CP2 - Chapter 1 and 2
CP2 - Chapter 1 and 2
CP2 - Chapter 1 and 2
Criteria for Grading Transmutation Table
Passing Mark (%): 60 MPS % Equivalent Final Grade Description
97-100 99-100 1.00
Lecture Requirements (%) 60
93-96 96-98 1.25 Excellent
Reading Assignment 20 89-92 93-95 1.50
Assignment 15 85-88 90-92 1.75
Very good
Quizzes 25 80-84 87-89 2.00
Major Examinations 40 75-79 84-86 2.25 Above
subtotal 100 70-74 81-83 2.50 Average
Laboratory Requirement (%) 40
65-69 78-80 2.75 Average
Laboratory Quizzes 10 60-64 75-77 3.00 Passing
Laboratory Report/Outputs 40
Problem Sets 55-59 < 75 4.00 Conditional
< 54 5.00 Failing
Practical Examination 50
subtotal 100 INC Incomplete
DRP Dropped
Chapter 1 : Topic Outline
1. Goals and Concept
2. Management Strategies
3. History, evolution and definition of Integrated Pest Management
4. Principles of IPM
Chapter 1 : Objectives
The Concept of IPM
Goals and Scope
IPM emphasizes on the following:
a) Safe for farmers and consumers
b) Cost-effective, easy to adopt & integrated with other crop
protection practices
c) Durable & without adverse environmental consequences
d) Used w/ ecosystems as the ecological focus 5
Safe for farmers and consumers
Cost-effective, easy to adopt & integrated with
other crop protection practices
Durable & without adverse environmental
Used with ecosystems as
the ecological focus
The Concept of IPM
Management Strategies & Tactics
Pest Management Strategy
➢ is the overall plan to eliminate or alleviate a real perceived pest problem
➢ strategy depends on the particular life system of the pest & crop involved.
➢ Aim to reduce the pest status
Pest Management Strategy
1. Do nothing
2. Reduce Pest Population Numbers
3. Reduce Crop Susceptibility to pest injury
4. Combined Reduced Population Numbers
with Reduced crop susceptibility
Pest Management Strategy
Period Era of Pesticides (1939-1975)
1939 -Insecticidal properties of DDT reported by Paul Muller
- Bacillus thuringiensis used as a microbial insecticide
Pesticide Resistance Pest Resurgence
Pesticide Resistance Pest Resurgence
Period Era of Pesticides (1939-1975)
1948 “Doom” based on Bacillus popilliae & Bacillus lentimobus, for the control of Japanese
beetle larvae on turf
1962 Publication of the book “Silent Spring”, by Rachel Carson, dramatized the impact of the
misuse & overuse of pesticides on the environment
1975 - Elcar (Helicoverpa nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV) registered for the control of boll-worm
& tobacco budworm on cotton
-First insect growth regulator (Methoprene) registered for commercial use in USA
Period Era of IPM (1976 onwards)
1992 - Concept of environmental economic injury levels proposed by L.P. Pedigo and L.G.
-Dr. Edward F. Knipling and Dr. Raymond C. Bushland were awarded the World Food
Prize for developing sterile-insect technique
1994 A Task Force consisting of FAO, the World Bank, UNDP and UNEP cosponsored the
establishment of the Global IPM Facility with the Secretariat located at FAO, Rome
1995 Dr. Hans R. Herren was awarded the World Food Prize for developing and
implementing the world’s largest biological control project for cassava mealy bug, which
had almost destroyed the entire cassava crop of Africa
1996 Insect resistant transgenic (Bt) cotton, maize and potato were commercialized in the
Integrated Pest Management
Example of Cultural + Biological Control
1. Shankar, U. and Abrol, D.P. 2012. History, Overview and Principles of Ecologically-
based Pest Management. In Shankar, U. and Abrol, D.P. (eds). Integrated Pest
Management: Principles and Practices. CAB International. London, United Kingdom.
pp 1-27.
2. Flint, M.L. and van den Bosch, R. 1949. Introduction to Integrated Pest Management.
Plenum Press. New York. pp.51-82.
3. Peshin, R., Bandral, R.S., Zhang, W., Wilson, L. and Dhawan, A.K. 2009. Integrated
Pest Management: A Global Overview of History, Programs and Adoption. In:
Peshin, R and Dhawan, A.K (eds). Integrated Pest Management Innovation-
Development Process. Springer Dordrecht. pp. 1-49.
Thank you!
Compiled by:
Crop Protection Faculty