MTH - #8 Midnight On The Moon

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Reading Comprehension

Midnight on the Moon

1. How did Jack know they were on the Moon?



2. How did they figure out Morgan was the future?



3. Why do astronauts need to eat and sleep inside the moon base?


4. On page.19 Jack said “I told you our blood will boil if we went out there.”



5. What can spacesuits do for moon scientists?




Reading Comprehension
Midnight on the Moon
6. How come footprints on the moon can stay still forever?


7. How can Annie jump as high as a moon rabbit?



8. On page. 36 a sign was written “We came in peace for all mankind.”
What does it mean when we say “We came in peace.”


9. What are the rocks crashed into the moon called?



10. How did Jack and Annie free Morgan from Merlin’s spell?

Reading Comprehension
Midnight on the Moon

Write a summary of Afternoon on the Amazon. Identify the part of the story on
the following graphic, and use sentence starters to help you write an interesting











Reading Comprehension
Midnight on the Moon

















Writing Checklist

[ ] Included a topic sentence. [ ] Organized to flow smoothly.

[ ] Included relevant details. [ ] Checked for complete sentences.

[ ] Deleted irrelevant details. [ ] Checked for capitals, punctuation,

[ ] Added transition words. and spelling.

Vocabulary Study
Midnight On the Moon

To speak very quietly with breath.



To open your mouth wide and take air into the lungs, usually when tired or bored.



An area of darkness, caused when light is blocked by something.



To look somewhere carefully in order to find something.



To shine with a soft, slightly wavering light.

Vocabulary Study
Midnight On the Moon

A set of necessary tools, clothing, etc. for a particular purpose.


Reach or cause to reach the temperature at which it bubbles and turns to gas.



A rounded roof on a building or a room, or a building with such a roof.


To search and discover.



A herb grown for its small oval seeds and its oil.


Vocabulary Study
Midnight On the Moon

awkward in movement or in handling things.



staying in the same position; not moving.



find out how heavy (someone or something) is, typically using scales.



an official document that gives you permission to own, do, or use something.


in the opposite order or way.


Across Down
1 He ___________ loudly in the middle of her
2 The children were playing, jumping on each speech.
other's ___________ . 2 I've ___________ high and low (=
4 The ___________ of the church is under repair. everywhere) for my keys.
5 That's the third glass you've smashed this week 3 Can you read the alphabet in ___________
- you're so ___________ ! order, from 'Z' to 'A' ?
7 What are you two boys ___________ about? 6 She saw her reflection in the water,
8 ___________ oil are used frequently in Asian ___________ in the moonlight.
cuisine. 9 The pan's ___________ .
11 The soldiers gave their ___________ a final 10 I can't brush your hair if you don't hold
check before setting off. ___________.
13 You need a driver's ___________ to drive. 12 The best way to ___________ a country is
14 She ___________ herself every week on the on foot.
scales in the bathroom.

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