The Use Technology Based On Artificial Intelligence in English Teaching and Learning
The Use Technology Based On Artificial Intelligence in English Teaching and Learning
The Use Technology Based On Artificial Intelligence in English Teaching and Learning
Article in ELT Echo The Journal of English Language Teaching in Foreign Language Context · December 2021
DOI: 10.24235/eltecho.v6i2.9299
12 13,010
1 author:
All content following this page was uploaded by Tira Nur Fitria on 21 February 2022.
Corresponding author: Jalan Slamet Riyadi 361 Windan Makamhaji Kartasura Sukoharjo 57161. Email: [email protected]
The industrial era has influenced everyone to be able to adapt to rapid changes.
Globalization and the industrial era 4.0 have created new creativity, opportunities, and
challenges such as in technology. Therefore, technology plays a very important role in
conveying information in the form of text, images, and sound (Rahayu & Pujiyono, 2017).
The technology was created to facilitate human work and activities. One technology that is
being developed intensively is Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of computational creativity that has increased attention
to the development of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies (Cheng & Day, 2014). To gain
creativity by computers, many artificial intelligence technologies have been implemented.
Rahman (2009, p. 343) states that artificial intelligence (AI) creates software that filters
knowledge and other autonomous functions, such as computation or student search. Artificial
intelligence (AI) develops "intelligent" devices that run and react to something similar to the
human brain, such as computer systems (online platforms) and computerized machines
(robots) (Karsenti, 2019). Artificial intelligence (AI) is also known as Machine Intelligence
(Mehrotra, 2019). It is the intelligence that is predicted by the machine through the natural
intelligence displayed by humans. In other words, AI is about adding human intelligence to
the machine for task execution. According to Mehrotra (2019), Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a
computer science technology that explores the analysis and development of smart machines
and apps. It is the science of having a machine to think and behave like a human being who is
intelligent. The key to AI technology lies in intelligence (Wang, 2019). According to Whitby
(2009), AI studies intelligent behaviors in humans, animals, and machines and attempt to find
The word AI consists of the words “artificial” and “intelligence” (Ahmet, 2018). The
word “artificial” is something that is not real, simulated, but not completely false regarding
being a fraud. While “intelligence” is something that can replace genuine items because the
former has better qualities in a certain context. Intelligence is a very complex term. It includes
different forms, such as reasoning, self-knowledge understanding, emotional awareness,
preparation, consciousness, and creativity.
As stated by Joshi (2019, p. 4), AI may not mean designing an incredibly smart
computer that solves all problems, but rather building a machine that is capable of human-like
action. The purpose of artificial intelligence is to build computer software or hardware
systems that demonstrate human-like thought or display features traditionally associated with
human intelligence (Campesato, 2020). AI as a computer system theory can perform tasks
normally involving human intelligence. Speech understanding, language awareness, decision-
making, and visual perception are aspects of human intelligence that can be understood by
artificial intelligence. There is a demand for AI to create an expert system and to find
solutions for complex problems such as recognition or natural language processing (Devi et
al., 2020). AI as a tutor for the language. AI offers tireless, individualized training, providing
learners the large volume of feedback and scaffolding activities needed to achieve fluency, all
within a low-stakes atmosphere (learners are more likely to take chances and make mistakes).
AI's big promise is that it will shorten the time it takes to develop abilities.
Kaur & Gill (2019) states that artificial intelligence (AI) is a digital attempt to achieve
human-level intelligence by using different computations of machines. It is a series of
advanced technologies that allow humans to feel, comprehend, function, and learn from
machines. It can be said that Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that
emphasizes the ability to think and act like humans. It is helped by machines to find solutions
to complex problems in a more human-like fashion (Sridhar, 2018). This requires borrowing
human intelligence traits and then incorporating them in a computer-friendly way. Human
actions such as learning, planning, making decisions, and knowing language can be done by
Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Teaching and learning English also has become easier with the development of
technology and digital platforms. These now offer the opportunity to improve English
language skills. This means that if we have a machine for teaching English, perhaps we do not
need any English teachers in the classroom, or English education (Shin, 2018). Therefore,
English education need not be replaced by the Fourth Revolution. Instead of that the
development of an English class model using Artificial Intelligence should work in
collaboration with the English teaching and learning process. Language literacy and digital
literacy are a neat combination to improve global competence.
Ribeiro (2020) states that Artificial Intelligence in English Language Teaching (ELT) is
the most realistic way English language teachers can use it. English is one of the common
world languages which has a systematic grammatical structure. Therefore, learning English
has always been substantially difficult for ESL/EFL (English as Second/Foreign Language)
students (Mehrotra, 2019). Thus, the reform of English teaching and learning can be
effectively promoted through artificial intelligence machine learning, intelligent search, and
natural language processing (Wang, 2019). Related to the explanation above, this research is
to know the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and to investigate AI technologies in English
Language Teaching (ELT).
This is library research. It is is research carried out through collecting data or scientific
writing aimed at the object of research or collection of bibliographic data, or a study carried
out to solve a problem that is based on a critical and in-depth study of relevant library
materials. One of the characteristics of library research is that the researcher is face to face
with the text (Zed, 2004, p. 4). This analysis will look at a variety of reference books or
journals as well as the findings of related prior research to get a theoretical foundation for the
issue at hand.
Sources of data used as material for this research they are are books, journals, and internet
sites/websites related to the topic that has been selected by the researcher. Sources of research
data consist of various books and journals related to this research topic. Documentation is the
data collection method used in this analysis, which involves searching for knowledge about
items or factors in the form of documents, books, articles, papers or posts, newspapers, and
other sources. But, in this research, an evaluation of the concepts and theories used is chosen
based on the available literature, especially from several articles have published in various
scientific journals.
After all the data is collected, the next step is the writer analyzes the data so that a
conclusion is drawn. To get the correct and correct results in analyzing the data, the writer
uses content analysis techniques. Content analysis is a type of study that entails a thorough
examination of the contents of written materials because this data to be studied requires a
descriptive explanation.
Mukhallafi (2020) states that in the present research, artificial intelligence (AI) is
characterized as the use of AI systems for teaching/learning English to improve the processes
of organizing, arranging, and selecting content. It further diversifies sources of instruction and
streams of schooling according to the levels of the learners. Besides, through individualizing
self-study procedures, and simulating smart and expert systems, it is used to establish
teaching techniques and assessment methods. According to (Wang, 2019) in his research
entitled “Research on Artificial Intelligence Promoting English Learning Change”, there is the
relationship between Artificial Intelligence and English teaching as follow:
1. Artificial intelligence changes the atmosphere in which English is learned. Artificial
intelligence offers a good learning atmosphere for immersive English learning. Through
integrating and logically interpreting information such as images, sound, and text in an
intelligent device, English learning becomes more stereoscopic and visual. Students
communicate with AI through the interface between man and computer, which not only
improves the validity of language environments. This statement is also supported by
(Zilberman, 2019) that AI has a significant ability to create a personalized atmosphere in
which adult learners use all their senses to concurrently exercise English skills in
conjunction with their present level of English or occupational needs or wishes.
2. Artificial Intelligence optimizes the teaching impact of English. AI will provide a real
simulation dialog platform for the teaching and learning of English in English. We will
help students make better use of English words, spoken English, and English writing, and
develop their comprehension skills. Not only can the cultural and customs awareness of
the various English-speaking countries collected in AI be used to communicate and
connect with students, but it can also significantly enhance the interest of students in
learning English.
3. Artificial Intelligence increases the practical skill of the students in English class.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is currently the hotspot technology material of social science
within the industry. The application of science and technology in English Language
Teaching (ELT) requires that teachers and students understand the ability to work the
system and solve problems in time. Therefore, as AI is applied to English teaching, it
increases the practical operational capacity of the students.
According to Gawate (2019) in his article entitled “Artificial Intelligence (AI) Based
Instructional Programs in Teaching-Learning of English Language” states that any advantages
of AI-based English language teaching and learning instructional programs are:
1. Friendly need-based instructional programs for consumers. The AI-based teaching
software combines aim learners and their contextual needs. It is laid down with the
learners' clear expectations and exact criteria. English language teaching-learning
misleads to no endpoint without analyzing learners' needs.
2. Qualitative contents: through Artificial Intelligence, it is possible to create qualitative
teaching-learning material that operates on all levels of language such as hearing,
speaking, reading, and writing.
3. Supplementary teacher and student support system. As an external support mechanism, AI
plays a critical function for students and teachers of the English language. AI, when it
incorporates humanized knowledge, will do this at any time and anywhere with precise
assistance. While AI-based services are built-in, the position of educators is not denied.
4. Fast feedback system: AI-based systems can be built to learn English in a variety of ways
to get feedback. It can be used in AI-based instructional programs to quantify and
interpret the input according to the needs of the students, such as gradation, review, cross
verification, and in-depth presentation. All facets of the students' success are assessed.
5. Changing the teacher's role as a guide and director. It is difficult to change the position of
the instructor as a guide and director and exclude the teacher from the method. AI-based
systems only modify the teacher's role in the ELT process. Students should be led and
assisted by teachers. The teacher can handle and manage such an AI-based program that
needs a few manual modifications, and teachers can do it. AI-related instructional services
can only be an aid in teaching-learning of the English language.
6. Connectivity globally. For some AI-related instructional systems, it gives students all the
possibilities. Owing to Artificial Intelligence, spatial and time constraints are solved. It is
possible to exchange knowledge from quality organizations as well as from organizations.
This is truly incredible access to AI-based instructional software. With the help of facial
recognition, voice recognition, and movements of the students, it allows remote access. In
short, all student behaviors can be managed with AI-based applications.
7. Teaching-learning personalization in English. As per the demand and needs of the
students, the course can be created. It can be student-centered in its personalization.
8. The AI-based learning platform helps learners to learn at their speed, to repeat topics, and
to highlight items that they have issues with to involve them with activities, to cater to
their interests, etc. For the advancement of teaching-learning English, AI-based
instructional programs are tailored. It emphasizes the need-based creation of the English
course material.
Teaching and learning English has become easier with the development of digital
platforms. Artificial intelligence (AI) technology now offers the opportunity to improve
English language skills. Language literacy and digital literacy are a neat combination to
improve global competence. AI bases its process on the text processing of a language. The
more sophisticated the AI, the more and more accurate the language he mastered. Therefore,
the use of AI technologies would strengthen foreign language teaching and learning.
(Yingsoon, 2021).
AI plays a role in conveying various information and also helps in making the English
learning process even more effective. The existence of various kinds of learning technology
makes it easier for these learners to understand what has been explained by the teacher. Even
students also have the ease of learning even without having to face the teachers directly.
There are so many choices of language learning applications based on the technology of
Artificial Intelligence (AI) which can be used by both English educators and
students/learners. Some examples of AI technology that can be used in English language
learning are as follow:
1. Google Translate
Google has created an enormous suite of tools for users, but after their original search
engine, possibly the most important application is Google Translate which can be
accessed on (Smallwood, 2015, p. 51). Text speech has even
been replaced by a translator. Applications like Google Translate are already integrated
with Google Board. So translating Indonesian to English, or vice versa is as easy as typing
on a keyboard. Covili (2016) states that there are five things about Google Translate, they
are: Google Translate can translate into up to 50 different languages. The users can
translate entire documents using Google Translate. Google Translate can pronounce
words in the new language and provide definitions of the words. By using the mobile app
for „translate‟, the users can translate street signs on the fly. Google Translate also can
translate websites into a variety of languages.
Concerning teaching and learning English, Google Translate as a translator is the main
function, namely as an online translator. Students can use it to translate
words/phrases/sentences/paragraphs from Indonesian English or Indonesian English
which are used a lot in Indonesian English translation activities. Google Translate can be
used to check the spelling of words that arise due to typos. It is very useful when it comes
to checking the English spelling. Google Translate can be used as a tool to learn foreign
language word pronunciation. For students who want to learn English for free, especially
how to pronounce words, google translate can be used.
2. Text to speech (TTS)
Google Translate adds text to speech as an additional feature. The text to speech
feature of Google Translate provides various languages to be spoken, from words that are
translated from various languages such as English. The text to speech feature in Google
Translate can read text with a less flat intonation and is smoother than the others. A Text-
To-Speech (TTS) system can be defined as a system that can convert text into speech
automatically through phonetization (the arrangement of phonemes to form speech). A
TTS system can pronounce any word because the vocabulary is unlimited.
Concerning teaching and learning English, Text-To-Speech (TTS), can convert
computer-generated text into pronunciation (audio), where the resulting pronunciation can
be adjusted for speed, intonation, and the output audio format to be saved in the form of
an audio file. TTS technology can streamline the teaching and learning process and
complement the learning media for English subjects, especially in the English laboratory
(Yudhistiro, 2016).
3. English Able
English ABLE is an Assessment-Based Learning Environment for English grammar.
This technology was developed by Zapata-Rivera et al (2007). Assessment-based learning
environments (ABLE) use assessment knowledge to direct instruction from a variety of
sources (e.g. formative and summative). Concerning teaching and learning English,
English ABLE refers to a learning environment that focused on tests to help English
language learners (ELLs) learn about grammar in English. English ABLE uses a TOEFL
CBT job library to build new sets with improved assignments aimed at unique ELL
component skills. An adaptive, scaffolded learning environment, also offers packages for
learners to help students master facets of English grammar.
4. Orai
Orai's perfect option for public speaking. It can not only be used to support a teacher
but can also be used as a teacher. Orai is getting excellent reviews and is enjoyable to use.
Orai is user-friendly. Improving your oratory skills is a quick, self-directed strategy.
Concerning teaching and learning English, Orai's strengths are being able to detect how
many words we say to detect how many fillers we say while we speak. Using Orai in
class, the teachers can combine it with English speaking subject matter at that time, such
as describing people, then give students about 15 minutes to use Orai and after that choose
randomly to come forward to practice speaking immediately. Orai provides several
features designed to hone students' speaking skills, namely Lessons, Practice, Progress,
and Recordings. Each of the main features has interesting content and can be studied
repeatedly to hone these speaking skills. In the 'Lessons' feature, those who want to
practice speaking can learn and practice their speaking skills on the content provided.
Each content consists of three content stages that must be completed before you can learn
the next lesson content. Orai is an application purposed to help students to be better
English speakers (Suryani et al., 2019).
5. Elsa
English Learning Speech Assitant (ELSA) and designed by Vu Van in 2015, and is
based in San Francisco, United States. This application makes use of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) and speech recognition to help improve and perfect English
pronunciation. ELSA (English Learning Speech Assistant) Speak is an application for
learning English that applies artificial intelligence and speech recognition. This
technology allows for a two-way learning process, for example, the users can pronounce
certain words or sentences, then the system will perform analysis and provide corrective
input. The ELSA framework is trained to use voice data of people speaking English with
multiple accents, to recognize the speech patterns of non-native speakers, distinguishing
them from most other speech recognition technologies. Users are given an assessment test
to determine their level of proficiency. ELSA provides scores ranging from zero to 100,
with most native speakers scoring 95 or above. The results help ELSA personalize the
user's learning path, highlighting which sounds hit the spot, and what else needs tweaking.
ELSA makes suggestions for specific lessons according to the user's abilities. Concerning
teaching and learning English, Application ELSA (English Learning Speech Assistant)
Speak is an application for learning English that applies artificial intelligence and speech
recognition to help students improve their English speaking skills. This technology allows
for a two-way learning process, for example, users can pronounce certain English words
or sentences, then the system will perform analysis and provide corrective input (Eka,
6. Chatbot
Chatbots as one of the artificially intelligent conversational systems are the latest
technologies designed to communicate both with humans and computers automatically
(Nghi et al., 2019). Several previous studies have proven the use of chatbots as a learning
medium, especially learning English (Afrianto et al., 2019).
Concerning teaching and learning English, the Chatbot application that is built will act
as an English conversation partner. Conversations, in general, can be carried out orally or
in writing so that it should be possible for the user to be able to practice both. To support
the purpose of the chatbot application as a medium for English conversation training, a
grammar error correction feature and a user's daily log feature are needed. The responses
obtained included the location of the errors, suggestions for replacing words/sentences,
and descriptions of errors. This is an effort to minimize errors in the user's sentence
structure. Then the daily log feature is useful for measuring the extent to which the user's
practice progresses in conversation mastery and English sentence structure. That way,
users not only familiarize themselves with conversational English, but also get corrections
and assessments of their practice. The simple chatbot function starts with the message the
user sends. The NLP (Natural Language Processing) and chatbot then interpreted the
message by referring to the message according to the current database (Haristiani, 2019).
7. Duolingo
Duolingo is a web that is used to learn foreign languages. Duolingo is a language
learning application that uses a game method by matching words and filling in the blank
parts of sentences. This method aims to teach the grammar, words, and phrases needed in
a sentence. Concerning teaching and learning English, Any student at any level of English
can learn a new science with Duolingo. So that the learning materials obtained by users
match their abilities, Duolingo conducts tests first. After taking the test, Duolingo users
will know what level of English they are at. Only then will Duolingo provide English
material that has been adapted to the user's abilities. Not only about grammar, but
Duolingo is also equipped with learning vocabulary, terms, and so on. Duolingo's English
teaching method is also designed to be gaming-like and "competitive" with other users.
That way, users of this application can see the development of English language skills that
have been learned so far.
8. Neo
Nexgen English Online Co., an English application company from California, United
States, launched the neo application, a global English language learning system. Neo is an
integrated learning solution via cellphone to gain proficiency in English that can adapt to
the development of user learning through artificial intelligence and voice recognition
systems. Nexgen Neo is a new solution to learning English. Neo is an application that is
effective, flexible, and easy to operate for users who have an active lifestyle. With an
easy-to-use interface, an adaptive learning system using international standard English
technology and certificates, Neo also presents a different experience for each user.
Artificial intelligence (AI) in the neo Study application regularly analyzes user behavior
and data to then provide content that automatically adapts as users progress.
Concerning teaching and learning English, Neo helps users master English faster as if
they were accompanied by an expert personal teacher. Through the neo Study application,
users will use the advanced speech recognition feature which trains them to correct the
pronunciation of each word until they become proficient in speaking English.
The benefits of using AI tools in English language learning are: 1) AI can do things
that cannot be achieved by individuals, such as evaluating English down to the phoneme
and understanding how your language skills have progressed almost immediately over
time. 2) At any moment, wherever they are genuinely accessible (sometimes even without
the internet). 3) AI tools for learning spoken English are a more accessible and successful
alternative. 4) They are more scalable and can serve a lot more students than people do. 5)
They can accelerate learning by an increased level of instruction, with human teachers
alone becoming difficult with such frequency. 6) For those who lack trust in their speech
capacity, AI instruments have a pressure-free learning environment.
Artificial intelligence tries to make robots that have intelligence that is similar to or even
more than the intelligence possessed by humans. Artificial intelligence is expected to be able
to do a variety of things that will make it easier for humans, starting from natural language
processing, regarding perception, reasoning, moving and manipulating objects, knowledge,
and also learning. The purpose of making this sophisticated machine is to reduce working
time so that activities can be more efficient. By using artificial intelligence, humans become
cheaper in making decisions and carrying out activities.
Learning English has become easier with the development of digital platforms.
Computer and cell phone technology will offer opportunities to expand capabilities to more
people around the world and also expand the use of artificial intelligence. Personalized
content is also key to digital learning technology. An adaptive system based on big data and
artificial intelligence is now at hand. We can determine the right way of learning English
according to the needs and schedules of each user.
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