E0071 Financial Analysis of Reliance Industries Limited
E0071 Financial Analysis of Reliance Industries Limited
E0071 Financial Analysis of Reliance Industries Limited
Submitted by
(Student Name)
HT NO: 21WJ1E****
Objectives of the study
Research Methodology
Annexure / Questionnaire
The financial analysis helps in knowing the financial performance of the company. It also helps
the company to predict the future profits and to take corrective measures to achieve them. The
study is to analyze the financial performance of Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) for a period of
five years. The objective of the study is to determine the liquidity, profitability and turnover rate
of RIL. The tool used to analyze the financial position of the company is Ratio analysis. The tool
helps in comparing the financial status of the current year with past years and also in providing
few suggestions with which the company can improve to do better in the future. The data are
collected from the secondary sources like annual reports, company websites and other reliable
sites. From the analysis, we find that the company is lagging in various areas. Improving which
will help the company to achieve its ideal ratios. The profitability and turnover ratios are better
when compared to liquidity ratios. The company was able to achieve the ideal ratios of
profitability in few years but couldn’t achieve the liquidity ratios even for a
singleyear.Alsotheworkingcapitalturnoverhasbeennegativeforallthefiveyears. The company must
improve to bring the working capital to appositive rate by decreasing its current liabilities. The
current liabilities have always been more than the current assets which is not good for the
Financial Ratios are used in the evaluation of the financial condition and
profitability of a company. The ratios are calculated from the financial information provided in
the balance sheet and income statements. While analyzing the financial statements you should
keep in mind the principles/practices that accountants use in preparing statements to examine at
the financial condition and preference of a company.
Ratio Analysis is one of the techniques of financial analysis where ratios are used
as a yardstick for evaluating the financial condition and performance of a firm. Analysis and
interpretation of various accounting ratios gives a skilled and experienced analyst a better
understanding of the financial condition and performance of the firm.
Ratio analysis is defined as, “The systematic use of ratios to interpret the financial statements so
that the strengths and weaknesses of the firm as well as its historical performance and current
financial condition can be determined.
This relationship can be expressed as:
1) Percentages:- For example, Assuming that net profits of Rs 25,000 and Sales of Rs
1,00,000. Then the 4net profits are 25% of sales.
2) Fraction:- net profit is ¼ of sales.
3) Proportion:- the relationship between net profits and sales is 1:4.
To take managerial decision the ratio of such items reveals the soundness of financial
position. Such information will be useful for creditors, shareholders management and all other
people who deal with company.
The ratio analysis is one of the most powerful tools of financial analysis. It is
used as a device to analyze and interprets the financial health of enterprise. Just like a doctor
examines his patient by recording his body temperature, blood pressure etc. before making his
conclusion regarding the illness and before giving his treatment, a financial analyst analyses the
financial statements with various tools of analysis before commenting upon the financial health
or weaknesses of an enterprise. Following are the uses of ratio analysis:
1. Liquidity position
2. Long term solvency
3 .Operating efficiency
4. Overall profitability
5. Inter firm comparison
6. Trend analysis.
Liquidity Position
With the help of ratio analysis conclusions can be drawn regarding the liquidity
position of a firm. It would be satisfactory if it is able to meet its current obligations when they
become due. A firm can be said to have the ability to meet its short term liabilities if it has
sufficient liquid funds to pay the interest on its short maturing debt usually within a year as well
as to repay the principal. This ability is reflected in the liquidity ratios of a firm. The liquidity
ratios are particularly useful in credit analysis by banks and other suppliers of short term loans.
Operating efficiency
Yet another dimension of the usefulness of the ratio analysis, relevant from the
viewpoint of management, is that it throws light on the degree of efficiency in the management
and utilization of its assets. The various activity ratios measure this kind of operational
efficiency. In fact, the solvency of a firm is, in the ultimate analysis, dependent upon the sales
revenues generated by the use of its assets total as well as its components.
Overall profitability:
Unlike the outside parties which are interested in one aspect of the financial
position of a firm, the management is constantly concerned about the overall profitability of the
enterprise. That is, they are concerned about the ability of the firm to meet its short term as well
as long term obligations to its creditors, to ensure a reasonable return to its owners and secure
optimum utilization of the assets of the firm. This is possible if an integrated view is taken and
all the ratios are considered together.
Trend Analysis
Finally, ratio analysis enables a firm to take the time dimension into account. In
other words, whether the financial position of a firm is improving or deteriorating over the years.
This is made possible by the use of trend analysis. The significance of a trend analysis of ratios
lies in the fact that the analysts can know the direction of movement, that is, whether the
movement is favorable or unfavorable. For example, the ratio may be low as compared to the
norm but the trend may be upward. On the other hand, though the present level may be
satisfactory but the trend may be a declining one.
Analysis of financial statement can be undertaken by different persons and for different
purposes, therefore, the scope of the AFS may be varying from one situation to
However, the following are some the techniques of the AFS:
The last technique i.e. The ratio analysis is the most common, comprehensive and
powerful tool of the AFS. The importance of ratio analysis lies in the fact that it
presents facts on a comparative basis. As such, this study focuses only on this (ratio)
This is a systematic way to solve the research problem and it is important component for
the study without which researches may not be able to obtain the format. A research design is the
arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manager that aims to combine
for collection and analysis of data relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure.
The formidable problem that follows the task of defining the research problem is the
preparation of design of the research project, popularly known as the research design, decision
regarding what, where, when, how much, by what means concerning an inquiry of a research
study constitute a research design. A research design is the arrangement of conditions for
collection and analysis of data in a manager that aims to combine for collection and analysis of
data relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure.
Data we collected based on two sources.
Primary data.
Secondary data.
Primary data
The Primary data are those information’s, which are collected afresh and for the first
time, and thus happen to be original in character.
Secondary Data:
The Secondary data are those which have already been collected by some other agency
and which have already been processed. The sources of Secondary data are Annual Reports,
browsing Internet, through magazines.
1. It includes data gathered from the annual reports of Reliance Industries Limited.
2. Articles are collected from official website of Reliance Industries Limited.
The review of literature guides the researchers for getting better understanding of methodology
used, limitation of various available estimation procedures and database, and logical
interpretation and reconciliation of the conflicting results. Besides this, the review of empirical
studies explores the avenues for future and present research efforts related to the subject matter.
In case of conflicting and unexpected results, the research can take the advantage of knowledge
of their researchers simply through the medium of their published works. A number of research
studies have been carried out on different aspects of performance appraisal by the researchers,
economists and academicians in India and abroad also. Different authors have analyzed
performance in different perspectives. A review of these analyses is important in order to
develop an approach that can be employed in the context of the study of Indian automobile
industry. Therefore, the present chapter reviews the empirical studies related with different
aspects of financial performance analysis.
This part represents the review of those studies that have been carried out in the financial
performance Rao (2022) discussed in his research about ‘Financial appraisal of Indian
Automotive Dairy Industry’. Main objective of study was intended to probe into the financial
condition-financial strength and weakness-of the Indian Dairy industry. He has been measured
and evaluates the financial performance through inter-company and inter-sector analysis for the
period of 1981-1988. He has found that the fixed assets utilization in many of the Dairy
undertakings was not as productive as expected and inventory was managed fairly well. He has
considered that the DAIRY industry's overall profit performance was subjected to inconsistency
and ineffective. He has suggested some recommendations to improve financial performance.
Rao (2021) has made a study about inter-company financial analysis of tea industry-retrospect
and prospect. He wished to analyses the important variables of tea industry and projected future
trends regarding sales and profit for the 30 next 20 year periods, with a view to help the policy
makers to take appropriate decisions. He have been calculated various financial ratios for
analyzing the financial health of the industry. After the comparison of ratios, he has concluded
that the forecast of sales and profits of tea manufacturing companies showed that the Indian tea
industry has bright prospects. He has also revealed that the recent changes in the Indian
economic policies may boost up the foreign exchange earnings, which may benefit those
companies, which are exporting to hard currency areas.
Pai, Vadivel & Kamala (2019) have studied about the diversified companies and financial
performance. Main purpose of research was found out the relationship between diversified firms
and their financial performance. For the purpose of research, they have selected seven large firms
and analyzed those firm which having different products-both related and otherwise-in their
portfolio and operating in diverse industries. In this study, a set of performance measures / ratios
was employed to determine the level of financial performance and variation in performance from
one firm to another has been observed and statistically established. They revealed that the
diversified firms studied have been healthy financial performance.
Loundes (2020) studied on his research paper regarding “performance of Australian Government
Trading Enterprises: An overview”. He has provided 31 an overview of GTE performance over
the 5 years to 1996 using the IBIS Enterprise Database, following the method of analyzing firm
performance as outlined by the steering committee (1998). He has made comparative analysis
and its results indicate that there are large differences in performance across firms, and more
particularly, across the industries. Assessing the performance of Government Trading Enterprises
(GTEs) has become increasingly important in the context of the push towards privatization.
Dhankar (2020) has studied about the criteria of performance measurement for business
enterprises in India study of public sector undertakings. The author gives a new model for
measuring the performance of a business enterprise in India, wherein, the basis is to compare its
actual rate of return with its expected risk adjusted rate of return. Realizing the importance and
controversy of public sector in India, an attempt was made to measure the performance of all
public sector undertakings, which were started up to 1964 and were in operation until 1983. It is
shocking to know that half of them on an average want to talk of making excess returns, have not
been able to earn equal to their cost of capital.
Sengupta (2021) studied concerning the performance of the fertilizers industry in India. By
Analysing of cost functions and cobb-douglas production function have been made to check the
performance of the industry. Analysis of shifting cost functions further highlight that the firms
belonging to this industry expand capacities, even before fully exploiting the existing capacity
conforming to the oligopolistic behavioural tendency of the firms belonging to the fertilizers
industry. The results showed that the industry was subject to the law of increasing costs. He
founded that, to get further support from the examination of the production function, which
revealed that the average productivity of labour exceeds its marginal productivity..
D’Souza & Megginson (2021) have studied concerning the financial and operating performance
of privatized firms during the 1990s. They made comparison about the pre and post privatization
financial and operating performance of 85 companies from 28 industrialized countries that were
32 privatized through public share offerings for the period from 1990 to 1996. They have noticed
that the significant increases in profitability, output, operating efficiency, dividend payments and
significant decreases in leverage ratios for the full sample of firms after privatization. They have
also concluded that the capital expenditures increase significantly in absolute terms, but not
relative to sales and Employment declines, but insignificantly. As per findings, they strongly
recommended that privatization yields significant performance improvements.
Raghunathan & Das (2019) have discussed in their paper regarding corporate performance of
post-Liberalization. They analysed the performance of Indian Manufacturing sector in the last 8
years since liberalization on the parameters of profitability, liquidity, leverage and solvency.
They also observed that the solvency and profitability ratios were encouraging till 1996 they
have been gradually diminishing after that and this problem gets more pronounced when the
EVA was calculated which showed that the Indian Manufacturing sector has destroyed wealth,
while the MNCs have generated wealth for their shareholders. They have pointed out after the
analysis; the poor corporate performance has led to an economic slowdown and not the other
way round and corporate raised funds during the blacken days of equity markets and ended up
investing these funds at below their cost of capital. In short, the outcome has been a prolonged
economic slowdown.
Nitsure & Joseph (2020) have studied about, “Liberalisation and the Behaviour of Indian
Industry (A Corporate - Sector Analysis based on Capacity Utilisation), and examined the impact
of economic reform on productive capacity creation and utilization across various industries in
the nineties. They analyzed the determinants of capacity use such as credit flows, import
liberalization, fiscal consolidation and demand conditions, using panel 35 data for 802 firms for
the period 1993-98 to suggest an optimum combination of policies that is critical for realizing the
unused capacity. They suggested that although substantial achievements occurred initially in
creation 33 and utilization of capacities in the various industries, there was significant room for
further improvement in utilization.
Rajeswari (2020) studied about the Liquidity Management of Tamil Nadu Cement Corporation
Ltd. Alangulam-A Case Study. She concluded from the analysis; the liquidity position of
TANCEM was not stable. After the comparative analysis regarding liquidity ratios, she has
found there was too much of liquidity in the first two years of the study period and also a very
high degree of liquidity was also bad as idle assets earn nothing and affects profitability. In short,
she concluded that the liquidity management of TANCEM is poor and is not satisfactory
Aggarwal & Singla (2020) have studied about developed a single index of financial performance
through the technique of Multiple Discriminate Analysis (MDA), by selecting 21 ratios and
selected ratios used as inputs. For the purpose of analysis they selected only those ratios, which
was relevant in distinguish between profit making units and loss making units in Indian paper
industry. They concluded that, the model has correctly classified 82.14 percent of units selected
as profit making and loss marking. They mentioned in their study the inventory turnover ratio,
interest coverage ratio, net profit to total assets and earnings per share are the most important
indicators of financial performance. Also they suggested suggests that the results of Multiple
Discriminate Analysis could be used as predictor of future profitability / sickness.
Sur (2021) studied in his paper about the Liquidity Management: An overview of four companies
in Indian Power Sector using the data for the period of 1987-1988 to 1996-1997. He had applied
accounting techniques of comparative analysis regarding the liquidity management in Electricity
generation and distribution industry. He revealed that the overall liquidity should be managed in
such a way that not only it should not hamper profitability but also its contribution towards
increase in profitability should be positive.
Sur, Biswas & Ganguly (2021) have studied about the Liquidity Management in Indian Private
Sector Enterprises - A case study of Indian Primary Aluminium industry. From the analysis, they
had summarized that the overall performance regarding liquidity management at INDAL was
better in terms of efficient utilization of short term funds, whereas HINDALCO was unable to do
so. They found that a very high degree of positive correlation between liquidity and profitability
in case of both the companies was a notable feature, reflecting the favourable effect of liquidity
on profitability.
Rogers (2021) studied in his research about the effect of diversification on firm performance
analyses the association between diversification and firm performance by using a sample of up to
1449 large Australian firms for the period of 1994 to 1997. He has analysed the firm
performance by measuring profitability and, for quoted firms, market value. From the
comparative analysis of selected sample, the results showed that all the selected firms have more
focused to maintain higher profitability and also controls for firm specific effects and other
determinants of profitability. However, this association was not found in sub-sample regressions
for listed firms. He concluded that for measuring the performance of the firm, firm select either
profitability or market value. The results indicated that listed firms may be under closer scrutiny
and competitive pressures that ensure, on average, that these firms are at their optimal degree of
Bosworth & Loundes (2021) have studied about the Dynamic performance of Australian
Enterprises investigate the interaction of discretionary investments, innovation, productivity and
profitability within a dynamic framework of firm performance. They haveset up a dynamic and
closed model for firm performance and the result empirical model was tested as a series of
recursive equations by using a four-year balanced panel data set of Australian firms drawn from
the Business Longitudinal Survey. After comparatively analysis, they found that the current
economic profit has an important role to play in enabling firms to invest. They mentioned in the
findings regarding investments complements and also substitutes. They concluded from analysis
the impact of these discretionary investments on innovation and total factor productivity
performance. Finally, the impact of past discretionary investments both directly and indirectly
(that is, via innovation and productivity performance) on current profitability was examined.
They also revealed that thepast values of these investments have a significant influence on
current profit, effectively closing the model.
Bosworth & Loundes (2021) have studied about the Dynamic performance of Australian
Enterprises investigate the interaction of discretionary investments, innovation, productivity and
profitability within a dynamic framework of firm performance. They haveset up a dynamic and
closed model for firm performance and the result empirical model was tested as a series of
recursive equations by using a four-year balanced panel data set of Australian firms drawn from
the Business Longitudinal Survey. After comparatively analysis, they found that the current
economic profit has an important role to play in enabling firms to invest. They mentioned in the
findings regarding investments complements and also substitutes. They concluded from analysis
the impact of these discretionary investments on innovation and total factor productivity
performance. Finally, the impact of past discretionary investments both directly and indirectly
(that is, via innovation and productivity performance) on current profitability was examined.
They also revealed that the past values of these investments have a significant influence on
current profit, effectively closing the model.
Manufacturing has emerged as one of the high growth sectors in India. Prime Minister of India,
Mr Narendra Modi, launched the ‘Make in India’ program to place India on the world map as a
manufacturing hub and give global recognition to the Indian economy. Government aims to
create 100 million new jobs in the sector by 2022.
Market Size
The Gross Value Added (GVA) at basic current prices from the manufacturing sector in India
grew at a CAGR of 5% during FY16 and FY20 as per the annual national income published by
Government of India. The sector’s GVA at current prices was estimated at US$ 397.14 billion in
Business conditions in the Indian manufacturing sector continue to remain positive. The
manufacturing component of IIP stood at 129.8 during FY20. Strong growth was recorded in the
production of basic metals (10.8%), intermediate goods (8.8%), food products (2.7%) and
tobacco products (2.9%). India’s Index of eight core industries stood at 131.9 in FY20.
According to the Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, India’s industrial output,
measured by IIP, rose by 3.6% y-o-y in October 2020.
Merchandise export decreased 4.78% y-o-y to reach US$ 314.31 billion in FY20.
In October 2020, India's manufacturing sector recorded improvement for the third consecutive
month, with businesses growing production to the greatest extent in 13 years in the middle of
robust sales growth.
(Purchasing Managers’ Index) PMI fell from 58.9 in October 2020 to a three-month low of 56.3
in November 2020, signifying strong growth in the manufacturing sector, despite losing traction.
With the help of Make in India drive, India is on a path of becoming the hub for hi-tech
manufacturing as global giants such as GE, Siemens, HTC, Toshiba, and Boeing have either set
up or are in process of setting up manufacturing plants in India, attracted by India's market of
more than a billion consumers and an increasing purchasing power.
According to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), India
ranked among the top 10 recipients of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in South Asia in 2019,
attracting US$ 49 billion—a 16% increase from the previous year.
Cumulative Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in India’s manufacturing sector reached US$ 89.40
billion during April 2000 March 2020. In May 2020, the Government of India increased FDI in
defence manufacturing under the automatic route from 49% to 74%.
India has become one of the most attractive destinations for investment in the manufacturing
sector. Some of the major investments and developments in this sector in the recent past are:
Government Initiatives
The Government of India has taken several initiatives to promote a healthy environment for the
growth of manufacturing sector in the country. Some of the notable initiatives and developments
In November 2020, the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship begun skill
training of 3 lakh migrant workers from the identified 116 districts across Uttar Pradesh,
Bihar, Rajasthan, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh and Jharkhand. The initiative aims to
empower migrant workers and rural population in the post-COVID-19 era through
demand-driven skilling and orientation under the centrally sponsored and centrally
managed (CSCM) component of the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY)
In March 2020, the government approved the Production Incentive Scheme (PLI) for
Large-scale Electronics Manufacturing. The scheme proposes production-linked
incentive to boost domestic manufacturing and attract large investments in mobile phone
manufacturing and specified electronic components including Assembly, Testing,
Marking and Packaging (ATMP) units.
In May 2020, Government increased FDI in Defence manufacturing under the automatic
route from 49% to 74%.
In March 2020, the Union Cabinet approved financial assistance to the Modified
Electronics Manufacturing Clusters (EMC2.0) Scheme for development of world class
infrastructure along with common facilities and amenities through Electronics
Manufacturing Clusters (EMCs).
As per the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI) & Ministry of
Labour & Employment report on Payroll Reporting in India, number of new subscribers*
under Employees’ Provident Fund Scheme reached 10,47,167 in September 2020.
Under the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Kendras, 73 lakh people were trained during 2016-20
while 723 Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Kendras were established till Jan 2020.
As of August 2020, there were about 15,000 Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) in India.
In August 2019, the Government permitted 100% FDI in contract manufacturing through
the automatic route.
In February 2019, the Union Cabinet passed National Policy on Electronics (NPE),
envisaged to create a US$ 400 billion electronics manufacturing industry in the country
by 2025. 32% growth rate has been targeted globally in next five years.
Under the Make in India initiative, Government aims to increase the share of the
manufacturing sector to country’s GDP to 25% by 2025.
Under the Mid-Term Review of Foreign Trade Policy (2015-20), the Government of
India increased export incentives available to labour intensive MSME sectors by 2%. In
April 2020, Government extended FTP for one more year, up to March 31, 2021.
Road Ahead
India is an attractive hub for foreign investments in the manufacturing sector. Several mobile
phone, luxury and automobile brands, among others, have set up or are looking to establish their
manufacturing bases in the country.
The manufacturing sector of India has the potential to reach US$ 1 trillion by 2025. The
implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) will make India a common market with a
GDP of US$ 2.5 trillion along with a population of 1.32 billion people, which will be a big draw
for investors. The Indian Cellular and Electronics Association (ICEA) predicts that India has the
potential to scale up its cumulative laptop and tablet manufacturing capacity to US$ 100 billion
by 2025 through policy interventions.
With impetus on developing industrial corridors and smart cities, the Government aims to ensure
holistic development of the nation. The corridors would further assist in integrating, monitoring
and developing a conducive environment for the industrial development and will promote
advance practices in manufacturing.
Growth through Commitments. We care about: Quality; Research & Development; Health,
Safety & Environment; Human Resource Development; Energy Conservation; Corporate
Reliance believes that any business conduct can be ethical only when it rests on the nine core
values of Honesty, Integrity, Respect, Fairness, Purposefulness, Trust, Responsibility,
Citizenship and Caring.
The essence of these commitments is that each employee conducts the company's business with
integrity, in compliance with applicable laws, and in a manner that excludes considerations of
personal advantage.
We do not lose sight of these values under any circumstances, regardless of the goals we have to
achieve. To us, the means are as important as the ends.
Reliance Industries Ltd. is India's largest private-sector company, generating revenues of $19.97
billion, or more than 3 percent of India's total gross domestic product. Founded as a textiles
company, Reliance has successfully completed a backward integration strategy that has
transformed it into India's largest private-sector petrochemicals company, and number two
overall (behind state-owned India Oil). Reliance's petrochemicals division is fully integrated and
includes exploration and production; refining (the company has built one of the world's largest
and most modern refinery complexes at Jamnagar in Gujarat); marketing, through a chain of
more than 1,000 service stations; and the production of petrochemicals, including polymers,
polyester, polyester intermediates, and others. These chemicals are used to support Reliance's
continued textile operations, which focus particularly on the production of polyester fabrics.
Following the 2004 acquisition of Trevira, the company has become the world's leading
polyester manufacturer, with production levels topping 25 million meters per year. The
company's textile range includes other fabrics, such as acrylics, and finished garments.
Reliance Industries represents the continuation of India's greatest corporate success story since
the country's independence. Founded by Dhirubhai H. Ambani in 1958, Reliance grew to include
holdings in energy production and distribution, telecommunications, and capital finance. After a
public feud between Mukesh D. Ambani and younger brother Anil, these operations were split
off into a new company controlled by Anil Ambani. Reliance Industries is listed on the Mumbai
Stock Exchange. Mukesh Ambani is company chairman and managing director.
Rags in 1958
Dhirajlal Hirachand Ambani(Dhirubhai was a nickname) was born to a lower middle class
schoolteacher's family in Chorwad, an impoverished village in Gujarat in 1932. Instead of
becoming a teacher himself--because the family could not afford to send him on to university--
the young Ambani traveled to the port city of Aden at the age of 16. There, Ambani began
working as a clerk pumping gas at a service station. Ambani remained in Aden for nearly ten
years, rising to become Burmah Shell's marketing manager. By then, however, Ambani had
begun to dream of founding his own business.
Ambani quit Burmah Shell and for a time worked in the insurancefield. In the late 1950s, the
political situation in Aden had become increasingly unstable. In 1958, therefore, Ambani decided
to return to India and start up a new business as an exporter of Indian goods to Aden. Finding
housing for his young family in a Mumbai slum, Ambani at first rented office space, or rather a
desk, for two hours per day. Initially, Ambani's exports included spices as well as fabrics.
Textiles, starting with textile yarns, which Ambani sold to textile manufacturers, provided
Ambani with his strongest sales, and quickly became the company's focus. Ambani also rapidly
proved himself adept at negotiating the intricate bureaucracy of the socialist Indian government.
In particular, Ambani was able to develop a network of relationships with the country's political
leaders, including Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. In this way, Ambani was able to develop a
thriving business importing and exporting nylon, rayon, and polyester.
To lead the industry while generating value to the stakeholders, be the pioneer in setting
ethical standard and be everyone’s investor.
To lead the industry by providing innovative financial products and services
Provide employees with motivating work environment, opportunities for learning and career
development, competitive compensations and equal opportunities.
Structure of the Organisation
In February 1986, a stroke left Ambani’s right side paralysed. He decided to hand his company
to both of his sons, Anil and Mukesh Ambani. In June 22, 2004, Ambani had a second stroke
which caused him to die. Afterwards, the brothers had a quarrel over who would rule the
company which led to a division of the company.
Products& SERVICES
Section I.02 Products &services
Our expertise lies in developing products and markets from 'concept to fruition' and beyond. Our
constant focus on innovation has helped us to emerge as a trendsetter in various markets and be
known worldwide for our unbeatable range of products. Our operations span from the
exploration and production of oil and gas to the manufacture of petroleum products, polyester
products, polyester intermediates, plastics, polymer intermediates, chemicals, synthetic textiles
and fabrics.
Polypropylene (PP)
Polyethylene (HDPE, LLDPE & LDPE)
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Pipes
Polypropylene Random (PPR) Pipes
Reliance Elastomers
Poly Butadiene Rubber
Styrene Butadiene Rubber
Looks & Feels Like Wood. Resistant to Fire, UV, Termite & Water
Reliance has set one more benchmark in the industry with commissioning of ROGC (Refinery
Off Gas Cracker). Integration of Petrochemical and Refinery is unique feat designed to maximise
value addition. This highly complex project was both an engineering and execution challenge
and has been started in flawless manner in record time. We have also improved our
competitiveness and feed flexibility by building a complete supply chain network for Ethane
import for our Hazira, Dahej and Nagothane sites and debottlenecked the three Cracker plants to
handle Ethane as feeds.
This adds to our past achievements in all projects at Jamnagar Manufacturing Division (JMD).
Reliance projects are of titanic proportions and required millions of engineering man-hours
spread over many international engineering offices; thousands of tonnes in equipment and
material procured from suppliers across the globe; highly advanced, mammoth construction
equipment; a workforce of over 75,000 working round the clock for months; and a great number
of innovative techniques in project execution. The result: JMD was established in a record time
of less than three years! This has been our way of life, from our mega plant in Patalganga to
Hazira and other locations.
Manufacturing divisions of Reliance not only create thousands of jobs for skilled workforce, but
also train unskilled workers, helping create a strong talent pool. Every product we create with the
'Made in India' tag is a source of great honour and pride.
There is an unwavering commitment to safety in all our operations. Reliance adopts latest and
best technologies for all new projects, invests in cutting edge technology for safe and reliable
operations. The safety culture is reinforced with continuous training, updation of processes and
engaging some of the best experts to improve safety systems. Continued focus on asset renewal
ensures that all our assets are state of art and keeping with new technologies for improving
We have state-of-the-art Occupational Health Centres (OHC) equipped with diagnostic and
therapeutic equipment manned by qualified specialists at all manufacturing divisions. At
Jamnagar, Vadodara, Nagothane and Patalganga we have full-fledged modern hospitals which
look after not only our employees, but also their families. Most of our manufacturing divisions
are ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007 compliant.
We have always considered sustainable development the cornerstone of our business strategy.
We seek to achieve sustainable and profitable growth, creating thriving eco-systems around all
our businesses. Our strategy includes fostering close and continuous interaction with people and
communities around our manufacturing divisions, bringing qualitative changes in their lives and
supporting the underprivileged.
We maintain a valuable relationship and trust with all our stakeholders by ensuring a transparent
financial reporting system. Our superior credit profile is reflected in our relationships with over
100 banks and financial institutions having commitments with us. Our financial discipline and
prudence is also reflected in our strong credit ratings.
(b) Ratio Analysis is one of the most powerful tools of Financial Analysis. It is
used as a device to analyze and interpret the financial health of the enterprise. Ratios are
considered as one of the useful aids available to the Management in assessing the position
and drawing conclusions regarding efficiency and financial status of a Business Concern.
A ratio is defined as “the indicated quotient of two mathematical expressions” and as the
“relationship between two or more things.”
An accounting figure conveys meaning when it is related to some other relevant
information. For example, a Rs.3000 crores Net Profit may look impressive, but the firm’s
performance can said to be good or bad only when the net profit figure is related to the firm’s
investment. The relationship between two accounting figures, expressed mathematically is
known as ratio.
According to Myers, “Ratio analysis of financial statements is a study of relationship
among various financial factors in a business as disclosed by a single set of statements and a
study of trend of these factors as shown in a series of statements."
(c) Ratio Analysis helps in summarizing large quantities of financial data and to
make qualitative judgment about the financial performance.
(d) Ratio analysis is one of the techniques of financial analysis to evaluate the
financial condition and performance of a business concern. Simply, ratio means the
comparison of one figure to other relevant figure or figures
(e) The Ratio Analysis involves comparison for useful interpretation of the
Financial Statement. A single Ration in itself can not indicate favorable or unfavorable
condition. It should be compared with some standard. Standards of comparison are of
four types. They are
1. Trend Analysis: When ratios over a period of time are compared it is known as the
Time Series or Trend Analysis.
2. Cross-Sectional Analysis: when ratios of one firm are compared with some selected
firms in the same industry at the same point in time, it is called as Cross Sectional
3. Industry Analysis: The ratios are compared with average ratios of the industry to
which the firm belongs; this sort of analysis is known as the Industry Analysis.
4. Pro Forma Analysis: The comparison of current or past ratios with future ratios
which are developed from the projected or pro forma financial statements is called
as Pro Forma Analysis.
Significance to management
The management can measure the effectiveness of the own polices and decisions,
determine the advisability of adopting new policies, procedures and document to owners, the
result of their managerial efforts.
Significance to investors
With the help of financial analysis investors and share holders of the business can know
about the earning capacity and the safety to their investments in the business.
Liquidity Ratios
Profitability Ratios
(i) Liquidity Ratios measure the firm’s ability to meet current obligations;
Leverage Ratios measure the proportions of debt and equity in financing the firm’s assets;
Turnover Ratios reflect the firm’s efficiency in utilizing its assets, and Profitability Ratios
measure the overall performance and efficiency of the firm.
(j) The various ratios are calculated below using the financial statements of
BSNL for the past five year’s i.e.2005-06 to 2009-2010.
(l) Liquidity Ratios measure the ability of the firm to meet its current
obligations. Liquidity Ratios establish relationship between cash and other current assets
to current obligations and provide a quick measure of liquidity position to the management
of the firm. Thus a firm should ensure that it does not suffer from lack of liquidity and
also at the same time see that it does not have excess liquidity.
(m) The Current Ratio is a measure of the firm’s short term solvency. It
indicates the availability of current assets in rupees for every one rupee of current liability.
A ratio of greater than one means that the firm has more current assets than current
liabilities of the firm.
(n) Current Assets include cash and those assets which can be converted into
cash within a year, such as marketable securities, debtors and inventories. Prepaid
expenses are also included in current assets as they represent the payments that will not be
made by the firm in the future.
(o) Current Liabilities include creditors, bills payable, accrued expenses, short
term bank loan, income tax liability and long term debt maturing in the current year.
(p) The Current Ratio is calculated by dividing the current assets by current
Current Assets
Current Ratio = --------------------------
Current Liabilities
Quick Ratio establishes the relationship between quick or liquid assets and
liabilities. An asset is liquid if it can be converted into cash immediately or reasonably soon
without a loss of value.
Cash is the most liquid asset. Other assets which are considered to be relatively
liquid and included in the quick assets are debtors and bills receivable and marketable securities
(temporary quoted investments). Inventories are considered to be less liquid.
Current Assets – Inventories
Quick Ratio = -----------------------------------------
Current Liabilities
Net Assets include Net Fixed Assets and Net Current Assets. Since Net Assets equal
Capital Employed, Net Assets Turnover Ratio is also called as Capital Employed Turnover
The Total Assets Turnover Ratio shows the company’s ability in generating sales
from all financial resources committed to total assets. Total Assets include Net Fixed Assets and
Current Assets.
Income from Services
Total Assets Turnover = --------------------------------
Total Assets
This ratio shows the firm’s ability in utilizing the Fixed Assets of the Company.
The ability of the company in generating income from the fixed assets can be known by
calculating this ratio.
Income from Services
Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio = --------------------------------
Net Fixed Assets
Profitability reflects the final result of business operations. There are two
types of profitability ratios: profit margins ratios and rate of return ratios. Profit margins ratios
show the relationship between profit and sales. The two popular profit margin ratios are: gross
profit margin ratio and net profit margin ratio. Rate of return ratios select the relationship
between profit and investment the important rate of return measures are: return on total assets,
earning power, and return on equity.
Generally, there are two types of profitability ratios.
Profitability in relation to sales
Profitability in relation to investment
The profitability ratios are:
(i). Gross profit ratio
(ii). Net profit ratio
(iii). Return on equity ratio
(iv). Selling and distribution express ratio
(v). Return on capital employed ratio
Gross profit
Grass profit ratio: Net sales
A firm should have reasonable gross margin to ensure adequate coverage for operating
expenses of the firm and sufficient return to the owner’s of business, which is reflected in the net
profit margin.
Net profit
Net Profit ratio= sales
This ratio provides a good opportunity to compare a company’s “return on sales” with the
performance of other companies. That’s why it is calculated after income tax because tax and tax
liabilities varying from company to company
(iii) Return on Equity ratio:
This ratio indicates how well the firm has used the resources of owners. And also gives
the shareholders and idea lf the return of the founds .as well as useful for inter-firm and inters
industry comparisons.
The selling and distribution expenses are made after completion of production then starts,
at the time of production selling.
The ratio is calculated by dividing the net profit with total capital employed in the firm.
Net profit means profit means profit after tax but with interest. Capital employed is founded by
subtracting intangible assets from investment.
Trend analysis can:
provide little insight into the root causes of variations
fail to indicate what the entity’s normal or benchmark position is
be undermined by frequent changes in financial reporting formats
Be heavily influenced by the choice of the base fiscal period.
In this chapter an attempt has been made to analysis how efficiently the analysis of
Financial statement is managed in Reliance Industries limited. Financial tools such as schedule
of changes in ratio analysis, least squares, comparative statements have been used for the
purpose of analysis.
1) Current Ratio
Current ratio may be defined as the relationships between current assets and current
liabilities. It is the most common ratio for measuring liquidity. It is calculated by dividing
current assets by current liabilities. Current assets are those, the amount of which can be
realized within a period of one year. Current liabilities are those amounts which are payable
within a period of one year. A current ratio of 2:1 is considerable ideal.
Current Assets
Current Ratio =
Current liabilities
TABLE – 4.1 Current Ratio
(in crores)
Year Current Assets Current liabilities Current Ratio
2018-2019 13343 8446 1.57
2019-2020 16331 20321 1.58
2020-2021 22163 14420 1.46
2021-2222 27705 19821 1.39
2022-2023 36901 28333 1.30
The ideal value of current ratio 2:1, but during the period of study, the current ratio is
lesser than the standard. This shows the current ratio to shows a do down ward which indicates
the inefficiency of the company to meet its current obligations.
2022-2023 28333
2021-2022 19821
2020-2021 14420 Current Ratio
22023 Current liabilities
Current Assets
2019-2020 20321
2018-2019 8446
3) Proprietory Ratio :
Proprietory ratio relates to the proprietors funds to total assets. It revels the owners’
contribution to the total value of assets. This ratio shows the long – time solvency of the
business. It is calculated by dividing proprietor’s funds by the total tangible assets.
Proprietor’s Funds
Proprietary Ratio = -------------------------------
Total Tangible Asse
TABLE – 4.3 Proprietory Ratio
(in crores)
Year Proprietary Fund Total Proprietary
Assets Ratio
2018-2019 6027 14483 0.41
2019-2020 7301 17498 0.41
2020-2021 8788 22354 0.39
2021-2222 21774 29344 0.36
2022-2023 12939 39528 0.32
2022-2023 39528
2021-2022 29344
2020-2021 22354 3 Proprietary Ratio
8788 3 Total Assets
3 Proprietary Fund
2019-2020 17498
2018-2019 14483
0 5000 1000015000200002500030000350004000045000
2022-2023 12939
2021-2022 21774
2020-2021 8788
Fixed asset to Net worth ratio
0.15 Proprietory
2019-2020 7301 Fixed asset
2018-2019 6027
2019-2020 1679
14,525 21.60%
2018-2019 953
20,336 9.20%
2022-2023 9350
2021-2022 7197
2020-2021 4971 Stock Turnover Ratio
14960 Average Stock
Cost of goods sold
2019-2020 3653
2018-2019 2919
Debtors turn over ratio
Sundry debtors
2019-2020 Sales
2020-2021 18739 1291
14.51 Fixed asset
Fixed asset Turnover
2022-2023 28033
2021-2022 21401
2020-2021 18739 Capital Turnover ratio
8789 Sales
Net worth (or) Proprietor’s fund
2019-2020 14525
2018-2019 20336
Net Profit
Return on total Assets = -------------------------- X200
Table assets
TABLE – 4.13 Return on Total assets
2019-2020 2564
17497 14.65
2018-2019 1582
14482 20.92
Total assets 14481 17496 22353 29343 39528 2019-2020
Current assets 13343 16331 22163 27705 36901
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
2022-2023 28033
2021-2022 21401
2020-2021 18739 Gross Profit Ratio
3779 Sales
Gross profit
2019-2020 14525
2018-2019 20336
Current Liabilities
% of change
Liabilities : Absolute change
20.81 3015 2019-18
14483 17498 2018-17
22.39 2988
Current asset
13343 16331
Fixed Asset 27 2167
TABLE – 4.18
Comparative Statement for the year 2019-20to 2020-21
(in crores)
Particulars 2019-18 2020-21 Absolute % of change
Assets: 2167 1291 124 20.62
Fixed Asset
Current asset 1633 22163 4732 28.97
Total 17498 22354 4856 27.75
Liabilities : 8818 21898 3190 35.18
Others 1512 2522 2022 66.79
Total 20320 14420 4200 39.72
Others 1512
Current Liabilities
Fixed Asset
Assets: 2167
TABLE – 4.19
Comparative Statement for the year 2020-21 to 2021-22
(in crores)
Total 5400
Others 722
Current Liabilities
Liabilities : 4678 % of change
31.26 Absolute change
Total 6990 2021-22
31.53 2020-21
Current asset 6642
Fixed Asset
Assets: 348
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000
TABLE – 4.20
Comparative Statement for the year 2021-2222 to 2022-2023
42.95 8513
Total 28333
Current Liabilities
40.9 6781
Liabilities : 23357
16576 % of change
34.7 20204 Absolute change
Total 39528
29344 2022-21
33.19 9196
Current asset 36901 2021-22
Fixed Asset
Assets: 2627
Year 20122013
Current ratio shows a document trend indicating the company not able to fulfill current
obligations furthers this also indicate that liquidity position of the company is less
In all the five years the current ratio is less than the ideals of 2. Creditors term over ratio
shows an upward trend and indicates better credit management.
In all the five years the liquid ratio is higher than the ideal ratio of 1 Common size
financial statements clearly shoes the firm allocates half of the total current assets to
The firm’s debt collection period have more than 180days it increased the debt collection
period year by year. It shows firms liberal debt collection policy.
The Reliance Industries Limited Gross Profit Margin of Reliance Industries Limited
increases in decreases due to the increase in sales 0 100 200 300 2018-17 2019-202020-
21 2021-222022--23Chart Title Current Assets Current Liabilities Ratio
Profit Margin of Reliance Industries Limited is decreasing and showing negative profit
because there is increase in the price of copper
The Reliance Industries Limited return on Total Assets ratio shows a negative sign in the
year 2018-17
The Operating Ratio of Reliance Industries Limited isn’t satisfactory. Due to increase in
cost of production, this ratio is decreasing. So the has to reduce its office administration
1. Financial Management by M.Y. Khan & P.K. Jain