Unit-1 Introduction: 1.0 Introduction To Power Electronics
Unit-1 Introduction: 1.0 Introduction To Power Electronics
Unit-1 Introduction: 1.0 Introduction To Power Electronics
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Objectives
1.2 Power Electronics Applications
1.3 Power Semiconductor devices
1.4 Control Characteristics Of power Devices
1.5 Types Of Power Converters
1.6 Periphral Effects
1.7 Power Diodes
1.8 Reverse recovery characteristics
1.9 Rectifiers
1.10 Assignment Questions
1.11 Outcomes
1.12 Further Readings
Power Electronics is a field which combines Power (electric power), Electronics and
Control systems.
Power engineering deals with the static and rotating power equipment for the generation,
transmission and distribution of electric power.
Electronics deals with the study of solid state semiconductor power devices and circuits for
Power conversion to meet the desired control objectives (to control the output voltage and
output power).
Power electronics may be defined as the subject of applications of solid state power
semiconductor devices (Thyristors) for the control and conversion of electric power.
1.1 Objectives:
Space shuttle power supply systems, satellite power systems, aircraft power systems.
Battery chargers, power supplies (DC and UPS), mobile cell phone battery chargers.
Traction control of electric vehicles, battery chargers for electric vehicles, electric
locomotives, street cars, trolley buses, automobile electronics including engine controls.
Power diodes are made of silicon p-n junction with two terminals, anode and cathode.
Diode is forward biased when anode is made positive with respect to the cathode. Diode
conducts fully when the diode voltage is more than the cut-in voltage (0.7 V for Si).
Conducting diode will have a small voltage drop across it.
Diode is reverse biased when cathode is made positive with respect to anode. When reverse
biased, a small reverse current known as leakage current flows. This leakage current
increases with increase in magnitude of reverse voltage until avalanche voltage is reached
(breakdown voltage).
When Schottky diode is forward biased free electrons on n-side gain enough energy to flow
into the metal causing forward current. Since the metal does not have any holes there is no
charge storage, decreasing the recovery time. Therefore a Schottky diode can switch-off
faster than an ordinary p-n junction diode. A Schottky diode has a relatively low forward
voltage drop and reverse recovery losses. The leakage current is higher than a p-n junction
diode. The maximum allowable voltage is about 100 V. Current ratings vary from about 1 to
300 A. They are mostly used in low voltage and high current dc power supplies. The
operating frequency may be as high 100-300 kHz as the device is suitable for high frequency
Comparison Between Different Types Of Diodes
B. Thyristors
Silicon Controlled Rectifiers (SCR):
The SCR has 3- terminals namely:
Anode (A), Cathode (k) and Gate(G).
Internally it is having 4-layers p-n-p-n as shown in figure (b).
Transistors which have high voltage and high current rating are called power
transistors. Power transistors used as switching elements, are operated in saturation region
resulting in a low - on state voltage drop. Switching speed of transistors is much higher than
the thyristors. And they are extensively used in dc-dc and dc-ac converters with inverse
parallel connected diodes to provide bi-directional current flow. However, voltage and
current ratings of power transistor are much lower than the thyristors. Transistors are used in
low to medium power applications. Transistors are current controlled device and to keep it in
the conducting state, a continuous base current is required.
Power transistors are classified as follows
Bi-Polar Junction Transistors (BJTs)
Metal-Oxide Semi-Conductor Field Effect Transistors (MOSFETs)
Insulated Gate Bi-Polar Transistors (IGBTs)
Controlled turn on and off characteristics (e.g. BJT, MOSFET, GTO, SITH,
For the control of electric power supplied to the load or the equipment/machinery or
for power conditioning the conversion of electric power from one form to other is necessary
and the switching characteristic of power semiconductor devices (Thyristors) facilitate these
The thyristorised power converters are referred to as the static power converters and
they perform the function of power conversion by converting the available input power
supply in to output power of desired form.
The different types of thyristor power converters are
Diode rectifiers (uncontrolled rectifiers).
Line commutated converters or AC to DC converters (controlled rectifiers)
AC voltage (RMS voltage) controllers (AC to AC converters).
Cyclo converters (AC to AC converters at low output frequency).
DC choppers (DC to DC converters).
Inverters (DC to AC converters).
1. AC TO DC Converters (Rectifiers)
AC Line DC Output
Input Commutated V0(QC)
Voltage Converter
Fig1.4: A Single Phase Full Wave Uncontrolled Rectifier Circuit (Diode Full Wave Rectifier) using a
Center Tapped Transformer
Fig: 1.5 A Single Phase Full Wave Controlled Rectifier Circuit (using SCRs) using a Center Tapped
HVDC transmission.
Battery Chargers.
2. a. AC TO AC Converters or AC regulators.
AC Vs AC Variable AC
Input Voltage RMSO/P Voltage
Voltage fs Controller
fs fS
The AC voltage controllers convert the constant frequency, fixed voltage AC supply into
variable AC voltage at the same frequency using line commutation.
AC regulators (RMS voltage controllers) are mainly used for
Speed control of AC motor.
Speed control of fans (domestic and industrial fans).
AC pumps.
Fig.1.6: A Single Phase AC voltage Controller Circuit (AC-AC Converter using a TRIAC)
V0 , f0
AC Vs Variable Frequency
Input AC Output
Voltage Converters
f0< fS
The cyclo converters convert power from a fixed voltage fixed frequency AC supply to a
variable frequency and variable AC voltage at the output.
The cyclo converters generally produce output AC voltage at a lower output frequency. That
is output frequency of the AC output is less than input AC supply frequency.
Applications of cyclo converters are traction vehicles and gearless rotary kilns.
3. CHOPPERS or DC TO DC Converters
+ V0(dc)
DC Variable DC
Chopper Output Voltage
The choppers are power circuits which obtain power from a fixed voltage DC supply and
convert it into a variable DC voltage. They are also called as DC choppers or DC to DC
converters. Choppers employ forced commutation to turn off the Thyristors. DC choppers are
further classified into several types depending on the direction of power flow and the type of
commutation. DC choppers are widely used in
Speed control of DC motors from a DC supply.
DC drives for sub-urban traction.
Switching power supplies.
4. INVERTERS or DC TO AC Converters
+ Inverter
Supply (Forced Output Voltage
- Commutation)
The inverters are used for converting DC power from a fixed voltage DC supply into an AC
output voltage of variable frequency and fixed or variable output AC voltage. The inverters
also employ force commutation method to turn off the Thyristors.
Applications of inverters are in
Industrial AC drives using induction and synchronous motors.
Uninterrupted power supplies (UPS system) used for computers, computer labs.
The power converter operations are based mainly on the switching of power
semiconductor devices and as a result the power converters introduce current and voltage
harmonics (unwanted AC signal components) into the supply system and on the output of the
These induced harmonics can cause problems of distortion of the output voltage, harmonic
generation into the supply system, and interference with the communication and signaling
circuits. It is normally necessary to introduce filters on the input side and output side of a
power converter system so as to reduce the harmonic level to an acceptable magnitude. The
figure below shows the block diagram of a generalized power converter with filters added.
The application of power electronics to supply the sensitive electronic loads poses a
challenge on the power quality issues and raises the problems and concerns to be resolved by
the researchers. The input and output quantities of power converters could be either AC or
DC. Factors such as total harmonic distortion (THD), displacement factor or harmonic factor
(HF), and input power factor (IPF), are measures of the quality of the waveforms. To
determine these factors it is required to find the harmonic content of the waveforms. To
evaluate the performance of a converter, the input and output voltages/currents of a converter
are expressed in Fourier series. The quality of a power converter is judged by the quality of
its voltage and current waveforms.
The control strategy for the power converters plays an important part on the harmonic
generation and the output waveform distortion and can be aimed to minimize or reduce these
problems. The power converters can cause radio frequency interference due to
electromagnetic radiation and the gating circuits may generate erroneous signals. This
interference can be avoided by proper grounding and shielding.
Introduction : Power diodes are made of silicon p-n junction with two terminals, anode and
cathode. Diode is forward biased when anode is made positive with respect to the cathode.
Diode conducts fully when the diode voltage is more than the cut-in voltage (0.7 V for Si).
Conducting diode will have a small voltage drop across it. Diode is reverse biased when cathode
is made positive with respect to anode. When reverse biased, a small reverse current known as
leakage current flows. This leakage current increases with increase in magnitude of reverse
voltage until avalanche voltage is reached (breakdown voltage).
Fig shows V-I Characteristics of diode.
Thermal agitation does break some of the bonds in the crystal, resulting in minority carriers,
Which permit a small reverse current flow, i.e. leakage current.
When a diode is in forward conduction mode, a sudden reversal of the polarity of the applied
voltage would not stop the diode current at once. But the diode continues to conduct in the
opposite direction due to minority carriers that remain stored in pn-junction and the bulk
semiconductor material. Fig.2 shows the effect of minority carriers on the turn off characteristics
of the power diode.
The charge carriers (holes & electrons) require a certain time to recombine with opposite n
charges and to be neutralized; this time is called the reverse recovery time trr of the diode.
From Fig.2, one can found the following relationships:
The fast decay of negative current creates an inductive drop that adds with the reverse blocking
voltage VR as illustrate in Fig.3.There are two types of reverse recovery characteristics of
junction diodes: Soft recovery and Fast recovery where, the softness factor, SF is the ratio of
Hence, the blocking voltage across the diode increases to: where, Vrr is reverse
recovery voltage due to the fast decay in the negativecurrent and equal to:
Based on the diode reverse recovery characteristics power diode are classified into:
► Standard Recovery (General) Diodes
► Fast Recovery Diodes
► Schottky Diodes
► Silicon Carbide Diodes.
For high frequency rectifier applications, Fast recovery and Schottky Diodes are generally used
because of their short reverse recovery time and low voltage drop in their forward bias condition
Schottky Diodes :
A Schottky diode has metal (aluminium) and semi-conductor junction. A layer of metal is
deposited on a thin epitaxial layer of the n-type silicon. In Schottky diode there is a larger barrier
for electron flow from metal to semi-conductor. Figure shows the Schottky diode.
When Schottky diode is forward biased free electrons on n-side gain enough energy to flow into
the metal causing forward current. Since the metal does not have any holes there is no charge
storage, decreasing the recovery time. Therefore, a Schottky diode can switch-off faster than an
ordinary p-n junction diode. A Schottky diode has a relatively low forward voltage drop and
reverse recovery losses. The leakage current is higher than a p-n junction diode. The maximum
allowable voltage is about 100 V. Current ratings vary from about 1 to 300 A. They are mostly
used in low voltage and high current dc power supplies. The operating frequency may be as high
100-300 kHz as the device is suitable for high frequency application.
Both p-type and n-type regions, which are necessary to fashion device structures in a
semiconductor materials, can be formed in SiC. These properties make SiC an attractive material
from which to manufacture power devices that can far exceed the performance of their Si
counterparts. SiC devices can withstand higher breakdown voltage, have lower resistivity, and
can operate at higher temperature. SiC SBDs (Schottky barrier diodes) with breakdown voltage
from 600V (which far exceeds the upper limit for silicon SBDs) and up are readily available.
Compared to silicon FRDs (fast recovery diodes),
SiC SBDs have much lower reverse recovery current and recovery time, hence
dramatically lower recovery loss and noise emission. Furthermore, unlike silicon FRDs,
these characteristics do not change significantly over current and operating temperature
SiC SBDs allow system designers to improve efficiency, lower cost and size of heat sink,
increasing switching frequency to reduce size of magnetics and its cost, etc.
SiC-SBDs have similar threshold voltage as Si- FRDs, i.e., a little less than 1V.
In contrast, since SiC-SBDs are majority carrier (unipolar) devices that use no minority carriers
for electrical conduction, they do not store minority carrier s. The reverse recovery current in SiC
SBDs is only to discharge junction capacitance. Thus the switching loss is substantially lower
compared to that in Si-FRDs. The transient current is nearly independent of temperatures and
forward currents, and thereby achieves stable fast recovery in any environment. This also means
SiC-SBDs generate less noise from the recovery current.
A typical comparison between different types of diodes is shown in the table below:
Rectifiers can be classified as single phase rectifier and three phase rectifier. Single phase
rectifier are classified as 1-Փ half wave and 1-Փ full wave rectifier. Three phase rectifier are
classified as 3-Փ half wave rectifier and 3-Փ full wave rectifier. 1-Փ Full wave rectifier are
classified as1-Փ mid point type and 1-Փ bridge type rectifier. 1-Փ bridge type rectifier are
classified as 1-Փ half controlled and 1-Փ full controlled rectifier. 3-Փ full wave rectifier are
again classified as 3-Փ mid point type and 3-Փ bridge type rectifier. 3-Փ bridge type rectifier
are again divided as 3-Փ half controlled rectifier and 3-Փ full controlled rectifier.
Output current 𝑖𝑜 rises gradually. After some time 𝑖𝑜 reaches a maximum value and then
begins to decrease.
At π, 𝑣𝑜 =0 but 𝑖𝑜 is not zero because of the load inductance L. After π interval SCR is reverse
biased but load current is not less then the holding current.
v conduction angle
Analysis for 𝑉𝑇 .
At 𝜔𝑡 = 𝐼,𝑉𝑇 = 𝑉𝑚 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝐼
During = 𝐼 𝑡𝑜 𝐼 , 𝑉𝑇 = 0;
When = 𝐼 , 𝑉𝑇 = 𝑉𝑚 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝐼;
Vm sin t Ri0 L
is sin( t )
R X2
tan 1
Rit L 0
So 𝑖𝑡 = 𝐴𝑒 −(𝑅𝑡⁄𝐿)
𝑖0 = 𝑖𝑠 + 𝑖𝑡
sin( 𝜔𝑡 − 𝐼) + 𝐴𝑒 −(𝑅𝑡⁄𝐿)
Where 𝑧 = √𝑅 2 + 𝑋 2
At 𝛼 = 𝜔𝑡, 𝑖𝑜 = 0;
0= sin( 𝛼 − 𝐼) + 𝐴𝑒 −(𝑅𝛼⁄𝐿𝜔) ;
𝐴= sin( 𝛼 − 𝐼)𝑒 (𝑅𝛼⁄𝐿𝜔)
𝑉𝑚 𝑉𝑚
𝑖𝑜 = sin( 𝜔𝑡 − 𝐼) − sin( 𝛼 − 𝐼)𝑒 −𝑅(𝜔𝑡−𝛼)⁄𝐿𝜔
𝑧 𝑧
𝜔𝑡 = 𝛽, 𝑖0 = 0;
(cos(𝛼) − cos(𝛽))
I0 (cos cos )
2 R
m sin(t )d (t )
T₁,T₂ triggered at α and π radian latter T₃, T₄ are triggered.
Single phase half wave circuit with RLE load
1 sin 1
2 2
Vm sin(t ) Ri0 L E
is is1 is 2
is1 sin(t )
it Ae ( R / L )t
is1 is 2 it
Vm E
sin(t ) Ae (R/L) t
Vm E
is 0 sin(t ) Ae (R/L) t
At t i0 0
E Vm
A [ sin( )]e R L
Vm { (t )} E { (t
i0 [sin(t ) sin( )e L
[1 e L
Average voltage across the inductance is zero. Average value of load current is
2 R
I0 (Vm sin t E ) d(t )
[Vm (cos cos )]
2 R
Conduction angle
I0 [Vm (cos cos( v) v)]
2 R
cos A cosB 2sin sin
2 2
1 v v
I0 [2Vm sin( )sin E. ]
2 R 2 2
E I0 R
1 v v
E [2Vm sin( )sin E. ]
2 2 2
v V v v
E(1 ) [ m sin( )sin ]
2 2 2
v 2
2 1
2 1
v 1
I0 [Vm (cos cos( 1 )) E ( 1 )]
2 R
So V0=E+I0R
Vm E
(cos cos 1 ) (1 1 )
2 2
For no inductance rms value of load current
I0 [ (Vm sin(t ) E ) 2 d t ]1/2
2 R 2
P I or2 R I 0 E
I or2 R I 0 E
Vs I or
V m sin(t )d (t )
full converter:
steady state analysis
Vs Rio L E
V0 RI 0 E
V0 cos
V0 ra I a mm
cos ra I a
T m Ia
( ) cos
m m2
1. http://books.google.co.in/books/about/Power_Electronics.html?id=-WqvjxMXClAC
2. http://www.flipkart.com/power-electronic-2ed/p/itmczynuyqnbvzzj
3. http://www.scribd.com/doc/36550374/Power-Electronics-Notes
4. http://elearning.vtu.ac.in/EC42.html
5. http://www.onlinevideolecture.com/electrical-engineering/nptel-iit-bombay/power-