Module 3 TOS
Module 3 TOS
Module 3 TOS
The external stability of the space truss requires that the support reactions
keep the truss in force and moment equilibrium about any and all axes. This can
Zero Force Members MODULE EXERCISES:
In some cases, the joint analysis of a truss can be simplified if one is able 3.5. Determine the force in each member of the space truss shown in the figure. The
to spot the zero-force members by recognizing two common cases of joint truss is supported by a ball-and-socket joint at A, a slotted roller joint at B,
geometry. and a cable at C.
Case 1. If all but one of the members connected to a joint lie in the same plane, and
provided no external load acts on the joint, then the member not lying in the place
of the other members must be subjected to a zero force.
Case 2. If it has been determined that all but two of several members connected at
a joint support zero force, then two remaining members must also support zero
force, provided they do not lie along the same line.
Procedure for Analysis
Either the method of sections or the method of joints can be used to
determine the forces developed in the members of a space truss.
Method of Sections. If only a few member forces are to be determined, the method
of sections may be used. When an imaginary section is passed through a truss and SOLUTION:
the truss is separated into two parts, the force system acting on either one of the
The truss is statically determinate since 𝑏 + 𝑟 = 3𝑗 or 9 + 6 = 3(5).
parts must satisfy the six scalar equilibrium equations: ∑ 𝐹𝑥 = 0, ∑ 𝐹𝑦 = 0, ∑ 𝐹𝑧 =
0, ∑ 𝑀𝑥 = 0, ∑ 𝑀𝑦 = 0, ∑ 𝑀𝑧 = 0. By proper choice of the section and axes for We can obtain the support reactions from the free-body diagram of the
summing forces and moments, many of the unknown member forces in a space truss entire truss, as follows:
can be computed directly, using a single equilibrium equation. In this regard, recall
that the moment of a force about an axis is zero provided the force is parallel to the
axis or its line of action passes through a point on the axis.
Method of Joints. Generally, if the forces in all the members of the truss must be
determined, the method of joints is most suitable for the analysis. When using the
method of joints, it is necessary to solve the three scalar equilibrium equations
∑ 𝐹𝑥 = 0, ∑ 𝐹𝑦 = 0, ∑ 𝐹𝑧 = 0 at each joint. Since it is relatively easy to draw the
free-body diagrams and apply the equations of equilibrium, the method of joint is At Joint B.
very consistent in its application.
At Joint A.
At Joint D.
At Joint C.
MODULE REVIEW: 2. Classify each of the following trusses as statically determinate, statically
indeterminate, or unstable. If indeterminate, state its degree.
1. Classify each of the following trusses as statically determinate, statically
indeterminate, or unstable. If indeterminate, state its degree.
5. Determine the force in each member of
the truss. State if the members are in
tension or compression.