TOTEM ECDIS Ver3.0 Manual
TOTEM ECDIS Ver3.0 Manual
TOTEM ECDIS Ver3.0 Manual
The official charts for the ECDIS are CAES and CEES. CEES database contains ENCs for India,
Hong Kong and Peru. CASE database contains the remaining ENCs for the world. Both databases
should be kept in view always. S52 presentation library is ver4.0 as per latest regulations.
CAES database is licensed on yearly bases. Expires on Jul`2018. For CEES database licences
should be ordered whenever the vessel is going to India, Hong Kong or Peru.
To Update database: Charts and Navigation CMAP Chart Manager Mark CAES or CEES
Update database Select DVD from the menu and the update will be done automatically. Just
select the same folder path for the new Database, as the old one. First update Oceanview
databases and chech integrity of the DVD there. After that there is no need to check integrity
for ECDIS. Updates should be done for both Databases on both ECDIS and Oceanview.
To load licences: Charts and Navigation CMAP Chart Manager Licences Import from file
Select the file that you have received from company (Yearly license, charts licence, etc.)
After loading licences for charts, reboot ECDIS in order charts to become visible.
To order licence for charts: After you have created a route, export it (Route Planning Mark
route Export Export selected) to a flash drive. Then import the route in Oceanview
program (Tools Route Planing) and export it back in “Oceanview route format ver2”! Send it
to Master and you will receive the permit. It will be a file like: “password.usr”
To Update charts – Weekly updates: Charts and Navigation CMAP Chart Manager Updates
Select database: CAES or CEES (you should update both of them) Create update order
Save to Flashdrive. Then send the files you created to Master and you will receive the updates.
To load updates: Charts and Navigation CMAP Chart Manager Updates Select
database: CAES or CEES Update from file Select the update file that coresponds to the
selected database! and load the update file. If there are multiple update files, you should load
all of them. Company’s policy is to updates individually both ECDIS and Oceanview. The updates
can’t be transfered automatically, between units as it was on Furuno ECDIS. T&P notices are
received with weekly updates and there is no need to import them manually. We received files
from company every week, containing all T&P notices and if you need to check you can check it
from there. Also from ChartCo we receive T&P notice with the “Weekly notice to Mariners” for
some countries. I print those T&P notices and collect them in a folder on the bridge.
To review T&P notices on ECDIS: Charts and Navigation CMAP Suplementary sections
Select database: CAES or CEES Check on “Temporary and Preliminary notice”.
On every system restart the Chart information layers should be checked as per “BDWM
Appendix XI(a) and in System Setup Press “CNTR+D”, “Advance” menu will additionally
appear Check on Synchronize with time device! And select one of the sensors from the
dropdown menu. Also select screen size on 24inches. IMO regulation on the Presentation mode
is to keep Base + Standard layers. Company’s regulation is to keep Base + Standard + Other
layers and Additional setings checked the following: “Show Shallow water dangers as hazard” +
“Overscale indication”.
To exit the ECDIS: You need to enter Username and Password. User Name on both ECDIS is
“Service”. Password for TE1398 (00562) unit is: “Bu6iZU”; TE1399 (00563) unit is: “R2AkaV”.
System Exit Software Enter username .
Once you exit ECDIS you will go to “Secure desctop” mode. You only have limited options and
programs to start. You can restart, shutdown or log off the PC or to start some of the other
programs. To exit the secure desctop you can do the following:
Tools password is: “pi2pi” (the same password is used in VDR) Window shell Explorer
Yes. To go back to “Secure desctop” mode, press on “Secure”.
ECDIS is in continuous “MULTI” mode. One of the units is “Master”, the other is “Backup”. Only
Master unit can create or change routes, creates Mariners objects, etc. When a route is created
it is automatically transfered to the “Backup” station. “Mariners objects” are not transfered
automatically. To transfer the, first go to Help Compact Mariner objects database, then go
to Charts and navigation Send Mariners objects to Remote station. Manual fixes are not
transfered automatically from one ECDIS to the other. When synchronising manual fixes,
receiving station ereases all previous fixes. We plot fixes on back ECDIS only and trasnfer them
to the other one on every F.L.A. Tools Navigation tools Sync fixes with Master. I keep
back ECDIS in “Master” mode and use it for passage planning, and the forward in “Backup”
mode, using it for Navigation only. It is good to restart the PCs every week and even switch
them off for a couple of hours when in port, because with the time they become very slow and
need to reboot. The LAN cable for connection between both ECDIS is in the drawer, facing the
forward of the vessel, behind back ECDIS. The LAN cable is with the yellow end. After
disconnection both unit are working independently in “Master” mode. After reconnecting them
with the cable, reboot one of them and adjust “Master” and “Backup” mode of both units.