The Multimedia Development Process
The Multimedia Development Process
The Multimedia Development Process
Software Evaluation Criteria Why is the product worth using (and developing)?
The steps taken in developing a multimedia product are Using a computer should always be easier than not using a
like those of any software project computer.
A one-page summary of the project should provide the Who is the user?
reader with the "big picture": What tasks does the user now perform?
How are these tasks learned?
Who is the product aimed at? How often do users perform these tasks?
What is the relationship between users and data?
How do users communicate with one another? Editing content
What are the time constraints on the tasks? Integrating the pieces
What happens when things go wrong?
It is strongly advisable to use incremental development.
- Repetoire of functionality Ensure that the correct end-users are aware of this
- Concept of operations - how the user uses the system, new product
and how the system fits in the user's life Provide training, user manuals, or other support to
- External behavior of the system, including response to make learning easier
errors Gather feedback to help improve the next version
and/or product
Myth vs. Conceptual model
Designers make myths
o Consistent external behavior Even when the system is delivered, the work isn't over.
o Does not necessarily reveal internal
behavior Maintain system
- Fix bugs
Users make conceptual models - Enhance functionality
o Mental representation of what the system - Maintain versions
is doing
o Used to make predictions, extrapolations, Evaluate technical feedback, market reaction, and user
educated guesses about system behavior reaction
- What frustrations do users experience?
Every application is designed with a use model in mind. - What shortcuts do users invent or ask for?
An explicit use model ensures that it is designed for the - What gets used? what doesn't?
correct audience. - Who is buying or using it? who is not? why?
System architecture
Data descriptions
Unit-level code specification
Develop the system