Pi Is 2949788423000205
Pi Is 2949788423000205
Pi Is 2949788423000205
With the advent of new therapies and improvements in supportive care, survivorship in patients
with interstitial lung disease (ILD) is increasing. However, this increase in number of patients
living with ILD has resulted in an increase in the number of patients admitted to hospitals with
acute exacerbations of ILD, most commonly manifested as advanced hypoxemic respiratory
failure. In addition, patients with ILD may be admitted to the hospital as their first manifestation
of ILD or progression of an ILD of yet to be diagnosed cause. All of these presentations carry
significant risk of severe respiratory failure requiring admission to an ICU. It is therefore neces-
sary for the critical care practitioner to have an approach to the patient with ILD being admitted to
the ICU. This review summarizes an approach to the evaluation and management of patients
presenting to the ICU through a discussion of: (1) diagnosis of acute exacerbation in patients with
previously diagnosed ILD; (2) diagnosis of patients presenting with ILD of unknown cause; (3)
treatment of both acute exacerbations and underlying causes of ILD; (4) supportive ICU care for
advanced respiratory failure due to ILD; and (5) outcomes of patients with ILD and severe res-
piratory failure in the ICU. In addition, we offer suggested approaches to determining the cause of
respiratory deterioration in patients with ILD and deciding which advanced respiratory support
devices are reasonable in managing ILD patients who have progressive respiratory failure.
CHEST Critical Care 2023; 1(3):100020
KEY WORDS: acute exacerbation; acute respiratory failure; fibrotic lung disease; idiopathic
pulmonary fibrosis; interstitial lung disease
A 59-year-old man with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis taking nintedanib and 2 L/min of oxygen is admitted to the ICU
for acute chronic hypoxemic respiratory failure. Three days prior to presentation, the patient developed increased
dyspnea, fevers, and myalgias after spending time with his grandchild who had been experiencing symptoms of a
respiratory tract infection. Currently, he is afebrile, normotensive, and has an oxygen saturation of 92% on high-flow
nasal cannula (50 L of flow, FIO2 0.7).
Which of the following is the most appropriate diagnostic test?
A: Bronchoscopy with transbronchial lung biopsy B: CT scan of the chest C: Thoracic ultrasound
D: Open lung biopsy E: Serum C-reactive protein
(See Answer/Rationale at the end of the article)
ABBREVIATIONS: AE-ILD = acute exacerbation of interstitial lung AFFILIATIONS: From the LSU School of Medicine New Orleans,
disease; AE-IPF = acute exacerbation of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; Section of Pulmonary/Critical Care & Allergy/Immunology (A. K., D.
BTT = bridge-to-transplant; CTD = connective tissue disease; CTD- R. J., and M. R. L.), New Orleans, LA; Comprehensive Pulmonary
ILD = connective tissue disease-associated interstitial lung disease; Hypertension Center, University Medical Center New Orleans (A. K.
CYC = cyclophosphamide; DAH = diffuse alveolar hemorrhage; and M. R. L.), New Orleans, LA; and the University Medical Center
ECMO = extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; fHP = fibrotic hy- New Orleans (D. R. J.), New Orleans, LA.
persensitivity pneumonitis; HFNC = high-flow nasal cannula; ILD = CORRESPONDENCE TO: Amita Krishnan, MD; email: [email protected]
interstitial lung disease; IMV = invasive mechanical ventilation; IPF = Copyright Ó 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc under li-
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; LTx = lung transplantation; MDA5 = cense from the American College of Chest Physicians. This is an open
melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5; NIV = noninvasive access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/
ventilation; PC = palliative care; PEEP = positive end-expiratory licenses/by/4.0/).
pressure; RP-ILD = rapidly progressive interstitial lung disease;
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chstcc.2023.100020
UIP = usual interstitial pneumonia
chestcc.org 1
30 days characterized by new bilateral ground-glass
Key Points opacities/consolidation without an alternative etiology
CT scan imaging of the chest is the first-line test in (Fig 1).6-8 Results of surgical lung biopsy, although
the diagnosis of an acute exacerbation of idio- recommended agains, may reveal diffuse alveolar
pathic pulmonary fibrosis. damage and/or organizing pneumonia superimposed on
The diagnostic approach to ICU patients without a the underlying fibrotic pattern.9
previous diagnosis of interstitial lung disease IPF is the most common form of idiopathic interstitial
should proceed with caution, specifically for the pneumonia and carries the worst prognosis. Respiratory
performance of bronchoscopy or open lung biopsy failure is the most frequent cause of death in patients
during critical illness given the risk of worsening with IPF and is seen more commonly in patients with
respiratory failure with these procedures. advanced disease.6,10 AE-IPF has an annual incidence of
Rapidly progressive interstitial lung disease should 4% to 20%,11 and approximately one-half of patients
be considered in the differential diagnosis of crit- hospitalized with AE-IPF will not survive, with those
ically ill adults with ARDS. admitted to the ICU having a mortality rate approaching
90%.12 Survivors of AE-IPF have a median survival
High-flow nasal cannula use is associated with
fewer discontinuations and increased oral intake between 15.5 months13 and 36 months,14 which is
and ability to communicate compared with significantly shorter than patients with IPF who did not
noninvasive ventilation in critically ill adults with have an acute exacerbation.13
interstitial lung disease. AE-ILD in patients without IPF (AE-non-IPF ILD) is less
Short- and long-term mortality is high (30-day well described in the literature. Studies indicate that
mortality, 78%; 6-month mortality, 96%) in pa- patients with non-IPF ILD are at lower risk for
tients with interstitial lung disease receiving inva- developing an acute exacerbation compared with patients
sive mechanical ventilation. with IPF.8 In patients with fHP, an ILD most often
characterized by a fibrotic nonspecific interstitial
pneumonia or an usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP)
Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is a broad group of diffuse pattern, the 1-year incidence of an acute exacerbation was
parenchymal lung injury patterns characterized by 6%.15 Within CTD-ILD, the estimated 1-year incidence
varying degrees of inflammation and fibrosis. ILDs with of acute exacerbation ranges from 1% to 3%. However,
a fibrotic phenotype are characterized by features on the incidence increases to 5.6% in CTD-ILD with a UIP
chest CT scan imaging such as reticulation, traction pattern,8 including rheumatoid arthritis-associated ILD,
bronchiectasis, and honeycombing.1 A fibrotic which has an annual acute exacerbation incidence of
phenotype can be found in several distinct ILDs, 11%.16 Patients with AE-non-IPF ILD seem to have lower
including idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), idiopathic in-hospital (19%)17 and 90-day (33%)18 mortality than
interstitial pneumonias, connective tissue disease- those with AE-IPF (43%12-50%13 and 57%19-69%18,
associated ILD (CTD-ILD), fibrotic hypersensitivity respectively). Prognosis differs within CTD-ILD, with
pneumonitis (fHP), pneumoconioses, medication- or patients having anti-melanoma differentiation-associated
drug-induced ILDs, sarcoidosis, postinfectious ILD, gene 5 (MDA5) dermatomyositis and rheumatoid
radiation-induced ILD, smoking-related ILD, and arthritis-associated ILD (particularly with a UIP
unclassifiable ILDs.2,3 pattern20) having the worst outcomes.16
Acute exacerbation of ILD (AE-ILD) may occur at any As expected, those with worse lung function,
time during the course of disease, resulting in acute particularly FVC13,21-23 and diffusing capacity of the
hypoxemic respiratory failure that may warrant lung for carbon monoxide,13,21-23 are at increased risk
admission to the ICU with significant morbidity and for AE-ILD. Older age21,24 is also a risk factor for the
mortality.4 This entity is best described in IPF and is development of an acute exacerbation of CTD-ILD.
termed acute exacerbation of IPF (AE-IPF), although it One study described a predictive model for AE-IPF
can occur in other types of fibrotic ILDs as well.5 that incorporated radiographic honeycombing, age,
Although there is no consensus definition for AE-ILD, and lactate dehydrogenase with moderate accuracy.25
the criteria used to define AE-IPF are often applied: an Prognostic factors for death from AE-ILD have also
acute clinical worsening of dyspnea within the last been identified, with most studies reporting that
2 CHEST Critical Care Reviews [ 1#3 CHEST Critical Care DECEMBER 2023 ]
worsened oxygenation is associated with poor transfusions, drug toxicity, or recent procedures.
survival.21,24,26,27 Other negative prognostic factors Obtaining a thorough history, respiratory cultures,
include elevated D-dimer,21 C-reactive protein,13 and and viral panel, as well as reviewing medications,
age.27 This article aims to summarize the existing help to determine cause and potential reversible
data and guideline recommendations regarding caring triggers.4,6,28
for a critically ill adult with interstitial lung disease.
In an observational retrospective single-center study
Diagnosis of 182 patients, 50 cases of AE-ILD were triggered
by infection, which was bacterial in 23% of IPF
Patients who are admitted to the ICU may have a known
cases and 15% of non-IPF cases. The second most
diagnosis of ILD or a newly discovered undiagnosed
common trigger in the IPF group was viral, whereas
ILD. The international consensus guidelines for AE-IPF
it was fungal (including Pneumocystis jirovecii) in
can be applied to all patients with ILD to determine if
the non-IPF ILD group.4 In contrast, patients with
the patient’s respiratory deterioration is due to AE-ILD
ILD who present with acute hypoxemic respiratory
or an alternative etiology (Fig 1).6,7 When acute
failure and lobar consolidation do not meet the
respiratory deterioration occurs in ILD, the first step is
definition for AE-ILD and should be evaluated for
to rule out extraparenchymal causes (eg, pneumothorax,
pleural effusion, pulmonary embolism), followed by
obtaining a chest CT scan to look for new bilateral If unable to obtain a sputum sample, BAL can then be
ground-glass opacities/consolidation (Fig 2). If these considered.7 Although BAL seems to be safe in stable
acute findings are present and not fully explained by outpatients with IPF,29 there are limited data
fluid overload, the diagnosis of AE-ILD is then made.6 examining the safety and utility of BAL in AE-ILD. One
study of 106 patients with AE-ILD reported significant
Known ILD worsening of respiratory failure following BAL, with a
Acute exacerbations can be either idiopathic or diagnostic yield of only 13%, which did not lead to
triggered by acute infection, aspiration, air pollution, treatment changes that improved outcomes.30
Special consideration
• Autoimmune panel
• Rheumatologic history
Potential causes: CTD-ILD • Drug history
• Infection • Medication history Figure 1 – Proposed approach for the evalu-
• Aspiration Potential causes: • Occupational history ation of acute exacerbation of ILD. CTD ¼
• Drug toxicity • Opportunistic infection • Environmental history connective tissue disease; GGO ¼ ground-
• Air pollution • Anti-MDA5 ARDS • Smoking history glass opacities; ILD ¼ interstitial lung disease;
• Recent surgery/ • Rheumatologic • Family history MDA5 ¼ melanoma differentiation-
procedure medications associated gene 5; PE ¼ pulmonary embolism;
• History of radiation therapy
PTX ¼ pneumothorax.
chestcc.org 3
Figure 2 – A-F, CT chest scan imaging showing acute exacerbation of interstitial lung disease in a patient with usual interstitial pneumonia related to
rheumatoid arthritis. Baseline outpatient scans (A-C) and scans during an exacerbation (D-F) show that new ground-glass opacities can be seen
bilaterally, indicative of acute exacerbation of interstitial lung disease.
4 CHEST Critical Care Reviews [ 1#3 CHEST Critical Care DECEMBER 2023 ]
lymphocytic-predominant processes such as organizing corticosteroids in AE-IPF, caution should be taken in the
pneumonia and fHP but should be cautiously considered context of possible infection.50
in AE-ILD. Performing transbronchial biopsies can help
The Exacerbation de Fibrose Pulmonaire Idiopathique
rule out granulomatous disease; however, this procedure
(EXAFIP) study was a double-anonymized, placebo-
can worsen the patient’s already tenuous respiratory
controlled trial designed to evaluate the efficacy of CYC
condition in AE-ILD.7 Surgical biopsies are commonly
pulses in addition to high-dose methylprednisolone for
performed for the diagnosis of ILD, but nonelective
AE-IPF. The findings showed a trend toward an increase
biopsies should be avoided in the inpatient setting,
in all-cause mortality at 3 months (14.5%; 95% CI, 3.1
especially in patients with AE-ILD due to the exceedingly
to 31.6; P ¼ .10) providing evidence against CYC use in
high postoperative mortality risk of 16%11,37 to 20%.38
this population.51
chestcc.org 5
although this may have been confounded by Clinical Data in Patients With ILD
concomitant CYC use.57 In fHP, one retrospective study There is a paucity of high-level data regarding HFNC in
reported no significant difference in treatment regimens patients with AE-ILD. In a single-center observational
between survivors and nonsurvivors, including the use study of patients with ILD in the ICU with a do-not-
of cytotoxic agents such as azathioprine, cyclosporine, resuscitate order, those who received HFNC had a lower
and CYC.15 It is important to note that the clinical respiratory rate but no difference in dyspnea scores
benefit derived from steroid-sparing agents may not be compared with those receiving noninvasive ventilation
seen for months. When DAH occurs in the setting of (NIV).66 HFNC was associated with fewer adverse events
systemic lupus erythematosus, initiation of and device interruptions/discontinuations compared with
plasmapheresis to remove autoantibodies can be NIV. Another small retrospective cohort study found that
considered in refractory cases in addition to intensive patients with AE-ILD who were treated with HFNC were
immunosuppressive treatments to treat the underlying less likely to be intubated than if NIV was used.67 Thirty-
disease.58 There is some evidence for improved short- day mortality was lower in those supported with HFNC
term renal outcomes but no mortality benefit associated (23%) than with NIV (63%), with HFNC emerging as the
with plasmapheresis, and a meta-analysis of five studies only significant independent factor associated with 30-day
found that plasmapheresis use was associated with survival (hazard ratio, 0.15; 95% CI, 0.03-0.88). Because
increased mortality.59 choice of respiratory support device was determined by the
Fulminant disease related to anti-MDA5 treating clinician, it is possible that unmeasured
dermatomyositis needs to be treated aggressively with confounders may account for these differences.
combination therapy in addition to standard ARDS care.
Recommended options include pulse-dose Noninvasive Ventilation
corticosteroids plus either a combination of calcineurin Physiologic Considerations
inhibitor (tacrolimus) with CYC33 or a combination of
NIV refers to the application of positive pressure through
an antimetabolite (azathioprine and mycophenolate)
a nasal/oral interface. The benefit of NIV in supporting
with tacrolimus or rituximab.60 Additional treatment
patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure is
options for refractory disease include IV
strengthened by a meta-analysis of randomized trials
immunoglobulin or plasmapheresis,60 both of which
showing that NIV reduced intubation rates and improved
have been associated with improved survival.61,62
in-hospital mortality.68 The main physiologic benefit of
PEEP is increased oxygenation related to improved
High-Flow Nasal Cannula alveolar recruitment, whereas bilevel NIV has the
additional benefits of reduced work of breathing and
Physiological Considerations
improved CO2 levels. Although hypercapnia is not a
High-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) is an oxygen delivery usual feature of patients with stable ILD, elevated CO2
system that can achieve high flow rates of humidified levels may develop when respiratory muscles fail in the
oxygen, titratable up to 100% FIO2. In patients with acute face of reduced lung compliance that result in increased
hypoxemic respiratory failure, HFNC seems to reduce mechanical load.65 Therefore, there are physiologic
mortality.63 There are numerous physiologic advantages reasons for why AE-ILD patients may benefit from NIV,
of HFNC compared with standard oxygen therapy, although concerns about high levels of PEEP may limit its
including reducing dead space, providing small amounts use in this clinical scenario.
of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), reducing
respiratory secretions, and lowering respiratory rate and Clinical Data in Patients With ILD
work of breathing.64 HFNC therefore has advantages Three studies have described the use of NIV in the
over standard oxygen therapy with improvements in setting of AE-ILD.69-71 Approximately 50% of patients
hypoxemia and lowered dead space, physiologic who received NIV avoided intubation and were
hallmarks of AE-ILD.65 These advantages, combined discharged from the ICU. NIV failure was predicted by a
with improved patient comfort compared with higher respiratory rate70,71 but not by age, FVC, or
noninvasive or invasive ventilation, make HFNC radiographic extent of ILD.71 However, it should be
potentially the ideal form of respiratory support for emphasized that the median survival in the patients who
patients with ILD and decompensated hypoxemic had “NIV success” was only 90 days, highlighting the
respiratory failure. overall poor outcomes of AE-ILD, even in those who
6 CHEST Critical Care Reviews [ 1#3 CHEST Critical Care DECEMBER 2023 ]
survive the index hospitalization. One multicenter and plateau pressure,79 and disease progression as their
retrospective study described NIV use in AE-ILD.70 The underlying reason for ventilation.76 Due to very high
median use of NIV was 72 h, with 18% of patients mortality of AE-ILD requiring IMV, it is important to
developing intolerance to the mask interface or pressure. emphasize that end-of-life discussions are a critical
After 6 h of NIV, the PaO2/FIO2 ratio significantly component of the ICU care of patients with ILD and
improved, although this improvement was noted only in acute respiratory failure. Because most patients with AE-
those with a clinical diagnosis of pneumonia.70 Thus, it ILD will not benefit from IMV, conducting a shared
may be important to consider the cause of acute decision-making conversation regarding do-not-
exacerbation or worsened hypoxemia when selecting resuscitate status is imperative.
supportive modalities.
Although there is no strong evidence for best ventilator
strategies for AE-ILD, there are small studies that provide
Invasive Mechanical Ventilation some limited guidance. Because patients with ILD have
Physiological Considerations low lung compliance and generally poorly recruitable
alveoli, PEEP may not be as effective as in other forms of
There are numerous physiologic changes that occur in
acute hypoxemic respiratory failure. One study showed
patients with chronic ILD that affect the ability to use
that PEEP levels > 10 cm H2O did not improve the PaO2/
invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) in patients
FIO2 ratio but did worsen plateau pressure, lung
experiencing an acute exacerbation. Lung compliance is
compliance, and driving pressure.80 One prospective
reduced in patients with IPF due to alterations in the
study of five patients (four with CTD-ILD, one with IPF)
lung extracellular matrix and surfactant.65,72 It is
found that prone positioning was not associated with an
unknown whether cyclic opening and closing of alveolar
increase in PaO2/FIO2 ratio but was associated with
units occurs during tidal breathing in patients with
worsened plateau pressure and compliance.81
pulmonary fibrosis,72 which has significant implications
for recruitability with PEEP. Therefore, patients with
ILD (especially IPF) are challenging to ventilate due to Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation and
low lung compliance and a relative lack of alveolar LTx
recruitability, along with an elevated risk for ventilator-
LTx is a viable treatment option for patients with ILD
induced lung injury.
fulfilling guideline-based criteria. Although most LTx for
Clinical Data in Patients With ILD patients with ILD occurs as an outpatient for those with
stable but progressive disease, a subset of patients have
Historically, outcomes for patients with AE-ILD
undergone LTx in the context of an AE-IPF. One single-
receiving IMV, particularly if lung transplantation (LTx)
center description reported 89 patients with IPF
is not an option, have been dismal. Single-center and
undergoing LTx, of whom 37 had an AE-ILD prior to
small multicenter retrospective studies have described
transplant listing.82 Of the 37 patients, 28 survived to
in-hospital mortality rates between 53%73 and 100%.74 A
LTx with a 93% 30-day posttransplant survival
more recent multicenter study found that, without LTx,
(compared with 100% for patients with stable IPF
the 30-day and 6-month mortality rates after receiving
undergoing transplant). However, 1- and 2-year survival
IMV for AE-ILD were 78% and 96%, respectively.75 In
was significantly lower for those with AE-ILD compared
another retrospective study, only 5% of patients with IPF
with those with stable IPF. One-third of the patients
and 14% of patients with CTD-ILD left the hospital alive
with AE-ILD were placed on extracorporeal membrane
following an AE-ILD that required IMV.76 Two large
oxygenation (ECMO) support, with only 33% of them
studies were conducted by using the US National
surviving to LTx.82
(Nationwide) Inpatient Sample to describe outcomes of
patients with IPF undergoing IMV.77,78 Overall, 11% of ECMO is increasingly being used as a bridge to
patients with IPF received IMV, with a 49% to transplant (BTT), and ILD is the main indication for this
56% inpatient mortality; only 10% of patients with IPF support strategy. According to data from the United
undergoing IMV were discharged home, although it is Network for Organ Sharing, 74% of patients undergoing
unknown whether patients were mechanically ventilated ECMO as a BTT had ILD, with 62% of patients receiving
due to AE-ILD or other causes. Predictors of death in LTx, 16% dying prior to LTx, and 15% being removed
patients with AE-ILD undergoing IMV include a low from the transplant waitlist due to worsening disease.83
PaO2/FIO2 ratio,73,76 elevated CO2, high levels of PEEP79 An early single-center description of using ECMO as a
chestcc.org 7
BTT in patients with ILD reported a low (27%) 1-year ability to eat and converse shortly before death66 and
survival rate.84 More contemporary cohorts have was associated with the highest Quality of Dying and
described higher 1-year survival rates of 56%85 and Death questionnaire score as rated by their family
74%86 with ECMO as a BTT. members.92 Opioids are an effective treatment for
dyspnea in end-stage diseases and should be considered
ECMO has been described in patients with anti-MDA5
an important treatment consideration in AE-ILD. In a
dermatomyositis. Of 15 patients with anti-MDA5 and
large survey of Japanese pulmonologists, 67% reported
rapidly progressive ILD who underwent ECMO, five
using opioids in patients with AE-ILD, primarily at the
patients, none of whom was listed for transplant prior to
very end of the patient’s life.93 In one retrospective
their hospitalization, underwent LTx; the remaining 10
study, 77% of patients were rated as having “good” or
patients died following a median of 30 days on ECMO.87
“moderate” relief of dyspnea without a negative safety
This highlights an important point, which is that ECMO
profile,94 although another study suggested no benefit to
as a “bridge to recovery” in patients deemed not to be
opioids in patients using NIV for respiratory support.95
candidates for LTx is almost universally unsuccessful in
Randomized studies are needed to understand the
patients with AE-ILD, whether it is specifically in anti-
benefit of opioids in relieving dyspnea in patients with
MDA5 dermatomyositis88 or in other forms of ILD.84,85
Only 1% of patients from the United Network for Organ
Sharing database study survived an ECMO
hospitalization without undergoing LTx.83 Patients with Suggested Approach for Respiratory Support in
ILD who may not be adequate candidates for LTx may AE-ILD
have relative contraindications such as age > 65 years, The 2011 IPF guidelines48 provided a weak
BMI > 35 or < 16 kg/m2, severe coronary artery disease, recommendation (low-quality evidence) against IMV in
unreliable social support, severe esophageal motility patients with IPF, stating that it may be a “reasonable
disease, or significant psychiatric disease. Absolute choice in the minority” of these patients, with the 2022
contraindications to LTx include active malignancy, guidelines3 reiterating the recommendation against IMV
recent myocardial infarction or stroke, multi-organ in the majority of patients with IPF and respiratory
failure or septic shock, cirrhosis or acute liver failure, or a failure. A suggested approach to oxygenation and
glomerular filtration rate < 40 mL/min/1.73m2.89 ventilatory support based on the data presented is
Therefore, patients with these characteristics should not displayed in Figure 3. For patients who are receiving IMV
be offered ECMO as a BTT. Due to the poor survival of
patients with AE-ILD who are provided ECMO and who
AE-ILD with severe hypoxemia
do not undergo LTx, we do not advocate using ECMO as
a bridge to decision (ie, using ECMO to “buy time” to (may consider if n CO2 ) (preferred)
decide on LTx) if the patient does not seem to be an
acceptable transplant candidate.
Palliative care
Palliative Care NIV HFNC
Many ILDs, particularly IPF, are incurable and may be opioids for
fatal; palliative care (PC) is thus a critical component of the Refractory dyspnea
severe dyspnea
or respiratory failure
treatment of these patients. The majority of patients with
IPF die in the hospital, and most PC consultations occur
within the last month of life.90 Therefore, most patients do
No candidate? Yes
not have an advance directive prior to admission for AE-
ILD. In a survey of centers caring for patients with ILD, Consider Consider IMV
67% reported considering PC for the care of their patients palliative r ECMO as
with AE-ILD,46 although actual rates of PC consultation focused a bridge to
approach transplant
seem to be much lower at 15%90 to 25%.91
Figure 3 – Suggested approach to oxygenation and ventilatory support in
Compared with NIV or IMV, HFNC seems to be the patients with AE-ILD. AE-ILD ¼ acute exacerbation of interstitial lung
disease; ECMO ¼ extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; HFNC ¼
preferred oxygen support modality in patients with AE- high-flow nasal cannula; IMV ¼ invasive mechanical ventilation;
ILD at the end of their life. HFNC use led to a greater NIV ¼ noninvasive ventilation.
8 CHEST Critical Care Reviews [ 1#3 CHEST Critical Care DECEMBER 2023 ]
for AE-ILD, PEEP should be set at the minimum level to increasingly necessary to improve outcomes. The
maintain oxygenation and generally should not exceed approach outlined in this review represents our current
10 cm H2O.80 Higher levels of PEEP and/or prone understanding of best practices; however will likely be
positioning could be considered if evidence (eg, imaging) refined as more evidence is generated on how best to
suggests that there is recruitable lung present, with careful care for this specific patient population.
attention to signs of overdistension. When attempting to
liberate a patient with AE-ILD from the ventilator, the
clinician should consider the patient’s baseline breathing Financial/Nonfinancial Disclosures
pattern (ie, rapid and shallow) and baseline oxygen need The authors have reported to CHEST Critical Care the
when judging appropriateness for extubation. following: D. R. J. reports receiving consulting fees
from CytoVale, Inc.; and honoraria from the American
Conclusion College of Chest Physicians. None declared (A. K., M.
Survivorship in patients with ILD is thankfully R. L.).
increasing over the past two decades. This increase in
survivorship also contributes to an increased number of Acknowledgments
Author contributions: A. K. and D. R. J. developed the topic and
patients with ILD admitted to ICUs with AE-ILD and structure of the manuscript. All authors conducted the literature
respiratory failure. An approach to the evaluation and review, drafted the manuscript, and revised the manuscript. All authors
treatment of this population of critically ill adults is approved the final manuscript.
A 59-year-old man with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis taking nintedanib and 2 L/min of oxygen is admitted to the
ICU for acute chronic hypoxemic respiratory failure. Three days prior to presentation, the patient developed
increased dyspnea, fevers, and myalgias after spending time with his grandchild who had been experiencing
symptoms of a respiratory tract infection. Currently, he is afebrile, normotensive, and has an oxygen saturation
of 92% on high-flow nasal cannula (50 L of flow, FIO2 0.7).
Which of the following is the most appropriate diagnostic test?
A: Bronchoscopy with transbronchial lung biopsy B: CT scan of the chest C: Thoracic ultrasound
D: Open lung biopsy E: Serum C-reactive protein
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