for remote (R) stations. The
Base Station is not allowed to use the slots reserved for remote (R) stations unless commanded to do so
by use of TSA+VDM pairs. The Base Station is allowed to broadcast on local (L) slots. Final slot selec-
tion is a process internal to the Base Station.
NOTE 4 Starting slot ranging from 0 to 2249. A null field indicates no change to the staring slot for this FATDMA
reservation. When received from a Base Station, a null field indicates that the start slot has not been
set, i.e. is unavailable, when the DLM sentence is received from the AIS equipment.
NOTE 5 The number ranging from 1 to 5 of consecutive slots reserved for FATDMA broadcasts. A null field indi-
cates no change to the number of consecutive slots reserved when sent to the AIS equipment, and indi-
cates that the number of consecutive slots has not been set, i.e. is unavailable, when the DLM sentence
is received from the AIS equipment.
NOTE 6 The time out in minutes ranging from 0 to 7 for the slots reserved for FATDMA broadcasts. A null field
indicates no change to the number of consecutive slots reserved when sent to the AIS equipment, and
indicates that the number of consecutive slots has not been set, i.e. is unavailable, when the DLM sen-
tence is received from the AIS equipment.
NOTE 7 Slot increment ranging from 0 to 1125 in slots. A value of 0 indicates only one broadcast is scheduled in
the frame. A null field indicates no change to the current slot increment setting when sent to the AIS
equipment, and indicates that the slot increment has not been set, i.e. is unavailable, when the DLM
sentence is received from the AIS equipment. When the increment is not “0” the following formula
should apply:
2250 mod increment = 0
Rationale: to ensure the periodical slot reservation from frame to frame (see ITU-R M.1371).
– 84 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E)

A.1.11 ECB –Configure broadcast rates for Base Station messages

with epoch planning support

This sentence assigns the schedule of slots that will be used to broadcast the specified Mes-
sage – 4, 17, 20, 22, and 23. It provides the start slot and interval between the slots used for
consecutive transmissions for the message. The interval span supports creation of broadcast
schedules based upon a 6 min FATDMA epoch. The AIS Base Station should apply the infor-
mation provided by this sentence to autonomously and continuously transmit the VDL mes-
sage indicated until revised by a new ECB sentence.
NOTE The interval span in this sentence supports FATDMA planning where 6 min epochs are used. When plan-
ning the FATDMA use of VDL slots, time can be organized into 6 min periods identified using FATDMA “epoch
numbers” (0 to 9). The start of a FATDMA epoch is correlated with the beginning of the hour. A FATDMA epoch
starts with the first second of the first minute, and ends with the end of second 59 of the sixth minute of the epoch.
The FATDMA epoch number of each FATDMA epoch in 1 h is correlated to an absolute start minute within the hour
(FATDMA epoch number × 6). For example, FATDMA epoch “0” is minute 0 through 5, and FATDMA epoch “9” is
minute 54 through 59.

The AIS Base Station, upon receipt of an ECB query for this information, will generate sen-
tences for all Message types (4, 17, 20, 22, and 23) providing the current broadcast schedule.
Even unscheduled messages need to be reported.

New ECB assignments will override existing ECB assignments. DLM assignments shall be
made before ECB assignments.

│ │ │ │││ │ │││
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └ Number of slots Channel B (see Note 5)
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └── Slot interval Channel B (see Note 4)
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ └──── Reference slot Channel B (see Notes 2,3)
│ │ │ │ │ │ └─────── UTC minute for Channel B reference slot
│ │ │ │ │ └──── Number of slots Channel A (see Note 5)
│ │ │ │ └────── Slot interval Channel A (see Note 4)
│ │ │ └──────── Reference slot Channel A (see Notes 2,3)
│ │ └─────────── UTC minute for Channel A reference slot
│ └──────── Message type
└──────── Unique identifier (see Note 1)

NOTE 1 The unique identifier is used for system level identification of a station with a maximum of 15 alphanu-
meric characters. (see the SID sentence formatter). This data field should match the Base Station’s
unique identifier. The Base Station should ignore this sentence when this data field does not match the
Base Station’s unique identifier.
NOTE 2 For Message 4, starting slot ranging from –1 to 749 should be used. The broadcasts should alternate
between the channels A and B. The increment may vary; see ITU-R M.1371 for details. A value of –1
discontinues broadcasts of Message 4 when the ECB sentence is sent to the Base Station, and indi-
cates that Message 4 has been turned off if the ECB sentence is received from the Base Station. A null
field indicates no change to the current start slot setting when sent to the Base Station, and indicates
that the start slot has not been set when the ECB sentence is received from the Base Station.
NOTE 3 For Messages 17, 20, 22, or 23, starting slot ranging from –1 to 2249 should be used. A value of –1
discontinues broadcasts of the message when the ECB sentence is sent to the Base Station, and indi-
cates that no message has been broadcast if the ECB sentence is received from the Base Station. A null
field indicates no change to the current start slot setting when sent to the Base Station, and indicates
that the start slot has not been set, i.e. is unavailable, when the ECB sentence is received from the
Base Station.
NOTE 4 Slot interval ranging from 0 to 13 500 in slots (epoch of 6 min), between broadcasts of ITU-R M.1371
Messages 17, 20, 22, or 23 on Channels “A” or “B”. Interval selection for Message 17 should consider
the timing needs for both DGNSS corrections and integrity warnings. 5 s or less is recommended.
A value of 0 indicates only one broadcast. A null field indicates no change to the current slot interval
setting when sent to the Base Station, and indicates that the slot interval has not been set, i.e. is un-
available, when the ECB sentence is received from the Base Station.
When the value is 1 to 2 249, the interval (int.) should satisfy the formula; 2 250 mod int. = 0 to ensure
the slot schedule is periodic from frame to frame.
When the interval is greater than 2 249 the only permissible intervals are 2 250, 4 500, 6 750 and
13 500.
When the interval is not a permissible interval as defined above the ECB sentence shall be rejected.
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 85 –

NOTE 5 For messages other than Message 17, this field is null. For Message 17, the number may range from 1
to 4 consecutive slots. A maximum of 3 slots is recommended for each DGNSS service.
A null field indicates no change to the number of consecutive slots reserved when sent to the Base Sta-
tion, and indicates that the number of consecutive slots has not been set, i.e. is unavailable, when the
ECB sentence is received from the Base Station.

A.1.12 FSR – Frame summary of AIS reception

This sentence provides for one AIS channel: the average noise level and a summary of slot
use during the previous frame and expected slot use for the current frame. The sentence is
output once at the start of the current frame (see diagram below).
Previous frame │ Current frame
─────────────────────────────────── (time →)

└────Report generation (first slot of frame)

Data fields 4 through 10 are enabled using data fields in the SPO sentence. If a data field is
not enabled, the data field should contain the IEC 61162-1 “null field” notation for no informa-

│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─ Number of slots with received
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ signal strength (see Note 9)
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─ Average noise level during previous
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ frame (dBm) (see Note 5)
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─ Total slots reserved by this station
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ for current frame (see Note 7)
│ │ │ │ │ │ └─ Total external slot reservations for current frame
│ │ │ │ │ │ (see Note 6)
│ │ │ │ │ └── Number of slots with CRC failures in the previous
│ │ │ │ │ frame (see Note 8)
│ │ │ │ └── Total slots occupied by this station’s transmissions
│ │ │ │ previous frame
│ │ │ └── Total slots occupied by valid messages received
│ │ │ previous frame (see Note 4)
│ │ └─── Channel being reported (see Note 3)
│ └─────── Hour, minute, and second of report generation (see Note 2)
└────────── Unique identifier (see Note 1)
NOTE 1 The unique identifier is used for system level identification of a station with a maximum of 15 alphanu-
meric characters. (see the SID sentence formatter). This data field should match the Base Station’s
unique identifier. The Base Station should ignore this sentence when this data field does not match the
Base Station’s unique identifier.
NOTE 2 The time (UTC) when this sentence is assembled. This sentence is assembled at the beginning of a
frame (see diagram above).
NOTE 3 A = Channel A
B = Channel B
NOTE 4 Exclude slots occupied by this station’s transmissions.
NOTE 5 Measured value is always negative.
0 = requested by data field setting in SPO-sentence, but not available
NOTE 6 Total external slot reservations, including FATDMA reservations. Exclude slots reserved by this station. The
calculation of the current frame’s slot reservations should be done during the first slot. The total should
not include additional reservations made for slots in the current frame by messages received during the
current frame.
NOTE 7 The total number of reservations for the current frame. The total should not include reservations made in
the current frame.
NOTE 8 Number of slots occupied by received signals in the previous frame. This count includes all slots where
a AIS signal is detected but fails the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC).
NOTE 9 Number of slots with received signal strength (at least 10 dB) above the average noise level during pre-
vious frame.
– 86 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E)

A.1.13 SID – Installation of a station’s identification

This sentence is used to configure a station’s unique identifier and MMSI.

The unique identifier is used for system level identification of a station with a maximum of 15
alphanumeric characters.

The base station’s current unique identifier is required by the SID sentence to ensure that the
station is the correct recipient of the sentence. It shall be the same value as returned in the
VER sentence from the base station. If the “current unique identifier” field does not match the
station’s unique identifier, then the station shall ignore the sentence. The MMSI is not re-
quired to change the unique identifier.

The current unique identifier and the current MMSI are required by the SID sentence to
change the MMSI. If the current MMSI field does not match the station’s MMSI, then the sta-
tion shall ignore the sentence.

Proper installation of a station’s identification may be confirmed using a query for a VER and
BCF sentences.

│ │ │ │
│ │ │ └── New MMSI (see Notes 3 and 4)
│ │ └────── Current MMSI (see Note 3)
│ └────────── New unique identifier (see Notes 1 and 2)
└─────────── Current unique identifier (see Note 1)

NOTE 1 The unique identifier is used for system level identification of a station, with a maximum of 15 alphanu-
meric characters.
NOTE 2 The new unique identifier field is used to change the unique identifier of the station. The new unique
identifier shall become current when the SID acknowledgement sentence is output on the PI. If not used,
then this field shall be a null field (comma comma).
NOTE 3 This is a nine-digit number. If needed to maintain nine digits, leading zeros are required. Co-located
transmitting devices may have the same MMSI. If not used, then these fields shall be a null field (comma
NOTE 4 The new MMSI will become current when the SID acknowledgement sentence is output on the PI.

A.1.14 SPO – Select AIS device’s processing and output

This sentence is used to configure the content and output for measurements made on se-
lected channels during operation of a Base Station or a receiving station. When a data field(s)
is selected, the corresponding VSI and/or FSR sentence(s) will be output following the rules
for those sentence formatters.
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 87 –

│ │ ││ │ ││ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ ││ │ ││ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─ Provide FSR sentence after each frame
│ │ ││ │ ││ │ │ │ │ │ │ (see Note 5)
│ │ ││ │ ││ │ │ │ │ │ └─ Provide VSI sentence with each VDO sentence
│ │ ││ │ ││ │ │ │ │ │ output (see Note 5)
│ │ ││ │ ││ │ │ │ │ └── Provide VSI sentence with each VDM sentence
│ │ ││ │ ││ │ │ │ │ output (see Note 5)
│ │ ││ │ ││ │ │ │ └─ Received signal strength (see FSR data field 10)
│ │ ││ │ ││ │ │ │ (see Note 4)
│ │ ││ │ ││ │ │ └─ Average noise level (see FSR data field 9)
│ │ ││ │ ││ │ │ (see Note 4)
│ │ ││ │ ││ │ └─ Forecast channel load (see FSR data fields 7 and 8)
│ │ ││ │ ││ │ (see Note 4)
│ │ ││ │ ││ └── Number of (messages with bad CRC) (see FSR data field 6)
│ │ ││ │ ││ (see Note 4)
│ │ ││ │ │└─ Previous frame channel load (see FSR data fields 4 and 5)
│ │ ││ │ │ (see Note 4)
│ │ ││ │ └─ Signal to noise ratio (see Note 3) (see VSI data field 6)
│ │ ││ └─ Time of message arrival (see Note 3) (see VSI data field 3)
│ │ │└─ First slot number of each received message (see Note 3)
│ ││ (see VSI data field)
│ │ └─ Received signal strength of each VDL message (see Note 3)
│ │ (see VSI data field 5)
│ └─ Channel selection (see Note 2)
└── Unique identifier (see Note 1)

NOTE 1 The unique identifier is used for system level identification of a station with a maximum of 15 alphanu-
meric characters. (see the SID sentence formatter). This data field should match the Base Station’s
unique identifier. The Base Station should ignore this sentence when this data field does not match the
Base Station’s unique identifier.
Note 2 A = Channel A
B = Channel B
E = every channel
N = no VSI or FSR sentences about any channel
Note 3 0 = no output
1 = continuous output
2 = output next frame only
Note 4 0 = no output
1 = output once per frame
2 = output next frame only
Note 5 0 = off, disabled
1 = on, enabled

A.1.15 TFR – Transmit feed-back report

The TFR sentence is automatically generated by the Base Station to report to the Physical
Shore Station the scheduled slot use and status of a requested transmission.

Several data fields are copied from the TSA and VDM sentences responsible for this TFR.
They are provided to assist in linking this Base Station response to the responsible TSA+VDM

After receiving associated TSA and VDM sentences, the Base Station responds with a TFR
sentence that provides status information about the requested transmission.

After receiving a VDM sentence without an associated TSA sentence (as when requested
transmissions are not assigned to a specific starting slot), the Base Station responds with a
TFR sentence to report the scheduled channel, assigned time, assigned slot number, and
status of the requested transmission.
– 88 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E)

│││ │ │ │ │ │ ││ │
│││ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─ Status (see Note 11)
│││ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─ Transmission priority (see Note 10)
│││ │ │ │ │ │ └─ Number of consecutive time slots for message
│││ │ │ │ │ │ (see Note 9)
│││ │ │ │ │ └─ Start slot number assigned to requested
│││ │ │ │ │ transmission (see Note 8)
│││ │ │ │ └── UTC hour and minute assigned to requested
│││ │ │ │ transmission (see Note 7)
│││ │ │ └─ Start slot number of requested transmission (see Note 6)
│││ │ └─ UTC hour and minute of requested transmission (see Note 5)
│ │ │ └─ Unique identifier (see Note 4)
│ │ └─ Channel requested for message being reported (see Note 3)
│ └─ Sequential message identifier used with message being reported (see Note 2)
└─ Total number of sentences used to transfer the message being reported
(see Note 1)

NOTE 1 Exact copy of the first data field of the VDM sentence to which this TFR is responding – “total number of
sentences needed to transfer the message.”
NOTE 2 Exact copy of the third data field of the VDM sentence to which this TFR is responding – sequential
message identifier.
NOTE 3 Actual channel scheduled for the requested transmission. It should be an exact copy of the fourth data
field of the VDM sentence to which this TFR is responding – “AIS channel.”
NOTE 4 The unique identifier is used for system level identification of a station with a maximum of 15 alphanu-
meric characters. (see the SID sentence formatter).
NOTE 5 UTC hour and minute scheduled for the requested transmission. This should be an exact copy of the
fourth data field of the TSA sentence to which this TFR is responding – “ UTC hour and minute of re-
quested transmission.” This is null when there is no TSA sentence with the VDM sentence.
NOTE 6 This should be an exact copy of the fifth data field of the TSA sentence to which this TFR is responding
– “start slot number of requested transmission.” This is null when there is no TSA sentence with the
VDM sentence.
NOTE 7 UTC hour and minute assigned for the requested transmission. This is determined by the Base Station
for a received VDM sentence when no associated TSA sentence is received. This is null when associ-
ated TSA and VDM sentences are received.
NOTE 8 Start slot number assigned for requested transmission. This is determined by the Base Station for a
received VDM sentence when no associated TSA sentence is received. This is null when associated
TSA and VDM sentences are received.
NOTE 9 Actual number of slots that are scheduled for the transmission of the requested message. This takes
into consideration bit stuffing.
NOTE 10 Priority is either that requested in the TSA sentence or that assigned by the Base Station.
1 = high priority
2 = low priority (default value).
NOTE 11 0 = successfully scheduled for transmission
1 = successfully scheduled for transmission by overriding an internal message with a lower priority (valid
for independent base station only)
2 = successfully scheduled for a transmission time greater than 12 h from the present time
3 = not scheduled because requested transmission exceeded available memory
4 = successfully removed from schedule
5 = not scheduled because requested transmission conflicted with slot(s) requested by an internal Base
Station process that has the same or higher priority (valid for independent Base Station only)
6 = not scheduled because requested message type is not allowed by the Base Station configuration
(valid for independent Base Station only)
7 = not scheduled because requested message conflict to prohibit slots. (valid for independent Base
Station only)
8 = configuration error (see linked configuration sentence). Linked to this error should be the appropri-
ate sentence containing the current configuration values for all fields
9 = not scheduled because requested transmission is for a disabled channel
10 = not scheduled because of invalid TSA content (for instance invalid slot number)
NOTE The VDO+VSI will provide verification of the transmission itself.
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 89 –

A.1.16 TSA – Transmit slot assignment

This sentence can be used by the Physical Shore Station to command that a Base Station
transmit the VDL message encapsulated in the associated VDM sentence(s) beginning in the
specified time slot. The TSA+VDM sentence combination is used for individual message
transmissions only.

The TSA sentence should appear first, and the VDM sentence(s) second. A long VDL mes-
sage may require the use of several VDM sentences.
NOTE When a received VDL message fits into one VDM sentence, the third VDM data field, sequential message
identifier, is a null field. However, when a VDM sentence is used to command a Base Station transmit a VDL mes-
sage, the sequential message identifier always contains a value – even when the message fits into one VDM sen-
tence. The sequential message identifier in the TSA sentence is identical to the sequential message identifier in
the associated VDM sentence(s).

The “comment block” parameter-code “xGy:” can also be used to “group” TSA and VDM sen-

│ ││ │ │ │
│ ││ │ │ └─── Priority (see Note 4)
│ ││ │ └─── Start slot number of requested transmission
│ ││ └───── UTC hour and minute of requested transmission
│ │ └────── Channel selection (see Note 3)
│ └────── Sequential message identifier (see Note 2)
└─────── Unique identifier (see Note 1)

NOTE 1 The unique identifier is used for system level identification of a station with a maximum of 15 alphanu-
meric characters. This is the “unique identifier” of the Base Station to which the information in this TSA
sentence and the following VDM sentence(s) are intended (see SID sentence formatter). This sentence
and the following VDM sentence should be ignored when this data field does not match the Base Sta-
tion’s unique identifier.
NOTE 2 The sequential message identifier provides a message identification number from 0 to 9 that is sequen-
tially assigned and is incremented for each new message. The count resets to 0 after 9 is used. Each
sentence of a message contains the same sequential message identification number – the TSA sen-
tence and each of the VDM sentences that are needed. Note that linking a TSA sentence with a VDM
sentence(s) results in the need for the VDM sentence(s) to have the same Sequential message identifier
as in the TSA sentence – even when only one VDM sentence is used.
NOTE 3 This should be the same channel as indicated in the following VDM sentence.
A = Channel A
B = Channel B
NOTE 4 0 = cancel the transmission identified by the channel selection, UTC hour and minute, and start slot
1 = high priority, can overrule internal Base Station schedule. May not interfere with multi-slot transmis-
sions already in progress
2 = low priority, will transmit if slot is available
Default is priority 2

A.1.17 TSP – Transmit slot prohibit

This sentence is used to prohibit an AIS station from transmitting in the specified slots. The
AIS station receiving this sentence should not use the next occurrence of the indicated slots.
This sentence is designed to be used to protect interrogation responses from interference
from Base Station transmissions.
– 90 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E)

│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └── Consecutive time slots in third block
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ (see Note 7)
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └── Slot offset of third block of consecutive
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ time slots (see Note 6)
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └── Consecutive time slots in second block
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ (see Note 7)
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─── Slot offset of second block of consecutive time
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ slots (see Note 6)
│ │ │ │ │ │ └── Consecutive time slots in first block (see Note 7)
│ │ │ │ │ └─ Slot offset of first block of consecutive time slots
│ │ │ │ │ (see Note 6)
│ │ │ │ └── Reference slot (see Note 5)
│ │ │ └── UTC hour, minute, and second of requested blocking of slot use
│ │ │ (see Note 4)
│ │ └─── Channel selection (see Note 3)
│ └─── Sequential identifier (see Note 2)
└─── Unique identifier (see Note 1)
NOTE 1 The unique identifier is used for system level identification of a station with a maximum of 15 alphanu-
meric characters. (see the SID sentence formatter). This data field should match the Base Station’s
unique identifier. The Base Station should ignore this sentence when this data field does not match the
Base Station’s unique identifier.
NOTE 2 The sequential identifier provides an identification number from 0 to 99 that is sequentially assigned and
is incremented for each new TSP sentence. The count resets to 0 after 99 is used. This sequential iden-
tifier is used to identify the Base Station’s response of a slot prohibit status report (TSR).
NOTE 3 A = Channel A
B = Channel B
NOTE 4 This is for record keeping. It contains the hour, minute, and second of this request.
NOTE 5 This is the slot from which the following slot offsets are referenced. This is frequently the slot assigned
to a message 15 interrogation.
NOTE 6 Slot offset of the first slot in the block of slots to be blocked from use by the Base Station.
0 indicates no prohibited slots
NOTE 7 Total number of consecutive slots to be blocked from use by the Base Station. The first slot of the block
is also part of the count. Therefore, the minimum value is 1.
0 = no prohibited slots
1-5 = number of prohibited slots

A.1.18 TSR – Transmit slot prohibit status report

This sentence is automatically generated to report the results of a TSP sentence.

│ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ └──Status of prohibit request (see Note 5)
│ │ │ └── UTC hour, minute, and second of requested blocking of slot use
│ │ │ (see Note 4)
│ │ └── Channel selection (see Note 3)
│ └── Sequential identifier (see Note 2)
└─── Unique identifier (see Note 1)
NOTE 1 The unique identifier is used for system level identification of a station and is 15 alphanumeric charac-
ters. (see the SID sentence formatter)..
NOTE 2 Exact copy of the second data field (sequential identifier) provided in the TSP sentence to which this
TSR is responding. It is an identification number from 0 to 99 that is sequentially assigned and is incre-
mented for each new TSP sentence. The count resets to 0 after 99 is used. This sequential identifier is
used to identify the Base Station’s TSR transmit slot prohibit status report.
NOTE 3 Exact copy of the third data field (channel selection) provided in the TSP sentence to which this TSR is
A = Channel A
B = Channel B
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 91 –

NOTE 4 Exact copy of the fourth data field (hour, minute, and second) provided in the TSP sentence to which
this TSR is responding.
NOTE 5 0 = successfully blocked prohibited slots
1 = not successful because of internal reservation
2 = not successful because action is not allowed by the Base Station configuration
3 = not successful because action is for a disabled channel
4 = not successful because of invalid TSP content (e.g. invalid slot number)

A.1.19 VER – Version

This sentence is used to provide identification and version information about a station. This
information is obtained by the use of a query sentence. All data fields, except the unique iden-
tifier, shall be manufactured into the station. The unique identifier may be changed using the
SID sentence.

││ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
││ │ │ │ │ │ │ └── Hardware revision (32 character maximum)
││ │ │ │ │ │ │ (see Note 3)
││ │ │ │ │ │ └── Software revision (32 character maximum)
││ │ │ │ │ │ (see Note 3)
││ │ │ │ │ └── Model code (product code) (32 character maximum)
││ │ │ │ │ (see Note 3)
││ │ │ │ └── Manufacturer serial number (32 character maximum)
││ │ │ │ (see Notes 3 and 4)
││ │ │ └── Unique identifier (15 characters) (see Note 2)
│ │ │ └── Vendor ID (7 character maximum) (see Note 5)
│ │ └── Device type (2 characters) (see Note 1)
│ └── Sentence number (see Note 6)
└── Total number of sentences (see Note 6)
NOTE 1 This device type is defined by IEC 61162-1, Table 4 – talker identifier mnemonics. It is set into the
equipment based upon the primary purpose of the station and remains constant even if the user defined
talker identifier is changed.
AB = AIS Base Station
AL = limited Base Station
AS = simplex repeater station
AD = duplex repeater station
AR = receiving station
AI = mobile class A or B (see IEC 61993-2 and IEC 62287)
AN = aids to navigation
NOTE 2 The unique identifier is used for system level identification of a station with a maximum of 15 alphanu-
meric characters. (see the SID sentence formatter.)
NOTE 3 The data field length may be 32 characters maximum. The length of 32 characters was chosen in order
to be consistent with similar data field lengths in the IEC 61162 standard. When large character lengths
are used and the 80 character sentence limit would be exceeded for a single sentence, a series of suc-
cessive VER sentences should be used to avoid the problem (using fields 2 and 3 to ensure the correct
sequence). Null fields can be used for data fields contained in other sentences of the series. Every VER
sentence shall contain the unique identifier.
NOTE 4 The manufacturer’s serial number for the unit. Note, this “internal” manufacturer’s serial number may or
may not match the physical serial number of the device.
NOTE 5 Vendor identification of the unit as defined by the manufacturer.
NOTE 6 The total number of sentences required to transmit the information. Sentence number refers to the se-
quence number of the sentence within the total number of sentences.
– 92 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E)

A.1.20 VSI – VDL signal information

This sentence provides optional measurement information associated with a received AIS
message. This sentence is also used to identify the first slot of an AIS message transmission
(linked to a VDO sentence). It is output in combination with either a VDM or VDO sentence.

Content of the VSI is defined using the SPO sentence.

│ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ └─ Signal to noise ratio (dB) (see Note 6)
│ │ │ │ └─ Receiver input signal strength (dBm) of received message
│ │ │ │ (see Note 5)
│ │ │ └─ First slot number of message (see Note 4)
│ │ └─ UTC hour, minute, second, and fractional-second of measurement
│ │ (see Note 3)
│ └─ Sequential message identifier (see Note 2)
└── Unique identifier (see Note 1)

NOTE 1 The unique identifier is used for system level identification of a station with a maximum of 15 alphanu-
meric characters (see the SID sentence formatter).
NOTE 2 The sequential message identifier provides a message identification number from 0 to 9 that is sequentially
assigned and is incremented for each new message. The count resets to 0 after 9 is used. Each sentence
of a message contains the same sequential message identification number – the VSI-sentence and each of
the VDM or VDO sentences that are needed. Note that linking a VSI sentence with a VDM or VDO sen-
tence(s) results in the need for the VDM or VDO sentence(s) to have the same “Sequential message identi-
fier” as in the VSI sentence – even when only one VDM or VDO sentence is used.
NOTE 3 This is the hour, minute, and second of a measurement. The fractional portion of a time of arrival (TOA)
measurement can be given with a precision of 1 ns. Where time is provided but there is either no TOA
capability or no measurement is available, the fractional portion of the s is not provided.
Example with a TOA measurement:
Example without a TOA measurement:
NOTE 4 9999 = requested but not available
This data field should be null (comma comma) if the SPO sentence’s data field, “first slot number of
each received message,” is set to “no output.”
NOTE 5 0 = requested but not available
This data field should be null (comma comma) if the SPO sentence’s data field, “received signal strength
of each VDL message,” is set to “no output.”
NOTE 6 0 = enabled (or requested) but not available
This data field should be null (comma comma) if the SPO sentence’s “signal to noise ratio,” is set to “no

A.1.21 AIR – AIS Interrogation request (sentence extension)

This sentence supports ITU-R M.1371, Message 15. It provides an external application with
the means to initiate requests for specific ITU-R M.1371 messages, from distant mobile or
Base Station, AIS units. A single sentence can be used to request up to two messages from
one AIS unit and one message from a second AIS unit, or up to three messages from one AIS
unit. The message types that can be requested are limited. The complete list of messages
that may be requested can be found within the Message 15 description in ITU-R M.1371. Im-
proper requests may be ignored.
62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 93 –

The external application initiates the interrogation. The external application is responsible for
assessing the success or failure of the interrogation. After receiving this sentence, the AIS
unit initiates a radio broadcast (on the VHF Data Link) of a Message 15 - Interrogation. The
success or failure of the interrogation broadcast is determined by the application using the
combined reception of the ABK-sentence and VDM sentences provided by the AIS unit. After
receiving this AIR-sentence, the AIS unit shall take no more than 4 s to broadcast the Mes-
sage 15, and the addressed distant unit(s) shall take no more than another 4 s to respond - a
total of 8 s.

Message station-2 reply slot (see Note 6) ───────┐

Second message station-1 reply slot (see Note 6)─┐ │
First message station-1 reply slot (see Note 6) ┐ │ │
Channel of interrogation (see Note 5) ────┐ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ││ │ │ │
│ │ │ ││ │ │ └────────── Message sub-section (see Note 3)
│ │ │ ││ │ └────── Message number requested from station-2
│ │ │ ││ │ (see Note 2)
│ │ │ ││ └────── MMSI of interrogated station-2 (see Note 4)
│ │ │ │ └───────── Message sub-section (see Note 3)
│ │ │ └─ Second message number requested from station-1 (see Note 2)
│ │ └── Message sub-section (see Note 3)
│ └── First message number requested from station-1(see Note 2)
└──── MMSI of interrogated station-1 (see Note 1)

NOTE 1 Identifies the first distant AIS unit being interrogated. A single AIR sentence can be used to request two
message numbers from the first AIS unit.
NOTE 2 The following are examples of messages that may be requested from a distant mobile AIS unit. See
ITU-R M.1371, Message 15 description for the actual message numbers.
Message 3 (Position report)
Message 5 (Ship static and voyage related data, see additional information in Note 3)
Message 9 (Standard SAR aircraft position report)
Message 18 (Standard Class B equipment position report)
Message 19 (Extended Class B equipment position report)
Message 21 (Aids-to-navigation report)
Message 24 (Static-data report)

Examples of messages that may be requested from a distant AIS Base Station include:
Message 4 (Base Station report)
Message 24 (Static-data report)
NOTE 3 This field is used to request a message that has been further sub-divided into alternative data structures.
When requesting a message with alternative data structures, this message sub-section field must be provided, so
that the correct sub-division of the message data is provided. If the message structure is not sub-divided into dif-
ferent structures, this field should be null.
NOTE 4 This identifies the second distant AIS unit being interrogated. Only one message may be requested from
the second AIS unit. The MMSI of the second AIS unit may be the same MMSI as the first AIS unit.
NOTE 5 A = Channel A
B = Channel B
Null when specific channel not being assigned. AIS mobile stations should ignore this data field.
NOTE 6 Start slot number of interrogation reply, 0 to 2249. Null if interrogation reply slot not being assigned. AIS
mobile stations should ignore this data field.
– 94 – 62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E)

A.2 Comment block

The comment block permits the addition of non-IEC 61162-1 information into a character
stream containing IEC 61162-1 defined sentences. The comment block can be used to adapt
sentences to other systems (such as an AIS network) without a change to a IEC 61162-1 sen-
tence definition. A comment block can be used to associate or “link” various combinations of
comment blocks, and sentences (see Clause A.3).The purpose of the comment block is the
management of sentences, and to support transport of IEC 61162-1 sentences over any type
of network – independent of the network’s protocol. It is not intended to be the primary means
for delivery of sensor data or control. IEC 61162-1 sentences should continue to be used for
sensor data and control.

The “\” character is designated as the “comment block delimiter.” A comment block should be-
gin with a “\” character, and be closed with a “\” character. The closing character is always
preceded by the checksum (*hh) of the comment block content. When combined with a stan-
dard sentence, the comment block should appear ahead of the sentence. The first comment
block “\” appears after the <CR><LF> symbols. The comment block closing “\” appears before
a symbol beginning a sentence, either a “$” or “!”, or the <CR><LF> symbols. A comment
block may also be used without a following IEC 61162-1 sentence; the closing “\” character is
followed by the <CR><LF> symbols. This can be useful when line length is a concern.

The maximum number of characters in a comment block shall be 80 characters including the
beginning and closing “\” comment block delimiters.

The contents of the comment block (valid characters between the two “\” characters) may con-
tain any valid character (see IEC 61162-1, Table 2) and some of the reserved characters (see
IEC 61162-1, Table 1). The comment block should not contain either the comment block de-
limiter, or the start of sentence delimiters, “$” or “!”, or characters reserved for future use (“~”
and <del>).

The comment block content is considered in error if the listener calculated exclusive-or
checksum of the comment block contents does not equal the talker calculated checksum
(*hh), or a start of sentence delimiter, “$” or “!”, appears before the comment block is closed
with a “*hh\”. The “$” or “!” is always recognized as the beginning of an IEC 61162-1 sen-

The remaining reserved characters (<CR>, <LF>, “,”, “*”, and “^”) in IEC 61162-1, Table 1
should be used as defined there.

A.3 Comment block parameters for AIS

This clause describes the format, content, and rules to be used for inserting parameters into
the comment blocks that are added to AIS-sentences. Following that, examples are given
where the format, content, and rules are applied to sentences used with AIS Base Stations or
AIS receivers.

A.3.1 Comment block parameter format

The general approach is to link each parameter value with a “parameter-code” that identifies
the value. All parameters in a comment block use the following general form:


where the parameter-codes are defined in a parameter-code dictionary.

62320-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2008(E) – 95 –

A.3.2 Comment block “hexadecimal checksum” (*hh)

In order to improve the integrity of the parameters in a comment block, the “XOR” hexadeci-
mal checksum (*hh), that is calculated for every IEC 61162-1 sentence, should also be used
for the content of each comment block (see examples below).

A.3.3 Line (either a comment block, or comment block and sentence)

A comment block can appear alone or combined with a sentence to form a “line”. When com-
bined with a sentence, this is done without a <CR><LF> separating the two. The general form
of a line is either:




Inclusion of any character between the closing “\” character and the “start of sentence” delim-
iter breaks the association between a comment block and a sentence.

A.3.4 Group (associated lines)

The association of two or more lines forms a “group” (see A.3.5). Each line must contain a
comment block. Each line may or may not include a sentence. Multi-sentence messages may
be in a group. The Data Fields supporting the multi-sentence should also be properly applied
(See IEC 61162-1, 5.3.7 (Multi-sentence messages).

A.3.5 Parameter-code dictionary

The following are parameter-codes and their definitions:

c: (lower case “C”) Time in seconds calculated from midnight January 1, 1970. This is a
general time tag that can be attached to a line. The specific significance of this value
depends on why the “source” attaches this value to the line.
d: destination. Identification of intended listener device or process for the attached sen-
tence. For a Base Station this is the SID sentence data field unique identifier.
i: (lower case “I”) information. This is free form text using valid characters (see IEC 61162-1,
Table 2).
s: (lower case “S”) source. Identification of the talker device or process for the attached
sentence. For a Base Station this is the SID sentence data field unique identifier.
x: (lower case “X”) counter. Always a positive integer beginning at “1”. This value is incre-
mented by “1” for each occurrence of the parameter-code being used in a line generated
by a talker[source]. This value is reset as configured using the PCS-sentence.
needed to meet system requirements (See “Comment Block-sentence also deal with
“other” parameter-codes). [Parameter-code Setup]
$XXPCS,parameter-code,first data field, second data field, etc.*hh
This new PCS-sentence also needs methods to request and respond to a request to
identify the active parameter-codes in a device and how they are set-up. There also
needs to be a way to disable or enable individual parameter-codes.
xGy: Coding used to link lines into a group. The required parameters are: sentence number,
total number of sentences, and sequential identifier. Each combination of a comment
block and an IEC 61162-1 sentence creates a “line”. A line containing only a comment
block can be part of a group. The value of “x” (integer) indicates the line number within
the group, and the “y” (integer) indicates the total number of lines in the group. The
value with the parameter-code should be a unique string that is the same for each line
in the group. This value is used to uniquely identify the lines of a group.
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A.3.6 Line linking (sentence linking)

The combined use of the comment block and parameter-code dictionary can be used to effi-
ciently link IEC 61162-1 sentences into a group. Once linked, these groups can be trans-
ported by a variety of communication mediums (serial port, USB, UDP, TCP/IP network con-
nection, etc.). In general, these are data connections with multi-talker/multi-listener relation-
ships; or a single-talker/multi-listener relationship where there can be timing issues among the
talker’s internal processes (see the examples below).












The previous example may also be presented as follows:









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A.3.7 Comment block used with query sentences

A comment block may be linked to a query sentence (See 5.3.4 of IEC 61162-1) to help en-
sure the desired device responds to a query. The way a Base Station processes and responds
to a query sentence will depend on the structure of the query sentence:

• when a Base Station receives a query sentence without a comment block, the Base Sta-
tion should respond using the rules described in 5.3.4 of IEC 61162-1;
• when a Base Station receives a query sentence prefaced with a comment block, the Base
Station should respond using the rules described in A.3.7.1 (below).

A.3.7.1 Reply to a \comment block\query sentence combination

The Base Station has a unique identifier. The unique identifier is installed in the Base Station
using a SID-sentence. The “unique identifier” is used to identify the intended device for the
query sentence, by including it with the destination (d:) parameter-code in the comment block.
Consequently, a Base Station must first check that the destination parameter-code for a
match with the “unique identifier” currently assigned to the Base Station.

The source of the query must also be identified by providing a unique identifier with the
source (s:) parameter-code. The source’s unique identifier is used by the Base Station in the
reply to the query.

A.3.7.2 Example of query using the \comment block\query format

In the following example, the query source is a computer with a talker identifier, PC, and a
unique identifier, ControlPC1. The Base Station is assigned the talker identifier, AB, with a
unique identifier, A003669955.

Example of a query that uses a comment block:





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