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Bangkit 2023 Final Transcript

Generated : 10 January 2024

Bangkit ID : M471BSY0122 Transcript Status : Final

Name : Dany Eka Saputra Bangkit Completion : Full Graduate
University : Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Learning Path : Machine Learning
NIM : 20312001 Capstone Team : CH2-PS139
Supervisor : Imam Ahmad, S.Kom., M.Kom Capstone Status : Finished

Courses/Specialization/Activities Course Codes Hours Suggested SKS Score (0-100) Score (A-E)
IT Automation with Python B23MLCR01 48 1 96.4 A
Data Analytics B23MLCR06 95 92.3 A
Structuring Machine Learning Projects B23MLCR04 6 85.6 A
Mathematics for Machine Learning and Data Science B23MLCR02 74 96.4 A
TensorFlow Developer Professional Certificate B23MLCR03 79 95.9 A
Machine Learning Specialization by Andrew Ng B23MLCR07 94 2 96.4 A
Tensorflow Data and Deployment B23MLCR05 51 1 96.4 A
Preparing for Tensorflow Developer Certification B23TDCP01 25 1 96.4 A
Capstone / Final Project B23CAPP01 200 5 90.5 A
Soft skill & Career Development B23SSCE01 249 5 89.2 A
Total (Hours, SKS) / Average (Score) 921 20 92.33 A

Student's Attendance (Mandatory Meeting) 100.00%

Student's Attendance (All Meeting) 100.00%

1. This is Bangkit-system-generated transcript and valid without signature

2. This Transcript acts as a recommendation. Final Decision on conversion is strictly Academic Counselor / Study Programme Prerogative.

Grade conversion:
A : 85 - 100 | B : 75 - 84 | C : 60 - 74 | D : 50 - 59 | E : 0 - 49
O c t 8 , 2 02 3

Da ny Eka Sa putra
has successfully completed

Advanced Learning Algorithms

an online non-credit course authorized by DeepLearning.AI and Stanford University and

offered through Coursera

Andrew Ng, Instructor, DeepLearning.AI

Eddy Shyu, Curriculum Architect, DeepLearning.AI
Aarti Bagul and Geoff Ladwig, Curriculum Engineers, DeepLearning.AI

Veri f y a t :
ht t ps://coursera .org /veri f y/ZLB JZU 6A FE NQ
Cour se r a ha s conf ir m e d t he ide nt it y of t his individua l a nd t he ir
pa r t icipa t ion in t he cour se .
S ep 8 , 2 02 3

Da ny Eka Sa putra
has successfully completed

Analyze D ata to Answ er Qu estions

an online non-credit course authorized by Google and offered through Coursera

Amanda Brophy
Global Director of Google Career Certi cates

Veri f y a t :
ht t ps://coursera .org /veri f y/C G D G A 64G H U A P
Cour se r a ha s conf ir m e d t he ide nt it y of t his individua l a nd t he ir
pa r t icipa t ion in t he cour se .
S ep 7, 2 02 3

Da ny Eka Sa putra
has successfully completed

Ask Qu estions to Make D ata- D riven D ecisions

an online non-credit course authorized by Google and offered through Coursera

Amanda Brophy
Global Director of Google Career Certi cates

Veri f y a t :
ht t ps://coursera .org /veri f y/T 27Y 22B ZVKQS
Cour se r a ha s conf ir m e d t he ide nt it y of t his individua l a nd t he ir
pa r t icipa t ion in t he cour se .
S ep 2 2 , 2 02 3

Da ny Eka Sa putra
has successfully completed

Calcu lu s for Machine Learning and D ata Science

an online non-credit course authorized by DeepLearning.AI and offered through Coursera

Luis Serrano, Instructor, Serrano Academy. Anshuman Singh, Curriculum Product Manager, DeepLearning.AI. Elena
Sanina, Curriculum Engineer, DeepLearning.AI. Magdalena Bouza, Curriculum Developer, DeepLearning.AI. Obed Nsiah,
Curriculum Developer. Lucas Coutinho, Curriculum Developer, DeepLearning.AI

Veri f y a t :
ht t ps://coursera .org /veri f y/6ZC T M D S D NX6J
Cour se r a ha s conf ir m e d t he ide nt it y of t his individua l a nd t he ir
pa r t icipa t ion in t he cour se .
O c t 2 8 , 2 02 3

Da ny Eka Sa putra
has successfully completed

Convolu tional Neu ral Netw orks in TensorFlow

an online non-credit course authorized by DeepLearning.AI and offered through Coursera

Laurence Moroney
Lead AI Advocate, Google

Veri f y a t :
ht t ps://coursera .org /veri f y/7QS 9R3T LC A PN
Cour se r a ha s conf ir m e d t he ide nt it y of t his individua l a nd t he ir
pa r t icipa t ion in t he cour se .
A ug 2 5 , 2 02 3

Da ny Eka Sa putra
has successfully completed

Crash Cou rse on Python

an online non-credit course authorized by Google and offered through Coursera


Veri f y a t :
ht t ps://coursera .org /veri f y/9RFG 7PXW 5M 9E
Cour se r a ha s conf ir m e d t he ide nt it y of t his individua l a nd t he ir
pa r t icipa t ion in t he cour se .
S ep 5 , 2 02 3

Da ny Eka Sa putra
has successfully completed

Fou ndations: D ata, D ata, Everyw here

an online non-credit course authorized by Google and offered through Coursera

Amanda Brophy
Global Director of Google Career Certi cates

Veri f y a t :
ht t ps://coursera .org /veri f y/3D JM NFVJJRM R
Cour se r a ha s conf ir m e d t he ide nt it y of t his individua l a nd t he ir
pa r t icipa t ion in t he cour se .
A ug 2 6 , 2 02 3

Da ny Eka Sa putra
has successfully completed

Introdu ction to Git and GitHu b

an online non-credit course authorized by Google and offered through Coursera


Veri f y a t :
ht t ps://coursera .org /veri f y/3RD PXH 5R4U ZQ
Cour se r a ha s conf ir m e d t he ide nt it y of t his individua l a nd t he ir
pa r t icipa t ion in t he cour se .
O c t 2 8 , 2 02 3

Da ny Eka Sa putra
has successfully completed

Introdu ction to TensorFlow for Artificial

Intelligence, Machine Learning, and D eep Learning

an online non-credit course authorized by DeepLearning.AI and offered through Coursera

Laurence Moroney
Lead AI Advocate, Google

Veri f y a t :
ht t ps://coursera .org /veri f y/S W E M S T M JM 7L2
Cour se r a ha s conf ir m e d t he ide nt it y of t his individua l a nd t he ir
pa r t icipa t ion in t he cour se .
S ep 2 1 , 2 02 3

Da ny Eka Sa putra
has successfully completed

Linear Algebra for Machine Learning and D ata


an online non-credit course authorized by DeepLearning.AI and offered through Coursera

Luis Serrano, Instructor, Serrano Academy. Anshuman Singh, Curriculum Product Manager, DeepLearning.AI. Elena
Sanina, Curriculum Engineer, DeepLearning.AI. Magdalena Bouza, Curriculum Developer, DeepLearning.AI. Obed Nsiah,
Curriculum Developer. Lucas Coutinho, Curriculum Developer, DeepLearning.AI

Veri f y a t :
ht t ps://coursera .org /veri f y/H LT M K3QXJH 8N
Cour se r a ha s conf ir m e d t he ide nt it y of t his individua l a nd t he ir
pa r t icipa t ion in t he cour se .
3 Courses
Oct 11, 2023

Dany Eka Saputra Andrew Ng, Instructor,

has successfully completed the online, non-credit Specialization Eddy Shyu, Curriculum

Supervised Machine
Learning: Regression and
Machine Learning DeepLearning.AI
Aarti Bagul and Geoff
Classification Ladwig, Curriculum
Advanced Learning
Congratulations on completing all three courses of the Machine Engineers,
Algorithms Learning Specialization! You studied modern machine learning DeepLearning.AI

Unsupervised Learning, concepts, including supervised learning (linear regression, logistic

Recommenders, regression, neural networks, decision trees), unsupervised learning
Reinforcement Learning
(clustering, anomaly detection), recommender systems, and
reinforcement learning. You learned some of the best practices for
building machine learning models. You’ve also gained practical skills to
apply machine learning techniques to challenging real-world problems.
Now #BreakIntoAI and start building your career in machine learning!

The online specialization named in this certificate may draw on material from courses taught on-campus, but the included Verify this certificate at:
courses are not equivalent to on-campus courses. Participation in this online specialization does not constitute enrollment
at this university. This certificate does not confer a University grade, course credit or degree, and it does not verify the
identity of the learner. ion/Y4QSJZCVCZ48
3 Courses
Sep 29, 2023

Dany Eka Saputra Luis Serrano, Instructor,

Serrano Academy
has successfully completed the online, non-credit Specialization Anshuman Singh,
Curriculum Architect,

Linear Algebra for Machine

Learning and Data Science
Mathematics for Machine DeepLearning.AI
Elena Sanina,
Curriculum Engineer,

Learning and Data

Calculus for Machine
Learning and Data Science
Magdalena Bouza,
Probability & Statistics for

Curriculum Developer,
Machine Learning & Data
Science DeepLearning.AI
Obed Nsiah, Curriculum
Congratulations on completing all three courses of the Mathematics
Lucas Coutinho,
for Machine Learning and Data Science Specialization! You studied the
Curriculum Developer,
core mathematics for machine learning and data science, including DeepLearning.AI
linear algebra, calculus, probability, and statistics. We're thrilled that
you chose to learn with us, and are excited to see your career in AI

The online specialization named in this certificate may draw on material from courses taught on-campus, but the included Verify this certificate at:
courses are not equivalent to on-campus courses. Participation in this online specialization does not constitute enrollment
at this university. This certificate does not confer a University grade, course credit or degree, and it does not verify the
identity of the learner. ion/TSYMHSA7NSYD
4 Courses
Dec 29, 2023

Dany Eka Saputra Younes Bensouda

has successfully completed the online, non-credit Specialization Instructor of AI at
Stanford University

Natural Language
Processing with
Natural Language Łukasz Kaiser
Classification and Vector Staff Research Scientist

Natural Language
Processing at Google and Chargé
de Recherche at CNRS
Processing with Probabilistic
Models Congratulations! You have completed all four courses of Natural
Natural Language Language Processing - a DeepLearning.AI Specialization. As part of
Processing with Sequence this Specialization, you have learned both the classical machine
learning skills and the state-of-the-art deep learning techniques
Natural Language needed to build NLP systems. You are now equipped to design
Processing with Attention
Models applications that perform question-answering and sentiment analysis,
create tools to translate languages, summarize text, and build
chatbots! These, and other NLP applications, will be at the forefront of
the coming transformation to an AI-powered future.

The online specialization named in this certificate may draw on material from courses taught on-campus, but the included Verify this certificate at:
courses are not equivalent to on-campus courses. Participation in this online specialization does not constitute enrollment
at this university. This certificate does not confer a University grade, course credit or degree, and it does not verify the
identity of the learner. ion/VC7S4DVBDLPM
O c t 2 9 , 2 02 3

Da ny Eka Sa putra
has successfully completed

Natu ral Langu age Processing in TensorFlow

an online non-credit course authorized by DeepLearning.AI and offered through Coursera

Laurence Moroney
Lead AI Advocate, Google

Veri f y a t :
ht t ps://coursera .org /veri f y/8VE VS 3Y M 55JS
Cour se r a ha s conf ir m e d t he ide nt it y of t his individua l a nd t he ir
pa r t icipa t ion in t he cour se .
D ec 2 9 , 2 02 3

Da ny Eka Sa putra
has successfully completed

Natu ral Langu age Processing w ith Attention


an online non-credit course authorized by DeepLearning.AI and offered through Coursera

Younes Bensouda Mourri, Instructor of AI at Stanford University

Łukasz Kaiser, Staff Research Scientist at Google Brain and Chargé de Recherche at CNRS

Veri f y a t :
ht t ps://coursera .org /veri f y/U C PU W VU JY LZT
Cour se r a ha s conf ir m e d t he ide nt it y of t his individua l a nd t he ir
pa r t icipa t ion in t he cour se .
D ec 2 8 , 2 02 3

Da ny Eka Sa putra
has successfully completed

Natu ral Langu age Processing w ith Classification

and Vector Spaces

an online non-credit course authorized by DeepLearning.AI and offered through Coursera

Younes Bensouda Mourri, Instructor of AI at Stanford University

Łukasz Kaiser, Staff Research Scientist at Google Brain and Chargé de Recherche at CNRS

Veri f y a t :
ht t ps://coursera .org /veri f y/T E QZXFN2W VKY
Cour se r a ha s conf ir m e d t he ide nt it y of t his individua l a nd t he ir
pa r t icipa t ion in t he cour se .
D ec 2 8 , 2 02 3

Da ny Eka Sa putra
has successfully completed

Natu ral Langu age Processing w ith Probabilistic


an online non-credit course authorized by DeepLearning.AI and offered through Coursera

Younes Bensouda Mourri, Instructor of AI at Stanford University

Łukasz Kaiser, Staff Research Scientist at Google Brain and Chargé de Recherche at CNRS

Veri f y a t :
ht t ps://coursera .org /veri f y/U 8U C QPU F6N7W
Cour se r a ha s conf ir m e d t he ide nt it y of t his individua l a nd t he ir
pa r t icipa t ion in t he cour se .
S ep 7, 2 02 3

Da ny Eka Sa putra
has successfully completed

Prepare D ata for Ex ploration

an online non-credit course authorized by Google and offered through Coursera

Amanda Brophy
Global Director of Google Career Certi cates

Veri f y a t :
ht t ps://coursera .org /veri f y/QW QW B 4D B 4S T P
Cour se r a ha s conf ir m e d t he ide nt it y of t his individua l a nd t he ir
pa r t icipa t ion in t he cour se .
S ep 2 5 , 2 02 3

Da ny Eka Sa putra
has successfully completed

Probability & Statistics for Machine Learning &

D ata Science

an online non-credit course authorized by DeepLearning.AI and offered through Coursera

Luis Serrano, Instructor, Serrano Academy. Anshuman Singh, Curriculum Product Manager, DeepLearning.AI. Elena
Sanina, Curriculum Engineer, DeepLearning.AI. Magdalena Bouza, Curriculum Developer, DeepLearning.AI. Obed Nsiah,
Curriculum Developer. Lucas Coutinho, Curriculum Developer, DeepLearning.AI

Veri f y a t :
ht t ps://coursera .org /veri f y/96LVX4F52A NJ
Cour se r a ha s conf ir m e d t he ide nt it y of t his individua l a nd t he ir
pa r t icipa t ion in t he cour se .
S ep 8 , 2 02 3

Da ny Eka Sa putra
has successfully completed

Process D ata from D irty to Clean

an online non-credit course authorized by Google and offered through Coursera

Amanda Brophy
Global Director of Google Career Certi cates

Veri f y a t :
ht t ps://coursera .org /veri f y/E D 8G 4NU S RT S U
Cour se r a ha s conf ir m e d t he ide nt it y of t his individua l a nd t he ir
pa r t icipa t ion in t he cour se .
O c t 2 9 , 2 02 3

Da ny Eka Sa putra
has successfully completed

Sequ ences, Time Series and Prediction

an online non-credit course authorized by DeepLearning.AI and offered through Coursera

Laurence Moroney
Lead AI Advocate, Google

Veri f y a t :
ht t ps://coursera .org /veri f y/H Y 4Y S B G 25B QF
Cour se r a ha s conf ir m e d t he ide nt it y of t his individua l a nd t he ir
pa r t icipa t ion in t he cour se .
S ep 1 3 , 2 02 3

Da ny Eka Sa putra
has successfully completed

Share D ata Throu gh the Art of Visu alization

an online non-credit course authorized by Google and offered through Coursera

Amanda Brophy
Global Director of Google Career Certi cates

Veri f y a t :
ht t ps://coursera .org /veri f y/C 5NC 6H U G Y H 3P
Cour se r a ha s conf ir m e d t he ide nt it y of t his individua l a nd t he ir
pa r t icipa t ion in t he cour se .
No v 1 1 , 2 02 3

Da ny Eka Sa putra
has successfully completed

Stru ctu ring Machine Learning Proj ects

an online non-credit course authorized by DeepLearning.AI and offered through Coursera

Andrew Ng, Founder, DeepLearning.AI & Co-founder, Coursera

Kian Katanforoosh, Co-founder, Workera
Younes Bensouda Mourri, Instructor of AI, Stanford University

Veri f y a t :
ht t ps://coursera .org /veri f y/D KY ZY B C KQZ4V
Cour se r a ha s conf ir m e d t he ide nt it y of t his individua l a nd t he ir
pa r t icipa t ion in t he cour se .
O c t 8 , 2 02 3

Da ny Eka Sa putra
has successfully completed

Su pervised Machine Learning: Regression and


an online non-credit course authorized by DeepLearning.AI and Stanford University and

offered through Coursera

Andrew Ng, Instructor, DeepLearning.AI

Eddy Shyu, Curriculum Architect, DeepLearning.AI
Aarti Bagul and Geoff Ladwig, Curriculum Engineers, DeepLearning.AI

Veri f y a t :
ht t ps://coursera .org /veri f y/ZKY 6W T ZK3LA A
Cour se r a ha s conf ir m e d t he ide nt it y of t his individua l a nd t he ir
pa r t icipa t ion in t he cour se .
4 Courses
Nov 17, 2023

Dany Eka Saputra Laurence Moroney

Lead AI Advocate at
has successfully completed the online, non-credit Specialization Google

Browser-based Models with

TensorFlow: Data and
Device-based Models with
TensorFlow Lite

Data Pipelines with

TensorFlow Data Services In this specialization, you continued to develop your understanding of
Advanced Deployment machine learning with TensorFlow: Data and Deployment. You have
Scenarios with TensorFlow
gone beyond basic modeling and learned how to train and run your
models within a browser, optimize machine learning models for mobile
devices, and create effective data pipelines with TensorFlow Data
Services. Now that you’ve learned the various ways to deploy your
models, you’re well-prepared to take your models into the hands of
real people on all kinds of devices!

The online specialization named in this certificate may draw on material from courses taught on-campus, but the included Verify this certificate at:
courses are not equivalent to on-campus courses. Participation in this online specialization does not constitute enrollment
at this university. This certificate does not confer a University grade, course credit or degree, and it does not verify the
identity of the learner. ion/77LLBFZWQGNQ
O c t 1 1 , 2 02 3

Da ny Eka Sa putra
has successfully completed

U nsu pervised Learning, Recommenders,

Reinforcement Learning

an online non-credit course authorized by DeepLearning.AI and Stanford University and

offered through Coursera

Andrew Ng, Instructor, DeepLearning.AI

Eddy Shyu, Curriculum Architect, DeepLearning.AI
Aarti Bagul and Geoff Ladwig, Curriculum Engineers, DeepLearning.AI

Veri f y a t :
ht t ps://coursera .org /veri f y/VC NH 8M D L47C Y
Cour se r a ha s conf ir m e d t he ide nt it y of t his individua l a nd t he ir
pa r t icipa t ion in t he cour se .
A ug 2 7, 2 02 3

Da ny Eka Sa putra
has successfully completed

U sing Python to Interact w ith the Operating


an online non-credit course authorized by Google and offered through Coursera


Veri f y a t :
ht t ps://coursera .org /veri f y/ZRPB VRU X25KU
Cour se r a ha s conf ir m e d t he ide nt it y of t his individua l a nd t he ir
pa r t icipa t ion in t he cour se .

Diberikan kepada


Atas kelulusannya pada kelas

Belajar Dasar Git dengan GitHub

10 Agustus 2023

Verifikasi Sertifikat
Berlaku hingga 10 Agustus 2026
Kelas ini ditujukan bagi developer yang ingin mempelajari pengelolaan kode atau data menggunakan Git dengan GitHub agar bisa berkolaborasi dengan
developer lain yang sesuai dengan standar industri. Di akhir kelas, siswa dapat mengelola kumpulan data atau kode mereka sendiri dalam repository GitHub,
serta dapat berkolaborasi dengan developer lain pada repository yang sama.

Materi yang dipelajari:

Git dan GitHub : Mengerti apa itu Git dan GitHub serta manfaatnya dalam mengelola data atau kode. (1 Jam 45 Menit)
Dasar Git : Mengerti dasar-dasar pengelolaan data atau kode dengan Git, seperti membuat repository, membuat berkas, git commit, dan git checkout.
(2 Jam 5 Menit)
Studi Kasus Pengalaman Belajar : Meningkatkan pengalaman belajar mengenai dasar-dasar Git melalui sebuah studi kasus. (1 Jam 20 Menit)
Git Branches : Mengerti konsep branching di dalam Git, akan mempelajari juga merging dan menyelesaikan conflict. (2 Jam 10 Menit)
Kolaborasi dengan Tim : Mengerti bagaimana cara berkolaborasi dengan tim lain pada repository yang sama seperti melakukan forking, squashing
changes, dan code reviews. (2 Jam 50 Menit)
Studi Kasus Kolaborasi dengan Tim : Meningkatkan pengetahuan dalam berkolaborasi dengan tim seperti membuat repository baru, menyalin
repository, dan studi kasus menangani pull request pada sebuah repository aktif di GitHub. (1 jam 15 Menit)
GitHub sebagai Portofolio : Mengerti penggunaan GitHub sebagai portofolio dengan latihan membuat readme yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai
portofolio dalam berkarier. (1 Jam 20 Menit)
Halaman 3

Evaluasi Pembelajaran:

Ujian Akhir Kelas

Total jam yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan kelas ini, mulai dari persiapan kelas sampai evaluasi belajar, adalah 15 jam.

Diberikan kepada


Atas kelulusannya pada kelas

Memulai Dasar Pemrograman untuk Menjadi Pengembang


09 Agustus 2023

Verifikasi Sertifikat
Berlaku hingga 09 Agustus 2026
KBJI: 2512.03
Indotask: 2512

Kelas ditujukan bagi pemula yang ingin mulai belajar bidang pemrograman agar dapat menjadi pengembang software dengan mengacu pada standar
okupasi Pengembang Software (kode okupasi KBJI: 2512.03, Indotask: 2512). Di akhir pelatihan, siswa mampu memodifikasi aplikasi perangkat lunak
menggunakan panduan diagram alur dan pemrograman dengan teknologi HTML, CSS, dan JavaScript tingkat dasar secara tepat sesuai persyaratan
spesifikasi dan fungsionalitas aplikasi.

Siswa mampu meneliti, menganalisis, dan mengevaluasi persyaratan untuk aplikasi perangkat lunak dengan memahami kebutuhan aplikasi dari sisi
pengguna dan spesifikasi teknis aplikasi.
Siswa mampu membuat perencanaan modifikasi aplikasi perangkat lunak dengan pembuatan requirement aplikasi dan diagram alur.
Siswa mampu memodifikasi aplikasi perangkat lunak menggunakan pemrograman HTML, CSS, dan JavaScript tingkat dasar.
Siswa mampu mengarahkan dokumentasi pemrograman dan pengembangan perangkat lunak menggunakan metode pengarsipan.

Materi yang dipelajari:

Memahami Kebutuhan Aplikasi : Belajar teori dan metodologi dalam memahami kebutuhan aplikasi dari sisi pengguna beserta dari sisi spesifikasi teknis
aplikasi. Implementasi keterampilan ke dalam studi kasus membuat kebutuhan aplikasi dari sisi pengguna maupun dari sisi spesifikasi teknis. Belajar tips
sikap kerja saat meneliti, menganalisis, dan mengevaluasi kebutuhan aplikasi. (49 menit)
Perencanaan Modifikasi Aplikasi : Belajar teori dan metodologi dalam pembuatan persyaratan kebutuhan aplikasi, dalam memahami cara aplikasi
bekerja, dan dalam mengerti panduan diagram alur. Implementasi keterampilan ke dalam studi kasus membuat persyaratan kebutuhan aplikasi,
Halaman 3

memahami cara aplikasi berjalan, dan membuat diagram alur. Belajar sikap kerja ketika kolaborasi perencanaan aplikasi dalam sebuah tim. (1 jam 19
Mengerti Konsep Dasar Pemrograman : Belajar teori sintaksis bahasa pemrograman, variabel, tipe data, logika komputer, dan bahasa pemrograman
JavaScript versi ES6. Implementasi keterampilan dengan cara latihan menulis pseudocode dan menulis kode pertama. Belajar tips sikap kerja dalam
belajar pemrograman. (2 jam 20 menit)
Modifikasi Aplikasi Perangkat Lunak : Belajar bahasa markah HTML versi HTML5 dan bahasa pemrograman CSS versi 3. Implementasi keterampilan
melalui studi kasus modifikasi sebuah antarmuka aplikasi perangkat lunak. Belajar tips sikap kerja dalam meningkatkan keahlian sebuah bahasa
pemrograman. (54 menit)
Dokumentasi Pemrograman dan Pengembangan Aplikasi Perangkat Lunak : Belajar teori pengarsipan perangkat lunak, pembuatan gaya penulisan
kode, penulisan komentar pada kode, dan pembuatan dokumentasi teknis aplikasi. Implementasi keterampilan melalui studi kasus pengarsipan sebuah
perangkat lunak, penyesuaian gaya penulisan kode agar sesuai standar, menambahkan komentar pada kode, dan latihan pembuatan dokumentasi
teknis aplikasi. Belajar sikap kerja dalam mengomunikasikan dokumentasi kepada stakeholders (pemegang kepentingan) perusahaan. (1 jam 31 menit)

Evaluasi Pembelajaran:

Ujian Akhir Kelas

Sertifikat Kompetensi Kelulusan

Total jam yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan kelas ini, mulai dari persiapan kelas sampai evaluasi belajar, adalah 9 jam.
Halaman 4

Nilai Ujian Akhir Nilai Kelulusan Kelas

95 95

Diberikan kepada


Atas kelulusannya pada kelas

Pengenalan ke Logika Pemrograman (Programming Logic 101)

10 Agustus 2023

Verifikasi Sertifikat
Berlaku hingga 10 Agustus 2026
Kelas ditujukan bagi pemula yang ingin mulai belajar logika pada bidang pemrograman dengan mengacu pada standar industri. Di akhir kelas, siswa dapat
memahami logika pemrograman dasar dan menerapkannya dalam pemecahan masalah yang ada di bidang pekerjaan Software Developer.

Materi yang dipelajari:

Pendahuluan : Pengenalan istilah logika dan algoritma dan jenis-jenis logika pemrograman dasar. (1 jam 9 menit)
Gerbang Logika : Mengetahui apa itu gerbang logika dan jenis-jenisnya seperti AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, dan XNOR. (1 jam 49 menit)
Pengenalan Dasar Computational Thinking : Mengetahui cara penyelesaian masalah menggunakan metode computational thinking meliputi,
dekomposisi, pengenalan pola, abstraksi, penulisan algoritma, dan evaluasi. (1 jam 24 menit)
Penutup : Mengerti bagaimana ilmu logika pemrograman yang telah dipelajari dapat digunakan pada studi kasus yang nyata. (1 jam 7 menit)

Evaluasi Pembelajaran:

Ujian akhir kelas

Total jam yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan kelas ini, mulai dari persiapan kelas sampai evaluasi belajar, adalah: 6 jam.

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