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International Journal of

Environmental Research
and Public Health

Dental Care Access and the Elderly: What Is the Role
of Teledentistry? A Systematic Review
Luca Aquilanti 1 , Andrea Santarelli 1,2, * , Marco Mascitti 1 , Maurizio Procaccini 1,2
and Giorgio Rappelli 1,2
1 Department of Clinical Specialistic and Dental Sciences, Polytechnic University of Marche,
60126 Ancona, Italy; [email protected] (L.A.); [email protected] (M.M.);
[email protected] (M.P.); [email protected] (G.R.)
2 Dentistry Clinic, National Institute of Health and Science of Aging, IRCCS INRCA, 60126 Ancona, Italy
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +39-071-2206226

Received: 10 November 2020; Accepted: 2 December 2020; Published: 4 December 2020 

Abstract: A high level of unmet oral health needs is very common among elderly people. In a society
that is getting older and that has been hit so hard by the coronavirus pandemic, the development
of new strategies aimed at enhancing general and oral health status should be crucial in order to
promote healthy aging. The aim of this systematic review is to assess the feasibility of Teledentistry
in communities or in a domiciliary setting where elderly people live. A structured and systematic
research was performed on the major electronic databases for studies published in English until
30 June 2020: the PubMed, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, Scopus, and CINAHL databases.
A total of 13 articles were identified through database searching using combinations of keywords.
Out of 13 papers, eight abstracts were reviewed to assess if they were coherent with the aim of the
study, and full texts were retrieved. After abstract reviews, seven articles were selected for closer
inspection. Of these, six were assessed for eligibility. Four papers were aimed at assessing patients
and health practitioners experiences about Teledentistry, three studies reported a cost analysis and
cost description of Teledentistry in residential aged care facilities, and two studies investigated the
feasibility and accuracy of Teledentistry for diagnosis dental pathology. The implementation of
Teledentistry in residential aged care facilities and in home-assistance programs could be a viable tool
for the management of oral care in people who cannot access dental care.

Keywords: teledentistry; elderly; residential aged care facility; in-home assistance; public health;
dental public health; oral care access

1. Introduction
The crisis imposed by the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic has affected public health
systems around the world. The rapid spread of SARS-CoV-2 has constricted many countries to
restrict human mobility [1]. During the pandemic, dental care has been limited only to urgent
and not deferrable treatments. Blood and saliva exposure and droplet production put dental
practitioners at high risk of contagion during their routine procedures [2–4]. The inhalation of droplets
and aerosol from SARS-CoV-2-positive subjects and even direct contact with mucous membranes,
oral fluids, and contaminated instruments and surfaces could enhance virus transmission during
dental procedures [5,6]. The implementation of fully digital workflows could be useful in order to
limit cross-infection [7]. Moreover, this natural pandemic is also responsible for the onset of feelings
that may impact the willingness of people to undergo dental appointments [8].
Oral health is part of general health, with a role in the quality of life [9]. In the next few months,
health systems will need to treat a large number of patients whose health has been compromised

Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 9053; doi:10.3390/ijerph17239053 www.mdpi.com/journal/ijerph
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 9053 2 of 13

by chronic untreated diseases, including oral diseases. The preservation of oral health is crucial,
as is preventing and possibly treating all the diseases that could lead to edentulism, especially in
elderly people [10–12]. A high level of unmet oral health needs is very common among elderly people,
suggesting that enhancing access to dental care is crucial [13]. Oral diseases could be also responsible
for the triggering or promotion of inflammatory and infectious processes at a systemic level, potentially
worsening the clinical picture of subjects with comorbidities [14].
Inequalities among different social, ethnic, and economic groups highly affect access to and use
of dental care services [15]. These inequalities, combined with the current situation imposed by the
SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, may become even more critical for elderly people living in long-stay care
institutions or with in-home assistance. Elderly people should be isolated to prevent virus infection,
but while SARS-CoV-2 infection could be avoided, on the other a worsening of clinical conditions
could be observed due to the lack of specialistic check-ups.
The global crisis generated by the pandemic offers a unique opportunity to reshape the traditional
approach. Confined and institutionalized elderly people, in particular those with frailty, cannot receive
conventional dental care. Reduced mobility and SARS-CoV-2 fear prevent older adults from being
treated in a conventional way in dental clinics. In order to improve the quality of care for people
with a loss of autonomy and institutionalized care, the use of Teledentistry could be a strategy aimed
at providing health for elderly adults during and after the coronavirus pandemic. Dentistry and
policymakers must reflect on current and subsequent scenarios, considering the needs and emerging
opportunities that will be created after these times.
Teledentistry, defined as the use of health information technology and telecommunications for
oral care, was addressed to have the potential to identify high-risk populations; facilitate patient access
to dental care; and reduce waiting lists, unnecessary travel, loss of productivity, and also inequalities
in dental care access and costs for national health systems [16,17]. In a society that is getting older
and that has been hit so hard by the coronavirus pandemic, the development of new strategies aimed
at enhancing general and oral health status should be crucial in order to promote healthy aging.
The aim of this systematic review is to assess the feasibility of Teledentistry in communities or in
a domiciliary setting where elderly people live. In particular, the present review focused on the
evaluation of the accuracy and the effectiveness of Teledentistry compared to traditional face-to-face
dental visits, the patient acceptability, and the costs related to the implementation of oral health
information technology provision.

2. Materials and Methods

This systematic review was performed in accordance with the recommendations of the “Preferred
reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses protocols (PRISMA-P) statement” [18].
In accordance with the guidelines, the present systematic review protocol was registered in the
International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO) on 4 September 2020 (registration
number CRD42020200827).

2.1. Information Sources

Structured and systematic research was performed on the major electronic databases for studies
published until 30 June 2020: the PubMed, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, Scopus, and CINAHL databases.

2.2. Search Strategy

The following keywords were used in order to perform database searches: “teledentistry”,
“elderly”, “aged”, “older”, “elder”, “geriatric”, “nursing homes”, “nursing home”, “long term care”,
“residential care”, and “home assistance”, in combination with the Boolean operators “AND” and “OR”.
A pilot search was undertaken in order to ensure that the search strategy was effective. The study focused
on the Population/Patient, Intervention, Control/Comparison, Outcome(s) (P.I.C.O.S.) criteria [19].
In particular, studies involving elderly people in nursing homes, in communities, or with in-home
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 9053 3 of 13

assisted were included. Subjects requiring oral health care of any sex, ethnicity, socio-economic status,
and comorbidities were considered. Studies assessing the use and the applicability of Teledentistry in
such structures were included. Any type of oral health provision through the use of health information
technology was examined: screening, diagnosis, support, consultation, education, and any other kind
of application in dental medicine. Interventions aimed at assessing the above-mentioned interventions
provided both using Teledentistry and the traditional face-to-face dental visits were compared.
The primary outcome of the review was the comparison between the accuracy and effectiveness
of Teledentistry and face-to-face dental visits. The secondary outcomes were the assessment of
Teledentistry advantages and disadvantages with the evaluation of patient acceptability and the
cost-effectiveness ratio.

2.3. Eligibility Criteria

Eligible studies were (a) studies published in the English language; (b) studies published in a
peer-reviewed journal; (c) studies published until June 30th, 2020; (d) clinical studies. Studies were
excluded if they were: (a) reviews, editorials, commentaries, letters, book chapters, reports on prospective
ideas and futuristic scenarios (protocols included), and dissertations.

2.4. Data Extraction

Two reviewers (L.A. and M.M.) carried out the evaluations independently. The very first selection
was made on the basis of papers title or abstract and eligible ones were selected for full text review.
For the assessment of each publication, Excel spreadsheets were compiled. Data were extracted using
a standardized form which included (a) authors’ names and the year of publication, (b) country
in which the study was performed, (c) the type of study, (d) the setting of the study (e.g., home,
community, residential aged care facility), (e) the aim of the study, (f) the type of oral health provision
using Teledentistry, (g) the sample size, (h) the mean age ± standard deviation (when applicable),
(i) the retrieved article main outcomes, (j) the retrieved article secondary outcomes, (k) the quality
assessment score, and (l) the quality of economic evaluation score. Both the authors compared each
other and confirmed the data on the basis of the compiled spreadsheets. In case of doubt, concerning
the study data, the two reviewers resolved disagreements by discussion. In the case of doubt, a third
reviewer solved discrepancies.

2.5. Quality Assessment

The quality of the studies included in the review was evaluated by the two independent reviewers
using the protocol described by Hailey et al. [20,21]. This approach provides a quantitative measure of
scientific rigor. The overall quality score, assessing both the performance and study design, provides an
indication of the degree of confidence of the studies’ findings and their implication for future decision
making regarding Teledentistry. Briefly, when reviewing a Telemedicine study, the strength of evidence
is defined by the study performance and study design. For the study performance, five different areas
of interest are defined: (a) the patient selection, (b) the description/specification of the interventions,
(c) the specification and analysis of the study, (d) the patient disposal, and (e) the outcomes reported.
For each category, a score of 0, 1, or 2 is given: 0 if relevant information is missing or given in little
detail, 1 if reasonable details are provided but with some important limitations, 2 if the information has
no significant limitations. For study design, four different scores are assigned: a score of 5 is allocated
to large randomized controlled trials (RCTs) with at least 50 subjects in each arm, a score of 3 to smaller
RCTs, a score of 2 to prospective not randomized studies, and a score of 1 to retrospective comparative
studies. Basing on the totals of the quality scores, each study is assigned to a category that varies
from A to E, where “A” indicates studies with the highest degree of confidence and “E” those with
the lowest. In particular, categories A, B, C, D, and E correspond to a total quality score of 11.5–15.0,
9.5–11.0, 7.5–9.0, 5.5–7.0, and 1–5.0, respectively.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 9053 4 of 13

2.6. Quality of Economic Evaluation

The quality assessment of the studies that included a cost analysis was performed in accordance
with the Drummond et al. 10-point checklist [22]. For each eligible paper, a score was assigned for
each of the following criteria:

1. Was a well-defined question posed in answerable form?

2. Was a comprehensive description of the competing alternatives given?
3. Was the effectiveness of the programs or services established?
4. Were all the important and relevant costs and accurately in appropriate physical units?
5. Were the costs and consequences measured accurately in appropriate physical units?
6. Were the costs and consequences valued credibly?
7. Were the costs and consequences adjusted for different timing?
8. Was an incremental analysis of costs and consequences of alternatives performed?
9. Were allowances made for uncertainty in the estimates of costs and consequences?
10. Did the presentation and discussion of the study results include all issues of concern to users?

Each item had three possible answers: “yes”, “cannot tell”, and “no”. The response score was
1.00, 0.50, and 0, respectively. A 0.5 value was set for the “cannot tell” answer because the absence of
any information has an equal probability of either a “no” (score = 0) or a “yes” (score = 1). The lowest
and highest possible scores were 0 and 10. A total score of 5.00 was considered the minimum threshold
score to consider an economic evaluation of sufficient quality and suitable for the inclusion in an
economic evaluation database.

3. Results
A total of 13 articles were identified through database searching using combinations of keywords.
Out of 13 papers, eight abstracts were reviewed to assess if they were coherent with the aim of the study
and full texts were retrieved. Five studies were excluded because they were duplicates. After abstract
reviews, seven articles were selected for closer inspection. A study was not included because it
considered young patients. Of these seven articles, six were assessed for eligibility, while a study was
excluded because it did not meet the inclusion criteria (Figure 1).
The studies included in the present review were conducted in three different nations: Australia
(n = 4), France (n = 2), and Germany (n = 1). A high heterogeneity was assessed among the retrieved
articles, reporting different outcomes. Two studies investigated the feasibility and the accuracy of
Teledentistry for diagnosis dental pathology using the traditional face-to-face examination as gold
standard [23,24]. Four papers were aimed at assessing patients and health practitioners experiences
about Teledentistry by the use of questionnaires [23], direct observation of nurses [25], surveys and
clinical audit charts [26,27]. Finally, three studies reported also a cost analysis and a cost description of
Teledentistry in residential aged care facilities [23,26,28].
Full-text articles that met the eligibility criteria are included in Table 1. Table 1 shows (a) the authors’
names and year of publication, (b) the country in which the study was performed, (c) the type of
study, (d) the setting of the study, (e) the aim of the study, (f) the type of oral health provision
using Teledentistry, (g) the sample size, (h) the mean age ± standard deviation (when applicable),
(i) the retrieved article main outcomes, and (j) the retrieved article secondary outcomes.
Regarding the assessment of the feasibility of Teledentistry in screening oral diseases and
conditions and in developing treatment plans, Mariño et al. tested both virtual and traditional oral
examination [23]. The intra-examiner agreements, determined by the Kappa index, indicated an
excellent agreement, Kappa = 0.83. Queyroux et al. compared the accuracy of Teledentistry approach
to the conventional face-to-face oral examination [24]. Diagnoses were classified as true positives,
as false negatives and false positives and sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative
predictive value were calculated. More receiver operating characteristic analyses were performed in
Each item had three possible answers: “yes”, “cannot tell”, and “no”. The response score was
1.00, 0.50, and 0, respectively. A 0.5 value was set for the “cannot tell” answer because the absence of
any information has Res.
Int. J. Environ. an Public
equal probability
Health 2020, 17, 9053 of either a “no” (score = 0) or a “yes” (score 5=of1). 13 The lowest
and highest possible scores were 0 and 10. A total score of 5.00 was considered the minimum
threshold score
orderto considerthe
to determine andiagnostic
economic evaluation
performance of sufficient
of Teledentistry. quality
Virtual and suitable
examination lasted 12for the inclusion
in an economic
the traditionaldatabase.
visit took 20 min. The results of the diagnostic accuracy for dental pathology
showed a sensitivity of Teledentistry of 93.8% (95% CI: 90.7–96.9%), a specificity of 94.2% (95% CI:
91.2–97.2%), a positive predictive value of 95.2% (95% CI: 92.4–98.0%), and a negative predictive value
3. Results of 92.4% (95% CI: 89–95.9%). In the receiver operating characteristic analysis, the area under the
A totalcurve
of was
13 0.95 (95% CI: 0.92–0.98). The assessment of accuracy for chewing ability indicated that the
articles were identified through database searching using combinations of
sensitivity of Teledentistry was 85.0% (95% CI: 80.0–90.0%), the specificity 82.8% (95% CI: 77.7–88.1%),
keywords. Out of 13 predictive
the positive papers, eight abstracts
value 92.2% (95% CI:were reviewed
88.5–95.9%), and to
they were coherent
value 69.6% with the
aim of the (95%
study and full Sensitivity,
CI: 63.2–76%). texts were retrieved.
specificity, positiveFive studies
predictive value,were excluded
and negative because
predictive value they were
for the assessment of accuracy in the evaluation of dental prostheses rehabilitation
duplicates. After abstract reviews, seven articles were selected for closer inspection. A study was not status were 87.8%
(95% CI: 82.5–93.1%), 90.3% (95% CI: 85.5–95.1%), 78.3% (95% CI: 71.6–85.0%), and 94.9% (95% CI:
included because it considered young patients. Of these seven articles, six were assessed for
91.3–98.5%), respectively. Overall, Teledentistry had excellent sensitivity and specificity for diagnosing
eligibility, while a studyamong
dental diseases was elderly
excluded because
people living in it did notaged
residential meetcarethe inclusion criteria (Figure 1).

Figure 1. The 1. The preferred
preferred reportingreporting
forfor systematic reviews
systematic reviewsandand
meta-analysis (PRISMA)
meta-analysis flowchart flowchart
of the search results and selected studies.
of the search results and selected studies.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 9053 6 of 13

Table 1. Summary of the studies included in the review.

Authors and Year Country Type Setting Aim Application Age Main Outcome Secondary Outcome
Size (n)

• Provision of regular and

timely oral health checks
• Travel-associated
stress reduction
• High concordance • Prioritization
Pilot To assess between remote and of appointments
feasibility Residential aged Teledentistry safety, face-to-face examination • Improvement of efficacy and
Mariño et al. [23] Austra2lia of treatment 50 N/A
study and care facilities feasibility, • Patient satisfaction increment of number of
cost-analysis and acceptance with Teledentistry visited residents
• Improvement of confidence
in resident aged care facilities
• Implementation barriers
largely due to human factors

Chewing ability
• Sensibility: 85.0%
• Specificity: 82.8%
• PPV 1 : 92.2%
• NPV 2 :69.6%
Dental prostheses status
Dental pathology • Sensibility: 87.8%
To assess • Sensitivity: 93.8% • Specificity: 90.3%
France and multicenter, Dental 84.4 ± 8.3 • Specificity: 94.2% • PPV 1 : 78.3%
Queyroux et al. [24] Nursing homes accuracy using 237
Germany cross-sectional
direct examination
pathology years • PPV 1 : 95.2% • NPV 2 : 94.9%
study 2:
as gold standard • NPV 92.4% Use of Teledentistry
• Not associated with any
serious adverse events
• Excellent acceptability
rate (95.3%)
• Quicker than face-to-face
examination (12 vs.
20 min, respectively)
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 9053 7 of 13

Table 1. Cont.

Authors and Year Country Type Setting Aim Application Age Main Outcome Secondary Outcome
Size (n)
Long term
facilities for the
Report based elderly and To evaluate the • Onset of anxiety
60% of the
on the specialized acceptability of regarding the procedure
sample were
Petcu et al. [25] France preliminary facilities for Teledentistry Screening 123 • Onset of N/A
65 years old
result of a adults with severe among elderly dispositional resistance
or older
project intellectual, motor people
or somatic

• No adverse events
• Improvement in • Costs minimization
6-months, implementation of oral • Positive feedback from staff,
To describe the
quality care plans residents and families
Residential aged development and
Tynan et al. [26] Australia improvement Screening 116 N/A • Minimization of need to • Minimization of disruption to
care facilities implementation of
study and attend an oral health high-care residents
Teledentistry model
cost-analysis care facility (particularly those
with dementia)

To investigate the • Reduction in inequities in

impact and the • Improving oral health dental care access
experience of education among staff • Improvement of oral care
Mixed Residential aged and residents education, promotion, oral
methods care facilities and • Minimization of diseases prevention and
Tynan et al. [27] Australia compared to Screening 252 79.8 years
comparative multi-purpose disruption to residents timely intervention
study health services (especially those • Potential reduction in waiting
approaches in
residential aged with dementia) lists and unnecessary travel
care facilities • Familiar setting

To compare the • Asynchronous

costs of face-to-face Teledentistry model has
examination with the lowest cost
Cost-analysis • Caregivers training
two different compared to both
Mariño et al. [28] Australia comparison Public healthcare Screening N/A N/A and education
Teledentistry real-time Teledentistry
approaches in and
residential aged face-to-face examination
care facilities
1 Positive Predictive Value: true positives/(true positives + false positives); 2 Negative Predictive Value: true negatives/(true negatives + false negatives).
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 9053 8 of 13

Among the positive aspects that this kind of technology could add to the provision of oral
care in residentials, we found: (a) the absence of adverse effects, (b) the reduction in waiting lists
and unnecessary travels, and (c) the minimization of disruption to high-care residents, particularly
those diagnosed with dementia. Moreover, the use of Teledentistry could be a useful tool also for
the improvement of oral care education among residential aged care facilities workers, patients
and residentials families. Overall, participants experience about Teledentistry was assessed using
questionnaires, direct observation of patient behavior, chart audits and interviews. Only, two papers
reported negative experiences among the participants of the studies [23,25]. Fear and anxiety were
the two main feelings generated by Teledentistry in patients together with a dispositional resistance,
not to the use of technology, but to the whole dental procedure [25]. According to Mariño et al.,
controversy than residents, although understanding the opportunities given by technology, the nurses
of residential aged care facilities questioned Teledentistry effectiveness, claiming that the proposed
method was not capable of recognizing the reality of residential aged care facilities [23]. Nevertheless,
when participants were asked to rate their experience with Teledentistry, almost the totality of them
were either “very satisfied” or “slightly satisfied” (46% and 38%, respectively), strongly or slightly
recommending the remote dental examination to other people of their age (46% and 46%, respectively).
Moreover, the participants considered remote communications generally either “very easy” or “easy”
to understand, at 46% and 46% respectively. Only 4% of the participants found it “difficult” or
“very difficult”, complaining about the foreign accent of oral health professional rather than the
technology used. The 28% of the residents asserted that the most valuable element of Teledentistry was
its convenience in terms of costs savings and disruption and difficulty avoidance [23]. Finally, Queyroux
et al. reported that Teledentistry was not associated with any severe negative effect and an excellent
acceptability rate was recorded among both residents and their families (95.3%) [24]. A positive
feedback was also evaluated among residential staff, residents and their families by Tynan et al. [26].

3.1. Quality Assessment in Individual Studies

The quality of the studies included in the review was evaluated using the protocol described
by Hailey et al. [20,21]. The available literature constricted to include in the present review mostly
articles with poor or poor to fair quality, characterized by substantial limitations in the study [23,25–28],
and only one with fair to good quality [24].

3.2. Quality of Economic Evaluation

Overall, three studies reported an economic evaluation of Teledentistry and scored five or more
according to the criteria suggested by Drummond et al. [22]. In particular, Mariño et al. [28] was given a
total score of 7, meeting 5 out of the 10 criteria and receiving a 0.5 value for 4 of them. Mariño et al. [23]
scored 6, fulfilling 4 out of the 10 conditions and getting a 0.5 score for 4 of them. Finally, Tynan et al. [26]
met 3 out of the 10 points and receiving a score of 0.5 for 4 of them, totally scoring 5.
The economic analyses in the reviewed articles showed that the studies were cost-analysis ones.
All the pertinent costs from a healthcare perspective were identified and calculated using market
values, published official salaries, and expert opinions. Generally, three main categories of costs were
defined: (a) training, (b) salaries, and (c) teledental device [23]. Mariño et al. estimated the unit cost
of Teledental consultation, considering both the real-time method and the storage and forward [23].
The cost of training was equal between the two options, while the costs related to intervention provision
were different. A higher amount of time was registered in the storage and forward method (20 min vs.
15 min for the real-time oral examination), thus slightly augmenting, but not significantly, the cost
of this Teledentistry option, comparing it to the real-time model. Mariño et al. compared costs
per treatment plan development among face-to-face oral examination performed by an oral health
professional, storage and forward Teledentistry model and real-time Teledentistry model [28]. The total
cost of storage and forward model was fewer than the real-time one, representing the cheapest option.
When considering the conventional face-to-face oral examination, additional costs for dental assistant
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 9053 9 of 13

and travel should be added to the amount. Overall, the storage and forward option is the always
the cheapest alternative, when comparing it to both the real-time method and the conventional oral
examination. The asynchronous model was cheaper than the real-time one because of personnel
costs, while for the traditional approach costs increased due to travel for oral professionals and dental
assistants. Tynan et al. analyzed the costs generated by the implementation of an oral health therapist
in residential aged care facilities, the utilization of a Teledentistry model and the attendance at oral
health clinic by resident (via car or ambulance) [26]. The screening performed by the oral health
therapist was shown to be the lowest cost model, while the costs were augmented when considering
the Teledentistry model due to the cost of both set-up and dentist time, and residents’ attendance at a
dental clinic incurred the highest costs due to the cost of transportation. The disruption of high-care
patients could be also taken into account.

3.3. Data Synthesis for Meta-Analysis

A meta-analysis was not performed in order to avoid the systematic error that could have occurred
due to the selection and publication bias and the heterogeneity among the studies. Therefore, neither I2
nor the Cochran Q value are reported in the present systematic review.

4. Discussion
The present review identified literature regarding the application of Teledentistry in geriatric
settings. Overall, there is a strong trend supporting the feasibility of Teledentistry compared to the
traditional approaches [29]. If on one hand, most of papers stated that Teledentistry is comparable to
or even better than the conventional alternative, on the other, conclusive statements are not possible to
be drawn and publication bias could be met. Only few studies are well constructed and reported a
controlled comparison between Teledentistry application and face-to-face alternatives [30]. Regarding
the application of Teledentistry in the management of elderly people living in residential aged care
facilities, available literature is even fewer. Papers concerning older people at in-home assistance are
null. Only two studies reporting oral home telecare for adults with tetraplegia are available, showing
that oral home telecare offers the opportunity to decrease physical barriers and to improve the quality
of dental health services for people at in-home assistance [31,32].
Teledentistry belongs to the natural process of the digitalization of modern society and medicine.
It is able to improve services, breaking down barriers and allowing also people with limited or no
possibility to access to dental care [33,34]. The relationship between health and inequalities has been
deeply investigated by considering different professional and social conditions, showing that mortality
rates increase in proportion to economic and social hardship, lower incomes, education, and social
class [35]. Oral health problems are more prevalent in lower social strata, so the access to dental health
services has deteriorated in Europe over the years, especially in countries severely hit by the economic
crisis, such as Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Ireland [36]. Beside economic crisis, oral health
access could be restricted by the bad clinical conditions of the subjects. In the USA and Australia,
the number of elderly people living in rest homes have dramatically risen [37,38]. It was estimated that
the 65% almost of who used to live in nursing homes suffered from oral diseases. Moreover, poor oral
status is a strong predictor of the onset of adverse health outcomes, including mortality among the
community-dwelling elderly [39,40]. The individualization and the assessment of factors associated
with such conditions will help in the prevention or minimization of their negative consequences on
health. The implementation of Teledentistry in residential aged care facilities could assists users to
access oral care, providing regular visits using trained caregivers in the first instance.
Overall, the present systematic review identified three main topics, consistent with the main
and the secondary outcomes of the present review: (a) accuracy and effectiveness, (b) acceptability,
and (c) costs. Teledentistry was found to have an excellent accuracy for the diagnosis of dental
diseases and good accuracy for the assessment of chewing ability and oral rehabilitation status among
elderly people living in nursing homes. Despite the different aims, methods, and outcomes of the
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 9053 10 of 13

studies, virtual dental examination was comparable to the traditional face-to-face dental visit [23,24].
If on one hand, Teledentistry could provide general and specialist oral health care support to elderly
people, on the other the implementation of Teledental assistance should not substitute the traditional
approach in the case of the suspect of more severe diseases that need in-depth diagnostic procedures.
As oral health is considered to be an indicator of frailty and the improvement of oral conditions
among elderly people is needed, Teledentistry could be used for screening and preventing dental
pathologies in older people [24,41]. Moreover, a previous study stated that Teledentistry has the
capacity to reduce appointment waiting lists, triaging and prioritizing appointments, and to provide a
rationalization of time, travel and costs for all parties [42]. Additionally, teleconsultation could reduce
all the stress generated by travelling to a dental office from home or the residential aged care facility of
the patients, especially in those with dementia that could lead to a complete lack of collaboration with
dental practitioners [27].
Overall, a high level of acceptability of Teledentistry was reported in the majority of the articles
included in this review among patients, patients’ families, and caregivers. Survey-based studies
showed satisfaction among the users because of the increased confidence in residential aged care
facilities [23]. Positive feedback was received also because of the augmented awareness of oral health
needs and management, savings in residents transportation to oral care facilities, and positive cultural
change among caregivers through remote education [26]. Moreover, the audits showed an improved
compliance and consciousness of the importance of oral health in facilities with access to dental
consultation [27]. Conversely, Petcu et al. reported that psychotic patients perceived Teledentistry more
negatively than nonpsychotic ones [25]. Among nonpsychotic patients, the total negative experience
became more distinct moving from dependent patients to semi-autonomous and to autonomous ones.
Fear and anxiety were the main feelings generated by the procedure as a whole and not by the use of
technology. The latter, as suggested by a recent review, could have an added benefit in the provision of
oral care, particularly in odontophobic subjects [43]. Other negative feedback could be addressed to the
lack of immediate response on the examination and the resistance from some nurses who questioned
the effectiveness of Teledentistry in the context of residential aged care facilities [23]. While, for the
first point, the use of a real-time Teledentistry model could solve the problem of immediate feedback,
for the second one, the skepticism may be due to the absence of innovative oral care programs in most
nursing homes.
When comparing Teledentistry to face-to-face oral examinations, a reduction in costs was likely to
be detected [44]. A study with a micro-costing analysis and direct cost measurement was performed
from a healthcare perspective, trying to find out the cost of implementing an asynchronous and real-time
Teledentistry model in a nursing home setting: no significant differences were detected between the
two methods [23]. Conversely, in a model cost-analysis format, Mariño et al. compared the traditional
examinations to the storage and forward Teledentistry method and the real-time one [28]. The authors
stated that the asynchronous model was always the less costly one, followed by the real-time model
and face-to-face dental visits. Tynan et al., in turn, estimated the costs of three different scenarios,
including the implementation of an oral health therapist in the residential aged care facility, the use
of Teledentistry, and patient transportation to a dental facility [26]. The first option was considered
to be the least-cost scenario, followed by the use of Teledentistry and the third option. Nevertheless,
in the latter study, an oral health therapist was supposed to perform the intraoral acquisition and to
transmit it to a dentist placed elsewhere. In addition to the cost of Teledentistry set-up, in this case
also the costs of both the oral health therapist and dentist were calculated. Regarding costs, the travel
cost also should be considered. The application of Teledentistry in the provision of the oral care of
elderly people could allow savings in terms of travel (via car or ambulance), caregiver escort time to
accompany the patient, and patient disruption. The additional cost of Teledentistry is associated with
training, increasing the total cost amount. However, new skill development among caregivers and
the strengthening of health team capacities could be achieved through supportive environments and
remote learning sessions [42].
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 9053 11 of 13

5. Conclusions
The present systematic review is the first that analyzed the feasibility of Teledentistry in the
provision of oral care in elderly people living in residential aged care facilities or with in-home
assistance. In a society that is getting older, the implementation of Teledentistry in residential aged
care facilities and in-home assistance programs could be a viable tool for the management of oral
care in people who cannot access dental care. Moreover, in a context in which movement is not
recommended for the most vulnerable categories, avoiding unnecessary appointments and triaging
dental visits could be effective. Although the absence of high-quality studies limited the findings,
Teledentistry was found to be as accurate as traditional face-to-face dental examinations; cost-effective;
and well accepted among patients, patients’ families, and caregivers. Well-designed studies aimed
at assessing Teledentistry and surroundings are therefore needed in order to increase the body of
evidence supporting the feasibility of the digitalization of oral care.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.S., M.P., and G.R.; methodology, M.M.; formal analysis, L.A. and
M.M.; investigation, L.A. and M.M.; data curation, L.A.; writing—original draft preparation, L.A.; writing—review
and editing, A.S., M.P., and G.R. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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