Admar Sumary On Political Behavior
Admar Sumary On Political Behavior
Admar Sumary On Political Behavior
4. *Political Communication:*
Communicating about political issues
through various means, including public
speaking, writing op-eds, using social
media, and participating in debates, is a
significant form of political behavior.
Effective communication can sway public
opinion and shape political discourse.
4. *Political Communication:*
Investigating how political information is
disseminated, received, and processed is
crucial in understanding political
behavior. This includes the study of
media effects, political advertising, social
media, and the role of political elites in
shaping public discourse.
Political culture refers to the shared
beliefs, attitudes, values, norms, and
behaviors that characterize the way a
society perceives and interacts with
politics.Political culture can vary across
different societies, and it plays a
significant role in shaping political
behavior and institutions.
*Types of Political Culture:*
There are several types and levels of
political culture:
1. *Traditional Political Culture:* In
societies with a traditional political
culture, there is a strong emphasis on
established customs, long-standing
institutions, and continuity. Change is
often seen as disruptive and undesirable,
and political power tends to be
concentrated among a privileged elite.