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ABeam IoT Solution

IoT Data-driven Manufacturing
IoT Data-Driven Manufacturing Solution

Manufacturing is becoming more difficult for a number of reasons: demand for better than ever quality, ultra-short turnaround times, a
declining labor workforce, retirement of a generation of skilled disciplined craftsmen, and the need to generate added value in a
changing manufacturing environment. As Germany’s Industrie 4.0 leads the way towards utilizing IoT, AI, and other technologies to
make manufacturing more digital, automated, and less labor intensive, a wave of manufacturing improvements utilizing connected
equipment demands an effective response.
ABeam Consulting supports digitalization of the manufacturing workplace to achieve better product quality and productivity by
means of proven IoT solutions, business scenarios, state-of-the-art analytics technologies, IoT platforms and a data-driven approach.

Room for improvement

Issues the manufacturing industry is continuously confronted by are, gaining the trust of the market through product quality (design,
development and production), and needing to boost competitiveness through productivity.

Product Quality Productivity

Design Production Inspection/Traceability Equipment Operation Overall Throughput
Understand products’ Monitor variance in equipment Identify hidden causes of defects Reduce production momentary Cut down inventory of
derogation in the market, and behavior to standardize product that defy human observation stop and eliminate long/indefinite parts and products
design utilization quality halts for continuous line in process

Close gaps of unmet customer Transfer skills for high-quality Enhance traceability to Optimize preventive Set up, adjust and
need, inter-factory coordination, equipment configuration, increase quality and speed maintenance, optimize tasks of
product standards adjustment quality inspection, etc. spare parts inventory daily production

IoT solutions improving product quality and productivity

Product quality and productivity are improved by utilizing insights gained through analysis of product, equipment and production process

Data analytics & analysis model IoT Platform applying data Cyclical business process optimization methodology
solve business process issues to business processes with automated fundamental analysis

High-level analysis Problem understanding and Select applicable environment Shorter turnaround Repeated model
(Machine/deep learning) resolution based on out of various clouds with completed environments through data processing & tuning
production knowledge infrastructure analysis
・Data HUB
・Business process control
・Management platform

IoT Utilization Scenarios

Product quality improvement utilizing equipment & sensor data Design improvement using product data
Analytical models for correlation of Use to refine quality inspection / Development of product operation model Operational error detection & cause analysis,
quality factors from plant, sensor data production process improvement using product-internal sensor data and product design improvement
Check plant defect tendencies and New
equipment Product products Product
any effects on processed products
Consider utilization
Equipment products Parts Parts Mechanisms for re-design simulation
Understand time sequence changes
during inspection, rather than execute products
Sensors Sensors Control software
simple threshold checks

Operational monitoring & malfunction forecasting Factory CPS using production plan & operational data
using equipment data
Big-picture factory model development Production management & workplace
Analytical models for plant sensor data detection & Use plant operation monitoring
from scheduling & real operational data operational orders for process use
malfunction forecasting for efficient maintenance

Quick response Production Plan Equipment equipment Simulated response
Processing plant to plant defect to emergency instructions
equipment Orientation
Electric Sensors Equipment Equipment
Temp Remote response Factory monitoring &
Line production plan refinement
Processing Processing equipment
Service Lines Business issue resolution by data analytics and analysis model
Problem solving through Problems of high-level analytical Issue resolving process can be a “black box,” lacking persuasive
high-level IoT analytical technology technology power, thus useless in Business Process Reengineering.

From enormous sensor data volume, even rare problems can be

detected and predicted.
- Causes of defects for each product in “low-volume various
models” production ABeam IoT analytics
IoT Data-Driven Manufacturing Solution

- Product/plant defect timing, etc.

High visibility and precise forecasting achieved by combining manufacturing industry
knowledge and experience, allowing analysis in light of actual product/plant/process status.

Implementation & refinement Understanding

Deep learning Incorporate analytical results into Interpret data and build hypotheses
Detecting essentially characteristic volumes factory operations & systems to run in light of the on-site perspective of
Difficulty of problem detection

necessary for problem solving continuous improvement cycle experienced, knowledgeable

personnel on scene
Machine learning Highly readable data analysis
Repetitive learning from data for
detection of hidden patterns
avoiding development of
“black box”
Data mining
Analysis & forecast Data structuring
Statistics Derive results from exclusive Structure data based on ISO/other
tuning technology combining a international standards, mechanical
wide range of algorithms engineering, technical knowledge,
Data Volume and experience

IoT platform to incorporate data utilization into business process

From a variety of major cloud services, an IoT platform is selected for collection, compilation and analysis of product and plant sensor data,
as well as all varieties of enterprise data. This platform is then fine-tuned and adapted to the specific business processes.

transmission Data collection Data accumulation & processing Analysis Visualization Data links Data utilization

Device ABeam IoT Platform Device

Hybrid environments available
Controllers Visibility Controllers for selection from major IoT cloud
transmission Data interface tools Device services

From data collection to data

Storage RDB utilization, equipped to handle
diverse range of data types
Sensors Sensor

Processing Analytical
treatment NoSQL DB model
Ent System Ent System Library lineups simplify data
processing & analysis
ERP Data collection Processing High-volume Interface ERP
treatment DB
MES MES Analytical models are ready-to-use,
and tools for managing and
QM QM operating the models available
Notification Monitoring
WMS services services WMS
PLM Processing for dissemination PLM

Cyclical business process optimization with automated fundamental analysis

We create systems for building analytical models, in which experts with knowledge and experience in, the latest data analysis technology, IT,
and manufacturing; apply the cycle of analysis, result evaluation, and improvement to the targeted products, plants, and processes for analysis.
We then optimize the model for the client’s business processes and support you to incorporate it into your daily business.

Hypothetic scenario Data utilization system

Data analysis Provide BPR and service
and result creation
Build systems Build analytical Improve Optimize
Formulate IoT Delineate scope Define data to for data models & business actionable data
Analyze existing
scenarios, of analysis use, analytical collection & system processes and with
expected results methods analysis frameworks provide services methodology

Determine business objective and ABeam Consulting performs quick Analytical models and systems for Model is fine tuned while running BPR
generate action scenarios based on processing & analysis on extractable gathering, compilation, and processing and services for constructed systems.
issue hypotheses and anticipated existing data. are developed for enhanced visibility of
effects. data from products, plants, etc.

2017.4 Unauthorized reprinting or photocopying of these materials is prohibited. Copyright©2017 by ABeam Consulting Ltd., All rights reserved.

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