Utilization of Human Hair Waste As An Organicbased Solution in Making Alternative Ink For
Utilization of Human Hair Waste As An Organicbased Solution in Making Alternative Ink For
Utilization of Human Hair Waste As An Organicbased Solution in Making Alternative Ink For
Nicole Diaz
Lei Jio Floralde
Lamuel John Hadap
Carlos Miguel Mariano
waste that degrades slowly, it can also be used to craft different useful products. The
areas or areas with high population density, it often accumulates in large amounts in the
solid waste streams and chokes the drainage systems, posing a multifaceted problem
(Gupta, 2014). Moreover, cleaning this mess requires effort other than the problem itself,
consuming more power than necessary. Preventing the occurrence of this issue and
Many utilizations exist that can be sought through the use of human hair waste. It
can be in the field of fashion, agriculture, composite materials, pollution control and
instrumentation, textiles, fiber stuffing, and other artifacts (Bolzonella, 2014). However,
the researchers prioritize to look in a perspective that includes commercial ink. Hair is
mostly composed of carbon and the said element is a main component in making ink of
pens for commercial use. If properly executed, it is indeed possible to create a hair-based
In today’s commerce, ink products stands atop of many other products in terms of
6102.06) annually on an average usage of black ink. Although the researchers plan to take
their stepping stone from needle-tipped pens, it is within the vision to expand and keep up
with the printing industry. However, this information yields to a conclusion that hair-based
carbon ink could feasibly bring down a little the rising figures of current ink cost.
The study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of using human hair waste
a. Absorption
b. Stick Consistency
c. Rate of Evaporation
d. Waterproofness
e. Color
The study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of using human hair
a. Absorption
b. Stick Consistency
c. Rate of Evaporation
d. Waterproofness
e. Color
Based on the preceding problem of the study, the researchers formulated the
hypothesis that since hair contains carbon, which is an element used in making ink, it is an
effective substitute base for ink. Thus, it is possible to create an alternative ink for
Ho Human hair waste cannot be used as an alternative organic-based ink for needle-
tipped pens.
Ha: Human hair waste can be used as an alternative organic-based ink for needle-
tipped pens.
This study aimed to benefit frequent users of needle-tipped pens such as teachers,
students and office workers. They can have alternative and affordable pens to use.
Garbage Collectors can benefit from this study because the researchers aim to
lessen the pile of garbage that degrades slowly and are supposed to be sorted.
Salons and Local barbershops can also be benefited in this study. A better waste
disposal system derived from this research will help the salon owners to handle their
This study is focused on the effectivity of using hair waste and sulfuric acid in
producing an alternative ink for needle-tipped pens. For the observation, this study stated
and color.
The research used sulfuric acid – hair waste solution and Gum Arabic ratio as the
only variable to be studied. Other variables such as sulfuric acid and hair waste ratio, soak
As for the hair, the researchers accumulated hair in different local barbershops and
salons. The researchers only used natural colored and undamaged hair, and not compared
the said product on different commerce-ink pens inside from needle-tipped pens.
Lastly, this study does not support the identification of the possibility of product
competing in the market. The research solely focuses on the variables of the product’s
Conceptual Framework
The figure below shows how the concept of this research paper works. The
extraction of carbon present in the hair initiates the start of the process. Also, the first step
is the fundamental and body of this whole research. All the proceeding steps are focused
on developing its ink properties, such as: absorption, stick consistency, rate of evaporation,
Definition of Terms
Needle tipped pens - instrument for writing or drawing with ink that are typically consists
of a metal nib.
Carbon ink - are inks that are commonly made from lampblack or soot and a binding agent
(keeps carbon particles in suspension and adhered to paper) such as gum arabic or animal
Sulfuric acid - known as vitriol, is a mineral acid composed of the elements sulfur, oxygen
and hydrogen, with molecular formula H2SO4. It is a colorless, odorless, and viscous liquid
that is soluble in water and is synthesized in reactions that are highly exothermic.
Gum Arabic - also known as gum sudani, acacia gum, arabic gum, gum acacia, acacia,
Senegal gum and Indian gum, and by other names, is a natural gum consisting of the
hardened sap of various species of the acacia tree that is used in the food industry as a
stabilizer, emulsifier and thickening agent in icing, fillings, soft candy, chewing gum and
other confectionery and to bind the sweeteners and flavorings in soft drinks.
Dehydration - is a reaction that takes place even during the heating-up period, leading to
Oxidation - is any chemical reaction that involves the moving of electrons. Specifically, it
Stick Consistency - the quality tending or designed to stick to things on contact or covered
Rate of Evaporation - is the rate at which a material will vaporize (change from liquid to
vapor) meaning it will change from liquid to vapor when compared to the rate of
Human hair is a material considered useless in most societies and therefore is found
in the municipal waste streams in large portions of cities and towns of the world. In rural
areas or areas with low population density, the hair is thrown away in nature where it slowly
decomposes over several years, eventually returning the constituent elements, namely,
carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, and so forth, to their respective natural cycles. In urban areas or
areas with high population density, it often accumulates in large amounts in the solid waste
streams and chokes the drainage systems, posing a multifaceted problem. Due to slow
degradation, it stays in the dumps/waste streams for long occupying large volume of space.
Over time, leachate from these dumps increases the nitrogen concentration in the water
bodies, causing problems of eutrophication. Burning of human hair or the waste piles
containing them—a practice observed in many parts of the world—produces foul odor and
toxic gases such as ammonia, carbonyl sulphides, hydrogen sulphides, sulphur dioxide,
phenols, nitriles, pyrroles, and pyridines. Open dumps of hair generate hair dust which
causes discomfort to people near them and, if inhaled in large amounts, can result in several
respiratory problems. Oils, sweat, and other organic matter sticking to the hair rot over time
and become a source of foul odor and breeding ground for pathogens (Gupta, 2014).
The best way to address such problems is to develop systems which utilize the
As a potential material resource, human hair has the advantage that it is completely
An ink's color comes from either a dye, which can be dissolved in water, or a
pigment, which is water insoluble. The dye eosin lends red ink its color and is made by
adding the element bromine to a fluorescent compound. Inks that employ pigments include
white ink (which contains titanium oxide) and metallic gold ink (which, surprisingly, uses
a copper-zinc alloy.) Carbon black, a pigment derived from coal and oil, is an essential part
Given that carbon is an essential component in making ink of pens for commercial
use, it is considerably ideal to use hair, which is carbon-rich substance, to produce a carbon-
based ink. With these information in hand, it is safe to conclude that if carbon can be
extracted from the hair-waste, the product can be further developed to be a usable
commercial ink.
There exist number of methods in extracting carbon in organic materials, but having
hair as the main component of this research study, it should be given importance to put
value on the physical structure of hair. The basic physical structure of the hair: cortex,
cuticle and medulla. The cortex is the main component of the hair and consists of moisture,
melanin (pigment) and other elements. The cuticle is a chemically ‘resistant’ region
surrounding the cortex in hair fibers. It consists of flat overlapping cells (scales) that
surround the central fiber core. The cuticle cells are lined from the root to the ends pointing
towards the ends, and can be compared to shingles on a roof. They can be 5-12 layers
deep. One cuticle itself is made of several layers of cells. One can visualize the cross section
of a cuticle as a lasagna. The cystine-rich proteins of the cuticle belong to the group of
proteins called keratin-associated proteins. With this layers, and physical composition, hair
is deducted to be strong enough to survive all external physical contacts except for actions
Having said that hair is tough against physical, it is logical to use chemicals to break
down the composition of hair as much as possible. There are number of acids that can break
down hair’s composition but they differ on the effectiveness. One of the most common
chemicals that can be found on drain cleaning solutions is Sulfuric acid. This chemical is
an acid, oxidation and dehydrating agent which makes it a proper chemical to be used.
Also, this chemical is known on its ability to harness carbon from a substance. Other
chemicals may be effective in decomposing hair strands but are not successful in achieving
corrosive, clear, colorless, odorless, strong mineral acid with the formula H2SO4. It is also
one of the top 10 chemicals released (by weight) by the paper industry (US EPA, 2009). In
modern industry, sulfuric acid is an important commodity chemical, and is used primarily
for the production of phosphoric acid. It is also good for removing oxidation from iron and
Rosenfield, 2015).
sulfuric acid impregnation has been conducted. The mass yield of carbon after 800◦C
treatment in nitrogen increased to 2–3 times by addition of small amounts of sulfuric acid.
The sulfuric acid is considered to work as dehydration catalyst, thus suppressing the release
of volatile organic substances. The shrinkage of the sample during carbonization was also
Cellulosic materials such as wood, cotton and rayon are important starting materials
for the production of carbons, including charcoal and activated carbon. Graphite fibers
were also produced from rayon in early days. Since cellulose has chemical formula of
(C6H10O5), the maximum carbon yield is 44.4% if hydrogen and oxygen are removed as
water. In reality, the mass yield of carbon from cellulose is some 15% at 400◦C (Ramiah,
1970; Shafizadeh & Bradbury, 1979; Fengel & Wegener, 1983; Hon, 1991; Williams &
Besler, 1996), because volatile compounds such as methanol, acetic acid, carbon dioxide
and tar substances will be released (Nikitin, 1966; Shafizadeh & Bradbury, 1979; Williams
& Besler, 1996). When we treated cellulose at above 800◦C, the weight loss was even
greater depending on the type of cellulose and heating conditions, giving final yields of as
rate as low as 1◦C/min (Mackay & Roberts, 1982), but still the yield does not exceed 30%
at 500◦C.
carbonization yield can have impacts on practical carbon production. To achieve a high
dehydrating agent, such as zinc chloride, seems to be adopted in industrial processes, but
nonvolatile dehydrating agent, and examined the influence of its addition on pyrolysis of
These studies serve as evidences that strengthens the founding concepts of the
research study. In total, various papers state that hair waste imposes possibilities of
efficient recycling methods. Moreover, the carbon content of hair has been proven to be
feasible of producing carbon-based ink. Research papers also suggest that sulfuric acid is
an effective chemical to decompose hair’s structure that will result to a based ink solution.
This study determined the effectiveness of utilizing human hair waste and sulfuric
acid in making ink for needle-tipped pens. Experimental design was utilized in producing
carbon-based ink from human hair using sulfuric acid as a main component. The
researchers tested out several properties of the ink, namely; absorption, stick consistency,
rate of evaporation, waterproofness and color. Each ratio of initial solution and gum arabic
In making organic-based ink, the researchers followed six steps, Preparation, Mixing
Washing, rinsing, and drying of collected
hair, and cutting.
Mixing I
Mix a 50mL of hair with 100mL of sulfuric
acid and store it in 20 days.
After 20 days, boil the hair solution to
improve the color of the ink.
Mixing II
Mix the current solution with Gum Arabic
in the ratio of 1:1.
Inject the resulting ink in empty needle-
tipped pens.
Quality Test
Evaluate the product in terms of its:
absorption, stick consistency, rate of
evaporation, waterproofness and color.
Four setups in different proportion have been made in this study. The first setup
contains 100 mL of initial solution and 0 mL of Gum Arabic. Second setup contains 100
mL of initial solution and 50 mL of Gum Arabic. Third setup contains 100 mL of initial
solution and 75 mL of Gum Arabic. The last setup contains 100 mL of initial solution and
Setup Hair Content Sulfuric Acid Solution Ratio Soak
No. (mL) Content (mL) (Hair : Sulfuric Acid) Duration
1 50 100 1:2 20 days 100
2 50 100 1:2 20 days 100
3 50 100 1:2 20 days 100
4 50 100 1:2 20 days 100
All the setups on the preparation of the solutions are formed the same. This is to
produce more precise results on the latter stage of the research. Moreover, this solution
stands as the base for the ink. In the moment the processed hair was soaked in sulfuric
acid, chemical reaction was directly observed. The mixture rose in the level of 200 mL
and produced bubbles. The temperature of the mixture also rose in an instant. After 2 days
from the start of the experiment, the bubbles disappeared and the mixture appeared more
flat while still maintaining its level to 150 mL. After 15 days, the mixture become more
stable and starts to reduce its volume. At the 18th day, the solution dropped down to 100
mL. In the 20th day, the solution reached its peak and produced ink-like properties.
increase its color blackness. The solution was set to a medium fire for 2 sets of 3 minutes
each. In this part, the researchers needed to wear protective equipment such as gloves,
eye protector, and face masks because the solution produced a lot of fumes. Given that
Table 2 shows the changes in the dependent variable (Ratio of solution and Gum
Arabic). Gum Arabic content increases for every setup. From the first setup which contains
100 mL of initial solution and 0 mL of Gum Arabic (setup 1, pure solution) up to the last
setup which contains 100 mL of initial solution and 100 mL Gum Arabic (setup 4, 1:1).
Dong-A FineTech pens are used in the study together with pens without brands. However,
Table 3 shows the resulting ink’s volume after being mixed with gum arabic. This
process took time. First, the solution needs to be filtered first before proceeding to mixing
it with gum arabic. All the solution were filtered through the same sifter. Next, the filtered
solution was mixed with gum arabic. The researchers need to continuously stir the mixture
to prevent the gum arabic from coagulation. Only portions of gum arabic powder were
mixed with the solution over time and thoroughly mixed to produce a consistent ink.
However, in the first setup where no gum arabic takes part, the only procedure that the
Setup No. Final Volume (mL)
(Solution : Gum Arabic)
1 1:0 100 mL
2 2:1 124 mL
3 4:3 136 mL
4 1:1 150 mL
The next stage was focused on the packaging stage. The researchers first garnered
different brands of needle-tipped pens. 5 Dong-A FineTech and 2 unbranded pens are
collected and use as a container of the ink. First, the researchers cleanse the ink tube of all
the used pens. Using pliers, they remove the tip of the pen and remove all the ink residue
in the tube. The use of syringe was observed to reach the closest space in the tube.
Hereinafter, the researchers began to inject the resulting hair-based ink sets into the tubes.
Four sets of ink on Dong-A pens were created have different formulas of ink. All
the setups where measure in four aspects, namely; absorption, stick consistency, rate of
evaporation, and color. The researchers graded stick consistency and color of the setups
through visual examination. Moreover, the rate of evaporation of the inks were tested for
every 5 seconds.
This table shows that the ink absorbed by an ordinary 70 gsm bond paper regardless
of its gum arabic content. However, the quality of ink differs in every setup. Both setups 1
and 2 overflowed and produced watery ink. Setups 3 and 4 produced a fine quality ink in
Setup No.
(Paper Absorbs the ink)
1 Yes
2 Yes
3 Yes
4 Yes
This table shows that no setups were able to be consistent at 20 consecutive strokes.
In the first setup, the ink produced were not stable even in the first five strokes. For the 10
consecutive strokes, setups 1 and 2 did not produces stable writings. And on the last part,
setups 3 and 4 were able to be consistent at 18 and 14 strokes respectively. The writer’s
stability in strokes maybe a deciding factor. However, researchers preferred to use this
This table shows that all the setups need time to completely sit into the paper. In
setups 1 and 2, the ink completely sit in the paper after 30 seconds, setup 3 need at least 20
seconds to dry, and setup 4 having the best quality in terms of evaporation rate having just
at most 15 seconds to completely sit unto a piece of paper. Also, this test was conducted to
1 No No No Yes
2 No No No Yes
3 No No Yes Yes
4 No Yes Yes Yes
Tables 7 and 8 discussed inks waterproof property and color. Table 7 shows that all inks
in different formula are waterproof. The researchers derived from this results that the
initial solution is actually waterproof. As per the table 8, none of the setups achieve an
ink that is completely black in color. Only near black color was observed in setup 4.
Setups 1, 2 and 3 are undoubtedly brown in color. However, setup 3 is still near with the
setup 4 inks color. With these, the researchers derived that the concentration is still not
Setup No.
(Yes or No)
1 Yes
2 Yes
3 Yes
4 Yes
Setup No.
1 Brown
2 Brown
3 Dark Brown
4 Darker Brown
Mariano Alvarez Technical High School researched the utilization of human hair waste as
Human hair wastes are collected and soaked in sulfuric acid for 20 days, then the
mixture was added with gum arabic using variations ratios of set up 1 which is pure hair
and sulfuric acid solution without gum arabic, while in set up 2 which is pure hair and
sulfuric acid which is the initial solution combined with 50 mL gum Arabic. In set up 3,
the same initial solution but mixed with 75 mL of gum Arabic while in set up 4 researchers
To identify the quality of the inks researchers used five aspects namely; absorption,
stick consistency, rate of evaporation, waterproofness and color. The study used 70 gsm
bond paper in testing the absorption property and visual examination like number of strokes
for the stick consistency and color. The rate of evaporation in each set up was tested every
5 seconds.
Overall, the four set ups have passed the waterproof test but set up 4 which has 1:1
Upon completion of the study the researchers were able to identify the following:
1. Setup 1 which is pure hair and sulfuric acid solution without gum arabic tends
2. Setup 2 also did not pass the qualities researchers set to be achieved.
3. Setups 3 and 4 passed the indicators of the potential of being a great ink
substitute for needle-tipped pens. Both of the setups are quick evaporating
(setup 4 dominates this quality), constant (setup 3 dominates this quality), dark
With these results in hand, the researchers confirm that human hair waste is an
The hair waste ink can be more efficient if added these following recommendations:
1. Improve the flow of the ink by adding oleic acid, a major component of soap as
an emulsifying agent.
2. Add odor-correcting substance that will provide a better product odor to the
product making it more user-friendly.
3. Indicated the different results based on the duration of hair soaked in sulfuric
acid. With this, the researchers could have discovered better composition of the
initial mixture.
5. Create a product that is available for different media such as inkjet printers that
are commonly used by everyone that will create more opportunities for the ink.
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